Belarusian city of Verkhnedvinsk. Travel along the Western Dvina: Disna and Verkhnedvinsk City of Verkhnedvinsk

Verkhnedvinsk is a city in Belarus, administrative center Verkhnedvinsky district in the north-west of the Vitebsk region. Until 1962 it was called Drissa. Located at the confluence of the Drissa and Western Dvina rivers. The Verkhnedvinsk railway station on the Polotsk - Daugavpils line is located in the village of Borovka, 2 km from the city. Population - 7.3 thousand people (2010). Coordinates: 55°46′00″ N. w. 27°56′00″ E. d. Time zone: UTC+3. Telephone code: +375 2151. Postal code: 211631. Vehicle code: 2.

History of Verkhnedvinsk

The city was first mentioned in 1386. The lands of Verkhnedvinsk belonged to the Principality of Polotsk, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. In 1565, a castle was erected in the city, equipped with guns and shells. TO 19th century nothing remains of the building. The shaft was excavated and the ditch was filled in. During Patriotic War near the city there was a Drissky fortified camp.

During the First and Second World Wars, the city was occupied by German troops. Since 1924, Verkhnedvinsk has been a military center. Until 1962 the city was called Drissa.

Verkhnedvinsk today

Among the large industrial enterprises of the city: “Verkhnedvinsky Rayagroservis”, “Verkhnedvinsky Flax Factory”, “Verkhnedvinsky Bread Factory”, “Vitebskhlebprom”, “Verkhnedvinsky Woodworking Plant”, “Verkhnedvinsky Creamery Plant”, “Invet”.

The city is crossed by important roads: P18 and P20. Public transport represented by buses.

Verkhnedvinsk Map

Sights of Verkhnedvinsk

The main attraction of the city is the Church of St. Nicholas, built back in 1819. This oldest building, preserved on the territory of Verkhnedvinsk.

Noteworthy: Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary (19th century), Memorial sign in memory of the War of 1812 (1912), private urban development(XIX – XX centuries), Chersky Museum.

Verkhnedvinsk is the administrative center of the district of the same name in the Vitebsk region. The city is located at the confluence of the Drissa River and the Western Dvina. Until 1962, Verkhnedvinsk was called Drissa. The distance from Verkhnedvinsk to Polotsk is 71 km, to Minsk – 264 km, to the border with Latvia – 25 km. Highways of republican significance P117 pass through Verkhnedvinsk (border Russian Federation(Kostrovo) - Kokhanovichi - Verkhnedvinsk) and R20 (Vitebsk - Polotsk - Latvian border (Grigorovshchina). The railway station is located 2 km from the city.

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History of development - Verkhnedvinsk

The first written mention of Drissa (Verkhnedvinsk) dates back to 1386. Throughout its history, the city was part of the Principality of Polotsk, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. In the period from the XIV-XVI centuries. The walls of the city were protected by a powerful defensive castle, which was the border between the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the crusaders.

In the first half of the 16th century, the city served as a trade center on the Western Dvina River. In addition, the town belonged to the king of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. In 1547, a customs office was established here. During the Livonian War of 1558-1583. In 1563, King Sigismund II Augustus restored the Drissa Castle, which was destroyed in the same year by the troops of Ivan IV the Terrible. In 1583 the city was liberated by Stefan Batory.

During the war with Napoleon in 1812, the headquarters of the first Russian army of General Barclay de Tolly was located near Drissa. L.N. Tolstoy mentions this in his novel “War and Peace”. According to the First All-Russian Census of 1897, almost 5,000 people lived in Drissa, most of whom were Jews.

During the First and Second World Wars, the city was occupied by German troops. Also during the Great Patriotic War, from July 1941 to February 1942, there was a Jewish ghetto in Verkhnedvinsk, in which about 800 people died.

After the end of the Great Patriotic War, the city was actively restored. In 1962, under the pretext of the cacophony of the former name Drissa, the settlement was renamed Verkhnedvinsk.

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Tourist potential - Verkhnedvinsk

Verkhnedvinsk is a small town in the very north of Belarus. Of interest to tourists in the city is the one built in 1809. The architecture of the temple is dominated by features of Baroque and Neo-Gothic styles. In addition to the church, the city has buildings built in 1819. The temple houses three icons from the 18th-19th centuries.

In 1977, not far from Verkhnedvinsk, it was opened to victims of fascism, burned villages, liberating soldiers and fellow countrymen who died during the Great Patriotic War. Also, in the Verkhnedvinsk region near the village of Proshki on the border of Belarus, Russia and Latvia there is an unusual monument - the Mound of Friendship.

Today Verkhnedvinsk - modern city, with developed industrial production. There are also cultural and educational institutions in the city.

From the Latvian city of Kraslava to the Belarusian city of Verkhnedvinsk, 52 km., About halfway along this distance is the Latvian-Belarusian border. (From Daugavpils to Verkhnedvinsk 106 km.). If you go from Daugavpils to the city of Polotsk through Kraslava, then the path runs through the city of Verhnedvinsk.

Verkhnedvinsk is a small cozy town in the north-west of the Vitebsk region. The population of the city is slightly more than 7 thousand people.

This is how the city of Verhnedvinsk, the old name Drissa, was described in the 1907 encyclopedia.

Drissacounty town Vitebsk (until 1802 - Polotsk) province, at the confluence of the Drissa River. in the West Dvina. It existed already in the 14th century. Residents 4,734, including Orthodox 1,489, Protestants 219, Roman Catholics 1,204, Jews 1,825. City revenue in 1890 was 5,635 rubles. City capital 984 rubles, debts 8725 rubles. The main item of trade is timber. In 1891, 2,368 thousand poods of timber materials arrived along the Dvina, and 20 tons of other goods. By rail. 393 thousand poods were sent, and 141 thousand poods arrived. There are 11 factories and plants, with a turnover of up to 2 thousand rubles. There are 3 Orthodox churches, a church, a synagogue and several prayer schools. Hospital, 2 doctors, district school, parish school with women's shift. City land 250 dessiatinas.

It should be noted that Drissa was a royal city. The Polish King himself Sigismund II Augustus built a royal castle in Drissa. However, in the 16th century the castle burned down and no traces of it are visible today.

In 1897, 4,238 people lived in the city, including 2,852 Jews, 974 Belarusians, 228 Russians, and 167 Poles. It is interesting that the entire Jewish population of the city lived compactly on a street called “Staromoskovskaya”.

Modern Verkhnedvinsk does not claim to be a resort, but it has the largest, cleanest and most comfortable beach in the region. Braslav, with its claims to be the center of tourism in the country, has a lot to learn from its neighbors. But in general, it seemed that life in Verkhnedvinsk was unhurried, as was the flow of the rivers that gave it its historical and modern names.

In the old years, the rivers completely flooded the city, all the streets and houses were inundated. The city itself is famous for processing flax; previously, Russia sent flax abroad from this city.

Verkhnedvinsk stands at the confluence of the Drissa and Western Dvina rivers. At first it was named after the first river. But in 1962 it was renamed: the historical name seemed dissonant to some. Although with geographical point From our point of view, the city is located in the middle reaches of the Dvina, and not in the upper reaches.

Chronicles first mention the city in 1386. But archaeologists believe that it arose much earlier - as a military fortification of the Polotsk princes. On the coat of arms and flag of the city there is an image of “Pahonia”.

Rivers and beach

It seems that Verkhnedvinsk clings to the Dvina like a child to its mother. The main street, Sovetskaya, is very long and runs parallel to the river all the time. And Drissa is located at the entrance to the city, its mouth is clearly visible from the bridge.

Drissa River. 1912 A restored photograph by the famous Russian photographer Sergei Prokudin-Gorsky.

The city itself, in turn, is concentrated along Sovetskaya. Here are the main administrative buildings and social facilities. The rest of the street is built up with private houses.

On the banks of the Dvina there is a beautiful park with gazebos, a stage, and recreation areas. And the beach is simply luxurious! Clean sand, pine trees on the shore.

These pictures are a reminder of a beautiful sunny day in August: TUT.BY correspondents, after walking around Verkhnedvinsk, escaped the heat, like all the locals, in the river.

Giant Bridge

The bridge over the Western Dvina, a few kilometers from the city, is considered one of the highest in Belarus. It rises 25 meters above the river, the length of the structure is 300 meters, the width is 13 meters. The bridge connects the Verkhnedvinsky district with Miory. It was opened in 2009.

Before this, the residents of Verhnedvinsk used a pontoon bridge, which was built by soldiers every spring. And for the winter it was dismantled. People had to either walk on the ice at the risk of their lives or make long detours.

The main water artery of the Dvina region has become very shallow this summer and in Verkhnedvinsk. Let us remember that in Vitebsk it was possible to wade along the Dvina.


The Church of St. Nicholas in the classicist style was built in 1819, and in 1895 the temple was considered a cathedral. After the revolution, the temple suffered the same fate as many others: it was closed, its utensils and decorations were looted. But he acted during the war.

In 2004, the church celebrated its 185th anniversary. By this date, parishioners cast a bell weighing 7 pounds with their own money.

The main relic of the temple is considered to be the Vilna copy of the Ostrobramsk Icon of the Mother of God.

Church of the Nativity Holy Virgin Mary's - in the very center of the city. It was built 10 years earlier Orthodox church- in 1809. The appearance of the shrine has Baroque and Neo-Gothic features.

Previously, the church included a whole architectural ensemble. It consisted of shops, a library, a Sunday school and college, and household buildings. In 1917, the church was looted and partially destroyed.

Previously, there was another church in the city, a wooden one, in the Orthodox cemetery. There are two versions of what happened to her. The words local residents, in 1980−1990 it was dismantled due to its disrepair.

Gateway at the Orthodox cemetery.

The old-world charm of Verkhnedvinsk is given by the preserved urban development of the late 19th - early 20th centuries. The building of the former city school has a special energy. Now DOSAAF is located here.

Recently, a historical and local history museum, renovated after reconstruction, opened in the regional center. A fairly famous European Jewish shoemaker and his family lived and worked in the house, built more than 120 years ago.

The “pre-revolutionary building” in the city center alternates with simple Soviet buildings. By the way, many inscriptions on shops and service facilities are in Belarusian.

Residents of Verkhnedvinsk love to joke. It is read in detail.

Oak and scientist cat.

Globe Monument

At the intersection of Sovetskaya and Karl Marx streets, every passerby will involuntarily remember his school geography lessons. If there is a giant bridge outside the city, then here is probably the largest globe in Belarus!

An obelisk was erected in the park on Sovetskaya Street in memory of the centenary of the Patriotic War of 1812. The Drissa camp was then located near Verkhnedvinsk. It housed the headquarters of Barclay de Tolly's army. These events were described by Tolstoy in War and Peace.

Next to this monument is a monument to Ilyich. In Verkhnedvinsk for some reason it is not located on main square, but hidden among the fir trees in the park.


Yes, yes, another local attraction - chi-i-iz! And it's delicious!

Cheese has been produced in Verkhnedvinsk for almost a century - since 1932. The plant was immediately located in the city itself; later production was established in the village of Yanino. Local men have long been famous as skilled cheese makers and through one they bore the name Jan.

Verkhnedvinsk Creamery produces more than 30 types of cheese: traditional - under the Yan Syrodel brand, elite - under the Algerd brand, Ulyanka butter, whey. This is a revenue-generating enterprise for the region. The plant was the first in the republic to receive European quality and safety certificates.

Cheesemakers here are chosen through a competition. The best specialists can intuitively determine the humidity, acidity in the whey, and the quality of the product from the test pattern.

For tourists

You can get to Verkhnedvinsk by car, bus, or train. If you choose railway transport, keep in mind that the station is not in the regional center itself, but 2 km from it. It's called Borovka. From there there are buses to the city.

Until the 1920s, the city had a river port on the river. Western Dvina.

City transport is represented by buses transporting passengers along the routes: “Intersection ATP - Train Station"," Crossroads ATP - Bus Station "," St. Kobzuna - Railway Station", "Crossroads APT - Railway Station b/w Geizhenovo". Carrier operator of urban and suburban routes- Branch " Bus depot No. 2, Polotsk" JSC "Vitebskoblavtotrans".

The city has direct bus and train connections with Polotsk, Miory, Vitebsk, Minsk, Riga, Daugavpils, Tallinn, etc. Every day three pairs of diesel trains Polotsk-Bigosovo / Bigosovo-Polotsk, as well as a train of international lines Minsk, run through the Verkhnedvinsk station -Riga / Riga-Minsk.



From the beginning From the end

Don't update Update

New York police did not find any suspicious devices in the package sent to the office of New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo. “A suspicious package at Governor Cuomo's downtown office was inspected by New York Police Department officers. She had no relation to others. And there were no devices in it,” police said.

National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) spokeswoman Maura Beard told CNN that authorities have not yet concluded that the suspicious packages are linked to foreign terrorism.

According to NCTC, the FBI has leads in the investigation and will continue to cooperate with all law enforcement agencies.

“At this time, we must come together, we must stand together and send one clear, strong, concrete message that any threats of political violence have no place in the United States,” Trump said. He said his administration is extremely “upset and angry” and will “get to the bottom of this.”

“The full force of our government is dedicated to conducting an investigation and ensuring that those responsible for these heinous acts are brought to justice. We will spare no effort or money for this,” Trump says.

The US President appears on national television regarding the incident. “The safety of Americans is my top and absolute priority,” Trump said in live. He also said that law enforcement agencies and members of the administration are informing him of what is happening and are conducting an investigation.

Law enforcement officers intercepted a suspicious package delivered to a post office in Maryland intended for correspondence to US congressmen, CNN reported, citing sources familiar with the situation. According to ABC TV, the package may have been sent to Congresswoman Maxine Waters.

“This is clearly an act of terrorism that targets our free press and the leaders of this country,” New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said. “I want to make clear that the people of New York will not be intimidated,” he added.

New York Police Chief James O'Neill said that in addition to the explosive device, an envelope containing white powder was also found in the CNN editorial office. “We've seen this before. We've seen worse, and we won't be intimidated by it,” O'Neill said. promising that the perpetrators will be brought to justice.

Meanwhile, outside the Time Warner Center building in downtown New York, which had previously been evacuated due to a suspicious package, a sold-out event occurs. The police cordon begins quite close to the entrance to the center - no more than 50 meters. Tourists explain to each other what is happening in different languages ​​using smartphones, reports RIA Novosti correspondent.

According to the police, in addition to Obama, Clinton, Soros and CNN, who are well known to our readers, three others also received explosive devices. These are former US Attorney General Eric Holder, Jewish congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo. All three are members of the Democratic Party.

The explosive devices sent to a number of US politicians and CNN appeared to be pipe scraps filled with explosives, New York Deputy Commissioner for Intelligence and Counterterrorism John Miller told reporters on Wednesday.

The media publishes photos of one of the devices that were used during acts of terror.

One of the victims, Hillary Clinton, commented on the situation, AP reports. The former Secretary of State and Trump's opponent in the last presidential election is now in Florida, where he is supporting the Democratic Party's congressional candidate. She said the Clintons were "fine" and thanked the US Secret Service for intercepting the bomb "long before it reached our house."

First lady Melania Trump condemns "all forms of threats and violence," she said in a statement. It also notes that the wife of the American president “thanks law enforcement officers for their heroic efforts.”

US Vice President Mike Pence commented on the situation. “These cowardly actions are despicable and have no place in this country,” he writes.

Media reports that New Yorkers are receiving text messages informing them of an emergency.

VERKHNEDVINSK(Verhnedvinsk) The city of Verkhnedvinsk (until December 25, 1962 - Drissa), the center of the Verkhnedvinsk district of the Vitebsk region, is located at the confluence of the Western Dvina river. Drissa on highway Polotsk - Daugavpils, 175 km northwest of Vitebsk, 345 km from Minsk. Is railway station on the Polotsk-Daugavpils line (Latvia). The city has a population of 7.3 thousand people. (as of 01/01/2010)
The city's coat of arms was established By decree of Catherine II of September 21, 1781, it belongs to the historical and heraldic monuments of Belarus. Initially, in its upper part there was an image of the double-headed State eagle of the Russian Empire and the imperial crown.An armed horseman with a sword and shield in a golden field on the Driessen coat of arms repeated the image inscribed on the coat of arms of the city of Polotsk, which was approved by the same decree of the Empress.

It was first mentioned in written sources in the “Chronicle of Polish, Lithuanian, Zhemoit and All Rus'” by M. Stryikovsky under 1330 and 1386, when during the internecine war the Drissen castle was captured and burned by Prince Andrei Olgerdovich of Polotsk. However, according to archaeologists, the settlement arose much earlier, as a military fortification of the Polotsk princes. The chronicle name is Dris, Drisa, Driza. According to some information, the castle was rebuilt again in 1546. In the 1st half of the 16th century. Drissa was important shopping center on the Western Dvina with developed agriculture and was a royal possession. The main item of trade was timber. In 1547, a customs house was opened here. During the Livonian War between the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Moscow State (1558-82), the city found itself in the zone of active military operations of the warring parties, and therefore was almost completely destroyed. In 1563, the castle was restored by Sigismund II Augustus, but in the same year the city was again captured and destroyed by the troops of Ivan IV the Terrible. In 1583 he was freed by S. Bathory. By 1586, only 5 entire houses remained in it. The war between Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1654-67) brought new hardships to Drissa: it was captured by Russian troops (1654) and then by the Swedes (1655). In 1656, the Russian army led by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich again passed through Drissa, moving to Riga. In 1667 the city became part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. There was also another Drissensky regiment - the 317th Infantry.

Soviet power was established in the city in November 1917 and until the end of January 1918 in the entire region, and at the end of February 1918 Drissa was occupied by the troops of the Kaiser's Germany.
In 1924, Drissa became the center of the Drissen district, receiving the name of a town in 1925, and in 1938 it received the status of a city. In 1939, its population was about 3 thousand people. During the Great Patriotic War, many buildings and enterprises were destroyed by the German occupiers. Fascist punitive forces, as well as policemen, burned 426 villages. Of these, 186 were never restored after the war. The names of 69 Upper Dvina (Drissen) villages are immortalized in the Khatyn memorial complex. There were 3 partisan brigades operating in the region: Osveyskaya named after. M. Frunze, 1st and 2nd Drissensky. The Kalinin brigades from Russia, the “Combat” and “Brave” special forces, as well as the Latvian partisan brigade took part in joint combat operations. The basis for the creation of partisan formations was the underground organizations in Osveya, Sarya, Borkovichi and Proshki. In the northernmost part of the region, at the junction of the borders of Latvia, Belarus and Russia, the Mound of Friendship was erected. It symbolizes the close international unity secured by blood in the fight against fascism during the war. Here, annually on the first Sunday of July, veterans, youth, and residents of border areas gather to honor the memory of those killed. In July 1944, the city was liberated by troops of the 2nd Baltic Front.

Verkhnedvinsk from a bird's eye view In Verkhnedvinsk there are enterprises in the light industry, woodworking, construction materials, and food industries. The city remains a center of traditional artistic weaving today.
Verkhnedvinsk is famous for its fresh flowers, which can be seen everywhere here from May to November.

City street The biggest problem for local residents was crossing the Western Dvina, and once upon a time, even in summer, people could only get from Verkhnedvinsk to the opposite bank through Polotsk, making a 150-kilometer detour.
First, a pontoon bridge was built connecting Verkhnedvinsk with the opposite bank of the Western Dvina (there is already the Miory district). It was dismantled for the winter, being temporary in all respects, but another bridge, a permanent one, is being built nearby. The length of the pontoon crossing is a quarter of a kilometer, and it was erected by the transport support troops of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic in just three days.
Pontoon Bridge The city has an Obelisk in memory of the War of 1812, a memorial complex to the victims of fascism, burned villages, liberating soldiers and fellow countrymen. Architectural monuments have also been preserved: St. Nicholas Church, Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, residential building (early 20th century)

Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Drissa is the birthplace of the Belarusian and Russian artist of the 19th - early 20th centuries. academician of painting Isaac Asknazi. In 1897, Alexander Palmbach was born here, whom he forgot about in his native place for a long time. But today’s Tuva cannot imagine its life without Palmbach - he is the founder of Tuvan national writing, co-author of “Grammar of the Tuvan Language”, “Fundamentals of Tuvan Orthography”. Nadezhda Troyan, a partisan intelligence officer, was also born in Drissa in October 1921. Hero of the Soviet Union, who participated in the preparation of the destruction of the General Commissioner of Belarus, Gauleiter Wilhelm Kube. Verkhnedvinsky district is the most northern region Belarus. The area of ​​the district is 2140 square meters. km, it includes 265 settlements (in 1984 there were 313), and the population was 24.5 thousand people. (as of 01/01/2010). area - 191.8 m above sea level. A republican landscape reserve "Osveisky" with a unique fauna has been formed in the area. 80% of its territory is made up of forests and swamps, among which are scattered the blue spots of numerous lakes, connected by winding ribbons of clear forest streams. Lake Osveya itself was formed ten thousand years ago after the retreat of the last glacier. In this northern pearl "Belarus is home to 9 species of amphibians, 5 species of reptiles. 30 species of mammals, 164 species of nesting birds, 15 species of fish. The most mysterious and exotic place of the lake is big Island (5 sq. km), located at west bank lakes. It contains hills separated from each other by ditches, steep slopes, and numerous huge boulders. According to local legend The island was inhabited in ancient times and a fortified castle was built on it. There is also the urban village of Osveya (1.3 thousand people), located on the shore of a famous lake. In 2003, it celebrated its 500th anniversary. Over its long history, Osveya has gone through a number of different historical events, repulsed more than one enemy attack, while showing the courage and heroism of its inhabitants. The coat of arms and flag were approved for the anniversary of the village. They are based on the family coat of arms of J. Gilsen, one of the most famous owners of Osveya in the past. Having acquired Osveya in 1749, J. Gilsen built a luxurious palace here, laid out a romantic park, founded a church and a monastery hospital. The former hospital, as well as the park with the ruins of the once famous palace, have survived to this day and are unique architectural monuments.

Ruins of Osveisky Castle There are a total of 334 monuments in the area, incl. 30 - archeology, 10 - architecture, 2 memorial complexes, 69 - military graves, 19 - dedicated to historical events and outstanding people.

Bell of the Church of the Holy Trinity (Rositsa village) The famous Saryansky temple (1852-1857) of amazing beauty was erected as a tomb for his wife Mary by the owner of Saryan Ignatius Lopatinsky.
Saryan Church On this land I.D. were born. Chersky (village Svolno) - world-famous geographer and explorer of Siberia; folklorist and ethnographer I. Khrapovitsky - one of the authors of the project for the abolition of serfdom, as well as famous Belarusian writers E. Samuylenok and T. Khadkevich. Drissa was no stranger to the poet and playwright Artem Veriga-Darevsky, the physicist, philosopher and teacher Felix Tetersky, and the prose writer Symon Hursik (one of the first in modern Belarusian prose to write a story about F. Skorina). They are all in different years

lived and worked in the village of Volyntsy. And in the last quarter of the 18th century, the Russian writer Denis Fonvizin owned the Lisno estate in Drissen. It was here that he wrote his famous works "The Minor" and "The Tutor's Choice." The Church of St. Euphrosyne of Polotsk (Borovka village) Verkhnedvinshchina gave 8 Heroes of the Soviet Union: I. Zakharov, I. Makeenok, I. Kobzun, M. Myadel, E. Lavrinovich, S. Zabogonsky, A. Burak, N. Troyan. Here, in the Osveysko-Rosson partisan zone, P.M. Masherov began his combat career.. It was taken by storm and destroyed by a lost detachment of crusaders, who were on their way to join the main forces to Pskov. Leaving the castle with rich booty, the knights ended up in the huge and impassable Osvey swamp, where they died. In sunny, calm weather, from above you can see the remains of a flooded bridge under the water.