Yiwu China shopping center. Yiwu City China – Shopping Paradise

Just a few hours by train from Shanghai, the world's largest market city, Yiwu, is located in Zhejiang province. It is also called CCC (China Commodity City - the city of Chinese goods). Yiwu, like many other cities in China, has transformed over the past decades from a village into a huge center of trade, where small and medium-sized businesses are concentrated. In 2016, the city's GDP was 111 billion yuan ($16.8 billion).

Yiwu's success is certainly remarkable, but will this market be able to withstand increasing competition from other low-cost markets? foreign manufacturers, such as Vietnam or Bangladesh?

History of Yiwu

Yiwu is located too far from the sea to develop as a port, in addition, the city is located in an area almost unsuitable for agriculture, and there are no mineral resources here. Its development depended entirely on domestic and international trade. And the proximity to Shanghai and Hangzhou added advantages in the logistics sector.

The growth of Yiwu's trade began in the late 1970s, when the first local businessmen began to expand their trade links with more developed cities. The famous Chinese (connections) were especially strong in Yiwu, whereby business information and contacts were quickly exchanged. This was one of the main driving forces behind the development of the market city, given the relatively poor support of the industrial sector.

Yiwu is one of those Chinese cities that demonstrate the success of Deng Xiaoping's reforms launched in 1978. The new pricing system and permission for private enterprise allowed the local tertiary sector of the economy to rapidly develop.

The decentralization of government control over trade to specific areas led to Yiwu authorities launching China's first free market in 1982. Since then, its trade turnover has continued to grow relentlessly.

Today, Yiwu has grown from a simple wholesale market into a whole cluster, which is considered the national economy of the country, and its population is 1.2 million people. It has continuously won government awards for its rapid development and exemplary management. In 2005, Yiwu was named the world's largest light industrial goods market in a joint report by the World Bank, the United Nations and Morgan Stanley.

Products and customers

Heavy industry and high-tech manufacturing are located in the areas around Shanghai, Guangzhou and Beijing. Yiwu, in turn, specializes in the production and trade of light industrial goods. From key chains and toys to cosmetics and jewelry - in total there are more than 300 thousand different items of goods.

Yiwu is international center trade: more than 200 thousand buyers arrive here every day, buying goods covering 40 industries and 2000 industrial categories. In total there are more than 70 thousand points of sale: from small pavilions to the largest shopping centers. The third largest trade fair in China, the International Commodities Fair, is held here every year and is extremely popular, with exhibitors booking their spots a year in advance.

Although the majority of Yiwu's exports are to the United States, the city has extensive trade links with almost every country in the world. Now the emerging markets of Africa and the Middle East are taking the leading positions.

Closest competitors

Despite the amazing success of Yiwu's economy, there are now some doubts about its bright future. The conditions that led to its rapid growth are gradually weakening. Rising overhead costs are forcing buyers to consider alternative options for locating production in countries neighboring China.

Having many infrastructure problems, the so-called "Mighty Five" group of countries (MITI-V: Malaysia, India, Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam) nevertheless offers a viable alternative to China's increasingly expensive labor force. But for many companies this option is still unacceptable.

The low price of labor and raw materials in China's neighboring countries does not always outweigh their other disadvantages. Developed production infrastructure, 30 years of international trade experience, technology and production efficiency, legal aspects, as well as cheap and convenient logistics - all this will keep China afloat for many years to come. However, this applies to heavy industry, mechanical engineering and high-tech industries.

Light industry will eventually partially move to other countries. For this reason, in order to survive, Yiwu needs to transform its economy over time, relying not on the sale of cheap small goods, but on quality, high-quality service and a developed logistics system. Yiwu will then be able to strengthen its status as an international exhibition and trade center.

Yiwu (or - yiwu) is located in the southeast of Zhejiang province, in China. This is a commercial city developing at an incredible pace. In the past twenty years, tremendous changes have occurred in its development, the city has become China's largest base for the export of consumer goods, and one of the largest wholesale markets for household goods in the world. In fact, it has been China's number one market for industrial products for the past 17 years.

Yiwu City (China) has ancient history, but the most important pages in it have been written for the last twenty years. Its population is more than one and a half million people, among whom almost seven hundred thousand are local residents. These places are home famous people China: Luo Bingwan - one of the outstanding people in the early Tang Dynasty, Dzun Ze - a general of the Sun Dynasty, and many others. But first of all, Yiwu is known as a trading center, i.e. This is the city that occupies a leading place in the world in the number of fairs and the range of goods.

Less than twenty years ago, in these places there was a county center, unknown to anyone, now it is a city on the map, in which people from opposite ends of the earth work and live. Once the main occupation was agriculture, now it is the capital of public goods. Despite the fact that Yiwu is geographically unattractively located and is not a leader in terms of resources, in recent years it has been rapidly growing economically.

This city achieved prosperity thanks to trade. Statistics say that every day the number of retail outlets reaches over two hundred thousand people, and goods from the city are exported to two hundred districts. In these places, 400 thousand types of goods from 1,900 industries are traded every day, so you can safely call the city a paradise for buyers. By 2005, Yiwu's product turnover was about 40 million yuan and the place was named the world's greatest specialized market by the UN.

Interesting information about Yiwu attractions

The main attractions in the city are not only shopping centers and fairs. Here is the largest aquarium in the entire province. It is located on the territory of Paradise Park. At the same time, the old city boasts buildings from the Ming and Qing eras, as well as ancient paintings and ancient ceramics. In the old part there are streets where tourists can see bridges, temples and gazebos.

Yiwu has a park that opened in 2003 and is located on the waterfront of Xiuhu Lake. This park is located in the central part, and the lake itself was here during the Song Dynasty. The very center of the water surface is decorated with a pagoda, an island that can be easily reached by boat that runs between the park and the square.

Amazing news for real shoppers

The city is constantly building new markets, you can easily discover an unknown shopping center, because in Yiwu (China) there is an active policy of incentives so that even more capital is brought into the manufacturing and service industries. Today, the city accommodates 10 thousand industrial enterprises, and over 59 billion yuan per year is spent on industrial production.

Residents in these places say that for them the client is the main person, without him they will remain poor. That is why shopping in Yiwu is a pleasant experience, and any buyer will be satisfied with the assortment. The city of Yiwu is a place that China can be proud of, because it has become a real paradise for tourists, where it is possible to find virtually any product. But the main attractions in these places are the long shopping streets and colorful fairs.

Location of Yiwu in China

You won’t immediately find the city of Yiwu on a map of China, because by the standards of the country it is quite small. Its exact landmarks are 300 km south of Shanghai, 150 km west of Ningbo, or 150 km north of Wenzhou, and another 100 km south of Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang province. For your first acquaintance with Yiwu on the Internet, it is better to find interactive map, which is an object based on the latest topographic measurements with satellite imagery. To view the details, you can familiarize yourself with the schematic image, which is always online. This way you can look at neighborhood plans based on your priorities. As a traveler, such a city map gives you the opportunity to plan your future route.

Yiwu is the largest shopping center in China

Let us return to the fact that, despite the parks and recreation areas, ancient buildings and attractions, the city of Yiwu is the main market of a country like China. Its service sectors are colossal, and not only in trade. There are about 650 hotels in the city, which means that 40 thousand clients can be accommodated overnight. There are also numerous restaurants with Chinese cuisine and another thirty South Korean and even Muslim ones.

Have you ever been to Yiwu, China? Yiwu is the world's largest wholesale general goods market.

Location of Yiwu

Yiwu is located in central province Zhejiang, connecting Guangdong and Fujian to the south and Shanghai to the north. It is 300 km from Shanghai and 120 km from Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang Province. Transport is convenient with highways and railways connecting most large and medium-sized cities. More than 20 airlines were opened for big cities, like Beijing, Hong Kong, Guangzhou, etc.
>>Shanghai to Yiwu, Hangzhou to Yiwu

Yiwu Weather

Located in the subtropical monsoon climate zone, Yiwu has four distinct seasons, enjoying a mild and humid climate, with an average annual temperature of 17℃. The high temperature is in July, with an average of 29.3℃, and the lowest in January, with an average of 4.2 ℃.
>> Yiwu weather

History of Yiwu China

Yiwu, meaning loyal crow in Chinese, was the name from an old beautiful tale about crows helping good people. Yiwu, original name as Wushang, was founded in the Qin Dynasty, or around 222 BC. However, its long history flourished already in the Neolithic era. Araturyuk first appeared in the year 624 AD, the Tang Dynasty, and then continued for a good 1300 years. Until May 1988, 1300-year-old Araturyuk was promoted to the upper level named Yiwu. A long history has left this city quite good stories and culture like martial arts, Wu Opera and the 300-year-old Da Si Pagoda in Xiuhu Park, which you will find quite interesting in some of the articles below.

Yiwu Population

Yiwu now has 716,000 local residents and over 1 million labor migrants, including about 40,000 foreigners from Korea, the Middle East, South America and other parts of the world. The total population reaches 1,800,000. After living in Yiwu for many years and searching from the Yiwu market, many foreigners have already accepted Yiwu as a second hometown and are playing an increasingly important role in the local community. One thing that has never happened in other cities in China is that these businessmen may even take seats in the Yiwu People's Congress to have their say on Yiwu politics. Yiwu Arabs - An article about how Yiwu Arabs, a larger population than Shanghai Arabs, work/trade and live in Yiwu.

Yiwu Economy

Yiwu's economy is one of the fastest growing in China since the national opening up. Something similar in Shenzhen. The streets that were dirty and scattered with COW DUNGS for 20 years are now packed with a series of BMW7 and Benz. More about Yiwu Economy Yiwu Fair also makes a great contribution to the success of Yiwu's economy. Yiwu is currently one of the top 10 exhibition cities in China. Yiwu Market Guide also offers one stop service for the 2010 Yiwu Fair.
>>Yiwu Economy

Yiwu transport

Yiwu now has a 4C class airport carrying more than a dozen air routes to Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shantou, Changsha. This airport even served HK-Yiwu direct flights for several months last year. The facilities are qualified for international flights. Hong Kong Yiwu non-stop flight operates annually.
>>More about Yiwu Airport.
Train Station Yiwu is one of the most advanced middle train stations in China. Currently, trains departing from Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Nanjing and other large and medium-sized cities can directly reach Yiwu every day. More than 60 trains depart from Hangzhou to Yiwu every day, and you can go to Hangzhou directly from almost all major cities in China by train. Express trains from Shanghai just need two hours to get to Yiwu.
>>How to get to Yiwu from HK, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Beijing, Shantou?

Yiwu Urban

Xiuhu Lake Park, Yiwu Riverside Park, Yiwu Wetland Park are my three recommendations. They are all inside the city and very easy to walk. See them in Yiwu Attractions Yiwu international trade city is also a national landscape AAAA place. More detailed information to Yiwu International Trade City Here are some good Yiwu Photos

Yiwu Restaurant

Yiwu Restaurants, like its commodity wholesalers, are rich in variety. Islamic restaurants, Korean restaurants, Indian restaurants, Brazilian restaurants, Japanese restaurants... All people are fleeing from their own countries, not Chinese. Of course, there are also many traditional Chinese restaurants and Western food. And you will also have to try some real Yiwu food. Explore more Yiwu Restaurant today!

Yiwu tree city, flower city

People chose the camphor tree as the city tree at the 11th Yiwu People's Congress on July 30, 2002. According to the Yiwu government, there is one over 1000-year-old, four over 800-year-old, 103 over 200-year-old and more than a thousand 100-year-old camphor trees in Yiwu.Ever green camphor tree symbolizes prosper and prosperity forever. PEOPLE like it. Yiwu has a long history and outstanding plant cultivation technology in China roses. Colorful China roses bloom all year round, which also symbolizes long-lasting prosperity. They are wide-set and beloved by the Yiwu people.

Yiwu Culture

Yiwu markets have made Yiwu famous in China over the past 30 years. Yiwu International Trade City has made Yiwu famous all over the world in the past 8 years. However, Yiwu Martial Arts has kept Yiwu famous in China for over a thousand years. Wu Opera, also known as Jinhua Opera, is one of the oldest operas (has a history of 400 years) in China. The earliest days of Wu opera can be traced back to the Ming Dynasty (AD1386-AD1683). The name comes from Wuzhou, the former name of Jinhua.

Yiwu (in English "Yiwu", in Chinese义乌) is a city with a population of about 2 million people, located in the east of Zhejiang Province. The city is famous primarily for its developed international trade in light industrial goods.

Formally, Yiwu is just a city of “district significance”, under the control of the “district center” - Jinhua. But Yiwu is better known than Jinhua, both within China and in other countries.

Exit from Futien Market and view of the business district in Yiwu

Modern Yiwu

Yiwu has been developing so rapidly in recent decades only thanks to the Futien International Wholesale Market. This is a kind of “city-forming enterprise”. Today it is a huge complex of buildings, more than 150,000 showrooms of manufacturers and trading companies from all over China.

Futien is the most successful wholesale market in China. The project aims to provide an opportunity for many manufacturers from all over China to show their products directly and “live” to customers from different countries. In fact, this is the largest exhibition that never closes.

Many cities and regions wanted to attract buyers from all over the world and had similar projects, but only in Yiwu did everything work out so well. Now Futien and Yiwu are one of the most attractive places in China for those who want to find suppliers and do business related to the export of goods from China. Yiwu competes only with Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and Yiwu always has more attractive prices and it is not necessary to buy goods in whole containers.

One of the reasons is the competent economic and administrative policy of the region. Yiwu has special conditions for local and, most importantly, foreign companies.

Main entrance to Futien Wholesale Market District No. 1

The second reason is the Futien complex itself. Perfectly organized space, convenient location, huge size - more than 150,000 showrooms of manufacturers from all over China.

Developed infrastructure - more than a hundred hotels, many office buildings, warehouses, developed transport network - getting to Yiwu is not difficult.

Foreigners can easily reside in Yiwu without strict supervision from the authorities. They can open their offices and representative offices of companies - also according to a simplified procedure. Such economic freedom ultimately bore fruit - there are many purchasing offices and purchasing agents from all over the world in Yiwu, which only increases trade turnover.

The city continues to grow, new districts of the Futien market, a business and financial center, warehouse areas, factories, representative offices of suppliers and manufacturers are being built.

Business and financial district under construction in Yiwu

Nowadays, delegations of government officials from other cities and regions of China are not uncommon in Yiwu. They are trying to learn from the experience of the city’s economic development. Many conferences and events are held at the regional and government level.

The city is home to a large number of foreigners, most from India and the Middle East - the largest buyers in Yiwu, purchasing the largest volumes of products in quantitative terms. These are mainly purchasing agents, trading companies, purchasing offices of foreign companies.

Currently, due to the fact that there are more and more foreigners in Yiwu, many of them are employed not only directly in the field of international supplies. Many are engaged in business in the service sector - many European, Muslim, Arab restaurants and cafes, hairdressers, hotels and so on are open. As well as Christian churches and mosques.

In the recent past, just a few years ago, a huge number of replicas of famous brand products were produced in Yiwu. Nowadays the rules have become stricter and copies are becoming harder and harder to find.

Business district in Yiwu, China

The city continues to be actively developed - new roads, bridges, entire residential areas, shopping centers. However, population growth is currently in question.

Most of the residents are “migrant workers”; the main indigenous population in Yiwu is only about 600-700 thousand people. In 2015, there was a decline in trade both in China in general and in Yiwu in particular. Therefore, no one knows whether the city will continue at the same rapid pace. Everything depends on the economic situation in the world, on the demand for goods.

There are more than 100 hotels in Yiwu - from the most inexpensive to the Marriott Hotel. Most of them are also located near Futien Wholesale Market.

The airport in Yiwu accepts flights within China, it is not international. You can fly here from Beijing, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Urumqi and other cities.

Yiwu, near District No. 3 Wholesale Market

There is also a bullet train station, part of China's high-speed train network. On high speed trains can be reached from Shanghai, Beijing, Hangzhou and other cities. The station is currently being expanded to accommodate more and more passengers.

The Yiwu Port logistics center is located in Yiwu. This is a colossal building that includes warehouse space, commercial and government organizations, and also, most importantly, the customs office.

You can load a container into Yiwu Port and immediately, without leaving the complex, carry out all the customs clearance procedures required in China. This is very convenient; later the container is sent to sea ​​ports already “cleaned” - saving time.

Office buildings near Futien Wholesale Market in Yiwu, China

Yiwu is also the beginning of a “new silk road" - containers leave from here to Europe and Russia via the new high-speed railway. For example, goods travel to Moscow by rail in only about 14 days. True, prices are still high, but in the future everyone expects further development of this path and lower prices.

In the future, this is a real alternative to sea transport. First of all, this route is interesting because of the speed of delivery of goods.

The most famous market in Yiwu is the Futien International Wholesale Market and Exhibition. We’ll tell you about it in detail; it’s the largest market in the world.

There are other markets in Yiwu that are no less interesting. In general, we can say that Yiwu, together with other nearby cities, is the best place in China to travel to purchase a wide variety of categories of goods.

So, now in more detail:

International Wholesale Market-Exhibition "Futien".
Yiwu International Trade City (Mart).

When they say “Yiwu market”, they usually mean “Futien”. It is the largest wholesale market in China and the world. It is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest market, the largest exhibition, and even the largest building on Earth in terms of area.

This is not just a “market” in the sense that most people understand - you come and buy goods from the counter. Essentially, this is an exhibition where manufacturers display product samples and accept wholesale orders. You don’t even need to think about the fact that you can buy something here at retail. Wholesale orders only.

Divided into "districts" - areas. Separate buildings, but they are all connected to each other. The total length is about 3 km. Total there are about 100,000 showrooms of manufacturers and sellers. It is simply impossible to go around the entire Futien and carefully examine all the products.

Each area of ​​the district exhibits its own types of goods. Rarely does the assortment overlap. That is, each region specializes in its own type of product. It is possible that you will not even look at other districts, you will work only in one and that will be enough. Perhaps even only on one floor of one district.

Let's look at each district separately:

District 1

The "oldest" market area in Yiwu. But it is still the most visited, since very popular goods for purchase are exhibited here.

1st floor.

Artificial flowers. There are mainly ready-made flowers for interior decoration, but also ritual flowers. Accessories for flower production. Also here you will find a huge amount of packaging for flowers (both artificial and natural), various materials for decorating bouquets, products for creativity based on artificial flowers and much more. This is not the only place in Yiwu to buy flowers - there is also the Materials and Equipment Market, the flower factory district in Yiwu.

Toys. Huge range of toys, one of the largest toy markets in China, rivaled only by Shantou Toy City. Here you will find soft toys, plastic toys, educational toys, art kits, electrical toys and much more. More than 3,000 manufacturer showrooms.

2nd floor.

Hair ornaments. All types of elastic bands, “crabs”, hairpins, tiaras and everything you can imagine as a hair decoration. Mostly the goods are presented by small factories, the quality and prices are very different, the choice is huge.

Bijouterie. Yiwu is rightfully considered the “costume jewelry capital” of China. About 70% of costume jewelry and decorations in the world come from here. More than 5,000 suppliers and manufacturers. Jewelry of all possible types - rings, earrings, bracelets, chains, whatever. Materials - cheap alloys, copper, bronze, stainless steel, gold plated, real silver, wood, stone. The best place to buy jewelry simply cannot be found anywhere else in the world.

3rd floor.

Accessories for jewelry, materials for jewelry production. Here you will find everything for the production of jewelry and for creativity - chains, pendants, stones, beads, glass and acrylic crystals, wooden parts, metal. For any jewelry production and creativity according to the most low prices in the world.

Photo frames. Made of wood, metal and glass. Classic and modern. From factories directly.

Souvenirs. A huge selection of souvenirs and interior decoration products. Figurines, paintings, candles, magnets - any kind of souvenirs you can imagine.

New Year's goods. A huge selection of tinsel, Christmas trees, toys, firecrackers, Santa Claus hats and everything else that is useful for the holiday. The selection of New Year's goods does not end there - also visit the New Year's goods area in the city of Yiwu itself, not in the market area. There's even more choice there. All major wholesalers from Russia purchase here.

4th floor

Artificial flowers. If on the first floor you will find cheap options, mainly ritual ones, then on the fourth floor you will find more expensive and high-quality flowers. For interior decoration, holidays, copies of natural flowers. Very high quality.

New Year's goods. Continuation of the New Year theme - even more factories, more interesting and expensive jewelry, toys, figures, unique things. Be sure to go see it.

Interior products. Dear and beautiful. Stylish and designer items for decorating the interiors of houses, restaurants, etc. public institutions- statues, mirrors, figures, paintings, interior “things”, designer interior products cannot be described in words - you have to look.

Stone jewelry. Expensive and high-quality jewelry made from natural stones.

District 1 East

Continuation of District 1, new building, opened in 2016.

It was built due to the fact that the demand for costume jewelry, jewelry, accessories growing steadily every year. There just isn't enough space in District 1. An additional building was built.

There is no point in listing them by floor - the entire area is dedicated only to decorations and everything connected with them.

Here you will find all types of jewelry, jewelry, hair accessories. A huge number of “spare parts” for costume jewelry, which can also be used as art supplies. These are beads, crystals, waxed cords, fishing lines, chains, locks, ropes - you can’t list everything.

But this is not enough - in the city of Yiwu there is a special separate area for accessories for jewelry and art supplies. It is not in the market area, check with your purchasing agent and be sure to visit this area.

District 2

1st floor.

Umbrellas, raincoats, raincoats. From simple to expensive and high-quality umbrellas. Umbrellas for cafes. Canopies and tents. And at the same time raincoats, waterproof raincoats and much more. These products are united by the materials from which they are made - waterproof fabrics.

Bags, suitcases, backpacks, wallets. Huge selection and range of prices. Mostly represented by factories directly. Of course you can order your own designs and models. But even so, you can find many interesting models on the market. Attention! There are no copies of brands in Yiwu, not at all! Don't even try to come and find a Dolce Gabanna bag and the like - you can get that in Guangzhou.

2nd floor.

Electronics. LEDs and LED equipment for home and outdoors. Electrical installation kits - sockets, switches, adapters. Various electrical equipment. Headphones. Chargers and power banks. Everything for cell phones. Bluetooth speakers. Video cameras, video surveillance systems.

Tools. Hand and power tools - all types. All kinds of household goods - ropes, tarps, fences, metal products, wheels, carts, gardening supplies and much more. Everything you might see in the tools and household goods section of your local supermarket.

Bicycles, hoverboards and motorcycles. Factories present their products - hoverboards, electric scooters, segways, bicycles, motorcycles (both gasoline and electric), ATVs, jet skis and similar products.

3rd floor.

Electronics. Continuation of the electronics theme, as on the second floor. But on the third floor there are more products for cell phones and cars - cases for cell phones, video cameras and DVRs, chargers, flash memory cards, speakers, microphones, karaoke systems, TVs and video panels and much more.

Kitchen. Here you will find dishes made of both ceramics and metal. All kinds of bottles, thermoses, mugs. Pots and pans, multicookers and lunch boxes. As well as knives, forks, spoons and similar products. Everything for the kitchen and cooking.

Flashlights and lamps. Huge selection of flashlights and portable light sources.

Batteries. Manufacturers of household and industrial batteries present their products here. There are copies of brands.

Watch. Wall and wrist. Electric, mechanical, huge and small - a huge selection of watches.

4th floor.

Compressor equipment, welding equipment.

Continuation of the topic with tools- hand and power tools in unimaginable quantities.

Plumbing. Both engineered plumbing and “white” plumbing are presented here. Here you will find ball valves, sinks, and faucets. Manufacturers from different regions of China are represented. The choice is truly amazing.

Tents, garden furniture. Everything for tourism and gardening - furniture, awnings, awnings, tents and related products.

Watch. Continuation of the clock theme from the third floor. On the fourth you will also find separate mechanisms and separate straps.

Children's electric cars and strollers. Children's electric cars (Mercedes, Audi and the like) are now popular. And also other children's vehicles- bicycles, scooters, strollers.

On the fourth floor you will find all products that are found on other floors- so be sure to come up and take a look.

District 3

1st floor.

Stationery. On the first floor there are mainly pens, pencils, and felt-tip pens. But there are also other stationery products. On the second floor there is even more choice.

Glasses. Sun protection and vision correction. You can also order lenses and frames separately. And of course, commercial equipment for selling glasses, cases for glasses and much more.

Gift wrapping. Cardboard gift boxes, gift bags, wrapping paper - it's all here.

2nd floor.

Stationery. Continuation of the stationery exhibition. Here you will find absolutely everything - from a pencil to a stapler. Folders, "files", notepads, everything for school, markers, hole punches - everything that relates to stationery is here.

Sports goods. Tennis rackets, balls, jump ropes and more Sports Equipment. Also skateboards, protective equipment and much more.

Award paraphernalia. Flags, medals, cups, certificates of honor and plaques. Useful products both for those who do business related to sports goods, and for those who work with government agencies and simply deal with souvenirs and awards.

3rd floor.

Cosmetics and accessories. Here you will find all types of cosmetics and accessories - sponges, sponges, brushes and so on. There are really a lot of cosmetics, they are of high quality, directly from the manufacturers. Many brands order goods here under their brands.

Combs and mirrors. Yes, a separate segment of the market is dedicated to combs. A separate type of business - here you will find factories that produce only combs.

Buttons and zippers for clothes.

Accessories for clothing production. You will find a variety of stickers, stickers, rhinestones, labels, tags and much more. All small clothing accessories are here.

4th floor.

Sporting goods. More serious suppliers and complex products. Treadmills, exercise bikes, equipment for fitness centers, massage chairs, everything for boxing and other sports.

Cosmetics. Continuation of the cosmetics exhibition.

Salon. Everything for hairdressing salons - tables, equipment, consumables. Specialized products for hairdressing and professional beauty salons.

Fishing. Lots of fishing products. Everything you are looking for on the topic of fishing is here. Fishing rods, spinning rods, nets, bait, clothing and much more. Interesting and professional suppliers. There are many buyers from Russia - many suppliers speak Russian, you don’t even need a translator, just come.

Tents and tourism. Manufacturers of tents, tourist backpacks, clothing, sleeping bags, and tourist furniture have opened their showrooms here. The prices are very interesting, everything that is in the showrooms is just the tip of the iceberg, ask the factory what else they produce - the range is very wide.

5th floor.

Pictures and baguette. Finished paintings, reproductions, frames, mirrors and photo frames. As well as baguette and everything for the production of frames. Better come early - many close at 3-4 pm. Please note that in Yiwu there is a “baguette area”, not in the market area, you should definitely look there too.

District 4

The largest market area in Yiwu. The main products here are everyday goods. What you see in supermarkets in the non-food section. All major chains of supermarkets and hypermarkets shop here - hence the huge areas of the fourth district.

1st floor.

Socks and tights. A huge number of socks, tights, leggings and similar products. Prices and quality - for every taste, as they say. If you are seriously engaged in business in the field of socks and tights, also come to the nearest city of Datang - the city of socks. There is a huge market dedicated only to socks and tights.

2nd floor.

Hats and caps. Knitted hats, summer hats, straw hats, baseball caps and other headwear.

Gloves. Knitted, leather, high quality and cheap. And even rubber and latex.

Everyday goods. All kinds of household goods - buckets, mops, sponges for washing dishes, storage systems, detergents and everything else that you see in supermarkets every day.

3rd floor.

Yarn. Mostly acrylic yarn. but natural wool is also found. Ready for sale in skeins and reels. Wide choice of quality and price, interesting designs.


Lace. As well as decorative ribbons and accessories for decorating textiles.

Shoes. There really is a huge selection here. But there are no copies of brands, don’t even try to look. The rest is anything. Sneakers and sports shoes, sandals, winter shoes, flip-flops, children's shoes and much more.

Ties. A separate segment of the market is dedicated only to ties.

4th floor.

Belts. Leather and synthetic materials. And also separately material for the production of belts, separately buckles. We are ready to make a belt for any order.

Underwear. Women's and men's underwear. Again, no copies of famous brands. But if you want to create your own brand or simply buy high-quality underwear, you are welcome.

Scarves. Scarves and women's shawls. There is also a scarf area in Yiwu, be sure to go, there is even more choice there than at the market. Although, it would seem, there is much more - even on the scarf market you need 3-4 days to view everything.

5th floor.

A little bit of everything from all the other floors, go up and take a look.

District 5

1st floor.

It is especially not interesting for purchasing in bulk from China. Here are the products imported to China.

But it’s interesting to see - there are stores with goods from Korea, Africa, the Americas, Russia and other countries. Above each store you will see the flag of the corresponding country.

Go to any one - they sell it at retail. Mostly you will find wine, other alcoholic drinks, food - everything that the Chinese buy in other countries. If you need to buy a couple of bottles of real French wine, come here.

2nd floor.

Bed sheets. As well as bedspreads, pillows and other bedding. Not everything is 100% cotton, choose carefully. Mostly synthetics disguised as cotton. But the items are of very high quality and the designs are interesting, not Chinese.

Products for creativity. Diamond mosaic, embroidery and other similar products.

3rd floor.

Fabrics. Fabrics for clothing and interior fabrics. There is no point in describing in detail - here you will find anything you want, you just need to come and choose. Factories present their products directly. There is also a “fabric district” in Yiwu - go there too, not many can afford rent in the market itself. If you want to delve deeply into the topic of fabrics, welcome to the neighboring city of Quechao.

Pet supplies. We moved to District 5 from District 2. All kinds of pet products, including for aquarists. Clothes for animals, houses, leashes, food and much more.

4th floor.

Auto parts. For any car. There is a peculiarity - do not try to ask for catalogs. Prepare a list of what you need by VIN code. Otherwise they won’t even talk to you. They don’t like to “work to order” here - bring real orders, know exactly what you need.

Automobile accessories. Here you will find car air fresheners, covers, lights, flashing lights and all sorts of things for “tuning” lovers.

5th floor

It was mainly occupied by online stores and warehouses.

But nevertheless, rise up and look. Here you can find products from all over the market - from toys to socks.

Market of Materials and Equipment.
Yiwu Production Material Market.

Not long ago the Materials and Equipment Market opened. Few people know about him - take advantage of the moment. What can you find here? Mainly industrial and manufacturing equipment. But not only that, let's take a closer look:

1st floor

Artificial flowers. Yes, in the materials and equipment market. There is a peculiarity - you will find here more materials for the production of artificial flowers - die-cutting, plastic parts, stems and the like. There are also ready-made flowers and trees. Be sure to come - prices are lower than at Futien. Don't forget to also go to the area of ​​flower factories - you will also find a lot of interesting things there.

Medical equipment. Consumables and equipment. Do you supply hospitals and dentists? You will find a lot of interesting things here.

2nd floor.

Equipment for printing.

Equipment for packing. For both food and non-food production.

Storage equipment.

Equipment for the food industry.


Generators. And other equipment for energy.

Equipment for the production of ropes and weaving.

Sewing machines. Sewing machines, industrial equipment for workshops and much more.

Measuring equipment.

Compressor equipment.

Laser machines. Laser cutting and engraving, both for household and industrial purposes.

And much, much more - perhaps we saw it and didn’t even understand what it was :)

3rd floor.

The floor is completely dedicated lamps and lighting equipment.

Here you will find both industrial lighting equipment, video panels for advertising, lighting poles, and “household” - chandeliers and lamps for the home.

Including chandeliers and premium lamps - the kind you can only hang in a theater. And in the Materials and Equipment Market in Yiwu.

4th floor.

Completely dedicated to the skin. Leather as a material for production- in rolls, wholesale.

Here you will find both natural and artificial leather. Any colors and quality. The largest leather market is in China. If you are involved, be sure to come.

The market for materials and equipment is also divided into “districts” - from 1 to 10. But the difference between them is not so noticeable. They smoothly transition from one to another, you won't even notice. The main division is by floor.

Wholesale Clothing Market.
Yiwu Huangyuan Market.

Yiwu is also home to a huge clothing market. But not many people liked it.

The fact is that the clothes here are mostly cheap, and most importantly, there are no copies of brands. All interesting stylish and high-quality clothes are in Guangzhou. If you are engaged in clothing, it is better to go to Guangzhou. There is more choice, there are brands, and the quality is higher.

But what if you need cheap, simple clothes from China? Then welcome to Yiwu. Consumer goods, so to speak.

1st floor.

Pants and jeans. No brands, just regular Chinese jeans at low prices.

2nd floor.

Men's clothing. Once again - no brands. Cheap Chinese clothing for men. Jackets, suits, shirts, sweatshirts and so on.

3rd floor.

Women's clothing- the same features.

4th floor.

"Pajamas"- sleepwear, homewear. This is where it gets more interesting. Who needs brands in home clothes? And here you will find decent quality and very low prices.

Sportswear. Also a very interesting section. Here you can order sportswear for football, basketball and other sports. Everything will be made to order - with your logos, emblems and other requirements. If you are into sportswear, be sure to come take a look.

5th floor.

Baby clothes. There are surprisingly many interesting models, and the quality is high. If you deal with children's clothing, you will be pleasantly surprised by the quality and prices.

Informal markets

Rent in the markets, in these huge buildings, is quite expensive. Not every manufacturer can afford it. And there simply isn’t enough space for everyone - markets are constantly increasing the area for new showrooms.

One opened his own “shop” on the ground floor of an ordinary residential building, next to it was a second supplier with the same product - and after a couple of years there were already hundreds of them in one area. This is how areas began to form in the city of Yiwu, which in themselves are already markets.

What areas are there in Yiwu:

New Year's goods. Tinsel, toys, Christmas trees, garlands and other New Year's decorations.

Scarves. All kinds of scarves and scarves.

Accessories for jewelry production and creativity.

Area of ​​artificial flower factories. Prices are noticeably lower than at the Futien market.

Area of ​​bags and wallets.

Packaging equipment area.

Printing houses- You can order packaging for your products separately.

Fabrics and fur.

Area of ​​natural stone products.

And some others. Come, we’ll show you and tell you everything we know.

Markets in cities closest to Yiwu

There are other towns around Yiwu that have factories and also have markets. Perhaps the prices will be lower, perhaps you will find something that was not found in Yiwu. If you want to study your topic deeper and the market in Yiwu was not enough, you can go to these cities.

Jinhua. Toy factories are located here. There is no market as such, but you can visit many factories that produce toys and goods for children's creativity.

Yongkang. Hardware City. This is where cheap metal doors and other metal products come from. But hoverboards, motorcycles and other vehicles are also produced here. Yongkang has its own market where you can find metal products, tools, household goods and much more.

Datang. City of socks. The entire city is built on the production of socks and tights. Datang has its own market. The socks market accordingly.

Oui. Hui produces large vehicles - ATVs, cars, snowmobiles, tractors and much more.

Donyang. City of wooden goods. Here you can find toys, furniture, interior items and other wood products. The city is famous for its artistic wood carvings.

Quechao. City of fabrics. The largest wholesale markets and exhibitions of fabrics are located here. Curtain fabrics, fabrics for clothing, blankets, bed linen. The largest selection in the world.

There are other cities. If you're planning to come, let's discuss what goods you plan to purchase and what factories you can visit. Unless, of course, the market in Yiwu is not enough - which is unlikely.