Religion and faith in Montenegro. Population of Montenegro Attitude towards tourists among the local Orthodox population

Or Montenegro...

The little pearl of our planet, created by the Adriatic Sea in the depths of the Black Mountains, has a romantic and exotic name - Montenegro, behind which hides a familiar Slavic soul - Montenegro. This is a very beautiful country, almost the entire territory of Montenegro is under the protection of UNESCO. Here is the cleanest Adriatic coast, beaches with sand and very small pebbles (they call it “buckwheat” here) and friendly people.

Geography and climate

Montenegro is located in southeastern Europe and lies on Adriatic coast Balkan Peninsula. The country is bordered in the west by Croatia, in the northwest by Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the northeast by Serbia, in the east by Kosovo, and in the southeast by Albania. Montenegro is separated from eastern Italy by about 200 km.

Montenegro or Montenegro received its name because of the black dense forests covering mountain ranges countries. About 80% of the country's area is occupied by forests, meadows and natural pastures. There are 29 alpine lakes in the country unique beauty. The largest rivers within Montenegro are the Tara, Lim and Ceotina. The canyon of the Tara River is the second largest in the world and the largest in Europe, its depth is 1300 m. The coast of Montenegro is sandwiched between the sea and a rocky plateau. One of the best harbors in Europe, the Bay of Kotor, is located precisely in Montenegro.

The climate of Montenegro is Mediterranean. Summers are hot and dry, winters are cool with heavy rainfall. The average summer temperature is +20-25 degrees, winter - +3-7 degrees. The best months It's time for tourism swimming season- from May to October.

Time in Montenegro is 2 hours behind Moscow.

Official name: Republic of Montenegro.

Capital: Podgorica.

Population, religion and language

About 650 thousand people live on the territory of Montenegro. Mostly all Slavs, and from total number Only 43% of the country's residents define their nationality as “Montenegrin”. 32% of the population of Montenegro are Serbs, 8% are Bosnians. The rest are Russians, Albanians, Gypsies, Croats and representatives of other nationalities.

The main religion of Montenegro is Orthodoxy, which is professed by about 70% of the country's residents. The second most popular religion is Islam; its adherents in the country number about 21% of the total population. Only 4% of citizens profess Catholicism in the country; there is also a small number of Protestants living in the country - approximately 2%. All religions here are on equal terms; there are no visible disagreements between representatives of different faiths.

The official language is Serbian. Approximately 85% of citizens speak Serbian. The local population for the most part understands both Russian and English.

Visa regime

Visa-free entry is provided for Russian citizens to Montenegro

Currency exchange and tipping

Official monetary unit is Euro. Montenegro is a relatively inexpensive European country for holidays. Answering the question: “How much money should I take to Montenegro?”, most tourists who have visited there voice an amount of 30-50 € per person per day. On average, a domestic tourist can safely measure his expenses in Montenegro according to the level of Russian prices.
Credit cards are accepted to a limited extent in Montenegro. Major payment cards are not available in the country credit cards VISA, MASTER, only DINERS cards are accepted for payment.

In Montenegro, it is customary to leave a tip in the amount of 10-15% of the amount of the service or simply round the check up. The average amount of “acceptable” tips that are usually left in Montenegrin restaurants is 20-50 euro cents per check.

National cuisine and treats

Montenegrin cuisine has absorbed the best culinary traditions of many peoples who inhabited different time this sunny land. The main features of the cuisine of Montenegro are the simplicity of the dishes, the use of only fresh vegetables from the garden to freshly caught fish, as well as large portions.
To traditional local dishes include chops stuffed with spices “veshalitsa”, the famous minced meat sausages “chevapchichi”, spit-fried meat “biscuits”, small kebabs of pork and veal “razhnjichi” and dozens of other meat dishes. Characteristic Montenegrin cuisine makes extensive use of cheese. Vegetables are always served on the table, regardless of whether it is breakfast or dinner, as independent dishes or simply as a “green snack”.
Along the famous Montenegrin Riviera there are many cozy taverns, cafes, pizzerias and home restaurants offering a wide variety of dishes. national cuisine. They cook delicious food here and serve huge portions of delicious food. national dishes. Even half a portion is enough to fill you up.

Culture, behavior and precautions

Montenegrins are distinguished by their hospitality and friendliness, but in resort areas local population tries to get as much as possible from tourists. The proximity of languages ​​and the long-term influence of Russia on the fate of Montenegro brings Montenegrins closer to Russians. They even have a proverb: “there are 150 million of us and Russians, and without the Russians there are two trucks and a cart.” The older generation here often speaks Russian. There is practically no language barrier.
The crime rate in the country is very low. The police strictly suppress any manifestations of deception foreign tourists. Traffic accidents with deaths are also very rare. Russian emigrants joke that here they treat such accidents the same way as in Russia they treat terrorist attacks.


Name Montenegro popular destination difficult for shopping tours. Travelers are attracted rather by the beauty of the local nature. However, there is something to buy in Montenegro. City markets sell fresh fruit and vegetables, cheese, meat and fish, as well as cheap clothing and household items. Old city Herceg Novi is famous for its jewelry stores and art galleries. Podgorica is attractive with a range of clothing stores and shopping centers. Montenegro borders on the center of European fashion - Italy. Therefore, in the country you can buy items from Italian fashion designers at reasonable prices.
A traditional souvenir from Montenegro is the “kapa” - a round cap with a red top. Such headdresses are very popular in the Balkans: they are worn in Montenegro, Serbia, and Croatia. You can also buy ceramic things with the inscription “Montenegro”. It can be anything: cups, mugs, plates, jugs, sets, decanters of various colors and shapes. At Orthodox churches you can buy local icons and other religious items. Canvases decorated using a technique similar to batik painting on silk are also interesting as gifts.
Another good idea for a gift from Montenegro is cheese from Njegushi.

Interesting places and attractions

On the territory of Montenegro, many attractions, historical, cultural and natural monuments have been preserved, hundreds of medieval monasteries and ancient cities, dozens balneological resorts, unique natural complexes of the southern Balkans, tens of kilometers of beaches of the Montenegrin Riviera, good-natured and friendly people - these are the advantages of this country.

The historical and cultural center of Montenegro is the city of Cetinje - ancient capital Montenegro. Here are the palace of King Nicholas and the monastery, which houses the incorrupt hand of John the Baptist, as well as a museum - the residence of the most popular ruler of Montenegro, Petr Petrovic Njegos (1830 - 1851).

Montenegro is also home to world famous National parks Durmitor, Lovcen, Skadar Lake, Biogradska Gora. At the top of Mount Lovcen, which in itself is a symbol of the spirit of the Montenegrins, at an altitude of 1600 meters there is the mausoleum of Petar Petrovic Njegos, the wise ruler of Montenegro, poet and philosopher. From the top of this mountain a majestic panorama of Montenegro opens, and in clear weather Italy is visible.

One of the most famous monasteries in Montenegro is the Ostrog Monastery. It is carved into a rock high in the mountains, and the first impression that a visitor gets is that the monastery is literally hanging in the air. The monastery houses the relics of St. Vasily Ostrozhsky. A real Orthodox monastery is the only one in the world that, in addition to Orthodox people, is also visited by Catholics and Muslims. Near the monastery there is a source of holy water.

The ancient city of Kotor, mentioned in the third century BC in the Roman chronicles, is today under the protection of UNESCO. Here at every step there are many historical and cultural monuments: clock tower, the Church of St. Luke, the Prince's Palace, the Napoleon Theater, but the main attraction is the Cathedral of St. Tripun, built in the twelfth century.

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Most of the country's population professes Orthodoxy. The next largest religious affiliation of the population is Islam. This circumstance is a legacy of Ottoman rule in the country. And the third most important religion is Catholicism.

Attitude towards tourists among the local Orthodox population

We did not notice any special norms of behavior for tourists while traveling around the country. We were very pleased with the fact that in Orthodox churches they treat Russians very cordially. We traveled in a rented car along the Bay of Kotor and arrived in the city of Kotor, where we went to the Cathedral of St. Tryphon. Here we stopped to pray and light candles to continue our journey. Hearing our Russian speech in the church, a local priest came up to us and asked where we were from. Having learned that she was from Russia, she hugged us, burst into a smile and said that their church is very good friends with our patriarch, that he has been to Russia several times, and that Russians are very loved here. He also asked if we needed anything and if we wanted to take a walk with him around the old city. Unfortunately, we were already walking around the old city, and we were already running out of time, so we had to cancel. But the impression from the old town of Kotor in general and from visiting the Cathedral of St. Tryphon remained extremely favorable.

Another example of the attitude towards tourists is our visit to the monastery located in the rock and called Ostrog. This monastery. Every day a huge number of tourists and pilgrims of different religions come to Ostrog. We arrived at the Ostrog Monastery on the third day of our trip in a rented car and our journey there was not short. For some reason, we didn’t make any preliminary inquiries about what this attraction was like. Therefore, we were extremely surprised that at the entrance to the gate of the monastery there was a sign stating that men should not enter here in shorts and T-shirts, and women should not wear clothes above the knee, bare shoulders and bare heads. My husband and I’s appearance fully corresponded to all violations of the rules of the Monastery. But there was nothing to do, I had to leave. Although, in my opinion, in such a popular place as the Ostrog Monastery, clothes should be prepared for unprepared people like us. So that you don’t have to, having come such a long way, turn around and leave. Of course this is not the end of the story. In the souvenir shop we met Serbs who had come from Serbia on a pilgrimage to the Ostrog Monastery and were planning to stay there for several days. And they had a change of clothes to spend the entire allotted time here comfortably. And imagine - they kindly offered us their clothes to cover all open places and go with us inside the Monastery and give us a short tour of the area. This is an indicator of the attitude of locals and Serbs towards Russians and Orthodox Christians.

Attitudes towards tourists among the local Islamic population

The Muslim population in the country does not live in tourist places, and in isolated areas between major cities. Therefore, while on vacation on the beach, you cannot cross paths with them. But when we started traveling around the country, here and there we came across mosques and women with their heads covered.

Of course, there are not as many of them as, for example, we met in Albania, but they still exist. By the way, when we went to Albania on a one-day excursion, along the way we came across mini-cemeteries with small stone monuments with Turkish caps. It turned out that these were Janissary cemeteries. That is, since the time of Ottoman rule here and the corresponding battles, they have been preserved. And the local Muslim population settled in the neighborhood long ago, but the cemeteries were left untouched.

All religious organizations in Montenegro have equal rights in accordance with the Constitution of Montenegro and exist separately from the state. About 70% of the country's population professes Orthodoxy. 21% of Montenegrins profess Islam. Catholics in Montenegro account for about 4% of believers, and Protestants even less, less than 2%.

All religions in Montenegro have equal conditions for existence, there are no differences between them, all religious ideas are controlled by the Council for the Observance of the Rights of Religions.

The majority of the Orthodox population of Montenegro lives in mountainous areas and plateaus. Residents professing Catholicism live in coastal areas. Most Muslims live in isolation near the borders with Albania and Kosovo, and also live in Sandzak, part of which lies in Serbia.

Churches and monasteries of Montenegro

Montenegro is a very religious people. The country has many churches, monasteries and chapels, which means the population is small. In the old days there was a village in which 365 churches and chapels were built. You can get acquainted with the ancient main Orthodox shrines and even visit them during a monastic tour of the Bay of Kotor and tourist trip to the canyon of Tara and Moraki. From a trip to this beautiful country will be enough in memory Interesting Facts. There are many monasteries in Montenegro, but only one woman, which is located near the Island of Flowers in the Bay of Herceg Novi.

When you travel to religious sites in Montenegro, we advise you to take a tour to local guide Gotsu, who will tell you that Montenegrin guests go to church, do not wear scarves, as women believe that in order to cover their heads with scarves, they must be Muslim, but not Orthodox. This decision was made by the Montenegrins after a centuries-long war with Turkey. Russian guides are silent about this fact. Not all churches adhere to this tradition, as there are some subtleties.

The most unusual monasteries located on the territory of this state and which can be viewed.

1. Ostrog Monastery, built deep into the rock, is one of the most visited monasteries. It ranks third in the world in terms of the number of pilgrims. There are a lot of parishioners in this monastery in any year.
2. The ancient monastery of Moraka, which, according to Montenegro, is considered the most peaceful and cozy, is also located high in the mountains. The monks have their own apiary, working in the garden. The monastery is divided by a huge stone wall made of outside world. It can be visited during a tour of the Tara and Moraca canyons.
3. The Cetinje Monastery houses many valuable Orthodox relics, such as the right hand of John the Baptist, which is missing two fingers, part of the Holy Cross and other Orthodox shrines. It ranks second in the country. The monastery is located in Cetinje, which was previously the capital of Montenegro.
4. Very interesting story has a monastery built on the island of St. George. Only relatives of monks and senior church officials are allowed on its territory.
5. The ancient church of Gospa from Shkrebel stands on an artificial island.
6. Be sure to visit the Tryphon Church and the Church of St. Luke in Kotor, which became Orthodox and Catholic several times.

It has a long and tragic story, which played a key role in uniting the population. The religion of Montenegro has its own characteristics, and the ability of people with different religious beliefs to exist peacefully in the same space is often considered truly unique. He is often held up as an example to citizens of other European powers, but this moment None of these countries has yet managed to achieve a similar result. Today we will tell you about the main religion of Montenegro and other faiths that represent communities with political weight. We will also look at the numerous religious movements present in the country.

Montenegro: population, religion and language

The state, located in the southeastern part of Europe, is distinguished by its multinationality. Despite the fact that its entire population calls itself Montenegrins, in fact its composition is very diverse.

According to the latest data, about six hundred twenty thousand people live in Montenegro. Of these, just over forty-four percent consider themselves Montenegrins. About thirty percent of the country's inhabitants are Serbs, while Bosniaks and Albanians make up nine and five percent respectively. Also living in the country are Russians, Macedonians, Germans, Turks and representatives of other nationalities. In total, there are more than twenty-three nationalities in Montenegro.

The official language in the country is Montenegrin. It was recognized nationally ten years ago. However, in fact it is one of the dialects Serbian language, which is considered native by more than sixty percent of the population.

The main religion of Montenegro is Christianity, or more precisely, Orthodox Christianity. Despite its apparent simplicity, it is not so easy for an outsider to understand a religious issue. But we will try to consider it in as much detail as possible.

State policy regarding religion

Before telling you about the religion of Montenegro, it is worth clarifying the government's position on this issue. After all, here lies one of the most important features of the state - multi-confessionalism. Religious faiths coexist peacefully in the country, which in other countries are very categorical towards each other. What is the secret of this small state on the Balkan Peninsula?

Many believe that it consists in separating Montenegro’s religion from politics. The country's authorities recognize that religious communities play a very important role in the life of the population. After all, it is recognized as one of the most religious in Europe. Surprisingly, according to data from six years ago, only two percent of Montenegrins consider themselves atheists. Experts call the most interesting fact that the state, which considers itself far from the church, bears full financial responsibility for all religious communities in the country. Moreover, this law is actively implemented in practice and enjoys great support from the population.

Another feature of Montenegro are its religious holidays. At the state level, dates considered important by Christians and Muslims are recognized. They are celebrated in the country on a grand scale by representatives of all religious faiths without exception.

Orthodoxy: the main religion of the state

More than seventy percent of the population adheres to the Orthodox religion in Montenegro. It was thanks to this overwhelming majority that this religion accepted the status of national. However, even here there are some peculiarities and pitfalls.

The Orthodox are divided into two unequal parts. The first considers itself a flock belonging to the Serbian Church. It is canonical and generally accepted. Interestingly, the traditions of this church are closest to the ancient Byzantine ones. And the second group calls itself adherents of the Montenegrin Orthodox Church. It is practically not recognized by the Orthodox community, but this does not at all reduce the number of flocks.

There are never any contradictions between representatives of both directions. Every Christian is tolerant of the traditions and customs of his fellow believers, so there are no conflicts on religious grounds in Montenegro. Orthodoxy is mainly practiced by Serbs and Montenegrins.

Catholic Church

There are also a lot of Catholics in the country; they represent a kind of national force that is impossible not to listen to. It is noteworthy that in Montenegro Catholicism was very influential in ancient times. Therefore, it is adhered to by Serbs, Croats and Albanians, who have lived in these territories for centuries.

If we take all Catholics as one hundred percent, then Montenegrins are about twenty percent. This is a very significant number, but it makes up no more than four percent of the total population.


It is impossible to talk about the religion of Montenegro without mentioning Islam. It is the most widespread religion in the world, and its adherents form a powerful community in this Balkan country. It is worth noting that Islam is recognized as the second most important religion in Montenegro. And this is not surprising - it is professed by more than twenty percent of the entire population.

It is interesting that this religious movement plays an important role in the state and can influence different layers of society. Bosnians and Albanians adhere to it. Among the Muslims there are also Slavs, including Montenegrins. The latter make up at least ten percent of all those professing Islam in Montenegro.

One of the country's peculiarities is religious tolerance. In many European countries, Muslims cause a negative reaction, and clashes with them are repeated regularly. In Montenegro, Christians and followers of Muhammad live very peacefully. They often meet during religious holidays and are extremely respectful of each other.


This religious movement is widely represented in Montenegro. Of course, his followers do not represent the overwhelming majority, but they have very strong communities.

Due to government policy, Judaism is treated very well in the country. According to the latest projects to amend the country's legislation, Judaism is planned to be made another official religion. However, at the moment such changes have not yet occurred.

Other religious denominations

We have already clarified that Montenegro is a small country. Therefore, there is not much variation in religious beliefs here. In addition to the movements already mentioned, Protestanism and occultism can also be noted. However, their followers do not make up even one percent of the country's total population.

Interestingly, some Montenegrins call themselves agnostics. These people are followers of a philosophical movement that defines the impossibility of knowing reality through subjectivity.

A few words in conclusion

To sum up, I would like to say that Montenegro is amazing country, which is very interesting to discover. Many tourists who have visited here talk about the extraordinary unity of the people. It is known that there are churches in the country where Orthodox Christians of both directions and Catholics freely come. Moreover, each group has the right to conduct worship according to its own traditions. This does not cause opposition in society and is warmly supported by other faiths.

Religion and religious communities in Montenegro are very important in the political life of the country. They seem to cement society, because the state cares about all religious movements equally. Many consider Montenegro to be the only country of its kind in which problems on religious grounds are excluded. Therefore, there is a very favorable atmosphere here for the development of tourism, which brings a lot of money to the country’s budget.

In conclusion of the article, we can say that any person will feel comfortable in Montenegro. After all, it doesn’t matter at all what you believe in and what church you attend on holidays.

Montenegro is a small European-style state located in the South-East of Europe on the territory of the main factors of differentiation of citizens that distinguish Montenegro - religion, language and nationality.

In general, this country is characterized by the religiosity of its citizens. Thus, according to the 2011 census, atheists account for less than two percent of citizens. The rest of the population consists mainly of adherents of Christianity and Islam.

Orthodox Church in Montenegro

Orthodoxy is the main religion of Montenegro. It is professed by about seventy percent of the population. At the same time, there is no jurisdictional unity among believers. One part of the population belongs to the Serbian Orthodox Church, part of the so-called family of canonical Orthodox churches belonging to the Byzantine tradition. The other part professes their faith within the legal framework of the national Montenegrin Orthodox Church, which is not recognized as canonical by the above-mentioned community. In terms of national composition, the majority of the Orthodox population consists of Montenegrins and Serbs.

in Montenegro

Multiculturalism is a feature that characterizes Montenegro. In this case, religion plays an important role, being not only a worldview system, but also an ideological mouthpiece and an attribute of nationality. This fully applies to the Catholic community of the state. Catholicism is the religion of Montenegro and Croatia, so in Montenegro itself its parishes are mainly composed of Croats, as well as Albanians. The percentage of Montenegrin Catholics is somewhat smaller, but still high - about twenty percent of the total number of supporters of the papacy. Regarding the entire population of the country, there are not so many of the latter - only about four percent.

What is unique about Montenegro for the rest of the Christian world (especially its Orthodox part) is that Christians of different denominations coexist here very peacefully. If, for example, in Russia the Orthodox are strongly anti-Catholic, then in Montenegrin villages and towns you can often find churches that representatives of these two traditions share with each other and both Byzantine and Latin services are performed under one roof.

Islam in Montenegro

The Muslim Ummah is the second largest community that forms the religious picture of the state of Montenegro. The religion of the Prophet Muhammad is widespread among twenty percent of the population here. By nationality, the basis of the country's Islamic community is predominantly Bosnians, Albanians and Muslim Slavs. About ten percent of them, however, are Montenegrins.

However, as mentioned above, religious tolerance is a feature that characterizes Montenegro. The religion of Muhammad in this country is the traditional faith of many people, but unlike, for example, the Middle East, it does not cause any particular concern. Christians and Muslims coexist quite peacefully, without falling into the extremes of extremism and radical proselytism.

Judaism in Montenegro

Concerning Jewish communities, then they are also present in Montenegro, although in very small quantities. Nevertheless, the attitude towards them is quite favorable. There is even a project according to which Judaism should become one of state religions Montenegro.

Religious policy of the country

From all of the above, it is clear that multi-confessionalism is a feature that distinguishes Montenegro. Religion plays an important role in its politics, since it performs an important function in Everyday life its citizens.

According to existing legislation, the church (that is, everything is separated from the state. At the same time, however, the government bears responsibility for the material well-being of all religious communities represented in the country. It is important to note that, apart from on paper, this law is implemented in practice.

The main main communities of the state - Orthodoxy and Islam - are celebrated at the state level. First of all, this is, of course, Easter, Kurban Bayram and others.