Koryta Dagomys phone. Dagomys troughs

Located on the Western Dagomys River, these picturesque lakes with crystal clear water attract tourists and local residents. The Dagomys troughs were created as a result of natural processes. Thousands of years ago, huge blocks of stones, falling into the river, created obstacles to the flow of water, thus contributing to the formation of fairly deep pools. Nowadays, landslides no longer occur, and crystal clear water flows picturesquely over the stone rubble, forming small waterfalls.

The rocks that surround the Dagomys troughs are covered with thickets of boxwood, rhododendrons, tall beeches, chestnuts and other trees. Some plants in this area are even listed in the Red Book.

On the shore of Western Dagomys there is a beach with steps for easy access to the water. There is even a large wooden figure of a bear installed there, which becomes the object of photography for many vacationers. In summer you can meet many children here who come to the banks of the river from camps and sanatoriums located nearby.

In addition, not far from Dagomysskiye Koryt there is a traditional Russian bathhouse, which makes it possible to come to this place even in winter wonderful place, take a steam bath and drink a cup of aromatic herbal tea. You can swim in these natural pools all year round. In the vicinity of the village of Solokh-aul there are extensive tea plantations that attract the attention of many tourists.

But besides the natural beauty and stunning landscapes, the Dagomyssky Koryta is an object of interest to geologists. Whole groups of students come to this unique vacation spot in order to explore the sedimentary rocks of the river bottom and its banks.

How to get to Dagomysskiye Koryty by car

The road to the Dagomys Koryty will not present any difficulties - you can easily get to them by car or book an excursion. They also go in this direction Shuttle Buses(No. 145 – from Dagomys, No. 153, 155, 156с and 157 – from Sochi).

Latitude: 43.714232
Longitude: 39.668698

While vacationing in Sochi with my wife, we heard about amazing place in the vicinity of the resort - Dagomys troughs. People spoke so enthusiastically about them that we definitely wanted to go there. I really liked it. The places are truly amazing.


There are “Troughs”, or as they are also called “Love Lakes”, not far from small village Dagomys. On the river of the same name, more than 21 kilometers long. This place simply amazes the imagination with its beauty, uniqueness, and ideal forms.

Scientists have different opinions regarding the age of natural fonts. In principle, no one really looked into this issue. It is reliably known that the lakes were formed several tens of thousands of years ago. And during this time they not only did not lose their uniqueness. On the contrary, they even became even more attractive.

Relaxing on the territory of the Dagomys troughs brings a lot of pleasure, fills you with unique feelings and evokes the most positive emotions. It is believed that even if you simply touch the life-giving moisture with your bare feet, a person will always be lucky in love.

Natural beauty

The peculiar baths are located in a small gorge, the slopes of which are decorated with boxwoods, laurel cherries and huge chestnuts, almost completely entwined with ivy. The air here is so fresh, clean, filled with the aromas of herbs and plants that even in the first minutes you begin to feel dizzy.

The ideal forms of natural baths, the basis of which is sandstone and limestone, are striking. The most interesting thing: the lakes are located in a cascade, with stone steps. Water flows beautifully from them, forming small waterfalls. It is worth noting the crystal transparency and purity of the water. In principle, this is understandable. The river is mountainous, fed by melted snow and underwater springs.

By the way, this is why it is always quite cool here, even on the hottest day. If you are not a fan of cold water procedures, it is better not to swim. You can simply dip your feet in the life-giving moisture, believe me, this will be more than enough.

At the same time, those who want to plunge into amazing waters There are more than enough Dagomys troughs, especially at the height of the tourist season. Some vacationers come here just to have a good time in the lap beautiful nature, not yet completely spoiled by man.

The infrastructure here, by the way, is well developed. There are equipped places for rest. You can rent a grill, skewers and sit in the gazebo. Naturally, all this is not free, but the prices are quite reasonable. Sochi is not a cheap resort, and it is also very noisy. And here you have the opportunity to have a great rest in peace and quiet, to escape from everyday worries. Away from noisy companies.

Recreation center or someone's private property (bathhouse on the ground floor)

For those who are not particularly keen on cooking barbecue themselves, I recommend visiting local cafe. They serve very tasty, aromatic Dagomys tea. By the way, it is grown on neighboring plantations. Huge selection good wine, locally made. And the cheese here is delicious, I’ve never tried anything like it anywhere else.

Some tourists are attracted by the opportunity to dive into a natural swimming pool from a height. I would strongly advise against doing this. Firstly, the stones on the slopes are covered with moss, and the chances of slipping are very high. It's good if there are no consequences.

Secondly, from a height it may seem that the depth in the “troughs” is large enough and you can dive. Actually this is not true. The baths are not deep, and if you jump from a height you risk at least getting hurt. Therefore, if you decide to swim, do not experiment with jumping. Just get into the water. This way you will ensure that your stay is as comfortable as possible, and most importantly, safe.

How to get there by car

Getting to the Dagomys troughs with your own car is not difficult. It is about 10 kilometers from the center of Dagomys. You need to move from the village in the direction of Solokh-Aula. It is unlikely that you will be able to miss the entrance to the Lakes of Love territory. There is a sign in the form of a large wooden bear, beautifully holding a “sign” in its paws - “Trough”.

It is possible to get here by bus both from Dagomys and from Sochi. In the first case, at the bus station, take bus 145 or 146 and get off at the “Nor-Luys Village” stop.

Bus number 154 goes here from the Sochi bus station, but it runs much less frequently than from Dagomys. And it will take a lot more time to travel. In any case, a trip here is worth both the money and time spent. You definitely won’t get such impressions anywhere else.


Dagomys troughs – unique place created by Mother Nature herself. Ideal bath shapes, crystal clear water and fragrant air bring true pleasure. They provide the opportunity to fully enjoy all the delights of relaxation on the banks of a mountain river. Everyone have a calm, measured and good time!

At a distance of nine kilometers from the village of Dagomys, in the riverbed of Western Dagomys there is a unique attraction - the Dagomys troughs. This is the name of small natural pools that are located near the Lake of Love. The troughs are unique in that Nature itself created them. Sandy, limestone, and mudstone layers, gradually collapsing, fell straight into the river. This is how partitions were formed, and then individual cells, which in appearance resemble troughs. Over time, small waterfalls also appeared here. Each trough is a different size and depth. The water in them is the purest and shimmers with bright colors in the sun.

Vacationers come to the Dagomys troughs every day and admire the beauty of the landscape: rocks covered with mosses, centuries-old chestnut trees, beeches and oaks. Plants listed in the Red Book grow in the surrounding area.

But what attracts tourists most is, of course, the opportunity to swim in warm water. Shallow pools warm up quickly, so the water temperature here is quite high. This makes the place most popular among vacationers with children. Every summer about three hundred thousand people come to the Dagomys troughs. You can come here, in principle, at any time of the year, but swimming will be comfortable, of course, on a hot summer day.