The largest city in the world in terms of population. The largest city in the world

The list includes the largest cities in the world with a population of over 1 million people. The largest cities in the world are represented, where the population of the largest cities in the world is more than 1 billion people. Thus, the total population of the world's largest cities is 1,180,485,707 people.

The list shows the largest cities in the world, where the largest cities in the world by population are presented starting from the largest cities - the number of the largest cities in the world, the flag of the country, the name of the country and the name of the continent of each major city are indicated.

Population of the largest cities in the world in relation to the population of the Earth.

The population of the world's largest cities makes up 15.76% of the total world population (7.4 billion people), as of 2017. The largest cities in the world by population on our list begin with the largest city on planet Earth - the city of Chongqing in China with a population of 30,165,500 people. Other largest cities in the world are Shanghai in China (24,150,000 people), Beijing in China (21,148,000 people), Tianjin in China (14,425,000 people), Istanbul in Turkey with a population 13,854,740 people

Top 10 largest cities in the world.

The 10 largest cities in the world in descending order from the largest: Chongqing, Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, Istanbul, Guangzhou, Tokyo, Karachi, Mumbai, Moscow. At the same time, the city of Moscow is the only European city among the 10 largest cities in the world and is the largest city in Europe. The largest cities in the world by population on our list are the capitals and major cities of the world with over one million people (1,000,000 people).

Which countries have the most millionaire cities?

An interesting fact to note is that of all the millionaire cities on planet Earth, 15 millionaire cities are located in Russia. Number of largest cities in the world in different countries differs: 123 million-plus cities are located in China, 54 million-plus cities are in India, 17 million-plus cities are in Indonesia, 14 million-plus cities are located in Brazil, 12 million-plus cities are in Japan, and 9 cities are located in the United States.

What does " Big city"? A million inhabitants, two, or maybe ten or even thirty? See a photo gallery of the 20 largest cities in the world by population.

(Total 20 photos)

1. Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, is in 20th place in terms of population.

2. Buenos Aires is in 19th place; 14.3 million people live in the capital of Argentina.

3. 18th place: Kolkata is the largest city in India, home to 15.7 million people.

4. 17th place: Cairo - the capital of Egypt - the number of inhabitants is 17.3 million.

6. Beijing has a population of 16.4 million, placing the Chinese capital in 15th place in the ranking.

7. 14th place: Osaka - one of the largest cities in Japan is home to 16.8 million people.

8. Los Angeles is the 13th most populous city with 17 million residents.

9. The capital of the Philippines, Manila, is the 12th largest city in the world with 20.7 million inhabitants.

10. The Indian city of Bombay, home to 20.8 million people, ranks 11th in the ranking.

11. In 10th place is the largest city in Pakistan - Karachi. It is home to 21.1 million people.

12. 9th place: Brazilian city of Sao Paulo, home to 21.1 million people.

14. 7th place: Indian Delhi - 23 million inhabitants.

15. The 6th place in terms of population is occupied by the Mexican capital - Mexico City - 23.2 million inhabitants.

16. The 5th most populous city in the world is Shanghai. This largest Chinese city is home to 25.3 million inhabitants.19. In 2nd place is Guangzhou - the largest chinese city, home to 25.8 million people.

20. The largest city in the world by population is Tokyo. The capital of Japan is home to 34.5 million people. Tokyo is the undisputed leader in our ranking and will remain so for a long time.

or the largest cities in the world by area they occupy in square kilometers

What is a city?

The encyclopedic dictionary gives the following interpretation: « City- a settlement whose residents are usually employed outside of agriculture. The classification of a settlement as a “city” is formalized by law; At the same time, the criterion for the city's population varies - from 200 people in Iceland before 30 thousand people in Japan......In Russia, a city must have at least 12 thousand inhabitants and at least 85% of the population employed outside agriculture".

At the same time, from general rules always exist exceptions, in particular in Russia until now smallest in population and wherein with city status is new town Innopolis, with a population at the time of receiving city status in 2012 of only 10 people, and as of January 1, 2016 with a population of 96 people.

What territory is included in the concept of “largest city”?

The main sources of data on the size of urban areas are statistical authorities, and for statistical purposes, each city is primarily an administrative unit (municipal entity).

In other words - territory controlled by the city administration and is called a city or urban district.

This is where situations arise when in 1st place among largest cities in the world by territory is a Chinese city Chongqing, in which most of the territory is agricultural land, around the former city border. In this case, the expansion of the administrative boundaries of the city is associated with the desire of the administration to urbanize rural areas, increasing population density.

Chongqing (China). Largest city in the world by area

Therefore, in the list of the largest cities by area occupied, you can find absolutely Not big cities in terms of population of 20,000 - 30,000 people, and the territory they occupy is comparable to multimillion-dollar cities- the only difference is that in cities with a population of millions there is a high population density over the entire or most of the city’s territory, and in cities with a small population, this is usually the area around the main building with a low population density.

What is included in the city territory. Examples.

The largest cities in the world by area in square kilometers may include within their administrative boundaries, in addition to land territory, Also water area . This is most typical for cities on the water, in particular in the American New York, where the area of ​​water is more than 35% of the total area of ​​the city.

New York (USA). More than 35% of the city's territory is water

Also a frequent option for large cities, but with a small population, are cities with one main source of income (mining coal, ore and other minerals), when a relatively large mining area, where few people live, is included in administrative boundaries of the city.

A similar example is mountain ranges, territories of nature reserves, natural parks adjacent to the city, as well as cities in which residents live mainly in private houses and, accordingly, have a low population density, typical for cities Australia.

Brisbane (Australia). Most of the residents of this city of 2 million live in private houses

Determining which is the largest city in the world is not as easy as it seems at first glance. How to calculate - by area or by population? If you make two lists, they will not match. And what is considered a city? De jure and de facto there will be no identity here. Many cities have grown to include smaller ones settlements. They became agglomerations (there are monocentric - with one center and polycentric - with several), that is, in fact, one large city, but formally considered a cluster of relatively small cities. The difference is sometimes so great - you can even grab your head. For example, New York City has less than 8.5 million people within its current city limits, but almost 24 million in its metropolitan area.

By population

The largest cities in the world by population have both centuries-old history, and a relatively young age. The same New York arose only in the 17th century, and its rapid growth throughout the 19th and 20th centuries is due to the fact that it was the most geographically convenient point for receiving immigrants from Europe. And, for example, London, which will celebrate its 2,000th anniversary in 2043, owes its numerical growth to its status as the capital of the British Empire. In terms of population, the top ten cities look like this:

A striking example of a polycentric urban agglomeration is Manila (Philippines); The population of the city is about 1.7 million people, and in the agglomeration – 22.7. Moreover, the capital is not the largest city. Another Big City, part of the agglomeration - Caisson City - has 2.7 million inhabitants. The agglomeration is legally formalized as the National Capital Region and, in fact, represents one large city, although in area - 638.55 km 2 - it is inferior even to Moscow before including some districts of the Moscow region into its composition. As for our capital, the Moscow agglomeration shares 17-18th positions with the Japanese Osaka agglomeration, numbering 17.4 million people.

By area

If it is difficult to understand the list of the largest cities by population, since different sources give different figures, then with area everything is much simpler. The geographical sizes of cities are recorded precisely and, unlike their numbers, do not change every year. True, huge areas do not always correspond to our ideas of what a city should be. Often, purely rural areas are included in the metropolis. A good example is New Moscow, a mostly rural area included in the capital to “unload” the metropolis. Here is a list of the largest cities in the world by area:

It is not surprising that the world's largest city by area, Sydney, is located in Australia. This continental country with an area of ​​7.7 million km 2 has only 23.2 million people. And the population of Sydney is only 4.8 million. There is a lot of free land in the country, there is room to expand. For comparison, the population density of Australia is 3.1 people per square kilometer, and in Russia, where there is also a lot of free land, it is almost three times higher - 8.39 people per square kilometer.

It is possible that the list of the largest cities in the world by population will change, and in the very near future. The rapid growth of the population of South and Southeast Asia, coupled with the ongoing process of urbanization, is causing a rapid increase in the number of megacities located in these countries. The countries where new cities are most likely to appear on the list of the largest are India and Pakistan. But China, most likely, will not present any surprises, since the state policy to reduce the rate of population growth has borne fruit, and the birth rate in the Celestial Empire barely makes up for the natural decline.

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These, without a doubt, include the largest cities in the world - grandiose capitals, covering areas of thousands of square kilometers, and the most densely populated cities, where tens of millions of people live.

The largest cities in the world by area. First on the list of the largest cities by territory is New York. New Yorkers love to call their city the "capital of the world" - and in a sense, they mean it every right, because New York, being the largest city in the world, covers an area of ​​8683 square kilometers.

The second largest city in the world by area is Tokyo, the capital of Japan. A record 33.2 million people live on an area of ​​6,993 square kilometers, making Tokyo also the largest city in terms of population density and size.

In addition, the Japanese capital is characterized by very expensive accommodation - living costs in Tokyo are much higher than in other capitals of the world.

The top three in the list of the largest cities by area in the world is closed by another American city - Chicago, whose area is 5,498 square kilometers.

In the photo: the famous “giant” skyscrapers of Chicago

Chicago boasts many interesting sites - for example, international airport O'Hare, the world's second-largest airport in terms of passenger traffic. And Michael Jordan, a legendary basketball player known even to those who are not interested in this sport at all, was once born in Chicago.

In the photo: O'Hare Airport in Chicago, one of largest airports peace

The top five largest cities in the world in terms of territory included two more American cities - Dallas (3,644 square kilometers) and Houston (3,355 square kilometers).

Pictured: Downtown Dallas

22.6 million people (!) come to Dallas every year - for work or for tourism. Indeed, there's a lot to see in the world's fourth-largest city, from the gigantic Cowboys Stadium, so tall it could fit the entire Statue of Liberty, to one of the first copies of the American Declaration of Independence, which is housed in the local public library.

On the picture: famous stadium Dallas Cowboys

Houston, the fifth largest city in the world, is located in Texas, the oil capital of the United States. Like the rest of the world's largest cities, Houston boasts many attractions. Here, for example, is the Lyndon Johnson Space Center, where you can take a tour and even have lunch with the astronauts training at the center.

Space Center Houston

Surprisingly, apart from Tokyo, no single city Europe or Asia are not included in the ranking of the ten largest cities in the world. The first European city on the list occupies only 14th place - this is Paris, whose area is 2,723 square kilometers, and in 15th place is the German Dusseldorf with an area of ​​2,642 square kilometers.

Moscow, the largest city in Russia by area, occupies only a modest 23rd place in the list of the largest cities on the planet with an area of ​​2,150 square kilometers.

Largest cities in the world by population

That the city is different large area, does not mean that it occupies any noticeable place in the list of the largest cities in the world by population. In the ranking of the 10 largest cities on planet Earth in terms of the number of residents, there are no American cities at all, and the honorable first place is occupied by Shanghai, the largest city in China (and, at the same time, the whole world).

As of October 2014, 24,150,000 people permanently reside in Shanghai - that is, there are almost 4 people for every square kilometer. This is an extremely modest figure: for comparison, in Tokyo, which ranks second on the list of the largest cities in the world by area, the population density is almost 15 people per square kilometer.

In second place in the list of the largest cities on Earth by population is Karachi, the largest city in Pakistan, but, surprisingly, not the capital of the country. Karachi, as of 2014, has a population of 23.5 million and a population density of 6.6 people per square kilometer.

Once the largest city in the world by population, Karachi was a modest fishing village with a population of several hundred people. In just over 150 years, the number of city residents has increased hundreds of thousands of times. In its not very long history, Karachi managed to be the capital of Pakistan - until Islamabad, the modern capital of the country, was built in 1960.

Another Chinese “giant” is Beijing, which has a population of 21 million and 150 thousand inhabitants. Unlike Shanghai and Karachi, which are economic, shopping centers of their countries, Beijing is the capital of China in every sense: culturally, educationally, and administratively.

Last of the Four Great Capitals ancient China, Beijing has been the political center of the country for the past eight centuries - and the “age” of the city is almost three million years! From Chinese, the name Beijing is translated as “Northern Capital”, and Nanjing was the “Southern” capital of ancient China.