Where a plane carrying gold bars crashed. Game currency in World of warplanes

A miracle has happened and every single tanker will be able to receive free bonus from WG in the form gold World of Tanks in the amount of 1000 gold. Unprecedented generosity fell on the heads of the players of RU servers from the developers, now everyone reading this article is thinking to themselves - well, come on quickly... where can I get the promised gold? Where to click and get gold? Guys, this is not a scam or a joke, anyone can get 1000 gold for free for WoT.

How to get a bonus of 1000 years World of Tanks:

In the Wargaming company system there is a “Single Account”, you need complete 10 combat missions in World of Warplanes, after receiving 1000 units of gold in airplanes, we go to World of Tanks tanks and naturally we see one thousand gold credited to the WoT account.

List of combat missions that must be completed to receive one thousand wot gold:

  1. - Kill two defender aircraft during the battle. (Do it three times reward: 50 gold coins )
  2. - Destroy three ground targets during the battle. (Do it three times reward: 55 gold )
  3. - Destroy three enemy aircraft while defending your territory. (performed for any number of battles, reward: 60 gold )
  4. - Earn 1,000 capture points in any number of battles. ( reward: 75 gold )
  5. - Blow up four enemy air defense guns in one battle. ( Prize money: 50 gold )
  6. - Capture an enemy airfield; participation in a successful capture is counted. ( Prize money: 120 gold )
  7. - Take part in the capture of the plant. ( Prize money: 120 gold )
  8. - Take part in the capture of an enemy military base. ( Prize money: 120 gold )
  9. - Kill three strike aircraft in any number of battles. ( reward: 100 gold )
  10. - Be in the top 5 in terms of battle points. ( reward: 250 gold )
After completing all the tasks, we don’t spend gold on planes, we switch to tanks and voila, 1000 free gold in our hangar.

Note: You need to log in to the planes with the same login and password as in the tanks - YOU DO NOT NEED TO REGISTER A NEW ACCOUNT AGAIN ON THE PLANES.

How to earn extra gold in World of Tanks:

- If 1000 gold is not enough for you and you want more freebies and don’t want to throw money into gold, there are a couple more options to collect gold even to buy a premium lvl 8 tank such as IS-6, T34, Leva, etc.
- Service which has been working for a very long time allows you to earn gold for any games, including World of Tanks, we go in and complete free tasks and get gold. The service has been tested and works 100%. You can learn more about this site.
- IN this moment We are testing 1 service and two mobile applications for earning gold, after which we will report the results of this test.

Note: Dear players, do not try to find a freebie, you will lose a lot of time and nerves. Guys, don’t be fooled if you are offered to buy a cheat for gold - this is 100% a scam, and a large number of sellers of bonus codes are scammers!

For players who need a good twink or ( Register a new account), you can coolly combine a bonus from Wargaming for 1000 free gold with an invite link or a working invite code for 2018. To do this, you need to do a number of manipulations in a certain sequence, you can even say in a strict sequence - I repeat, this option is suitable for players who register a new account or twink!!!

Brief instructions for registering a new account (Twink) with an invite code for wot 2018 + 1000 gold:

  1. 1. Go to the official World of Tanks website Wargaming.net To fill out the registration form, click create a new account.
  2. 2. Next, fill out all the registration fields for the new account and in the “Do you have an invite” field enter the invite code - there are currently working ones or
  3. 3. Copy the invite code into the registration form in the line “You have an invite.”
  4. 4. Click “Register”, go to your email (Email), confirm registration.
  5. 5. We go into the tanks and undergo training we get premium tank T29 and 500 gold + silver + 3 days premium .
  6. 6. Change the password and link the phone + 400 gold.
  7. 7. Download the aircraft client, if the World of Warplans game is installed, log in with the same login and password that you registered the tanks with, complete 10 combat missions and get another 1,000 gold , thanks to a single account, there will be 1000 gold on your World of Tanks account.

To summarize: You get premium tank T29, 1900 gold, 10 days of premium account + silver. Having 1900 gold on your account, you can additionally buy any premium tank of any level 5 nation such as: Churchill III, Matilda, Valentine, Pz. T35, Pz. T 15, M4AE24, Matilda BR, Excelsior, Chi-Nu Kai. Not only can you buy an additional premium lvl 5 tank, you will also still have 400 gold left, since the price for a premium lvl 5 tank is 1500 gold.

Do you have any questions?- you can safely ask them in

Dmitry Krylov

When taking off from an airfield in Yakutia, the wind tore off one of the hatch flaps of a cargo An-12, and almost 3.5 tons of precious metal, an alloy of gold and silver, fell out of it. The bars scattered across the runway and surrounding fields, as well as throughout the car market located next to the airport. However, no one was hurt. The regional investigative committee is conducting an investigation into the incident. The owner of the cargo is a Canadian gold mining company operating in Chukotka. Its representatives stated that all the bars were collected. However, according to social networks, local residents have already gone in search of gold.

  • telegram channel "Sledkom"

On Thursday, March 15, an unusual incident occurred in Yakutsk - several tons of gold bars fell from an airplane. The precious metal was delivered by cargo flight from the Kupol deposit in Chukotka to Krasnoyarsk. At the Yakutsk airport, the An-12 refueled and at 12:51 local time departed for its final destination.

During takeoff, the air flow tore off one of the doors cargo hatch, and part of the cargo was lost. The crew of the aircraft decided to return to Yakutsk, and soon the plane successfully landed at Magan airport.

The bars scattered across the fields around the airport and the adjacent car market. The runway was also covered with precious metal.

The area where the cargo fell was cordoned off by law enforcement officers. In the first hours after the incident, 172 ingots weighing 20 kg each were found.

Based on the incident, the East Siberian Transport Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation began a pre-investigation check. According to the preliminary version, the incident was caused by improper securing of the cargo.

No one was injured as a result of the fall of cargo or aircraft parts.

“The cargo hatch flap fell onto the territory of one of the local car markets, free from buildings and Vehicle. There was no material damage as a result of its fall,” the regional investigative committee said in a statement.

Gold of Chukotka

The total weight of the cargo was 9.3 tons. Thus, at a price of 2425.42 rubles. per gram, the cost of the bars on board reaches almost 22 billion rubles.

According to the Investigative Committee, the gold belongs to the Canadian company Kinross Gold, which is developing the Kupol mine.

The company has been operating in Russia since 1995 and is a major foreign investor in the Russian gold mining industry. In Chukotka, Kinross Gold, in addition to Kupol, is developing the Dvoinoy mine. The production capacity of the gold recovery plant is 4,500 tons per day. Since 2008, the company has produced 5 million ounces of gold and 50 million ounces of silver. The mines produce more than half of the total gold in the region.

A Kinross Gold representative told Interfax that there were so-called Doré bars (an alloy of gold and silver) on the plane and all of them were found.

“All the cargo has been collected, so there is no question of insurance. I would also like to note that there were 7 crew members and 2 company representatives on board. None of them were injured,” said Stanislav Borodyuk, head of the Moscow representative office of Kinross Gold.

He also noted that the plane was flying the usual route: from the Kupol mine to Yakutsk, where the plane refueled, and then to Krasnoyarsk.

“This is one of the routes we usually transport cargo. Now the cargo has been collected and is under guard,” Borodyuk added in an interview with RIA Novosti.

Ownerless plane

The Yakutsk airport claims that the aircraft was checked before departure and was in good working order.

“We note that the plane was prepared for flight by technicians who are part of the crew. After they checked the plane before departure, they filled out a work order card for the operational and technical maintenance of the aircraft. According to this document, the plane was operational and prepared for flight,” the airport’s press service said in a statement.

According to the report, the flight was operated by Nimbus Airlines. However, Nimbus denied the involvement of their aircraft in the incident.

“We have five aircraft in our company, but we do not operate An-12. I can’t explain anything more about this whole story. We’re now trying to figure it out ourselves,” airline director Alexey Tresvyatsky told RT.

According to Kontur.Focus, the Novosibirsk airline Nimbus was founded in 1992. The founders of the enterprise are CJSC “Production Company “Termoplast” and businesswoman Svetlana Khlustina. The airline is headed by Alexey Tresvyatsky.

The airline regularly enters into contracts with government agencies for the provision of air transportation services. So, in 2017, Nimbus provided its aircraft for aviation protection of forests. In addition, the airline collaborated with the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Enterprise for the supply of products of the Presidential Administration Russian Federation" Over the last year alone, 12 contracts were concluded with the company for a total amount of 57 million rubles.

According to financial statements for 2016, Nimbus's revenue amounted to 157 million rubles, and net profit - 330 thousand rubles.

Golden fever

According to local media reports, the population of Yakutia has been gripped by a gold rush. And although law enforcement agencies and the owner of the cargo reported that all the bullion has already been found, residents of the region are trying to find gold in the snow-covered fields in the vicinity of the airport.

The precious metal that fell from the sky became a reason for jokes. For example, in taxi calling applications, local residents place orders for the transportation of bulk cargo from the airport, and drivers are promised payment in gold.

An emergency happened at the airport in Yakutsk in the Republic of Sakha. The An-12 transport plane was supposed to fly along the route Yakutsk - Krasnoyarsk - Kupol mine. However, when the aircraft began to gain altitude, its hatch flaps suddenly became damaged. As a result, its lid fell off, and the contents of the plane - gold bars - spilled onto the runway.

Airport employees immediately prohibited other planes from taking off and landing, cordoned off the runway and called investigators. Meanwhile local residents The “gold rush” took hold and they began to actively comb the territory adjacent to the airport. However, all the valuable cargo was quickly collected before them, and is now under guard.

“No one was injured as a result of the incident. The cargo hatch flap fell into the territory of the car market, free of buildings and vehicles. The aircraft landed safely at the airport in Magan. The preliminary cause of the incident was improper securing of the cargo,” the journalists were reassured. They added that

In total, about 9.3 tons of gold in 20-kilogram bars fell onto the runway.

The press service of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation emphasized that a pre-investigation check has been launched into the incident, the period of which ranges from 10 to 30 days. As a result of this, either a criminal case will be initiated or a refusal will be issued.

The press service of the Yakut airport also gave its comment on the incident. “On March 15, during takeoff from Yakutsk airport, the left side of the cargo hatch was torn off by the air flow of the An-12 cargo plane of the Nimbus airline. It should be noted that the aircraft was prepared for flight by technicians who are part of the crew of this vessel. After they checked the plane before departure, they filled out a work order card for the operational and technical maintenance of the aircraft,” they said.

Gazeta.Ru managed to get through to the Nimbus airline, which owns the plane that transported the gold. “We appointed our own internal commission to establish all the reasons for what happened, which flew to Magan and then arrived in Yakutsk. After finding out all the reasons for the incident, we will make an official statement,” the organization promised.

According to information from the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the gold that fell on the “take-off” of the Yakut airport belongs to the Chukotka Mining and Geological Company. Currently, more than 70% of its shares are owned by the Canadian company Kinross Gold.

According to the head of the Moscow representative office of the company, Stanislav Borodyuk, since the cargo has been collected, there is no question of insurance. He added that the bars are an alloy of gold and silver.

“We were transporting a gold-silver containing Dore alloy, mainly silver. The plane flew the usual route that this cargo is usually transported: from the Kupol mine, with refueling in Yakutsk and then to Krasnoyarsk,” Borodyuk said. He found it difficult to say whether the plane was old or not, or whether the company would change carriers.

“This has never happened before. All decisions will be made by our company based on the results of a thorough investigation of the incident,” a company representative said.

Let us note that the An-12 is far from a new machine. Work on its creation began in the 1950s after the direct instructions of General Secretary Nikita Khrushchev. These “transport workers” were assembled at three different factories: in Voronezh, Tashkent and Irkutsk. In 1973, production of these aircraft, which were widely used for both civil and military purposes, was discontinued. However, it now remains in service in a number of major countries around the world, including Ethiopia, Angola, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Ukraine. There are as many as 36 An-12s plying the Russian skies; there is currently no such number of aircraft of this type in any country in the world.

Over the long history of operation, over 220 vehicles of this type were lost. Some of them were destroyed during the war in Afghanistan, as well as numerous conflicts in African countries. The largest emergency with the An-12 occurred in February 1963. An Indian Air Force plane then crashed into a mountain due to difficult weather conditions in the Rohtang Pass area. There were 98 people on board the aircraft; no one managed to escape.

The weight of the fallen part of the cargo is about 3.5 tons.

No one was injured as a result of the incident. There were five crew members on board the plane.

According to the YakutiaMedia agency, citing eyewitnesses, in addition to gold, the plane was carrying diamonds and platinum. Part of the cargo ended up on the airfield. Security forces have cordoned off the area, and increased police control has been established at the airport.

As noted on the airport’s website, the plane belongs to Nimbus Airlines. The An-12 was checked by technicians before taking off. According to the documents they filled out, the plane was in good working order. The crew decided to return the aircraft to Yakutsk. The plane landed safely at Magan airport, 12 km from the city.

An investigation is underway to determine the cause of the incident.

Nimbus Airlines did not respond to RBC's calls.

The gold mining company Vysochaishy told RBC that the incident “has nothing to do with them.” A Seligdar representative also stated that the company had nothing to do with the incident. ALROSA told RBC that they do not transport their products on the An-12. Polymetal also claims that the spilled gold does not belong to them; the company noted that they are not currently mining in Yakutia, but only geological exploration.​

Kinross Gold Corporation, which owns the Kupol mine, declined to comment.

RBC also sent a request to the Polyus company and the State Unitary Enterprise Komdragmetall of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

The head of the information policy department of the administration of the head and government of the Republic of Sakha, Roman Mandzyak, told RBC that, according to preliminary data, the plane was carrying cargo for the Krasnoyarsk refinery.

“The plane was flying from Chukotka with a landing in Yakutsk for refueling, and was flying to Krasnoyarsk. According to available information, valuable metal was transported. When opening the sash, part of the load fell onto runway. As far as I understand, we have a refinery in Krasnoyarsk. Apparently, cargo was being transported there. The investigation will continue for now,” he explained.

According to Mandzyak, the Yakutsk airport did not take part in servicing the aircraft. “The maintenance was carried out by the crew; they had their own technicians. There are no casualties,” he added.

A pre-investigation check is being carried out on the incident with the An-12 aircraft in Yakutsk, according to the Telegram channel of the Investigative Committee.

In Russia in 2017, 255 tons of gold were mined, including 24 tons in Yakutia. More than 60 enterprises mine gold in this region.

Nimbus Airlines was registered in 1992. The main activity is cargo air transport. According to the SPARK database, its owners are the production company Termo-Plast and the individual Svetlana Khlustina. The company also works under contracts with government agencies: Avialesookhrana, the Ministry of Natural Resources of Khakassia, the Novosibirsk Air Base, etc. Since 2015, Nimbus has completed government contracts totaling more than 100 million rubles. The airline's revenue in 2016 amounted to 158 million rubles, net profit - 400 thousand.

A good promotion for receiving gold and premium days for World of Tanks. True, you will have to sweat not in tanks, but in airplanes. Where you will need to complete almost 10 tasks, for each of which you will be awarded game gold.

We remind you that game gold (gold) and premium account for the games World of Tanks and World of Warplanes are the same and if you earn it in airplanes, then it also applies to Tanks.

Comments on the game World of Warplanes:

Airplanes 2.0 are cool, much more interesting than before. Many guys fly free on airplanes so as not to suffer in the tanks. Fly lvl 10 in a week without strain, 2-3 hours a day, free up to 1k per battle of not high lvl. I have work, I went and bought 1k gold, 200 rubles, ugh. There is no work, but there is time, 200 rubles and for 4 hours the norm... playing, having fun.

All tasks to get 1000 gold:

  1. Destroy two defender aircraft during the battle. (Complete in three battles, reward: 50 gold)
  2. Destroy three ground targets during the battle. (Complete in three battles, reward: 55 gold)
  3. Destroy three enemy aircraft while defending your territory. (completed for any number of battles, reward: 60 gold)
  4. Earn 1000 capture points for any number of battles. (reward: 75 gold)
  5. Destroy 4 air defense guns in one battle. (reward: 50 gold)
  6. Take part in the capture of the airfield. (reward: 120 gold)
  7. Take part in the capture of the plant. (reward: 120 gold)
  8. Take part in the capture of a military base. (reward: 120 gold)
  9. Destroy three strike aircraft in any number of battles. (reward: 100 gold)
  10. Be in the top 5 in terms of the number of battle points earned. (reward: 250 gold)