What to see in Cyprus: Limassol. Limassol, what to see in the city and surrounding area The most interesting places and excursions in Limassol

The ancient city of Amathus goes back a thousand years before Christ.

The ancient city of Amathus was at one time the largest. Residents were engaged in agriculture and ore mining.

According to one legend, the founder of Amathus was one of the sons of Hercules. According to another version, the beautiful daughter of King Minos Ariadne, who was the wife of Theseus, was buried here.

Historians believe that Amathus was founded in 3000 BC. e. ruler King Kiniras, and named after the beloved mother of the ruler Amathusa.

In the 80s of the twentieth century, excavations began here. The oldest finds date back to 1100 BC. e. Visiting the excavations today, you can look at fragments of the fortress (acropolis), houses, a market square decorated with marble columns with a spiral pattern, the remains of city walls, Byzantine basilicas with floors inlaid with precious stones.

The city was destroyed by King Richard I the Lionheart in 1191. Later, the stones of the city walls were used in the construction of Limassol.

The excavation site is located east of Limassol (between the Amathus and hotels). You can visit the excavations daily from 07:30 to 17:00 (September–May) and from 07:30 to 19:30 (June–August). Entrance to the excavations is free.

You can get acquainted with the history of medieval Cyprus at Limassol Castle, which was built at the end of the 12th century. Now within its walls the exhibition “Museum of the Middle Ages” is located.

The castle is comfortably located in the old town not far from the old port. Today we can see the reconstruction of the castle from the period of Turkish rule (19th century). The castle was originally built by Richard's governor, then was damaged several times due to wars and earthquakes, and was used for some time as a prison and fortress.

It is believed that in the chapel of the castle (unfortunately, it has not survived) Richard I the Lionheart married Berengaria of Navarre, and here the bride was declared the Queen of England.

Brave Richard captured the island to rescue his bride, who was captured by the Byzantine ruler of the island, from captivity. As often happens, the forces of nature became an instrument of providence. The ship on which Berengaria of Navarre was sailing was forced to land on the Cypriot shores.

During a tour of the castle, you can see exhibits covering a significant part of the island's history, from the early Christian period to the time of Turkish rule.

During the tour, you can climb to the roof of the castle and admire the panorama of the city.

You can visit the castle from 09:00 to 17:00 (Monday - Saturday) and on Sunday from 10:00 to 13:00. Ticket price is 4 euros for adults, children under 12 years old are free.

The current mosque is located opposite the Limassol castle. Many Muslims from Turkey used to come here, but now the mosque is rarely visited. From time to time tourists from Arab countries come here.

The mosque is closed during the day, but you can ask to open the door to view the building from the inside. At the same time, it is customary to donate a small amount for the improvement of the mosque. Upon entry, everyone must remove their shoes and women must cover their heads.

This temple is located right on the waterfront and is one of the few Catholic churches in Cyprus. The temple is operational; it was built in 1879. The architect from Bologna created the church in the European architectural style typical of churches of that time.

The interior of St. Catherine's Church is decorated in the style baroque, and the facade, built in the form of a portico, bears the features of the style eclecticism. The walls of the apse and the vaults of the temple are decorated with frescoes in neo-Byzantine style, which were created during the restoration period of the early 80s of the twentieth century.

Not far from the city park there is an archaeological museum. The exhibition includes interesting finds from antiquity that were discovered in the vicinity of the city and date back to the Neolithic and Roman times. The museum houses a sundial that once belonged to Lord Kitchner.

The museum includes three spacious halls, corridors and a cozy atrium. In the first room you can look at the archaeological rarities that were discovered in the Akrotiri caves. Clay pots and jugs, stone tools and various idols are also located here. In the same room, intricate figurines of sacred animals, glassware and ivory objects are displayed.

The second room is dedicated to the exhibition of jewelry dating back to 1700 BC. e., Roman coins and ancient razors.

The third room presents the most valuable finds, among which it is worth highlighting the statue of the Egyptian god Bes and the goddess Artemis, found during excavations in the ancient city of Amathus.

The museum can be visited from 07:30 to 17:00 (Monday - Friday) or Saturday (09:00 - 17:00). Entrance - 0.5 euros.

Of course, there are many other interesting ones around. This is ancient Kourion, and Kolossi Castle, and the cat monastery in Akrotiri, as well as other memorable places.

Located just 10 km from Limassol, in the direction of travel towards Paphos - in the west. There the main commandery of the Hospitallers was located in the 13th century.

There is a closed area next to the castle - this is ancient building dining room, which has been under reconstruction for a long time. You are unlikely to be able to get there, but you will be able to look at it from the castle.

Besides carrying military service, the knights of the order cultivated grapes and it was in the Kolossi castle that the most famous Cypriot wine was produced - the thick and sweet Commandaria. Today, according to ancient recipes, it is produced by the Keo Factory, to which you can organize an excursion.

The castle really amazes with its size, medieval aura and many unique ancient buildings, of course already dilapidated, but nevertheless, there is something to see. And for children - where to climb!

Therefore, if you have already arrived in Limassol, then it’s worth getting to the castle.

Very close to Kolossi (about 5 km), in Episkopi Bay, on a 70-meter cliff, lie the ruins of the ancient city-state - Kurion (Kurium), built in the 12th century.

This is the largest of all the archaeological zones of Cyprus with a perfectly preserved amphitheater, where the tragedies of Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides are sometimes staged. The main sanctuary of Kourion is the Temple of Apollo Hylates. There you will also see preserved mosaics, limestone buildings (more than 30), a covered room with a map of ancient Kurin, baths and pools, and you can take unforgettable photos and selfies that will remain in your memory for a long time. From there you should definitely watch the sunset and enjoy the view of the beautiful beach.

You can walk around Kourion for several hours, so plan your trip for at least half a day to have time to see everything in peace. Tickets can be purchased directly at the entrance and their cost does not exceed 4.5 euros per adult.

The pearl of Cyprus, the city of Limassol, is comfortably located on the southern coast. This is by no means a small port town with a leisurely and slightly lazy flow of life. Limassol is a neighborhood of history and progress, because along with a huge number of offices, business centers and other attributes of a successful modern city, there is an old part that enchants with a centuries-old touch of history and romance.

Near Limassol there are excavations of two oldest cities, which were destroyed in ancient times due to a terrible earthquake. Only small fragments of houses and other infrastructure have survived to this day.

For any tourist who comes to this wonderful, hospitable city, be it a noisy youth company, a family with small children, or just a couple of lovers, there will be interesting places and attractions that will not leave you indifferent and will allow you to plunge into an atmosphere of lightness and tranquility.

By the way, one more interesting fact: on the Internet and in reference books there are different opinions about the correct spelling of the city’s name - with one or two “s”. In the English version, the city is called Limassol, which is where the translation with two letters “s” apparently came from. However, the Greek name Lemesos has only one letter. Both spellings are acceptable.

For travelers who find themselves in Limassol, there is a unique opportunity to visit a real, ancient castle, preserved from Byzantine times. Unfortunately, the castle was repeatedly subjected to various types of destruction, which occurred as a result of repeated conquests of Cyprus and, accordingly, frequent changes of owners.

Relatively recent history is also interesting. For example, a hundred years ago there was a prison here, after which the building underwent a large-scale reconstruction and upon completion, a museum of the Middle Ages was created, open to everyone.

Location: Queen Berengaria Street.

An excursion to a donkey farm is a real adventure for children and adults. You should take care of purchasing a ticket in advance, as the excursion is in great demand. First, on a special tourist bus the group arrives at the farm, where, after instruction, donkeys are “distributed”, on which they will make a short journey to the village monastery and taste stunning Cypriot oranges.

The second part of the excursion is a return to the donkey farm, tasting of homemade wine (for adults), meat cooked on coals, and an appetizing and delicious children's menu and freshly squeezed juices await the little guests.

An unusual place with an unusual history. Currently active convent was male in the distant IV century. It became “feline” when Queen Elena, by whose decree the monastery was founded, ordered several hundred cats to be “settled” on its territory. The reason for such an unusual wish was snakes, of which there were a lot everywhere.

The cats, having coped with the task of reducing their numbers, happily continued to live here. Many years passed, rulers changed, several earthquakes occurred, the monastery was abandoned for some time, the snakes returned, and about half a century ago the shrine was restored and gradually the cats began to return.

The icon-painting workshop is a place filled with special energy that can, should, and is truly worth visiting. Masters of their craft will tell and show amazing possibilities and subtleties of various techniques and schools of icon painting. The results of painstaking, careful and simply beautiful work - icons can be purchased here.

Location: Apostolon Petrou and Pavlou - 6.

Guests of the city of Limassol have a unique opportunity to stay in one of the many hotels located next to the picturesque eucalyptus grove and the beach. Since ancient times, the special aromas of eucalyptus and pine have been used in aromatherapy as a means of calming and relaxing, so this natural pharmacy created by nature itself is available to anyone.

Location: Promachon Eleftherias - 47b.

Despite the fact that Governor's Beach is not located in the city itself, but 25 km from it, it is still considered one of the key attractions of Limassol. A flat coast with fine sand, a smooth and shallow entry into the water, white rocks surrounding the beach create an indescribable picture and every year attract more and more people who want to enjoy the wondrous beauties of nature.

Tourists, families with children who want to take a break from the bustle of the city, divers for new experiences, photographers come here to create an amazing, real “picture” that does not require the use of graphic editors. The name is due to the frequent visits of one British governor, who fell in love with these places and became a regular visitor to the beach.

The name itself suggests that visitors to this place will encounter interesting, sometimes very old, things. This is a real museum where you can touch everything with your own hands, examine and purchase the “exhibits” you particularly like.

You can find almost everything here - from ancient books and valuable collectible stamps, to the most common household goods - plates, vases and more. When planning your trip, you need to take into account that the market is open on weekends - Saturdays and Sundays.

Location: Spyrou Araouzou.

Carob is a stunning plant that grows almost throughout Cyprus and has had a wide range of uses relatively recently. For example, its fruits produced tasty and nutritious juice; honey and sugar were made from the pulp, and they were also added when cooking to give the dish a special taste and originality.

A tour of the museum will not take much time, but will allow you to have a really pleasant and interesting walk.

If, when planning a vacation, you want to add some religious touch to it and fill it with spiritual meaning, then the Kilani Spiritual Museum should be included in your trip itinerary. It was created right in the church premises and is an impressive collection of religious exhibits that will tell and show the history of several centuries. Icons, ancient engravings, an ancient iconostasis, sacred vessels and much more await museum guests.

Location: 300 meters north of the E803 highway.

Relatively recently built Orthodox Church, made in the Old Russian style. This is a beautiful and majestic building with a bell tower, library and Sunday school. The service is held in Church Slavonic and can be attended on weekends - Saturday and Sunday. The church is large and spacious - more than 500 people can be in it at the same time.

Location: Boukourestiou street.

The creation of the monastery of St. Thekla is again associated with the name of Queen Helena. According to one version, she was traveling and during one of her stops she decided to pray in a secluded place. Right while she was praying, a spring began to gush at her feet.

After this event, Elena ordered the construction of a monastery here. The source does exist and is believed to have healing properties, especially helping with various skin diseases.

Almost every city has an old, historical part. Limassol is no exception and travelers have a great opportunity to enjoy the slowness, tranquility and noble, aristocratic beauty of the old city.

It is here that you can see buildings with centuries-old history, various kinds of monuments and other attractions. Don't waste your time and travel budget on sightseeing bus excursions and tours, it will be much more pleasant, more informative and interesting to create walking route or use the services of a guide.

The promenade in Limassol is synonymous with eternal celebration and fun. It is a long street along which there are countless shops, noisy bars, luxury boutiques, restaurants and simply cozy cafes where you can enjoy a beautiful view while sitting with a cup of aromatic coffee.

On the street itself, festive processions, marathons and periodically a stage of the Formula 1 championship are regularly held. The evening promenade has a fabulous atmosphere of positivity and lightness, colorful lights, dance music and other attributes of a modern city on the seashore, in which life is seething and in full swing.

The Limassol Zoo was created especially for the smallest travelers and their larger companions. Its area is small, so even the youngest tourists will be able to visit all the local residents and not get tired from a long walk. In addition, the infrastructure and landscape design of the park are well thought out - trees and bushes create quite a lot of shade in which you can hide on a hot day.

Location: Lord Byron.

Visit Cyprus, a city located on the very shore Mediterranean Sea and not trying local food, and most importantly, fish, can actually be called a crime. The fish tavern is a family business founded in the mid-90s of the last century. The restaurant is located right on the beach, so visitors have a great opportunity to enjoy the rich taste of freshly prepared dishes, magnificent views and fresh sea air.

Location: Curium Beach.

A visit to the municipal park is an opportunity to have a pleasant time, enjoying the views of elegant fountains and the aroma of exotic flowers. This is truly a wonderful place for children. A huge playground with swings and slides, small enclosures with animals, permanent programs and competitions led by professional animators and all this is free.

Programs for adults are not so varied, but you definitely won’t be bored. For example, a wine festival is held here periodically, where you can taste the products of local winemakers.

For lovers of retro technology and simply for curious tourists, an exhibition of auto and motorcycle equipment from different countries. Some exhibits were released at the beginning of the 20th century. The small (at first) collection of local Cypriot D. Mavropoulos, who was passionate about this topic, grew into a real museum with an area of ​​1 thousand square meters. m.

Cyprus can be called a huge museum with a rich history, because to this day, during archaeological excavations, interesting artifacts, ancient Jewelry, antique statues and much more. A collection of some of these exhibits can be seen in the Archaeological Museum of Limassol.

Location: Vironos and Anastasi Siukri streets (their intersection).


Limassol is considered the most active and cosmopolitan city in Cyprus, full of fun, celebrations and entertainment, and is often called the Cyprus Riviera. There are many upscale restaurants, bars, and nightclubs here. Despite its obvious appeal to young people, this one is universal, moreover, it is even considered more family-friendly. Limassol has an excellent entertainment infrastructure for children: a zoo, three water parks, and an amusement park. There are also a lot of business people here who do not part with their laptops even on the beaches.

The popularity of holidays in Limassol is also facilitated by the fact that it is located approximately in the center of the main cities - even its name in translation means “ Medium city" From it there are roads to Paphos and Ayia Napa, ancient Kourion, Amathus and other cities. You will be able to travel on your own, but the resort will also offer you a lot of already developed destinations in various directions, both by bus and by sea.

Weather in Limassol

The climate in this resort is classic Mediterranean, characterized by hot and dry, but not sweltering heat in summer and mild, rainy winter. The weather in Limassol allows swimming in the sea from May to October, but tourism here does not stop even in winter. In winter, although it rains, it is short-lived, and the air temperature is not lower than 15 degrees Celsius. Therefore, at this time it is very comfortable to travel and explore local attractions. Also, many hotels open indoor swimming pools during this period, and tourists have the opportunity to combine a cultural holiday with a beach holiday. Another alternative is to visit ski resort in, which is located near Limassol.


The beaches in Limassol are very good: the entry into the sea is gentle, the depth increases gradually. The beaches are usually sandy, but there are also pebble and sandy ones. Their peculiarity is that they are filled not with ordinary sand, but with volcanic sand, with a high silicon content, which is extremely beneficial for human skin. And that's why it has a grayish tint.

The entertainment infrastructure on the beaches is also very developed. Water, underwater and beach sports, water aerobics, and water parks will be at your service. The beaches are free, but you will still have to pay for a sunbed and umbrella.

The best and most picturesque beaches are considered to be a little distant from the city: Kourion Beach, Lady's Mile Beach, Pissouri Bay. They can be reached by taxi or bus.

Attractions and entertainment

Limassol - very ancient city, and therefore there are a lot here, especially architectural and archaeological ones: the ruins of ancient temples, the remains of the Acropolis, medieval monuments, . Definitely worth a visit Archaeological Museum, an art gallery, the Church of St. Cosmas and a knight's church, built in the 12th century on the Episkopi plain, located next to the city.

Limassol is also very fond of holidays and festivals, and they take place here with enviable regularity. A particular favorite among Cypriots is the vibrant wine festival. It takes place in early September, and wine masters give participants a taste of unique wines prepared according to ancient and secret recipes. In the summer, theatergoers from all over the world come to the Dramatic Arts Festival. People like to organize costumed carnivals, processions, parades and balls here. In addition, tourists have the opportunity to visit and

For entertainment, tourists of any age will be interested in visiting the Fasouri Watermania water park, which is located near the city, and the zoo, the only one on the island.

Where to live?

In Limassol you can stay in an elite hotel or find a more modest and budget option. The price depends not only on the star rating of the hotel, but also on the distance from the sea, location, and the presence of its own beaches. In general, in Limassol hotels it should be noted that there is a good understanding of the Russian language, high level service, cuisine and the ability to choose a food system: Buffet, full board, half board or all inclusive.

Best for family vacation Elias Beach 4* De Luxe and St. hotels are recognized. Raphael Resort 5*. To be closer to the city’s attractions, you can stay at the Kanika Pantheon 3* De Luxe hotel, which also has good feedback tourists. And for lovers of luxury and beach holidays we recommend best hotels coast: Le Meridien Limassol Spa & Resort 5*, Grandresort 5*, Amathus Beach Hotel Limassol 5* and Four Seasons 5*.


In Limassol you can also treat yourself to excellent shopping. A nice thing is that Cyprus is a duty-free zone, and therefore all goods will be at least 10% cheaper. And if you're lucky, you can also catch seasonal sales at various department stores and boutiques. The largest concentration of shops and other places for shopping is on the following streets:

  1. Anexartesias– there are more than 165 stores where you can buy everything from small souvenirs to branded items (Zara, Ecco, Bershka, Gap, Replay, Body Shop, Guess), as well as jewelry for more low prices than in the CIS countries.
  2. Makarius Avenue– a street about 3 km long, filled with cafes, restaurants, porcelain shops and fashion boutiques such as Baby Dior, Marks & Spencer, Benetton, Mothercare, Karen Millen and others.
  3. Sant Andris– there is a huge selection of souvenirs, leather goods and jewelry.

Also popular among shopaholics department store Debenhams, consisting of three floors and shops with a wide variety of goods. During sales periods shopping mall offers discounts up to 70%. Among other things, high-quality American and Greek cosmetics are presented here.

How to get to Limassol?

Limassol does not have its own airport, so you will have to get here either from, or (about 70 km). This can be done by taxi, which will cost you €50-60, or by bus, which is 5 times cheaper. Buses run regularly - once every hour and a half; it is better to check the schedule on the website of the transport company http://limassolairportexpress.eu.

As you can see, Limassol is a universal resort in Cyprus, here everyone can find a vacation to their liking: a relaxing family vacation or an incendiary youth vacation, on the beach, in the mountains or sightseeing. And all the time you will be pampered by the gentle Cypriot sun, smiling locals and a unique atmosphere of both ancient and modern times.

Limassol is one of the most popular resorts Cyprus, where tourists flock from the very beginning beach season. This city is mainly chosen by travelers who prefer a holiday with a lot of accessible entertainment. In this sense, Limassol is one hundred percent suitable. There are many entertainment venues here, there is a huge water park, several zoos and theater venues where concerts and performances are held every day in the summer.

In the vicinity of Limassol, evidence of the ancient Aegean civilization has been preserved. The ruins of ancient cities will interest history buffs, and the rich museum exhibitions can arouse interest even among those who have never been interested in the past of the island of Cyprus.

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What to see and where to go in Limassol?

The most interesting and Beautiful places for walks. Photos and brief description.

An ancient city founded in the 12th century BC. e. representatives of the Aegean civilization. In the 4th century BC. it was destroyed by an earthquake and over time was buried under numerous cultural layers. On the territory of Kourion, as a result of excavations, buildings of the Greeks, Romans, and the remains of buildings dating back to the Byzantine period and the Early Middle Ages were found. Today, on the site of Kourion there is an archaeological park.

According to popular legend, Amathus is believed to have been founded by Kinir, the mythical Cypriot ruler who started the cult of Aphrodite on the island. In the 8th century BC. a port had already been built in the city, through which trade was carried out with the mainland, and Royal Palace. Amathus existed until the 12th century, then people gradually began to leave it, and rich burial places and pagan temples were plundered.

Apollo Hylates was the patron saint of Kourion. In the 8th century BC. Not far from the city, a grandiose sanctuary was erected in honor of this god. The temple was destroyed along with a large part of Kourion in the 4th century BC, and later another temple was erected in its place, which dates back to the later Roman period. But this building also suffered the sad fate of being destroyed as a result of another earthquake.

A prestigious area of ​​Limassol, including residential apartments, as well as marinas where ships up to 115 meters in length can moor. On the territory of Limassol Marina there are also restaurants and boutiques in an appropriate price segment, a spa and fitness center, and a yacht club. The area is equipped with a comfortable infrastructure that provides residents with a high quality of life.

The Limassol promenade is about 3 km long, decorated with tropical vegetation and flower beds. The alley stretches from the old city port along residential areas. The embankment was reconstructed several years ago in accordance with the traditions of modern landscape design. Decorative pools, sculptures, fountains and other elements decorating the space appeared here.

An ancient settlement that already existed in the Byzantine era. The village received its modern name during the Middle Ages. The place is famous for producing excellent quality Cypriot wine. Almost all local residents are involved in this process. Every summer in August there is a wine festival in Omodos. The village also has a museum of Byzantine icons and an exhibition of folk art.

The castle was built in the 14th century during the reign of representatives of the Lusignan family in Cyprus. Previously, the walls of a Byzantine fortress of the 10th-11th centuries stood on this site. The structure passed from one conqueror of Cyprus to another more than once, while being subject to significant destruction. At the beginning of the 19th century, a prison was located on the territory of the fort, which existed until 1950. After reconstruction, the Cyprus Museum of the Middle Ages was opened in the castle.

The fortress was built under King Hugo I of the Lusignan family in the 13th century. Since 1291, the Knights of the Order of St. John (Hospitaliers) settled in the castle. In the 14th century, Kolossi briefly passed into the hands of the Templars. The structure is built of limestone in the best traditions of medieval military architecture. The main castle tower reaches a height of 22 meters, the thickness of its powerful walls is more than 2.5 meters.

The KEO plant was founded in 1929; nowadays it is considered one of the largest wineries on the island of Cyprus. At first, a small production was opened; by 1951, production volumes grew to hundreds of liters of wine and beer per day. The KEO assortment is quite wide; the plant produces cognac, liqueur, soft drinks, canned fruit and vegetables. The plant's products are purchased by many European countries.

The village of Erimi is located 17 km away. from Limassol. Since ancient times, the settlement was located at the intersection of important trade routes, which contributed well to the development of winemaking. The wine museum was organized in 2000 on the territory of one of the local mansions. The exhibition is dedicated to the history of Cypriot wine, details of the production and storage process of the drink. It also houses an extensive collection of wine vessels.

The museum is located in the old quarters of Limassol. Its small exhibition is dedicated to the carob tree, which grows everywhere in Cyprus. In past centuries, the gifts of this tree were used quite widely. Juice was extracted from the fruits, a substance like sugar was made, honey and even animal feed were made, and parts of the fruits were also added to baked goods.

The museum exhibition is located on an area of ​​1000 m². Here are historical models of cars and motorcycles made in different countries in different years. The exhibition is based on the private collection of the Cypriot collector D. Mavropoulos. The oldest exhibit in the museum is a Model T Ford, produced in 1912. Vintage car rentals are available at the exhibition.

The museum was founded in 1948; initially the collection was located on the territory of the Limassol Castle, but in the 70s. XX century it was moved to the building where it remains to this day. Most of the exhibition consists of finds discovered during excavations in the vicinity of Limassol. Ancient statues, marble tombstones, jewelry, coin collections and other artifacts are exhibited here.

The main Orthodox church of Limassol, built in 1903 according to the design of the architect Papadakis on the site of an 18th century church. The architecture of the cathedral imitates the features of the Greek style and Byzantine style of construction. The Miraculous Image of the Mother of God is kept inside the temple. The interior is distinguished by luxurious decoration and an abundance of luxurious decorative elements, while the external facade looks quite modest.

The convent is located 19 km from Limassol near the settlement of Pendakomo. The monastery was founded in the 13th century by a monk who was fleeing persecution of Christians in Cyprus. Over the course of seven centuries, the monastery flourished and fell into decline several times; until the mid-20th century, male monks lived on its territory. After another revival in 1949, nuns came to live in the monastery of St. George Alamana.

The monastery is located 10 km from Limassol, several nuns and dozens of cats live on its territory. The history of the creation of the monastery is connected with the name of St. Helena, who in the 4th century ordered about 1000 cats to be delivered to the island so that the animals would exterminate the breeding poisonous snakes. The cats immediately settled in the monastery, founded not far from the place where St. Helena's ship moored. Since then, cats have been given every respect in Cyprus.

The shelter has existed since 1994, it was created by the charity Friends of Cyprus Donkeys. The fact is that there have always been quite a lot of these animals in Cyprus; they were used in households for transporting goods and as a means of transportation. As people no longer needed the help of donkeys, they simply left them where they had to. The shelter took upon itself the care of homeless and infirm animals.

On the territory of the Limassol City Park there is a mini-zoo, an outdoor amphitheater, a botanical garden, children's playgrounds and a cafe. Mass events are often held here, such as a marathon race or a children's festival. In the park there is a monument to the Russian poet A.S. Pushkin. In the summer, the amphitheater often hosts performances with the participation of artists from different countries. Groups from Russia, Europe and the USA come here.

A small zoo where animals live in their natural environment. The administration treats every inhabitant of its menagerie with great care. The zoo team organizes a large number of educational programs, for example, holding open lectures for schoolchildren on biology and classes on environmental protection. On the territory of the zoo there is a mini-farm where ponies, goats, donkeys, turkeys, ducks and cows live.

The very place where, according to legend, the goddess of beauty Aphrodite emerged from the waters of the sea. This is a small stone beach surrounded by rocks, where every tourist who comes to Cyprus strives to get. It is believed that if a couple in love takes a swim at Petra tou Romiou, they will have a long, happy life and many beautiful children. A woman who takes a bath here at midnight during the full moon will ensure eternal youth and beauty.

The beach is located 20 km from Limassol; it is a group of small cozy bays hidden on the rocky coast. The place got its name thanks to one of the British governors of the island, who loved to come here to swim. Governor's Beach is an amazingly picturesque place. Coastline dotted with chalk cliffs that contrast with the blue color of the water, creating magnificent scenery.

Limassol city beach, which has a fairly convenient location. It can be reached from almost any hotel in the city in a short time. Coastal zone planted with eucalyptus trees, which emit a pleasant aroma, very beneficial for the respiratory system. Infrastructure for tourists includes: parking, sports grounds, cafes, children's playground and convenient paths leading directly to the sea.

The beach is considered the most beautiful in Cyprus and one of the largest. Its coastline stretches for almost 5 km. The Ladies' Mile is a part of the coastline on which there are several beaches that merge into one another. During the high season there are a lot of tourists here, as this place is considered the most popular place in Limassol for sunbathing. Like all Cypriot beaches, Ladies' Mile is well equipped.

The beach is 19 km away. from Limassol, its territory is included in the environmental protection zone of Cyprus. The place is very popular with local residents. The coastline of Kourion stretches for 1 km. There is practically no infrastructure here, except for one large restaurant and some amenities for tourists organized around it, but there are magnificent views from the coast, especially in the evenings.

The best water park in Cyprus, located 7 km from Limassol. It is surrounded by magnificent olive groves and citrus orchards. The park was opened in 1999, and by 2007 its area had increased significantly. Now Fasouri Watermania occupies an area of ​​100 thousand m². The water park offers tourists 30 attractions and 7 restaurants. The design is made in the style of the natural landscapes of French Polynesia.

Limassol is the business capital of Cyprus, the economic and cultural center of the country. It’s just nice to sit here in one of the cozy cafes and drink the locals’ favorite drink - frappe , watch the seething life of this beautiful city. Limassol boasts unique historical monuments and famous churches, ancient ruins and numerous museums.

To see all the sights of Limassol you will have to spend more than one day.

And if you thoroughly explore the rich cultural heritage of the city and its surroundings, it will be more than one vacation. Getting acquainted with the city should begin with iconic places that are its symbols.

Below are the most popular attractions of Limassol, without which today it is impossible to imagine the city.

Monuments of ancient times

Architectural monuments ancient times play an important role in the history of Limassol. It is thanks to ancient buildings that you can penetrate and feel the spirit of a bygone era. There is nothing more meaningful than walking along ancient streets , laid out of stone, which had long ago been worn away by the touch of the feet of entire generations who stepped on it.

Main archaeological site and the most visited attraction in the region, the Ancient City of Kourion, is located on the flat top of a steep cliff, 15 kilometers west of Limassol. Getting to know him is a great opportunity to travel back in time and touch the unknown.

History buffs will be delighted by the complex of impressive art monuments and the scale of excavations, which, by the way, are still ongoing. The magnificent Greco-Roman theater, the house of Eustolios, the house of Achilles, the house of the gladiators, an early Christian basilica and the remains of a Roman agora will delight the eye. Well, for dessert you will get a lot of pleasure from the breathtaking landscapes of Kourion and the view from above of the beach of the same name.

The unique archaeological complex of the Sanctuary of Apollo of Gilati deserves special attention. It was once a place of worship for the entire island. It is convenient to combine a visit to this ancient monument with a trip to ancient Kourion, since the two art monuments are located next to each other.

The area of ​​the ruins of the sanctuary is not large. However, this is quite enough to touch the antiquity. Partially restored fragments of buildings allow us to appreciate the beauty of this temple. And those who are not interested in history and archeology should come here if only because of the beautiful views and picturesqueness of the place.

Ancient Amathus

Another equally interesting attraction of Limassol is the ancient city-state of Amathus (Amaphunt). First of all, the site should be visited by fans of Greek mythology and the ruins of ancient cities. They say this is where the events of the legend of Ariadne and Theseus unfolded. In addition, ancient Amathus is a place of worship for Aphrodite and Dionysius.

To this day, although not in perfect condition, the acropolis and market square, the remains of early Christian basilicas, an ancient water supply system and the ruins of baths and the temple of Aphrodite have been preserved. Of particular interest is the monumental Amathus vase or cup. Unfortunately, today only a copy of it survives in Cyprus. But she also looks impressive.

Limassol Castle

Over its long history, Limassol Castle has faced many trials. He witnessed various events: both joyful and sad. King Richard the Lionheart married within its walls. As a result of strong earthquakes, it was completely destroyed and then restored. Today the castle serves as a museum, which houses a collection of historical artifacts and numerous items from the Middle Ages: weapons, armor, clothing, ceramics, coins and much more.

Kolossi Castle

Due to its simplicity, Kolossi Castle does not immediately make a strong impression. However, it is important to understand that this is the place where history was made. This is where the name of the famous Cypriot wine “Commandaria” came from; commanders of the Hospitaller Order lived here. And the age of the building is simply impressive. It was built in the 15th century. There are very few such buildings left in Cyprus. Before traveling from Limassol to Kolossi Castle, you should definitely find out its history and then visiting this place will become much more interesting.

Holy places

On the territory of modern Limassol, an incredible number of ancient Christian shrines have been preserved. Such diversity does not allow you to visit everything at once, so you should at least visit the following temples.

White majestic Cathedral Agia Napa stands out noticeably from the Limassol embankment. The huge structure was built at the beginning of the 20th century in the very center of the old city. It is unique in that it combines two styles at once: Byzantine and Greek. The cathedral is one of the most famous and visited modern churches in Limassol. Here weddings and lavish services are held, prayer services or memorial services are held here. And what about the stunning beauty of the chants, which give everyone goosebumps!

The temple amazes with the extraordinary beauty of its interior decoration. It contains many interesting objects and priceless relics: an ancient altar, a statue of an eagle made of white marble, a stone obelisk with a cross, a miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary and the Belt of the Virgin Mary, an embroidered icon of Christ.

Monastery of St. George Alamanu

The soulful and immersed in flowers and greenery, the convent of St. George Alamanou is not a place of peace and tranquility. The miraculous icon of St. George and his relics is kept here. There is a holy spring on the territory. You can buy sweets, honey, jam - everything is very tasty and made with love by the hands of local nuns.

Even if you are not a very devout person, the monastery is worth visiting just to take a walk, spend time in peace, admire the magnificent architecture and stunning nature around the building. Near the monastery there are white rocks; you can take beautiful photos against their background.

Monastery of St. Nicholas (feline)

Located 15 kilometers from Limassol, on Cape Gato, the Monastery of St. Nicholas is one of the oldest on the island. According to legend, the founder of the monastery is Saint Helena, the mother of Emperor Constantine the Great. She left a part of the Holy Cross here.

During a terrible drought, the cape was filled with snakes, and almost all the people left it. This forced Constantine the Great to take radical measures. He sent the governor of Kalokeros to the island, who brought thousands of cats with him to Cyprus. Having destroyed all the snakes, the cats saved the cape. In their honor, it was customary to name Cape Gata, which means cat. Until now, the monastery is a shelter for many descendants of those same cats. They are closely watched and looked after by several nuns.

Parks and Recreation

For lovers active rest, walking, the city is ready to provide unlimited opportunities. Read which ones exactly below.

Molos embankment

City embankment Limassol Molos is one of the most beloved and popular places for relaxation and walks among all Limassol residents. The length of the promenade is approximately 1 kilometer. Beautiful piers cross its entire length. It's a pleasure to walk here! There are many benches, playgrounds, cafes, recreation areas, and exercise equipment for sports enthusiasts around. In general, everything you need for quality time.

There is also a sculpture park on the embankment. It is dotted with many trees, in the shade of which are bicycle paths, fountains, a small skate park and, of course, the architectural objects themselves. The sculptures were created by artists from different countries. At the very least, the famous Limassol eggs will definitely attract your attention.

There is nothing left in the elite and multifunctional complex that would remind of its past. Almost no trace remains of the once inconspicuous port. Today Limassol Marina is more like a “city within a city”, with its cafes, entertainment, boutiques and shops, luxury villas, private beach, yachts and boats.

Everything here “screams” about the luxurious life of the owners of apartments and villas, who, in addition to lawns, have their own piers with moored boats. The creators of this luxurious creation in Limassol position Marina as a “Living at Sea” style, combining luxury and comfort. It is perhaps difficult to argue with this.

A visit to the Limassol Zoo is a great way to take your mind off the bustle of the city. Its scale, in comparison with Pafos Zoo, is not so impressive. But this is the main charm of the menagerie, which is very cozy, compact and, for sure, will appeal to everyone, young and old. At the Limassol Zoo you can see many birds, fish, artiodactyls, snakes, hippos and even a crocodile. In general, this is an ideal place for a walk for a couple of hours.

Limassol is the largest of the Cypriot water parks. A wonderful fairy tale created by man and nature is located on the outskirts of Limassol, in the Trachoni area. Water entertainment in the water park is an open water area with slides, attractions and pools. Each guest will be able to appreciate the entertainment and, according to their capabilities, choose an acceptable level of descent.

On an area of ​​more than 100,000 square meters, more than 30 attractions await you: a cyclone, water slides, bungee jumps, a wave pool, fountains, a lazy river and others. Fasuri Watermania is a unique holiday destination, a world of water entertainment, offering a variety of water activities, a spa with fish, excellent dishes national cuisine and exotic cocktails. Time spent in the water park will delight both adults and children.


Cyprus is one of the countries that can be proud of its history, which goes back centuries. The whole island is a complete museum under open air. Walking around Limassol, it is impossible not to visit the museums, which are simply countless.

In the heart of the old town, in the mill building, is the Carob Museum (Karob Mill). In those years, carob fruits were highly valued, they were called the “black gold” of Cyprus and were exported from the island in tons.

In the museum you can still see equipment from the 1900s that was used to process carob and various accessories: large industrial scales, several display cases with antique equipment, bags of carob, a typewriter, small scales, accounting books.

In 2014, the first and only Museum of Historical and Classic Cars appeared in Limassol, and indeed throughout Cyprus. Thanks to the champion of international and Cypriot rallies, Dimi Mavropoulos and his private collection of cars, guests and residents of the island have an excellent opportunity to see the 1912 Ford T Roadster, the Mini Cooper of the famous Mr. Bean, the armored presidential Cadillac of President Makarios III, as well as many other exclusive items. You will undoubtedly get tremendous pleasure from visiting this wonderful place.

The Limassol Archaeological Museum opened its doors in 1948. The main part of the museum's exhibition consists of items found during excavations of ancient burials.

These include: coin collections, jewelry, tombstones, stone sarcophagi and others archaeological finds. For those who want to add a little history to beach holiday, you should definitely take a look here.

And finally...

A visit to the sights of Limassol will be incomplete if you do not visit. Beer connoisseurs and good wine They will definitely appreciate the excursion.

The plant is well known in Limassol, throughout the island, and even beyond its borders for more than 75 years. It all started with a small enterprise, and now it is a large giant.

Employees will be happy to show you the plant’s cellars and main workshops, where hundreds of liters of famous beer and Cypriot wine are produced every day.

After which you can taste the drinks, buy what you like and take it with you!