Is it possible to swim in the Azov and Caspian Seas? Water temperature and swimming season at the resorts of the Sea of ​​Azov Will the Sea of ​​Azov warm up by the 20th.


With the onset of summer, tourists rush closer to the sea. Everyone missed the warmth, the sun and sea water. But not everyone knows where to go and which sea to choose. Today we will talk about the Sea of ​​Azov in June. The water temperature this month is normal, and as tourist reviews say, you can swim and sunbathe. And this is so necessary for everyone who has managed to miss the sea during the cold months and is in a hurry to make up for lost time. We have photo and video materials about the Sea of ​​Azov and about the resorts that stand on the shores of this luxurious and already warm sea. Watch and wait for summer.

The Sea of ​​Azov is big. On its banks there are children's camps, which, since the beginning of summer, have been full of students spending their school holidays. There are many resort towns on the seashore, many of them are famous all over the world and foreigners come here. Perhaps the most famous is the resort town of Yeysk. Up to a million tourists from all over Russia come here in the summer. Beautiful city, good beaches And developed infrastructure. Relaxing in Yeisk is pleasant and comfortable.

Also, tourists who prefer to relax in their homeland know such resorts as: Kirillovka and Novokostantinovka. This small resorts, which live solely by receiving tourists in the summer. It's even more villages, but during the beach season there are so many tourists that the villages turn into cities with a population of about two hundred thousand people.

As we have already said, the Sea of ​​Azov is large, so different resorts can have completely different weather and sea water temperatures. Look below at the summary table, which shows which sea resorts have the best water in the month of June:

Reviews from tourists.
Since tourists vacation here from May to October, they left a lot of reviews about their vacation on the Sea of ​​Azov. Let's read them.

“We were on holiday with friends in Kirillovka. The sea was warm and the weather was sunny. We swam almost every day, as it rained a couple of times. The water is not very clean. On the beach the bottom was not entirely sandy, but rather clay mixed with sand. Therefore, when you go into the sea, it’s not very pleasant for your feet. And if children start running around here, then all the turbidity from the bottom rises up, and the water is dirty. You come out of the sea, and there are black spots on you! There are no special excursions, but you can take a walk yourself. We walked along the sea, in the evenings there are beautiful landscapes. All in all. There is one plus here - the warm sea, but the rest is not very good.”

“In June there is no particular place to relax at sea. The water is cool, and people have been swimming in the Sea of ​​Azov since mid-May. We were on vacation in Berdyansk as a family. The holiday turned out to be different. Some I liked, some not so much. Yes, the sea is warm, the weather is sunny. The beach is normal, but the rest is somehow not very good. There are no excursions, nowhere to go. We just walked around the city as a family in the evenings, went into nature and looked around everything ourselves.

The sea here is clean, although they said there would be mud. The wind and waves did not bring any bottles, branches, or other debris. The beach is sandy, the entrance is gentle and the children liked it. But I repeat - we vacationed here only because of the sea. In July the Black Sea will also become warm, then we will go to Sochi or Anapa.”

What does a tourist need to know?
The Sea of ​​Azov does not have direct access to the ocean. First it connects with the Black Sea and this connection is called Kerch Strait. Now there is a bridge there that will connect mainland Russia with Crimea. Cars and trains will travel across the bridge. Currently, there is a ferry crossing there, thanks to which you can get to Crimea by sea. But there is often a storm at sea, and the crossing may operate depending on the actual weather.

The Sea of ​​Azov washes the coast of Russia, Ukraine and Crimea. The most famous cities near the sea: Yeisk, Taganrog and Rostov-on-Don. Rostov and the Sea of ​​Azov are connected by the Don River. And many tourists get to the sea directly along the river on boats and boats. On the shores of the Azov Sea there are thousands of big and small resort towns, and villages. Every year at the height of beach season About a million Russians vacation on the seashores.

Coastal areas constantly attract vacationers to sun-drenched coastlines. There are so many places where you can relax, improve your health, improve your well-being and simply improve your mood and gain strength! For some, the best option is the Black Sea, while others prefer exclusively foreign coasts. And someone is thinking about a trip to nearby resorts and wonders whether it is possible to swim in the Caspian Sea in the Azov Sea? Let's discuss with the readers of our website “Popular about Health” the advantages and disadvantages of holidays in the Azov and Caspian regions.

Is it possible to swim in the Sea of ​​Azov or not? Points for and against

Most popular resorts on the Azov coast in the Russian Federation are considered Temryuk, Taganrog, Yeisk, the village of Golubitskaya, the village of Achuevo in Krasnodar region and other cities. Here you will not see amazing beauty and mountain landscapes, there are no pebble beaches and tempting coral reefs. Not everywhere the ecological state of the sea can be called satisfactory, but tens of thousands of vacationers come here.

Air, water, nature - these factors contribute to the health of the body of an adult and a child. The Sea of ​​Azov is one of the most useful in the world. The water contains such a number of useful components and microelements that no other product can boast. natural object. Thus, there are 93 chemical elements in the sea that easily enter the human body when swimming.

On the Azov coast there is a surprising combination of sea and steppe air, saturated with iodine, calcium, bromine, as well as the aromas of numerous medicinal herbs. This complex is very useful for the respiratory system, which is why people with diseases of the lungs and bronchi come here.

In addition, the Azov region is indicated for people with problems of the nervous system and cardiovascular diseases. Sea water has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, body thermoregulation, increases overall tone and gives strength. For decades, parents have been trying to bring children with musculoskeletal disorders to the Sea of ​​Azov.

Not only water has a beneficial effect, but also sand, consisting of shells crushed in the sea. Walking along a well-heated sandy beach improves health better than any medicine. The Azov region is famous for its thermal waters, and these are resorts iron Port and Chongar (sodium chloride water), Arabatskaya Strelka (iodine-bromine water). It is useful for women to come here if they have gynecological diseases, inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system, or with skin problems.

In windy weather, it is recommended not only to swim, but also to simply be on the beach, breathing in the healing air. Staying on the beach helps cleanse the mucous membranes by saturating the body with iodine. Sand, which is highly hygroscopic, improves blood circulation, stimulates metabolism, removes fluid that accumulates in the body, and promotes weight loss. During a storm, the Sea of ​​Azov turns into a real hospital containing healing mud, algae and microelements.

You can and should swim in the Sea of ​​Azov! It is worth refraining from traveling to it during periods when there is a massive fish kill and algae bloom (from the end of August). Blooming ragweed can also ruin the holiday for allergy sufferers, so in August-September it is better to choose another resort.

Can you swim in the Caspian Sea or not??

The Caspian Sea and its coasts are one of the most common resorts and attract vacationers from all over Russia. Disputes are still raging over whether to consider this natural object a sea or a lake, but this does not make it beneficial features do not decrease.

The sanitary condition of the beaches of the Caspian Sea also causes a lot of controversy, and some of them are often closed due to severe environmental pollution. However, in the summer this does not stop tourists, and the number of vacationers amounts to tens of thousands.

The most dangerous in the Caspian Sea are oil pollution and sewage water. However, such resort areas have long been closed to holidaymakers.

Holidays on the coast can bring enormous health benefits, so doctors recommend periodically traveling there with children. Caspian sea water contains many minerals and useful trace elements. It is recommended to come here for arthrosis, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and those who have respiratory diseases.

The healing power of sea water and the surrounding air help strengthen the immune system and also make the body more resistant to pathogens of dangerous tuberculosis. Immunologists claim that magnesium ions contained in the sea contribute to the activation of processes such as cell division and the formation of bone tissue. Iodine, which is found in considerable quantities in air and water, has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, stimulates brain activity, and improves memory. Even an ordinary walk along the shore barefoot has a powerful impact on the reflex points located on the feet. This includes the treatment of insomnia, the health of the nervous system, and strong immunity!

Do not deny yourself the pleasure of visiting the Azov or Caspian Seas. Your body will definitely thank you for this. By the sea you can not only relax, but also improve your health.

Azov and Black Sea- the most valuable areas of the country for sea bathing and water sports activities. Their shores combine: a very long period with comfortable weather for relaxation; there are (though not everywhere) beautiful sandy beaches(Evpatoria, Anapa, etc.), there are many places with rich southern vegetation, water temperatures are high in the warm period, reaching 29° in some years near the Crimean and Caucasian coasts. IN southern regions The Black Sea coast is bathed in some years and in winter (in Gagra, Sukhumi and Batumi).

The swimming season in the steppe parts of the Azov and Black Seas averages 4 months, reaching up to six months in the subtropics of the Black Sea region. Under favorable weather conditions in the autumn-winter season, the swimming period in the most favorable area for this type of activity, near Gagra, lasts 7 months.

With some usual delay of spring on the coasts, the swimming season on the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov in deeper water areas and on the shores of the deep Black Sea begins (on average) from the end of May. In the shallow bays of the Azov Sea, already in May you can sometimes swim for 10-15 days, and on the Black Sea shores from Odessa to Novorossiysk - only 4-7 days, to the south - 10-15 days.

There is great variation in the duration of this season from year to year depending on weather conditions, waves, currents and winds.

According to long-term averages, the most favorable months for swimming on the Black Sea coast are July and August. Sometimes during these months, in particularly hot weather, in order to avoid overheating, you should swim in the morning and evening hours (before or after 16:00).

In June, the water in this very deep-water basin is not yet sufficiently warmed up. But as mentioned above, it happens that even at the height of summer you can’t swim on all days. In September, almost the entire month is possible here (about 25 days). In October and the first half of November, if it is not a cold autumn, they also usually swim.

During all months, the swimming season can be disrupted by storms. A significant reduction in the number of days suitable for swimming and water activities is also due to water surges associated with sea currents. They appear in the upper 200-meter layer due to vertical water exchange. During surges, especially long ones, near and near the Caucasian coast, deep water that is much colder than it was at the surface comes to the surface. As a result of intense mixing, the water temperature off the coast drops significantly within a few hours or within one day. This happens especially often when storm winds (with a force of more than 6 points) blowing from the south are replaced by western and then north-western ones.

They excite the strongest and longest currents running from west to east along the Black Sea coast. The transverse circulation that occurs in such a current moves surface water into the open sea, and near the bottom in the coastal strip - towards the shore. The departure of warm waters from the coast and the emergence of deep waters to the surface are observed annually, but not the same number of times and vary in duration and strength.

Thus, in the Alushta region in 1949, this phenomenon lasted 50 days. At the same time, the water temperature can drop by 15 degrees or more, so that in the autumn it happens that after the flush, the swimming season no longer resumes. In the summer, the water gradually warms up and swimming resumes.

Although it has a bad effect on thalassotherapy, such water circulation, however, also has a great positive impact on the condition of the areas, which is especially important during the summer overpopulation of many resort areas of the Black Sea region. It leads to the fact that the rising deep waters on the surface are desalinated by river water and, after the cessation of vertical exchange, do not descend to depth again. Remaining at the top, they enrich the surface layers of water with nutritious salts. In hot years, sea breezes bring cooled water to the shores, which helps mitigate the summer heat and increase the comfort of weather conditions. In addition, the sweeps are of great sanitary importance, which is extremely important in the summer for all the overpopulated Black Sea and Azov shores. When they occur, coastal waters are carried away into the open sea, and much cleaner deep waters take their place.

Azov coast has always been a favorite resort for a huge number of people, it was reputed to be the most accessible area for full-fledged family vacation . It turns out that you shouldn’t go to distant lands, to fashionable resorts. After all, there is a magical place nearby - the village of Dolzhanskaya, located at the base of the Dolgaya spit in the Krasnodar region.

It juts far into the waters of the Sea of ​​Azov, separating the Sea of ​​Azov and Taganrog Bay, ends with a chain of shell islands.

Shallow, warm, of shallow depth, rich in its biological content, Sea of ​​Azov captivates with its unique beauty, one can feel its irresistible charm and enormous attractive power.

Features of relaxation by the Sea of ​​Azov:

firstly, the Azov waters contain a large number (92) of chemical elements that easily penetrate the surface of the skin during bathing. They give our body the substances it needs. Besides, swimming in the sea- magnificent hydromassage;

secondly, the stable and moderate regime of solar radiation characteristic of Dolzhanka allows you to regularly take any course of sunbathing;

thirdly, the golden beaches of the Azov coast - beautiful place for taking sand baths;

and, finally, incomparable air, which the sea saturated with all kinds of healing elements - calcium, iodine, bromine, and the steppe filled with the aromas of herbs.

All this health complex factors Sea of ​​Azov perfectly trains the neuroendocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory systems, has a beneficial effect on thermoregulation and metabolic processes, and increases the vitality of the body.

If you want to take your child to the sea, we recommend going to the Sea of ​​Azov.

Warm its shallow water softens the dryness of the steppe air, and the hot breath of the steppes reduces the humidity coming from the sea. The beaches are fine sandy, gently sloping, partly shallow. In summer, the water in the Sea of ​​Azov warms up to +26°C or more, and the average air temperature is from +25°C to +30°C. In terms of the number of sunny days per year, the coast of the Azov Sea is not inferior to Crimea.

According to long-term data, spring begins in March - on the 10th-12th. The end of spring falls on May 1-5, when temperatures exceed + 15 degrees Celsius.

Summer begins in mid-May. The water in the sea, especially in coastal lagoons, warms up very quickly and already in mid-May reaches 20-22 degrees Celsius, and in July-August - 26-28 degrees (in lagoons up to 30). These are more comfortable indicators than in Feodosia and Yalta, Evpatoria and Odessa, Tuapse and Sochi.

Summer ends on October 4-6. As we see, summer season lasts almost five months, which is conducive to rest.

The climate of the Azov Sea is more comfortable than the Black Sea. In recent years, the water temperature in it in summer often fluctuates from 18 to 24 * C. Therefore, it is better for children and elderly people to choose Sea of ​​Azov- it warms up much better, and there are no such temperature changes.

Having your own home by the sea is a great option. Living at least several months at sea, even without treatment, the body largely copes with diseases on its own.

Arriving relax by the sea, you can not only relax well, but also heal and restore your health. Treatment by the sea has its own name - “thalassotherapy” (from the Greek thalassa - sea). It combines treatment with sun, water and air. Also, the sea is an excellent opportunity to heal with air, sand and mud.

In order for your health to withstand the test of the resort and not worsen chronic diseases, it is very important to let it get used to the stress gradually.

According to doctors, basic oxygen renewal of the body occurs within at least 30 days. Permanent residence at sea has, as you see, a huge advantage. However, even two weeks of rest have a huge healing effect on the body.

Thalassotherapy (sea water treatment).

Due to the high salt concentration sea ​​water pulls out from the body all the “harmful” mucus that it encounters (from the skin, oral cavity, maxillary sinuses). In addition, due to iodine and salt dissolved in water, it has antibacterial properties.

Due to the fact that the sea dries out the skin, skin diseases - psoriasis, dermatitis - are treated.

Since sea moisture contains most of the elements of the periodic table, it saturates the body with minerals and trace elements, and therefore strengthens the immune system.

The temperature difference when moving from air to water creates a hardening effect, which tones the cardiovascular system.

In the treatment of skin and heart diseases The main procedure is swimming or just bathing. It is best to swim in the sea at a water temperature of 20 to 27 C. Best time for swimming from 10 to 17 hours, when the sea is already warming up. Breakfast before swimming should be very light: a full belly overloads the heart. If the meal was large, then you need to wait 2 hours before entering the water. Having undressed, you should not quickly enter the water; first you need to expose your body to fresh air and the sun, let it breathe a little. This way you will avoid unfavorable sudden temperature changes. If your body is sweating, let it cool down in the shade before entering the water, otherwise you may become hypothermic. To avoid hypothermia in the water, you don’t need to sit there until your toes and goose bumps develop.


Aerotherapy - treatment with air, an active method of hardening and increasing the body's defenses. Due to the drying effect of sea air on the bronchial mucosa, their inflammation decreases;

Sea air is saturated with ozone, a gas that kills harmful bacteria and makes the air sterile;

To be treated with sea air, just breathe it. It is useful to sleep on the coast in the shade after lunch (often the body senses this itself). The air near a stormy sea is especially healing - it is full of ozone.


Heliotherapy is the use of solar radiation for therapeutic and preventive purposes.

Sun rays through the eyes act on the brain, stimulating the production of serotonin - the “happiness hormone”, this treats neuroses, mild depression (only pills will help severe ones). This also increases the content of antibodies in the blood, which increases our body’s resistance to infectious and viral diseases;

Ultraviolet rays trigger skin renewal processes, which treats pustule rashes, psoriasis, eczema;

Heat warms the skin and joints, helping them heal from chronic diseases.


Sand baths (psammotherapy, from the Greek word “psammo”, which means “sand”).

Heat deeply warms the tissues, which improves metabolism in the joints and accelerates their recovery;

Mechanically, it irritates small nerve endings, which reflexively strongly tone the deeper organs of the abdominal cavity and muscles. As a result of this, metabolism is stimulated in them, and the removal of toxins is accelerated;

Silicon oxide, potassium, calcium and magnesium carbonates, penetrating from the sand through the skin into the body, help eliminate toxins.

Reduce swelling of joints, help increase mobility in them;

Resolves inflammatory processes in the ENT organs and the female genital area;

Restores impaired functions of peripheral nerves (neuralgia, neuritis, radiculitis).

For patients with tuberculosis, pregnant women, malnourished people and children under three years of age, sand baths are strictly contraindicated.

Mud therapy.

The main healing factors of the Azov coast, along with the climate, include sulfide-silt and mineral water. They include organic and inorganic substances, enzymes, vitamins, hormones, and biological stimulants. Mud is famous for its multifaceted therapeutic effects on many chronic inflammatory diseases, incl. and in gynecology. Masks and applications applied to areas of the human body have a resolving and anti-inflammatory effect, tighten pores, and activate the muscles of the surface layer of the skin. Mud applications have a complex beneficial effect on the basic functions of the body - blood circulation, breathing, metabolism. Arthritis, osteochondrosis, diseases of the nervous system and upper respiratory tract are especially effectively treated.

Simple in appearance, but very rare in its composition, sulfide-silt mud has a whitening effect and prevents skin aging. A mud mask contains a large amount of nutritional elements, so masks made from it, in combination with massage, help smooth out wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones, soften the skin, moisturize it and give freshness.

The secret of its excellent healing properties is that it contains substances similar to antibiotics, and microelements, metals, acids, vitamins and even biogenic stimulants like female sex hormones that are vital for the body.

Healing mud, despite its healing properties, is contraindicated for patients with tuberculosis, hypertension, varicose veins, tumors and acute inflammatory diseases.

There are several sources of healing mud on the spit; the largest and main one is the estuary in the village itself. Many vacationers come to Dolzhanka specifically for treatment with this unique mud.

In this place, the bottom of the bay also consists of silt mud, people claim that the sea mud is no less useful than in the estuary, during even slight waves, the sea in this place becomes brown due to the healing silt raised from the bottom, and then it’s quite simple enter the water to take healing procedures!

The bay in this place is very shallow and salty, the water is usually like fresh milk!

Dolzhanskaya is one of the most environmentally friendly resorts in the south of Russia. Favorable climate, the presence of healing mud, clean sea water, saturated with nutrients - all this contributes to good rest and recovery.

The holiday season on the Sea of ​​Azov is open - tourists should take note. Useful articles on “Subtleties of Tourism”.

The Sea of ​​Azov is a high-quality and inexpensive holiday Outdoors. The popularity of the coast is steadily growing not only among residents of the CIS countries, but also among European countries.

For a comprehensive holiday on the Sea of ​​Azov!

The Azov coast pleases all visitors with high-quality European infrastructure in the areas of accommodation, food and entertainment. The abundance of a wide variety of hotel-type facilities leaves ample opportunities in choosing the location and accommodation that is suitable for each specific case and the complexity of the services provided. So, you can turn to the services of sanatoriums or hospitals that will provide health procedures, or you can rent a room at a recreation center or settle comfortably in the private sector. In any case, your holiday impressions will remain positive, because there is warm sun, amber water, golden sand and the kindness of people.

The abundance of sun on the Sea of ​​Azov allows the swimming season to open in early May, and sometimes at the end of April. While the end of the summer period is celebrated only at the beginning of October. So long holiday season combined with the richness of nature makes holidays on the Sea of ​​Azov very popular among different segments of the population. In parking lots near recreation centers you can see both many domestic cars that have already been tested, as well as new foreign cars of the executive class.

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To the Azov coast for recovery!

  • for citizens of the Russian Federation it is enough to take with them a passport and a birth certificate for children;
  • Those who want to get a lot of different entertainment should visit resort village Kirillovka;
  • for amateurs have a good rest you can learn to skysurf, windsurf, or try yourself in exploring the underwater world;
  • A good place for a relaxing holiday is the resort areas of Primorsk and Arabatskaya Strelka.
  • Where to stay: if your goal is beach holiday, choose among a variety of hotels, boarding houses and guest houses in Bonton Yeisk, the invariably windy Dolzhanki and Primorsko-Akhtarsk, as well as the sunny village of Golubitskaya. For those who prefer a reasonable balance of beaches and excursions, we recommend staying in Rostov-on-Don, Azov or Taganrog. In addition, they are waiting for their guests