Entertainment of knights. Go to church and listen to the preacher

3. Entertainment of knights. Gentlemen rarely took care of household chores themselves. To do this, they kept managers in each estate. The feudal lords devoted most of their time to wars and military exercises, hunting and feasts. The knight's favorite pastimes - hunting and tournaments - were related to military affairs. Hunting not only served as entertainment, but also helped replenish food supplies. During the hunt, one could show courage and dexterity: fighting an angry wild boar or a wounded bear was just as dangerous as fighting an enemy warrior, and chasing deer trained in horse riding. Hunting.

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The world around us 4th grade summary

other presentations "Facts about water" - In 1 cu. cm of such water contains 1.5 g of protein and other substances. Miraculous transformations will occur with water. If we think logically, then, of course, it’s cold. 10 interesting facts

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Military competition of knights in medieval Western Europe. Presumably, tournaments began to be held in the second half of the 11th century. The homeland of tournaments is France.

Geoffroy de Preily is called the “father” of the tournament

The “father” of the tournament is called Geoffroy de Preilly (died 1066). He wrote the rules for the first tournaments. Interestingly, Geoffroy de Preilly was killed in a tournament for which he himself wrote the rules. The purpose of the tournament is to demonstrate the fighting qualities of the knights who constituted the main military force of the Middle Ages. Tournaments were usually organized by the king or barons, major lords on especially solemn occasions: in honor of the marriages of kings, princes of the blood, in connection with the birth of heirs, the conclusion of peace, etc. Knights from all over Europe gathered for tournaments. It took place publicly, with a wide gathering of feudal nobility and common people.

Medieval entertainment: Knight Tournament

A suitable place was chosen for the tournament near big city, the so-called “lists”. The stadium had a quadrangular shape and was surrounded by a wooden barrier. Benches, boxes, and tents for spectators were erected nearby. The course of the tournament was regulated by a special code, the observance of which was monitored by heralds; they announced the names of the participants and the conditions of the tournament.

The conditions (rules) were different. In the 13th century, a knight was not allowed to participate in a tournament unless he could prove that four generations of his ancestors were freemen. Over time, coats of arms began to be checked at the tournament, and special tournament books and tournament lists were introduced. Usually the tournament began with a duel between knights who had just been knighted, the so-called “jute”. Such a duel was called just (from the English “joust”) - a duel with spears (horse-spear clash). The knights tried to knock the enemy out of the saddle without falling themselves, or to break their spear against the enemy’s shield. Then the main competition was held - an imitation of a battle between two detachments, formed by “nations” or regions. The winners took their opponents prisoner, took away their weapons and horses, and forced the vanquished to pay a ransom.

Knights | Leisure


The purpose of the tournament is to demonstrate the fighting qualities of the knights who made up the main military. the power of the Middle Ages. Tournaments were usually organized by the king, or barons, major lords on especially solemn occasions: in honor of the marriages of kings, princes of the blood, in connection with the birth of heirs, the conclusion of peace, etc. Knights from all over Europe gathered for the tournament; it took place publicly, with a wide gathering of feudal people. nobility and common people.
A suitable place was chosen for the tournament near a big city, the so-called “lists”. The stadium had a quadrangular shape and was surrounded by a wooden barrier. Benches, boxes, and tents for spectators were erected nearby. The course of the tournament was regulated by a special code, the observance of which was monitored by heralds; they announced the names of the participants and the conditions of the tournament. The conditions (rules) were different. In the 13th century a knight had no right to participate in the tournament if he could not prove that 4 generations of his ancestors were free people.
Over time, coats of arms began to be checked at the tournament, and special tournament books and tournament lists were introduced. Usually the tournament began with a duel between knights, usually those who had just been knighted, the so-called. "jute". Such a duel was called "tiost" - a duel with spears. Then the main competition was held - an imitation of a battle between two detachments, formed by “nations” or regions. The victors took their opponents prisoner, took away weapons and horses, and forced the vanquished to pay a ransom.
From the 13th century the tournament was often accompanied by severe injuries and even death of participants. The church prohibited tournaments and the burial of the dead, but the custom turned out to be ineradicable. At the end of the tournament, the names of the winners were announced and awards were distributed. The winner of the tournament had the right to choose the queen of the tournament. Tournaments stopped in the 16th century, when the knightly cavalry lost its importance and was supplanted by infantry riflemen recruited from townspeople and peasants.

Hunting and feasting

The entertainment of the knights was closely related to their militarized lifestyle. One of the favorite ways to relax was hunting, where knights could show their daring and courage. Most often in Western Europe they hunted wild boar or deer. Bird falconry was also very popular. Usually, each feudal lord had his own protected forests for hunting. Of course, the royal reserves were especially huge and rich in game. The ability to hunt was one of the qualities of a real knight. Therefore, most feudal lords and kings were passionate hunters. The hunt was usually carefully prepared by rangers, and vassals and guests of the feudal lord took part in the hunt. The right to slaughter game was usually granted to the most noble lord.

Hunted game decorated the feudal lord's banquet table. Feasts were also an important attribute of the life of knights. At feasts, especially warm and friendly relations were established between the feudal lord and his warriors. In addition, feasts often served as payment for the feudal lord for the service of his vassals. It was often at feasts that feudal lords gave their faithful servants money and jewelry as a sign of their affection for them. Knightly feasts were the venue for performances by numerous medieval artists, and promises were often made here to accomplish some feat, go on a crusade, or serve his beloved forever.

We know very well how young people have fun in our time, but how did they have fun in the Middle Ages? The knights spent their leisure time very interestingly; they organized tournaments, which we will tell you about today.

What is the purpose and purpose of such tournaments? Knights demonstrated their fighting qualities, which were the main component of military strength in the Middle Ages. As a rule, tournaments were organized by kings or other people in power. For example, tournaments were held in honor of marriages in the royal family or when an heir was born, also when a truce was concluded. The tournament was attended by knights from almost all of Europe. Such entertainment was quite public. The place for the tournaments was chosen not in the city, but near it, and near a big city. The place was called the “lists”, it was supposed to have a quadrangular shape, and was also surrounded by wooden logs. Benches, a kind of stands, were erected nearby, all for spectators. The tournament was regulated by a specialized code, compliance with all the rules was monitored by heralds, they can be called leading, they named the names of the knights who participated and stipulated all the conditions of the tournament. The rules were different, for example, a knight could not take part in a tournament unless he had previously proven that his ancestors had been free people for four generations. Later, coats of arms were already checked at the tournament, and even special tournament books and lists were introduced. The tournament always began with dedicated knights, they were called “jute”, and their duel with spears was called “tios”. Then competitions took place between everyone else, who were conditionally divided into two groups. Those who won such competitions captured their opponents, took their weapons and forced them to pay a ransom.

Since the 13th century, tournaments have often resulted in severe injury and death to participants. The church then tried to ban tournaments and refuse to bury the dead, but the custom turned out to be ineradicable. When the tournament ended, the winner was given a reward and had the right to choose the queen of his tournament. Tournaments stopped already in the 16th century, all because knightly cavalry lost their importance and were replaced by infantry.

Then the knights had fun hunting. Their entertainment was associated with a paramilitary lifestyle. While hunting, knights could express themselves and show their courage. The knights mainly hunted wild boars and deer. Usually they hunted in forests that belonged to the feudal lord. There was, of course, a lot of game in the royal reserves. Every knight had to be able to hunt, this is the main skill. Also for this entertainment, the rangers carefully prepared the reserve.

After the hunt they had a feast at feudal castle, everything that was caught during the hunt was laid out on the tables. By the way, feasts are also one of the favorite pastimes of knights. Usually, at such celebrations, the feudal lords and his warriors built a particularly warm, even friendly relationship. The feast also served as payment to the vassal from the feudal lord for honest and high-quality service. It was at such celebrations that feudal lords gave gifts, jewelry and even money to their subjects. Also, a variety of medieval artists often performed at knightly feasts. At feasts, promises were often made to realize one or another feat, for example, to go on a crusade or to serve his beloved forever. This is due to the fact that feasts had special significance for those around them.

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“In the knight’s castle” - In the center of the castle there was a donjon - the main tower, consisting of 3-4 floors. 1. Castle of the feudal lord. 2. Equipment of knights. 3.Knights at leisure. 4. Knight's honor. Then they began to attach plates to the chain mail and soon armor appeared. ? Why could only a very rich man be a knight? In the knight's castle. 1. Castle of the feudal lord.

“Culture of the Middle Ages” - Man’s idea of ​​the world. Higher ones. “7 Liberal Arts”: Grammar Rhetoric Dialectics Arithmetic Geometry Astronomy music. Hourglass. Culture of the early Middle Ages. Sundial. Education in the Middle Ages. Lives of saints, chronicles, epic poems. Inferior. Water clock. Topic: PARGAME - specially processed calf skin.

“Medieval castles” - What did not coincide with your ideas? Medieval castle history lesson in 6th grade 40 minutes. Municipal educational institution Shegarskaya secondary school No. 1. Protection of the population living in the vicinity of the castle. Entertainment center. Barskaya Margarita Alekseevna, history teacher, highest qualification category.

“The Middle Ages” - The legacy of the Middle Ages in the history of mankind. Purpose of the lesson: to summarize the course medieval history. The era of the Middle Ages covers the period from 476 to the second half of the 15th century. Architectural styles of the Middle Ages. In the Middle Ages, society was divided into three large groups of people - the estate. The main duties were corvée and quitrent.

“Culture of Western Europe” - Many census guilds arose in cities. The individual comes into its own. An individual person, the bearer of the prerequisites for human development. Representatives of completely different strata, conditions and professions became humanists. Cradle new culture. In 1450, Johannes Gutenberg invented printing.

There are a total of 20 presentations in the topic