The history of the blue lake in the kbr. Mystery of nature

Today (December 6th, 2015) we went to the Blue Lakes (Kabardino-Balkaria). I've been downstairs a couple of times before. But I realized the moment of mystery and mystery of this lake only today .. It may be the deepest karst lake in the world .. But today, in the age when human expeditions to Mars are planned, right here, there is a lake for which even depth ... and many other important things .. and in general, it seems that there are more mysteries in it than clues ...

Today I happened to take a walk around the neighborhood around them. On the way above the upper lake. In search of a dry lake. Just now, while driving, along the way, I found out that there is a huge funnel here, from where the water left. This is one of the lakes, the fourth. Like vaguely-approximately known way. Like, you have to walk all day and all that. Mystery - bribed. Somewhere to the end, and then through the forest along the path. There was really nothing to catch the card. And that means - cheers-campaign! As far as the car was able to reach, it reached, and then with its feet - as far as the feet could and desired to reach. At the end of the plateau, not far from the headwaters of the Zhemtala River, there was a turn back. Route track

In the forest - red viburnum berries.
If you stop - complete silence and tranquility. The white slopes are combed with trees. Warm, the closer, the farther - the colder. It's great to watch how it fades into blue in space and gradually blends with the sky. It's great to watch along the way how nearby branches, or trees, cut distant branches and trees. How horses are scattered in the distance, dots on white. Black-and-reddish lambs and white lambs come round the turn into the snow, and nibble at the sparse December vegetation in the interstices of the snow. Somewhere two cows were lost, someone went and looked for them in the "field". On a distant plateau, a shepherd on a farm offered to make a fire, tea-mai, but we had to return until dark. Although, of course, that special reality that is called “tea-mai”, “martoshka potatoes”, etc. deserves the most frantic immersion in it, and no less attention than all these mountains ... (coffee-mofe, gopher-muslik ... here with milk and pasta - it's a little more difficult to weave a thread)

Zhemtala, Zaragizh, Aushiger, Urvan and Nalchik view from the plateau at the head of the river. Zhemtala

The sun began to be covered with clouds and the tops of nearby mountains. It was great highlighting the low clouds that flew in and began to show the space. It seems to be starting to get cold, the height here is about 1150 m, but still it's winter, sort of. But here, it still feels easier than in the Nalchik region, plus but wet now.

On the way to the car, the guys on the "field" also returned, drove past. They never found two cows. After descending to the main road, to the asphalt, I still wanted to stop by for five minutes to stand and look at the Blue Lake. Last year I came here on a bicycle from Nalchik, and there were nuts. Hazelnut. I looked. Found one nut. When the day is light and bright, the bottom is visible. But when it is already such an evening, it is not visible, but the lake turns into a perfect mirror. Previously, I somehow did not have time to feel the moment. Heard something about the unexplored. And then - imbued with the greatness of the moment. An unknown moment. The unknown, on the shore of which I now stand.

A person (the same me, for example) opening a laptop today, or receiving any answer on the Internet, practically does not allow the thought that something may be incomprehensible and unknown. Yes, some distant corners of space and all that. But this is how everything seems to be simple and understandable and studied (although often he studied only a certain list of familiar operations, actions and thoughts familiar to him). And here. You are standing on the shore of the lake. It is so small, if you look at the size of the mirror - 235 x 130 meters. And the depth... It is only known for certain that it is not less than 258 meters. What's at the bottom - no one knows. And where is it, this is the bottom. This is a karst lake, everything is not easy here with the bottom. It is a mine with sheer walls, formed due to karst processes - the destruction of rock by water. Even with what is known about it, it is the second deepest karst lake in the world. Nothing flows into the lake (terrestrial, in the sense). But everything flows out. Every day, about 70 million liters of water (7 million buckets) come out of it through the channel. It has nothing to do with the season. This is a constant value. The water temperature of the lake is the same throughout the year - about 9 degrees. It doesn't freeze. There are no fish here. Water is slightly mineralized. Transparency - exceptional - about 30 meters. Where the water enters the lake is unknown. It is only clear that from somewhere below, under pressure. The water level may fluctuate throughout the day. There are ideas that somewhere down there, the devil knows where, there is a cave (caves) where the inflow comes from. The influx occurs in any way - 70 million liters per day, at least. 0.8 cubic meters per second (lower karst floor, rich in water, and all that). There is also an idea that the shaft can go somewhere to the side, forming an inflection, and this can significantly increase the depth of the lake.

Tserik-Kol or Cherek-Kol. So it is called in Balkar. The lake is located right next to the road to Upper Balkaria, just a few meters from the asphalt. But even before the days of asphalt, it was kind of like a pretty walkable path. According to legend, many ambitious guys from Macedonian to Tamerlane could appear here. According to legend, some artifacts of those events can rest at the bottom. If you follow the logic, then this is quite legitimate. From time to time, divers find something on the little things, on the shelves and at the mouth of the lake (which is much wider than the mine itself). It is considered a reliable fact that in the 30s a truck with port wine fell into the lake. (However, I noticed that there are often many "reliable facts" here that are not actually documented anywhere, or it is impossible to find some weighty evidence of this). The lake is considered among the karst lakes the second deepest in the world, second only to Lake Cverno in Croatia. However, on the same Wikipedia in the Karst Lakes category it is not at all. And in some descriptions of such a device of the planet as "Karst Lakes" you will not find a word about it. But the same Wikipedia writes that Jacques Yves Cousteau was here and explored (it seems that this is another legend). There is a depth figure of 360 m (link to a very dubious source). This figure is a champion figure. Recently here at one holiday, when it came to the area of ​​Crimea, that he, they say, is twice the size of Kabardino-Balkaria in terms of area, heard a mini-dialogue:

Let's take a look at Wikipedia!
Yes, I do not believe these Wikipedias.

I increasingly come to the conclusion that you can only trust your eyes, ears and other body devices. The exception may be those who are attached to you. Literally, a rope.

At first I thought that they were unfair, these misunderstandings, and then I came to the conclusion that the lack of knowledge is great. This is potential .. As for the depth, by the way, many karst lakes (the same in Croatia, for example) experience quite strong fluctuations in the water level due to various underground or atmospheric processes, calculated in meters and tens of meters. Here, on the Blue Lake, the fluctuations are very weak. They exist, because the inflow processes are constantly going on, and nothing on earth is stable, but the outflow still regulates the professionalism of the lake.

I don't know... it seems like most people are more comfortable living when everything is predictable. securely. predetermined. when the path is known, when everything is clear.. when everything is categorized.. named.. voiced.. RATED...approved/not approved...put on the shelf...medal hung..curses hung...

But it all seems silly to me...

Here you are standing, and only 250 meters down - nothing is clear. 250 meters, you can run them in just half a minute. You can also rappel quite cheerfully. And here is the lake. And what is there at the bottom, where it is, how it is - IS NOT KNOWN ...

And all around is full of life. here - hychins, there - they sell knitted things. On the shore - a diving center. By the way, yes, in 2012, the Englishman Martin Robson plunged to a depth of 200 m, as I understand it - this is a record for this lake, no one got lower here. He wanted to find a cave from which water comes here, and in general, to figure out what it thinks down there. He spent about 9 hours underwater. And all this almost ended for him with the cessation of life processes. One member of that expedition, Andrei Rodionov, who acted as an operator, died.

Deep sea vehicle? (Do they exist? Has anyone seen them not on TV?) Probably expensive, pathetic, and no one really needs it. Although - "What are you talking about, we are constantly studying everything here and there!". Or maybe such a thing, like a quadcopter, for gopros, only underwater (I wonder if a quadcopter can do it under water? I found material that someone tried to turn it into a submarine)))

The blue lake system is four lakes. In any case, it is customary to consider them as something unified. Until this moment, I did not go on the road to the upper ones. And I had little idea what was there. Rumor has it that they are all connected underground. However, it seems that at least the upper one is more of an atmospheric origin than a harsh underground one. One of the four lakes is dry. Kol-Kechkhen. Water left it, leaving a small lake five meters deep at the bottom. This happens with karst lakes - the water in the funnel is kept due to the sediment accumulated at the bottom, above the main underground aquifer. In the case of tectonic troubles, the integrity of the shield deteriorates and the water leaves. As apparently happened in this case (according to rumors in 1931). In general, they are also called "failure" - water can leave, then after some time it can again fill the funnel, due to the same processes of formation of a sedimentary shield. Funnel Kol-Kechkhen - similar to the funnel of the lower lake - a karst mine, 177 m deep with sheer walls. But I later read this, and at that time the purpose of our trip was to find this lake, I heard about it for the first time, but it seems that somewhere you need to get to the end of the road and follow the path through the forest.

In general, when we asked the shepherds, on a distant plateau, about such a phenomenon as a dried-up karst lake, they said that there was no such thing here.

When I returned to the city and looked at the map, it turned out that we had gone too far in the wrong direction. And it is very close to the general location of the rest of the lakes. On the Internet - only a couple of photos are not very good. View from above. And one good

This is one of the deepest karst lakes in the world. There are no fish in this lake, many legends are connected with this lake. It is known that in the 1930s a truck with port wine fell into the lake.

The Blue Lake is located in the picturesque Cherek Gorge on the territory of the eponymous district. Chereksky district is the largest in Kabardino-Balkaria and the most sparsely populated. The fact is that most of the area of ​​​​the region is occupied by mountains. Here are 5 of the 7 five-thousanders of the Caucasus and the longest glacier in Europe. One of the oldest mountaineering camps in our country, Bezengi, is also located here, where the legendary Soviet mountaineering was born.

(Chirik-Kol) is a unique monument of nature. It is the world's second deepest karst spring and is a water-bearing karst mine with sheer walls. On the surface, the lake has a maximum length of 235m and a width of 130m. The minimum depth of the mine is 179m, the maximum is 258m. In the extended upper part, the depth varies from 0 to 40 m. The lake has no tributaries, but is a drain. A river flows out of it with a flow rate of 0.8 cubic meters. m/sec. The water temperature is 9 degrees all year round. Visibility under water practically does not depend on the weather and reaches 20-50 meters. There is a possibility that at a depth of 2558 meters there is not a bottom, but an inflection and then the Blue Lake will be the deepest source in the world. Research is ongoing.

The transparency of the water is stunning. Depth 15 meters:

From the history of Blue Lake research
One of the first to describe Blue Lake was the geographer, zoologist and glaciologist I. Dinnik in his work “Trip to Balkaria in 1887-1890”. At the beginning of the 20th century, I. Shchukin carried out geographical research in this area. In 1926–27, Ivan Georgievich Kuznetsov, a native of Nalchi, who graduated from the Mining Institute in Petrograd in 1919, was studying the Blue Lake, professor, doctor of science. He was awarded the silver medal of the Russian Geographical Society for the study of Lake Chirik-Kel. The reservoir of the lake is a deep well with sheer walls, composed of layered limestone. Water enters the well from below, from a great depth, and is under great pressure, because it flows out of the lake itself in a powerful stream. In June 1980, Lake Chirik-Kel was studied by the expedition of the Institute of Geography named after A.I. Vakhushti Bagrationi of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR under the guidance of Doctor of Geographical Sciences G. Gigineishvili.
The water in the lake is poorly mineralized and only algae live in it.

The history of the creation of the Blue Lake dive center must begin in June 1982. It was at this very time that Moscow student Roma Prokhorov (future Russian record holder in diving depth and director of the Blue Lake dive center) appeared on the shores of Blue Lake, loaded with trunks with cylinders and diving equipment.

He had a lot of strength, a lot of enthusiasm, but little money and normal equipment. The one that was prepared according to the principle of a circle of skillful hands. The scuba gear is assembled from stolen carbon dioxide cylinders, the depth gauge is made entirely by one's own hands. With this treasure, Roma rushed into the abyss of the Blue Lake along a steep wall towards new discoveries. He escaped, of course, by a miracle, but he nevertheless set the first record of Lake Roman. Reached the mark - 70 meters. For comparison, I would like to note that Jacques-Yves Cousteau with his partner named Taillez, diving in Vaucluse in 1946, made 4 dives and reached a depth of 46 meters, and only 9 years later his team was able to reach 74 meters, having made in Vaucluse about 80 dives.

The building of the dive center, built by the government of Kabardino-Balkaria, consists of two tiers. The lower one, with an area of ​​about 150 square meters, is carved into the rock and has access directly to the surface of the water to the launch pad. There are warm locker rooms, showers and toilets, rooms for preparing and storing equipment, a compressor room, and a pressure chamber. The entire lower module is equipped with underfloor heating.

Up the gorge behind the Blue Lake are located Cherek tunnels and a section of the old road. Starting at a small waterfall, a narrow path winds along a hundred and fifty-meter cliff. At the corners, a bewitching view of the Balkar valley and snow-capped peaks opens up. And if you drive a few more kilometers, you will find yourself in the village of Upper Balkaria. Behind the village there is a suspension bridge that leads to the old settlement, which was destroyed during the Stalinist resettlement of the Balkars. The foundations of houses and walls that form the winding streets of the ancient mountain village have been preserved. Very beautiful tower Abai-Kala around which apricot trees grow. A couple of kilometers to the left of Abay-Kala, a real watchtower has been preserved. It stands on a ten-meter solid stone and is impregnable without climbing equipment.

Approximately 15 km. from the Blue Lake are hot, mineral spring Aushiger, discovered in the 1950s during an expedition to search for oil and which flows from a depth of about 4000 meters ... The origin of the word "Aushiger" is interesting. According to philologists, it clearly indicates that the Kabardians once professed Christianity, since this toponym is translated as "Saint George". Some scholars believe that this toponym should be translated “Greek Jesus”, since the word “dzher” (ger) means “Greek” in Kabardian, because Christianity came to Kabarda from Byzantium

Legends of Blue Lake
Like most lakes, Blue Lake is reputed to be bottomless among the locals. There are a lot of stories among the people about people and animals that fell into the lake and surfaced almost in the Caspian Sea. Of course, at the bottom of the lake rests the cavalry of either Tamerlane or Alexander the Great in full battle dress, naturally decorated with gold, silver and precious stones (maybe even both at once). Deposits of German and Romanian military equipment abandoned during the retreat are also stored there. And at the beginning of the thaw, a bronze statue of Stalin allegedly flew to the bottom. Well, in modern times, samples of modern wheeled vehicles are regularly sent to the bottom. So at the bottom of the lake there is a museum covered with legends, waiting for its visitors. (I’ll tell you a secret about a real fact. In the 30s a port wine truck fell into the lake. The cost of even one bottle is now very high)

Castles of damnation
It was at the end of the summer of 2003. After another dive, our friend, Tolya Ivanov, got out with an unusual find, which, however, at first they didn’t pay much attention to. It was a bunch of ordinary cheap locks. He found them at a shallow depth, on a stone ledge. And not far away, on a nearby ledge, lay a bunch of keys that seemed to fit the locks. Both the locks and the keys did not have time to turn black and oxidize under water, apparently they lay here quite recently. The find was also unusual in that in all the locks, pieces of paper were sticking out of the holes into which the key was inserted.

The scraps of paper turned out to be scraps of a photograph torn to pieces. The photo showed a young man, and on the back of it something was written in Arabic script. From this already breathed some kind of devilry. Tolya told about the find to one of the local residents. The man took this very seriously and asked to see a torn photograph. He easily recognized her as one of the neighbor's boys. This guy recently got married and moved to the city, but after the wedding he was haunted by continuous failures: illness, accident, loss of valuables, and the like.

The locks that Tolya found were a curse placed on this guy. There is a local custom. If you want to “annoy” someone very much, you need to go to the local black sorcerer with a photograph of your enemy, and he will write a curse in Arabic on the back of the picture. And then you need to tear the photo into small pieces, insert each of them into the keyhole of the newly purchased and previously locked lock, tie all the locks with the fragments of the photo into one bunch, and the keys to them into another, and hide it all somewhere or throw it away so that no one can find them. From that moment on, the life of the damned and his loved ones turns into hell and can lead the unfortunate to an untimely death. If the doomed poor fellow manages to find the cursed locks with his dismembered portrait and the keys to them, and then open the malicious locks with the keys, he will be saved. The spell will lose its power.

The hero of our story had a familiar girl in the city who liked him. And she had certain views on him. Upon learning that the object of her love was marrying another, an angry mountain woman decided to take revenge on the offender. Shortly before the wedding, she was seen several times on observation deck Blue lake.

Our story ended happily. Peace and tranquility reigned in the family of the newlyweds. And the girl who threw the castles into the lake was never seen again. They say she left the republic forever.
On the ledges lies every valuable shmurdyak:

That's it interesting lake. And the water is really blue.

Anyone can come to this lake and dive.
You just need to take a few diving courses.

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Mountain lakes are the most important sights of Kabardino-Balkaria. The most famous of them are the karst Blue Lakes. There are five in total.

This is a natural monument of the republic, a recreational zone, a tourist attraction that must be seen.

Bottomless Lower Blue Lake

First of all, we looked at the most visited and most beautiful Lower Blue Lake. Most deep lake North Caucasus, which is not accidentally called bottomless ...

Small, the surface of the water is about two hectares. But the amazing depth is 279 meters! Although no one knows for sure, these are approximate indicators for instruments.

Locals call this lake Bottomless - Chirik-Kol. A real artesian well. The third deepest lake in Russia. But there are chances to become the second, and maybe the first ...

The lower lake is not always blue. It changes its color depending on the weather. It can be blue, or maybe blue, turquoise, azure, green, gray-blue and even gray. We saw him silver, the color of mercury. It was just that the cold winter sky was reflected in the mirror of the water.

A mysterious, incredibly beautiful and frightening body of water... Many of the lake's mysteries have not yet been solved, although the lake has been studied for centuries. But it does not want to reveal its secrets to people.

Legends and secrets of the Lower Blue Lake

Previously, the Balkars believed that the lake had no bottom. That is why they called it the Bottomless Lake - Chirik-Kul.

The researchers have a version that the lake really does not have a bottom. And the bottom that the robots saw was actually not the bottom at all. Just a bend, or rather, an inflection of the bottom, under which an unknown depth is hidden ...

And it is also called Rotten or Smelly Lake. Such an unromantic name because it smells slightly of hydrogen sulfide.

The legend about the lake says that the fearless warrior Bataraz lived in these parts, who defeated the dragon, which brought a lot of trouble to people. The dragon fell and formed a hole in the ground, which soon filled with the dragon's tears. So the monster lies at the bottom of the lake, spreading the smell of hydrogen sulfide and flooding the lake with tears ...

According to another legend, a herd of sheep, belonging to the god of cattle breeders Aimush, drowned in the lake. The herd was countless, covering all the surrounding mountains. But one day, the leader, a golden-horned ram, jumped into the Bottomless Lake. And the whole herd after him disappeared into the depths ...

These are legends. And there are real mysteries of the lake. No fish live in it. Only tiny gammarus crustaceans. But in the Upper Blue Lakes there are fish - trout, carps ... Why don't fish live in the Lower?

One of the main mysteries of the Lower Blue Lake is where the reservoir, located at 809 meters above sea level, replenishes.

Neither rivers nor streams flow into the lake. At the same time, a river flows out with a daily volume of more than 77 thousand cubic meters of water.

Our children at the Lower Blue Lake

It is believed that there are underground springs in the lake. Or that it is connected at all by underwater tunnels to the Upper Blue Lakes.

The respectful attitude of local residents to the Bottomless Lake, who never swim in the reservoir, is striking. Yes, the water is ice cold. But I saw mountain children bathing in icy mountain rivers.

They say there are whirlpools in the lake. Where are they from?

Be that as it may, the locals do not swim in the Lower Blue Lake. They don't even dare to wet their feet. What is this? Sacred fear of a sacred place? Or knowledge and understanding of some other things, inaccessible to the researchers of mysteries?

Diving at the Lower Blue Lake

There are daredevils who violate the sanctity of the lake. Of course, these are not residents of the surrounding villages, but visiting divers.


Scientists have found that the Lower Blue Lake in the Cherek region of the republic is much deeper than previously thought. This lake is also called Tserik-Kel. It is located at an altitude of 809 meters above sea level. The temperature is +9 degrees all year round. Researchers suggest that it was formed due to the collapse of an underground karst cave.

A river flows out of the lake - more than 70 thousand cubic meters per day. But what feeds the reservoir itself - for many years it was not clear, the flowing sources are not visible from the outside. Until recently, it was believed that the depth of the lake is 258 meters. But it has recently become clear that this is not the case.

“The Underwater Research Center of the Russian Geographical Society, professors and scientists from all over Russia (about 60 people in total) carefully studied the Lower Lake,” says Mukhamed Kozhokov, chairman of the Kabardino-Balkarian branch of the Russian Geographical Society. - More than 90 deep-water descents were made in a couple of months. For the first time, underwater vehicles were used - controlled robots. With their help, scientists discovered three caves in the deep part of the lake. The deepest point we managed to descend to is 279 meters. It also turned out that underwater rivers feed Tserik-Kel. The water is incredibly clear, you can see every pebble, even at a depth of 25 meters. Further, the water becomes azure-turquoise due to hydrogen sulfide. There is no flora and fauna in the lake - hydrogen sulfide kills all life. But why the temperature of the water is constant and what is at the very bottom is still unknown.”

Going to the bottom “I went down to the Lower Lake several thousand times,” says Eduard Khuazhev, head of the KBR Underwater Research Center, president of the Kabardino-Balkarian Underwater Sports Federation. - The task of the last expedition was to determine a more accurate depth. And understand where the water comes from. In the bowl of the lake, we found several cracks from different sides, three of them are 1.5 meters wide, powerful streams come from there.”

At the bottom of the lake, not far from the shore, there are several sunken cars. Empty, without people. Old-timers say that in the 30s of the last century, a truck loaded to the top with boxes of port wine fell into the water. The researchers debunked this myth: there really is a “Lawn” at the bottom, but there is only a box of port wine in it. They got one bottle, tried it, evaluated the endurance.

locals the lake is bypassed due to superstition. It is believed that in Tserik-Kel one cannot even wet one's feet.

By the way, swimming there is really impossible even in summer. From cold water, an unprepared person cramps muscles, and at a depth it is very dangerous.

four lakes

“There are four lakes in the Cherek Gorge - Lower, Dry, Secret and Upper,” says local historian Khadis Tetuev. - For the first time, the "bottomless" lakes of the Caucasus are mentioned in 1864 in the notes of the Russian officer Fyodor Tornau.

The first special observations of the Blue Lakes group were made in 1892-1895 by geologist Konstantin Rosikov. Scientists have established that all lakes are of karst origin. But they are all completely different. If you rise from the Lower Lake to the northeast, then on the mountain plateau 187 m above the Lower Lake there is a huge, now dry, Kel-Kechkhen sinkhole. Translated from Balkar - "the lake has flowed away." The depth of the failure is 177 meters. Below you can see the lake, which from above seems very small - the size of a saucer. They call him "Dry". According to legend, once its waters reached the upper edge of the failure, but the mountains shuddered, and the water flowed into the Lower Lake.

Modern researchers suggest that the Lower and Dry lakes are indeed connected. The secret lake seemed to be hidden in dense thickets of shrubs and trees. On the opposite side of it lies the Upper Blue Lake. At the beginning of the 20th century, there were three small reservoirs in its place, which eventually merged into one big lake. The water in the Secret and Upper lakes freezes in winter, and in summer you can swim and fish in them - there are a lot of living creatures in them.

The mystery of the Blue Lake in Kabardino-Balkaria - one of the deepest in Europe - has remained unsolved. An expedition led by a British diver was to find out if a cave system existed at depth. But the research was stopped after the death of one of the team members under water.

NTV correspondent Maxim Berezin clarified the circumstances.

Former English commando Martin Robson cannot live without thrills even in civilian life. The titled diving instructor dived in all kinds of extreme places on the planet: from the Arctic Circle to the underwater caves of Mexico. Martin's new goal was an inconspicuous lake in the mountains of Kabardino-Balkaria. The locals believe that it is bottomless. And this is not far from the truth. There really is no exact data on the depth of the lake. To begin with, Robson planned a dive to 160 meters.

Martin Robson: “I noticed what the scientists were paying attention to. They helped us and suggested what, in fact, we need to explore in this lake. They themselves still do not fully understand how it was formed and what is down there. That's why it's interesting to me."

The last time Blue Lake was explored was in the 1920s. It is known that its level can change several times a day. For what reason - scientists still do not know. Somewhere very deep, there is probably a cave from which water enters the lake. No one has been able to find the cave yet. Martin Robson hoped to become a pioneer, thus helping Russian science.

Day "x" for divers did not work out from the very beginning. Fog fell over the lake. The dive time for various reasons shifted. In the end, the Englishman nevertheless put on a wetsuit and went to the depths. The beginning of the operation was filmed by Andrei Rodionov, a volunteer videographer of the expedition. He joined Robson's support group.

A few hours later, rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations noticed the motionless body of a diver on the surface. Andrew was no longer breathing. Attempts to bring him back to life were in vain.

Rodionov's computer showed that in the last minutes of his life the diver was at a depth of 16 meters. What happened next remains to be seen. According to one version, Andrey's breathing apparatus could break. He lost consciousness, which under water is tantamount to death. It was dangerous to stop the operation, it remained to wait for the return of the English diver.

Martin Robson spent almost eight hours under water and during this time he could not find the mysterious cave. Not having time to reveal the secrets of the Blue Lake, the researchers decided to terminate the expedition ahead of schedule.