Natural and architectural attractions of the Republic of Mari El. The main attractions of Mari El: photos and descriptions The most interesting and unusual in RME

Cultural tourism to Mari El

Traveling to interesting places and visiting cultural sites has been popular since ancient times. The easiest way to find out a little more about what is available in your area is to book a tour from a travel company on our website. Guides offer a wide range of trips for different numbers of days and with different budgets. In addition, such a vacation can be combined with walks in nature. Whatever type of excursion you choose, you will spend your time as interesting as possible.

Experienced guides will take you inside all the monuments and buildings included in the program and tell you their history. Cultural tourism in Mari El has a number of advantages:

  • you can visit the most interesting historical places areas, take photographs of them;
  • the opportunity to consider the history of the country in new aspects;
  • a chance to organize educational, bright leisure time for yourself;
  • the opportunity to explore the region;
  • low cost;
  • the opportunity to meet like-minded people.

It will be interesting to invite friends or relatives to visit historical places in Mari El. With them, emotions are brighter and more fun on the road. Also, such an excursion will be an extraordinary emotional gift. It will be able to immerse you in historical action, tell you about the heroism of your ancestors, or delight you with an unexpected ending to the story.

Nature and history are inseparable

Today, a very popular type of recreation is a trip to nature with visits to local attractions. Our guides create routes for tourists that run past famous historical monuments near natural objects. The end point of such a path can be the spacious shore of a picturesque river or lake, where you can pitch a tent and relax for several days, swimming and catching fish. This way you will be able to see new interesting places and at the same time sleep in a tent while the birds sing.

A professional guide will clearly indicate the direction of the route, indicate what attractions and advantages it contains. If you have a large company, you can develop an individual route. The guide will take into account all the client’s wishes and develop an optimal plan of action for traveling to the historical places of Mari El.

A trip to the sights of the region is a great way to spend time productively. Such an excursion with children is especially good - kids will be able to get to know the region better and see a lot of new things. Such tours are also popular among young people, couples and the elderly. They are interesting to everyone who likes to relax actively, and not at home on the couch, and the guides on our site are ready to help you go on such a journey.

By the way, many historical places of Mari El are known not only for their beautiful architecture and amazing views, but also for the presence nearby of a good spring with healing waters, according to local beliefs. In such a place you can not only learn about stories not described in textbooks, but also be inspired by the extraordinary energy of natural harmony.

The Volga Republic was inhabited by ancient tribes since prehistoric times, which was facilitated by its location on the banks of the Volga, in a temperate continental climate. The indigenous population of the Cheremis (now the Mari) began to be mentioned in chronicles from the 10th century, and already at that time they closely interacted with the Slavic tribes, despite being under the yoke of the Tatar yoke for quite a long time. Today, Mari El has wide opportunities for tourism, both recreational and educational, during which you can see many local attractions.

Museum of the History of Yoshkar-Ola

Opened about twenty years ago, the museum of the history of the capital of Mari El, Yoshkar-Ola, is one of the largest in the republic. historical museums and a local landmark. It contains about 17 thousand exhibits that tell visitors about the history of the indigenous people - the Cheremis - who have inhabited these territories since ancient times. This story is illustrated by numerous archaeological finds, as well as household items of the ancient Mari, their jewelry, clothing, weapons and objects of applied art. Here visitors can see with their own eyes the recreated ancient trading shop of Tsarevokokshaisk (as Yoshkar-Ola was called before the revolution), as well as living quarters with ancient paraphernalia and furnishings.

National Park "Mari Forest" ("Mari Chodra")

This park with a total area of ​​almost one hundred thousand hectares was created in order to preserve and, if possible, increase the natural resources of the Mari El Republic. Here you can find tree species characteristic of these latitudes: pines, spruces, lindens, oaks, aspens, maples, elms and many others. Particularly protected are the relict linden-oak forests, which are still inhabited by brown bears, moose, wild boars and other representatives of the fauna of the middle zone. There are horseback riding and hiking trails throughout the park.

Museum of Applied Arts

Opened in 1999, the Museum of Applied Art of the Mari El Republic in Yoshkar-Ola is dedicated to introducing its visitors to the traditions of the indigenous Mari. A variety of objects and the fruits of the labor of local craftsmen are presented here: wicker furniture made of bird cherry, carved wooden dishes, skillfully made musical instruments and national everyday and festive costumes with rich embroidery. The attraction regularly hosts exhibitions of works by contemporary masters from all over the republic.

Tsarevokokshay Kremlin

This historical and educational complex was opened in the center of Yoshkar-Ola several years ago, but has already become one of the central attractions of the Mari El Republic. In ancient times, on the site of the Kremlin there were city fortifications, which were not preserved because they were built of wood. Then the city market was located here, and after the Revolution - central square. Today it is a city park, enclosed by a massive wall with four towers; specially cast cannons are placed along the wall. On its territory there is a church, cozy benches for walkers, and also scattered information stands where the history of the city is described in detail. This is also where Archaeological Museum Yoshkar-Ola and the only monument to its founder Fyodor Ioannovich.

Museum of Peasant Labor and Life

This attraction of the Republic of Mari El is more often mentioned in guidebooks as the Museum of Bells. This is due to the fact that a unique collection of bells and bells for various purposes, produced in different time on Russian territory. In fact, there are just over a hundred of them, which is only a small part of the attraction's 2,000 exhibits. In addition to bells, a variety of labor tools are presented here, with the help of which many centuries ago the indigenous Mari cultivated the land, grazed livestock, built houses and created comfort in them. Here you can also find objects of local applied arts, exhibitions of contemporary works, as well as photographs of past years.

Pugachev Oak

This ancient tree, growing in the Mari Chodra Park, is one of the few plants listed national treasure, and a local landmark. This powerful oak tree in Mari El, whose age, according to experts, has already exceeded four centuries, is famous for the fact that it was from its branches that the famous Emelyan Pugachev watched the fire in Kazan, which he himself started in retaliation for the city’s reluctance to surrender to his mercy .

Sculpture "Tree of Life"

This bronze monument is installed in the central city park of the capital of Mari El, Yoshkar-Ola, and is a unique landmark of the city. It depicts an old man, a man and a boy who, under the shade of a small tree, play traditional Mari musical instruments - the harp, flute and drum. The landmark is intended to represent the connection between generations, as well as the historical and cultural heritage republics.

Mari El is a Volga republic located next to Tatarstan and Chuvashia. It also borders the Kirov and Nizhny Novgorod regions. The capital of this region is the city of Yoshkar-Ola.

The republic is notable for the splendor of the pristine nature preserved here. Most of it is occupied by forests, in which ecologically clean lakes and the beds of the most beautiful rivers.

The culture of the local people, formed over many centuries, combined with Russian culture, and also having ancient history customs, traditions and folk crafts. Many cultural and historical monuments have been preserved in Mari El.

In this distinctive region with unique nature There are many attractions that deserve special attention. Among the most famous and popular unique objects of the republic among tourists are:

The territory of the reserve is occupied by mixed forest. The nature of this object is distinguished by a wealth of species of flora and fauna. Several tourist routes run through its territory.

You can fully enjoy the beauty of pristine nature here in the middle of summer. At this time of year, sunny, fine days prevail here, while most of the year the weather tends to be unstable with an abundance of cloudy days.

Location: Voinov-Internationalistov Street - 26, Yoshkar-Ola.

The beauty and majesty of the local landscapes is often compared to the Alps. On the background untouched nature stands here Orthodox chapel, and near it there is an icy spring with the purest water.

Translated into Russian, its name means “Mari forest”. It's really busy with the forest. In it you can look at the Pugachev oak tree, under which Emelyan Pugachev once rested. To this oak more than 400 years.

They are located near the village of Gornyak. The entrance to many caves is very narrow and located close to the ground. To get inside the caves, you will have to crawl your way.

Inside you can see stalactites and stalagmites. The caves are cold all year round, even in summer no warmer than +6°C, and the walls at great depths are covered with frost. Previously, there were quarries here where millstone was mined.

Perhaps this is the most beautiful lake in Mari El. Is not big lake with steep, steep banks, almost oval in shape, located on the slope of a mountain. Its water has a noticeable bluish-green tint.

With dimensions not exceeding 50 meters, it has a very large depth, reaching 38.5 meters. It belongs to karst lakes and is connected to underground voids. The lake has been little studied, and many legends have developed about it. Many of its secrets have not been revealed; they have yet to be solved by scientists involved in its research.

This is one of the cleanest lakes in the Volga region and has the shape of an almost perfect circle with a diameter of 680 meters. It is interdune in origin, deepened by karst, with a dip near the central part of the basin. The depth gradually increases towards the middle of the lake, reaching 15 meters in its central part. The water is very clear, visibility is about 8 meters. The mineralization of the water is extremely low.

This is the deepest karst lake not only in Mari El, but throughout the entire Middle Volga region. Its maximum depth is 53 meters with a length of 800 and a width of 400 meters. Its source of nutrition is underwater springs. The lake is a drainage lake, and the Pizhanka River flows out of it. On its shore there is an Orthodox temple.

This is the largest lake in the republic. Its area is approximately 160 hectares. It has a bizarre shape in the form of blades. Maximum depth in places of karst failures reaches 35 meters. The lake is excellent for fishing.

Location: street.

This is not only a picturesque natural site, but also a historical monument. The height of the mountain is 224 meters at sea level. The Mari called the mountains “pockets,” where they found refuge during the invasion of hostile tribes.

It is also known as Watchdog Mountain. On this mountain, located on the banks of the Volga, a fortified settlement was located from the eleventh to the fifteenth centuries. Now in that place you can see the remains of the fortress moat and rampart.

These mysterious stones, the likes of which are nowhere to be found in the vicinity of the village, have been here for many centuries. Most of them are in the ground. Local residents consider the stones sacred. It is believed that they cannot be touched.

There is a legend that one of the village residents used these stones to build the foundation of a house, and soon after the construction was completed, the house burned down. The stones are located on the slope of Mount Onis Kuryk. This area is known as the anomalous zone.

Their shape resembles peculiar stone mushrooms. It is caused by the weathering process, in which sandstone is subject to more intense erosion and deteriorates faster than limestone.

The rocks are framed by curved tree roots that have taken on a bizarre shape. Near the rocks there is a small lake and a spring with a stream flowing from it, which flows into the small Nevelichka River flowing here. There is a crane well nearby.

The castle was built in the village of Yurino on the banks of the Volga by the wealthy merchant Sheremetev in the nineteenth century. It was built in the architectural traditions of medieval castles and combines different architectural styles.

It is a richly decorated palace whose architecture includes Old Russian-style turrets and Gothic battlements. Majestic columns support the glass dome of the winter garden. Currently there is a hotel in the castle.

Its construction began in 1997 on the banks of the Rutka River. Nowadays, the construction of a church in the traditions of Russian wooden architecture is still ongoing. Sergius of Radonezh is considered her patron.

Also in the monastery there is a small house church of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist. All churches, living quarters and outbuildings on the territory of the monastery are built of wood. This is the uniqueness of this monastery in architectural terms.

The Myrrh-Bearing Hermitage began its existence in 1649 at the site of the appearance of the Miraculous Myrrh-Bearing Icon of the Mother of God. It was built in the best traditions of Russian architecture of the seventeenth century and is considered an architectural monument. Near the monastery there is a holy spring and a font.

Through national park Mari Chodra the Ilet River flows near Maple Mountain. In this place, its water has a constant temperature of about 6.5°C throughout the year. It is caused by powerful springs at the bottom of the river and mineral springs flowing into the river, the most significant of which is called the Green Key.

Nearby is Boiling Square, which is a small lake with a sandy bottom. The bottom seems to be boiling due to the many springs gushing out from underground. The water in the springs is mineral and has healing properties.

The group of local springs is a federal hydrogeological natural monument. One and a half kilometers from the springs there is the Maple Mountain sanatorium, where you can have a good rest surrounded by untouched nature and improve your health.

This is one of the oldest villages in Mari El. Here, at the entrance to the village, you can see a stone dedicated to the local national hero - the hero Onar. A stone sign dedicated to the hero appeared in these parts in 2009. The grove near the village is considered local residents sacred.

Museums of the Republic

A story about the sights of the Mari El Republic will be incomplete without mentioning the museums located in its capital - the city of Yoshkar-Ola.

IN Museum of Applied Arts(Chernyshevsky - 23) you can expand your ideas about the traditions of the indigenous population of the republic. This museum is located in a small one-story building with an attic.

Several years ago, construction was completed in the center of Yoshkar-Ola Tsarevokokshay Kremlin(Voznesenskaya
- 58). It is built of red brick and stylized as an ancient Russian fortress. Behind the walls of this youngest Kremlin in Russia there is a church, an archaeological museum and a monument to Fyodor Ioannovich, the founder of Yoshkar-Ola.

Natural attractions of Mari El are monuments natural heritage With interesting story. Natural attractions of Mari El are natural heritage monuments with an interesting history. Many places are unique and have national significance. Many places are unique and have national significance. Sanatoriums, reserves, natural National parks. Sanatoriums, nature reserves, and natural national parks have been created and are operating.

The Republic of Mari El is located in the east of the East European Plain in the middle part of the Volga River basin. From the north, northeast and east, our republic borders on the Kirov region. From the southeast and south with the Republics of Tatarstan and Chuvashia, and in the west and northwest- With Nizhny Novgorod region. The length of its borders exceeds 1200 km, and the total area is 23.3 thousand sq. km. The capital of Mari-El is Yoshkar-Ola. There is a lot of interesting things in the Mari-El Republic. Let's look at some of the natural attractions that our native land is rich in.

Sea Eye From the depths of a karst hole, the Sea Eye is looking at us - that’s the name of the famous local lake. They dubbed it so for its regular round shape and amazing emerald color of water. Green algae give this color to the lake. According to one version, the reservoir appeared 20 thousand years ago - back in the Ice Age! Many ancient legends are associated with the Sea Eye. From the depths of the karst hole, the Sea Eye is looking at us - that’s the name of the famous local lake. They dubbed it so for its regular round shape and amazing emerald color of water. Green algae give this color to the lake. According to one version, the reservoir appeared 20 thousand years ago - back in the Ice Age! Many ancient legends are associated with the Sea Eye.

Castle of Count Sheremetyev On the left bank of the Volga, in the village of Yurino, a castle that looks like a medieval one, with crenellated towers, colored stained glass windows, and a domed winter garden, attracts the attention of tourists. This is the castle of Count Sheremetyev. Covered in legends, it attracts with unknown mystery and unique beauty. On the left bank of the Volga, in the village of Yurino, a castle that looks like a medieval one, with crenellated towers, colored stained glass windows, and a domed winter garden, attracts the attention of tourists. This is the castle of Count Sheremetyev. Covered in legends, it attracts with unknown mystery and unique beauty.

Temple of the Archangel Michael In the center of the village of Yurino, famous for its Sheremetyevsky Castle, among the trees the Temple of the Archangel Michael rises majestically - one of the most magnificent Orthodox buildings on the land of Mari El. This church is often called the pearl of the entire Volga region. In the center of the village of Yurino, famous for its Sheremetyevsky Castle, the Church of the Archangel Michael rises majestically among the trees - one of the most magnificent Orthodox buildings on the land of Mari El. This church is often called the pearl of the entire Volga region.

Mari Chodra National Park Established in 1985, Mari Chodra National Park is an interesting natural-territorial complex. Numerous mineral springs, significant outlets of which are located in the valleys of the Ilet and Yushut rivers, are used for medicinal purposes in sanatoriums, rest homes and hospitals. A characteristic element of the landscape are lakes (sinkholes, inter-dunes, floodplains). Established in 1985, the Mari Chodra National Park is an interesting natural-territorial complex. Numerous mineral springs, significant outlets of which are located in the valleys of the Ilet and Yushut rivers, are used for medicinal purposes in sanatoriums, rest homes and hospitals. A characteristic element of the landscape are lakes (sinkholes, inter-dunes, floodplains).

Pugachev's Oak Located on Maple Mountain, the Mari Chodra National Park is an interesting natural-territorial complex. The oldest specimen of oak, called Pugachevsky, has been preserved here. According to legend, under the shade of this oak tree E. I. Pugachev stopped for the night with his detachment. The oak differs sharply in its size among the forest stand. This is a gigantic tree with a powerful trunk, the diameter of which is 159 cm, which is part of the upper tier. The Mari Chodra National Park, located on Maple Mountain, is an interesting natural-territorial complex. The oldest specimen of oak, called Pugachevsky, has been preserved here. According to legend, under the shade of this oak tree E. I. Pugachev stopped for the night with his detachment. The oak differs sharply in its size among the forest stand. This is a gigantic tree with a powerful trunk, the diameter of which is 159 cm, which is part of the upper tier.

Reserve "Bolshaya Kokshaga" State reserve"Bolshaya Kokshaga" was created on March 14, 1993. The reserve was created to protect forest ecosystems on the border of southern taiga and broad-leaved forests. The reserve preserves intact plant communities: forests, swamps, meadows, which are habitats for animals and the growth of many rare and endangered plants. The Bolshaya Kokshaga State Nature Reserve was created on March 14, 1993. The reserve was created to protect forest ecosystems on the border of southern taiga and broad-leaved forests. The reserve preserves intact plant communities: forests, swamps, meadows, which are habitats for animals and the growth of many rare and endangered plants.

Green Spring At the foot of Klenovaya Mountain a sulfate-bicarbonate calcium-magnesium spring flows into the Ilet River. It is formed from a system of springs flowing directly from the ground. The largest of them is called the Green Key. At the foot of Klenovaya Mountain, a sulfate-bicarbonate calcium-magnesium spring flows into the Ilet River. It is formed from a system of springs flowing directly from the ground. The largest of them is called the Green Key.

Stone Mountain A stone mountain is a large hill with a rock on its surface. There is a spring on the mountain, and there is a table with benches. This is an amazing place to relax. Below, under the steep slopes, there is a dense forest. A stone mountain is a large hill with a rock on its surface. There is a spring on the mountain, and there is a table with benches. This is an amazing place to relax. Below, under the steep slopes, there is a dense forest.

Immediately after Atlant with a stone, the road goes to the village of Gornyak. There, in the forests behind the village, far from prying eyes and well-trodden paths, ancient quarries are hidden. This is a whole network of caves, hand-hewn by people. Since ancient times, millstones for mills have been mined here. Samples of such stones lie in front of the caves. Inside there is permafrost. Even in the hottest weather, the ice in the caves does not melt. Immediately after Atlant with a stone, the road goes to the village of Gornyak. There, in the forests behind the village, far from prying eyes and well-trodden paths, ancient quarries are hidden. This is a whole network of caves, hand-hewn by people. Since ancient times, millstones for mills have been mined here. Samples of such stones lie in front of the caves. Inside there is permafrost. Even in the hottest weather, the ice in the caves does not melt.

State Natural National Park "Mari Chodra" was created in 1985 in the southeastern part of the Mari El Republic, where the border with Tatarstan passes. Its main features are the cleanest rivers and lakes, which have become favorite vacation spots not only among local population, but also among tourists from all over the country.

To preserve a diverse range of animals and vegetable world park, its employees annually conduct various educational programs and improvement events. There are also school forestry areas in the park, where children are given the opportunity to study natural world, conduct research and help care for the park and its inhabitants.

The park also publishes its own newspaper "Mari Chodra", booklets with information and various souvenirs.

The most popular attractions in Mari El with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose best places for visiting famous places Mari Ela on our website.