Which Russian brand of skis is better? The best alpine skis from famous foreign manufacturers

It would seem that the answer lies on the surface - contact a consultant in the store. However, it is far from a fact that in pursuit of profit they will not sell you expensive and, of course, high-quality skis that will be so fast and uncontrollable that a trip to the emergency room after winter holiday guaranteed.

How to avoid becoming a victim of marketing traps? How to choose the right skis? What parameters should you pay attention to first? Our article will answer all questions.

Main types of skis

If a person skis only during short winter weekends, then it is quite difficult to navigate and choose the right sports equipment among the huge assortment. Therefore, you need to know what types of skis exist and understand what kind of riding and skill level they are intended for.

All skis can be divided into several categories. Let's look at them in more detail.

Depending on the skill level, skis are divided into the following types:

  • Professional;
  • Amateur;
  • Tourist;
  • For children and teenagers.

Depending on your riding style:

  • Mountain;
  • Running.

The last two categories of skis have a broader classification, as they are suitable for various disciplines. Therefore, we will determine which skis are better – alpine skiing or cross-country skiing – using a comparative review.

Alpine skiing has the following classification:

  • Skis for ski cross. Designed for professionals and extreme riding enthusiasts. They are maneuverable, but unstable. An athlete must be able not only to stand well on skis, but also to quickly respond to changes in the situation. These skis are made from the most durable material.
  • Carving skis. Maneuverable, easy to control. Slightly tapered in the center. Allow the skier to easily take turns. Requires special riding skills.
  • Fun carving skis. Designed for experienced skiers who like to ski without poles. The speed of such skis is low. They are controllable because there is a lifting plate between the boot and the ski itself.
  • Freestyle skis. Suitable for snowboarding enthusiasts. These skis have a curved tip and heel. This shape allows the skier not to fall, but to move on if he lands with his back to the track.
  • Skis for ski touring. Stable, non-slip, well controlled. Designed for areas where there is no lift. Riding such skis is as safe as possible if the athlete has the skills to ski on level B slopes.
  • Skis for freestyle backcountry. Thisfairly wide skis that are designed for riding on snowy and uncleared terrain. The controllability of such skis is as high as possible. They are stable and strong.
  • Skis for freeride or with a thin waist. The width of these skis is 80 mm. Suitable only for professionals, as they are very fast, poorly controlled and require special skills for driving on the highway.
  • Wide skis. They have a wide middle, nose and heel. Designed for riding during a thaw. They don't sink in the snow and are maneuverable.

Based on the above classifications, we can conclude that skiing are aimed at professional athletes or for those amateurs who have already mastered the basics of skiing on entry-level slopes.

Cross-country skiing is divided into only two groups:

  • For a classic move. These are long skis with a smooth surface, which are covered with a special protective layer. This layer prevents the track from slipping backwards.
  • For skating. Short skis that have a slight elevation in the center. This design contributes to the athlete’s stability when climbing a mountain.This type of ski is suitable for tourists who love winter walks in the forest or mountain slopes. They require basic riding skills.

Also included in a separate category hunting skis, which are divided into kamus and golitsa. These products are designed for driving in forested areas where there are no cleared trails and there is a risk of falling under the snow. They are stable, not too fast and controllable. Not suitable for classic mountain skiing.

Key ski characteristics

The physical parameters of the skis determine how they behave while riding. Therefore, if you don’t know which skis to choose – fast or more obedient – ​​you should familiarize yourself with the parameters that affect the speed of movement:

  • Ski length. This is the main characteristic that affects the speed of the skier on the track. Therefore, it is worth remembering that the taller and heavier the person, the longer the skis he needs. Long skis don't sink in the snow, they go fast and are more aggressive. The shorter the skis, the more manageable and easier they are to control.
  • Rigidity. This is a criterion that indicates the degree of flexibility of the ski. Each equipment manufacturer has different stiffness ratings. And the higher this indicator, the more aggressive the skis behave. Soft skis turn smoother, but only if the person’s weight is not too heavy. Hard skis turn more sharply, but their stability is higher. For beginners, buying skis with a high degree of rigidity is not recommended. Such skis will ride poorly and constantly “throw” the athlete a little forward.
  • Turning radius. Often on skis you can find numerical markings (from 10 to 20 m), which indicate the speed of the ski's turn. The smaller it is, the faster a pair of skis will turn. For beginner skiers, it is worth choosing equipment with an indicator of 14-16 meters. Teenagers take skis with a turning radius of up to 20 m. Professionals can choose the most agile pair.
  • Geometry of equipment. Such a characteristic as the shape of the ski often misleads even experienced athletes. Therefore, many novice skiers often wonder how to choose skis according to their shape. Skis with a wide tip are more stable and easily turn. Products with a narrow toe make edging easier. A narrow heel forgives mistakes, a wide heel requires skill. The middle or waist of the ski affects the flotation ability. For beginner skiers, you should choose a waist from 68 to 75 mm, for professionals - up to 70 mm.

How to choose skis taking into account the athlete’s weight and height?

Each manufacturer of winter sports equipment has its own table of the relationship between the length of skis and the weight and height of a person. You can learn how to select skis and poles from the universal table.

Human height (cm) Ski length for classic skiing (cm) Walking ski length (cm) Skating ski length (cm)
150 170-180 165-170 165
155 175-185 170-175 170
160 180-190 175-185 175
165 185-190 180-185 180
170 190-195 185-190 185
175 195-200 190-195 185
180 195-200 195-200 190
185 200-205 200-205 190-195
190 205-210 205-210 195-200
195 205-210 205-210 200-205

It is worth noting that it is worth adding 5 cm to the length of classic skis. For skating skis, it is recommended to add 10 cm. Skis for walking should be 15 cm longer than indicated in the table.

Skier height (cm) Length of poles for classic walking (cm) Length of skating poles (cm)
150 120-125 130-135
155 125-130 135-140
160 130-135 140-145
165 135-140 145-150
170 140-145 150-155
175 145-150 155-160
180 150-155 160-165
185 155-160 165-170
190 160-165 170-175
195 165 175

When selecting poles for skiing in the classic style of skiing, it is worth considering the fact that their length should be 25 cm less than the athlete’s height, and the length of poles for skating style should be 20 cm less.

Children's skis are selected not only taking into account the weight and height of the baby, but also age. The detailed parameter table is as follows:

Age (years) Height (cm) Weight, kg) Ski length (cm)
3-4 94-102 14-16 70-90
5 110 18 90-100
6 115 21 95-105
7 120 23 100-110
8 130 26 110-120
9 135 29 115-125
10 140 32 120-130
11 150 36 130-140
12 155 41 135-145
13 160 46 140-150
14 170 51 150-160

However, in addition to the length of the skis, it is also worth taking into account such an indicator as the width. For children aged 3 to 6 years, it is recommended to buy wide skis with a round toe. They are more stable and manageable.

At school age, a child already acquires the skills of caution. Therefore, skis for schoolchildren are a little narrower - about 5-7 cm.

Teenagers buy skis based on their skiing style. Therefore, if a student likes to ride faster and can handle the controls, the width of the skis can be less than 5 cm. If a teenager is not confident in his abilities and is skiing for the first time, then the width of the skis should be up to 10 cm.

When choosing skis for extreme species When skiing, you should consider the following recommendations:

  • The length of freeride skis should be 15 cm higher than a person’s height.
  • The length of skis for scrapping is calculated by the formula: skier’s height minus 15-20 cm.
  • The formula for determining the length of skis for a ski tour is as follows: a person’s height minus 15 cm. If the person is heavyset, then 10 cm is added to the height.
  • Length of freestyle or all-mountain skis: athlete’s height minus 15 cm.

Therefore, if you still don’t know how to choose skis, the data table will help you solve this problem and purchase the right equipment.

What material is the best for skis?

It is impossible to figure out how to choose the right skis without reviewing the materials from which they are made. All alpine skis are divided into wooden and plastic according to the type of material.

  • Wooden ones are made from birch, ash, beech, pine and elm. It is these types of wood that are suitable for the production of skis. Wooden ones are cheaper than plastic ones.
  • Plastic ones are produced using two technologies: cap and sandwich. The first technology involves the use of a foam core and a plastic coating. Sandwich technology is based on the use of a wooden base and a plastic coating.

The choice of wooden or plastic skis is everyone's business. However, it is worth considering some nuances that will help you not make a mistake with the choice of material.

  • Wooden skis are subject to deformation when exposed to moisture. They cannot be used during a thaw. In severe frosts, they do not slide back like plastic ones. Wooden skis are stable, manageable and suitable for both beginners and professionals.
  • Plastic skis are more flexible, less likely to break, and are not subject to deformation. They are faster and more maneuverable. The only drawback is that in severe frost they travel back.

Recommendation for athletes who have previously ridden wooden skis Oh.If you decide to buy plastic skis, don't rush. Rent equipment. After wooden skis, plastic skis will seem unruly. Therefore, in order not to regret the purchase later, make sure whether plastic products are suitable for you.

How to choose skis for a beginner athlete? First, you should find out whether you will be riding on a cleared track or on snow-capped mountains. For classic slopes, skis without notches, that is, smooth, are quite suitable. However, they need to be coated with special mixtures, without which the skis will not glide normally. If you want to conquer a snowy peak, then knurled skis are best suited. They do not need to be lubricated and are more stable in the snow. However, you need to take into account that notches in warm weather can play a cruel joke. Snow will stick to them and the ski will simply stop sliding.

It is also worth paying attention to the level of rigidity. You need to lean the smooth side of the ski against another ski and see how much it bends under the influence of force. The gap between the skis should be no more than 1 cm. If you cannot compress the skis, then it is better to take softer products. Beginners are not recommended to take skis with a high level of rigidity.

TOP 10 best ski manufacturers

There are a lot of ski manufacturers. Therefore, when buying winter sports equipment, beginners and even experienced athletes are faced with the problem of choice. But if you select the TOP 10 the best manufacturers skis, the circle of “candidates” for purchase will be significantly reduced.

According to Snow magazine, the top ten ski manufacturers are as follows:

  • Fischer;
  • Rossignol;
  • Head;
  • Atomic;
  • Blizzard;
  • Salomon;
  • Volki;
  • Elan;
  • Nordica.

The average cost of quality racing skis is from $200 to $400. Inexpensive domestic skis from brands such as STC or Sorsu can be purchased for $50. Amateur models of famous brands cost from 80 to 100 dollars.

Recommendation.If you are a beginner skier, buy domestically produced products. You can fit within a small budget and get quite decent quality. And when you gain experience and sports training, you yourself will understand what ski stiffness, width and length you need to choose in the future. The only exception in this case concerns weight. It is quite difficult to guess the stiffness of Russian skis if your weight is more than 70 kg. Domestic skis are often an order of magnitude tougher than foreign ones.

What is the difference between domestic and foreign-made skis? The quality of top models from world brands is still unattainable for the Russian manufacturer. Expensive brand skis are mainly intended for high-end competitive skiers. They are manufactured in specialized factories, usually in the countries where the manufacturing company is located. The design of such skis is quite complex and is simulated on a computer. All developments are carefully tested by qualified athletes. In manufacturing, only high-quality, expensive materials are used, often taken from the aerospace industries, where they have received high praise. This is why domestic skis cannot this moment compete with foreign ones. But if you are not a professional skier, but a simple lover of winter skiing, choose domestic products - of sufficient quality, but at the same time affordable. Good luck on the ski track!

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Today, with the development of appropriate resorts and infrastructure, they are becoming not only a sport, but also a hobby for an increasing number of people. What is their phenomenon? Maybe in the childhood memories of sculpted snowmen, hidden in the subcortex of the brain, of riding down snow-covered slides? Most likely, this is so, because many of their lovers talk about the unforgettable feeling of returning to a carefree childhood, and therefore they specially take a vacation during the ski season.

How can one not recall a quote from the work of Ernst Hemingway “...we rushed, bent down... surrendering to speed in this endless fall, in the silent hiss of snow dust. It was better than any flight, better than anything in this world!”

About skiing

Let’s say a person decides to join this sport for his own pleasure. Writer Roman Nadiryan ironically described this moment: “Ivan Veniaminovich got on skis for the first time. My heart beat faster and my breath was taken away. My knees were shaking. He didn’t know what to do next. This happened on the train."

Perhaps the neophyte can be advised to be simpler, and for the first year not even think about sharp turns and speeds. Gradualism is the mantra of skiing.

Newbie going to ski resort, may only purchase a helmet and special boots on his first trip. It is better for him, who is taking his first steps, to rent equipment upon arrival.

This will “become clear” to him later, he will figure out which skis are worth buying. In any case, it is better not to do this from the start. What other common mistakes should he be warned against? Beginners should not buy professional equipment and hard skis. Ratings by price categories, i.e. the principle “the more expensive the better,” do not work here. They only disorient the “teapot”.

An adept’s business plan should be something like this: first achieve a universal level, and then choose your favorite skiing area.

In at least two years, having gained experience, yesterday's beginner will be able to specialize in alpine skiing according to his taste. Modern alpine skiing is divided into generally recognized areas that are Olympic disciplines:

  • Freeride - off-piste skiing.
  • Carving is movement along a prepared track with “cut” turns: fast and short or long and arcing.
  • Slalom is a descent in which the athlete must pass through all the “gates” placed on the track.
  • Mogul - descent from a slope with bumps.

Manufacturers of ski equipment

Currently, many companies produce high-tech alpine skis. The ratings of these companies are high, and the brands are famous, they are on the lips of both the kings of the ski slopes and amateurs:

  • Atomic is an Austrian company that has established itself as a manufacturer of equipment for champions, part of the Amersports corporation.
  • Elan is a Slovenian company that invented a revolutionary fastening. A recognized leader in the manufacture of functional mid-class skis.
  • Fischer is a leader in the world market, the oldest company (1936) from Austria. Associated with most of the Olympic medals won by alpine skiers.
  • Head is an Austrian company, a leader in technology. Her skis are adaptive to the type of snow surface and riding speed.
  • Nordica is an Italian manufacturer of alpine skis and equipment.
  • Scott is an American company that has been on the ski equipment market since 1998.
  • Völkl is a monopolist of ski equipment in Germany, the products are known for their quality.
  • K2 is an American high-tech brand. The fasteners are installed without drilling holes.
  • Salomon is originally a French company, then bought by Adidas. Now part of the Amersports corporation.

Thus, we have decided on the companies that are trendsetters in ski fashion. In the future (at the end of the article) we will try to identify the leaders from their totality and compile an objective rating of manufacturers.

Obviously, before this you need to systematically consider the skis themselves.

Ski classes

We will try to use the generally accepted international classification of alpine skiing. For easier perception, we present the information in the form of a table.

Let's analyze it. Skis of categories A and B are too steep for beginners. They are designed for professional high-speed descent, as well as for its hard icy surface. For those taking their first steps in this sport, it is recommended that, depending on age, categories D, E, and only then C.

However, despite all the “advantages”, such a classification is useless for determining the rating of ski brands, because their primary characteristic is specialization.

Functional classification

The current models of alpine skis from these companies have their own history of development, improvement and testing. Their characteristics are improved every year. Recreational athletes can't go wrong if they choose from any of the above-mentioned brands. And yet, in this article we will identify the best brands for 2016/2017.

  1. For riding and relaxation (Allround).
  2. Trail all-rounders with no restrictions on turning radius and riding style (Allmountain).
  3. For carving tracks with short and frequent turns (SL/SC).
  4. For carving and slalom with high-speed turns of large and medium radius (GS/RC/XT).
  5. Skiing on the slopes is prepared, but there is also provision for going beyond them (Freeski).
  6. For riding within ski resort off-piste (Frontside, Freeride).
  7. For skiing outside the ski resort, off-piste (Backside, Freeride).

In the following, the leading models in each of the seven categories mentioned will be indicated.

Allround category rating: skiing and recreation

For theoretical training of Allround debutants, we recommend the American textbook “Alpine Skiing Lessons” - an ordered collection of instructions from various coaches. It is useful and has good reviews.

A beginner who craves an exciting and healthy outdoor recreation will choose the rated skis from the Allround category covered in this section of the article. The poetess Lydia Romanova once said wonderfully about such an adept:

“I quit smoking, started skiing,

Life has decided to start a new one!

And, like a schoolgirl, she ran

Charge your body with health!”

In another case, if a beginner is a convinced athlete, has good physical fitness and strives to achieve results in the future, it is reasonable for him to choose skis from the Allmountain category, which we will consider a little later.

Let's evaluate alpine skiing for active rest, in other words, consider the Allround rating. The Olympus of the best models will look like this:

  1. Black Magic produced by the American company Scott. Effective in any riding mode, stable in cutting, comfortable in sliding turns.
  2. Progressor F18 from the Austrian company Fischer. Successful on any track and easy to control.
  3. GT76 TIEVO from Italian manufacturer Nordica. Equally good for any trail, for any riding style.

However, in fairness, we will not remain silent about the successful RTM 75 iS brand from the German company Völkl.

Allmountain all-mountain ski rating

These skis are suitable for any style. They are maneuverable: with their help, the athlete can turn both along a large and small radius. Allmountain demonstrates enviable cross-country ability on rough roads and excellent grip on icy, hard roads. They are characterized by comfortable lateral slip and optimal turning trajectory, as well as stability at speed. The book by R. Mark Elling, “The Universal Skier,” will help beginners understand the features of Allmountain. We recommend her.

The first, not yet very confident, descents give unforgettable impressions to those starting training. They are fascinating. One of the athletes said about this: “Alpine skiing is like a waltz with the mountain, and the mountain leads.”

Due to their dynamism, Allmountain skis are recommended for beginners with good physical fitness. The rating of all-mountain skis for the 2016-2017 season is known:

  1. ProMtn 80Ti from the Austrian company Fischer. They demonstrate excellent carving skating, as well as decent maneuverability. Lightweight and comfortable for the skier.
  2. RTM84 UVO from the German company Völkl. Dynamic and controllable with a “cut arc” trajectory.
  3. iKonic 80Ti from K2. Really versatile and easy to manage.

In addition to the leading models, the following are worthy of praise:

  • Vantage X83CTI from the Austrian brand Atomic. The model is stable and confident on the sports track.
  • Model The Ski by American manufacturer Scott. It is technologically advanced and manageable in terms of rigidity, depending on the nature of the route. Convenient in all types of riding.
  • Model Strong InstinctTi from the Austrian brand Head. It performs remarkably well on turns of any diameter.

Alpine skis for short runs with frequent turns

Those learning this subtype of alpine skiing can benefit from Kaniovsky’s book “Carving Technique for Dummies.” For skis in this case, springiness, dynamics, and edge grip on an icy track are important. However, that's not all. The athlete should calculate his trajectory, measure it against the steepness of the slope, and have a clear view of the route. And most importantly, do not forget that brains are the main item of equipment for a skier.

Alpine skis belonging to the SL/SC category are specialized for “carved” turns. The ranking is topped by the German company Völkl:

  1. Racetiger SC UVO. High indicators of rail stability and dynamics.
  2. X-Race SW165 from the Slovenian company Elan. Excellent handling and gliding.
  3. X-Race SW 165 from the French-American company Salomon.

In addition to the leading models, the RC4 Worldcup SC products from the Austrian company Fischer deserve recognition.

Speed ​​carving, slalom GS/RC/XT

Only after learning a confident alpine skiing technique can you move on to mastering the next level of athlete training - downhill skiing. Variability in the diameter of turns, edge grip on an icy slope, and confident movement on a broken and soft track characterize it.

Specialized alpine skiing is in demand here. Their rating for the 2016-2017 season. opens a German brand:

  1. Code Speedwall UVOS from the German company Völkl. Amateur skis are as close as possible to sports skis in terms of speed and turning dynamics.
  2. GSX Fusion from the Slovenian brand Elan. They perform well on soft and broken slopes and are maneuverable.
  3. Redster Doubledeck 3.0 XT from the Austrian company Atomic. Remarkable cornering dynamics. Enviable grip on icy roads.

The rating of alpine skis for carving is not a dogma. It all depends on the individual skier. For example, some respondents prefer the Worldcup iSpeed ​​Rebels model from the Austrian company Head for dynamics and comfort, and some prefer the RC4 The Booster Curv from the Austrian brand Head.

Freeski rating

Amateur skiers call this method of skiing borderline between a prepared piste and freeride. It allows minor crossings of the skier's boundaries and various tricks. There are no restrictions on style here: you are free to choose sliding, maneuverable or cut.

Obviously, for this to happen, mountain skis must be easy to control and springy. The rating of such models is headed by the American brand K2:

  1. The Marksman model combines maneuverability and speed on the highway with excellent traversal of virgin soil.
  2. The Punisher 110 of the American Scott brand demonstrates advanced capabilities in small jumps on hilly terrain.
  3. TST from the Austrian company Armada, known in the world as the pros in freeski equipment. The skis, as their owners assure, are “weightless and obedient.”


When riding along the side of resort slopes, speed stability and edge grip on hard or icy slopes, significant vibration damping, and adaptability to various styles of descent are valuable. The rating of freeride skis is also headed by the technological American company K2:

  1. The Marksman model is maximally adapted to the descent on virgin soil and, in addition, has good characteristics on the highway.
  2. Sky 7HD from the French company Rossignol, specializing in freeride - Rossignol. Outstanding speed and trajectory control capabilities.
  3. Confession of the German brand Völkl. It has high dynamism and freeride capability.

Freeride outside the resorts

After years and years of training, experienced skiers visit many resorts and overcome various slopes. Tens and hundreds of kilometers of descents are available. Great!..

But what next? And at this time, their gaze glides over untouched virgin soil, along the glacial descent, along the ridges of rocks, gradually lowering their height in terraces. And now they are already in their thoughts climbing up the gorge. There comes a time when the body and soul of a skier ask for something unfamiliar, fresh, new - to create their own routes, unknown to anyone.

Outside the resort pistes, loose and unrolled virgin soil prevails; here, specific requirements are imposed on skis: speed stability and maneuverability.

The ability to dampen vibrations is also important. Connoisseurs of “wild” (non-resort) freeride (and there are many of them in the world) believe that this is exactly what the best alpine skiing is for. The rating of alpine ski brands in this category is headed by the same American brand K2:

  1. The Pettitor model confidently rolls down the slopes in any quality and depth of snow, while maneuvering remarkably well.
  2. Scrapper124 from the American company Scott demonstrate amazing versatility and unpretentiousness.
  3. The Cyclic 115 from the Austrian brand Head shows stable downhill riding in deep snow.

However, the Pinnacle 118 from K2 and Super 7 HD from Rossignol are hot on the heels of the leaders in terms of their characteristics.


Let's summarize by looking at the best alpine ski models for the 2016-2017 season.

Having analyzed the winners in seven categories (Allround, Allmountain, SL/SC, GS/RC/XT, Freeski, Frontside Freeride, Backside, Freeride), we can answer the question: “Which companies produce top alpine skis?”

  1. Volkl.
  2. Scott.
  3. Fischer.
  4. Elan.

Thus, the rating of alpine ski manufacturers identified the companies that are most actively investing in promising developments of new models of alpine skis. The traditional leader, the Austrian company Fischer, was in fourth place. At the same time, the success of the Slovenian brand Elan is worth applauding.

Cross-country skiing is divided into racing, amateur and touring. As a rule, the purpose is indicated in the product card.

  1. Racing (marked Racing and Racing PRO). These skis are designed for athletes and amateurs who want to improve their speed. This is an option for specially prepared trails.
  2. Amateur or recreational (Active, Fitness). This is an option for those who sometimes go for a ride in the park, do it for fun and do not strive for records. Skis are slightly wider than racing skis; expensive materials and technologies are rarely used in their production.
  3. Tourist (Back Country). These are skis for hunters, tourists and fishermen, people who need to move around, without pistes or ski tracks. Such skis are much wider than recreational skis in order to support a person’s weight on loose snow.


Classic skis (designated Classic or Cl) are longer than skate skis, have a sharp toe and a soft last. There may be notches under the block (designated TR) that prevent slipping during repulsion. On the left is a ski with notches, on the right - without.


If the ski does not have notches (designation WAX), a special ointment provides an anti-slip effect. However, it will be quite difficult for beginners to apply it correctly, so a ski with serrations will be the best option.

To choose the size of classic skis, add 20 cm to your height or simply raise your hand: the lowered palm of your outstretched arm should touch the top of the ski.

It is also worth paying attention to the stiffness of the skis. First, determine the center of gravity: place the ski on your hand so that both ends are in balance. Then fold the skis with the sliding side towards each other and squeeze with one hand 3 cm below the found center of balance. There will be a distance of 1–1.5 mm between skis of suitable stiffness.

What to buy


Boots for classic skis are low and soft, without special inserts to secure the foot.

You shouldn't buy boots back to back. If your big toe rests on the toe of the shoe, your foot will quickly freeze. Better take boots half a size larger.

What to buy


When choosing poles for classic skating, pay attention to their length. With short ones, it will be uncomfortable for you to walk on flat terrain, with long ones, it will be uncomfortable to climb slopes. Select poles according to your height: the lanyard exit (the place where the strap is attached to the pole) should be at the level of your shoulder.

Poles are made from aluminum, fiberglass and carbon fiber. Aluminum ones can bend under load. So, if you weigh a lot, choose glass and carbon fiber. The latter provides the greatest rigidity and lightness of the poles. These poles are used by professional athletes.


Also pay attention to the material of the handle. Poles with cork handles are well suited for walking in cold weather: cork does not get cold on the hand, unlike plastic.


Skis for skating (designated Skate or Sk) are shorter and have a smooth last, since with this type of skiing the notches only get in the way, clinging to the snow and reducing speed.

To find the ideal length for skate skis, add 5–10 cm to your height.

It is also worth checking the stiffness of the skis. The gap between skis compressed with one hand should be 1.5–2 mm.

What to buy


To prevent injury and excessive stress on the foot during skating, additional support is needed. Therefore, skate boots are taller and stiffer than classic ones and are supplemented with a special plastic cuff.

What to buy


Skating poles are longer than classic poles. The lanyard should be at the level of the skier's chin or lips.

How to choose all-mountain skis, boots and poles

If you plan to master both classic and skating, you can purchase universal equipment.


All-mountain skis (designated Combi) are longer than skate skis, but shorter than classic skis. To determine the required length, add 15 cm to your height.

As for knurling, some all-mountain skis have a replaceable center: if you want to ski in a classic style, use knurling; if in a ridge, remove the nozzle with notches.

What to buy


Boots for all-mountain skis are almost no different from classic ones. They are just as soft and flexible, but have a plastic cuff that supports the ankle.

What to buy


For universal skis, poles are suitable for both classic and skating.

What types of fastenings are there?

Three types of mounts are now common: the legacy NN 75, NNN (with or without NIS platform) and SNS.


Surely many remember this mount from childhood. This is an ordinary metal brace that fixes the leg, but it does it rather poorly.

With the NN 75 it is almost impossible to skate. In addition, they don’t make good boots for this mount. The only advantage is the low price.

What to buy

NNN (New Nordic Norm)

Automatic fastening NNN / spine.ru

This mount consists of two guides (flexors) located at some distance
from each other, and the rubber stop.

There are two options for such fastenings: automatic and mechanical. The automatic NNN mount snaps into place by simply pressing your boot onto the shackle. In the case of a mechanical one, you will have to open the lid with your hands, and after installing the boot, close it.

Mechanical fastenings NNN / manaraga.ru

However, the mechanical fastening is more reliable: it cannot accidentally come loose, for example, during a fall. Additionally, if you plan to ski in warm weather, water that gets into the automatic binding may freeze and cause a permanent blockage.

Also, the fastenings differ in the degree of rigidity. If the NNN rubber stop is white, the mount is intended for hard riding; if it is green, it is intended for softer riding. Black stops are suitable for standard skating, and red ones for soft skating.

If you prefer skating, choose bindings with white or green rubber bands. If classic - with black or red.

To install NNN on skis, you need to find the center of gravity and drill a hole for the mounts. However, there is a simpler and more convenient installation method: special NIS platforms.

Mount NNN NIS / dostupny-sport.ru

The Nordic Integrated System (NIS) was developed in 2005 for NNN mounts. Skis adapted for NIS are equipped with a special plate on which the binding is installed. There is no need to drill the skis, just slide the mount along the guide plates and click into place.

The mount is easy to install and remove, eliminates the need to search for the center of gravity of the ski and can be used with different pairs of skis.

What to buy

This is a mount with one wide guide and two brackets. SNS fasteners are also divided into automatic and mechanical.


Unlike NNN, SNS has only three levels of severity. They are marked with a numerical value and color. For a classic move, you should choose bindings with a flexor stiffness of 85 (yellow), for a skate - 115 (red), and for universal use - 95 (pink).

In terms of comfort, stability and lateral stability, there is little difference between SNS and NNN mounts.

Most cross-country ski boots are designed to fit a specific type of binding. Therefore, first choose boots that fit perfectly on your feet, and only then choose the bindings that fit them.

Due to NIS, NNN fasteners are more convenient to install, but SNS are more stable: due to the NNN platform, they are higher than SNS screwed on with screws. On the other hand, a higher position increases the force of the push. In general, both mounts are used by both amateur and professional athletes.

What to buy

What materials to choose

Skis made from solid timber or glued layers of wood are becoming a thing of the past. Modern models also use wood, but, as a rule, the core consists of it, and the sliding surface is made of plastic.

If you're used to skiing on wood skis, plastic may feel uncomfortable due to kickback. Plastic is more slippery and, unlike wood, does not “ruffle” when rubbing against snow.

However, with proper lubrication of plastic skis, it is quite possible to avoid kickback. As for the advantages, plastic skis are more durable and, unlike wooden skis, allow you to ski at above-zero temperatures.

According to the manufacturing method, skis are divided into Sandwich and Cap. The former are several layers of plastic and wood glued together, the latter are a wooden core with a monolithic plastic cover.

For cheaper skis, the core is made of wood with air channels. In professional and more expensive ones, it is a wooden honeycomb or made on the basis of acrylic foam with a mesh of carbon and fiberglass, lightweight polyurethane foam with carbon and fiberglass inserts (Polycell technology), Densolite foam or other lightweight synthetic materials.

The sliding surface is made of different types plastic. For cheaper options, extruded plastic is used, for more expensive options, high molecular weight universal plastic is used.

Nowadays, many new technologies and materials are being used that keep skis light and at the same time provide strength. However, all this affects the price.

So if you're a beginner, it's worth trying a regular ski with a wood or Densolite foam core and an extruded or high molecular weight plastic skid surface. The price of such skis depends on the specific brand and ranges from 2,000 to 8,000 rubles.

What brands to pay attention to

Among the well-known Russian manufacturers is the STC factory. She makes both racing and recreational Sable skis, ski poles made of fiberglass.

Professional models have a honeycomb core and a PTEX 2000 (carbon fiber) sliding surface, and amateur models have a wooden core and a plastic coating. Skis are made using Cap technology and are sold at very affordable prices.

Among foreign brands (whose products are often produced in Russian factories, including STC), the Austrian ski and equipment manufacturer Fischer is quite popular.

Fischer produces men's, women's and children's professional and amateur skis, using combined materials such as a wooden core with Air Tec Basalight basalt fibers. Fischer skis can be purchased at prices starting from 5,000 rubles.

No less famous is the French ski brand Rossignol, whose production is located in Spain and Ukraine. The cheapest amateur skis with a light wood core and a plastic sliding surface can be bought for 5,500–6,000 rubles. Almost all skis of this brand are equipped with the NIS platform.

The third brand from the rating is the Norwegian company Madshus. Amateur skis of this brand are made using Cap technology with a wood core with channels, glass and carbon fiber braiding and a plastic sliding surface. The cost of the cheapest skis of this brand is 3,000–5,000 rubles.

Around the same price category, the cheapest amateur skis are from the Austrian brand Atomic and the French company Salomon. Cheaper Salomon models have a core made of dry Densolite foam and a sliding surface with the addition of graphite; more expensive, professional models have honeycomb cores and a sliding surface with the addition of zeolite.

Each brand develops its own technologies: lighter cores, adding various minerals to improve gliding, changing ski geometry. Therefore, it is best to focus on the purpose of the skis (for what purpose, recreational or sports) and the availability of a suitable length and stiffness for you.

The most important thing in choosing alpine skis is to assess your skill level as objectively as possible and take into account the type of track on which you decide to learn or improve skiing. You shouldn’t get ahead of the curve and buy equipment, hoping to quickly master all the nuances of the skill. For a beginner, there is no particular need to delve into various subtleties; for him it is enough to purchase equipment for.

Which ski manufacturer is better?

There is a rule among professional skiers: there is no brand that is best, there is equipment that is right for you. Leading manufacturers conduct annual tests of their products (for example, in the Alps, marking the opening and closing of each season). It’s safe to say that there are no leaders among companies producing equipment for mountain skiing enthusiasts. All products of this plan are of high quality.

It differs only in its purpose: for off-piste skiing, for jumping, for ski touring, alpine skiing, slalom, etc. There is also the following gradation: for beginners, experienced amateurs, athletes, professionals, freeriders. There are also rules for choosing alpine skis depending on your preferences in skiing technique. For example, for those who like short, sharp turns, the best skis are 10-15 cm less than the owner's height. And for those who prefer straight routes - by 5-10 cm. For a beginner skier, the optimal solution would be to purchase the simplest model of any brand, the determining factors of choice among which should only be size and design.

How to choose the best skis depending on your skiing technique?

For those who prefer off-piste skiing on virgin lands, it is recommended to pay attention to the following brands: Scott, Volkl, Dynastar, Armada, Black Crow, K2, Black Diamond. These are the kind of skis that all athletes ski, including winners of various championships and other prestigious competitions. These skis are usually equipped with special features that allow for better control and stability.

If you decide to specialize in freeride (extreme), it is recommended to buy equipment from outstanding manufacturers: HEAD, Elan, Fischer, Atomic, Salomon. Their products are not just high quality: they are impeccable. For those who decide to devote their leisure time to freestyle, they will need skis of the Twintip design. All models in this direction are distinguished by a stylish and bright design and are designed to perform various tricks.

IN Lately many people prefer active species recreation. In winter this is primarily the case. Coming for sports equipment, most skiers are confused by the variety of models presented there. Atomic, Fischer, Volkl, Scott are the most widespread and famous brands that supply products for this sport to the market. It is necessary to understand this diversity, so we will compile a rating of alpine skiing.


Among the most famous brands are Atomic, Fischer, Volkl, Scott, which showed themselves to be the best in a wide variety of tests.


This company started out producing wooden skis in 1955. At the moment, it produces not only but also other ski and snowboard equipment. This brand has won Olympic gold and several World Cups.


Initially, only carts and sleighs were produced. But skis have been produced since 1936, and in 1958 the company captured the world market. 2010 brings this company more than half of all Olympic medals in Vancouver.


It appeared in Bavaria in the twenties of the last century and is now a monopolist in the production of alpine skis in Germany. Currently, this brand produces snowboards, bindings, equipment, and tennis rackets. Manufacturing skis at temperatures below standard is business card this company. Perhaps this is why their products are so reliable and high quality.


The Scott company was founded in 1958 by an American skier with a similar surname. True, she started not with the production of skis, but with the production of aluminum poles, instead of steel and bamboo. In 1971, the production of boots began, and in 1998, production began.


This type of equipment is suitable for beginners who are taking their first steps in this sport and have not decided on the direction (calm riding, slalom or carving) and type of trails. These skis are suitable for everyone, regardless of preferences, be it a calm ride or a more aggressive one. As for the tracks, they are good on any. Many people believe that versatility is inferior to specialization. But this is definitely not about . In addition, do not forget that sporting goods are currently not cheap, so buying several pairs for a beginner is not only impractical, but also expensive.

Atomic M:10 Puls Ti

Well suited for those who like a comfortable, relaxed ride, without high speeds on groomed trails, but not suitable for riders weighing more than 85 kg.

Atomic M:9 Puls

Nimble, agile, obedient even on poor surfaces, also not for heavyweights.

They will delight beginners with their obedience and good handling; they perform quite well on turns.

They don’t like short arcs and high dynamics, but they feel confident on any slopes.

Universal for experts

This type is created for people with skiing experience who ride in different directions (carving, slalom, etc.), but are not ready to part with a large amount of money for a wide range of sports equipment.

Atomic Metron B5

They cut arcs of different radii well and are unpretentious to snow cover.

They perform well in different styles of skiing, but they place strict demands on the rider’s skills and will withstand not only light skiers, but also heavyweights.

Fischer AMC 76 RF2 V2

Designed for riders who already have some experience, they go well on fresh snow; on slopes with a different surface, controllability and responsiveness are lower.

They are unpretentious to the snow surface, do not like turns with a small radius, and are designed for a light weight of the rider.

Well suited for those who love large arches and have an athletic build. They behave better in fresh snow and can tolerate small bumps.

For carving

Atomic SX:9 Puls

Not suitable for dynamic driving with small radius turns, not designed for heavyweights.

Stable and easy to control with average riding dynamics.

They handle well, they won’t give you any surprises if you don’t drive them too fast, you can take any turns.

Scott Crossfire XT

They love dynamic driving with short arcs and are unpretentious to the quality of snow.

Designed for low dynamics and stable in corners.

Giant slalom

performed better in tests on long routes with a large difference in heights, they are stable and resilient.

Fischer RC4 Worldcup RC

Predictable, have good acceleration and dynamics.

Volkl Racetiger GS Racing

They are intended for people with good physical characteristics, as they impose quite strict requirements and do not forgive mistakes.

Female models

Such models are much lighter than others, softer and differ in the location of the fastenings.

Atomic Balanze B 7:4

Designed for riding with medium dynamics and turns with a small radius.

Atomic Balanze B 9:7

Quite demanding on skiing skills, but stable on any snow.

Good for dynamic skating, they love turns with large and medium radius.

Designed for skiers who prefer relaxed skiing, without dynamic acceleration and sharp turns.