What seas are there in Israel? Is the Dead Sea a lake or a sea? How many seas are there in Israel? What seas are oceans and where is Israel washed?

How many seas are there in Israel? Which oceans are the seas of Israel connected to? What is the water temperature in the seas of Israel? What is the salt content in each sea? Let's start, of course, with quantity, although as you know, quality is important, but we also have it in every sea! There are 2 generally accepted seas in Israel, and 2 more in which people usually do not see seas. Perhaps let's first understand the term sea. By definition, this large cluster salt water, surrounded by land and with access to the ocean. But here we must not forget that there are seas that, without access to the oceans, are called seas. These are called in Israel: and. These two seas are connected to each other, but the water did not reach the Red Sea, where the water is located due to geographical location. Since we have already mentioned these two unusual Israeli seas, let's start with the more northern one.

Sea of ​​Galilee (Kinneret)

Dead Sea

Perhaps the most famous of the seas of Israel. On one side (east) are the mountains of Moab and the kingdom of Jordan, on the other is the state of Israel. It is currently located at -423(4) meters from the level of the above-mentioned world ocean and its depth decreases every year by a whole meter. There are many reasons for this and they are described in detail in this article. is an internationally recognized resort where tourists from all over the world not only relax, but also receive treatment. Being in such a deep depression created such a layer of air above it that transmits much less ultraviolet radiation than, say, in the Mediterranean Sea. In addition, the air in this layer is very dry, which is great for people suffering from asthma. This unique sea heals people both from skin diseases such as Psoriasis, and from various nervous disorders, both with its air and its water and the silence surrounding this place. It is also possible leisure. Hiking in the mountains, Mount Sadomskaya, nature reserve, and many other interesting things. Dimensions: length 67 km, width at the widest point 18 km, and maximum depth about 380 m. The salt content in this sea is about 33%, for comparison the salt content is 0.25%. The water temperature in winter is +15 degrees, and in summer it reaches +35. Further south along the same Syrian-African fault we reach the city, which stands on the Red Sea, another of the four seas of Israel.

Red sea

Unlike, which is located entirely on the territory of Israel, and from, whose coast Israel shares with the Kingdom of Jordan and the Palestinian Authority, the Red Sea has many masters. Many of you have already visited the Red Sea and formed your own opinion on this matter, but I will just add a little information directly related to Israel. Firstly, brief information about the sea itself. The maximum length of the Red Sea is 2250 km, its maximum width is 355 km, and its maximum depth is about 2211 m. The salt content in the Red Sea is 4.2%. Unlike and, the Red Sea is associated with Indian Ocean! Since the Red Sea is located in a geological fault, which is very deep and not a single river or stream flows into it (around the desert), it is the purest of the seas. Diving enthusiasts from all over the world come here to relax. A large number of diving clubs, water sports of any type, as well as the fact that it is always warm, attract a large number of tourists. The water temperature in the Red Sea in the area, in winter and summer, is +21 degrees. So if you are cold in winter and are bothered by frost, welcome to! You will find many attractions around and if you are tired of lying on the beach, you can visit the underwater observatory, national park Timna, you can ride jeeps through the desert or drive to Petra in Jordan.

Mediterranean Sea

The last on this list of Israeli seas will be the Mediterranean Sea. There are many like it among the lands, but only this is the western and the only border of Israel independent from anyone. We will not give the dimensions of the Mediterranean Sea, since, unlike the three already described seas of Israel, it does not have a constant shape, and more than 20 countries are located on its shores. Let's just say that its maximum depth is 5267m, and it is connected to Atlantic Ocean, but this does not apply to Israel. Coastline Israel on the Mediterranean Sea is boring for a sailor, but attractive for vacationers. Tourists on the Mediterranean Sea in Israel are attracted by both the warmth of the climate around and the temperature of its water. The water temperature in the Mediterranean Sea in Israel in winter is not lower than + 13 degrees, and in summer + 29. Salt content in water Mediterranean Sea from 3.5% to 3.9%. Most of Israel's cities are located on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea or a short distance from it. Accordingly, a tourist who decides to relax on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea will have to choose a city or settlement in which he will stay. Of the well-known cities on the Mediterranean coast you will find, with their rich history and attractions. The seas of Israel are varied, and those who want to see all four seas can rent a car for this purpose and drive about 1000 km from the first to the last sea. And since in Israel there are a lot of other attractions besides the seas, be patient and make yourself a detailed list of everything you want to cover on your vacation in Israel. Have a pleasant and active holiday! For more information about average temperatures in Israel, see. It is believed that in Black Sea The monk seal is still found on the coasts of the Mediterranean and Black Seas, as evidenced by archaeological excavations, have been hunting since the Paleolithic; but now it is impossible to see the monk seal even in the Crimean aquariums.

The small territory of Israel has three seas: the Mediterranean, the Red and the Dead. In addition, Lake Kinneret is often called the sea, the coast of which is also suitable for a beach holiday. Thanks to the features geographical location, in Israel in any season you can find where to sunbathe and swim. A local resorts have well-developed infrastructure and in most cases are located close to historical and religious attractions.

Mediterranean Sea

The most famous resorts The Mediterranean coast of Israel is Tel Aviv, Netanya, Herzliya, Ashkelon and Haifa. Swimming season begins at the end of April and lasts until the beginning of November.

The best time to travel to the Mediterranean resorts of Israel is from March to May and from September to November. Especially good in the fall. During the summer months it can be too hot and stuffy, and the water gets so hot that it is not at all refreshing.

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Red sea

The main resort on the Israeli Red Sea coast, Eilat, is very popular and in demand by tourists, as you can relax here all year round. The sun shines 359 days a year, and the water temperature does not drop below +22 °C.

Eilat amazes tourists with its nature: golden beaches, coral reefs, mountains of amazing lilac color and an abundance of greenery. There are practically no historical sights here, but you can find entertainment for every taste: from discos to shopping.

Eilat is separated from the rest of Israel by the Negev Desert, which occupies more than half of the country's territory.

Entrance to almost all beaches is free; there are sun loungers and umbrellas on the shore. Entertainment: water skiing, snorkeling, diving is especially well developed. True, you need to be careful sea ​​urchins and other dangerous and even poisonous inhabitants of the local underwater world. For this reason, Eilat is less suitable for families with children. Travelers who do not want to dive, but dream of admiring the depths of the sea, can visit the Coral World underwater observatory.

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Dead Sea

The resort of Ein Bokek is located on the Dead Sea. This place is very different from the coastal towns that most tourists are accustomed to. It doesn't have developed infrastructure and local residents. Guests come here all year round, mainly for the purpose of treatment, so everything is built around hotels and clinics.

Shore Dead Sea is located 423 m below sea level and is considered the lowest point of land on the planet. Swimming in this ultra-salty water is only possible on the recommendation of a doctor. Therefore, there are no sunbathing or constantly swimming tourists here. Even a short stay on the shore has a therapeutic effect, as the air is saturated with boron. The shore is covered with sand and salt, and sometimes there is healing mud.

Before traveling to the Dead Sea, you should definitely consult your doctor.

The resort treats diseases of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems, gastrointestinal tract, dermatological and some immunological problems. People rarely come here with children.

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Sea of ​​Galilee (Lake Kinneret)

The Sea of ​​Galilee or the Sea of ​​Tiberias cannot be called real: the water in it is fresh, and in fact it is considered a lake and is called Kinneret. However, and local residents, and travelers often refer to ancient Tiberias as a seaside resort.

Thanks to the excellent climate, you can relax in Tiberias all year round; it’s always interesting there: comfortable beaches, medical treatment mineral springs, active species recreation and sports, as well as excursions to nearby holy places, for example, to Capernaum, where, according to legend, Jesus Christ lived and preached.

Lake Kinneret usually attracts adult travelers, but winter time People also come here with children, since this is the only opportunity to swim.

Among all the attractions of Israel, it is difficult not to notice the magnificent resorts on four amazing seas. Throughout the world, few countries, especially one as tiny as Israel, can boast of their sea ​​spaces, their diversity and beauty.

In the north of Israel there is the Sea of ​​Galilee (also known as Lake Kinneret), with crystal clear and transparent water. Israel's longest, western border is washed by the Mediterranean Sea, with stormy waves and well-equipped beaches.

In the southeast of Israel is the Dead Sea, which is known throughout the world as a unique natural healer. Every year thousands of people come here in need of treatment and recovery.

And finally, in the very south of Israel, in the hottest point of the country, there is resort town Eilat, located on the shores of the Red Sea. This sea differs from others with its indescribable underwater beauty.

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Red sea

The approximate area is 450 thousand km². The air temperature on the Red Sea coast, in the coldest time of the year, is approximately +20 - +25 degrees, and in the hottest time it reaches +40 degrees. The hot climate in these latitudes means that the water temperature here is almost always constant - at least +20 in winter, and reaches + 28 degrees in summer.

An amazing difference from other seas is that not a single river flows into the Red Sea, and rivers, due to their flow, carry sand and silt with them, clouding underwater visibility. Therefore, the water of the Red Sea is crystal clear and ideal for enjoying the underwater, sea beauties.

The stunning, sunny city of Eilat is located right on the coast of one of the most amazing places The Red Sea is a northern gulf that impresses thousands of tourists who fly to Israel. Maximum depth The bay reaches 1300 meters.

Here, along the entire coastline, there is a coral reef of fabulous beauty. It serves as a kind of home for a variety of exotic fish. The reef is rich in all kinds of corals and rare marine plants, in shape and color.

On the coastline there are a large number of diving clubs offering scuba diving to everyone. Here you can take a special scuba diving course and receive a real diver's certificate, valid not only in Israel, but throughout the world, or even easier - rent fins and a mask.

In order to admire the coral reef and its lovely inhabitants, you don’t need to swim far - all the beauty is literally 15 meters from the shore.

You can often see fish right off the shore, at arm's length, they are not at all afraid of people, and it seems that the fish are even asking to be fed. However, feeding fish is strictly prohibited by the Israeli Sea Conservation Organization; a green jeep constantly patrols along the shore and monitors for violators.

The world's first underwater observatory was built on the shores of the Red Sea, allowing you to observe the coral reef through huge glass windows without diving into the water. The observatory has a large number of aquariums and a virtual sea immersion room.

An extraordinary boat with a transparent bottom floats nearby, offering everyone a tour of the sea.

After visiting these places, you simply have to check out the dolphin reef. These are the only and unique mammals that adore people so much. A whole family of dolphins lives in this place, which are carefully monitored and cared for. Dive underwater and watch these funny creatures. Dolphins swim close to people, so you can touch and even play with them.

It is impossible not to mention the various water attractions located along the entire coastline of this wonderful Israeli Sea. Take a ride on motor boat with your friends, or have a romantic date at sunset. Enjoy the sea views on unique glass-bottom kayaks. Experience the adrenaline rush of holding on to an inflatable banana boat towed by a speedboat.

Well, if you are gathered in a large group, we advise you to go on a trip on one of the comfortable liners or yachts, which have swimming pools, jacuzzi, billiard tables, and much more. And in the evening they host discos accompanied by the best DJs in Israel.

This entire fabulous harbor is surrounded by mountains of amazing beauty. At sunset, they take on a bright orange color and delight the eyes of all people. The Israeli resort on the Red Sea is truly considered one of the best in the world.

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Dead Sea

The most famous and popular sea in Israel is undoubtedly the Dead Sea. In Hebrew, “Yam ha-melach”, which literally means Sea of ​​​​Salt. It is located in the southeast of Israel, at the lowest point on our planet - 410 meters, below sea level. On all sides, the sea is surrounded by picturesque mountain landscapes.

Here, compared to other places on earth, the air is much more saturated with oxygen, and the atmospheric pressure is 10%-15% higher. These territories are mentioned in the Bible as the location of Sodom and Gomorrah.

It is called dead because of the huge salt content in the water. There are no living organisms in it, but it contains a large amount of natural minerals. For example, the content of useful minerals in an ordinary sea is about 5%, and in the Dead Sea it is as much as 30%. In addition, the minerals themselves are distinguished by their unique healing properties.

The air temperature in the Dead Sea is significantly higher than in other regions of Israel. Due to the geographical location, a kind of “air cushions” are formed in the air, which do not allow ultraviolet radiation harmful to humans to pass through. Thanks to this, you can sunbathe here safely, but it’s still worth applying sunscreen, since the sun in this place is directly overhead and is very hot.

The water is very oily and constantly warm, like fresh milk, with the exception of two months of winter, but even there you can often see many tourists who arrived in Israel from colder countries.

And the most interesting thing is that due to the high salt content, the water acquires a high density, so it is not possible to drown in the Dead Sea. This amazing Israeli Sea keeps you afloat like a float, creating a feeling of complete weightlessness. Some people lay out regular newspaper on the surface of the water, thereby creating a table for themselves, and play cards on it! In general, your first time swimming in this sea will be remembered by you for many years.

Along the entire Israeli coast, nature has created unique thermal springs and places of deposits of black, healing mud. In order to smear yourself with this mud, which has incredible healing properties, you don’t need to look for it at all. natural formations, it is sold in special bags, in many stores, on the beaches themselves.

Local stores also offer a huge assortment of healing cosmetics and mineral salts for baths.

There are many hotels on the Dead Sea, each of which also offers various wellness treatments - massage, jacuzzi, wet and dry baths, pools with “dead” water, sulfur-hydrogen pools, gyms.

It has been scientifically proven that the health resort at the Dead Sea significantly helps people suffering from psoriasis, various dermatological and rheumatic diseases. Treatment at the Dead Sea will undoubtedly improve your health and well-being! Israel carefully monitors the environmental safety of this sea, so it sandy beaches well-groomed, and the air is clean and fresh.

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Mediterranean Sea

All western border Israel, approximately 240 km. washes the Mediterranean Sea. The average water temperature in summer is 26 degrees, in winter - 18 degrees.

Basically, all the beaches have a soft, sandy bottom, so swimming in it is especially pleasant. Unlike the Red Sea, you are unlikely to see exotic fish in the Mediterranean, but it is famous for its waves and is a favorite destination for surfers who fly to Israel every year.

Most Israeli cities are located on the Mediterranean coast, such as Ashkelon, Ashdod, Herzelia, Tel Aviv, Netanya, Haifa. Haifa is located sea ​​port, through which many different goods enter Israel.

The coastal strip of the Mediterranean Sea has experienced a huge number of different historical events, and has preserved their remains to this day, many of them are real.

These days, the Mediterranean Sea offers us superbly equipped beaches with sun umbrellas, comfortable sunbeds, a variety of shops and cafeterias. In short, everything you need for a real holiday at sea in Israel. There are also camping sites along the entire sea, provided with all the conditions for a comfortable pastime in nature.

The Mediterranean Sea is stormy night life, beach discos are held here, which attract the best DJs from all over Israel. All along the coast, the enchanting, colorful lights of cafeterias and restaurants light up, offering excellent food to their visitors.

The small state in the Middle East contains the main religious shrines for many believers and many attractions that any traveler will not refuse to see. Here, every inch of land literally breathes history and is shrouded in legends, including those about the seas of Israel.
The answer to the question of which sea washes Israel seems obvious only at first glance. In fact, it’s not only in the Mediterranean Sea that you can swim when you find yourself in the Promised Land. Israel also has access to the Red Sea, and its Dead Sea is only essentially a lake, but in fact it is also on the list of seas.

Unique body of water

The Dead Sea is one of the most unusual bodies of water on the planet. Its amazing healing properties have long been noticed by man, and we are not only talking about the waters of the drainless and saltiest lake in the world. Even the air above it has healing properties, thanks to the evaporation of salts and the low location of the reservoir relative to the level of the world's oceans. Travelers may find some interesting facts:

  • The Dead Sea stretches 67 kilometers between Israel and Jordan.
  • The huge concentration of bromides makes sea water and mud excellent therapeutic agents for many skin diseases.
  • The Dead Sea is located at 427 meters.
  • The water of the Dead Sea contains about eight times more salts than the water of the Red Sea, which is considered the saltiest on the planet.
  • The water level in the Dead Sea falls by almost a meter every year, the reason for which is climate change and the shallowing of the rivers flowing into it due to uncontrolled human economic activity.

Main Reservoir

The geographical question of what seas are in Israel has a certain catch, which lies in the fact that Lake Tiberias is quite calmly called the Sea of ​​Galilee here. The freshwater lake is located in the northeast of the country and differs from others similar on the planet in its level relative to the world ocean. Lake Kinneret, as modern Israelis call it, is located at an elevation of 213 meters. The Sea of ​​Galilee is described in detail in the Gospel as the main place of the Savior’s earthly ministry.
In addition to pilgrimage tourism on the shores of Lake Kinneret, beach holiday. Hotels have been built here where fans of the healing springs flowing in the vicinity of the Sea of ​​Galilee stay.