Where and how to relax in China? Holidays in China by the sea. Reviews about holidays in China China holiday where is the best place to go and when

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Holidays in China

Holidays in China

Holidays in China

China- This amazing country, which attracts tourists with its culture and ample opportunities for varied recreation. Vacations in China are liked by very different people, since here everyone can find something of their own - attractions, noisy nightlife, exotic cuisine, beaches, shopping and much more.


China is enough big country with a huge number of resorts. We will try to describe the most popular of them.


Hong Kong

Entertainment center in China. It is famous for its vibrant nightlife and low prices for local goods.


The city of flowers with numerous cultural attractions.


A resort in Tibet, the main religious center of China with many monuments of Buddhist architecture.


A city on the border of Russia and China, with great shopping opportunities.


A large cultural and business center in southern China, very popular among tourists.


The capital of China, with numerous cultural and historical attractions and very wide opportunities for active and interesting recreation.


Tropical island in southern China, perfect place for beach holidays and diving.


A resort with a very vibrant nightlife and excellent opportunities for inexpensive shopping.


The best ski resort in China, which also has all the conditions for various types winter and active recreation.


IMPORTANT: It is most comfortable to vacation in China in autumn and spring, when there is no sweltering heat or cold, and there are not very many tourists.

Visa and customs

To obtain a visa to China, you must contact the embassy or consulate. However You can visit Hong Kong or Hainan for two weeks with a tour group without a visa, and in Xijiao and Macau (this is the airport in Manchuria), a visa is issued right at the border. You can also stay 72 hours without a visa in Harbin, Wuhan, Guilin, Dalian, Shenyang, Chongqing, Chengdu, Guangzhou and Shanghai, but only if you fly through these countries to others.

How to get to China

By plane

Planes fly from different cities of Russia to Beijing, Harbin, Urumqi, Guangzhou and several other places. The journey by train will take much longer - from the European part of Russia the journey will take approximately 130-140 hours, sometimes in transit through Mongolia. From the cities of the Asian part of our country, of course, you will have to travel less.

By bus or taxi

From some southern cities of Siberia and Far East Buses depart regularly, for example, to Manzhouli and some other cities. But it is still much more convenient and cheaper to get to Beijing and the southern cities of China by plane.


You can travel around China by plane, train and bus. Aircraft at local residents not very popular, but there are airports in almost all of them major cities, so this method is quite convenient.

Buses are quite popular, some have recumbent seats, and routes between big cities even equipped with toilets. Sometimes the buses can be noisy due to the TVs constantly on.

IN trains There are always a lot of passengers in China, the trains are mostly modern and run on schedule. Class Z express trains are especially good.

In cities you can ride buses, but they are always very crowded. There are subways in Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Nanjing and Tianjin, and it is better to give preference to it, since traffic jams are always terrible in the cities.


China's main currency is CNY. It is best to travel to China with dollars, although you can exchange rubles and euros almost everywhere. Often people pay on a trip with a regular ruble card.

Suifenhe, located on the border, recently officially allowed payments in Russian rubles as an experiment.



The beaches of Beihai town in Guangxi province are no worse than the beaches of Hainan. Of particular interest is the long two-kilometer white sand beach. True, this beach is paid, and entry costs 25 yuan.


In Liaoning province, in the city of Dalian, there are many not only attractions, but also beaches. For example, on rocky beach You can admire the interesting marble statues of the tiger and visit the local water park. Tourists also love Bangchuidao Juggu, Fujiashuang Beach and Golden Stone Beach.


This island is located in a tropical climate zone, so you can relax here all year round. There are a lot of beaches on the island, but tourists especially love the city of Sanya for White sand beaches and amazing palm trees. Yalong Bay Beach is also very beautiful. Hainan's secluded beaches can be found on the Lihuitou Peninsula.


Shandong is a city with interesting architecture and amazing beaches. Members like to relax here Communist Party. There are six numbered beaches in total. The sixth is located most conveniently, and the second is much cleaner and quieter. However, it is best to relax on Huang Dao.


The city of Shenzhen has one of the best beaches all over China. The most popular beaches are Dameisha and Hioameixa. The beaches are well equipped, and a short distance from the coast there are picturesque islands where you can also have a good rest.


Xiamen's coastline stretches for miles, providing nearly endless opportunities for swimming and sunbathing. What’s nice is that the white sand beaches are absolutely free.


People who understand have no longer associated China with something low-quality and cheap, because here you can buy excellent quality goods of various kinds at fairly reasonable prices. However, going to China on your own for shopping is not so easy, since you can end up significantly overpaying for purchases. That's why it's so popular shopping tours to Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai or, for example, Guangzhou, because they allow you not only to shop at a guaranteed low price, but also to explore local attractions.

Buying something is especially pleasant in Beijing - after all, there is even a Russian street, Ya Bao Lu, where sellers speak Russian, and all goods are adapted for us. Inexpensive clothes, shoes and accessories can be bought at the Silk Market, while souvenirs and antiques are worth buying at the Panjiayuan Market.

IMPORTANT: It is customary to import tea, porcelain, silk products and pearls from China. Many people like porcelain vases and ivory souvenirs. Almost every shop sells various colorful souvenirs such as lanterns and boxes.


Beijing cuisine

The cuisine of this region is based on rice. It is served here as a separate dish and added to meat, vegetables and fish. The preferred meat here is lamb, pork, and poultry. Here are the dishes typical for Beijing, northern or imperial cuisine:

Peking duck;

Beggar's chicken - clay-baked chicken stuffed with cabbage, herbs, onions and mushrooms and wrapped in lotus leaves;

Pork in sweet and sour sauce;

Chinese samovar made from many components;

Chinese dumplings can be made with either vegetables or meat;

Dandelion salad.

Shanghai cuisine

In the provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, it is customary to add rice vodka and a large amount of spices to meat, and many dishes contain fish and seafood:

Shanghai duck;

Soy fish cake - tofu;

Hairy freshwater crab;

Cabbage soup with pork;

Mushroom noodle soup;

Squid in spicy garlic sauce;

Eel with garlic in wine;

Noodles fried with shrimp.

Cantonese cuisine

Very sophisticated, the dishes here are prepared in unusual ways from unusual ingredients. When cooking, they use the meat of turtles, snakes, dogs, cats and other animals. Light snacks are very popular among locals. Even if you don't like exotic things, it's worth a try:

Pies with daikon;

Chinese dumplings fried in oil;

Steamed fish;

Rolls with rice noodles;

Shark fin soup;

Steamed dumplings dim sum;

Cantonese rice.

Sichuan cuisine

It is famous throughout the world for its spicy and spicy dishes - garlic, red pepper, anise, coriander, sesame and many other spices are always used in cooking. Products are most often steamed or smoked. Worth a try:

Sichuan braised pork;

Little tofu, a meatless soybean dish;

Szechuan noodles, dan dan mian;

Gongbao chicken - spicy, with peanuts;

Duck baked in green tea;

King prawns seasoned with garlic;

Doufu is a cheese made from fermented soybeans.

In general, Chinese cuisine is very interesting and varied, so it is definitely worth trying in all the regions you visit.

Sights of China

There are really a lot of attractions in China, and it’s impossible to list them all. From natural attractions You can note the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, Mount Taishan, Dongbhuang Caves with examples of ancient art, the stone forest in Wansheng, caves near Guangxi and much more. However, many value much more not the natural, but the architectural sights of China, which are mainly concentrated in cities.


Beijing is not the most Old city China, but perhaps the most interesting. To the north-west of it there are some sections of the Great Wall of China. In the city itself, the Forbidden City deserves special attention - a unique palace complex, an architectural landmark, which has now been turned into most interesting museum.


In that ancient city There is a museum of terracotta figures, which houses figures from the tomb of the famous emperor Qin Shi Huang.


This unique picturesque mountain is a highly revered shrine of Taoism. Not far from it is the Confucius Temple and the Yanshenggong Residence.


Many of the attractions and cities listed above are on the UNESCO World Heritage List.


This region is home to a huge number of monasteries, Buddhist temples and monuments. ancient culture. Lhasa is considered the center of Tibet, which is a must-visit for all lovers of Eastern culture and philosophy.

Amusement parks

China is famous not only for its sights and beaches - there are many large, interesting and extreme amusement parks. One of them, for example, is located in the city of Guangzhou. There is also a zoo and a unique eco-hotel.

Beijing Park Happy Valley also deserves attention, as there are many world-class attractions and interesting thematic areas. By the way, there are parks with the same name in other cities of China, and in all of them you can have a good rest with the whole family.

In Changzhou it is open in summer amazing island Dinosaurs, with interactive exhibits and attractions for both children and adults.


Some time ago, alpine skiing was very unpopular in China. However, the government decided to support local ski resorts, and their level has grown rapidly, so that now China has excellent conditions for skiing alpine skiing Oh. The season here in some places opens already in September, although it is better to come in November so that there is definitely snow everywhere. Snow cover lasts until April. At the same time, there are practically no abnormal frosts; the temperature does not drop below -10 degrees Celsius, which is very comfortable.

There are a lot of mountain ranges in China, so resorts are scattered almost throughout the country. The season opens early at the resort Wanglun. There are good resorts in Tien Shan, both elite and very economical.

Many ski lovers stop at Chengbai- the snow for skiing here is simply perfect, and since the resort is located in a nature reserve, all the trails pass through very picturesque places. In addition, the resort has hot springs.

The resort is popular among beginners and experienced skiers Alshan, which, by the way, also has the best cross-country ski trails.

The largest ski resort China is Yabuli. Tourists like it due to its varied terrain, numerous trails of varying lengths and difficulties, jumps, and a large freestyle area. The landscapes here are also very picturesque.

There are not many opportunities for diving in China - it is mainly available in Hainan or Zhejiang, but in general the underwater world here is quite sparse;

Surfing. The tropical island of Hainan with fairly high waves is best suited for surfing. Beginners will love Houhai Bay Beach.

As you can see, holidays in China are truly extremely varied, and everyone can find something to their liking.


In total, there are approximately ten thousand hotels of various levels in China, and approximately seven hundred of them are five-star. Local hotels here are classified separately; only representatives of international hotel chains have star ratings. A Chinese inn is the equivalent of one-star accommodation, a guest house is two or three stars, and a wine house is approximately 3-4 stars. Only chain hotels are five-star. In general, tourists note that the level of service in China is often lower than in other countries.

  • A truly varied holiday;
  • There are a lot of interesting cultural attractions and architectural monuments;
  • Pleasant climate, especially on the islands;
  • Many people like local traditional medicine;
  • Low prices, especially for fairly expensive goods;
  • Interesting nature.
  • Very dirty in places;
  • Some resorts and areas are not interesting, more like ordinary Russian cities;
  • There is a very strong language barrier - almost no one speaks English, you can’t even dream of Russian;
  • Some people are unlucky with the Chinese attitude towards tourists;
  • Municipal equipped beaches are often filled with Chinese;
  • Large cities like Beijing and Shanghai are very crowded;
  • Some resorts have almost no infrastructure.

China has been attracting tourists for a long time. They are attracted by entertainment and the country's culture itself. Anyone can choose a vacation for themselves due to the diversity that the Celestial Empire provides: beaches, shopping, restaurants, noisy nightlife, attractions, and so on. Let's look at where you can go in China in this article.

Pros and cons of holidays in China

Considering that China has long become a tourist destination, many people notice the specific features of holidays in this country. Knowing all the advantages and disadvantages of staying here will help every tourist. The disadvantages are not very critical, but many travelers are put off. Therefore, before you think about where to go on vacation in China, you should find out all the nuances.

Some areas of large and small cities are quite dirty. The language barrier is strong: few people speak English, much less Russian. Not all Chinese are friendly towards tourists. Some areas resemble ordinary Russian cities. There are always a lot of Chinese on city beaches. Beijing and Shanghai have a sufficient number of people: they not only have a high population density, but also a constant influx of tourists. Some resorts have minimal infrastructure.

As for the advantages, China has an excellent climate, especially in the island part. Expensive goods, as a rule, have low prices due to their low cost. Many tourists praise traditional medicine. Nature is fascinating, there are a lot of interesting places. There are many attractions in China. Holidays in this country are truly varied.

From the facts described above, appropriate conclusions must be drawn. As tourists report, the main thing is to choose the right resort. Lovers of shopping and oriental culture will enjoy relaxing here. It is also worth coming for those who want to improve their health. If you contact a travel agency, they can easily choose where to go in China with children, friends or alone.


You should definitely talk about the picturesque island of Hainan. It's famous warm sea and clean beaches. Many tourists note that the atmosphere of the resort is no different from Hawaii. The cost of hotel accommodation is approximately 2 thousand rubles per person. If you take into account the flight, accommodation for two and a two-week stay in China, then the vacation will cost 100 - 150 thousand rubles. On the island described, the service is at the highest level. For a reasonable price, the tourist receives a wonderful vacation and excellent service. Next, we’ll look at where to go in China while on Hainan Island.

Zhujiang Nantian

Hardly Russian tourist This name will say something. We are talking about hot springs. A ticket to this place will cost an average of 800 rubles. There are more than 60 baths in the park area. The water temperature in them ranges from 40 to 60 degrees. This is a place where you can relax and improve your health.

Many tourists note that some baths have interesting fillings. If you wish, you can order rose petals or ask to add Chinese herbs with coconut milk. Also on the territory of the complex there is a swimming pool with amazingly clean water. On a hot day, anyone will love swimming in it.

The most popular place is the pool, where small fish live. When a person is immersed in water, they bite off pieces of dead skin. As a result, the vacationer’s skin becomes soft and tender.

Tropical paradise

When choosing where to go to the sea in China, you need to pay attention not only to the availability of clean beaches, but also to parks around. Hainan has beautiful place which is popular among tourists. The air is clean here. Travelers love the place because it is suitable for mountaineers and those who simply love green tourism.

The park contains forests of several types. More than 100 species of plants and trees are planted on their territory. The fauna here is presented in its best light. The traveler has access to dense jungles, in which one can understand how beautiful nature is.

If you wish, you can ride ostriches, walk around suspension bridge or ride on cable car. Tourists can rent eco-mobiles. Thanks to them, you can comfortably travel around the park.


When choosing where to go in China, you should definitely consider Shanghai as an option. Why? It combines modernity with traditional Chinese culture: between the skyscrapers there are cozy streets that are more than 100 years old. This city is suitable for special shopping lovers. The rhythm of life in Shanghai is quite active and will not let anyone get bored. A two-week vacation for two people will cost an average of about 70 thousand rubles.

Mount Sheshan

If a vacationer likes beautiful landscapes and nature, then you should definitely go to Mount Sheshan. It attracts tourists from all over the world. This is due not only to the beautiful views, but also to the thickets of bamboo and wonderful peaks. In the park, located on the mountain, you can see a large number of temples and other places of interest. The bird garden is open. There are comfortable hotels near the mountain. Events are held periodically at the summit. For example, at the end of September and until the end of October, the sand sculpture festival is open.

Longhua Pagoda

When thinking about where to go in China while in Shanghai, you need to go to Longhua Pagoda. This building is considered one of the most beautiful in the state. It was built more than 2 thousand years ago. It is prohibited to enter the pagoda grounds. Separated from the surrounding area by a path. Due to the fact that the city administration is constantly restoring the building, the pagoda does not lose its amazing appearance.

The basis of the structure is stone and wood. The structure is 40 meters long. There is a high spire (7 floors). Each one has animal figurines. The Chinese strongly believe in spirits and magic, which is why, according to legend, the pagoda prevents evil creatures from entering the land.

While in the complex, you can admire the peach garden. IN spring time flowers are blooming. If you wish, you can have a meal at the restaurant. It has a vegan menu.


Where to go in China? Describing everything interesting places, we cannot remain silent about Beijing. There is a huge square on the territory of the capital. A must see is the Great Wall of China. It’s hard to get to it, it takes not only strength, but also a lot of time, but the spectacle is worth it. You should definitely try the Peking duck.

In summer you should visit the beaches. By the beginning of the season, the air warms up to 40 degrees, but due to the humid wind, the rest is as comfortable as possible. A 14-day holiday in Beijing for two people will cost about 60 thousand rubles.


Where to go in China if you want to see the mountains? Preference should be given to the city of Huangshan. On its territory there are 70 peaks from which amazing landscapes open.

The most popular recreation in the mountain area is taking hot baths. Thanks to the stable temperature, you can both swim and drink in them. This allows you to cope with diseases of the digestive tract and nervous system.

Holidays in China are a great opportunity to see with your own eyes a state where people coexist in complete harmony. ancient civilization and modern megacities. Rice fields, as if many years ago, are surrounded by huge cities, whose streets are lined with skyscrapers and full of modern cars. And the Chinese, as before, light candles for good luck, while discussing mobile phone nuances of your business.

Best time to travel to China

The main part of the country has a continental monsoon climate, although southern regions are located in the subtropical and tropical zones. Holidays in China are so diverse that you can come here all year round; here you will never be left idle. Spring and autumn are considered the most convenient for excursions, and popular seaside resorts welcome everyone in winter or summer. Therefore, the cost of the trip will depend most of all on the time of year and on the point where you want to go when planning a trip to China (a vacation with prices starting from 35,000 rubles per week cannot be called cheap). If we take into account the size of the country, its climatic and geographical features, then tourists have a lot of opportunities.

Beach holiday

Beach tours will provide a unique and fabulous holiday in China on the Pacific coast. At the same time, Hainan Island deserves utmost attention, since this place has a unique tropical climate. Mysterious jungle, snow-white beaches, the warm sea and picturesque mountains attract those who are bored with monotonous everyday life, as well as everyone who wants to devote their leisure time to nature.

Holidays in China: Hainan

Hainan Island has its own airport located in Sanya. The sea here is warm and very clean, and the infrastructure has a high level of service and comfort. The best beaches of Hainan Island:

  • Sanya Bay;
  • the shores of Dadonghai Bay, Haitang Bay and Yalong Bay.

Beaches of Dadonghai Bay

Young, active people who choose leisure in China, by the sea, discos, parties, rich nightlife. The beach is as much as 3 kilometers of white clean sand, amazingly equipped for uniform tanning and a variety of water activities, including diving, surfing, etc. In the bay, the sea resembles the Red Sea - it is rich in colorful marine life and coral reefs, so divers will have something to see here!

Beaches of Sanya Bay

The beaches that are located here can also boast of snow-white sand, proximity to the center of Sanya and crystal clear azure sea, while a holiday in China at sea in this part of the coast will be a great pastime for those couples who love a measured, leisurely passage of time.

Beaches of Haitang Bay

The coast of Haitang Bay is a quiet corner that preserves all the advantages untouched nature. Here the beaches are clean and deserted, there are few vacationers, the recreation infrastructure is best suited for people who are not particularly pretentious, who dream of solitude and silence.

Yalong Bay beaches

Yalong Bay is a bay with respectable and refined service. It is located in the vicinity of Sanya, Hainan. There are exclusively five-star hotels here, which occupy more than 7 km of coastline. Vacationers are offered the cleanest sea, real mountain air, beautiful gardens in a traditional oriental style, and well-equipped areas near the hotels.

Sanya Resort

The resort of Sanya is located in the tropics, due to which it is warm all year round, with an average annual temperature of 26˚C. There is no winter here as usual for us, and the temperature in summer does not rise above 33 °C. This means that when planning a vacation in China in November, December, etc., you can choose this particular resort. Moreover, even in the warmest period, the breeze from the sea brings coolness and freshness.

The resort ranks first in China in terms of air quality, and according to the UN, it ranks second in the world. It is easy to guess how important air quality is for life by comparing how long a person can live without water, food or air. By the way, speaking of food, it should be noted that there is a lot of variety of seafood and local fruits.

The city has three bays (Yalunwan, Sanyawan, Dadonghai), on the coast of which there are beaches, therefore, tourists who come for a beach holiday in China often choose this resort. They are considered the most beautiful in the whole country. This is an azure sky, kilometers of snow-white sand, clear sea water, while the sails of sampans and fishing junks can be seen far out in the sea.

Sanya is the center of the tourist scene, where conversations and fun in nightclubs, various taverns and fish restaurants do not stop until the morning. For several kilometers around there are spaces overgrown with pineapples, palm trees, flowering cacti and mangoes.

This place has a huge number of shops, restaurants, cafes. Their main part is located in the area of ​​the Summer mall store, the largest in the bay. There is also a small fruit market here.

Bohai Bay Resorts

These beaches cannot offer you a holiday in winter, since in the coastal part here the water freezes at this time (at the same time, the beaches of the South China Sea will gladly welcome all vacationers even in winter!). It’s worth coming here in the summer - warm water, clean shores, delicious local cuisine...

On the coast of the warm Bohai Gulf are famous resorts- Beidaihe and Qingdao.

Holidays in Beidaihe

The Beidaihe resort, located in the city of Qinhuangdao, was able to fit so well into the surrounding nature that it is more reminiscent of a fashionable Mediterranean resort with gorgeous rocky landscapes, completely covered with green lush vegetation, with the purest sea air, as well as warm waters of the bay that allow you to swim and relax all summer long.

On the territory of Beidaihe, a hundred years ago, Europeans built luxury villas for comfortable summer holiday. This resort is convenient for travelers arriving in Beijing by sightseeing tours, since the distance from the capital to here is about 280 km (by Chinese standards this is very insignificant). At the same time, the beaches of this resort occupy about 10 km, which makes a sea holiday quite unobtrusive and comfortable, because there is a place for everyone here!

The resort is distinguished by its temperate continental humid climate. In these places best time for relaxing on the beach - this is August and July. But if you are planning a vacation in China in October, then it is better to choose a resort such as Sanya.

How to get to Beidaihe

Shanhaiguan Airport is located near the resort. Airplanes fly here from cities such as Shanghai, Yantai, Dalian, Shijiazhuang, Taiyuan, etc.

Holidays in Qingdao

This resort is a very decent city with a population of about 2.7 million people. Qingdao is a resort town in Shandong Province. This place is always very beautiful and very clean.

A vacation here means sunbathing and swimming in the Yellow Sea, although that’s not all: not far, a few miles away by sea, there are already other states - Japan and Korea.

The resort is characterized by a moderate, fairly warm and humid monsoon climate with comfortable and mild weather, without severe frosts in winter and sweltering summer heat. The ideal season here is from March to November. In these parts, the warmest sea is in August, at this time the water is already warmed up and has a fairly comfortable temperature, so many people choose to holiday here in China at this time. Reviews about Qingdao can be found mostly positive, which is not surprising - clean sea, calm environment, good developed infrastructure. Near the resort of Qingdao, the sea never freezes. In winter and autumn it is quite windy here; people can swim and swim in given time only fans of extreme tours.

How to get to Qingdao

20 km from the city is international Airport Lutin. It serves about 96 airlines (including international ones), with flights to almost all airports in the country and to various international airports.


This is the former Russian city of Dalniy, near which, 35 km away, is the famous Port Arthur (its current name is Lushun), which went down in world history as the main naval base Russian fleet, as well as due to the battle of 1904.

Dalian began to be built up by the Russians as a city on the Liaodong Peninsula, washed by the Bohai Bay and the Yellow Sea. Today it is the largest seaside international resort in China. Tourists come here for treatment and the best beach holiday.

The city has a huge number of opportunities for this. Here in the season there is warm sea, magnificent beaches, quality hotels, sanatoriums, medical centers, in addition, all kinds of institutions where you can undergo treatment and rehabilitation. It is also worth noting that the city has an old Russian quarter!

In the vicinity of Dalian the climate is very comfortable, mild, quite warm, summers are quite dry and hot. The best time to relax here is in spring or late summer. It is quite pleasant to swim in Dalinwan Bay during the period June-October, when the temperature sea ​​water reaches 26 ˚С.

Holidays in China are chosen by young people here, since the resort is very reminiscent of many resort cities in Europe. At the same time, there is a lot here educational institutions, since young students can afford both rest and study at once.

Dalian is also famous for its Laohutan Park. It is a coastal park area with beaches about 4 km long, with a dolphinarium, an oceanarium, and the largest aquarium in Asia. Therefore, those tourists who are planning a holiday in China with children can choose this resort.

Also worth visiting is Xinghai Park, which is famous for its luxurious trees, golden sand, and beautiful flower beds with stunning flowers. Here you can have a great rest, admire the view of the bay, and breathe in the fresh sea air.

How to get to Dalian

Zhoushuizi Airport is 10 km from here, and there is also Train Station and Shenyang Expressway.

Medical tours

A therapeutic holiday in China primarily involves attending sessions of classical medical medicine, spa treatments, and swimming in the purest thermal waters. Thermal resorts together with classical Chinese medicine can work wonders!

Holidays in China: reviews from tourists

In recent years, more and more of our compatriots are going here on vacation and for the sake of development. own business. Considering the first case, it is worth noting that many tourists highlight high level service of local hotels, modern, well-equipped clean beaches and the opportunity to join the history of a great country. Although without negative reviews It didn’t work out - some vacationers are upset by the fairly high price level.

China is located in the East and has the world's largest population - about 1.4 billion on an area of ​​9.6 million square meters. km (3rd place in the world). The country is in the top five in terms of international tourist flow. Tourists are attracted by local culture and traditions, beach holidays, a lot of attractions and shopping.

The best resorts and beaches in China

China is attractive to tourists for many reasons. To make your vacation truly unforgettable, you should give preference the best resorts countries:

Yalong Bay (Yalong Bay, 25 km from Sanya, Hainan)

The advantage of this place is the climate - it is mild, with an average temperature of 27 degrees. This resort is quite fashionable, so it is rich in 5-star hotels, but there are also budget options housing. An important advantage of Yalong Bay is 7.5 km of white quartz sand (Yalong Bay) and clear water.

Wanning (Hainan)

This place attracts with its wild nature, white sand, and sparsely populated areas. This is one of the best places for surfing. There are few hotels and restaurants on the island; most tourists visit it during excursions, after which few people remain on the beaches.

This city was a Portuguese colony, so in addition to Chinese, Portuguese is used here. The resort attracts with a combination of Asian and European culture - this can be seen from to the local population, city architecture. This is a very fashionable resort and it primarily attracts gambling people, as it has the highest concentration of gambling establishments in the world. A distinctive feature of Macau is its own currency - the pataca (less than the yuan). A beach holiday is also good here. The beaches are well equipped. Coloane Beach is best suited for families with children. Snow-white sand can be found on Cheok Wan, and black volcanic sand can be found on Macau Hak Sa.

This major financial, tourist and transport center of the country used to belong to Japan and Russia, which was reflected in its culture and architecture. It's beautiful here sea ​​beaches, 118 meters underwater tunnel, the country's largest aquarium. One of the best beaches for walking is the one on the territory of Laohutan Scenic Park.

Xinghai Square

Another resort on the Yellow Sea. It has 25 km of coastal zone (3 km wide), clean water, a lot of historical attractions and attractive shopping.


This resort is located on the Yellow Sea and attracts the most beautiful bays and a coastline that stretches for 11 km. The infrastructure is developed here, there are a lot of attractions and entertainment.

The end of the Great Wall of China is located in Beidaihe

This island has great religious significance among Buddhists, and also attracts tourists with its magnificent beaches. Local sunsets are especially appreciated by romantic couples.


This city is the main one tourist center Hainan Island, so prices here are quite high. There are a lot of sandy beaches, a warm climate and a very developed infrastructure. This option is great for Russian tourists, since many inscriptions are duplicated in Russian.

Video story about holidays, hotels, attractions in the city of Sanya on Hainan Island:

There are a lot of beaches in China - length coastline more than 18 thousand kilometers.

Vacation prices

Holiday prices in China vary widely. Here you need to pay in local currency - yuan (CNY). There are about 10 Russian rubles in one Chinese yuan.


The cost of air tickets to China depends on the points of departure and arrival. The cost of tickets from Moscow to different Chinese provinces may differ by two or more times. A round trip flight will cost the following amounts:

  • from 53 thousand rubles to Sanya;
  • from 29 thousand rubles to Dalian;
  • from 28 thousand rubles to Qingdao;
  • from 27 thousand rubles to Shanghai;
  • from 24 thousand rubles to Beijing.

There are more than 150 destinations in total, so you can choose the most convenient option for arriving anywhere in China.


In China you can find both expensive luxury hotels and budget accommodation where you can spend the night at minimal cost. Prices depend on the city (resort), the chosen level of comfort and the status of the establishment:

  • Beijing. A 5-star hotel in the capital will cost from 505 CNY (4924 rubles), a 4* room – from 141 CNY (1375 rubles), and a bed in a shared 8-bed room – from 54 CNY (527 rubles).
  • Sanya and Yalunwan. A double room in a 5-star hotel will cost from 270 CNY (2632 rubles), a double room 4* – from 190 CNY (1853 rubles), a bed in a shared 8-bed room – from 34 CNY (331.5 rubles) . A one-bedroom villa costs from 335 CNY (3266 rubles).
  • Vanning. A room in a 5* hotel here costs from 305 CNY (2974 rubles), a bed in a dormitory room will cost from 60 CNY (585 rubles), and a standard double room – from 245 CNY (2389 rubles).
  • Macau. A room in a 5-star hotel will cost from 895 pataca (7213 rubles), a double room 4* - from 715 pataca (5763 rubles). There are no hostels here, so the cheapest option is a 2-star hotel. A double room will cost from 520 pataca (4191 rubles).

Hotel Caravel Hotel 2* in Macau
  • Dalyan. A room in a 5-star hotel here will cost from 335 CNY (3266 rubles), a double room 4* - from 281 CNY (2740 rubles), a bed in a shared 6-bed room - from 34 CNY (331.5 rubles).
  • Qingdao. A 5* room will cost from 420 CNY (4095 rubles), 4* from 168 CNY (1638 rubles), a bed in a 6-bed shared room - from 35 CNY (341 rubles).
  • Baidaihe. A 5* hotel room here will cost from 405 CNY (3949 rubles), 4* - from 141 CNY (1375 rubles), a budget single room - from 100 CNY (975 rubles).
  • Putuoshan. A room in a 5-star hotel here will cost from 420 CNY (4095 rubles), in a 4-star hotel - from 170 CNY (1658 rubles), a bed in a dormitory room - from 34 CNY (331.5 rubles).


China is a large and tourist-oriented country, so you can find cuisine here different nations peace. Among local dishes worth trying these:

  • Peking duck is a masterpiece Chinese cuisine: the duck is raised in a special way, marinated for a day, and then cooked using a special technology;
  • tofu - soybean curd, it has a unique smell, but it is not noticeable in various dishes;
  • Chinese dumplings - wontons and jiaozi, several thousand variations of fillings;
  • ko yu bin - fried flatbread with green onions;
  • hundred-year-old eggs - in fact, they are aged no more than 100 days; duck eggs are used, which are coated with a special composition and kept in the ground or a special vat;
  • laziji - fried chicken breast with spices;
  • yu xiang rou si – sliced ​​pork with spicy garlic sauce, vegetables and mushrooms;
  • dan-dan noodles - noodles with minced pork, herbs, pickled vegetables and chili;
  • Dongmo - lard and meat that is first fried and then stewed;
  • drunken scorpion - used as a snack for beer: the scorpion is drowned in wine and then deep-fried (the poison is neutralized);
  • gongbao – pieces of chicken fried with peanuts and chili.

Gongbao chicken

Fruits, many of which are exotic, deserve special attention in China:

  • durian;
  • mango;
  • mangosteen;
  • jackfruit;
  • kumquat;
  • longan;
  • lychees;
  • pitaya;
  • pomelo;
  • Goji berries;
  • more famous fruits: watermelons and melons, apricots, peaches, bananas, kiwi, grapes, pears, cherries, persimmons, plums.

An obligatory attribute and the beginning of any meal is tea, mostly green. You should also try oolong, especially Te Guanyin. It is worth getting acquainted with the Chinese tea ceremony - it is no less interesting than in Japan.

Food in China is cheaper compared to Europe. You can have lunch for two in a cafe for an average of 70 CNY (683 rubles), in a restaurant - from 200 CNY (1950 rubles). Prices for individual dishes are as follows:

  • Peking duck – 17 CNY (166 rubles);
  • 0.5 liters of tea (in a teapot) – from 10 CNY (98 rubles);
  • dumplings – from 8 CNY per serving (78 rubles);
  • spicy fish soup – 25 CNY (244 rubles);
  • hamburger – 12 CNY (117 rubles);
  • cappuccino – from 15 CNY per cup (146 rubles).

Fast food is cheap. You can buy it on the street. A serving of rice will cost 1 CNY (~10 rubles), rice noodle soup – 5 CNY (49 rubles), meat kebab – 1.5 CNY (15 rubles), rice pie with filling – 2.5 CNY (25 rubles).

You can purchase products in stores at the following prices:

  • a dozen eggs - from 11 CNY (107 rubles);
  • 1 liter of milk – from 12 CNY (117 rubles);
  • 1 kg of cheese – from 85 CNY (829 rubles);
  • 1 kg of fish or shrimp – from 15 CNY (146 rubles);
  • 1 kg of minced meat – from 20 CNY (195 rubles);
  • 1 kg of fruit – 3-7 CNY (29-68 rubles);
  • 1 kg of potatoes – 3 CNY (29 rubles);
  • 1.5 liters of water – 2 CNY (20 rubles);
  • Chinese beer – from 2 CNY (20 rubles) for 0.5 l, imported beer – from 2 CNY for 0.33 l;
  • wine - from 90 CNY (878 rubles) for 0.7 l.


The transport system in China is quite developed. Here you can get around the city in the following ways:

  • Bus- one of the most popular and most cheap option. The cost of the trip depends on the distance. A short trip will cost 1 CNY (10 rubles); on an air-conditioned bus it costs twice as much. A Beijing or Shanghai bus will cost 2-3 CNY (20-29 rubles). At long-term stay It is advisable to buy a monthly pass - it costs 200 CNY (1950 rubles).
  • Metro and trains. The average ticket price is 2 CNY (20 rubles), and in large cities it depends on the number of stops.
  • Taxi. The cost of boarding is from 13 CNY (127 rubles), the cost of 1 km of travel depends on the city and starts from 2.5 CNY (24 rubles).
  • Pedicabs and auto-rickshaws. This is one of the cheapest and most unusual transportation options. The trip will cost 1.5-3 CNY (15-29 rubles).
  • Bike. Such vehicles can be inexpensively purchased or rented in China. In Beijing, rental will cost 5 CNY (49 rubles) per hour or 40 CNY (390 rubles) per day. A mountain or speed bike can be rented for 8 CNY (78 rubles) per hour or 50 CNY (488 rubles) per day.

For intercity travel, you can choose a bus, railway(the longest in Asia and the third in the world), river transport.


Shopping in China deserves special attention. The products of this country are known all over the world. Factory-made items are of the best quality. You can also buy famous brands here.

In addition to standard souvenirs from China, it is worth bringing:

  • good porcelain - from 11 thousand CNY (107 thousand rubles) for a hand-painted vase, but you can find memorabilia for several times cheaper;
  • products made of pearls, jade;
  • silk clothes;
  • cheap clothes - jeans can be bought from 50 CNY (488 rubles), a T-shirt - 2-4 times cheaper;
  • watch;
  • Chinese tea;
  • medicines made from natural ingredients - ginseng, antlers, donkey skin gelatin, medicinal plants;
  • household appliances and electronics – mainly Xiaomi and Meizu smartphones and tablets;
  • cosmetics: HerborisT, Bioaqua, Angel Xuewei, Dong Gia, Doctor Li, Laikou.

The direction of shopping in China depends only on the preferences of the tourist and his financial capabilities. The following deserve special attention:

In various stores and clothing markets you can find counterfeits of well-known brands. Not all of them are of the best quality, but if you spend enough time searching, you can find good options.

For profitable shopping, it is important to choose the right time. Discounts and sales are limited to the following periods:

  • on the eve of October 1 (Establishment Day of the People's Republic of China);
  • on the eve of Chinese New Year;
  • in mid-December before the European New Year and Christmas;
  • out of season: spring, June-July, September.

Discounts in China are indicated in a special way. Prices are written in fractions. The first number means the starting price, and the second number means the discount amount. Subtracting the second number from the first number, we get the cost of the goods.

Sights, entertainment

China occupies a large territory with many attractions concentrated on it. The following objects deserve special attention:

  • Great Chinese Wall(Northern China)– more than 8.85 thousand km. It is built of brick (most of it) and natural rock. This magnificent structure began to be built back in the 4th century BC. e. The wall is the largest architectural monument on the planet.

  • . This is the largest palace complex on the planet and one of the largest wooden buildings on the UNESCO list. The palace was built in the 15th century, but over the past centuries it has undergone many changes.

  • Terracotta Army (Xi'an)– burial of more than 8 thousand full-size terracotta statues of Chinese warriors and horses.

  • Kurgan tombs of ancient China– tombs of Chinese rulers of different dynasties. The oldest of them date back to the 5th century BC. uh, the last ones - to the 17th century. These tombs are called pyramids. They are located in different parts of the country, but are especially noteworthy in Xi'an, Liaoning province (the oldest mausoleums).

  • – one of 5 sacred mountains Taoism. On its territory there are more than 20 temples, 800 slabs and thousands of rock paintings and inscriptions. You can get to the top by stairs, covering 72 steps. The largest and the oldest complex on the mountain is the Tai Mountain Deity Temple.

  • Mogao Cave (Gansu)– refers to the earliest Buddhist temples in the country and is the largest Qianfodong Cave (an early Buddhist cave temple complex). The area of ​​the cave is 42 thousand square meters. m, fresco painting predominates in it. The temple was founded in the 4th century.

  • Confucian shrines (Qufu)- temple of worship of Confucius, his family estate, Kunov Forest (family cemetery).

  • Potala Palace (Lhasa)– royal palace and Buddhist temple complex. The palace complex occupies 360 thousand square meters. m and is located on a high hill that rises above the city.

  • Summer Imperial Palace (Beijing)– a park that includes more than 3 thousand buildings. It was the residence of the emperors of the Qing Dynasty. The longest painted corridor in the world (listed in the Guinness Book of Records) deserves special attention - the 728-meter Long Corridor, on the walls of which there are more than 8 thousand paintings.

  • Temple of Heaven (Dongcheng, central Beijing)– a temple-monastery complex with a round Harvest Temple (the only one of this shape in the city). The territory occupies almost 280 hectares.

  • – a complex of ancient rock reliefs (VII-X centuries). These are 75 protected areas and more than 50 thousand statues of various subjects: Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism. More than one hundred thousand hieroglyphs are engraved on the statues.

  • Yungang Cave Grottoes (Shanxi)– more than 250 man-made caves and niches with statues. The complex includes more than 50 thousand statues.

  • – a shipping canal, which is one of the oldest hydraulic structures in the world. Its length with branches is about 2.5 thousand km.

While on holiday in China, you should definitely visit one of its amusement parks. It will be interesting not only for children, but also for adults. The following objects deserve special attention:

  • Chimalun Safari Park - more than 50 species of animals

  • Guangzhou Crocodile Park – about 100 thousand crocodiles

  • Chimalune Paradise - one of the best roller coasters in the world (listed in the Guinness Book of Records)

  • Ocean Kingdom (Chimelun) - one of the world's largest marine animal theme parks, includes 4 theaters, an arts center

  • Valley of Happiness (Beijing) – several dozen landscape themes, themed shows and attractions, game objects

  • Happy Valley (Shenzhen) – theme park with an area of ​​more than 350 thousand square meters. m, the oldest attractions in the country are noteworthy

  • Valley of Happiness (Shanghai) - theme park on 863.5 thousand square meters. m, notable Hurricane Bay, Kingdom of Ants, attractions

  • Valley of Happiness (Wuhan) - a theme park of 13 square meters. km

  • Dinosaur Park (Changzhou) - more than 20 attractions, including Dinosaur Island, water park, green gardens, hot springs, attractions

  • Disneyland (Hong Kong) - the smallest Disneyland, occupies 1.1 square meters. km

There are plenty of attractions and entertainment in China. You can find them in almost every city or at a short distance from it. This country amazes with its scale in everything.

An interesting story about rides, carousels and emotions during and after a visit to the Hong Kong fairy-tale town of Disneyland:

What time of year is best to go to China?

China's territory is large, so climatic conditions on it are varied. This is a sharply continental arid (desert) climate in the northeast of the country, moderate in its central part (most of the territory) and subtropical in the southeast.

The weather in different Chinese provinces is very different. In the northernmost province of Heilongjiang (temperate climate), the average temperature in July is 20 degrees, and in winter 0 degrees, but can even reach -30 degrees in January. At the same time, in the southern regions of Guangdong province the average temperature in July is 28 degrees, and in January 10 degrees.

There are also significant differences in precipitation across China. The rainiest areas are the southern regions of the country, where maximum precipitation occurs in summer seasons. Towards the northwestern part of China, the amount of precipitation decreases; the driest areas are the Gobi, Taklamakan, and Ordos deserts.

In the southern and eastern regions of the country, natural disasters are observed annually - destructive typhoons, floods, tsunamis, droughts. Northern part China suffers from yellow dust storms in the spring, brought by winds from the northern deserts.

When going to China, you need to take into account the climatic features of a particular region. When traveling across the country, you will need clothes and shoes for different weather conditions.

When choosing a time to travel to China, you should also consider the following points:

  • winter provides an opportunity to visit ski resorts and ride along the mountain slopes;
  • in the northern and northeastern regions of the country, winter is in November-April; due to the extreme cold, it is better to avoid visiting these places;
  • Spring is a good time to explore the country, especially on the islands and coast;
  • summer is characterized by heat and rainy season, this time is best spent on the islands, the coast, and visiting Beijing;
  • in July, due to the intense heat, preference should be given to the northern regions;
  • in the fall it becomes cooler, so it’s good to relax on the coast; you should travel to the northern regions with warm clothes; autumn is a great time for excursions to any part of the country.

China is one of the most popular countries in tourism. Here you can find a holiday for every taste: sandy beaches, historical and cultural attractions, entertainment of various levels, shopping. Tourists are also interested in the life and culture of the country's inhabitants.

Souvenirs and shopping, rare sights and exotics. But this huge country has access to the sea, which means that a beach holiday in China may well compete with other eastern destinations. Read about the benefits and benefits of such a vacation in our review.

Swimming season

In most of China there is a familiar division into four seasons, and swimming is possible mainly in the summer, from May-June to September. If you are planning winter trip, or came to China in October, the tropical island of Hainan will offer you a beach holiday. The climate here is pleasant all year round, although it is a little cold for swimming in winter. From May to September it is a little humid and rainy, but this does not stop tourists.

Hainan Island

When it comes to a beach holiday in China on the islands, tropical Hainan immediately comes to mind. For a long time, guilty Chinese officials were exiled here, and now it is the center of the country’s beach and health tourism.

The island is famous for its excellent ecology and pleasant climate with air temperatures not lower than +22 °C even in winter. The water temperature also ranges from +22 °C to +29 °C. There are more than 300 sunny days a year; it rains quite rarely and ends quickly.

The island is large and can accommodate several popular resorts, which are located in the bays of the Sanya urban district.


The most prestigious and expensive place rest near Sanya, with clean water, calm sea and a little cool water. It is famous for its rich underwater world, which is why popular dive centers are located here. Along the coast there are expensive hotel complexes, mostly five-star. The Ritz Carlton hotel is considered the most prestigious.

The coastline is fully equipped; guests at each hotel are offered sunbeds and umbrellas. There are all water activities, many football fields and beach volleyball.


This is a crowded, cheerful and noisy bay almost near the center of Sanya. It is considered a more budget-friendly and youth-oriented place - there are many inexpensive hotels, prices in cafes and entertainment are lower. At the same time, the infrastructure is no worse; there are sun loungers and umbrellas on the beaches, and there are rentals of bananas and other attractions.

The bay is famous for its fairly strong, stable waves, which make swimming here less comfortable. But it is precisely because of the waves that surfers love the bay - here you can ride on your own or rent a board and find a Russian instructor for training.


Convenient cove not far from the city airport. The infrastructure here is still poorly developed, so prices are also low. The sea is not very clear, but this is compensated by the surrounding landscapes - snow-white sand and spreading coconut palms. Overall, the place is truly heavenly; the atmosphere here is no worse than in Yalunwan. Families with children or couples in love especially like to stay here.

There are many sanatoriums open in all the bays, as well as in other resorts on the island. They treat mineral water, mud and just favorable climate and sea air.

A beach holiday in China on the island of Hainan is rightfully considered the best, because it successfully combines a warm climate, beautiful nature, developed infrastructure and a relaxed atmosphere.

Other resorts

If you come to China in November, you will only enjoy a beach holiday in Hainan. But in the summer you can visit one of the other numerous resorts on the shores of the Yellow Sea.


This is a fairly famous, but at the same time calm and quiet resort, popular among the Chinese themselves. It is only 300 kilometers away from Beijing, so getting here will not be difficult.

The resort's eleven-kilometer coastline is divided into three beach areas.

West Beach very developed, there are many umbrellas and sun loungers, there are coastal restaurants and cafes. There are few tourists, mostly foreigners, so the place is easy to find even at the height of the day.

The sand is yellowish, there are shallows here and there. In general, the difference between the ebb and flow of the tides in Beidaihe is strong, this must be taken into account when you are vacationing with children.

Central Beach is popular with Chinese tourists. The infrastructure is very well developed. In addition to regular sun loungers, boat and banana boat rentals are available. There are even areas for snorkeling and scuba diving, although the underwater world here cannot be called too diverse.

The eastern beach is considered wild. There is no need to talk about infrastructure, but it is very picturesque and there are no tourists at all. The best place for those who just like to swim and relax.

Among other things, Beidaihe is known as a center for Qigong therapy - various chronic diseases are treated here using traditional Chinese medicine.


Weihai is first and foremost a health resort. There are a lot of healing springs here, and the air is saturated with the aromas of coniferous trees.

You can complement your therapeutic relaxation with swimming. The beaches here are clean, not too crowded - it’s good and pleasant to relax, including with children. There are vacationing Chinese and Koreans. There are many cafes, shops and shopping centers. The beach infrastructure is not the most developed, but sufficient for a comfortable, relaxing holiday.


This large industrial city is not famous for its clean air and sea, but you can still get some good swimming here. In addition, it is good to combine a beach holiday in Qingdao with an excursion - the city was a German colony for a long time, so the architecture here is very unusual. Local breweries also brew excellent beer.


According to reviews from tourists, it is only possible at the Yantai resort, near Weihai. There is a shallow sea here, the entrance to the water is smooth - a real “paddling pool” for kids. Adults also don't get bored thanks to the rental of scooters, bananas and water parachutes.

The resort is very popular among foreign tourists, so there are many cafes and restaurants serving European cuisine - you can feed your child food that is familiar to him.