The largest airport in the world is located in America. Largest airports in the world

As far as progress has come, it used to take days and sometimes weeks to reach your beloved grandmother; Now the clock is counting down to hours and minutes. And all thanks to airplanes and a developed network of air communications. Air travel has become increasingly popular in recent years, with annual passenger traffic reaching tens of millions of people at some airports. This rating presents the 10 largest airports in terms of the number of passengers carried.

1 place. Hutsfield-Jackson Atlanta Airport. USA

Atlanta Airport is located just 11 km from the city and serves the largest number of flights in the world.
A significant part of transportation is carried out within the country, since in America it is often much cheaper to get to your destination by air than by land.

The annual passenger traffic of Hutsfield-Jackson is 90 million people.

2nd place. O'Hare Airport, Chicago. USA

The airport is located 27 km northwest of Chicago, and until 2005. he occupied a leading position in the number of takeoffs and landings.

Currently, 80 million people pass through the airport annually.

3rd place. Heathrow Airport, London

World famous Heathrow is Europe's busiest airport. And this despite the fact that it is not very well located, at an altitude of only 25 meters above sea level, which is why the runways often disappear into the famous London fog.

70 million passengers use the services of this airport annually.

4th place. international Airport Haneda, Tokyo. Japan

Tokyo Airport (another name is Haneda) is recognized as the largest in terms of passenger traffic in Asia.

It was created for domestic flights, but in recent years the number of international flights has increased sharply.
Today the airport serves a little less than 70 million people.

5th place. Los Angeles International Airport. USA

Los Angeles International Airport is the largest airport in the City of Angels.

It has 9 terminals, through which 60 million people pass annually.

6th place. Dallas International Airport. USA

The second name of the airport is Fort Worth, as it is located in the middle between the two cities.

It is considered the largest airport in Texas and serves 60 million people a year.

7th place. Charles de Gaulle International Airport, Paris. France

It is considered the most convenient docking point in Europe. On its territory two railway stations, connecting the airport with any city in France.

The annual passenger flow is 60 million people.

8th place. Frankfurt am Main Airport. Germany

Frankfurt Airport, also called Rhine-Main Airport, is the largest in Germany, serving 52 million people a year.

It stands out because in addition to two large terminals, it also has one small one for VIPs.

9th place. Hong Kong International Airport. China

The Chinese themselves call this airport Chek Lap Kok. It is located 34 km. from Hong Kong, and its services are used annually by 48 million people.

It has repeatedly received the title of the best airport in the world.

10th place. Denver International Airport. USA

Denver airport is the largest in area in the USA (140 km2), and the second in the world, after the airport in Dubai.

However, in terms of passenger traffic it ranks only 10th, serving 47 million people a year.

Many states are separated by thousands of kilometers and vast expanses of water. If it were not for airplanes, people would hardly travel to different places so often. This is why advanced countries spend a lot of resources on the development and improvement of airports - this is important for the prestige of the nation, the safety of citizens and tourism. The largest airports in the world in terms of passenger turnover welcome several tens of millions of people a year and amaze tourists with their size.

1. Hong Kong Airport

The second name, Chek Lap Kok, is borrowed from the lake of the same name, on which the air harbor is located. He is often called the most beautiful airport in the world. It is designed in such a way that any tourist can understand it and feel comfortable.

Despite the huge area, there are only three terminals, and there is plenty of signage and information kiosks throughout for passenger convenience. An express train departs regularly from the terminal to the city. A distinctive feature of the airport is its roof in the form of large waves. Also, the “feature” of one of the terminals is shopping mall SkyPlaza with shops, restaurants and entertainment venues.

2. Dallas/Fort Worth Airport

Dallas Airport is the largest in Texas and the second largest in America. It serves more than 130 domestic flights and about 30 international destinations. Known for its punctuality, which is not surprising since it ranks third in the world in the number of takeoffs and landings per year, so every plane must take to the skies without delay.

There are five terminals on the territory of the air harbor, four are located in the shape of a semicircle and only one is in the shape of the letter U. You can get from one terminal to another by high-speed train. The abbreviated name of the airport is DFW. Interestingly, it has its own postal service, and on the map it is indicated as a separate settlement.

3. Suwannaphum Airport

Bangkok International Airport - Suwannaphum, or Suvarnabhumi, is the largest in Thailand and ranks first in Southeast Asia. Its opening took place in 2006, but despite its young age, it is in no way inferior in functionality and size to other air hubs.

The airport is a huge four-story building - on the ground floor there is a regular Aeroexpress train to the city, on the first floor buses stop, there is a cafe and a first-aid post, on the second floor there is an arrivals and control area, the third floor contains many cafes with delicious food, and on the fourth floor there is a zone departure. It is worth noting that in Bangkok air harbor there is no division between domestic and international flights, so there is only one terminal.

4. Charles de Gaulle Airport

It’s easy to guess from the name that this air hub is located in Paris. The annual passenger flow is more than 60 million people. There are three terminals, one for international and two for domestic flights. There are two railways, so get to any French city is not difficult. Interesting feature airport - location in a “green” area, into which curious hares sometimes run.

5. Dubai Airport

This is one of the largest airports in the Middle East and the main air hub of the UAE. In terms of passenger traffic, it occupies a leading position in the world - in 2015 it received more than 78 million people. It has three terminals for serving passengers on domestic, commercial and international flights, one cargo terminal and a terminal for VIPs. There is also a separate terminal for national carrier Emirates.

Dubai Airport is known for a huge number of services - duty-free, flower shops, restaurants, business centers, lotteries, rest and relaxation rooms, a modern five-star hotel and a meeting service.

6. Los Angeles Airport

Located near the city of Los Angeles in California. Serves more than 60 million travelers per year. It is a major connecting point for many airlines. There are four takeoff and landing lanes and nine terminals, which are arranged in a horseshoe shape and are connected by buses.

From this airport you can get to anywhere in the world, and it is easy to get to the city by transport. An interesting feature is that the territory often serves as a platform for films and various filming.

7. Tokyo Airport

Haneda, or Tokyo Airport, occupies a leading position in terms of passenger traffic in Asia. Initially it was created for domestic flights, but now it actively accepts international destinations. The airport has three levels of floors - the second is built in the form of a rounded glass tower, and the third from above resembles a hat with a wide brim. There is also parking for private jets and a VIP terminal.

8. Heathrow Airport

The largest airport in Europe is located near London; it was created on the basis of a military airfield in the 1950s. Passenger flow is more than 70 million people per year.

It has one cargo terminal and five terminals for receiving tourists, one of which was opened by order of Queen Elizabeth II. According to reviews from travelers, the airport is striking in its scale, but thanks to the huge number of signs you can easily find the right path. There are many bars and lounges to suit people of different financial means. A special feature of the airport is frequent fog and rain.

9. Capital Airport

Beijing Airport, or Capital Airport, is China's largest air port. It has three terminals with free shuttles, three runways and a large shopping area. Passenger flow is 85-90 million people per year. In the first terminal there is an exit to the metro, where you can get to the city.

The airport administration takes special care to ensure the safety and comfort of passengers. The grounds are decorated with lots of flowers and mini trees, and the restaurants feature dishes from all over the world.

10. Atlanta Airport

The world's largest airport, Hartsfield-Jackson, is located in the suburbs of Atlanta. American state Georgia. Serves more than 95 million passengers per year. Most flights are domestic, and the airport is a major hub for many international destinations and provides transportation to more than 50 countries. The opening of the air port took place in 1926.

The airport is distinguished by the fact that three aircraft can land on its territory simultaneously; a total of six are organized landing strips. There are two terminals and many halls, which are connected by its own metro line.

Capital International Airport, Beijing. China's largest airport, second in passenger traffic in the world (90 million users per year). Occupies an area of ​​15 square meters. km., about 1,100 flights are made per day.

Cairo International Airport. The main airport in Egypt, second in terms of congestion in all of Africa only to Johannesburg Airport in South Africa. Area - 37 sq. km., passenger turnover - 14 million people per year.

O'Hare International Airport, Chicago. Third in size and passenger traffic in the United States, this airport was twice recognized as the best in the country. Until 2005, it was the busiest airport in the world in terms of the number of takeoffs and landings - an average of 2,663 per day, almost a million per year.

Suanaphum, Bangkok's new international airport. The largest in Thailand, one of the busiest in Southeast Asia. Area - almost 30 square meters. km., passenger turnover is about 50 million people per year.

Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport. The main airport of Spain, located almost within the city limits, 14 km northeast of central square Madrid. A huge and extremely busy airport with four terminals covering an area of ​​30 square meters. km. and a passenger turnover of 50 million people.

Charles de Gaulle is Paris airport. Second in Europe in terms of passenger load, eighth in the world. Annual passenger turnover is 63 million people.

Pudong International Airport, Shanghai. Carries more international passengers than Capital and also ranks first in cargo transportation in China. With two terminals, it is larger in size than many four-terminal airports in the world - 33 square meters. km.

Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. Located between two largest cities Texas, the second largest airport in the USA, it occupies as much as 78 square meters. km. Passenger turnover is about 60 million people.

Denver International Airport. With an area of ​​140 sq. km. this airport ranks first in size in the United States and second in the world. The volume of passenger transportation and traffic is not a record, but quite impressive - 50 million people per year and 600 thousand departures/landings.

King Khalid International Airport, Riyadh. The largest airport in the world, spread over an area of ​​315 square meters. km. Used as one of the alternate landing sites for NASA shuttles.

Much depends on the infrastructure. For example, a dozen airports in terms of passenger traffic are significantly different from the same Top 10 in terms of area - some are simply better organized than others. And if the airport is “sandwiched” in the city, it cannot expand to the sides at all, but it “grows” in depth, increasing the area of ​​the underground floors.

Air travel is unthinkable without air hubs. After all, here passengers wait for the desired plane, undergo pre-flight control, and check in their luggage. The world's largest airports offer airline customers developed infrastructure and high class service. However, which air harbor is rightfully considered the largest? Let's look at this issue in more detail.

To completely solve the problem, let’s find out what parameters determine the status air gate countries. Today, various world associations, including International organization airports, conduct research and compile ratings, focusing on the dimensions of takeoff and landing complexes, the level of passenger traffic and cargo turnover of air hubs. In addition, individual continents can boast of giants in the aviation industry - there are lists of the largest takeoff and landing complexes in Asia, and the largest airport in Europe and America is known.

First, let's talk about the size of aircraft hubs. Here the pompous air harbor is named the world leader Saudi Arabia– King Fahad Airport. This airport is located within the city of Dammam and covers an area of ​​780 km². There are several halls for travelers, including a separate Royal Terminal, parking for 4,000 cars, and a mosque that can accommodate 2,000 believers. The only drawback here is the small number of passengers - the harbor does not function at half its potential. The reason for this was the inconvenient location and long-term use of the site as a military airfield.

The area of ​​the Denver airport, which is located in the USA, is 140 km². Such dimensions make it possible to call the takeoff and landing complex the first largest on the American continent. In addition, the hub is considered the largest airport in America.

If we consider the classification of air terminals by size, the Paris Charles de Gaulle air hub received the title of leader of Europe. The area of ​​this giant is 32.38 km², which brought the air harbor to the first place in Europe. As for the largest airport terminal itself big country world - Russia - here the championship remains with the capital. The area of ​​the airport reaches 380,809 m². Of course, the size of the takeoff and landing complex will not be able to compete with the world giants, but the dimensions of the hub are not the main criterion for leadership.

Demand indicators

Today, the largest airports in the world have received such an honorable title because of the number of passengers who pass through air gates every year in all corners of the world. This criterion determines how much the airport terminal is in demand by travelers and is able to provide people with the necessary services. Here the top leaders are not the largest complexes, but the most visited ones. Let's study the 10 largest airports in the world, which are rightfully called the best.

World leader

The first stage here is occupied by the Hartsfield-Jackson air terminal, which is located 11 kilometers from Atlanta in the USA. The runway complex annually handles 96,179,000 passengers and is constantly increasing this figure. One hundred airliners land at the airport every hour, and the number of employees here is 55,000 people. Moreover, 70% of the flights that the airport receives are domestic flights.

In addition, the airport occupies a considerable area. The territory of the complex covers 2,000 hectares and includes developed infrastructure. Here passengers have access to shops, exchange offices, cafes, hotels and children's areas. In short, Atlanta's air gate has deservedly been awarded the status of leader in passenger transportation, and Hartsfield-Jackson Airport is the largest airport in the world.

Second stage

According to the results of 2014, the world “silver” went to the Beijing capital hub. This air harbor received 86,128,000 people from different points globe, overtaking the leader of 2009 - London's main airport, Heathrow. Moreover, the air hub has retained second place for several years. They are based here, and the advantageous location makes the airstrip complex a convenient hub for flights across Asia and transcontinental flights.

Beijing's three air gate terminals are capable of increasing passenger traffic to 90,000,000 people. Moreover, the largest sector T3 occupies an area of ​​1,000 m² and receives flights from other countries. The airport's runway is designed for aircraft of all sizes and allows the Airbus A380 to land. Moreover, the local administration is constantly modernizing the airport terminal and improving the quality of customer service.

Third line

An honorable third place in the ranking went to the largest air hub in Europe - London Heathrow. 73,408,000 airline customers passed through England's main air gates. This hub cooperates with 90 airlines and 170 airports in the world. There are 5 passenger and one cargo terminals here. Moreover, 46% of passengers take international flights to long-distance destinations, 43% of people fly to EU countries, and 11% of tourists move around the country.

Note that the airport terminal is designed to serve only 45,000,000 people. Exceeding the maximum limit by almost twice makes it necessary to reconstruct this transport hub and becomes the reason for the refusal of the hub administration to cooperate with new airlines. However, such problems did not affect the comfort of customers. It's well developed here transport connection and service, and the only drawback is possible departure delays due to overload.

Fourth rating point

The next place went to Tokyo's Haneda complex. 72,827,000 travelers visited here during the year, and the airport terminal is constantly increasing passenger traffic. This air hub took second place among airports in Asia, behind only the Chinese Shoud. Moreover, more than half of the flights served by the takeoff and landing complex are domestic.

There are three passenger terminals that function smoothly. In addition, local authorities recently opened a VIP sector with a runway from which private jets depart. The airport is connected to the capital of Japan by rail, where passengers can take the monorail to get to the main districts of Tokyo.

Fifth place on the list

This chart position was occupied by another US airport - Los Angeles International Airport. The passenger traffic of this runway complex amounted to 70,663,000 people, which allowed the air harbor to bypass Dubai Airport. By the way, at the end of 2015, the airport terminal has already served 74,936,256 passengers. The air hub ranks second in terms of passenger traffic in America.

Los Angeles Airport amazes with its passenger traffic and size

There are nine terminals here through which shuttles operate. In addition, for passengers there are pedestrian galleries and an underground tunnel connecting nearby sectors of the hub. On the territory of the Los Angeles air gate there is also a cargo terminal with an area of ​​190,000 m² and a platform for helicopter take-off.

Sixth position

Today, Dubai's air harbor is capable of handling 80,000,000 tourists per year. However, passenger traffic here in 2014 amounted to only 70,476,000 people. This indicator determined the sixth place in the list of world giants in the aviation sector. The airport administration is modernizing this hub and creating the most comfortable conditions for tourists who fly here.

The airport near the city of Dubai took an honorable 7th place in the world ranking

The airport boasts four passenger terminals and one cargo terminal. In addition, there are 3 concourses and a VIP sector. The complex has a duty-free shopping area with an area of ​​15,500 m², a medical center, rooms for children and believers. There are excellent transport links to the city. Travelers leave for Dubai by taxi, regular flights buses, use two metro lines.

Seventh level of rating

Passenger traffic at the O'Hare international air hub, which operates in Chicago, fell slightly short of the 70,000,000 tourist mark. At the end of 2014, the airport served 69,999,000 travelers. Until 2005, this runway complex was considered America's main air hub, but today its place is taken by the Atlanta transport hub.

Until 2005, Chicago's air terminal was the main air hub of the United States, but today it is ranked only 7th

The Chicago air gates are equipped with modern equipment, and the administration of the complex offers customers the highest class service. It should be noted that this airport has repeatedly won the status of the best air hub in the United States based on reviews from passengers and aviation experts. Now there are 4 sectors and 9 halls for travelers, and the management company plans to modernize and expand the terminal’s resources.

Eighth line of the list

The Parisian giant Charles de Gaulle successfully combines the title of the largest transport hub in Europe and eighth place in the world ranking in terms of passenger traffic. Throughout 2014, the hub received 63,814,000 passengers and provided 450,000 aircraft landings and departures. The world famous carrier is based here “ Air France", popular low-cost airlines "Vueling" and "Easy Jet". There are 30 hotels located right there, and the general infrastructure of the airport is admired by most travelers.

Paris Charles de Gaulle is the largest airport in Europe in terms of area and 8th in the world ranking in terms of passenger traffic.

Ninth point

Denver Airport covers an area of ​​7,315 hectares, being the second largest complex in America. However, the terminal administration makes the most of such an impressive size. The aviation hub received 63,554,000 tourists and took ninth place among the largest takeoff and landing complexes in the world.

The most mysterious and mystical US airport in Denver also occupies 9th place in the top 10 air hubs in the world

Now there are five terminals that serve international, and domestic flights. However, technical capabilities and area make it possible to increase this hub to 13 sectors. True, now the terminal administration has no plans to expand the existing resources. A convenient route between the terminals has been thought out and communication has been established high-speed trains to the nearest settlements.

Final position

The top 10 major global air hubs are completed by the Hong Kong Kai Tak airstrip and landing complex. According to the results of 2014, the airport's passenger traffic amounted to 63,122,000 people. Such figures are impressive, but it is appropriate to remember that Kaitak is the main air hub of East Asia. Accordingly, the flow of travelers who fly in this direction is increasing every year.

We took a quick look at the world's busiest aviation hubs. Of course, these indicators change every year, as countries increase passenger flows at their main air hubs, increasing the prestige of the state on the world stage.

If we consider the area occupied, the largest airport in the world is Saudi Arabia's King Fahad Airport.
Atlanta's air hub has become the world leader in passenger traffic
China's Capital Airport wins world silver over London's Heathrow
Heathrow is the world famous largest airport in Europe
Tokyo Haneda Airport is the second largest passenger service in Asia and 4th in the world ranking

Contrary to the well-founded opinion of the majority that the busiest airport in the world in terms of passenger traffic is London Heathrow, we undertake to assert that according to statistics for last year, Heathrow was only in third place.

Who took the palm in this “lively” dispute? Our rating “Top 10 busiest airports in the world by annual passenger traffic” will tell you. The rating was compiled taking into account the indicators of 2012.

10th place. Dubai International Airport (DXB)

Passenger flights at Dubai International Airport are served in three terminals: Terminal 1 serves 125 airlines, Terminal 2 - regular, charter and special flights (for example, pilgrimages), mainly operated by small airlines of countries Persian Gulf Terminal 3 is for Emirates Airlines only. The VIP terminal is the largest business aviation terminal of its kind in the Middle East.

According to the latest data from Airports Council International, DXB ranks second in the world in terms of international passenger traffic. The airport serves more than 145 airlines flying to more than 260 countries on six continents. In terms of total passenger flow density for 2012, Dubai took 10th place in the “leadership table” with a total number of travelers transported - 57,684,550.

However, over the eight months of the new operating year, a growth trend has emerged. After the opening of Concourse A in January this year, the total throughput three terminals increased from 60 million to 75 million people per year. Here are even more eloquent figures: in June 2013, 5,537,098 passengers “passed” through Dubai International Airport - a significant 17.5% increase compared to the figure for June last year - 4,714,746 people.

In 2011, Dubai Airport management unveiled a master plan for the development of the airport. It talks about the construction of Concourse D, which was originally intended to be the fourth terminal. With a capacity of 15 million people on the new concourse, DXB's total will reach 90 million passengers by 2018.

9th place. Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, Tangerang, Indonesia (CGK)

Soekarno-Hatta is the main airport serving the Jakarta Special Capital Region on the island of Java, Indonesia. The airport is named after Indonesia's first president, Soekarno, and first vice-president, Mohammad Hatta.

In 2012, Soekarno-Hatta's passenger density reached 57,772,762 people, an increase of 12.1% compared to 2011. The airport in Jakarta is considered one of the fastest growing in terms of a huge jump from 37th place in the world ranking, occupied in 2008 with 32 million passengers, to 9th position with more than 57 million passengers.

The general development plan for the airport includes doubling the capacity of Terminal 1, increasing passenger traffic through Terminal 2 from 9 million to 19 million people per year, and another 21 million will be added to the 4 million passengers passing through Terminal 3 annually.

8th place. Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport.Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, DFW

According to statistics as of April 2013, Dallas/Fort Worth ranks third in the ranking of the busiest airports in the world by traffic volume aircraft. In terms of passenger traffic, at the end of 2012 the total number of "arrivals" and "departures" reached 58,591,842. It is the main hub of American Airlines and an airport city with its own zip code, police department, fire department and emergency medical service.

This year marked a new milestone for Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport as it reached 200 nonstop destinations. This achievement allows DFW to join a select group of airports including Frankfurt, Amsterdam Schiphol, Paris Charles de Gaulle, Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta, Chicago and Munich. man reached

7th place. Paris - Charles de Gaulle Airport.Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport, CDG

Charles de Gaulle Airport, named after the general and president of France, Charles de Gaulle, is considered one of the centers of world aviation, and, of course, is the largest airport in France. It is also the "epicenter" of Air France.

The passenger traffic density through the airport in 2012 was 61,556,202 people, the aircraft traffic density was 497,763 aircraft, which allowed the main French airport to firmly establish itself in seventh place in the ranking of the busiest airports in the world and in second place in terms of passenger traffic in Europe, second only to London Heathrow. Charles de Gaulle also takes an honorable tenth place in the world and first in the European ranking of airports with the highest aircraft density.

6th place. Los Angeles International Airport.LosAngelesInternationalAirport,LAX

A 3% increase in passenger traffic in 2012 compared to the previous year propelled Los Angeles International Airport into sixth place worldwide with 63,688,121 passengers. In addition, in 2011 it was recognized as the first airport in the world in terms of the number of “non-stop” passengers.

LAX has nine passenger terminals connected via shuttle buses. The terminal grid resembles a horseshoe in shape. To travel between most terminals, passengers must exit the building, take a bus, and then go through security again. However, between some terminals there is a more flexible system of movement without additional inspections.

5th place. O'Hare International Airport, Chicago, Illinois, USA. O"Hare International Airport, ORD

O'Hare Airport is the second largest hub, after George W. Bush International Airport, for United Airlines, which carries 45% of all O'Hare passengers, and the second largest hub for American Airlines, after Dallas/Fort Worth.

O'Hare is the second airport in the world in terms of the number of takeoffs and landings and the fifth in the world ranking in terms of annual passenger traffic with an indicator of 66,633,503 for 2012. By the way, this figure is 0.1% less than the 2011 level.

O'Hare International Airport has four passenger terminals with nine concourses and 182 gates.

4th place. Tokyo Haneda International Airport,HND

Haneda Airport handles almost all of Tokyo's domestic flights, while the second Narita International Airport handles the vast majority of international flights. Following the opening of the international terminal at Haneda Airport in 2010, along with the opening of a fourth runway, the number of international flights handled by Haneda has increased dramatically. In addition, the Japanese government plans to develop the airport's “international” role in the future.

In 2012, Haneda's total passenger traffic was 66,795,178. According to this indicator Tokyo airport was in second place in the ranking of the busiest airports in Asia and in fourth place globally.

The combined capacity of Haneda and Narita makes Tokyo the third busiest city airport system after London and New York.

3rd place. Heathrow International Airport, London. London Heathrow Airport,LHR

Heathrow is London's largest airport and the UK's busiest airport. In addition, as of 2012, Heathrow ranked third in the world in terms of total passenger traffic of 70,038,857 people, carrying the largest number of international passengers in the world. In addition, in terms of passenger density, it is the busiest airport in Europe and the third in the European ranking for traffic density after Charles de Gaulle and Frankfurt Airport.

With its six airports, London's city airport system is considered the busiest in the world, handling 133,666,888 passengers each year. In terms of total takeoffs and landings, London is second only to New York.

2nd place. Capital International Airport, Beijing,P.E.K.

Shawdu - main airport Beijing. In 2009, it received the proud title of Asia's busiest airport in terms of passenger traffic and number of takeoffs and landings. In 2012, Beijing ranked second in the world in passenger density (81,929,689 people), behind Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport. A total of 557,167 takeoffs and landings were registered in Beijing last year, ranking sixth globally.

Beijing International Airport is the main hub of Air China, the national carrier of China People's Republic operating flights to 120 destinations.

Built in 2008, Terminal 3 is considered the second largest airport terminal after Terminal 3 of Dubai International Airport.

1 place. Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport.Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, ATL

Our winner, the world's busiest airport by total passenger traffic, is Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport.

Since 1998, Atlanta Airport has been second to none. In 2012, Hartsfield-Jackson was the leader in two rankings at once: in passenger density and in aircraft traffic density. The exact number of passengers transported over the past year is 95,462,867 people, the number of arriving and departing aircraft is 950,119.

In 1999, a master plan for the development of the airport was announced, in which the projected figure for the estimated passenger traffic by 2015 was 121 million people.

Marina Kozlova especially for