Traditional dishes from different countries and peoples. National dishes from around the world

Historical events taking place in different countries ah, as well as their geographical location, culture, traditions, national characteristics and the religious beliefs of their peoples influenced big influence for national culinary recipes.

Methods for preparing many dishes have been improved over many centuries and often today, without realizing it, we use recipes and techniques for preparing various dishes that have been known for a very long time.

From geographical location Countries largely depend on the use of methods for preparing various dishes, the variety of kitchen utensils and utensils, and the use of various spices. For example, in Asian countries, it is customary to use a large amount of various spicy herbs when cooking, and to prepare pilaf (which is very common in various Asian cuisines) - using a cauldron. For the cuisines of European countries, America, Australia and New Zealand, which are characterized by food that can be prepared fairly quickly, sandwiches, sandwiches, pizza, and canapés are very popular.

Methods of cooking largely depend on the culture and traditions of certain peoples. Often similar dishes, distinguished by the use of different types of meat, spices and herbs, can be found in the cuisines of different nations.

The cuisine of each country is interesting and varied. We invite you to take a short excursion into the history, customs and national traditions of cuisines around the world.

Azerbaijan – ancient country, with amazingly beautiful and diverse nature, hardworking and hospitable people, distinctive culture and centuries-old traditions. Azerbaijani cuisine is one of the most interesting in the countries of Transcaucasia and deservedly enjoys wide popularity...

We can talk about Arab cuisine as a general phenomenon inherent in the entire “Arab continent”. After all, both culture and language from Morocco to Persian Gulf have common roots. For over a thousand years, this sense of unity has not been tested by borders...

Armenian cuisine is one of the most ancient on Earth. A currently popular dish like shish kebab (khorovats) originates from hoary antiquity. The technology for preparing the fish dish kutap today is almost the same as it was 1500 years ago. Armenian cuisine is distinguished by its unique piquant taste and spiciness...

The cuisine of the peoples of the Balkan Peninsula has special, specific elements, such as a passion for pork, pepper seasonings, and the indispensable presence of soup in every meal. Geographical location The Balkan Peninsula has led to the presence of common elements between the culinary traditions of the Balkan countries and the cuisines of neighboring cultures...

Centuries-old, rich and interesting story has Belarusian cuisine. Since ancient times, Belarusians have maintained close economic ties with Russians, Poles, Ukrainians, Latvians and Lithuanians. And it is quite natural that Belarusian cuisine influenced the cuisines of neighboring peoples. In turn, the cuisines of these peoples significantly influenced the Belarusian...

The principles of development of modern British gastronomy are very similar to the Mediterranean. The British strive to use local products, preferably organically grown, while introducing new ingredients from distant lands - in particular, spices and herbs from Southeast Asia and the Mediterranean coast...

Like any other national cuisine, Vietnamese cuisine was formed under the influence of the country's geographical location and its history: in the south of the country, more hot red peppers, dried herbs and spices are used in food. Residents of the northern part of the country prefer soups and roasts...

The basis of Greek cuisine is created by a relatively limited range of agricultural products. Although the appetizer is served, it often consists only of olives, bread, Feta cheese and tzatziki - yogurt mixed with grated cucumber and chives...

Georgian cuisine - original and unique - has gained great popularity not only in our country, but also abroad. Many of the Georgian dishes, such as shish kebab, kharcho soup, etc., have become truly international. Despite the fact that Georgia is relatively small, the difference in the direction of agricultural production of its various regions affects the character of the cuisine...

When we talk about Jewish cuisine, we mean: firstly, food prepared according to the strict rules of ritual purity - “kashrut”, and secondly, a set of dishes loved by Jews and different from the dishes of other peoples: after all, traditional recipes, passed down from generation to generation, contain only that set of initial products that the Shulchan Aruch, a set of Jewish laws, allows...

Indians attach special importance to food - it is more than just a process of cooking or absorbing calories. This is a ritual, a healing agent, and a source of pleasure. The ancient Indian culinary tradition had its own rules and customs that regulated all aspects of the food preparation process...

In Spain it is difficult to identify a single national type of cuisine. There are a huge number of regional culinary schools, traditions and trends in the country, and each of them can differ markedly from the generally accepted idea of ​​​​Spanish cuisine...

Italy has been a Mecca for gourmets since the time of the Roman Empire, and to this day Italian cuisine has lost none of its former splendor. When creating dishes, the culinary wizards of the Apennine Peninsula rely on the centuries-old experience of their predecessors...

A characteristic feature of Kazakh cuisine is the widespread use of meat, milk, and flour products. In the summer, almost every Kazakh family prepares ayran - sour milk diluted with water. It is drunk as a soft drink and served as a topping for various cereal stews...

In terms of quality, Chinese cuisine is often equated to French cuisine. Cooking has always been regarded here as a real art; poets and philosophers wrote treatises on food and compiled recipes. Therefore, we can trace the thousand-year history of Chinese dishes through ancient writings and images...

Korean cuisine has a lot in common with Japanese. Pork, eggs, rice, soybeans, vegetables also predominate; fish and seafood occupy a significant place; many spices are used for cooking. Soup occupies an important place in the Korean diet, without which almost no meal is complete...

In Malaysia, where so many cultures have grown together over centuries of cohabitation, national cuisine as such does not exist. It is a skillful interweaving of the best culinary traditions of all those nations that once came here. But that's it traditional cuisine Malaysian peoples have one thing in common - rice, or “nasi” in Malay...

Mexican cuisine is famous throughout the world for its unique taste. It is original and unique, combining the cuisine of Indian tribes, Spanish and French culinary traditions. A feature of Mexican cuisine is the abundance of corn or maize, sauces and seasonings. Fiery hot salsas (chili and tomato) are something you can’t imagine Mexican cuisine without...

The traditional cuisine of Moldova is famous for its diversity and sophistication due to the fact that it was formed under the influence of the cultures of many peoples, including different time staying on the territory of the country (Ukrainians, Russians, Greeks, Jews, Germans, etc.)…

German cuisine is distinguished by a wide variety of dishes from various vegetables, pork, poultry, game, veal, beef and fish. A lot of vegetables are consumed, especially boiled, as a side dish - cauliflower, bean pods, carrots, red cabbage, etc...

Baltic cuisines - Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian - have a number of common features due to similarities natural conditions And historical development Baltic peoples...

Like any other national cuisine, Russian cuisine has developed under the influence of various natural, social, economic and historical factors. Main feature Russian national cuisine is the abundance and variety of products used for cooking...

It is almost impossible to single out Norwegian, Danish, Icelandic or Swedish cuisine, as they simply do not exist. But there is one common Scandinavian cuisine that unites everyone. It was shaped by the natural conditions in which the inhabitants of this region of Europe had to live...

Thai cuisine is one of the oldest, since its foundations were laid back in the days when an independent Thai state did not exist and the Thais were one of the nationalities of the southern Chinese provinces. Therefore, many of the ingredients and spices of modern Thai cuisine come from China. The formation of Thai cuisine was also influenced by the Indo-Lankan culinary tradition...

The original Tatar cuisine evolved in the process centuries-old history the existence of the ethnic group and its interaction and contact in everyday life with its neighbors - Russians, Mari, Chuvash and Mordvins, Kazakhs, Turkmens, Uzbeks, Tajiks...

The cuisine of Turkey will not leave anyone indifferent - there are nutritious meat dishes, tender vegetables, mind-blowing desserts, and fiery oriental spices and herbs. Traditions Turkish cuisine are based on one single postulate - the dish should have the taste of the main product, it should not be interrupted by various sauces or seasonings...

For a European, fully enjoying an Uzbek feast is an impossible task. Not only is Uzbek cuisine rich and filling. Here it is customary to eat slowly, for a long time and with taste. A long series of dishes amazes the unprepared imagination of those accustomed to diets. Up to ten dishes per meal - ordinary Uzbek hospitality...

Dishes Ukrainian cuisine have earned themselves well-deserved fame in our country and abroad. Ukrainian borscht, various flour products (dumplings, dumplings, dumplings, cakes, etc.), meat products and dishes (Ukrainian sausages, cold appetizers, game, poultry, etc.), vegetable and dairy products (ryazhenka, cheesecakes) , all kinds of drinks made from fruits and honey are widely popular...

French cuisine is conventionally divided into three parts: widespread, regional and haute cuisine, an example of which was the court cuisine of the French kings. It is clear that this division is very arbitrary: after all, for example, a Burgundian dish, which in Paris will be considered regional, in Burgundy itself will be classified as common...

The formation of Japanese cuisine was greatly influenced by China, from where some products were imported, such as soybeans, tea and noodles, and Europe. Initially, Japanese cuisine itself was very simple, if not primitive, but at the same time very diverse...

Almost every country has its own national dish - a cult dish, which is eaten and loved more often than others within that area. National dishes are part of the country's culture, as well as a popular "attraction" for any tourist. When traveling abroad, you will obviously prefer to try the most famous dish in a foreign country. Well, in case you are going on a trip, save this list of national dishes from a variety of countries that are definitely worth trying.

1. Barbados: Peek-a-boo and the Flying Fish

Barbados has a lot of fish, such as opah, tuna, barracuda and redfish, but the country is called the “Land of the Flying Fish”. And this type of fish even made it to the most famous national dish of Barbados, which is called Coo-coo. Coo coo consists mainly of corn grits and okra fruit, and the flying fish served along with it is usually fried or steamed.

2. Canada: poutine (emphasis on the second syllable)

Poutine arrived in Quebec in the late 1950s. This favorite dish all Canadians. It's made from French fries, topped with brown gravy and served with chunks of cheese. Although the recipe is quite simple, there are many variations of poutine. Some restaurants offer this dish with toppings such as chicken, bacon or Montreal smoked meat, three pepper sauce or even caviar and truffles.

3. Syria: kebbe

This dish is also popular in Lebanon, Palestine and Jordan. A typical Syrian kebbe is made from bulgur (durum wheat), chopped onions and finely chopped pieces of beef, lamb, goat or camel meat. The best option kebbe - these are cutlets stuffed with beef or lamb. The cutlets can also be shaped into a ball or flatbread, and can be baked or boiled in broth.

4. Poland: bigus

Bigus is a traditional meat stew in Polish, Lithuanian and Belarusian cuisine, but only the Poles consider it a national dish. This very nourishing and tasty stew is made from a large number of ingredients - fresh and sauerkraut, various types of meat and sausages, tomatoes, honey, mushrooms, peppers, cumin, bay leaves, oregano, prunes and other ingredients. Bigus can be served in a plate or inside a bread roll.

5. Greece: souvlaki

Greece is a country with several well-known dishes around the world, such as keftedes, moussaka or tzatziki, but souvlaki is usually considered the most famous Greek dish. This popular “fast food” in Greece consists of small pieces of meat and sometimes vegetables on skewers. Souvlaki is usually made from pork, although chicken or lamb can also be used. Serve on skewers, on pita bread with side dishes and sauces, or with fried potatoes.

6. Italy: pizza

Pizza is famous all over the world, so there is no point in introducing this dish to you. Let’s better tell you how Margherita pizza came to be. According to legend, this pizza was invented in 1889, when the Neapolitan chef Raffaele Esposito was ordered to create a pizza specifically in honor of the visit of Queen Margherita. Of the three pizzas he prepared, the queen preferred the one whose ingredients were dominated by the national colors of Italy: red (tomatoes), green (basil) and white (mozzarella). Then it was decided to name this pizza in honor of Queen Margherita.

7. Ireland: Irish stew

First recognized in 1800, Irish stew is the most common dish in this country and a staple on any pub menu. Originally it was a thick broth with boiled lamb, onions, potatoes and parsley, but now other vegetables are often added to the dish.

8. USA: hamburger

Like pizza or pasta, hamburgers are eaten all over the world, but the dish is usually associated primarily with the United States. The word "hamburger" comes from the German word "Hamburg", from where many emigrated to America in the 19th century. On July 27, 1900, American grocery store chef Louis Lessing sold the first hamburger in his hometown of New Haven.

9. Hungary: goulash

Goulash became the national dish of Hungary in the late 1800s, when Hungarians sought symbols of national unity to distinguish themselves from other peoples of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. This hearty dish later spread throughout Central Europe, Scandinavia and Southern Europe. Goulash is a soup or stew made from beef (sometimes veal, pork, venison or lamb) and vegetables, generously seasoned with pepper and other spices.

10. Israel: Falafel

This dish is common not only in Israel, but throughout the Middle East. These are deep-fried balls or cakes made from ground chickpeas, garden beans, or both. Usually served in pita or lafe. Falafel has become so popular that in some countries McDonald's has started serving McFalafel.

Although this dish first originated in Jamaica, it is also eaten in the UK, Canada and the US. To prepare this dish, salted cod is sauteed in boiled akki (a local tropical fruit), onions, tomatoes and spices. Usually served for breakfast or dinner with breadfruit, bread, dumplings or boiled green plantains. Often the dish is washed with coconut milk.

12. Austria: Wiener schnitzel

This is a very thin and deeply fried veal schnitzel. The most popular Viennese and Austrian dish in general. It is made from lightly pounded veal, slightly salted and rolled in flour, beaten eggs and bread crumbs. Traditionally, this dish is served with potato salad, cucumber salad, parsley potatoes, fries or fried potatoes and a wedge of lemon.

13. South Korea: bulgogi

Translated as “fiery meat”. This is a typical South Korean dish that usually consists of fried marinated beef. The marinade is a mixture of soy sauce, sesame oil, garlic, onion, ginger, sugar, wine, green onions and sometimes mushrooms. In many restaurants South Korea Small barbecue sets are built into the tables, and visitors can grill their own meat.

14. France: thin pancakes

Very thin sweet pancakes, usually made from white flour. Served with a variety of fillings, they can be sweet (with sugar, fruit jam, strawberries, maple syrup, etc.) and savory (with cheese, ham, eggs, ratatouille, mushrooms, artichokes and various meat products).

15. China: Peking duck

The most famous dish from the capital of China and one of the most famous Chinese dishes around the world. Crispy-skinned duck served with green onions, cucumbers, sweet bean sauce and thin pancakes. Sometimes a bowl of hot sauce - such as hoisin - is added to the main plate.

16. Brazil: Feijoada

The main ingredients of this hearty and very tasty dish are beans and fresh pork or beef. This dish is made from black beans, various pork or beef products, such as bacon or smoked pork ribs, and at least two types of smoked sausages and beef jerky. Usually served with white rice and oranges - the latter help digestion.

17. Ukraine: borscht

Popular in many countries of Eastern and Central Europe. Should I explain to you what this is? Foreigners describe it as a thick and spicy soup with beets as the main ingredient. Beef or pork is almost always added, and pieces of meat, potatoes and beets are used for the broth. Sometimes carrots and peppers are added. They eat it with bread.

18. Thailand: Thai noodles

Deeply fried rice noodles. It is served in restaurants, but you can also buy it from a street stall. It is made from dry rice noodles moistened with water, which are fried with eggs and chopped tofu, and a huge number of different ingredients are used as seasonings: tamarind pulp, fish sauce, dried shrimp, garlic, shallots, chili, etc. Serve with lime wedges and chopped roasted peanuts. Depending on region, may also contain fresh shrimp, crab, chicken, or other meats.

19. Czech Republic: creamed tenderloin

In the Czech Republic, there is an eternal debate about what is the national dish in the country - creamed tenderloin or shank. Let it be the first. The tenderloin is usually beef, which is served with a thick creamy sauce and dumplings. Sometimes the dish is served with lemon slices and cranberries.

20. Venezuela: arepa

These corn flour tortillas are sometimes considered the national dish of Colombia. Different regions of the country use different sizes, types of flour and additional ingredients. For example, in eastern Venezuela, arepas are typically 7-20 cm in diameter and about 2 cm thick. Today this dish is made in special electrical appliances, which takes about 7 minutes (and with the usual cooking method - 15-25 minutes).

21. Türkiye: kebab

Kebab originated on the streets of Turkey, where street vendors cut the meat from vertically hung pieces. Traditionally, kebab is made with lamb, but depending on local preferences or religious beliefs, kebab can also be made with beef, goat, chicken, pork or even fish. Usually served in pita bread or pita bread.

22. Singapore: Chilli crab

The main ingredient of this delicious seafood dish is, of course, crab. It is fried in a thick, sweet and spicy tomato and chili sauce. This dish was even included in the list of “50 most delicious dishes in the whole world” at number 35.

23. Serbia: Pljeskavica

This Balkan dish is made from different types minced meat. Traditional Serbian pljeskavica is made from a mixture of minced lamb, pork or beef (sometimes veal), fried with onions and served on a plate with vegetables and side dishes - usually fried potatoes or bread. Recently it's hearty and tasty dish began to gain popularity in other parts of Europe.

24. New Zealand: bacon and egg pie

This pie contains bacon, eggs, onions, peas, tomatoes and cheese, so it's quite high in calories. Sometimes served with ketchup. This dish is also popular in neighboring Australia.

25. Belgium: Moules-Frites

Translates to “mussels and fries.” This dish originated in Belgium and is considered national here, but is also popular in France and other Western European countries. The most unusual thing about Moules-Frites is its size. One serving of this dish per person in almost any restaurant in Belgium is 1.5 kg! Mussels and fries are usually served on separate plates to prevent the potatoes from becoming too soft.

National cuisine is one of those things that people make. In general, getting to know the local cuisine is quite an interesting, and sometimes even dangerous, activity. Our review will allow you to learn more about the most exotic dishes without having to try them.

1. Salmiac sweets, Finland

Finland produces a wide variety of candies, but salmiac candies are something that every tourist visiting Finland should try. Unusual lozenges are made from ammonia and hydrochloric acid. Traditional Finnish salmiakki come in the shape of a diamond or diamond in a deep black color.

2. Hachinoko, Japan

In Japan, bee larvae are a very popular and delicious dish. They are boiled with the addition of sugar and soy sauce, canned, fried on skewers like kebabs, and made into sushi. Also worth mentioning is the Rice Cookies with Crispy Ground Wasps.

3. Natto, Japan

Natto is fermented soybeans that have a specific smell and taste, and also have a sticky, viscous consistency.

4. Oil Bombs for the Brave Heart, USA

The strange dessert is deep-fried butter in dough with honey and cinnamon.

5. Jelly salad, USA

Regular fruit jelly with an unusual filling of carrots, peppers, eggs, cheese, lemon tuna, olives and any other ingredients to your taste.

6. Snickers salad, USA

A simple, sweet and very “healthy” salad of finely chopped Snickers and fruits, generously dressed with whipped cream.

7. Kholodets, Russia

Yes, yes, foreigners are wary of the beloved jellied meat by all Russians and their closest neighbors.

8. Surströmming, Sweden

Cleaned herring is salted, placed in an open container and left to ferment, and after some time it is sorted into cans and placed on the shelves. Knowledgeable people recommend opening a jar of such herring exclusively in the fresh air, as the aroma can literally knock you off your feet.

9. Vegemite, Australia

Vegemite is Australia's most famous national dish. A thick paste made from leftover beer wort and vegetable flavorings, it is most often spread on bread, crackers or sandwiches.

10. Lutefisk, Norway

Scandinavian cuisine is distinguished by a huge number of fish dishes. One of the national dishes of Norway, Sweden and Finland is lutefisk, which is prepared by soaking dried fish in an alkaline solution of caustic soda for three days, and then soaking it in water for several days. Due to chemical reactions, the fish acquires a delicate jelly-like consistency and a specific pungent odor.

11. Olive bread, USA

A meatloaf similar to a loaf of bread, stuffed with spices and olives.

National cuisine can tell a lot about its people. Cult dishes of a particular country are often known throughout the world and are even included in the daily diet of many families. Other dishes are no less tasty and original, but for some reason they have not become so popular abroad. So, without further ado, we present to you the best traditional dishes different countries of the world.

Bigos, Poland

This is a stew with sauerkraut. There are many options for bigos, and both cabbage and meat (pork or game, smoked sausage, etc.) can be different.

Colcannon, Ireland

This is mashed potatoes and cabbage. Usually served as a side dish with boiled ham, fried brisket or sausages.

Fried mussels with French fries, Belgium

You can try “moules frites” in almost any Belgian restaurant, but be careful: one serving weighs one and a half kilograms! Locals They joke that French fries are universal, but “mussels from Brussels”, that is, “mussels are only in Brussels”.

Ful medames, Egypt

This is a puree of cooked beans with garlic, lemon juice and olive oil. Due to the cheapness and nutritional value of this dish, ful has been an important part of the diet of the common population since ancient times. Since ful is a difficult dish to digest, it is eaten for breakfast or, in extreme cases, for lunch.

Fasolada, Greece

This is a soup with white beans, vegetables (usually tomatoes and peppers) and olive oil. It is believed that the simple and satisfying dish was popular back in Ancient Greece.

Meatballs, Denmark

Meat balls made from ground veal, beef and pork are not like those floating in our favorite soup. Danish “frikadellers” are cutlets that, in the best traditions, are served with boiled potatoes and sauce.

Adobo, Philippines

Adobo is a popular Filipino dish made from meat, seafood and vegetables marinated in vinegar, soy sauce and garlic. Although the name of the dish is Spanish (“adobar” means “marinade”), the preparation method is specifically Filipino.

Chilis en Nogada, Mexico

The name of the dish translates as “chili in walnut sauce.” That is, these are peppers stuffed with rice and meat and topped with walnut sauce. The colors of the dish represent the colors of the Mexican flag: green chiles, white peanut sauce and red pomegranate seeds. Very patriotic!

Ajaico, Colombia

This is a potato soup with pieces of chicken, corn and "guasco", an aromatic plant that gives the soup its characteristic taste. A thick, homogeneous cream soup is most often served with sour cream, capers and avocado.

Bulgogi, South Korea

Bulgogi (or bulgogi) is marinated pieces of grilled beef or veal. Prepared with heads of garlic, peppers and onions, served with leafy vegetables such as cabbage.

Crepes, France

This is a type of pancake that is prepared with milk without yeast. Crepes can be baked on one side (when served with filling), and they are also often used to make pies and cakes.

Peking duck, China

One of the most popular and ancient dishes in the country, “Beijing Kaoya,” is prepared as follows: the duck carcass is rubbed with honey and baked in a special oven, and when served, it is cut into thin slices. A prerequisite: the duck skin should be crispy, thin and non-greasy. The duck is served with tangerine flatbread, onions and sweet burdock sauce.

Fish and chips, UK

This is deep-fried fish (traditionally cod, but can be anything with white meat, such as haddock or flounder) with large slices of French fries. Simple and very tasty!

Feijoada, Brazil

It is a stew-like dish made from beans, meat products and farofa (cassava flour). The hearty dish is served in a clay pot with cabbage, a slice of orange, and, if desired, rice. According to a common version, feijoada was invented 300 years ago by slaves brought to Brazil from Africa.

Pad Thai, Thailand

A local favorite is stir-fried rice noodles with shrimp and/or meat, tofu, fish sauce, shallots, bean sprouts and pickled radishes.

Ramen, Japan

A broth with wheat noodles and sometimes meat, pickles, eggs, nori and other ingredients is the most popular Japanese fast food.

Currywurst, Germany

These are regular sausages with a ketchup-based sauce and curry powder, of which 800,000,000 portions are eaten annually in Germany.

Arepa, Venezuela

Fluffy, stuffed cornmeal pancakes make a great breakfast. It can be filled with cheese, avocado or both, which is very popular in this country.

Pho, Vietnam

This is a noodle soup with pieces of beef or chicken, or fried fish. The soup is garnished with the Asian variety of basil, mint, lime and bean sprouts.

Pasta, Italy

One dish that has spread all over the world is pasta. There are thousands of pasta options - both in the form of pasta and as additions to a hot dish.

Putin, Canada

So, calm down! The French name is poutine, and the stress is on the last syllable. The national Quebec dish consists of French fries with slices of cheese topped with sweetened gravy. The dish was first prepared in the 1950s, but today it can be found not only in regular restaurants, but also in the Canadian branches of the McDonald's, Burger King and KFC chains.

The concept of “Russian cuisine” is as broad as the country itself. The names, taste preferences and composition of dishes differ quite significantly depending on the region. Wherever members of society moved, they brought their traditions into cooking, and at their place of residence they took an active interest in the culinary tricks of the region and quickly introduced them, thereby adapting them to their own ideas about healthy and tasty food. Thus, over time, the vast country developed its own preferences.


Russian cuisine has a rather interesting and long history. Despite the fact that for quite a long time the country did not even suspect the existence of such products as rice, corn, potatoes and tomatoes, the national table was distinguished by an abundance of aromatic and tasty dishes.

Traditional Russian dishes do not require exotic ingredients or specialized knowledge, however, their preparation requires a lot of experience. The main components throughout the centuries have been turnips and cabbage, all kinds of fruits and berries, radishes and cucumbers, fish, mushrooms and meat. Grains such as oats, rye, lentils, wheat and millet were not left out.

The knowledge of yeast dough was borrowed from the Scythians and Greeks. China delighted our country with tea, and Bulgaria spoke about the methods of preparing peppers, zucchini and eggplants.

Many interesting Russian dishes were adopted from European cuisine of the 16th-18th centuries; this list includes smoked meats, salads, ice cream, liqueurs, chocolate and wines.
Pancakes, borscht, Siberian dumplings, okroshka, Guryev porridge, Tula gingerbread, Don fish have long become unique culinary brands of the state.

Main Ingredients

It's no secret to everyone that our state is mainly northern country, the winter here is long and harsh. Therefore, the dishes that are eaten must provide a lot of heat to help survive in such a climate.

The main components that made up Russian folk dishes are:

  • Potato. A variety of dishes were prepared from it, fried, boiled and baked; chops, potato pancakes, pancakes, and soups were also made.
  • Bread. This product occupies a significant place in the diet of the average Russian. This kind of food amazes with its diversity: it includes croutons, crackers, just bread, bagels and a huge number of types that can be listed ad infinitum.
  • Eggs. Most often they are boiled or fried, and a large number of different dishes are prepared on their basis.
  • Meat. The most commonly consumed types are beef and pork. Many dishes are made from this product, for example, zrazy, chops, cutlets, etc.
  • Oil. It is very popular and is added to many ingredients. They eat it simply spread on bread.

Also, traditional Russian dishes were very often prepared from milk, cabbage, kefir and curdled milk, mushrooms, fermented baked milk, cucumbers, sour cream and lard, apples and honey, berries and garlic, sugar and onions. In order to make any dish, you need to use pepper, salt and vegetable oil.

List of popular Russian dishes

A feature of our kitchen is rationality and simplicity. This can be attributed to both the cooking technology and the recipe. A huge number of first dishes were popular, but the main list is presented below:

  • Cabbage soup is one of the most popular first courses. There are a huge number of options for its preparation.
  • Fish soup was popular in all its varieties: burlatsky, double, triple, team, fishermen.
  • Rassolnik was most often prepared in Leningrad, home and Moscow with kidneys, chicken and goose giblets, with fish and cereals, roots and mushrooms, corn, with meatballs, and with lamb brisket.

Flour products also played an important role:

  • pancakes;
  • dumplings;
  • pies;
  • pancakes;
  • pies;
  • cheesecakes;
  • crumpets;
  • kulebyaki;
  • donuts

Cereal dishes were especially popular:

  • porridge in pumpkin;
  • pea;
  • buckwheat with mushrooms.

Meat was most often stewed or baked, and semi-liquid dishes were made from offal. The most favorite meat dishes were:

  • Pozharsky cutlets;
  • beef Stroganoff;
  • veal "Orlov";
  • capital-style poultry;
  • Russian pork roll;
  • offal stew;
  • hazel grouse in sour cream;
  • Boiled tripes.

Sweet foods were also widely represented:

  • compotes;
  • jelly;
  • fruit drinks;
  • kvass;
  • sbiten;
  • honeys.

Ritual and forgotten dishes

Basically, all the dishes in our cuisine have ritual significance, and some of them date back to the times of paganism. They were consumed on set days or on holidays. For example, pancakes, which were considered sacrificial bread among the Eastern Slavs, were eaten only on Maslenitsa or at funerals. And Easter cakes and Easter cakes were prepared for the holy holiday of Easter.

Kutia was served as funeral food. The same dish was also boiled for various celebrations. Moreover, each time it had a new name, which was timed to coincide with the event. The “poor” one prepared before Christmas, the “rich” one before the New Year, and the “hungry one” before Epiphany.

Some ancient Russian dishes are undeservedly forgotten today. Until recently, there was nothing tastier than carrots and cucumbers boiled with honey in a water bath. The whole world knew and loved national desserts: baked apples, honey, various gingerbreads and preserves. They also made flatbreads from berry porridge, previously dried in the oven, and “parenki” - boiled pieces of beets and carrots - these were children’s favorite Russian dishes. The list of such forgotten dishes can be continued indefinitely, since the cuisine is very rich and varied.

Original Russian drinks include kvass, sbiten and berry fruit drinks. For example, the first one on the list has been known to the Slavs for more than 1000 years. The presence of this product in the house was considered a sign of prosperity and wealth.

Vintage dishes

Modern cuisine, with all its enormous variety, is very different from the past, but still strongly intertwined with it. Today, many recipes have been lost, tastes have been forgotten, most products have become unavailable, but Russian folk dishes should not be erased from memory.

People's traditions are closely related to food intake and have developed under the influence of a wide variety of factors, among which all kinds of religious abstinence play a major role. Therefore, words such as “fasting” and “meat eater” are very common in the Russian lexicon; these periods constantly alternated.

Such circumstances greatly affected Russian cuisine. There is a huge amount of food from cereals, mushrooms, fish, vegetables, which have been seasoned with vegetable fats. There were always such Russian dishes on the festive table, photos of which can be seen below. They are associated with an abundance of game, meat, and fish. Their preparation takes considerable time and requires certain skills from cooks.

Most often, the feast began with appetizers, namely mushrooms, sauerkraut, cucumbers, and pickled apples. Salads appeared later, during the reign of Peter I.
Then we ate Russian dishes such as soups. It should be noted that the national cuisine has a rich selection of first courses. First of all, these are cabbage soup, solyanka, borscht, ukha and botvinya. This was followed by porridge, which was popularly called the mother of bread. In meat-eating days, cooks prepared delicious dishes from offal and meat.


Ukraine and Belarus had a strong influence on the formation of culinary preferences. Therefore, the country began to prepare such Russian hot dishes as kuleshi, borscht, beetroot soup, and soup with dumplings. They have become a very strong part of the menu, but national dishes such as cabbage soup, okroshka, and ukha are still popular.

Soups can be divided into seven types:

  1. Cold ones, which are prepared on the basis of kvass (okroshka, turi, botvinya).
  2. Vegetable decoctions are made with water.
  3. Dairy, meat, mushroom and with noodles.
  4. Everyone's favorite dish, cabbage soup, belongs to this group.
  5. High-calorie solyankas and rassolniks, prepared on the basis of meat broth, have a slightly salty and sour taste.
  6. This subcategory includes a variety of fish concoctions.
  7. Soups that are made only with the addition of cereals in vegetable broth.

In hot weather, it is very pleasant to eat cool Russian first courses. Their recipes are very diverse. For example, it could be okroshka. Initially, it was prepared only from vegetables with the addition of kvass. But today there are a large number of recipes with fish or meat.

A very tasty ancient dish, botvinya, which has lost its popularity due to the labor-intensive preparation and high cost. It included such varieties of fish as salmon, sturgeon and stellate sturgeon. Various recipes can require from a couple of hours to a day to prepare. But no matter how complex the dish, such Russian dishes will bring great pleasure to a real gourmet. The list of soups is very diverse, like the country itself with its nationalities.

Urine, pickling, pickling

The easiest way to prepare preparations is soaking. These Russian dishes were stocked with apples, lingonberries and cranberries, sloe, cloudberries, pears, cherries and rowan berries. In our country there was even a specially bred variety of apples that was perfect for such preparations.

According to the recipes, additives such as kvass, molasses, brine and malt were distinguished. There are practically no special differences between salting, fermentation and soaking; often it is only the amount of salt used.

In the sixteenth century, this spice ceased to be a luxury, and everyone in the Kama region began to actively engage in its extraction. By the end of the seventeenth century, the Stroganov factories alone produced more than 2 million poods per year. At this time, such Russian dishes arose, the names of which remain relevant to this day. The availability of salt made it possible to harvest cabbage, mushrooms, beets, turnips and cucumbers for the winter. This method helped to reliably can and preserve favorite foods.

Fish and meat

Russia is a country where winter lasts quite a long time, and food should be nutritious and satisfying. Therefore, the main Russian dishes always included meat, and a very varied one. Beef, pork, lamb, veal and game were perfectly prepared. Basically, everything was baked whole or cut into large pieces. Very popular were dishes made on skewers, which were called “verted”. Sliced ​​meat was often added to porridges and also stuffed into pancakes. Not a single table could do without roasted ducks, hazel grouse, chickens, geese and quails. In a word, hearty Russian meat dishes have always been held in high esteem.

Recipes for fish dishes and preparations are also amazing in their variety and quantity. These products did not cost the peasants anything at all, since they caught the “ingredients” for them themselves in large quantities. And during the years of famine, such supplies formed the basis of the diet. But expensive species, such as sturgeon and salmon, were served only on major holidays. Like meat, this product was stored for future use; it was salted, smoked and dried.

Below are several recipes for original Russian dishes.


It is one of the most popular dishes, the basis of which is pickled cucumbers and sometimes brine. This dish is not typical of other cuisines of the world, such as, for example, solyanka and okroshka. Over the course of its long existence, it has changed significantly, but is still considered a favorite.

The prototype of the familiar pickle can be called kalya - this is a rather spicy and thick soup, which was prepared in cucumber brine with the addition of pressed caviar and fatty fish. Gradually, the last ingredient was changed to meat, and this is how the well-known and beloved dish appeared. Today's recipes are very diverse, so they are both vegetarian and non-vegetarian. Such native Russian dishes use beef, offal and pork as a base.

To prepare a well-known dish, you need to boil meat or offal for 50 minutes. Next, add bay leaves and peppercorns, salt, carrots and onions. The last of the ingredients is peeled and cut crosswise, or you can simply pierce it with a knife. Everything is boiled for another 30 minutes, then the meat is removed and the broth is filtered. Next, the carrots and onions are fried, the cucumbers are grated and also placed there. The broth is brought to a boil, the meat is chopped into pieces and added to it, it is covered with rice and finely chopped potatoes. Everything is brought to readiness and seasoned with vegetables, let it simmer for 5 minutes, add herbs and sour cream.


This dish is eaten cold; for cooking, the meat broth is thickened to a jelly-like mass with the addition of small pieces of meat. It is very often considered a type of aspic, but this is a serious misconception, since the latter has such a structure thanks to agar-agar or gelatin. Jellied meat tops Russian meat dishes and is considered an independent dish that does not require the addition of gelling substances.

Not everyone knows that several hundred years ago such a popular dish was prepared for the king’s servants. Initially it was called jelly. And they made it from leftovers from the master's table. The waste was chopped quite finely, then boiled in broth, and then cooled. The resulting dish was unsightly and of dubious taste.

With the country's passion for French cuisine, many Russian dishes, the names of which also came from there, have changed slightly. The modern jellied meat, which was called galantine, was no exception. It consisted of pre-boiled game, rabbit and pork. These ingredients were ground together with eggs, then diluted with broth to the consistency of sour cream. Our cooks turned out to be more resourceful, so through various simplifications and tricks, galantine and jelly were transformed into modern Russian jellied meat. The meat was replaced with a pork head and leg and beef ears and tails were added.

So, to prepare such a dish, you need to take the gelling components that are presented above and simmer them for at least 5 hours over low heat, then add any meat and cook for a few more hours. First, be sure to add carrots, onions and your favorite spices. After the time is up, you will need to strain the broth, disassemble the meat and place it on plates, then pour the resulting liquid and send it to harden in the cold.

Today, not a single feast is complete without this dish. Despite the fact that all Russian home-style dishes take a lot of time, the cooking process is not particularly difficult. The essence of jellied meat has remained unchanged for a long time; only its basis is transformed.

Russian borsh

It is considered very popular and loved by everyone. For cooking you will need meat, potatoes and cabbage, beets and onions, parsnips and carrots, tomatoes and beets. Be sure to add spices such as pepper and salt, bay leaf and garlic, vegetable oil and water. Its composition can change, ingredients can be added or subtracted.

Borscht is a traditional Russian dish that requires boiling meat to prepare. First, it is thoroughly washed and filled with cold water, and then brought to a boil over medium heat, the foam is removed as it appears, and then the broth is cooked for another 1.5 hours. Parsnips and beets are cut into thin strips, onions into half rings, carrots and tomatoes are grated, and cabbage is finely shredded. At the end of cooking, the broth must be salted. Then cabbage is added to it, the mixture is brought to a boil, and the potatoes are added whole. We are waiting until everything is half ready. Onions, parsnips and carrots are lightly fried in a small frying pan, then everything is poured with tomatoes and thoroughly stewed.

In a separate container, you need to steam the beets for 15 minutes so that they are cooked, and then transfer them to fry. Next, the potatoes are removed from the broth and added to all the vegetables, after which they are kneaded a little with a fork, as they should be soaked in the sauce. Simmer everything for another 10 minutes. Next, the ingredients are sent into the broth, and a few bay leaves and pepper are thrown in there. Boil for another 5 minutes, then sprinkle with herbs and crushed garlic. The prepared dish needs to sit for 15 minutes. It can also be made without adding meat, in which case it is perfect for Lent, and thanks to the variety of vegetables, it will still remain incredibly tasty.


This culinary product consists of minced meat and unleavened dough. It is considered a famous dish of Russian cuisine, which has ancient Finno-Ugric, Turkic, Chinese and Slavic roots. The name comes from the Udmurt word “pelnyan”, which means “bread ear”. Analogs of dumplings are found in most cuisines of the world.

History tells that this product was extremely popular during Ermak’s wanderings. Since then, this dish has become the most beloved among the residents of Siberia, and then the rest of the regions of wider Russia. This dish consists of unleavened dough, which requires water, flour and eggs, and minced pork, beef or lamb for the filling. Quite often the filling is made from chicken with the addition of sauerkraut, pumpkin and other vegetables.

In order to prepare the dough, you need to mix 300 ml of water and 700 grams of flour, add 1 egg and knead into a stiff dough. For the filling, mix the minced meat with finely chopped onion, a little pepper and salt. Next, roll out the dough and use a mold to squeeze out circles, put some minced meat into them and pinch them into triangles. Then boil water and cook until the dumplings float.