The best of Morocco. Tourism Morocco

Many tourists, tired of boring Turkish and Egyptian resorts, are busy looking for a worthy alternative: warm country. It’s not far to fly to, and you don’t need to get a visa.

I recently wrote a post , which is now one of the top ten tour booking leaders. But many have already been to Tunisia. And in many other traditional countries beach holiday.

And here Morocco For Russian tourists it still remains a mysterious country, a terra mythica. This direction is chosen, as a rule, by more sophisticated tourists who have been to many places, and for them, in addition to the beach, it is also important rich cultural program . For such tourists, Morocco is the promised land.

I myself almost got ready to go to Morocco one day. And I even sent a request to the tour operator. But, due to some personal circumstances, I was forced to cancel the trip. Did not work out. And as it turned out later, my trip would not have happened anyway - the tour operator was on the verge of bankruptcy and canceled its flight program in Morocco. But my dream to visit this country has not gone away. So today I want to once again analyze with you the advantages that Morocco has as a tourist destination. And dream...

Morocco without hassle: a country that doesn’t bother you

So, the Kingdom of Morocco is located in the North-West of the African continent. And despite being African, there is just the least amount of Africa in this country. The country's population is 32 million citizens, half of them are Arabs. Official language- Arabic and French. Spanish is also often spoken. Well, it's not surprising, right? Spain is over there, across the Strait of Gibraltar...

The undoubted advantages of a holiday in Morocco include:

— visa-free entry for Russians,

— comfortable recreational conditions in terms of climate and safety,

- wide possibilities of thalassotherapy,

- an ideal place for surfing,

— a wide selection of excursion routes.

So let's take a closer look at these points.

So, visa to Morocco Although not required, some rules still exist. First, you must have a foreign passport valid for at least six months at the end of your trip. And secondly, the period of visa-free stay is only 90 days from the moment of crossing the border. For legal stay of more than 3 months, a pre-issued visa is required.

Weather in Morocco

In terms of climate, Morocco is also lucky: the optimal combination of water and air temperatures for a beach holiday is from June to October. The hottest month is August, when the average temperature is about +35 degrees. But on the coast there is always a pleasant breeze, so you don’t feel the heat. There is no rainy season. Sometimes the weather is cloudy. But the sun is still very active, so stock up sunscreen. The water temperature in the ocean is +20-24 degrees. In general, you can vacation in Morocco at any time, depending on the part of the country and the purpose of the trip. So, starting from September and all autumn, winter and spring it is good to take sightseeing tours. I'll tell you about them a little later.

Safety of Morocco for tourists

A big plus for Morocco is the fact that this country, unlike Egypt and Tunisia, is politically stable. The King of Morocco is a highly respected person. And at the same time, there is absolutely no cult of the monarchy in the country. And the country is absolutely safe for tourists. The population in Morocco is very law-abiding. The crime rate is lower than in European cities. This is largely facilitated by strict legislation. Traffic rules here are strictly observed by all drivers. Driving while intoxicated can result in a prison sentence.

Roads in Morocco vary, but usually do not cause any complaints.

And the roads themselves in Morocco are for the most part very good. They are being watched. They are regularly repaired. Tourists are usually transported along highways, where the speed limit is generally 120 km/h, but for tourist buses— 100 km/h. And all transport that carries tourists to Morocco is subject to mandatory certification.

Guides, by the way, also work only with a license. To obtain it you need a diploma higher education, passing a medical examination (yes, that’s it) and passing a written and oral exam. And a special commission, based on the results of this exam, assigns the applicant the status of a regional or national guide. A regional guide has the right to work only in a certain region (for example, Marrakech), while a national guide can work everywhere.

So, as you can see, your holiday in Morocco will be handled entirely by professionals. Nice, isn't it?

Why you should go to Morocco

Let's move on to the next point. Kingdom of Morocco and SPA inseparable from each other. Everything that is necessary for the health of the body is located on the territory of the country: excellent climate, sea ​​water, algae and anti-aging Argan oil from the fruits of a unique argan tree that grows only in Morocco. It is this oil that is recommended to be brought from Morocco as a souvenir. Many people know about its beneficial properties for skin and hair. So a bottle of this oil will be very useful for any woman.

Hotels in Morocco that have their own SPA centers: Royal Atlas & Spa 5*, , Hotel Tildi Hotel & Spa 4*, Hotel Boutique & SPA Khalij Agadir 5*.

Surfers chose Moroccan town of Essaouira . This wonderful city in all respects was in ancient times just a pirate port. It is conveniently located on a 6 km long sandy beach. Thanks to the bottom topography and constant wind, there is always a high wave here. This is why surfers love him. On this beach you will find about twenty surf stations and surf schools. The cost of accommodation and training in such surf schools is 350 euros per person per week (accommodation, breakfast and training surfing) what makes surf tours VMorocco the cheapest among all other places.

A favorite of musicians, artists and filmmakers, Essaouira will captivate you with its endless deserted beaches, dunes, waterfalls and an incredible mixture of smells that will make your head spin. Here, around every corner, there are amazing stories about deceit and nobility, about love and hatred, about real exploits, about pirates and adventurers from all over the world. And they will tell you about all this on the excursion. Mysterious Essaouira

Essaouira was once a pirate town, then a Portuguese outpost, and now a mecca for surfers...

Tours to Morocco

Russian tourists who travel to Morocco choose it precisely for the opportunity to combine a vacation on the ocean with a visit to ancient cities . Yes, this is understandable: having a vacation 1-2 times a year, many want it to be as eventful as possible. And that’s why our tourists want to do everything in one trip - both shopping and shopping. beautiful places take a ride.

Well, that's welcome! Ideal for such tourists tour of the imperial cities of Morocco, which includes Casablanca, Rabat, Fez, Meknes, Marrakesh - cities known for their rich history and culture with many different architectural monuments and interesting colorful places.

Tours to Morocco are more expensive than to Egypt or Tunisia. You can find out about prices and choose a suitable tour here: View tours to Morocco. You can read about where and how to buy package tours (vouchers) via the Internet (as well as what you should avoid) in this article:.

Sights of Morocco

Rabat - the modern capital of Morocco. The sightseeing of the city will begin with a visit to the Royal Palace - the residence of King Mohammed VI of Morocco. You will also see the Hassan Tower - one of the three most beautiful minarets of Islam, the Mausoleum of Muhammad V - the last refuge of three prominent members of the royal family, as well as the Kasbah of Udaya - the ancient citadel of the city.

Hassan Tower.


Marrakesh cultural capital Morocco, located at the foot of the Atlas Mountains, is a real oriental city with snake charmers, water carriers and street performers. Most often, tourists stay here for 2-3 days. It is the country's third largest city after Casablanca and Rabat. The city was founded in 1062. The Medina of Marrakech, listed as a World Heritage Site in 1985, is called the “red city” due to the reddish hue of its adobe buildings and fortifications.

In the heart of the medina is Djema el-Fna Square. Here you can see acrobats, storytellers, water sellers, dancers, and musicians. Behind the old town lies a long palm grove. Marrakech is generally famous for its gardens and parks.

Marrakesh. Morocco.

And in the evening, tourists who come to Marrakesh are invited to attend the famous show CHEZ ALI (Chez Ali). Every self-respecting tourist who visits Morocco tries to attend this show. For a very reasonable amount of money, you get the opportunity to simultaneously enjoy the dishes of Moroccan cuisine, get acquainted with the performing arts of Moroccan music and dance groups, chat with lovely local girls, taste excellent local beer and, in the end, fully experience the flavor of local customs.

To get to know the real Marrakech, you can book a tour Marrakech for its own. Secrets of the old city, and then you will immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of the city, see a complex and fascinating history in a unique interweaving of cultures, learn to bargain in Moroccan, learn your fortune from a fortune teller and take a photo with a cobra.

Located 75 km from Marrakech ski resort, open from December to April. Skiers and tourists who want to go trekking or jeep rides in the mountains can relax there.


Meknes - a city that combines Islamic and European traditions in its architecture. Story Meknes began in the 8th century, when a fortified settlement appeared on this site. But the city's finest hour came in 1673, when it became the capital of the powerful Sultan Moulay Ismaila. The Sultan ordered to build magnificent palaces, surround them with powerful fortress walls, lay out beautiful gardens with pools, fountains, exotic plants and everything else that should be in an almost magical oriental garden. The idea was comparable in beauty to the best European palace complexes. And now Meknes is often called the Moroccan Versailles.

At the same time, a huge number of mosques were erected, which gave rise to Meknes being called the city of a thousand minarets. Stones and columns from the Roman city were used to build Meknes Volubilis, the ruins of which can still be seen near Meknes.

Meknes. Morocco.

If the color of Marrakesh is red, Rabat is blue, then Meknes is represented mainly by green - verdant gardens. The main attractions of Meknes are the stone fortress walls with impressive corner towers, nine gates, richly decorated with ornaments, huge stables, capable of accommodating 12,000 horses. The monumental Bab al-Mansour gate is also located here - one of the most beautiful in Morocco. In general, friends, photographing the sights in this city is not to over-photograph...

And finally the oldest of the four imperial cities of Morocco, the largest center of Islamic culture and education in northern Africa, which is world heritage UNESCO. Founded around 789 by Idris I. There are already 2 medinas in Fez - old and new. The old one is more than 1,000 years old, and the new one is only 700 years old. The Old Medina is one of the largest pedestrian areas in the world. The Al-Qaraouine mosque is located here and was constantly expanded and by the end of the Middle Ages it became the largest in North Africa, accommodating up to 20 thousand believers.

In general, it is in Fez that you have every chance to plunge into the Maghreb Middle Ages and experience its delights and horrors. Well, the charms are quite clear: cute narrow streets, shopping districts. People come here to buy cheap leather goods, musical instruments and basic souvenirs (baboushi slippers, a ceramic tagine pot).

But the harshest impression from the medina of Fez is, of course, leather workshops. Not everyone can overcome the terrible smell wafting over them: the skin is soaked in bird droppings and other “natural raw materials”, which is why there is an eerie odor for kilometers around...

Looks nice, but smells... Tannery districts in Fez.

What else will they show you in Fez? There is a large golf course here. By the way, there are many spa centers in Fez. So every tourist will see this city the way he wants to see it.


Casablanca. Attribute Casablanca To imperial cities according to the rules of Moroccan studies it is impossible - never in its history this city was not the capital of the kingdom. And now it is the business center of Morocco. But the size of the city and its popularity among tourists make it possible to put it on a par with Fez, Marrakech and Rabat.

Casablanca literally means “white house”, and a distinctive feature of the city is the abundance of white buildings. The city stretches along the Atlantic coast and is a symbol of modern Morocco. During the Middle Ages, Casablanca was a prosperous city known as Anfa. It was destroyed by the Portuguese in 1468 and rebuilt by them in 1515. After a strong earthquake in 1755, the city was rebuilt again. In 1907, Casablanca was occupied by the French. During French rule the city grew rapidly. Modern city was built around the old Moorish town.

Casablanca - Moroccan beauty

City sightseeing will include visiting Great Mosque Hassan II (outside), one of the largest mosques in the world. Also attracting the attention of tourists are the Twin Towers of the business center (115 m high) - a symbol of economic prosperity, the tallest secular buildings in Morocco and the entire Maghreb region in North Africa; Catholic Church Notre-Dame de Lourdes (mid-20th century); Habus quarter is a new medina built by the French at the beginning of the 20th century.

But if you really want something special from visiting Casablanca, I advise you to take a tour East market. The East has always been famous for its markets and bazaars - what can you see there! Narrow streets connect the bazaars into a single whole: an olive market, a confectionery market, a pottery market. Nearby are antique shops selling unique items. Here you can inexpensively buy high-quality leather and silk goods or enjoy a piece of date cake...

Not included in the colorful imperial cities tour . But it's definitely worth seeing! It is no coincidence that the capital of the Moroccan film industry, Ouarzazate, has a second unofficial name - Wallywood: the number of films shot here exceeds fifty. The town owes its simultaneously medieval and futuristic appearance to such close attention of filmmakers. The local medina with its ancient fortress walls of ocher-brick light seems to have been transported here straight from the Arabian Nights.

Against the backdrop of the landscapes of Ourzazate, the actions of Lawrence of Arabia and Asterix and Obelix unfolded, the gladiator Russell Crowe wandered here and the restless Cleopatra had fun. Well, in recent film history, Ourzazate appeared in the mega-popular saga “Game of Thrones”. Until its cinematic heyday in the 20th century, Ouarzazate was little more than a fortress and transit point on the route of trade caravans from the Sahara to the interior of Morocco and on to Europe.

Ourzazate is a fairy tale city, a dream city...

Well, are you tired of the sights? It's time to relax, sunbathe and finally swim in the sea and ocean.


Agadir - most popular resort in Marocco. Large sandy beach 10 km long. A shallow bay that is protected from waves, and due to its small size, the water in it warms up well. This makes Agadir an ideal place for a beach holiday (both for youth and with children). A little further from the general beach is Taghazout Beach, which is perfect for surfing. On a secluded beach, athletes and amateurs can catch waves without disturbing vacationers. More than 40 hotels, as well as cafes, restaurants, bars, clubs and as many as 3 casinos - that’s what Agadir is!

European hotel chains are widespread in Agadir: Sofitel, Iberostar, RIU. There are also hotels of “local” origin here. The proximity of eminent competitors forces them to meet the set bar. And those who cannot boast of infrastructure try to compensate for the shortcomings with national flavor and hospitable, helpful staff.

Powered by ALL INCLUSIVE: El Pueblo Tamlelt - All Inclusive 3* , Caribbean Village Agador 3*, Royal Decameron Tafoukt Beach Resort 4*

Apartments and apart-hotels: Residence Yasmina Agadir, Sidi Yusef Home, Residence Amwaj

Close to the beach: Hotel Marhaba 3*, LTI Agadir Beach Club 4*, Royal Atlas & Spa 5*, Sofitel Agadir Royal Bay Resort 5*

Agadir pleases everyone!

Just when you choose a hotel, keep in mind that all hotels are located across the boardwalk from the beach. At night this promenade is well lit, and you can walk along the ocean shore until the morning.

Hotels operate on breakfast, half board, and less often - full board or all inclusive. But you can always drink/eat outside the hotel: tea/coffee will cost about 10 dirhams, a main course = from 50 dirhams (for 1 dollar they now give 8.7 dirhams, for a euro something like 10.5 dirhams). In addition, in Agadir there is a hypermarket (like our Auchan) where you can buy the necessary products. In principle, everything can be bought except alcohol. Alcohol is sold only in specialized stores (the country is Muslim, after all).

Yes, since we're talking about food.

Moroccan cuisine is an explosive mixture of Arab, Berber, Moorish, Jewish and Mediterranean cuisine. This incredible culinary mix was facilitated by both historical realities and geographical position Morocco. Moroccan cuisine can rightfully be called one of the most delicious cuisines in the world. There will definitely not be pork (because Muslims), but there will be beef, lamb and camel meat. Try couscous, meat pie, and of course, tagine. The dish is named after the earthenware vessel (medium-sized frying pan with a high lid) in which it is prepared. The correct way to cook a tagine is over coals. At its core, tagine is a stew. It is prepared with beef, lamb, camel meat, chicken, turkey, and fish. Usually vegetables, fruits, and seasonings are added to meat, poultry or fish, and all this is slowly stewed in a tagine-ware. In general, in Morocco a lot of things are cooked in a tagine; this utensil is the main tool of Moroccan cuisine.

Tagine - both dish and utensils)

Morocco is already making my mouth water, what about you?

Well, and finally, here’s an argument in favor of Morocco (maybe for some the most convincing): weddings daughters Putin took place in one of the most luxurious hotels Morocco. Do you understand everything? So, take note of Morocco, friends.

Share your impressions of the country in the comments and see you on the blog!

Capital Rabat Founded The first Arab state in Morocco was founded in 784. Politic system Morocco is an independent state, a constitutional monarchy. Located Morocco located at the junction African Mediterranean
Morocco occupies the extreme northwestern part of the African continent, located closest to Europe. The Strait of Gibraltar, the width of which in different places does not exceed 14 -44 km, separates Morocco from Spain. Unlike other countries North Africa Morocco has direct access to both the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.

It borders Morocco in the east and southeast with Algeria, and in the south with Western Sahara.

Washed by the seas The shores of Morocco are washed by the waters of the Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea, and only the Strait of Gibraltar, 14 kilometers wide, separates it from Europe. Largest cities Largest cities: Casablanca (3,289,000 people), Rabat (1,578,000 people), Marrakesh (1,517,000 people). Fey (1,012,000 people), Tangier (554,000 people). Time zone is UTC+0. Flight time from Moscow Flight time: Moscow - Agadir 6 hours. Territory 446.6 thousand square meters. km. rial (1/20 dirham).

Mains voltage Mains voltage 115/230 V, current frequency 50 Hz.

Climate On the Mediterranean coast, the country's climate is mild, subtropical, temperatures in summer reach +30-35 C, and in winter +15-20 C. Further south, the climate is more continental, with hot summers and cool winters. It rains mainly in the winter months. customs control There are certain restrictions on the import of alcohol into Morocco. For example, you can bring only one bottle with you to the country

alcoholic products

, 200 cigarettes and 50 cigars.

Professional photographic equipment and video cameras cannot be brought into the country. Despite this, tourists do not have to worry, because amateur cameras are allowed through the border without any problems. In Morocco, it is allowed to import and export the currencies of other countries, but it is prohibited to use it within the country. Items having

historical value

, is prohibited from being exported from the Kingdom.


A dense network of railways connects major cities in Morocco. Rail transport is managed by the national operator ONCF. ONCF was founded in 1963. Morocco has an efficient railway network of 1,900 km, almost entirely built in the mid-1930s. The main railway lines connect Tangier with Fez, Casablanca and Marrakech; From Fez the railway track runs eastwards to Oujda and further to Algeria. Since 1963, the railway network has been under the jurisdiction of the state Office of Railway Operations. Morocco has a developed road network, one of the best in Africa. The total length of roads in 1973 was over 51 thousand km, of which 21 thousand were paved roads. Roads included in the Trans-African network pass through Morocco

highways . There is also a network of expressways throughout Morocco. Airplanes of the national airline Royal Air Maroc, which operates domestic flights under the name Royal Air Inter, operate flights between the main cities of the kingdom. Major airport located in Casablanca; besides him, Morocco has ten other
major airports

Local drivers follow road rules in a rather unique way. On the one hand, in cities, drivers practically do not recognize traffic rules, on the other hand, in provincial areas, many even show excessive, sometimes reaching the point of recklessness, “politeness” on the road. At the same time, traffic is constantly disrupted by crowds of pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, carts and even animals, so the roar of horns constantly “hangs” over the roads. Driving at night should be avoided, as peripheral roads are poorly lit, and only cars of a relatively new year of manufacture have side lights.

Driving a car in the mountainous regions of the Atlas is quite difficult - the roads, although in good condition, are quite narrow and winding. In cities, especially in their historical areas, driving a car yourself is extremely difficult - the streets of old neighborhoods are practically “impassable” for modern cars, and local drivers do not shine with politeness on the road. The markings are international and road signs are usually written in French and Arabic. Speed ​​is limited to 120 km/h on highways, 100 km/h on public roads and 40-60 km/h in populated areas. Seat belts are required.


Telephone communication There are no problems with communication in Morocco. Maroc telecom cards are sold everywhere, they can be used in almost any machine on the street and in hotels (only different machines for different cards). Cards cost from 5 dirhams (this is a little more than 30 seconds of conversation with Moscow). However, they usually sell cards for 20 dirhams or more (20 dirhams - about 3 and a half minutes of conversation with Moscow). Just when purchasing, specify that you need an international card, or better yet, tell where you need to call.

There are also many telekiosks in Morocco, which are basically a booth with telephones. But the problem is that these devices operate on 5 dirham coins (which will be exchanged for you immediately) and returning the coin if you don’t get through is very problematic. That is, it turns out like slot machine, whether you get through or not - depending on your luck. In addition, calling Russia from a telekiosk is very expensive and inconvenient (5 dirhams is enough for 20 seconds).

Roaming services in the kingdom are provided by Bee Line, MTS and Megafon. The cost of the call may vary.

Mobile operators in Morocco offer free international and domestic incoming calls. If you know that you will receive frequent calls while traveling in Morocco, then buy a contract package of local operators. Its cost is about 25 DH.

Main Moroccan operators mobile communications are Maroc Telecom and Meditel. On their official websites you can check the cost of communication. In addition, these resources allow you to send SMS to Moroccan numbers.

Calls to Russia The code for telephone communication with Russia is 7. Calls from Russia For telephone communication from Russia to Morocco, you need to dial: 8-10-212 - the city code in Morocco - the subscriber's telephone number.

City codes City codes:
Casablanca - 2
Marrakech and Safi - 4
Fes - 5
Oujda - 6
Kenitra, Rabat, Sale and Tifleth - 7
Agadir - 8
Tetouan and Tangier - 9 Useful phones
Certificates - 16.
Telephone code information - 07.
National Tourist Office (Marrakech) - 448-889.
Casablanca Tourist Information Center - 271-177, 279-533.
Fes Tourist Information Center - 623-460, 626-279.
Tangier Tourist Information Center - 938-239.
ONMT Tourist Information - 775-179/71.
ONCF Tourist Information - 774-747.
Tourist information "Delegation du Tourism" - 730-562.
Rabat-Sale airport information desk - 788-381.
Information desk at Mohammed V Airport (Casablanca) - 339-916 (24 hours).
Ambulance - 15.
Police - 19.
Fire service - 15.

Gendarmerie and roadside assistance - 177.

National cuisine

Moroccan culinary traditions are very old and very alive. Many Moroccan men love to cook, but women are, of course, the bearers of all the secrets and teachers. Even a highly trained professional chef will likely say, “My mother taught me to cook.” For women, cooking is a daily household chore, and they prepare Moroccan dishes at home.

Moroccan cuisine is essentially home cooking. The products used are simple and inexpensive; the cooking method has been preserved from the times when people cooked food over fires. The taste of Moroccan dishes is amazing! There is no point in explaining, you definitely have to try it. Only Moroccans can cook properly in Moroccan style – this has been tested many times.

Also a traditional dish to start a feast is meat. There are thousands of ways to prepare it, but spices and aromatic herbs are required, used both as a seasoning and as a light snack. The most popular are a variety of kebabs, a complex dish of meat and dough - “pastilla”, a dish “tajin” stewed in a special bowl with beef, quince or other ingredients, baked or fried lamb meat “meshua”, lamb with dates, dried apricots or prunes, lamb with pine nuts and raisins, baked Moroccan-style chicken mishnah, steamed chicken stuffed with herbs and spices, scrambled eggs with herbs, bissara with peas, chicken shorba, lamb goulash "gain el ghalmi", hundreds fish dishes, etc.

Dishes made from vegetables and grains are widely used - rice salad with citrus fruits and “shergi” herbs, stuffed eggplants, the famous “couscous” (here it is eaten hot), numerous complex salads with oranges, fried sweet pepper salad, roast with vegetables Moroccan, fried eggplant salad and just vegetables served as a side dish.

During lunch, ksra bread is passed around, which is dipped in small vases with salt and caraway seeds. Widely known are sweet pies with fillings, wonderful oriental desserts with almonds and fruits, aromatic pancakes “bastia”, unique pies with meat “briuate”, pancakes with filling “rgaif”, “bricks” made from unleavened dough with egg, small pancakes, crispy cookies “beshkito”, “avzet” buns stuffed with meat and spices, “guerrab” pies and other desserts.

A traditional Moroccan drink is mint tea, which is usually served with a ceremony. Coffee is also consumed and served everywhere. Very strong and hot, often with cardamom, it takes some getting used to. Coffee with milk is much less common and is called “kahu kasse”.

Among the strong alcoholic drinks, local “makhiya” and imported varieties of gin (usually drunk very diluted) and whiskey, consumed as a rule by foreigners, are popular, since Muslim traditions prohibit the consumption of alcohol.

The country produces best wines in North Africa, but wine consumption is low. The best varieties are "Buluan", "Ostale", "Cabernet President", "Taleb", "Pierre Antoine", "Cardinal Amazir", as well as white wines "Chude-Sautel" and "Valpierre" and imported varieties. Fairly light local beer tastes rather mediocre.

In addition to their own cuisine, Moroccans love Italian cuisine and fast food. Simple cafes serving sandwiches with beef brains, hearts, kidneys and other innards are also popular. It is considered to be very tasty. By the way, only halal meat is used everywhere, even at McDonald's.

Work of institutions

Banks are open from Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 11.15 and from 14.15 to 16.00. Saturday and Sunday are days off. During Ramadan they are open from 8.30 to 14.00. Opening hours may vary.

Museums are usually open from 9:00 to 12:00 in the morning and from 15:00 to 17:30 in the afternoon.

Holidays and non-working days

December-February - Ramadan
January 1 - European New Year;
January 11 - Independence Day;
February 23 - Eid al-Saghir (Eid al-Fitr), end of Ramadan;
March 3 is the anniversary of the accession to the throne of King Hassan II;
April 30 (date varies) - Eid al-Kabir (Eid al-Adha), sacrifice of Ibrahim;
May 1 - Labor Day;
May 16 - (date varies) first day of Muharram (Muslim New Year);
May 23 - National holiday;
June 1 - (date varies) - Ashura, the holiday of the poor and children;
July 9 - Youth Festival;
July 29 (date varies) - Maulid, the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad;
July 30 - Throne Day;
August 20 - Revolution Day;
November 6 - Day of the Green March (annexation of the northern part of Western Sahara);
November 18 is Independence Day, the anniversary of the return from exile of King Mohammed V.

Customs and orders

Moroccans are proud of their culture and traditions.

The culture of Morocco has been shaped by very different traditions. It is, of course, based on Arab and Berber cultures. In addition, Europeans, primarily the French and Spaniards, also had a significant influence.

Moroccans are very hospitable, although they are not rich. For a Moroccan, a guest is always an important and respected person. He will definitely be offered all the best that is in the house. In the city, you have the right to decline an invitation without offending anyone. But in the village... “O you who crossed the threshold of my house, you are now the master here, and I am your servant” - this old Moroccan proverb is relevant to this day, and refusing an invitation to stay is considered a cruel insult.

Moroccans are always ready to help, although not unselfishly. For all their goodwill, they are very cunning and will not miss their goal. Especially the traders.

All questions regarding the age of your wife, the size of your salary, the cost of your camera are a local manifestation of politeness!

The address “you” does not exist in Arabic, but everyone knows perfectly well that it exists in other languages.

Men have a harsh character - in disputes they very quickly turn to shouting, waving their arms and generally behaving in a threatening manner. In fact, as a rule, there is no aggression in such clashes - everyone calms down very quickly and parts quite amicably. The Moroccans themselves say this: “If a man does not shout, but reacts politely and calmly to what he does not like, then everyone will decide that he has no power.” Women, on the contrary, are very calm and peaceful, at least outwardly.

The strict morals of Moroccans will condemn too revealing clothing. The Koran allows polygamy. True, now keeping a harem is an expensive pleasure for a husband, and it is rare to find the head of a family with more than two life partners.

Precautionary measures

You cannot drink tap water or water offered by water carriers on the streets - only bottled water. In many modern hotels Tap water is quite safe, but it has a composition of microelements that is unusual for the European stomach, which can cause digestive upset. Juices with ice, which are offered everywhere, should also be drunk with great caution - only from bottles in original packaging; many street vendors mix juices or not very well. pure ice, or diluted with tap water. When buying a bottle of soft drink on the street, you must drink it on the spot, otherwise you will have to pay the cost of the bottle.

Wear sunscreen (even on cloudy days), sunglasses and light protective clothing. There are few dangerous insects, and even fewer flying ones. The only things to be wary of are scorpions and spiders in desert areas.

In general, Morocco is a socially and politically stable and relatively safe country.

There are a lot of pickpockets in Morocco, so you should take the usual safety measures - do not carry a wallet in clothing pockets that are easily accessible from the outside, cameras and handbags only on your belt, do not leave anything in the car, or park cars only in guarded parking lots, specially served by security guards (must have uniforms). tokens). The tourist police are very friendly towards foreigners, but at the same time they are very harsh towards the local population. Photographing military and police officers is strictly prohibited.

During Ramadan (December to February) it is forbidden to drink and eat before sunset, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol (even for tourists), shops are open during the day with reduced working hours or not at all.

Molestation and begging in tourist areas is a serious problem for foreign tourists, but local authorities are taking serious measures to limit them. You should reject advances politely, with a smile, but firmly, and under no circumstances raise your voice. As a last resort, you should contact tour group guides (they are authorized by the authorities to legally resist petty beggars and are therefore feared) or employees of the special “tourist police”.

Almost the entire population of Morocco is Sunni Muslim. In this country, it is necessary to respect Islamic traditions. Women outside tourist complexes are advised to dress modestly and avoid shorts, miniskirts, and bare-shouldered clothing. It should be clearly remembered that a woman in the Arab world is a “second-class” creature. Girls unaccompanied by men should exercise increased caution. On the streets, it is better to ask women for help (by the way, male tourists are not forbidden to do this either). If a girl tourist turns to a local man and at the same time, for example, smiles at him (which by European standards is completely natural) - according to Moroccan concepts, she is flirting with him. It is advisable for those arriving as part of a tourist group to refrain from independent trips around the country (especially to the Sahara Desert) and adhere to the established schedule of excursions accompanied by a guide.

So, the traveler has planned a vacation trip to Morocco. As they say in Arabic: "Mabruk" which means congratulations! Now what? Before boarding a plane, there are a few things every traveler needs to know.

Morocco, Morocco, Morocco? Which is correct?

In English, the word is written: Morocco. In Russian: Morocco. But in Arabic, things aren't so simple with vowels, so it's really just anyone's guess. In this case, pronouncing correctly is much more important than writing correctly.

Are any vaccinations required before departure?

Despite the fact that it is always - personal choice everyone, the answer is: there are no compulsory vaccines in Morocco. Many people try to protect themselves by getting vaccinated against rabies and hepatitis A and B. But in fact, during their entire stay in the country, no one had any health problems.

What is the local currency? Are credit cards accepted?

Moroccan dirham (DEE-rahm). The exchange rate is approximately 12 cents per dirham.

Relatively speaking, the dirham exchange rate is quite stable, so there should be no surprises. Of course, you can find goods at Western prices, but for the most part, Morocco is a place where you can and should bargain.

It is important to remember that cash from ATMs is issued in dirhams, and a bank commission of about 3 percent will be charged on withdrawals. Some credit cards still have no international transaction fees. Before departure, you must contact your credit card issuing bank for advice. Most major retail outlets accept credit cards. Bazaars (souks - markets under open air) and small shops are likely to require cash, and especially if the tourist is in the mood to bargain, cash is the trump card.

What language do they speak?

Moroccans speak a fascinating mixture of Arabic, Berber, English and French. In one sentence there is a high probability of hearing several languages, such as: “Mabruk! Welcome, haltu redu caf? e th??”.

While English is most likely to be understood in major cities, communication problems can occur in small and rural areas. In this case, Arabic and French are the salvation for the intrepid traveler.

What rules must be followed?

There are two rules that are very important to follow while in Morocco. The first thing is not to use your left hand for any purpose. For example, eating with it or shaking someone else's hand as a sign of greeting. Muslims, including Moroccans, consider this an unclean gesture; in Islam, only the right hand is considered clean. It is important to observe this primarily in public places, and it does not matter whether you are right-handed or left-handed.

The second rule concerns women's clothing. In Moroccan culture, women always dress very modestly, in contrast to Western trends. No one forbids tourists to wear short tops, skirts or shorts, but to be on the safe side and in tribute to the traditions of Morocco, it is still better to purchase clothes from a local store. In addition, it is always very light, flowing and will serve as a wonderful souvenir in the future. Piece-piece swimsuits are also preferable. Traditions are observed especially strictly in small towns and rural areas. IN big cities and in large tourist centers the attitude is more loyal.

Features of religion

Propaganda of any religion other than Islam is prohibited. This violation is punishable by a fine of up to 500 dirhams and imprisonment of up to 3 years.

What is the food like in Morocco? Can I eat fresh fruits, vegetables and drink water?

Food in Morocco consists exclusively of local products. As a result, the choice may be smaller, but most of the vegetables and fruits for the table are grown here and delivered very quickly and without any chemical treatment. The local cuisine in Morocco is a must-have, it is tasty and healthy and adds a certain flavor to your trip. It will not be superfluous to consume charcoal and yogurt. Also, for safety reasons, it is better to use bottled water and wash fruits and vegetables well.

What souvenirs to buy in Morocco?

We recommend reading the article What to buy in Morocco. And it is best to bring traditional local products from Morocco: carpets, leather goods (bags, shoes, clothes), wood products, ceramics, forged copper and brass products, babouches, robes.

A useful phrase in Arabic: "Lyaa, shukrAn" - "no need, thank you." Pushy sellers, beggars and self-proclaimed guides immediately lose interest in you. If you want to say: “thank you” - accordingly - “shukrAn” (emphasis on the “a”).

If you receive help on the street from local guide- the fee is automatically assumed!

A few Moroccan words in Arabic:

GoodbyeMa assalama, be-slama
YesNa am(quince), Iiekh
Thank youShukran, barak el-lah fik
Please (in request)Min fadlek, afak
Good morningSebah el Kheir
SorryIs it funny?
Do you know English?Taarif inglizi?
How many?Kaddesch?
How much does it cost?Bikam yes, shhal, shhal el-taman
no entryDuhul mamnua
I don't understandMa fhemt-sh
PassportHawaii safar
You can seeMumkin shuf
Good productsSela kvaysa
I wantNheb
KissBusa or Koblya
Go, fuck offYalla
Go, fuck off - for those who are especially persistent,
letters "went to the white devil"
I am Khabbara Abbet
The end (I said everything)Halas (how!)
1 Wahid (wahad)
2 Itnan (itnin)
10 Ashara
20 Ishrin
100 Mia (meya)

Route 03/13/19 15 208 0

In 10 days you can travel half of Morocco.

This is one of the most colorful and photogenic Arab countries. It's good to walk along the narrow blue streets, bargain in noisy bazaars, look at ancient mosques and fortresses, swim in the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.

We have collected the main things about traveling to Morocco in one article. If you're going on a trip, take it with you. Details and nuances -

What will you learn

📌 Input data

Where is: in northwest Africa.
How long to fly: average 7 hours.
When is the season: May - October.
Where to swim: in the west - in the Atlantic Ocean, in the north - in the Strait of Gibraltar and the Mediterranean Sea.
Average temperature in summer: in the north - +28 °C, in the south - +40 °C.
Currency: Moroccan dirham(MAD, Dh, د.م), is equal to 6.87 R.
Time difference with Moscow: −2 hours.

✈️ Visa and travel

Russians do not need a visa to Morocco: upon arrival, they will stamp your passport at the border.

Tickets with transfers cost from 12,000 RUR. There are connections in Lisbon, Paris, Amsterdam.

📍 Sights of Morocco

To Marrakesh They go for the atmosphere of the oriental bazaar and the old city. A popular attraction in the city is the Majorelle Gardens, which were once restored by Yves Saint Laurent.

Chefchaouen famous for the old part of the city: all the houses there are painted blue. Tourists wander through the narrow streets and admire the view of the city from the Spanish Mosque.

Fes famous for its leather workshops. There they manually tan, process and dye the leather to make bags, slippers, wallets and bracelets. The visit is free.

In Tangier you can wander around the old city, visit the big bazaar and go to the Kasbah. This ancient fortress in the very center of the city, it opens beautiful view to the Strait of Gibraltar. The visit is free.

The fortress houses the royal palace Dar el Mahzeh, which operates as a museum. Entrance costs 10 dirhams (69 RUR). The museum exhibits many ancient archaeological finds dating back to Neolithic times.

Rabat. The main attraction of Rabat is the Kasbah of Oudaia. This is an ancient fortress on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. Inside it is a museum and Andalusian gardens. Entrance to the fortress and garden is free, to the museum - 10 dirhams (69 R).

💸 Money

Most places only accept cash. You will need them to buy train and bus tickets, pay for a taxi, buy fruit and eat in a cafe. Cash can be withdrawn from ATMs. There are many of them in every city. There are exchangers at the airport and at bank branches in the city.

Cards are accepted only in a few hotels and restaurants, such as Clock Cafe in Fez and Rick's Cafe in Casablanca.

🇫🇷 🇪🇸 Languages

In addition to Arabic, French and Spanish are spoken in Morocco. Casablanca, Rabat and Fez have more French. In Tétouan and Tangier, Spanish is mainly spoken, and French is difficult to understand. Both languages ​​are spoken in Chefchaouen.

People in Morocco speak English poorly. Language problems do not only arise in restaurants and hotels.

🌵 Food

📌 On average, lunch for two costs 200 dirhams (1374 RUR).
📌 Seaside cities have delicious fish and seafood. One dish will cost 150 dirhams (1030 RUR).
📌 Tazhin - a traditional dish steamed meat and vegetables. Cost - from 120 to 160 dirhams (824-1099 R).
📌 Couscous is served only on Fridays: this is the custom. Along with it they bring a huge plate of meat or chicken, stewed vegetables, nuts and spices.

Cafe on the street
📌 It's cheaper and tastier there, but the dishes come with dirty forks, wasps and cats that climb onto the table.
📌 Cash payment only.

📌 Fruits and vegetables are sold in markets in the old city. Everything there is fresh and tasty.
📌 There are no price tags anywhere, you have to bargain.
📌 A kilogram of peaches costs 10-25 dirhams (68-171 RUR).
📌 Two kilograms of figs and half a kilogram of cactus fruits will cost 20 dirhams (137 RUR).


In hotels clean, staff speaks English. Everything looks like Europe.

A room for two costs 35-45 € (2625-3375 R). You can book on Booking.

Gift- traditional Moroccan house. Typically, it has three floors, several bedrooms, a kitchen and a roof terrace. Tourists book a room with a shared bathroom and breakfast. Essentially, this is a hostel. Staying in Dar costs about 25 € (1875 RUR) per day.

Riad- this is the same gift, but much larger in size. It can be booked through Air BBC. A room with a private bathroom and breakfast will cost 40 € (3000 R) for two per night.

🚖 Transport

"Grand Taxi"
📌 Travels between cities and to airports.
📌 The taxi departs as soon as the car is full. This usually takes 15 minutes.
📌 Prices for “Gran Taxi” are fixed. A taxi from Casablanca airport to the center costs 250-300 dirhams (1717-2610 R).
📌 The price does not change depending on the number of passengers in the car.
📌 It’s better to negotiate the fare before you get into the car. Drivers often begin to inflate prices when they see tourists.

"Petit Taxi"
📌 He only travels around cities.
📌 He gets caught anywhere on the street.
📌 Each car has a counter. If the driver refuses to turn it on, agree on the price of the trip in advance.
📌 The cost should not be more than 20-30 dirhams (138-206 RUR) for a trip around the city at a distance of 5-10 km.

📌 There are two in Morocco bus companies: CTM and Supratours.
📌 All buses are modern and comfortable, there is air conditioning inside.
📌 C-T-am has more departure stations and more flights.
📌 A bus trip from Fes to Chefchaouen costs 80 dirhams (549 RUR) per person.

📌 Each carriage has air conditioning, and prices are close to Russian ones.
📌 Tickets can be purchased in advance on the website of the Moroccan railways ONCF or directly at the station. They only accept cash.
📌 Each train has first and second class.
📌 Second class tickets are sold to everyone - there is a chance that you will have to go standing.
📌 A ticket from Casablanca to Fes in first class costs 174 dirhams (1195 R), and a ticket to the second one costs 116 dirhams (796 RUR).
📌 Trains are often delayed for 1-3 hours.

💝 What to bring from Morocco

Argan oil It can be culinary or cosmetic. Good oil costs on average 500-600 dirhams (3435-4122 R).

Tazhin- dishes for stewing meat. It is not always convenient to take it home: some tagines weigh up to 5 kilograms. But the meat in them turns out very tender. Usually such dishes cost 45 dirhams (300 R).

Amlu- sweetness based on argan oil with nuts. Packaging will cost 25-300 dirhams (171-2055 R) depending on the volume and composition. It's cheaper in the markets.

Saffron. Spices in Morocco are cheaper than in Europe and Russia, and the quality is better. One gram of saffron costs 50-70 dirhams (343-480 R ).

📱 Internet

Wi-Fi is available in hotels, private homes, cafes and restaurants. Often you need to ask the waiter for the password.

⚠️ Mentality

Morocco - poor country. Locals often try to make money from tourists. Taxi drivers and sellers charge high prices, and passers-by offer to show you the city or take you to an attraction. This looks like a desire to help, but at the end of the journey the “guide” will definitely ask for money. Therefore, it is better to ask merchants for directions: they usually do not require a fee.

🙅 Safety rules

Here are some things to keep in mind while on holiday in Morocco:

  1. Do not buy ready-made food at the market: sanitary conditions are not observed there.
  2. Do not drink water from the tap or from fountains: you can get poisoned.
  3. Don't walk around the city at night.
  4. Keep an eye on things in crowded places.
  5. Girls are not recommended to wear short skirts and shorts. Dresses, skirts below the knee, pants and tunics with long sleeves are suitable.


For citizens of the Russian Federation, a visa-free regime is applied.


Moscow - Casablanca direct flight is carried out from Moscow by Royal Air Maroc (Royal Moroccan Airlines), the flight is also carried out with a stopover in any city in Europe (Paris, Frankfurt, Milan, Rome, etc.) and takes an average of 10 hours, including connecting time, Moscow - Agadir 6 hours. The domestic flight from Casablanca to Agadir (or Marrakech) takes 45 minutes. (f/a Royal Air Maroc).

Customs regulations

Import allowed: 3 bottles. and wine or 2 bottles. (1 liter) of strong alcoholic drinks, 200 pcs. cigarettes, 50 cigars, or 250g. tobacco per person. Hunting equipment is subject to mandatory declaration; a permit must first be obtained. The import of foreign currency is limited to multiples of 100,000 Moroccan dirhams (approximately 9,000 euros). You cannot export dirhams. The export of objects and things of historical and artistic value without special permission is prohibited. To import animals and birds, special documents are also required.

Airport tax

There is no airport tax.

general information

The Kingdom of Morocco is located in western North Africa. In the east and southeast it borders with Algeria, in the south - with Mauritania, in the north it is washed by Mediterranean Sea, in the West - Atlantic Ocean, Morocco is separated from Spain by only 14 km through the Strait of Gibraltar. From southwest to northeast the country's territory is crossed Atlas Mountains. Rovnaya coastline the Atlantic coast is mostly sandy beaches.
The capital is Rabat. Morocco's population is more than 33 million people. More than 5 million live in the city of Casablanca. Basic ethnic composition- Arabs, Berbers.


All major cities in the country have airports. Trains in Morocco are regular and high-speed, which run on long-distance lines. In addition to speed, these trains have other advantages: comfortable soft seats, air conditioning, sound insulation. 1st and 2nd class carriages. Buses are the most popular form of transport in the country; fares range from 3 to 10 euros depending on the distance. The difference in comfort between the first and second class buses is very insignificant. Tickets can be purchased at bus stations or from the driver (in the provinces). Buses are almost always overcrowded and do not stop on the highway, so “voting” is almost pointless. Inside the city limits there are “small taxis” (maximum three people), which are clearly visible due to the characteristic color of each city (red in Casablanca, blue in Rabat, orange in Agadir, sand in Marrakech, etc.). They can pick up other passengers. The fare is about 1 euro per 1 km, but more often the price of the trip can be discussed in advance with the driver (bargaining is appropriate), but it is better to ask to turn on the taximeter. There are other types of taxis in cities; the cost of a trip in them is determined by the tariff schedule and is announced to the passenger when boarding the car. The so-called “large taxis” (analogous to “minibuses” for six people), intended for intercity and suburban trips (depart only after all seats in the cabin are filled). The fare is agreed upon in advance and divided among all passengers (paid to the driver at the end of the trip). The cost of a taxi from the airport to Agadir (30 km) is approximately 30 euros. Traveling around the city by taxi costs 5-20 MDH.


National currency Morocco - Moroccan dirham. 1$ is approximately equal to 9.3 Moroccan dirhams, 1 euro is 11.3 dirhams. 1 dirham = 100 centimes. There are banknotes in denominations of 200, 100, 50 and 10 dirhams, and coins in denominations of 10, 5, 2, 1 dirhams, as well as 50, 20, 10, and 5 centimes. Banks are open from Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 11.15 and from 14.15 to 16.00. Saturday and Sunday are days off. During Ramadan they are open from 8.30 to 14.00. It is illegal to change money on the streets in Morocco. The best place for exchange - a bank or a special exchange office with the inscription Ghange, or machines that operate around the clock; they are available in almost all tourist centers. There are also exchange offices at airports. As for credit cards (Eurocard, Master Card, Visa, American Express), they are accepted in most restaurants, almost all hotels and many shops. Changing currency
You should definitely take a certificate in case you need to make a reverse exchange.


Time lags behind Moscow by 2 hours in summer, and by 3 hours in winter.


Mostly subtropical marine off the coast, and quite dry on the continental part of the country. In general, the climate in the country is comfortable for staying. The complexity and height of the relief, as well as the influence of the Atlantic, determine the climate. In summer, hot and dry weather prevails over the entire territory. In winter, the influx of humid and relatively cool sea air dominates. The bulk of precipitation falls in the mountains, while the plains receive significantly less atmospheric moisture. Most of the country has an average rainfall of about 300 mm per year. Fluctuations in seasonal and daily temperatures are quite significant, especially in winter. Average temperatures in January are 16-20°C, in July 25-38°C. Tourist season lasts almost all year round, you can swim from April to November.


State languages three - Arabic, French, Berber. In cities and tourist centers, French, German and English languages. The local population speaks mainly a Moroccan dialect.


The majority of the population (99%) professes Islam; there are Jewish and Christian communities


It is customary to tip 5-10% of the order amount in restaurants and hotels (they are not included in the bill), maids 10 MDH per day, car guards in parking lots 3-5 MDH, guides, drivers 50-100 MDH per excursion. Tips must be given personally to the person who performed the service. The size of the tip is at the discretion of the tourist.


Mains voltage: 220 V, no adapter needed.


Gendarmerie and roadside assistance - 177. includes both traditional Arab dishes and specific local ones. We recommend trying “tagine” - a traditional dish of the Moroccan Berbers. The dish got its name from the clay pot in which, when preparing tagine, meat, fish, or chicken with spices and vegetables are simmered for a long time. The tagine also serves couscous, a cereal dish with meat and vegetables. “Harera” - a thick soup made from legumes, “Mishui” lamb - a whole lamb carcass prepared by long simmering in an underground oven, “Kukli” chickens, various dishes from fish, seafood, meat and vegetables - all this is pleasant to our taste. Be sure to try Moroccan sweets; there are thousands of varieties of them in Morocco. Morocco also serves famous mint tea and amazing coffee.

The shops

In all major cities there are chain supermarkets Marjan, Asima, Carefur, where you can buy food, water, hygiene items, etc. Opening hours, from 08:30 to 22:00. Alcohol is sold in the special wine departments of Carefur stores and in licensed specialized stores - from 10:00 to 20:00. In the city’s “medinas” (the area of ​​the old city), in markets and shops you can buy souvenirs for every taste. In Essaouira, it is better to buy souvenirs (paintings, leather lamps), Berber silver, national clothes and thuja products. In a large salon, the quality is higher, but the price is also higher. In Medina, the shops are 30-50% cheaper, but the quality is lower. In Casablanca - European items from famous fashion houses, clothes, shoes. In Fez - leather goods, souvenirs, ceramics, silver chasing. In Rabat - souvenirs, carpets, leather. Marrakech has a lot of European goods, but also a lot of different local traditional goods, a large oriental souk surrounds the Jemaa el Fna square. In Agadir, as in resort town, the prices are slightly higher, but in any case it is customary to bargain. Bargaining in Morocco is a centuries-old tradition; bargaining is not only done in boutiques and shops with fixed price.

Car rent

To rent a car you must have international driver's license, payment in cash or credit card. Offices of international rental companies are widespread and prices are low. Renting a middle class car costs about 450 MDH per day. Taxes, mileage, insurance, roadside assistance and transportation costs are paid separately depending on the type of vehicle. In large resort areas It is recommended to reserve a car in advance. Before renting, you should especially carefully familiarize yourself with the technical condition of the car: it happens that cars have hidden defects that will have to be paid for upon return. The car must be picked up and returned with a full tank of fuel.
Road markings are internationally marked and road signs are usually written in French and Arabic. Seat belts are required. Often cars are offered for rent right on the street, but it is better to refuse this option. Local drivers usually follow traffic rules, but sometimes violations occur. Traffic police are very serious, fines for violations are high, so everyone tries to follow the rules. All cities have parking attendants, they regulate the parking of cars on the streets, and can wash the car if desired. The cost of their services is from 5 to 20 MDH.

Features of staying in the country

The country is socially and politically stable and relatively safe in terms of crime. However, in markets and places with large crowds of people, you must keep a bag with valuables in front of you and do not leave things unchecked. The local population has great respect for the police. Access to mosques for non-Muslims, with rare exceptions, is prohibited. It is not customary to hug in public, nor is it acceptable to show strong emotions in general. You should only drink bottled water. Juices with ice, which are offered everywhere, should also be drunk with great caution. Women and girls are not recommended to dress provocatively (short shorts and skirts, open back, belly, deep neckline), especially outside tourist complexes. It is not customary to sunbathe topless. Clothing on city excursions should correspond to the clothes you wear around your city in the summer, and in no way be beach or evening wear. Remember that you are in a Muslim country and respect its traditions and people. Do not eat a lot of unfamiliar foods, vegetables and fruits. Do not use the services of intrusive well-wishers who offer assistance in finding or purchasing goods and souvenirs. Resolutely refuse their services. If you get lost, do not try to get out on your own, ask a shopkeeper or a policeman. The attitude towards tourists is friendly and not indifferent towards women. At any time of the year, it is advisable to have a light, windproof jacket, a hat, and from October to June - a warm jacket or sweater (in the evening, a cold wind can blow from the ocean).
Ramadan. During Ramadan, the month of Muslim fasting, services in hotels, shops, restaurants, cafes and public places may be limited, as well as the sale of alcohol. But these restrictions, as a rule, do not apply to non-Muslim foreigners.
Attention! Tourists are required to comply with local laws, norms of behavior, and respect traditions, cultural and religious customs. Failure to comply with the above rules, either knowingly or unknowingly, may result in prosecution. It is necessary to exercise caution while traveling, follow personal safety rules, and monitor the safety of your property and documents. Keep valuables in the hotel safe and make a photocopy of your passport. Read the insurance conditions specified in the insurance policy!