Sights of Alanya - where to go and what to see on your own. Türkiye, Alanya - “Alanya is a fairy tale city, a dream city! Local attractions!” Alanya old town

Having once chosen a tour in Turkey in the city of Alanya, my husband and I honestly had no idea where we were going. We didn’t read, we weren’t interested, we went at random. We arrived at the airport in Antalya, the organizer of the trip was the tour operator Coral Travel - well done guys, by the way! They work accurately! From Antalya to Alanya it takes 2 hours and 30 minutes. The road on the way back was a little was definitely more interesting there =)

We arrived at night, so we were able to explore the city only the next day) And we were pleasantly surprised!

Well, for starters, what pleased us not only in Alanya, but throughout Turkey is the roads, they are like a skating rink...perfectly polished, you drive and don’t notice the roads)) Not like ours (((

The city is not large, but quite picturesque, there are more than enough hotels in it. The main attraction of the city is the Red Tower, the defensive fortress of the city, located on a mountain slope.

Alanya was a famous base for the pirate fleet, founded in the 4th century BC during the Roman Empire, echoes of which have survived to this day, in Alanya there is a beach named by Mark Antony in honor of Cleopatra, Cleopatra Beach. The name has stuck and has survived to this day.

Since the 13th century, the city has been the winter residence of the Sultan. The port in Alanya is not large but very beautiful, with extraordinary pleasure ships.

Also in the city there is the Damlatash cave, with healing air (good for asthmatics)

Located between Cleopatra Beach and Port how to go along coastline.

The cave was discovered by accident, during the explosion of rocks, in order to expand the beach area.

Near the cave, all kinds of souvenirs are actually sold, but they are quite expensive... reasonable prices You can buy all possible souvenirs and oriental sweets if you go on a jeep safari excursion. Few people talk about this, but on it you will visit a mountain village, where at the local bazaar you can buy whatever you want for pennies!!!

The city also has museums, a water park, and basically everything...

General views of the city

If we talk about the cities of the southern coast of Turkey, then Alanya is, at first glance, an ordinary one among them. resort town. But this is only at first glance. It does not reveal its charm immediately, but gradually, as if looking closely at you, will you be able to see behind the lush facades of numerous hotels and beautiful beaches his centuries-old history and a glorious past. If you can do it, the love between you and the city will be mutual forever.

History of Alanya

And this city itself is a gift of love. It arose in the 4th century BC. Antony presented the ancient Korakesion (as Alanya was previously called) as a gift to his beloved Cleopatra. In the 2nd century BC. here, on the border of Pamphlia and Cilicia, pirates ruled. Korakesion was their base, their resting place. The entire coastline is indented with numerous bays and grottoes, where sea robbers hid their loot and divided their booty. In one of these grottoes, “Kyzlar Magarasy” - the “Maiden Cave”, pirates hid kidnapped women and other captives, who were then successfully delivered to the slave markets of ancient cities.

Alanya Old Town

The ancient Korakesion itself, the so-called “old city,” was originally located on a small rocky cape. A well-fortified fortress was built around it by pirates, which was subsequently captured by Pompey. The ancient battlements of the Ichkale fortress stretch for 7 km. One of the fifty towers “Kyzyl Kule” - “Red Tower” in the north-east of the city walls was built in 1225 from red brick, its height is 30 m. Now it houses an ethnographic museum (unfortunately, there is no Russian-speaking guide in it, but if you know English well - no problem). The fortress has preserved a small Byzantine basilica. This is actually all that remains from the period of Byzantine rule in this city.

In the 13th century, the Seljuk Sultan Aladdin Keykubad founded his winter residence in the fortress, giving it the name Alaya, which later became Alanya. In one of the towers there was an execution place “Adam Atajagi”: from here those disliked by the Sultan were thrown into the sea, leaving them with a scanty chance of surviving if the condemned person threw a stone to the sea, which was actually unrealistic.

Near the harbor you can see ancient shipyards where the Seljuks maintained their fleet. Nearby there is a small bath of Cleopatra, which is supposedly connected by a tunnel to the fortress.

Sights of Alanya

All that remains is to visit the Old Quarter of the city, where under the same Sultan Aladdin Keykubad the Akchebe Sultan Mosque and the Turbe Tomb were erected. Be sure to check out the caravanserai, and if you're lucky, you'll catch a mesmerizing Sufi performance or the famous belly dance. Be sure to visit the Bedestan open bazaar, where you can find everything your heart desires. But even if your heart doesn’t want to, you will still buy it, because local merchants will grab you by the sleeves, inviting you to look at the goods and asking you to buy all sorts of unnecessary nonsense, assuring you that you definitely need it. By the way, learn the two golden rules of the oriental bazaar. First, be able to politely and firmly say “no” if you really don’t need the item and you don’t want to lose money. Second, know how to bargain. Don't assume that the dealer is telling you the real price. As a rule, it is overestimated by five times. The ability to bargain is a kind of game, a hobby of the locals, unless they bargain in supermarkets, and even then not always. Play this game, please both yourself and the seller, and he, smiling and satisfied, will give you something really good for ridiculous money just because you honor local traditions.

In general, it must be said that there are, as it were, two Alanyas - one for tourists, with luxury hotels, beaches, discos, foam parties. The other is for our own, locals. And if you want to see the real Alanya, leave the hotel in the evening and walk along the coast. Honestly, standing on the shore and watching the crimson disk of the sun fall into the Mediterranean Sea, you will feel this indescribable feeling of the connection of times, realizing that before you, hundreds and thousands of years ago, people also stood on the shore in the same way and looked at the beautiful sunset. And then you will be able to see what idle vacationers usually don’t see. Here is a Turkish family going to the beach with their children - no, not swimming and sunbathing. Daytime is a time of noisy tourists. Evening is the time of the locals. The family sits on the shore, has dinner and also admires the sunset. Some guy stands on a rocky spit and catches fish with a spinning rod. Here is the hotel Bobik running around the rocks and catching crabs. And everywhere and everywhere you are accompanied by the heady smell of azaleas, ice cream vendors, local guides and monuments to grandfather Kemal Ataturk (well, remember ours: “Lenin lived, Lenin lives…”).

Would you like some ice cream? Go up to the van and say a few words to the ice cream man in Turkish (I advise you to definitely learn it). And now he, smiling widely, gets you the best, wishing you a pleasant appetite. And you yourself suddenly notice that you are smiling back...

In general, when vacationing in Turkey, smile more often, and sincerely, from the heart. Believe me, a smile is the key that opens any door.

The sights of Alanya in Turkey are surprisingly diverse. Natural, historical and entertainment attractions are located at a short distance from each other. In Alanya you can always find where to go and what to see on your own. We tried to collect short guide the most interesting sights of Alanya with photos and descriptions, but did not create a rating. Some people are more interested in caves and waterfalls, while others are more interested in mosques and fortresses. In general, everything is up to you.

The main attractions of Alanya - what you must see

Red Tower

The main attraction of Alanya is the Red Tower of Kyzyl Kule. The Red Tower is the symbol of this Turkish resort. The tower is located in the port of Alanya. You can admire the tower from the outside for free. A ticket inside costs 6TL. Inside there is a small museum and observation deck.

Alanya Fortress

The Red Tower is only part of another larger attraction. Alanya Fortress was built in the 13th century and is still well preserved. You can climb to the top of the fortress by road completely free of charge. Better yet, take a bus to the top, and go down from there.

Cable car to the top of the peninsula

A cable car leads from Cleopatra Beach to the top of the peninsula. Climbing up you can see the Ehmidek Castle and the Suleymaniye Mosque. The round trip cost is 18TL.

Attractions in the center of Alanya

Most of Alanya's attractions are located on the top and around the peninsula. Since we started with the Alanya fortress, we will continue with it.

Echmidek Castle

Ehmidek Castle is one of the most ancient buildings in Alanya. When the Seljuk Turks captured these lands, the castle was already standing. According to one version, it was built by the Greeks long before our era. This is one of the most expensive attractions in Alanya; entrance to the castle grounds costs 20TL. True, this price also includes a visit to the internal fortress.

Suleymaniye Mosque

Next to the castle is the Suleymaniye Mosque. This is the oldest mosque in Alanya. It is still active. Entrance to the mosque is free, but all rules for visiting mosques must be strictly followed.

Ichkale - internal fortress

At the very top of the peninsula there is an internal fortress. Probably the inner fortress itself as an attraction would not have been so interesting to me if it were not for the stunning views that you can see from the top. The cost of visiting is 20TL, but with the same ticket you can also visit Ehmidek Castle.

Alanya Shipyard

The shipyard is located in the port of Alanya. The shipyard, like almost the entire fortress, was built in the 13th century and served for the construction of ships. Now there is a small museum inside. It didn't seem like anything special, but I was really interested. Entrance inside costs 7TL.

Alanya seaport

The port is home to the Red Tower and a shipyard, but the port itself is a tourist attraction. There is a very beautiful embankment with an artificial waterfall and a bunch of yachts decorated as pirate ships. Visiting the port is absolutely free.

More information about the port can be found in the article on our website.

Lighthouse in Alanya

The lighthouse is installed in the sea harbor. The height of the lighthouse is 20 meters. You can climb the lighthouse, sometimes it costs money, sometimes it doesn’t. The lighthouse was originally built in France in 1880. He worked there for almost 60 years and only then moved to Alanya.

Park in the center of Alanya

In the center of Alanya, between the Ataturk monument and the port, there is a small but very beautiful and green park with artificial waterfalls where you can go. Spending a few minutes in the shade of tropical trees in the midday heat is a pleasure.

Monument to Ataturk

The Ataturk Monument is located on Ataturk Square next to Ataturk Boulevard. You can find all this “Ataturschina” on the way from Obaköy towards the port, you won’t pass by. Ataturk Square is also called Republic Square. By the way, there is another monument to Ataturk in Alanya, it is located near the Red Tower, but it is much more modest.

Obaköy embankment

A long, well-kept promenade stretches from the port to the east of Alanya, which is a pleasure to walk along. There are many cafes and restaurants, many flowers, and date palms.

You can read more about this area of ​​Alanya.

Cleopatra Beach

Many travel portals include this beach among the main attractions of Alanya. The beach is really good, it's one of the best beaches Turkey. There is a legend that sand was brought to the beach for Cleopatra from Egypt. There is a monument to Cleopatra on the beach promenade.

You can see more about the beach on our website.

Cape Gilvarda

The Alanya Peninsula ends in the sea with a long rocky cape. The ruins of an ancient monastery have been preserved on the cape. Without knowing the trail, getting there is practically impossible, and even dangerous.

Archaeological Museum

The Alanya Archaeological Museum is located near Cleopatra Beach. Inside there are some terribly ancient mosaics, an ancient statue of Hercules and other exhibits; in general, lovers of museum antiquities have something to see. The ticket price is 6TL.

Damlatas Cave and Water Park

Damlatas Cave, like many other attractions of Alanya, is located in the city center. It is easy to get into it from the end of Cleopatra Beach which is closer to the peninsula. The cave is not large and usually crowded, but very beautiful. The cave has many stalactites and stalagmites, and the air is considered beneficial for asthmatics. I would recommend that this attraction is a must see. The cost of visiting the cave is 7.5TL. Nearby is the city water park “Damlatash”; entrance to the park cost 40TL. The water park is small, it has 9 slides and a couple of pools.

We have a detailed story about the cave, you can read it at the link.

Tours to Alanya

Alanya Caves

In general, there are several caves in Alanya. Another 3 caves are also located in the bowels of the peninsula, but not in its main massif, but in the rocks of the cape extending into the sea. Accordingly, in order to see these sights of Alanya you need to take a boat, since they can only be reached by sea.

Pirates Cave

This is the closest cave to the port of Alanya. In ancient times, ancient pirates hid treasures and kidnapped girls here. At least that's what the legends say.

Lovers' Cave

The Lovers' Cave is a through cave in the rocks of the cape. You can climb into it from one side of the peninsula and jump off from the other. They say that in the middle of the last century, lovers who ran away from home were hiding inside the cave. Were there really no more decent places for this business in Alanya?

Phosphorus Cave

This cave is located on the western side of the cape, a little closer to Cleopatra's beach than the lovers' cave. They say that the walls of the cave are covered with phosphorus and in the dark, when approaching the cave, you can see a small glow. True, I have never heard of anyone swimming here in the dark.

What to see in the vicinity of Alanya on your own

Dim Cave

There is another cave in the vicinity of Alanya. This is Dim Cave, the largest cave in the region. The cave is very beautiful. At the end of the cave there is a small lake. It should be noted that I have never seen lakes in caves anywhere else. You can get there on your own by taking bus No. 101, getting off at the Akdeniz University stop. True, from the stop you have to walk almost 4 kilometers up into the mountains in the heat. We took a taxi.

More information about how to get to the cave can be found on our website in the article.

Mountain river and dam Dim Chai

Dim Chai is more than just an attraction in the vicinity of Alanya. This is a dam and reservoir, a gorge and waterfalls, as well as many cafes and restaurants located right on the river. A very pleasant place where you can relax from the heat on the coast. Mainly popular with local population. It's easy to get here on your own. Bus No. 10 runs here from the central bazaar every hour.

You can see details about this attraction of Alanya on our website in the article.

Caravanserai Sharapsa Khan

From Antalya, at the entrance to the city, there is the ancient Sharapsa Khan caravanserai. The caravanserai was built in the middle of the 13th century. Now it is periodically restored, and a show is held inside “ Turkish night" The Sharavsinsky caravanserai is located in the village of Konakli. There is bus number 50 and a bunch of minibuses that go to Konakli with only a sign on the windshield.

Alanya sights on the map

To make it easier to decide where to go and what to see in a Turkish resort, we have compiled a map of Alanya’s attractions in Russian. Historical attractions are highlighted in red on the map, natural ones in green, and all others in orange. You can click on the icons, there will be a link to detailed description attractions on our website.

Where else to go and what to see in Alanya

Alanya Gardens

This park is a relatively new attraction in Alanya. Located on the terrace of a hill outside the city near the letters I love Alanya. You can get there by bus number 8. Entry is free for now.

Observation platforms on Alanya

Almost immediately outside the city the mountains begin. If you walk towards the mountains from the sea, you will come across one of the many observation platforms from where you can see the whole of Alanya.

Take a yacht ride around the peninsula

You can arrange such a walk right at the port on the embankment. Choose which vessel you like best, but do not forget that the better the vessel, the higher the price.

Alanya (Türkiye) is the most detailed information about the city with photos. The main attractions of Alanya with descriptions, guides and maps.

Alanya city (Türkiye)

Alanya is a city in southwestern Turkey, sea ​​port and a popular resort. Located on the Mediterranean coast 138 km from Antalya. Alanya is an ancient city that is one of the best preserved Seljuk cities and has many ancient monuments and natural attractions. This is one of the most popular holiday destinations on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey, famous for its excellent sandy beaches and clean warm sea.

Geography and climate

Alanya is located in the Anatolian Gulf on the Pamphylian plains between Mediterranean Sea and the ridges of the Taurus Mountains. The city is divided by a rocky peninsula and is part of the Turkish Riviera. Alanya is located among picturesque landscapes with typical Mediterranean vegetation and rocky hills covered with coniferous and deciduous forests.

Alanya in the evening

The climate is hot Mediterranean. Summer is hot and dry. The average daily temperature from May to September is around 25-28°C. Winter is warm and humid. The greatest amount of precipitation falls from November to February. The average daily temperature in winter rarely drops below 10°C.

Practical information

  1. The city's population is more than 250 thousand people.
  2. Area - 1598.51 km².
  3. Currency - Turkish lira. Although almost everywhere they willingly accept dollars and euros. Therefore, there is no point in exchanging them for lira.
  4. Visa - for a period of up to 60 days, it is enough to have a foreign passport, the validity of which is more than four months from the date of entry into Turkey.
  5. Language - Turkish.
  6. Time - UTC +2, in summer +3.

Alanya is one of most popular resorts Turkey, which receives 9% of all tourists. Also 30% of all real estate that is purchased in the country foreign citizens, located in Alanya.

Alanya is famous for its natural sandy beaches with clear turquoise sea. Many beaches have the prestigious Blue Flag. The length of the coastline is about 100 km. The western beaches are 34 km long, the eastern beaches are 24 km long. The most famous western beaches- Cleopatra and Dalmatas, eastern - Keykubat and Portakal.

Best time to visit

Best time To come to Alanya - the period from May to October. Already at the end of spring, the water temperature in the Mediterranean Sea reaches 21-23 °C. In June and September the water temperature is about 25°C, and at the height of summer - 27-29°C. The hottest months are July and August. The most comfortable weather is, of course, in June and September.


Historically, Alanya is located between Cilicia and Pamphylia. The surrounding area of ​​the city has been inhabited since the Paleolithic. In the 4th century BC there was a Greek settlement here, Korakesion. Later, Cilician pirates settled here and kept the entire Mediterranean coast in fear. The pirates were destroyed by Roman troops led by Gnaeus Pompey in the 1st century BC. Alanya reached its greatest prosperity in the Roman period and was one of the most important cities in Antalya.

After the fall of the Roman Empire, the city became part of the Byzantine possessions. The Byzantines named the cities Kalonoros, which means " beautiful mountain"In the 13th century, Alanya was captured by the Seljuks, who named it Alaye. During this period, numerous defensive structures and cultural monuments were built, and the city became one of the most important ports in the Mediterranean. In the 15th century, Alanya became part of the Ottoman Empire. After this, the importance of the city declined Alanya received its modern name in 1933 under Ataturk.

How to get there

The nearest airport is located two hours' drive from Alanya in Antalya. To travel between cities, you can use the bus and Turkish minibuses (dolmuş).

Shopping and purchases

Undoubtedly, Alanya is a paradise for shopaholics: shops of jewelry, leather, shoes and bags, Turkish sweets and carpets. Main shopping areas: Cuma Bazaars, the port area and the area around Ataturk Street. In Alanya you can find a huge number of shops selling replicas of famous brands: clothes and shoes, glasses and watches, bags and wallets.

Advice: in private stores you must bargain. Often the price of the product is doubled. It is also better to take sweets by weight, after trying them first; often beautiful large boxes do not guarantee the quality and size of the contents.

Food and drink

In Alanya you can try excellent Turkish cuisine, fish and seafood. Popular food: lahmacun, şiş kebab and other varieties of kebab, baklava (Turkish sweet). Finding a restaurant in Alanya that suits your taste and financial capabilities is not a problem. Also, the resort, which is logical, offers a bright and rich nightlife. As night approaches, numerous clubs and bars begin to open.


Despite the fact that Alanya was founded more than two thousand years ago and was inhabited by Greeks, Romans and Byzantines, almost all of the most famous attractions were built by the Seljuks.

The fortress is one of the symbols of Alanya. The medieval walls are 6.5 km long. They were equipped with 140 towers and included 400 tanks. East End The fortress is very picturesque. Here the walls go down to the sea all the way to the Red Tower. Alanya Castle was built by the Seljuks in the 13th century on Hellenistic foundations. The castle has preserved several historical buildings: cisterns, baths and a Byzantine church.

The Red Tower (Kizil Kule) is a powerful medieval octagonal structure that is one of the most famous landmarks of Alanya. The tower is 33 meters high and was built of red brick in the 13th century to watch over the harbour.

The shipyard (Tersane) is a medieval shipbuilding structure built in the 13th century by the Seljuks. Located south of the Red Tower. Five arched galleries have been preserved here, where ships used to be made. At the top of the cliff there is an armory where cannons were produced.

Sulaymaniyah is an ancient mosque with a brick minaret, built in the 13th century. The building was rebuilt in the 16th century.

Things to do in Alanya:

  • Trip to cable car and a visit to the castle of the same name.
  • Boating.
  • Exploration of Damlatash Cave.
  • Exploring the Alanya Museum.
  • Swimming on Cleopatra Beach.
  • Visit to Sapadere Canyon.

Impressive ancient ruins ancient city with a magnificent Roman theater.

Main city and the port of ancient Pamphylia with a huge historical and cultural heritage in the form of Greek and Roman ruins.

Seleucia - romantic ruins ancient city, located in a picturesque pine forest.