Tioman is a paradise island on the resort map of Malaysia. Looking for deals in Tioman Island? Notable places and entertainment in Tioman

On the seventh day of my stay in Malaysia, something happened that I had been waiting for, if not my whole life, then definitely the whole trip. My fighting friend and I are leaving the glorious city of Kuala Lumpur and heading to the island - the first island in my life! An island that is one of the ten most beautiful islands in Asia. And his name is Tioman.

Naturally, my expectations were too high, my brain painted pictures of a paradise hidden from the view of an ordinary tourist. I almost felt like Robinson, setting off on an adventure. And, looking ahead, I note that my expectations were fully justified and so far I have not been to a more beautiful place than Tioman. But first things first, we first had to get to this island and the path was not close.

How to get to Tioman Island.
Tioman is a paradise island in the South China Sea, located 56 km off the coast of mainland Malaysia. There are two options for getting to Tioman. The first is by plane, a 45-minute flight from Kuala Lumpur and you are there. The second is by bus and ferry. The second one is naturally cheaper, but many times longer. And, of course, we chose the second method. We bought tickets in advance at a price of 30 ringit ($10) and in the morning we were already at the Terminal Bersepadu Selatan bus station, which is conveniently accessible by LRT or KTM - Bandar Tasik Selatan station.

The bus stop was similar to an airport terminal - ticket checking, a waiting area with comfortable seats. Then the bus arrived, everyone went out onto the platform and took their seats according to the tickets they had purchased. Within minutes, a large comfortable bus rushed us along the smooth asphalt of Malaysia across the country to a fishing town called Mersing.

We drove for a long time, I was already falling asleep when we stopped for a snack at some roadside cafe, where I ordered duck with rice. The duck was incredibly spicy and instantly invigorated and fired up my body. The rest of the way I looked out the window and followed the signs of the cities we passed. I compared them with the map and tracked our approximate location. At some point it started to rain. Its intensity can easily be compared to the spiciness of the duck I recently ate. I don’t know if you can call it rain, but it felt like dozens of buckets of water were being splashed onto the windows of the bus every second, and the thunder was thundering with such force, as if anti-tank mines were exploding nearby.

The fishing town of Mersing.
About 6 hours after the start of the trip, when we had covered a distance of 350 km, the sea finally appeared outside the window, we were approaching our destination. Mersing greeted us with drizzling rain. At the bus station we looked at the bus schedule back, took our backpacks and went to look for the pier from which the ferry departs. But that was not the case, all ferries had already set sail for today, and due to worsening weather, the evening ferry was cancelled. Well, hello Mersing. Today we spend the night here and in the morning we go to the island.

After wandering around the city, we found a lot of hotels, chose a more or less decent one, it cost about 20 dollars, I think, we dropped our bags and went for a walk. The town is small, built up with two-story houses in the spirit of American westerns. We reached the shore, looked at the rusty fishermen’s boats, once again came to the pier and checked the ferry schedule. After which we decided to have something to eat.

We settled into a colorful Malaysian pub, which seemed to have never seen foreigners before. It was clearly run by fishermen; thick-bellied, strong men with gold rings on their fingers were eating their morning catch and telling stories. It immediately became clear who was boss in the city. We did not lag behind the local regulars, ordered rice, fish, tea and began to eat our hearty dinner. The fishermen were talking enthusiastically and discussing the news broadcast on the TV near the ceiling. Fatigue after the journey made itself felt and soon it was decided to return to the hotel.

On the way, we came across a shop that sold swimming masks with a snorkel. Already anticipating our own “Cousteau underwater odyssey,” we took ourselves a mask, after all, Tioman Island is a local diving mecca, we must go prepared. Satisfied with the purchase, we returned to our “apartment” and soon fell asleep sweetly to the soothing sounds of geckos scurrying across the ceiling.

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Tioman Island is considered one of the most beautiful islands on the planet; locals call it Pulau Tioman. This is a small but very popular area where lovers, newlyweds and Singaporeans often relax. Tourists are attracted here by pristine beaches, clear mountain rivers and waterfalls.

general information

Where to stay?

The Tioman Islands differ among themselves in the quality of services provided and the level of service. The most popular of them are:

  1. Japamala Resorts - By Samadhi is a comfortable hotel that offers private wooden rooms with private terraces, 2 restaurants, an outdoor swimming pool, a massage room and a living area.
  2. SimukutHillView – the hotel is rated 2 stars. There is a terrace, garden, private beach area, shared lounge, laundry room. The restaurant serves ethnic dishes and the staff speaks English and Malaysian.
  3. Tioman Cabana – price includes breakfast and bed. There are bicycle and canoe rentals, a library, barbecue and tour desk services, laundry and dry cleaning.
  4. Bagus Place Retreat is a chalet with cooking facilities, a sun terrace and a shuttle service. The staff speaks 2 languages.
  5. Tunamaya Beach & Spa Resort is a four-star spa hotel where visitors can take advantage of a wellness center, an infinity pool, a children's playroom and a restaurant.

Where to eat?

Food on Tioman will please every tourist with its variety. Dishes are prepared mainly from rice, which is stewed, boiled and fried here. It is used both as a side dish and as an additional ingredient. Tourists will also be offered seafood, coconut milk, local fruits and vegetables. For example: shark fin soup, cuttlefish salad, fish curry, fried scallops, rendang or sati ayam meat, as well as various fresh juices.

A large number of restaurants are located in the settlements of Salang, Juar and Tehek. The most popular catering establishments are:

  • Berjaya Resort – serves Malaysian and Chinese dishes;
  • Tioman Cabana Beach Bistro – guests can try Asian cuisine and seafood, suitable for vegetarians;
  • Mia Cafe – the cafe serves traditional national dishes;
  • Restoran Delima – the restaurant offers local and Asian cuisine;
  • Warong Syahirah – they specialize in seafood.

Beaches on Tioman Island

The coast of the attraction is famous for its crystal clear water (visibility reaches 33 m), snow-white sand, a variety of marine animals and corals that surround the island and create unique conditions for diving. Diving on Tioman is considered a real paradise not only for professionals, but also for amateurs. Those who dream of swimming with whale sharks come here.

The most popular beaches on Tioman are:

  • Mentawak;
  • Air Batang;
  • Mukita;
  • Salang;
  • coast near the villages of Tekek and Gentings.

Here you can go fishing, swim in a canoe, yacht, boat and boat, the bottom of which is entirely made of glass.

Shopping on the island

Tioman is a duty-free zone, but exporting goods from here is not so easy. For example, if you travel to Singapore with alcohol or cigarettes, you will need to pay tax. Mostly tourists buy local souvenirs (T-shirts, swimsuits, figurines, magnets, national beads, wooden clogs or local jugs) and delicacies (sweets).

Transport on the island

Answering the question of how to get to Tioman from, it should be said that there is a small one on the island. Flights arrive here from the capital of Malaysia and from Singapore; travel time takes 60 minutes and half an hour, respectively. There is a single concrete road leading from the airstrip. You can use it to reach Berjaya and Tekek.

If you want to save money, you can get here by ferry from Tanjung Gemukili (Pahang) or by boat from Mersing (Johor). The cost is approximately $5 per person one way. Tioman Island coordinates: 2.770351, 104.145927

Tioman Island, which lies 60 kilometers from the east coast of mainland Malaysia, is part of the Pahang National Nature Reserve and is under state protection. This is not surprising, because the nature of Tioman is so rich and magnificent that it has long been recognized as one of the most beautiful Asian islands. Moreover, Tioman is among the ten most beautiful islands on Earth.

If nature endowed Tioman with incredible beauty, then people surrounded it with many ancient legends. According to one of them, the Chinese dragon princess, who was on her way to her fiancé in Singapore, was so impressed by the beauty of these places that she turned herself into Tioman Island.

Holidays on Tioman are recommended for all travelers who dream of being in a remote place with azure sea, white sand, coconut palms and wild flowers of the brightest colors. Here tourists will find excellent hotels and entire resort areas offering a wide range of recreation and entertainment. The island can also be a real find for divers, since the underwater world of Tioman is no less rich than the flora and fauna of the island itself.

Climate and weather

Tioman Island is located in a humid equatorial climate zone, so the weather is always hot here. The air and water temperatures are stable all year round and practically do not change. So, the air here warms up to at least +30 °C, and water - up to +29 °C. The dry season, also known as the tourist season, lasts from May to September and is an ideal time for a beach holiday. The rainy season runs from November to March. It is characterized by downpours and strong gusts of wind, which form quite dangerous waves. Some hotels close during this period.


Tioman Island, which is part of the Pahang National Reserve, has an incredibly rich and truly unique nature. For this reason, the entire flora and fauna of this island, as well as its natural landscape, are under state protection. On the territory of Tioman there are many pristine beaches, picturesque mountains, mountain rivers and waterfalls. A large number of different animals also live here: lizards, bats, iguanas, monkeys, pygmy deer, turtles and others. And of all the birds that live here, it is worth highlighting minakhu, whose singing is recognized as one of the most beautiful among all birds.

The underwater world of this paradise island is no less rich and unique. While diving underwater, you can see schools of neon fish, whale sharks, parrot fish, as well as the bizarre outlines of magnificent coral reefs.


There are no mosques or temples, museums or historical monuments on Tioman - the main attractions of the island are the rich flora and fauna, underwater beauties, picturesque beaches and tropical jungles.

Several unusual and rare species of animals live here, such as the giant black squirrel, panda, mouse deer, red flying squirrel, long-tailed macaque, etc. Guests of Tioman can see them in close proximity.

Particularly popular among tourists village of Juara, which is famous for its clean beaches and sea turtle sanctuary. Here you can always not only look at these amazing reptiles, but also feed them. Also, the main attractions of the island are the lush tropical forest. Mount Donkey Ears And Mountain "Dragon Horns" Only a few people were able to climb to the top.

Tioman is part of the famous “coral triangle”, so in its waters there is a huge number of different types of soft and hard corals, including the rare acropora and aliconarian corals. The easiest way to get acquainted with these riches is to visit Marine Park on the coast in the village of Tekek.


Tioman is famous not only for its magnificent beaches and excellent hotels, but also for its excellent restaurants offering cuisine to suit every taste. The best restaurants are located near the Berjaya Resort, they offer a wide selection of Malay, Chinese and European dishes. There are also many different restaurants and eateries to be found in the towns of Tekek and Juar and in the village of Salang.

Of course, the vast majority of gastronomic establishments on the island offer national cuisine, which is replete with a variety of aromatic and spicy seasonings. The basis of most local dishes is nasi rice. Most often it is prepared fresh and used as a side dish. In addition, rice is fried, stewed in coconut milk and used to make desserts and noodles. The most popular dishes from it are cha kway thiew noodles with eggs, greens and shrimp, nasi goreng fried rice and fish curry with nasi dangang rice.

Vegetables, fruits and coconut milk are also common here and are added to most Malay dishes. For example, the national Gado Gado salad is made from vegetables, peanut sauce and coconut milk, while the Rojak salad is made from pineapple, cucumber and shrimp fritters.

Local chefs rarely cook meat, but the dishes made from it are very unusual and tasty, for example, chicken kebabs “sati ayam” with sweet and sour sauce or “rendang” meat, which is stewed in coconut milk. But seafood treats are ubiquitous: fish curry, shark fin soup, fried scallops, cuttlefish salad, etc.

Among the drinks, coconut milk and juices are especially popular. Alcohol is served in all hotel restaurants. In addition, since Tioman is a duty-free zone, strong drinks can be bought at any duty-free store.


Tioman offers its guests a variety of accommodation options, from luxury hotels to affordable hotels with basic amenities, as well as many small houses and chalets on the coast. It must be said that all Tioman hotels consist of detached villas in traditional Malay style. Most of them are located on the west coast of the island.

Those who love comfort will enjoy the luxury hotels Tunamaya Beach & SPA Resort (from $145), Japamala Resort by Samadhi Retreats (from $144) or Berjaya Tioman Resort (from $109), which offer a luxurious vacation with all the amenities and a full range of entertainment.

Most of the less expensive accommodation options are concentrated on the west coast of the island in the villages of Tekek, Salang, etc., for example, the Sun Beach Resort hotel (from $37). Also, in villages and their surroundings you can always find a place in a hostel (from $6.5) or a room in an inexpensive hotel (from $20).

Entertainment and relaxation

One of the main attractions for tourists in Tioman is a beach holiday. All the island's snow-white beaches are clean and picturesque, and the water has an amazing emerald hue. The most popular beaches include Air Batang and Salang, as well as beach areas near the villages of Tekek and Gentings. Well, the most popular water activity on the island is diving. The abundance of marine life and corals, warm seas and excellent visibility underwater provide simply ideal conditions for diving. Moreover, most resort areas and villages have good diving centers. No less common here are types of water activities such as snorkeling, fishing, water skiing and boat trips on a canoe, boat, yacht or boat with a glass bottom, through which you can see all the underwater beauties and their inhabitants.

Fans of extreme sports and rock climbing are recommended to try to conquer the slopes of the Dragon Horns mountain or the tropical thickets of the Donkey Ears mountain. There are also many scenic routes that will appeal to fans of hiking. And for eco-tourists there is a route to the village of Mukut.

Nightlife on the island is not very popular; the largest number of noisy parties takes place in the village of Genting, where a nightclub with a disco and restaurants are located. You can also visit Kontiki Bar in Tekek Village or Ari's Cafe in Air Batang Village. Well, hotels and resorts in Tioman offer a wide selection of restaurants, bars and cafes, as well as swimming pools, sports grounds, spas and much more.


Despite the fact that Tioman is a duty-free zone, local shopping cannot be called intense and profitable. The largest number of shops and shops are concentrated in the village of Tekek. First of all, you should visit the duty-free shops, where they have a good selection of alcohol, cigarettes and sweets at very competitive prices. It is worth keeping in mind that if you are going to bring purchased alcohol or cigarettes to neighboring Singapore, you will have to pay a duty. Also in Tekek you can buy an original T-shirt, a bathing suit and some kind of memorable souvenir, such as a pumpkin-shaped jug, national beads or wooden clogs.

Other villages on the island (Paya, Salang, etc.) also have small shops and stores, but the selection of goods here is very limited. There are also shops on the territory of each resort area, mainly they offer souvenirs and the most necessary things for a vacation, such as mosquito repellents and personal hygiene products.

In general, Tioman is not the best place to buy souvenirs. The fact is that goods are brought here from the mainland, as a result of which they cost an order of magnitude more here. Therefore, fragments of corals that have washed ashore can become memorable trophies for vacationers. However, under no circumstances should you try to break off and take away a living part of the coral.


There is a small airstrip near Tekek village with direct flights from Kuala Lumpur (1 hour) and Singapore (35 minutes). You can also get to the island by boat from the city of Mersing (Johor state) and by ferry from Singapore or the city of Tanjung Gemuk (Pahang state).

There are virtually no roads on the island, and transport is limited to SUVs and boats. The only exception is the short concrete road that runs from the airport to the village of Tekek and the neighboring resort of Berjaya. The cheapest way to travel between villages is by ferry, which runs from Mersing to Tioman. As a rule, he stops in most of the populated areas of this island. The cost of the trip ranges from $3 to $5 per person. This is much cheaper than taking a private boat (about $16).

So-called “off-road taxis” travel from the village of Tekek to Juara. The cost of travel for this type of transport is $24 for one person, $38 for two and $11 for each person if there are at least four of them.


Mobile communications on Tioman do not work everywhere; it is easiest to get a signal in the southern part of the island. Internet access is a little easier, although this service is not available in all hotels. Broadband Internet is available in Internet cafes in the villages of Tekek and Air Batang, as well as in the resorts Berjaya Tioman Beach, Tioman Cabana, Panuba, Golf & Spa Resort, Paya Beach Resort, etc. The cost of a session is approximately the same everywhere and is about $ 3 per hour . Some resorts offer wireless internet.

Not every village has a wired telephone connection, and almost all telephone booths on the island are out of order. Therefore, it is most convenient to make basic calls from hotels in resort complexes. In addition, in areas where there is Internet, it is always possible to call via Skype (you can pay for the call online).


On the island, both in the resort area and in the villages, tourists can feel completely safe. Crimes are very rare here, and the local population is very friendly. Of course, despite this fact, you should not completely neglect precautions. Women on vacation should remember that frank and provocative appearance is permissible only in the resort area, but not in the villages.

No special vaccinations are required for traveling to the island, although prophylaxis against hepatitis A and B, as well as malaria, is recommended. You should not drink local water; it is better to give preference to boiled or bottled water.

All guests to the island should use mosquito nets and insect repellent sprays, especially outside the resort area. It is strongly recommended not to neglect hats, sunglasses and protective creams, as the sun here is very treacherous. Some species of marine life here are poisonous, so be sure to check which ones may pose a danger before diving.

Business climate

Tioman Island has long been one of the country's popular beach resorts, so its economy is based on serving tourists. The entire island is a free trade zone, but there are no large shops or other massive buildings here. The fact is that the island is an important part of the Pahang National Reserve, so the construction of a large building here is almost impossible.

Real estate

Now all cities and resorts in Malaysia are experiencing an investment boom, so property prices here are gradually increasing. In this regard, Tioman Island is no exception. Of course, local real estate is not as diverse and numerous as in the country's capital. Foreigners are mainly interested in villas on the coast, where they can come for a vacation. In addition, they can be rented out. True, their number is very limited.

In general, any foreigner has the right to purchase local real estate. However, for this there is one important condition - its cost must be at least 500,000 ringgit (about $161,000). Also, foreigners do not have the right to own more than two objects of any type of real estate.

During your vacation, you should be wary of the local monkeys, who are the rightful owners of the villages and streets here. The total number of expensive phones and cameras snatched from the hands of touching travelers, as well as all sorts of small items, is simply impossible to count. In order to protect yourself from this kind of theft, you should hold valuables tightly and not approach animals with enthusiastic exclamations of “go away.” It is also advised not to leave your belongings and food on the verandas and balconies of your rooms, since the same monkeys often make organized raids for the purpose of profit and leave behind chaos from overturned chairs and broken cups.

It is not for nothing that this picturesque island in the azure waters of the South China Sea is considered one of the most beautiful islands not only in Asia, but throughout our amazing planet. This marvelous place is famous for its wild, untouched beauty, unique flora and fauna, and is considered a real Eden for diving enthusiasts. It’s not without reason that hundreds of tourists turn their attention to the protected area, and Tioman Airport welcomes guests from all over the world all year round.

Pearl of the South China Sea

The picturesque Tioman Coral Reef is located just 60 kilometers off the east coast of mainland Malaysia and is part of the Pahang Marine Reserve. Colorful photos of local beauties can convey only a small fraction of the local splendor; you need to see it with your own eyes!

The pristine beauty of the national park reveals to visitors many delightful natural wonders - a combination of emerald tropical jungles, waterfalls, endless green hills and marvelously beautiful golden beaches, which make the protected areas of the resort an ideal corner for a relaxed and secluded holiday.

Extraordinary representatives of the animal world deserve special mention - amazing flying foxes, important monitor lizards, dwarf deer, all kinds of lizards, iguanas and monkeys, and the famous sweet-voiced minahu bird.

The virgin nature of the surrounding areas was revealed to a wide range of travelers after the release of the musical “South Pacific,” which was filmed on the coasts of the island.

Reviews from tourists about Tioman unanimously classify the island as a real paradise on earth.

Legend of Dragon Island

From a bird's eye view, the island, covered in legends, is surprisingly similar in outline to the image of an ancient serpent that has gone into the arms of an age-old sleep. Local residents call it “Sleeping Dragon”. And, of course, the history of these places is explained by a beautiful ancient legend.

The once beautiful dragon princess was heading from her native China to the distant lands of Singapore for her wedding to her groom. Her path lay through this magical land. The pristine beauty of the local nature touched the girl so much that she turned into an island, forever becoming part of the beauty that amazed her. The mighty dragon crest turned into an emerald tropical forest, sharp claws turned into coastal sea stones, and the formidable horns of the lizard became the picturesque Gunung Nenek Semukut ridge, crowned with two high peaks.

The amazing world of the underwater kingdom

Excellent conditions for underwater diving and snorkeling are one of the main features of Tioman. According to reviews from experienced divers, such a diverse variety of marine flora and fauna is difficult to find anywhere else. A necklace of coral reefs, spread out in a picturesque ring in the vicinity of the island, reveals to divers the bizarre outlines of underwater gardens. The warm tropical current attracts schools of barracudas, schools of neon fish and colorful parrot fish into the waters of the area. Colorful thickets of gorgonian algae, huge moray eels, majestic leatherback turtles, giant Napoleon fish, amazing sea rabbits - you can’t count all the wonders!

Underwater walks will give you incomparable aesthetic impressions and vivid memorable photos of deep-sea landscapes.

Best diving spots on the island:

  • Chebeh Island in the vicinity of Tioman is famous for its giant boulders that form galleries of fascinating underwater holes and caves, and deep-sea black corals will amaze even experienced divers.
  • The Gorgonian Garden near Thulai Island impresses with the algae-strewn beauty of the coral reefs. And picturesque representatives of the underwater fauna - sea bass and ruffe, barracuda and mysterious green turtles will complement the colorful picture of the deep-sea kingdom.
  • Bahara Rock is an ideal place for fans of underwater hunting photography. At a depth of 5 to 25 meters there are colorful slopes covered with rainbow corals and anemones in black, red and purple shades.
  • Diving into the depths of Tiger Reef will excite the imagination with an amazing landscape of hard and soft coral formations, and will give you an encounter with reef sharks, schools of pempherys, damselfish fish and barracudas.
  • Renggis Island is located near the village of Tekek and has earned admiring reviews from vacationers in the popular resort of Berjaya. The place is suitable not only for diving, but also for snorkeling. In addition to the richest underwater fauna, you can admire the remains of sunken ships here. And at sunset the island lights up in colors that are unreal in its beauty.

Notable places and entertainment in Tioman

In addition to the impressive underwater beauty, there is also something to see on land. On the coastline of the island there are picturesque villages of local residents with their own customs and original atmosphere. The largest are Tekek, Jaura, Salang and Paya. Tioman is an amazing corner of Malaysia where time slows down. The serene atmosphere of the island gives an extraordinary feeling of harmony with oneself and the surrounding splendor of nature. There is practically no noisy nightlife here, however, for lovers of parties and discos, there is a nightclub in the village of Genting, bars and cafes can be found in the villages of Tekek, Salang and Paya.

Fans of active recreation and thrills can enjoy exciting walking tours along the island's off-the-beaten paths. In the vicinity of the village of Jaura there is a sea turtle reserve.
Experienced rock climbers will enjoy climbing the remarkable mountain peaks - “Dragon Horns”, which can be conquered as part of an unforgettable tour that lasts several days. For beginner mountain climbers there are simpler routes.

The exciting excursion “A Day Around the Island” provides an excellent opportunity to appreciate all the beauties of Tioman and take memorable photos while traveling on a comfortable boat.

Check out some of the features of visiting the island before you buy a tour:

  1. The best time to visit the island is from May to August.
  2. There are two ways to get to the island: by bus from Kuala Lumpur to the town of Mersing, and then by ferry to the island. The second option is a flight from the capital of Malaysia to the island airport.
  3. Tioman is a duty-free zone, so you can buy quality cigarettes, souvenirs and alcohol inexpensively here.
  4. Tourists should beware of the local monkeys, who have become adept at snatching digital equipment and other small items directly from the hands of unwary vacationers.

A trip to Tioman is an amazing opportunity for an eventful holiday in one of the most beautiful corners of the globe. Crystal clear sea and snow-white sand, a lot of unforgettable impressions and original photos for the family archive! If you are intrigued by Tioman or have had a chance to visit these picturesque lands, we will be glad to receive your feedback and comments on the article.

The question arose about a visa or another visa extension. And we decided to take a break from Indonesia to the island of Tioman in Malaysia. I was attracted there by the forests and trails, and Nastya and Verchik were attracted by the beaches and the sea.

Tioman is quite promoted by popular resources in Russia, such as the Vinsky forum, a seaside resort. In 1970, Time magazine even listed it among the ten most beautiful islands in the world. But a lot of water has passed under the bridge since then and it feels like the best years for tourism there are long gone... Most of the hotels are shabby and worn out, there are also new ones, but not so many of them. Of course, Tioman may seem like a paradise to newly arrived tourists from Europe, but we, experienced by Indonesia, were not surprised by the island - we have seen better. But he didn’t upset me either. It's good here!

Monkey Beach and Monkey Bay

Wild beach with beautiful yellow sand. Excellent entry into the water at both high and low tides.

We went there to swim several times when we lived in ABC.

On Monkey Bay the sand is whiter and the water is bluer.

Among the living creatures, not only cynomolgus macaques were seen, but also palm thieves.

Kampung Air Batang (ABC)

Our first location on the island. There are many cheap chalets and cafes, so this beach is usually chosen by backpackers. The beach itself is as good at high tide as bad at low tide. You can read more.

Kampung Tekek

The main village of the island. Tekek is very convenient due to its central location and civility: here you will find shops and Duty Free, and a cafe with fresh seafood. There is a beach there too. We lived generally 10 meters from an excellent beach. Details.

Kampung Juara and Mentawak

The only settlements are on the eastern side of the island. The long beach is very attractive. If you just need a beach holiday, without snorkeling habits, Juara and Mentawak are the best places!

If you continue driving south along the only road on Mentawak Beach, sooner or later you will come across a river crossing.

We crossed and walked along the trail to the waterfall. The walk is about 40-50 minutes. The waterfall is small, but very refreshing after an exhausting march in the heat through the jungle.

Kampung Paya and Genting

I didn’t like these beaches, although I saw laudatory reviews online - apparently it’s much better there during the season. I wrote about them.

Between Genting and Nipa is Zhopa Mala Japamala Resort - the coolest and most expensive hotel on the island.

Kampung Nipah

For those looking for solitude and the “ass of the world” feeling, Nipa Beach is the place to be! It is difficult to get there by land, but it is beautiful, wild and atmospheric. The beach is not very good, but the largest river on the island is nearby.

There is only one guesthouse on the beach, The Nipah Chalet, for a staggering 150 ringit.

The conditions are still the same.

Such chalets on ABC cost 40-50 ringit, but there is competition there, and on Nipa there is a monopoly.

Between Nipa and Mukut is located the second most luxurious resort on the island - Tunamaya.

He has the same problem as Zopa Mala Japamala - low tides.

Therefore, there are almost no guests there - I’m not the only one looking for photos of the horrors of the low tide at these resorts.

Kampung Mukut

This is the worst and most inaccessible beach. No wonder there are no tourists either. In general, the atmosphere is somewhat depressing. The bear over there couldn’t stand it and hanged himself...

Nevertheless, the necessary infrastructure is there. These chalets in Si Mukut Hill View cost 80 ringit.

And See Side Chalets are 120 each.

Probably people stop there when going to Asah Falls.

Things to do on Tioman Island

The best places to swim are at Juara Beach and Monkey Beach. On other beaches, the corals come almost close to the shore and you need to know where there are cleared passages or where the corals retreat further into the sea.

Snorkeling best in Salang, Taman Laut, near Berjaya Hotel and near Paya Beach. Snorkeling equipment can be rented for the whole day on any beach in almost any hotel, at prices:

  • Life vest - 8-10 ringit
  • Mask with snorkel - 10-15 ringit
  • Fins - 10 ringit

Most guesthouses organize snorkeling trips for half or full days. Price from 60 to 150 ringit per person, depending on the duration and number of spots on the excursion.

Diving. There are a huge number of dive centers on Tioman. They are on every beach. Most of all on Salanga and ABC. The price for one dive is 150 ringgit.

Kayaking. On Salang and ABC beaches, renting plastic sea kayaks (locals call them canoes) is common. At ABC it’s 120 ringit for the whole day, and in Salang it’s only 70. When renting, they ask to leave a deposit of 200 ringit. You can also rent a kayak for an hour or several hours.

Massage. Foot massage - 30 ringit, back - 50, full body - 100. Prices for 30 minutes.

Bike. You can't really ride around the island on a bike. And it makes sense to rent it only in Tekek, rather than going to ABC or Berjaya. Price 5 ringit per hour, or 25-30 per day. Deposit 50 ringit.

Moped. Automatic and semi-automatic scooters are available for rent in Tekek and Juara. Prices are steep: 60-80 ringit for the whole day, or 15 ringit per hour. Petrol is not included and costs RM3 per litre.

Trekking. This is where great opportunities open up!

Firstly, you can walk from ABC to Monkey Beach and continue to Salang. It will take about 2-2.5 hours along a dirt path in the jungle. I wrote more about this trekking in the article about.

The journey from Tekek to Juara will take 3-4 hours. Walk along the concrete path and road.

The most epic trekking Tekek - Asah waterfall - Tekek will take two days. You can read more about these two hikes in my separate article about.

Climbing Gunung Kajang with a height of 1038 meters. The trail starts at Kampung Paya. It is better to carry out the activity with a local guide due to the weak visibility of the trail or its complete absence. You can do it in a day if you start early in the morning, but it’s better to go overnight. The summit is overgrown with forest and views open only from a couple of points on the trail.

Climbing Dragon's Horns (Bukit Nekek Semekut) 690 meters high is carried out under the supervision of the Si Mukut Hill View Guesthouse. The climb costs 50 ringit if you go without a guide and 80 if you go with a guide. The trail is marked and there are ropes hanging in difficult places. Climbing to the saddle between the peaks takes about 2 hours.

Trail map.

I had the idea of ​​rushing there on the way back from Mukut to Tekek, but I was afraid to miss the low tide in order to pass the Tunamaya - Nipah section and therefore did not go. More precisely, it didn’t help.

Where to live

The widest selection of accommodation on Tioman Island is located on ABC Beach. There are both simple chalets for 30-50 ringit, and respectable cottages for 200 and above. I also liked some of the options on Juara beach. In general, with a housing budget of 100 ringit you can find a good hut almost anywhere. The price tag for housing greatly depends on the season: in January-March the price will be half as much as in July-August. When staying for several days, homeowners are willing to bargain and give significant discounts.

There are several cool resorts on the island. The most popular among Russians is Berjaya with its own beach and huge well-groomed territory. We went for a walk to the waterfall.

And Selesa, made in the spirit of a condominium.

Read reviews of other housing in articles about the corresponding beaches, and all options available for booking can be viewed at the link below.


Where there is

There are cafes and eateries on all main beaches. The cheapest place to eat is ABC. There are also good inexpensive places in Mentawak and Tekek.

Island infrastructure

There is only one ATM on Tioman and a post office near the airport. Which, by the way, is closed and passenger planes do not fly there. There is a small hospital and school.

And the most important thing for many tourists is that Tioman Island is a Duty Free zone! Good alcohol is almost as cheap here as in the Philippines and Cambodia. The largest Duty Free stores are located in Tekek. Here's the first one.

Here's the second one.


We took the red one from 2009.

And young white.

Both are around RM30 per bottle. Not a wine expert, but it was delicious!

Also in Tekek there are the largest and cheapest stores. But everything is still quite expensive there, especially vegetables and fruits. This is the largest store on the island.

Moving within the island

You have to walk a lot on Tioman.

That's what everyone is doing. Tourists. Locals do not walk and drive motorbikes and cars. A taxi from Tekek to Juara is quite expensive and costs 30 ringgit per person (with a minimum of 3-4 passengers). The locals are kind and willing to give you rides, both in cars and on mopeds. To travel between the islands, there is a sea taxi, for example, from ABC to Salang costs 30 ringit. From ABC to Juara - 150.

How to get there

First of all, you need to get to the capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.

Ferries to Tioman Island depart from Mersing. Since they do this at 7:30-8:00 in the morning, usually everyone who goes to Tioman spends the night in Mersing. An overview of the hotels there can be found in. Sometimes ferries are canceled due to bad weather, this happens especially often in January-March. So I was stuck on Tioman for several days because of a storm. I missed the plane to Indonesia and had to buy a new ticket.

Previously, planes from Singapore and Sabang flew to Tioman, but now these flights have been discontinued. The only thing left is the ferry from Mersing.