Epiphany swimming in the Mediterranean Sea. Residents of Sevastopol intend to swim in the Black Sea at Epiphany Epiphany beliefs

In general, I have never swam in open water at Epiphany in my life. Although I really wanted to do this specifically for Epiphany (I believe somewhere subconsciously that this is very good for a person). But I don’t like cold water; the moment of entering it and adapting to the temperature always stresses me out. And although I swim for ordinary person– not an athlete, very good, I usually don’t swim that much.

But this year I decided that, after all, since we were at sea for Epiphany, and the weather, frankly speaking, was warm, there was no point in being a coward and not going for a swim. Moreover, when we walked along the shore and tested the water with our hands, although it seemed cool, it was not at all icy. And for many days, here and there, people were often seen swimming in the sea and sunbathing, like in summer, in swimsuits and swimming trunks.

In short, I decided and did it. I finally took a swim! When we arrived at the beach, I didn’t think about it for a long time, so as not to change my mind. The weather was sunny, warm (I think 22-23 degrees), although the breeze was blowing, it was weak and also warm. In general, I undressed, went into the water, dived, swam and came out. My husband didn’t even expect such agility from me (usually it takes me two hours to get ready to go into the water, even in the heat), I barely managed to get my camera out.

Record speed of preparation for swimming And here is the swimming itself

The impressions from swimming were the best. The water turned out to be cool, but absolutely not icy. 18-19 degrees. It was not painful for me to enter. I swam not for long at all, but fully, i.e. she lowered her face and breathed into the water; I didn’t swim far either. Looking at me, my husband decided to swim (although, in my opinion, he had no intention of doing so). But for him this is not a feat, because... He swam here and in an ice hole in Finland several times last year.

But the most surprising thing for me was not the bathing itself, but the feeling after it. To be honest, I thought that I would run out of the sea and, trembling all over, quickly dry myself, change clothes, and begin to warm up in the sweater that I had taken with me. No, nothing like that. I calmly went out and stood sunbathing and drying in the sun for probably 40 minutes, or even a whole hour. There were no bouts of shivering from the cold. It's the same with my husband. My daughter also really wanted to take a swim. But she was refused. Probably more due to the inertia of consciousness and a little laziness, although it is a little scary to bathe a child in January. For the first time we decided to wet our feet. But I think next year we will definitely give our daughter a bath. Moreover, in mid-November we swam wonderfully, and the water was not that much warmer than it is now. And, by the way, on our beach the water is apparently even colder than everywhere else in Alanya, because... The Dimchay mountain river flows into the sea very close by, and this gives its own temperature effect. In any case, in the fall the difference in water temperature on different beaches was felt.

My daughter and I run to soak our feet in the wonderful sea water for Epiphany We wet our feet in sea water for Epiphany

In a word, Epiphany bathing went perfectly. No one got cold or started sneezing. And we even sunbathed afterwards. The day went well, and the mood was cheerful and cheerful.

Feast of the Epiphany. Photo webplus.info



A little history

A string of New Year's holidays ends with Baptism or, as it is otherwise called, Epiphany. The holiday, which originated about 2 thousand years ago, is celebrated on January 19, in memory of the baptism of 30-year-old Christ by John the Baptist in the waters of the Jordan River. The Gospel says that on that day the world appeared Holy Trinity- The Lord in three forms. During the Baptism, the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in the form of a dove. At the same time, a Voice from heaven proclaimed: “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”

Many historians also associate Epiphany with Crimea and Prince Vladimir.

Having raided Tauric Chersonese (Korsun) in 988, the prince forced Byzantium to marry Princess Anna to him, and when she arrived, he was baptized and married her. At the same time, the prince’s squad was also baptized. After this, Prince Vladimir with his wife, retinue, and Greek clergy arrived in Kyiv, where in the same year 988 the baptism of Russians began on the Dnieper, chroniclers write.

The place of the Baptism of Vladimir Svyatoslavich was immortalized, and the Vladimir Cathedral was erected in Chersonesos. Thousands of people still come to this temple to worship the land from where, according to legend, the Orthodox faith spread throughout Rus'.


According to custom, on January 18, the whole family, as before Christmas, gathers at the table. Only Lenten dishes are served, and what is popularly called Poor Kutia is prepared. It received its name due to the fact that a strict fast was observed the entire day before Epiphany. Believers perform an interesting ritual - “Exile of Kutya”. Its essence is that you need to take the pot where kutya was cooked and smash it against the gate, while saying: “Get out, kutya, out of kutya!” In some regions of Ukraine, mainly in the West, they also give generously on this day.

In churches (and there are more than 500 of them in Crimea), water is blessed, which gains special power and healing properties. Epiphany water heals wounds, it helps to ward off any disaster. According to old customs, in the morning after a night church service, you need to sprinkle every corner of your home with holy water, and then there will be order and peace in the house.

In addition, from the very morning, January 19, daredevils plunge into ice baths. They say that Epiphany water from reservoirs is especially good for preserving health and beauty - it’s not for nothing that since ancient times everyone has been taking a dip in the ice hole, and girls are in a hurry to at least wash their faces with water from the river so that their faces will be rosy. It was believed that the water in reservoirs remained holy for at least three more days after Epiphany. But all its unique properties disappear if they rinse clothes in an ice hole or throw dirt or anything else into the water.

Baptism in Chersonesus. Photo kazaki.crimea.ua


It is customary that on the feast of the Epiphany a solemn religious procession is performed. So, in the Crimean capital, according to information from the Simferopol and Crimean diocese, the procession will take place in three columns: the first from the Holy Trinity Convent, the second from the Peter and Paul Cathedral, the third from the Church of the Three Saints. Moreover, all three columns will converge at the Cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky, which is under construction, where the Great Blessing of Water will be performed.

In Yalta, the religious procession will begin from the main church of St. Alexander Nevsky and will pass through the streets of the city.

In Sevastopol, the main events will begin in the Vladimir Cathedral of Chersonesos:

Believers will walk through the ancient settlement to the sea, and a festive service will be held here.

In Evpatoria, a prayer service will be held at St. Nicholas Cathedral, after which parishioners and clergy will make a religious procession to the sea.

Where in Crimea do people take baths?

You can experience Epiphany in almost all regions of the peninsula. Naturally, most people use it instead of an ice hole sea ​​water. So, in Yevpatoria last year, after the holy water prayer service was served, mass Epiphany bathing began. Having received the blessing of the holy fathers, about 50 ordinary townspeople, as well as 16 Evpatoria and 8 Saka walruses, entered the sea. In Sevastopol, in 2011, the water in the Chernorechensky reservoir was blessed, and in addition to ordinary citizens, representatives of the city authorities also took “baths”. In the Black Sea near the village of Orlovka near Sevastopol, Crimean Speaker Vladimir Konstantinov, members of the Presidium and deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea took their annual Epiphany bath.

On January 19, you can go to the Toplovsky St. Paraskevievsky active convent, which is located in the village of Topolevka, Belogorsky district. In the Church of the Holy Martyr Paraskeva, a cross with the relics of the holy saints of God is kept. There are holy springs here where you can immerse yourself in the font.

In addition, a massive celebration of Epiphany is expected in the Fairytale Valley of the Red Caves, which is located in Perevalny, Simferopol district.

Here, on the night of January 18-19, Father Dmitry will conduct the first rite of consecration of water. And on January 19, before the start of the festivities, the second one, and everyone who plunged into the font will be treated to cranberry liqueur.

When a person who has plunged into the font comes out, we will provide him with 30 grams of cranberry liqueur, prepared according to age-old Russian traditions,” said Natalya Kustova, coordinator of club institutions at the Dobrovsky village council.

There will also be traditional Epiphany fortune-telling and sports competitions for men “Well done”.

Ablution is also performed in the crystal clear waters of the Jur-Jur waterfall. In winter, this waterfall leaves an absolutely fabulous impression. It seems that somewhere here, behind the centuries-old oak trees covered with frost, Morozko and Metelitsa live.

On the feast of Epiphany, a religious procession is made to the sea. Photo KIA

10 tips for beginners

At Epiphany, many rush to dive into the ice hole and wash away their sins. But despite its simplicity, the immersion process requires serious preparation. If properly prepared, a person with average health can easily endure a one-time dive. But, if he is even slightly weakened, in three or four days he will have to pay for his courage.

1. Before diving, you should definitely consult a doctor. For people with diabetes, arrhythmia, kidney problems, and women with gynecological diseases, alas, it is better to forget about the ice hole. Hypertensive patients may even have a stroke.

2. A week before diving, it is better to start preparing your body for the cold. For the first 3-4 days, it’s enough to go out onto the balcony for a minute in shorts and a T-shirt. In the remaining days, add cold water dousing. One or two (in the last two days) bowls of cold water will be enough.

3. Also, a week before swimming, you need to exclude citrus fruits, greens, rose hips and other foods rich in vitamin C from your diet. After all, it stimulates the immune system, and it is not necessary to stimulate the immune system more than the act of winter swimming will do: it will be too much, the immune system will drop significantly ".

4. Your clothes and shoes should be easy and quick to put on and take off. Dress appropriately. Ideally, clothes should not have fasteners at all, in extreme cases - a zipper. Take a rug. You will stand on it while you dry yourself and change clothes. Don't forget your hat - put it on as soon as you jump out of the water.

5. Not all weather is suitable for swimming. The ideal temperature for beginners is from 2 to 5 degrees below zero. You can risk diving into even colder temperatures, but -10 is already a dangerous threshold for a person trying to dive into an ice hole for the first time.

6. The ice hole should be well cleared of ice fragments so that you do not slip and get hurt and to make it easier to get out. It is advisable that it has a ladder or a shallow area for easy exit from the water.

7. Two hours before diving, you must eat a hearty meal, that is, provide the body with “fuel”. When you find yourself in cold water, your body will begin to frantically spend all its resources on heating and not a single kilocalorie will be superfluous.

8. Enter the water warmed up and gradually. This makes it easier to bear the cold. To warm up before the procedure, you can run, squat, or do active movements for a few minutes. Enter the water slowly, at an average pace: if slowly, you may have time to freeze, but if quickly, you may become frightened, severe stress, pulse and blood pressure rise sharply, and take your breath away. Going up to your knees, rinse your face with water and wash your face. This will also prepare the body for complete immersion.

9. Do not drink alcohol before swimming, otherwise the freezing after going out will be much stronger. In addition, there is a high risk of rupture of blood vessels. After diving, you can warm up with a small amount of alcohol (vodka is best), but regular tea is also perfect for warming up.

10. Don’t sit in an icy pool until you get goosebumps. Chills are a sign that the body has begun to become hypothermic. As soon as you feel this, immediately jump out of the water. On average, it is enough to stay in the water for 10 seconds - you will have time to plunge three times, as required by tradition.

Doctors categorically prohibit children from swimming in the cold. Young children, especially infants, have an imperfect thermoregulation system. Frostbite can happen very quickly and parents simply do not have time to notice it. Several years ago in Moldova, a one-and-a-half-year-old boy died during a baptism ceremony.

On the day of the Epiphany holiday, specialists from diving and rescue posts will be on duty in the organized swimming areas of Yalta, Alushta and Evpatoria.

Beliefs at Epiphany

If anyone is baptized on this day, he should be the happiest person for life

Epiphany hand-shaking (wedding agreement) - to a happy family

If a girl meets a young guy in the evening at Epiphany, this is a good omen; if an old man, this is a bad omen.

On this day you cannot remember the dead.

Signs for Epiphany

If there is a blizzard, snow or drifting snow on this day, there will be a harvest

If the snow bends the branches on the trees, there will be a good harvest, bees will swarm well

There is little snow on the tree branches - don’t look for mushrooms or berries in summer

If on Epiphany evening the stars sparkle and burn, then the old people predicted the fertility of the lambs, then they said: “The bright stars will give birth to the bright white ones.”

Epiphany under the full month means a big flood.

Dogs bark a lot - there will be a lot of game and animals

If it snows in the morning, early buckwheat will be born; at noon it will snow - the average birth will occur; it will be late in the evening.

If the stars shine strongly that night, the bread will be good.

The sky is clear on Epiphany night - there will be a lot of peas.

Bright Epiphany stars mean a good offspring of sheep and will give birth to bright white sheep.

If you can't see the stars, there will be no mushrooms.

If there is a snowstorm on this day, the same will happen on Maslenitsa; if there are strong winds from the south, the summer will be thunderous. If there is a snowstorm, then take revenge on it after 3 months.

In order for the holiday of Epiphany not to be overshadowed by an accident on the water, swimmers must follow a number of rules when preparing for the ceremony, as well as be aware of contraindications and recommendations.

There are no strict rules as such on how to immerse yourself at Epiphany. Bathing involves immersing your head in water three times. At the same time, the believer is baptized and says: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit!” In Rus', since ancient times, it has been believed that bathing at Epiphany promotes healing from various ailments.

Preparing for Epiphany bathing

Before swimming, warm up your body by warming up and jogging.

Wear comfortable, non-slip, and easily removable shoes to prevent loss of feeling in your feet. It is better to use boots or wool socks to reach the water. It is possible to use special rubber slippers, which also protect your feet from sharp stones and salt, and also prevent you from slipping.

  • swimming without representatives of rescue services and medical workers;
  • bathing children without parental or adult supervision;
  • drink alcoholic beverages, swim while intoxicated;
  • bring dogs and other animals with you;
  • leave paper, glass and other garbage on beaches and changing rooms;
  • sound false alarms;
  • jumping into water is not recommended, as this increases the loss of temperature and can lead to shock from the cold;
  • When entering the water for the first time, try to quickly reach the depth you need, but do not swim, you should not stay in the water for more than 1 minute to avoid general hypothermia of the body.
  • After swimming, dry yourself with a terry towel and put on dry clothes.

What happens to the human body in contact with cold water?

By plunging headlong into ice-cold water, the water instantly awakens the central nervous part of the brain.

Short-term exposure to low and ultra-low temperatures is perceived by the body as positive stress: it relieves inflammation, pain, swelling, and spasm.

The body is enveloped in air, the thermal conductivity of which is 28 times less than the thermal conductivity of water. This is the trick of cold water hardening.

Cold water releases the deep forces of the body; the body temperature after contact with it reaches 40º, at which viruses, microbes and diseased cells die.

However, you need to remember that only systematic winter swimming contributes to the health of the body, but immersion in cold water once a year is extremely stressful for the body.

Contraindications to swimming in an ice hole

Winter swimming is contraindicated for people with the following acute and chronic (in the acute stage) diseases:

  • inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx, paranasal cavities, otitis;
  • cardiovascular system (congenital and acquired heart valve defects, coronary heart disease with angina attacks; previous myocardial infarction, coronary-cardiosclerosis, hypertension stages II and III);
  • central nervous system (epilepsy, consequences of severe skull injuries; cerebral vascular sclerosis in an advanced stage, syringomyelia; encephalitis, arachnoiditis);
  • peripheral nervous system (neuritis, polyneuritis);
  • endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis);
  • organs of vision (glaucoma, conjunctivitis);
  • respiratory organs (pulmonary tuberculosis - active and in the stage of complications, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, eczema).
  • genitourinary system (nephritis, cystitis, inflammation of the appendages, inflammation of the prostate gland);
  • gastrointestinal tract (peptic ulcer, enterocolitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis);
  • skin and venereal diseases.

Tomorrow, January 19, Orthodox Christians around the world will celebrate a bright holiday - the Epiphany of the Lord. On this day, many believers risk plunging into the seas, rivers or lakes in order to feel the healing power of Epiphany water and wash away all sins, grievances, and problems. It is believed that after such a bath all diseases go away. However, each person who traditionally bathes in cold sea or river water on Epiphany has his own story. A KIA correspondent took to the streets of Sevastopol to hear stories from citizens.

“On Epiphany I have been swimming in our Black Sea for almost 15 years,” shared local resident Alla. – At first I was forced to do this; at work, the boss gathered us every year on January 19 early in the morning and took us to one of the city beaches. In this way we hardened ourselves and drove away illnesses. Then, a few years later, my grown-up sons began to swim with me. And when I quit my job, I realized that plunging into the sea at Epiphany is already ours. family tradition. Since then, every year we have performed this special ritual for us. Believe it or not, we hardly get sick the whole year after that. Yes, in the summer we have sore throats, but everything is simple here - the household loves ice cream and drinks liters of ice compote straight from the refrigerator. But in times of viruses, we remain healthy.”

“The first time I plunged into the sea was at Epiphany in 2009,” Vladimir told a KIA correspondent. “That year, or rather its beginning, turned out to be very sad for me; my wife died in January. We didn’t have children, my parents died a couple of years before, and I was left alone in this world. And so on Epiphany I decided to take a swim. I didn’t pursue any special goals, I was just wondering what it would be like to swim in the cold. I stayed in the water for no more than a minute, it was terribly cold. But the most interesting thing is that Epiphany water really healed me from my spiritual wounds. After washing, I immediately felt somehow lighter and calmer. Since then, I swim every year and practically do not get sick. This year I’m also going to Tauride Chersonesus - I want to take part in the religious procession and take a bath.”

“My friends persuaded me to swim for the first time on Epiphany,” Vladislav voiced his story. “It was six years ago, I was only nineteen then.” And for me it was just “for fun.” And I didn’t want my friends to laugh. But after the first swim I was hooked! Now every January 19th I take time off from work in the morning and rush to the sea. I try to quickly take a dip and immediately get into the car to warm up. One thing I can say for sure: after such procedures I feel more alert, fresh, active and energetic. Strength immediately appears, I want to move mountains. And tomorrow I will certainly take a swim.”