Surviving remains of civilizations. The most mysterious buildings on the planet that have survived to this day

Many people love to travel. Some people are attracted by works of art and sights, some like wild nature, and others are simply hunting for new emotions. India for travelers is simply a Klondike of impressions! There is an incredible variety of places that are not only considered mystical, but also breathtaking. Today we will talk about the most incredible of them.

Bhangarh Ghost Castle, Ajabgarh

The most creepy place India. Local residents say that this city used to be very prosperous. But at one fine moment, no one known reason, it's empty. Today the castle is inhabited only by ghosts. It opens its gates to visitors only during daylight hours.

Dumas Beach, Gujarat

The beach exudes mysticism and mystery. It attracts tourists with increased paranormal activity. Local residents claim that when strong winds blow, you can hear the voices of ghosts. And there are a lot of them here, because... in the old days this beach was a burial place.

House D"Souza Chawl, Mumbai

There is a legend that the ghost of a woman has settled in this apartment building. According to local stories, her life ended at the bottom of a well. After this, the soul did not find peace and was left to wander the earth. Extreme tourists visit this place, tormented by the desire to see the ghostly outlines of a woman.

Shaniwar Wada Fort, Pune

Legend has it that as a result of palace intrigues and conspiracies, the young prince was killed on the territory of the fortress by his relative. The soul was unable to leave this mortal world and now wanders restless within the walls of the fort.

GP Block, Meerut

It all started with local residents noticed a group of men drinking alcohol in an abandoned house by candlelight. Later they found out that they were ghosts. This abandoned place, like all the others, attracts travelers with its paranormal activity.

Bombay High Court

Whether this is true or not, there are rumors that a ghost has settled in the building where the fates of people who have broken the law are decided. Every time a verdict on especially serious crimes is read out, he curses everyone present in several languages.

As you understand, this is not the entire list unusual places, shrouded in mysticism. If you are a fearless person, then these anomalous objects are what you need. If not, then it is better to avoid them and look for quieter travel routes in India.

Publication 2018-02-20 Liked 11 Views 1048

Mystical Rama Setu Bridge

Place of thousands of bird deaths

Which country can boast so many mystical stories, legends and rumors, how mysterious India is? If you are bored with the bright, noisy and fragrant face of Bharat, get to know its dark, mysterious side by visiting the most mystical places in India. Half-forgotten villages deep in the dangerous jungle, mystical places where people disappear - India is full of secrets and mysteries.

India is full of secrets, it’s unlikely to solve them all

Shetpal - a mystical place in India where snakes are worshiped

In a small Indian village in the state of Maharashtra, there is an ancient custom that will send chills down the spine of modern people - the villagers live next to dangerous poisonous snakes. Not only are they not killed or driven out of their homes, but special nests are made in different places in the house so that cold-blooded neighbors have a place to rest and breed.

All houses have snake "bedrooms"

Snakes move freely around the village, bask on the rocks, and even children play with them. No matter how creepy such a neighborhood may look, there have so far been no reports of residents of this place dying from a snake bite. Not otherwise, the ancestors of the Shetpalians entered into a mystical agreement with the first snakes.

Snakes roam freely through school classrooms

Mystical Rama Setu Bridge

According to the Indian epic Ramayana, the monkey king Hanuman and his army built a bridge between India and Ceylon to rescue the king's wife from captivity. Not a drop of bonding solution was used. The hardworking monkeys carved the name of the Indian god Rama on each stone and threw it into the water. Exactly mystical power the name of the Indian god made the stones stick together.

Rama Setu Bridge seen from space

Today, any guest of mysterious India can admire the remains of Rama Setu and feel the mystical aura of this place with their own feet. Who knows, maybe this is where your own mystical journey to the West will begin.

This is how ancient books describe the construction of a bridge.

Terrible bloody rains of Kerala

In the summer of 2001, a mysterious event occurred in the Indian state of Kerala - rains of water colored in an eerie bloody color occurred throughout the entire territory. Obviously, this phenomenon did not go unnoticed, and the media immediately paid attention to these places.

Scientists have not found an explanation for the phenomenon

Because of the characteristic color of the water, the inhabitants of India considered rain to be an omen of terrible events, a punishment from higher powers and the beginning of the end of the world. The fears were not confirmed, and a thorough analysis of rainwater showed its absolute safety for living organisms. However, the bloody rain of Kerala is a fascinating mysterious event, and the place where it happened is worth visiting for every lover of mysticism and secrets.

Place of thousands of bird deaths

This place in India could be called the most ordinary if not for the mysterious behavior of the birds. From September to October, thousands of migratory birds fly over the Indian Jatinga Valley, some of which, for reasons still unknown, lose control and crash to death on rocks and trees.

Thousands of birds different types find their last refuge here

Ornithologists and biologists from all over the world are drawn to this place, but the reasons for the mysterious suicides have not yet been found. Perhaps it is due to magnetic field anomalies or gases, or maybe this place has a terrible mystical influence.

The Jatinga Valley hides its secret to this day.

An Indian temple that not everyone dares to visit

IN small town There is a Karni Mata Mandir temple in Deshnok, Rajasthan, and it is infested with rats. But the point is not in the disgusting sanitary condition of the place, which is not uncommon in mysterious India, but in the mystical significance of the animals themselves.

Want to meditate in the company of rats?

They are considered to be reincarnations of members of the family of the Indian saint Karni Mata, so harming rats is strictly prohibited. And when one of the rats dies, it is replaced with a small golden statue. Within the walls of this strange place About 20,000 animals live, and if you decide to enter, be prepared for the constant rustling of thousands of small paws around.

Divine creation

Mystical tricks of gravity in Ladakh

Not far from the Indian city of Leh there is a mystical place where the laws of physics violate themselves. “Magnetic Hill,” so nicknamed for its unusual properties, attracts a lot of tourists. Some people decide to visit India just because of this place. Here, due to an unusual optical illusion, a car or ball can be seen slowly moving uphill on its own, instead of rolling down.

Magnetic Hill is a popular place for mystery lovers

Indian banyan tree holding the sky

Banyan is a tree from the mulberry family, famous for its unusual appearance. Sprouting from one seed, it can create an entire forest, while remaining the only tree in it. This plant itself is breathtaking, and under its gigantic crown there is always the mystical twilight and coolness of ancient forests.

The Great Banyan attracts tourists from all over the world

The Great Banyan in Howrah (India) first saw the light of day 250 years ago, and since then, becoming more and more firmly entrenched in the ground with new aerial roots, it has grown to an area of ​​1.5 hectares. The mysterious tree-forest is perfectly suited as a symbol in which many processes are interconnected and support each other, while remaining a single whole.

The whole of India is a large mystical place where everyone will find a mystery to their liking. Amazing intricate myths, ancient, creepy but attractive rituals, mysterious hermit monks and - only in India can you find food for the mind, pleasure for the senses and temptation for the stomach in one place.

Bharat- second official name India.

Karni Mata- Indian saint who lived in the 14th century.

Hanging column. Lepakshi, Andhra Pradesh

Lepakshi is historical place associated with the Ramayana. It is located near Hindupur in Andhra Pradesh, 120 km from Bangalore. It is good to go to Lepakshi on a weekend for sightseeing - the hanging pillar of the temple with painting on the roof, Sita's cradle and many more.

A village without doors. Shani Shignapur, Maharashtra


Shani Shighnapur is famous for her famous temple Shani. This village has never witnessed any crime, which is due to the blessings of Shani Dev. There are no doors or locks on the houses in the village. Taking note of the near-zero crime rate, UCO Bank has also lifted the 'lock' on its branch in this village, the first of its kind in India.

Contrary to the laws of gravity - a magnetic hill. Ladakh

Devi Nair is a popular place among tourists. Magnetic Hill is a short drive from Gurudwara Pathar Sahib. There is an illusion that vehicles slowly moving upward. Try to capture this miracle with your camera! The mysterious hill is located at an altitude of 3.3 km above sea level.

Land of Snakes Shetpal, Maharashtra

Shetpal in Sholapur is famous for snake worship. Every house in this village has room for cobras in the rafters of its ceilings. Not a single case of snake bites has been reported in this village despite the fact that they move freely in every house.

Roopkund Skeleton Lake. Uttarakhand

This lake is known as Skeleton Lake or Mystic Lake. 600 human skeletons were discovered here. The lake is located at an altitude of about 5 km in a mountain valley and freezes in winter.

Kodinhi Twin Village

Residents of Kodinha in Mallapuram, Kerala, have managed to baffle scientists. There are 350 pairs of identical twins per 2,000 inhabitants! It is rightly called the village of twins.

Mass suicide of birds. Jatinga Valley, Assam

Jatinga attracts ornithologists and bird lovers as it is visited by huge flocks of migratory birds every year. Between September and October, especially during the dark and foggy nights, hundreds of birds fly at full speed towards trees and buildings and are killed.

Land of Black Magic Mayong, Assam

The name Mayong is believed to be derived from the Sanskrit word Maya. Many legends about people disappearing into thin air, people turning into animals, and animals being tamed are associated with this place.

Red rain. Idukki, Kerala

Idukki is famous for a strange phenomenon called red rain. The first case of red rain was recorded back in 1818. In Hinduism, red rain signifies the wrath of the gods and signals destruction and grief. Some people believe that killing innocent people causes red rain.

Descendants of Alexander the Great in Malana, Himachal Pradesh

Residents of the village of Malana believe that they are descendants of Alexander the Great. This village was completely cut off from the rest of the villages in Malana. The people living here consider themselves to be members of a superior race, so they avoid interacting with anyone outside their community; they cannot even be touched.

Largest river island Majuli, Assam

Majuli Island is located on the Brahmaputra River and has large wetlands that are home to rare and endangered avifauna, including migratory birds that arrive during the winter season.

Mummy of Sangha Tenzing in Ge village, Spiti

If you think that mummies were only discovered in Egypt, then this is not so. The amazingly well-preserved 500-year-old mummy of Sangha Tenzing, a Buddhist monk from Tibet, was found in a small village called Ge in Spiti. He was found in a sitting position, his skin and hair well preserved.

Unusual motorcycle in Bandai, Rajasthan

This motorcycle returned to the scene of any incident even after its fuel tank was empty. Since then, people have honored him, believing that he has supernatural powers.

Jul 15 2017

India is a country located in South Asia. The country borders with many other states. The country's area is 3.3 million square meters. m. India includes several allied states and 28 states.

Geographical location of India: Deccan Plateau, Himalayan Mountains, Indo-Gangetic Plains, which is located between the Deccan Plateau and the Himalayan Mountains.

People traditionally begin to get acquainted with India from Delhi, the capital of the state. And one day is not enough to see all the sights. Delhi has many temples, tombs, museums and many other interesting things. Therefore, tourists will have the opportunity to raise their cultural level and learn a lot of new things.

Delhi combines tradition and innovation. Old traditions and culture directly influence new culture and art.

It should be noted that tourism development is connected with many alternative proposals. You can just lie on the beach or go on excursions, gain a lot of knowledge and expand your horizons. In Delhi, popular attractions include the Golden Triangle and the Taj Mahal. And this is easy to explain, since these places are truly beautiful and interesting. After all, it doesn’t hurt tourists to raise the level of cultural development.

If a person is ready to learn and work on something new, or improve his personality, then here is the opportunity to learn Ayurveda, do yoga or meditation. You can improve your health in Kerala. Moreover, here you can not only cure some diseases, but also simply arrange preventive measures for the body.

Also, one of the most famous places Visited by tourists is Goa. For some, this is an assumption about heavenly place, for others it’s an opportunity to hang out, for others it’s an opportunity to just relax.

India is attractive to foreigners for its special variety of attractions, climate and culture, which many guests are interested in with undisguised delight. Although a holiday in India may not be suitable for everyone, everyone will experience emotions. Some will fall in love with the country, the people and the culture. And for some it will remain a mystery - why this place is so popular among tourists and pilgrims.

Photos from open sources

India is full of mystical secrets and paranormal phenomena that still no one can unravel, and orthodox science in this case only “throws up its hands.” (website)

Unexplained sounds

Today you can read on the Internet that people in many countries hear, going almost with clear skies. However, in the Indian city of Jodhpur in December 2012, something completely incomprehensible happened - a deafening sound (almost an explosion), similar to that created by a supersonic aircraft, was heard from the sky. Representatives of the country's Ministry of Defense said that at that time not a single flying object was observed in the sky, and the residents of Jodhpur did not notice anything in the air.

Photos from open sources

True, incomprehensible explosive sounds from a clear sky were recorded at that time in the USA over the states of Texas, Georgia, Rhode Island and Arizona. Moreover, residents of the city of Warwick claimed that after some time after the air explosion, a strange hum was heard from underground.

Twin Village

In the Indian village of Kodinhi, twins are born approximately six to seven times more often than in other villages. populated areas countries. According to statistics, twins all over the world are born on average in the following ratio: one pair per six thousand newborns, but in Kodinhi in some years there are up to fifteen pairs of twins per three hundred newborns.

Photos from open sources

Scientists wanted to explain this with special nutrition, unique water, unusual climatic conditions, however, the village cannot boast of anything remarkable in this regard - everything is the same as in other villages. The same applies to the biological characteristics of the inhabitants of Kodinha - ordinary Indians. They're just lucky to have twins. All this began three generations ago, which makes researchers even more perplexed.

Levitating Stone

Another Indian village - Khed Shivapur - has its own misunderstandings. There is a stone here that tourists love very much. This cobblestone, chipped from a rock, weighs about a hundredweight, and it lies in a place that was once noted by the Sufi Hazarat Kamara Ali Darvish, who arrived here approximately nine hundred years ago.

If eleven people stand around this heavy stone, each placing only one finger under it and pronouncing the name of the Sufi in unison, then the stone is easily lifted by them - as if the usual gravity of the earth ceases to act for him. According to the participants in this fantastic action, it feels like there is only a leaf or even a flower petal on your finger. But try to lift a stone with ten or twelve people - nothing will work.

Divine Motorcycle

An even more mysterious phenomenon is the motorcycle on which Om Singh Rathore (Om Banna) died in 1988, crashing at full speed into a tree (Pali highway). After this accident, the Royal Enfield Bullet was taken to the police station, but from there it mysteriously disappeared, ending up again near a tree. It didn’t even help that, tired of such disappearances of the motorcycle, the police chained it to the bars and placed guards near it.

Photos from open sources

Today, Om Banna is considered a saint and is worshiped like a god, and his motorcycle has also acquired divine significance. A temple was built at the site of the accident, where the Royal Enfield Bullet is kept. They say that before this there were always accidents on this highway in Pali, but now they are practically gone. Drivers who miraculously avoided a collision with oncoming traffic or some other accident claim that they were helped in this by a man on a motorcycle who always appears on the road on time and warns of danger.