How to tell about the city. How can you tell a good story about your city in English? A didactic game “Recognize in the photo” is being held

Ulyana Semenishcheva

We are in kindergarten We publish the magazine "Pochitayka" quarterly. In it we publish various children's stories, run a section “children speak”, all kinds of games, quizzes, etc.

Our city of Kogalym turned 30 years old, we decided to devote one of the issues to this topic.

Found a lot interesting information, and of course we asked our kids what they think about the city in which they live.

Our city is called Kogalym, it’s very nice. When it gets warm, I like to ride my bike central square our city. There is a real big steam locomotive and a very beautiful fountain. I like to admire them.

Also, there is a church in our city. I love going there, it’s beautiful and interesting. Near the church there is a monument with many books. Our city is very beautiful, and I really like it!

Timofey Ryabinin, 6 years old.

I live in the city of Kogalym. Kogalym is small, quiet city. My favorite place There is a museum in the city. There are entertaining games, I love the game where you have to catch frogs, and there is a 5D cinema. My grandparents live here in Kogalym. I love going to visit them. I love walking around the city in the evening when it is dark and there are a lot of lights. There is a military equipment park in our city, we often go there for walks and take pictures. In the summer I like to ride my bike along Rowan Boulevard, it’s very beautiful there. I like my city, it is beautiful, cheerful, loved!

Irina Vorobyova, 5 years old.

The city where I live is called Kogalym. Our city is the kindest, goodness has always bloomed in it. There are many in our city interesting places. For my sister’s birthday, we went to Metro, where I liked jumping on the trampolines. We have a museum in Kogalym, there are many different interesting things there. I really like going to the Yantar cinema, they show cartoons there. In the summer we have an amusement park in our city, and it’s a lot of fun. I also like to go to the military equipment park, there are tanks and cars there. In the summer we go to the beach, where we can make sand castles. I like to go with my dad to his fire department, there are red and white cars there.

Our city is the most beautiful, it has many interesting and beautiful places. I love Kogalym very much! Lev Semenishchev, 6 years old


Kogalym is my favorite city,

You are standing in a harsh land.

Dear childhood city,

We are all proud of you!

You are beautiful, young


How could you not wish

Get rich and flourish!

We will become adults

We will glorify you too!

Publications on the topic:

Lesson on patriotic education “The city where I live” Objectives: To form patriotic feelings, love for our small homeland, the city in which we live, to consolidate.

Now we have become a year older, we have grown up over the summer, tanned, rested, and become independent. The school year has begun again. Within the thematic framework.

I want to talk about my city. I lived in it all my life - my childhood and youth passed here. My friends, my family live in it! City.

Abstract of the educational activity “The city where I live” Cognitive development. Integration of OO: social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic Goal: developing children's knowledge about.

Abstract of the OOD “The city where I live” (senior group) Goals: 1. Expand older preschoolers’ ideas about their hometown; 2. Develop interest in the symbols of the city; develop curiosity.

Summary of GCD for drawing in the middle group “The city in which I live” Logic of educational activities (middle group) Artistically – aesthetic development(iso) “The city where I live.” Integration:.

Project “The city where I live” The city in which I live Type of project: practice-oriented. Implementation period: 12/01/2015 - 02/28/2016 (long-term). Project participants:.

Do you like the city where you live? I like!

I live in the best city in the world. Because he is beautiful, he is dear. This is where I was born and raised. My friends and parents are here. It was in this city that I took my first steps, said my first words, and for the first time saw the dearest person on earth: my mother. Every street, every house is familiar to me here. My city has the most beautiful sunsets; they are either bright scarlet, soft pink, or variegated orange. The most charming blooms. The bluest sky, which is covered with soft snow-white clouds, similar to cotton candy. The greenest grass where my friends and I ran barefoot as children. The brightest sun, which woke me up in the morning all my life with its warm, gentle rays. If it rains here, it’s not just water from the sky, it’s the kind of weather that makes you think about the meaning of life, the rain, knocking on the windowsills of cozy houses and apartments, plays a melody that touches the soul. In my city in the morning everyone is rushing about their business, with a smile on their face, everyone is happy about the new day and, in anticipation of good luck, they walk and smile at passers-by.

There are so many memories associated with my city. It was here that I heard the school bell for the first time; it was in this city that I learned about the world. If I go somewhere, then I really miss home, school, local streets, parks, which were so much fun to walk in.

I don’t know how you can not love the city with which your entire past is connected.

Many people complain that they live in dirty city where there is no place to walk, where there is a lot dangerous places, they talk about it with indignation. But they don’t think about who is to blame for this. People themselves spoil the environment with their ignorance and laziness.

They don't want to fix anything, organize voluntary groups that will help keep the city clean. People simply complain about the city's shortcomings, but don't want to change anything. You just have to think about who is to blame for everything. And start correcting your mistakes before it’s too late. And only then the city will begin to flourish and delight all its residents with its appearance and good ecology.

It doesn’t matter whether your city is big or small, the only thing that matters is what kind of people live in it. And what desire they have to improve their place of residence. And if you try, then any city can be turned into the most charming, cleanest, most cheerful city in the world. It is only important to understand this and set such a goal.

No matter what they say about my city, for me it is always the best in the world. And I am doing and will do everything possible to make him better and better. But, I think that you just need to take care of what you have. And love your city not for its size and population, but for the fact that it is yours motherland. For those pleasant, positive, unforgettable moments that you experienced in this city. Because your family is here. Because you were born here and spent best years your life - childhood!


Everyone has it happy person have your favorite city. There is a favorite city not because they are happy, but happy because they have it.
Most often, a favorite city, town, or region is the place where a person was born or spent a lot of time.
Often the favorite city is called the one where a person spent his childhood, because it is with childhood, if it, of course, was not difficult, that most people have the kindest memories. No matter how old a person is, he always remembers some moments from his childhood, and with them the places where they happened, that is, in his favorite city. Moreover, this city does not at all have to be the capital, a millionaire city or some other big deal. It can be a quiet, abandoned town and at the same time be the most beloved city, as many pleasant impressions are associated with it.
Everyone's love for the city manifests itself differently, if at all. For example, poets write poems about their favorite city, composers write music, artists draw pictures, thereby glorifying the city and perpetuating its memory for many years.
I love Krasnogorsk! Soon my city will have a holiday, and that means I will too. This small town is my homeland. I was born here, studied here, and made a lot of friends. I have many memories associated with Krasnogorsk, because I have known it for almost eighteen years. I love this city, I don’t know why. Not for anything in particular, or more precisely, probably, for the fact that it exists and that it is exactly like that, unlike any other city. There is simply a feeling that I cannot explain in words, but I can only draw an analogy with love for parents or a loved one. After all, we love them not for anything, but simply for the fact that they exist.
One February night, inspiration struck me and I wrote a poem, which I called “Night City” and dedicated to Krasnogorsk. Here it is:
I will go to the cold window: Outside it is winter, and the night is deep. I see the city is lonely and it doesn't sleep, And I won't sleep tonight.
The lights in the neighboring house were turned off. Everyone fell asleep, tired of worldly worries. I’m the only one who doesn’t sleep: I can’t sleep, Although I’m also tired somewhere.
The frosty air whistles through the crack in the window, Goosebumps run through my body. Perhaps then, at that moment, I will understand that the city is telling me something.
He probably wants to tell you how tired he is from the day he has lived today, that he can’t stand the noise and rigmarole, and he wants to sleep quickly.
His dream is impossible, because I,
Because I'm sitting and talking to him,
And in response he blows white smoke from the roof
And reluctantly cradles me.

When I was little, my family and I lived in one of the towers that are located on Volokolamsk Highway. Our apartment was on the very last, fourteenth, floor, and from the window there was a magnificent view of the entire city. I loved looking at him from a bird's eye view.
It is impossible not to pay attention to one of the main advantages of my favorite city - this is the Palace of Culture “Moscow Region”, because it is with it that the majority of the site is associated - 2001-2005 cultural events in Krasnogorsk. There is probably not a person in the city who would not look here at least once. At the recreation center, children engage in various clubs in dancing, drawing, foreign languages, modeling, singing and much more. Various concerts and performances are regularly held here, and famous artists come here.
Another special place in my city is the Krasnogorsk Mechanical Plant, or KMZ for short, known in many places as a manufacturer of excellent precision vision devices, optics and other necessary things.
Krasnogorsk has a huge advantage: there are many forests around the city, thanks to which the air remains relatively clean. At any time of the year, you can easily go to a barbecue with friends or just wander through the forest. Beauty!
The most popular place in winter will probably be Chernevskaya Hill. More precisely, this is not a hill, but a ravine, which over time was equipped for ski slope. I come from a family of skiers and look forward to winter every year.
I never really thought about the name of the city. It is worth analyzing the word etymologically, and it is clear that it is formed from two words: “red” and “mountain”. The word "red" means "beautiful". It turns out beautiful mountain. Interesting.
They say that in Krasnogorsk there is one very a nice place, which is located behind the House of Pioneers. I’ve never been there, but I always wanted to visit this place, as it is affectionately called “my Switzerland”: this park has very beautiful and unusual nature.
In my city there is a State Archive that houses important films and materials. Having visited it once, you will certainly want to return there, because you can learn a lot of very interesting things there.
In general, Krasnogorsk has been transforming in recent years: new buildings are appearing, the city is growing before our eyes and becoming more beautiful every year.

Any student can write an essay on the topic “My City”. This work is simple in nature. The student is faced with the task of talking about his city. Only thoughts need to be expressed in a certain form and on paper. However, after looking at a few examples, you will understand everything.


This is the first part of any job. An essay on the topic “My City” is no exception. The introduction should be small in size, but after reading it, everyone should understand what will be discussed next. You can write something like this: “Each of us has our own hometown. This is the place in which a person was born and spent his childhood. And even though many people then go to other cities to look for their place in the sun, but they always come here they will be glad to return. After all, here is their home, memories and, of course, painfully familiar streets. For me, my hometown N is such a place.”

An essay on the topic “My City” can be written in any key. This direction for an essay gives the author complete freedom of creativity. As an option - the essay “Autumn in my city.” It may look like this: “I love my city. It is always beautiful, but this place looks absolutely special in the fall. We have many parks, comfortably located between entire alleys of trees. In October and November, a real fairy tale reigns here. From the trees Golden, crimson, brown and scarlet leaves begin to fall, covering everything in the area. They rustle very pleasantly under your feet. Sitting on a bench, you can see the autumn sun shining through the leaves that have not yet fallen from the trees. I often come here in October. "Watching such landscapes, I understand why poets sang about autumn."

In the same spirit you can describe winter, spring or summer. This remains at the discretion of the author. The main thing is that the topic is eventually revealed.


Many schoolchildren have a question: how to finish an essay on the topic “My City”? Well, some people struggle with the beginning of an essay, while others worry about the ending. It's actually simple. We just need to summarize all of the above. The main thing is to do this in such a way that the reader is not left with a feeling of incompleteness of the text.

A paragraph written in this spirit will be an excellent conclusion to an essay: “Almost every person loves and appreciates his hometown. Although many do not understand this in their youth. But then, returning to their native land, they realize it. The soul becomes warm, before With my eyes, pictures of past years, childhood, youth appear. Seeing a certain place, you involuntarily remember what was connected with it. And I’m almost sure that if I have to leave, I will experience the same thing when I return here to my home and beloved city. ".

So it’s quite possible on the topic “My City”; many people end in different ways, and this is one of the good options.

Finally, it’s worth giving a couple of tips regarding writing “city”; it will be easier to draw up if you first sketch out a short plan with key words. For each planned paragraph - one line. Looking at such a plan, you can remember what else you wanted to say in the essay. And what - or you won’t be able to miss an important idea.

Don’t forget about using artistic means of expression. Of course, there is no need to overdo it with them either. Otherwise, the text will turn out to be overloaded, and it is very difficult to read. But the essay shouldn’t be “dry” either. In general, if you remember these basic rules, you will be able to get the job done much faster.

A small homeland is the place where a person was born, grew up, studied, and where his relatives live. This is a place for which love settles in a person’s heart forever. But awareness of one’s Motherland and feelings of love for it do not arise immediately. And this process happens differently for everyone. For a child in childhood, the most important thing is the mother and father. Growing up, he begins to feel attached to friends, to his native street, to the river, to forests, fields, to his village or city. And it doesn’t matter what your homeland is: a large industrial city or a small village and what this city or village looks like. The main thing is that it’s all familiar to you from childhood.

You don’t choose your homeland, just like your father and mother. You accept her, love her for who she is. And only as he grows up does a person gradually realize that he belongs to his mother-homeland, his responsibility for her, and most importantly, his incommensurable love for her. This is how a citizen is born, this is how a patriot is formed.

For every person in his small homeland there is something he would like to talk about. So I want to describe my Motherland with its unique history and nature, with its memorable places.

My small homeland is the city of Taganrog. This is a city whose birth is connected with Russia’s struggle for the security of its southern borders, for access to the Azov and Black Seas. For the defense of the southern region it was necessary naval fleet, and for the fleet - a harbor. As Peter I said: “A harbor is the beginning and end of a fleet; without it, whether there is a fleet or not is all the same.” The king personally chose the location of the future city. Peter I stayed at Cape Tagan for two days and, after a thorough inspection, decided to lay it here new town, build a fortress and a harbor. Taganrog was founded in 1698 and became Russia's first naval base, the first Russian port in the open sea ​​coast and the first city in Russia built according to a regular plan. Grateful residents have not forgotten their founder. In 1903, on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Peter I, a monument to the emperor was erected in Taganrog (sculptor M.M. Antokolsky). On the most beautiful boulevard stands a three-meter tall figure of Peter I, facing the sea. The wind blows on his face, this can be seen in his hair and frock coat. The emperor is full of strength, great thoughts and pride in the fruits of his labors. Peter I's gaze was turned to the harbour, the construction of which he devoted a lot of effort and attention to. The Emperor is depicted in the uniform of an officer of the Preobrazhensky Regiment, stepping forward, leaning his right hand on a cane. A telescope is clutched in his left hand. The monument looks picturesque, majestic and solemn.

The city continued to live and develop. It has now become a bustling trading port. Taganrog was the first to establish economic ties between Russia and foreign countries through the southern seas.

In the 19th century, the city was a center of trade; from that time, interesting mansions Italian and Greek merchants. The majestic building of the Alferaki Palace always attracts the attention of guests of Taganrog with its unusual architectural decor; portico with four Corinthian columns, heavy Baroque stucco decorations. The Alferaki family belonged to the large diaspora of Greek settlers in southern Russia. The Alferaks completed construction of their mansion in 1848 and lived in it for a total of about 30 years. The author of the project was the famous architect, professor of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts Andrei Ivanovich Stackenschneider, a recognized authority at that time in matters of palace architecture. Somewhat later, a large double-height hall, about 9 meters high, decorated with paintings, a fireplace and a massive clock, was added to the house. The ancient moldings that decorated the building from the outside and inside, the enfilade arrangement of the front rooms, the large double-height hall, and the living room ceiling paintings made by Italian artists brought the building closer to the palace type. Built mansion, both internally and externally exterior decoration it really was a real palace.

Another palace is associated with the name of Emperor Alexander I. A.S. stayed in it on the way to the Caucasus. Pushkin with General N.N. Raevsky. Five years after this, Emperor Alexander I, who in the last years of his life loved to inspect his own possessions, died there. He died here in 1825. Or didn't he die? According to some historical legends, he simply peacefully retired, taking on the appearance of one of his subjects, and lived to a ripe old age.

Rich cultural life Taganrog. In the city, which is the birthplace of the great writer and playwright A.P. Chekhov, there are many memorable places associated with the name of the writer. A.P. Chekhov is the pride of Taganrog. Chekhov permeates everything in the city. His characters still walk the streets here. Before entering the park you can see a composition based on the story “Kashtanka”. It represents an episode of a Chekhov story - a circus act " Egyptian pyramid" Here the thin one bowed low when he saw the fat one (“Thick and Thin”). How much servility and respect there is in this bow! His wife froze behind him. Son Nathanael stretched out to his full height. Here is the “man in a case” timidly hiding his face from passers-by. The memorial museum “Chekhov's House” has been created and is successfully operating. This is a small outbuilding on the territory of the former household of the merchant Gnutov. The house has three small rooms, a kitchen, a tiny corridor and a cold entryway. Anton Chekhov was born here on January 29, 1860. The Chekhov's Shop Memorial Museum tells about the life of the Chekhov family in the 70s of the 19th century. Above the entrance to the store there was a sign “Tea, sugar, coffee and other colonial goods”, and below another one - “Drinking and takeaway”, it meant that there was a cellar with wines and vodka at the store. A variety of people came here - peasants, bankrupt landowners, monks, policemen, minor officials - the heroes of Chekhov's future stories. And he saw them all, because as a teenager he often stood behind the counter, replacing his father. On the ground floor there was also a large dining room where the whole family gathered, a kitchen and utility rooms. But the children lived on the mezzanine, there was also a huge living room in which there was a grand piano, in which home theater performances took place, in which, obviously, the future great playwright played an important role. Now everything in this building looks the same as it looked when Antoshi lived here. The future writer studied at the Taganrog Men's Gymnasium - one of the oldest educational institutions South of Russia. Now there is a literary museum here. During his gymnasium years A.P. Chekhov was a regular visitor to the Taganrog Theater; subsequently, all of his plays were staged here, during the writer’s lifetime. Now the theater is named after A.P. Chekhov. And in 1960, on the occasion of the centenary of his birth, a monument to the great Russian writer was unveiled (sculptor I.M. Rukavishnikov). It is installed on Red Square in Taganrog. Chekhov is depicted as a young man sitting on a stone with a book in his hand, facing the street on which he was born.

The names of actress F. G. Ranevskaya, revolutionary P. P. Schmidt, artists K. A. Savitsky and A. K. Kuindzhi, writers K. G. Paustovsky and I. D. Vasilenko, trainer A. A. are also associated with the city. Durov, singer E.V. Obraztsova, poet M.I. Tanich, aircraft designers G.M. Beriev, R.L. Bartini and V.M. Petlyakov, writer and public figure N.V. Kukolnik, surgeon N.A. Bogoraz, mathematician A.A. Samarsky and many other well-known production organizers in our country and abroad, figures in science, culture and art.

Taganrozh residents are proud of their outstanding fellow countrymen, honor their memory, preserve and enhance the rich historical and cultural heritage cities.

During the Great Patriotic War Taganrog was occupied for almost two years. The largest underground organization against fascism in the south of the country operated in the city. In honor of the underground heroes, the Oath of Youth memorial was opened in 1973. The location chosen for the memorial is deeply symbolic. The sculptural composition, which is the main element of the memorial, is installed in the center of Spartakovsky Lane, in front of the old building of the Chekhov gymnasium, which housed high school No. 2 named after A.P. Chekhov. Graduates of school No. 2 named after. A.P. Chekhov in 1941 became participants in the Taganrog underground, which was led by Semyon Morozov, who worked at this school.

I love my city because it is beautiful and dear. I know there are many other worthy people in the world, the most beautiful cities, but it is in Taganrog that I feel good and calm. Here my soul rests, here the air fills my soul with love and happiness. There are many historical and cultural monuments in my city that I am proud of. Preserving them and increasing them is the main task of our generation.