Knitting a simple knot in surgery. Learning to tie a surgical knot

For correct installation feeder, it is necessary to firmly fix the feeder and the leash into one structure; for this, a variety of connecting nodes are used, one of the most popular among professionals is the surgical loop node. For the catchability of the gear and the productivity of fishing, you need to be able to correctly knit a surgical loop, know all the nuances and weaknesses of this fastening method and practice a little. So, how to tie it correctly, where is it used and why do beginners often make the same mistake, which causes failures and the loss of all the equipment along with the “trophy fish”?

Often, for such loops, synthetic cords and fishing lines are used, which have high strength values, while the ends of the gear are tightly fixed so that no problems arise. A surgical loop is knitted when it is necessary to attach a leash or feeder, as well as in some special cases when the ends of the fishing line are connected. Sometimes it can save you even if you do not have a spare main line, and the length does not allow you to use the remaining piece.

Today, in addition to the loop itself, the following is also knitted to prepare feeder gear:
  1. Assembly for attaching to a reel.
  2. Surgical node.

But still, not a single knot can compare with a surgical loop when attaching a feeder, since most of the parts simply cannot withstand heavy loads, while the loop can withstand even sharp jerks of massive fish, which will help hook and pull out a trophy specimen, which, in otherwise, it would break loose and float away along with all your equipment.

However, there are also cases when even a surgical knot cannot withstand the load, but this is due either to poor implementation or to debris at the bottom of the reservoir to which the tackle clings.

The name itself confuses many people not involved in fishing, but the assumption that the knot is used by surgeons themselves is actually correct, only in medical practice it is the other way around - it is called “marine”. The main advantage of fasteners in both areas is that strong adhesion due to the frictional force in the loop allows you to get rid of “shoots” under the base, which is necessary not only for doctors, but also for fishermen, especially for the mobility of gear. But with a heavy feeder in addition to a hook and weight, when you fish with feeders, reliability becomes of paramount importance, especially when the tackle is attached between two different types of fishing line.

  1. For feeders, fluorocarbonate or braid is often used.
  2. For comfortable and long casts, monofilament fishing line is better suited.

The clear advantage of the surgical loop is its strong grip and the ability to shorten the protruding ends of the knot, which minimizes the possibility of snagging or untying the knot. But when using a feeder, the strength of the main and auxiliary fishing lines is very important, and not only the materials from which they are made play an important role, but also the methods of connecting the equipment to the fishing rod. After all, the fishing rod is loaded not only by weights and a hook, but also by a massive feeder, of which sometimes up to several pieces are attached.

In order for everything to work out correctly, strictly follow the instructions, namely:

  1. Place the leash and main line together.
  2. Form a loop from the resulting structure and pass the ends of both lines through it.
  3. Repeat the previous action.
  4. Wet the resulting knot with water and tighten it, thereby checking the connection for strength and further strengthening it.
  5. Trim the remains to fit the base.

After this, you will have a strong connection that can survive the most massive predators and stormy bodies of water.

The main thing is to practice before using it and don’t be afraid to tighten the knot tighter, it’s not a “bow”, and you obviously don’t have to untie it.

The purpose of a surgical knot is to tie together two fishing lines of different thicknesses (diameters). However, experienced and avid fishermen do not recommend tying a surgical knot on thick fishing lines and undergrowth if the load on the fishing line exceeds 27 kilograms.

The surgical knot is one of the simplest and most durable fishing knots.

This unit is suitable for the main types of fishing lines:

  • braids;
  • fluorcarbon fishing line;
  • monofilaments.

Surgical knot for leash or feeder

Place the line and leash together.

The fishing line is a white lace.

Leash - blue lace.

Form a loop from the leash and fishing line.
Pass the running ends of the leash with fishing line into the resulting loop.
Overlap and re-pass the running ends into the loop
Repeat the action and pass the running ends of the leash with fishing line into the loop
Pull the running ends of the leash with fishing line and the main end of the fishing line. The knot is tightened. Trim the excess end of the fishing line.

In fishing, many types of knot tying can be used. fishing gear. The main ones are:

  • "Surgical loop" knot
  • fishing knot, for fishing line and attachment to the reel
  • knots intended for baits and hooks
  • specific units (for example: used in the form of fly fishing)
  • surgical knot

Marine Surgical Unit

We take the main leader and a leash or two different fishing lines. We fold them crosswise.
Re-wrap the running ends of the line around the main ends.
Bring the running ends over the resulting half-knot.
Cross the running ends of the fishing line again.
Pull the ends, tying a second half-knot.
Pull the running and root ends of the rope, tightening the resulting surgical knot.

Now the line and leash are firmly connected to each other. Please note that with this type of knot it is almost impossible to tie the break points on the fishing line. The most durable and similar version of the knot will be.

The surgical knot is only suitable for tying fishing line and leashes, since during tying the leash must be passed through the entire loop a couple of times.

How to knit a surgical loop

Take the fishing line and fold it in half.
Then we form a loop from the double fishing line.
We take the end of the loop, bring it into the loop itself, and pass it in the same way 2-3 times.
Now you need to moisten the knot with any liquid and tighten it thoroughly.
The remaining remnants of the fishing line must be trimmed.

The noose tied with a surgical knot is so strong that it is simply impossible to untie it. Moreover, the surgical unit itself practically does not lose its strength, which is a very important property.

Having learned to knit surgical loops and knots, you are guaranteed a great mood and a successful catch!

Origin of the node

Knots used by experienced fishermen for tying different types and parts of equipment, mainly adopted from other areas of activity.

Most fishing loops or knots originated in the fishing hobby from mountaineering, and many ideas were taken from sailors themselves.

What’s interesting is that this type of knot is widely used in navy, is called surgical by sailors, but surgeons, tying medical threads, on the contrary, call them “sea knots”!

Mono fishing lines used in fishing are almost identical (same sliding) to surgical suture materials. That is why fishermen began to use surgical loops and knots in their hobby.

During fishing, snags and breakdowns of gear often occur, as a result of which you need to bandage or tie a leash, hook or pendant. It is at this moment that it becomes necessary to tie two fishing lines of different thicknesses, and tie them in such a way that it is not only strong, but also reliable!

However, not many knots used for tying fishing line are suitable for connecting fishing line of different diameters, but a surgical knot, on the contrary, guarantees a very strong grip.

Video of knitting a medical surgical knot using a clamp:

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To fix the specified linear and volumetric characteristics of the seam, the ends of the thread are fastened with knots. Tying knots is important element any surgical operation.

A surgical knot is the result of the sequential execution of two actions:
the formation of a loop due to the mutual entwining of the ends of the thread;
tightening the loop tightly until the edges of the wound are completely connected (the actual formation of a knot).

Correct execution of all the details of these actions ensures the achievement of high quality surgical units, which are subject to numerous requirements.

Requirements for units used in surgery

1. Ease of implementation.
2. Achieving maximum strength with a minimum number of loops.
3. Minimum unit volume.
4. Absence of the “sawing effect” of the thread, which contributes to its chafing and tissue damage when the knot is tightened.
5. Elimination of the tendency to weaken the previous node when performing each subsequent one.
6. Correspondence of the loop formation technique to the mechanical properties of the suture material.
7. Maintaining constant mechanical properties for the time necessary for wound healing.
8. Speed ​​of loop formation.
9. Prevention of self-tightening of the knot by changing the linear properties of the suture material (prevention of tissue cutting).
10. Possibility of completely tightening the knot in the plane of the loop (perpendicular to the length of the wound).

Methods for forming loops

Methods for forming loops (knots) used in surgery are divided into two groups:
apodactylous (using tools).

The main method of forming loops and knots is manual.

Apodactylic methods are used in the following cases:
for tightening a knot deep in a wound of complex shape;
in microsurgery;
in video endosurgery (VES).

In such cases, loops can form both extracorporeally and intracorporeally.

The instrumental method of forming and tightening knots can significantly reduce the consumption of suture material.

Loops used in surgery are divided into single-wrap (simple) and multi-wrap (complex) (Fig. 77).

Rice. 77. A simple loop formed by wrapping a thread once (the left side of the thread is dark, the right side is light).

Increasing the mechanical strength of the knot by increasing the contact surface of the thread is achieved by increasing the number of entanglements (Fig. 78).

Rice. 78. A complex loop formed by repeatedly wrapping a thread (the left side of the thread is dark, the right side is light).

The number of thread wraps is usually two, three or even four.

When tightening the loop with repeated wrapping of the thread, a double-turn loop of the surgical knot is formed (Fig. 79).

Rice. 79. Double-turn loop of surgical knot.

A significant increase in strength due to an increase in the contact surface of the thread can contribute to the manifestation of the “sawing” effect and its fraying.

Depending on the number of loops used to fasten the ends of the thread, knots are divided into three groups:
- single-loop;
- two-loop;
- multi-loop.

1. Single-loop nodes are usually used to change the orientation of the wound of the small intestine, colon, stomach, and bladder (Fig. 80). After completing the appropriate stage of the operation, they are removed.

Rice. 80. Use of single-loop stay sutures to orient the wound of a hollow organ in the transverse direction.

To increase strength, the stitch of the stay suture should be directed perpendicular to the length of the correctly oriented wound. The coincidence of the length of the wound and the direction of the stitch can lead to destruction of the organ wall when the holder is pulled.

2. Usually, successive formation and tightening is sufficient to connect tissues. two-loop node. In most cases, a double loop satisfies the requirements for knots to the maximum extent.

In surgical practice, loops of simple (female), marine and complex two-loop knots are used.

Loops of a simple (female) knot

A simple (female) knot has the following features (Fig. 81):
1. A knot is formed by tying two loops in succession with the ends of the thread wrapped once.
The thread is wound in each loop in the same way and in one direction (accordingly, only the right or only the left hand is leading).

Rice. 81. A simple (female) knot formed by two identical unidirectional single-wrap loops.

Advantages of a simple (female) knot
— Ease of learning;
- speed of execution.

Disadvantages of a simple (female) knot

- Tendency to self-detachment;
- rapid loss of fastening properties.

The surgeon should only know about the existence of a simple (female) node, but it should be used as rarely as possible, only when absolutely necessary.

Sea knot loops

The nautical knot is tied in such a way that two opposing single-winding interlocking loops are formed (Fig. 82). The principle of formation of a sea node is shown in Fig. 83.

Rice. 82. Sea knot.

Rice. 83. The principle of formation of a sea knot:
1 - the left (dark) part of the thread crosses the right (light) part of the thread, first from the back and then from the front; a single wrap around the left side of the thread is done with the right hand;
2 - tighten the first loop;
3 - when forming the second loop, the left side of the thread crosses first the right side from the back, and then from the front (the thread is wrapped with the left hand).
4 - tighten the second loop.

Advantages of a maritime hub
— Relative reliability and durability;
- ability to quickly learn.

Disadvantages of a sea knot
— Difficulty of implementation;
Labor intensity can be reduced by using rational methods of forming loops and achieving a good technical level of knot tying over long periods of practice.
- tendency to self-unravel when using synthetic monofilament suture materials.
The sea knot is ideal for silk threads.

Combination loops

The combined unit can be used in several versions.

I. A combination of two successively formed multi-wrap and single-wrap loops (Fig. 84). In this case, it is possible to form a variant of both female and marine knots with their inherent positive qualities and disadvantages.

Rice. 84. A combination of two successively formed multi-twist and single-twist loops (the right part of the thread is light, the left is dark): 1 - with the formation of a female knot, 2 - with the formation of a sea knot.

Advantages of a combined unit
— Increased strength;
— high degree of reliability.

It is advisable to use such a combined knot for applying a piercing ligature to the end of a large-caliber artery or vein deep in a wound of complex shape. You need to be guided by the rule: “a large vessel - a thick thread.” For this type of knot, it is preferable to use threads with a high coefficient of surface friction.

Disadvantages of a combined unit
Possibility of thread rubbing when tightening the first loop;
- large volume of the node, slowing down its resorption;
— the complexity of loop formation;
- tendency to unraveling when using synthetic threads with a pronounced sliding surface;
- insufficient fastening properties of the second loop;
Adding a third (“locking”) loop eliminates this drawback.
- a discrepancy in the strength characteristics of the first (multi-wrap) and second (single-wrap) loops, leading to deformation of both the knot and adjacent tissues.

II. A combination of two multi-wrap loops makes it possible to form a so-called “academic” knot (Fig. 85). This knot can be in women's and marine versions.

Rice. 85. Scheme of the “academic” knot: 1 - variant of the female knot, 2 - variant of the marine one

Advantages of an “academic” node

Maximum reliability;
significant strength;
lack of tendency to self-detachment;
stability of the listed positive properties when used various types suture material.

Disadvantages of the “academic” node
Relative labor intensity of loop formation;
large unit volume;
impossibility of use to stop bleeding from small vessels due to the large lumen of the internal loop.

Increasing the strength and reliability of the knot can be achieved by doubling the thread, however, excessively increasing the volume of the knot limits the use of this option. A compromise solution is the Barkov knot.

III. A combination of two successively formed single-strand mutually reinforcing loops, the inner of which consists of a double thread, and the outer of which consists of a single thread (Barkov knot) (Fig. 86).

Rice. 86. Barkov knot.

Advantages of the Barkov knot
Increased reliability;
possibility of very close comparison of tissues;
lack of tendency to self-unbinding.

Disadvantages of the Barkov knot
Significant labor intensity;
using a fragment of thread of considerable length to form a knot;
discrepancy between the elastic-elastic properties of the internal and external loops.

It is preferable to use this type of node:
with a suture on the bone;
when ligating large vessels deep in a narrow wound;
to prevent weakening of the first loop during the formation of the second;
for comparison of low-elastic tissues of significant thickness (for example, when applying sutures to soft tissues in the fronto-parietal-occipital region).

Loops of a multi-loop knot

A multi-loop knot can be formed by several unidirectional single-wrap loops (Fig. 87).

Rice. 87. Scheme of a multi-loop knot with single-wrap unidirectional loops.

Advantages of a multi-loop knot
Ease of learning;
speed of execution.

Disadvantages of a multi-loop knot
— Poor fastening properties;
- maintaining a tendency to loosen the loops, just like a regular simple (female) knot.

This type of knot is a multiplied version of a simple (female) knot without any improvement in properties and maintaining the previously mentioned disadvantages.

Multi-tiered sea knot

A multi-loop knot, represented by a complex of single-winding mutually reinforcing loops (Fig. 88) - multi-tiered knot.

Rice. 88. Scheme of a multi-loop knot with single-wrap mutually reinforcing loops.

Advantages of a multi-tiered node
ease of execution;
thread fixation strength;
versatility for various types of suture material.

Disadvantages of a multi-tiered node
Relative labor intensity;
the possibility of loosening loops when using mono-filament synthetic threads;
significant node volume.

Various options for combined multi-loop knots are presented in Fig. 89, 90 and 91.

Rice. 89. Three-loop knots, which are a combination of female and sea knots: 1 - female knot, 2 - sea knot.

Rice. 90. Three-loop knot, which is a combination of academic and naval knots: 1 - female, 2 - naval.

Rice. 91. Three-loop knot, which is a combination of marine (1) and feminine (2) knots.

Advantages of these node options

— Increased reliability;
- strength;
preventing the first loop from weakening when subsequent ones are formed.

Disadvantages of these node options
— Labor intensity;
— significant volume of the unit;
- a disproportionate increase in the volume of the unit with a weakly expressed improvement in strength characteristics.

Multi-tiered surgical unit

Multi-loop nodes also include a multi-tiered surgical node (Fig. 92).

Rice. 92. Double “academic” knot.

Advantages of a surgical multi-tier unit
Exceptional strength;
highest degree of reliability;
universality of use for all types of suture material.

Disadvantages of a surgical multi-tiered unit
Labor intensity;
large volume of thread complex in the knot;
significant consumption of suture material;
high probability of formation of ligature fistulas due to the possibility of developing a pronounced tissue reaction.

Based on the level of loop formation relative to the wound surface, two options can be distinguished.
1. Directly approaching the level of loop formation to the seam line (Fig. 93).

Rice. 93. Forming loops near the seam line.

In these cases, the usual looping technique is used. In microsurgery and video endosurgery, a “croquet” loop can be used (Fig. 94).

Rice. 94. Formation of the Aberdeen croquet loop.

2. Formation of loops (extracorporeal or intracorporeal) at some distance from the level of the wound, followed by reduction to the suture line. This technique can be performed both using conventional technology and using the formation of the so-called
sliding loop (Fig. 95).

Rice. 95. Sliding loops formed on the basis of standard knots: 1 - female, 2 - marine, 3 - surgical.

To connect the tightly elastic edges of the wound, you can use an original multi-turn loop (Fig. 96).

Rice. 96. Multi-turn sliding loop: 1 - loop formed at a distance from the edge of the wound, 2 - tightening the loop at the edge of the wound.

In surgery, there is a wary attitude towards sliding loops, which are the basis of the technique of remote node formation. This is due to the high probability of their weakening.

However, in some cases the use sliding loops appropriate and necessary:
to bring the knot down to the bottom of a deep wound;
when using microsurgical equipment;
in performing operations using video endosurgical methods.

Methods for bringing down sliding loops

1. To the bottom of a deep wound with the distal phalanx of the finger (Fig. 97) or Vinogradov’s stick.

Rice. 97. Reduction of the sliding loop by the distal phalanx of the finger.

2. In video endosurgery, sliding loops can be formed both intracorporeally and extracorporeally. The methods for bringing them down depend on the type of loop.

In Fig. 98 presents various options for bringing down sliding loops:

Rice. 98. Methods of bringing down sliding loops (explanations in the text).

Rice. 98 (continued).

Using a Vinogradov stick when using “open” access (1);
using Clark's fork: an extracorporeal method of forming a loop with
subsequent reduction, used in video endosurgery (2);
using a standard pusher: bringing down the extracorporeal loops of Roeder (3) and Melz (4) - in video endosurgery;
using remote manipulators: delivery of extracorporeally formed Dandy loops (5) and “anchor” loops (6) into the abdominal or thoracic cavity in video endosurgery.

Methods for tightening loops to form a knot

1. Directly tighten the loops after applying each suture to a linear wound with elastic edges (Fig. 99).

Rice. 99. Securing the ends of the thread with knots immediately after applying each seam.

The use of this method requires the following conditions:
constancy of the elastic-elastic properties of the wound throughout;
wound length no more than 8-12 cm;
linear shape of the wound.

2. Sequential tying of knots of all previously applied sutures when strengthening the hernial orifice of the anterolateral abdominal wall or applying pleuromuscular sutures (Fig. 100).

Rice. 100. Sequential tying of previously applied sutures to connect the edges of the chest wall wound.

3. Step-by-step tying of support sutures to connect the edges of a complex-shaped wound (Fig. 101).

Rice. 101. Use of support sutures to better adapt the edges of a wound of complex shape, followed by suturing the spaces between them.

G.M. Semenov, V.L. Petrishin, M.V. Kovshova

The surgical knot, even when pronounced, is associated with ease of tying and reliability. That’s right, the knot has long been used in surgical operations where strength, compactness and simplicity are required. Fishermen have put it into practice to tie a shock leader to the main fishing line, and to mount feeder () rigs using monofilaments, braided cords and thin fluorocarbon.

I will not argue and prove that a surgical knot is the best solution. There are many other methods for tying the ends of a line or making a loop. It’s just that every knot is good at the right time and place, and when an angler is also able to make the correct weave with his eyes closed, it’s wonderful.

Types of surgical nodes

In fact, the name "surgical knot" in medicine applies to three knots - the loops of the simple (female), marine and complex two-loop knot.

  • The simple, or female, is the progenitor of what we call surgical and use in fishing.
  • Marine made the list due to its ease of use and the required features.
  • But a complex two (three) loop knot is exactly the topic of this article.

Each node has its own strengths and weaknesses.

Simple knot


  • Easy to learn;
  • Knitting speed.


  • The desire for self-untying, which means a rapid loss of fastening properties.



  • Ability to learn quickly.
  • Oddly enough (sea!) - relative strength characteristics.


  • Difficulty of execution;
  • Long training is required.
  • Tends to self-unravel when using synthetic, monofilament threads.
  • According to doctors, the sea knot is ideal for working with silk threads.

Complex node


  • High reliability and durability.


  • When tightening the first loop, the threads can fray;
  • Relatively large volume of the node (but this is important in medicine);
  • The difficulty of knitting without practice;
  • Tendency to self-unravel when using threads with a slippery surface;
  • Insufficient reliability with only a second loop. The addition of a third, “stopping” loop eliminates the deficiency.

Well, it’s probably time to stop talking and move directly to the places of use and the technique of tying a knot.

Potential Uses

The main places where the surgical complex unit is used are feeder installations. In classic spinning fishing, it is somehow customary to use specialized, less labor-intensive knots and loops. Which, by the way, is often recommended for use by manufacturers of braided cords, monofilaments and fluorocarbon. For example, the Rappal knot.

In feeder fishing, a surgical knot is used when attaching leashes with hooks, feeders, installing fasteners and swivels, and if it is necessary to tie two separate fishing lines together.

The most common uses are asymmetrical, symmetrical, and Gardner loop designs.

However, there is one disadvantage that I did not mention when I described the disadvantages of the unit. If you believe doctors, then when knitting surgical loops you should take into account the fact that synthetic threads, which have significant differences in thickness and strength, do not hold the knot securely.

Therefore, to say that knots traditionally used for fishing show their qualities worse than surgical ones - I still think this is not so. Much depends on the correct knitting. And also take into account that when it comes to maximum reliability, loops should be placed on a fishing line with a large diameter. But more on that below.

Technique for tying a surgical knot

What is the reliability of a surgical knot? The fact is that there is enough friction between the connected threads. It is customary for fishermen to wet surfaces with saliva or water. In this case, the fishing line heats up less during friction. In medicine, you understand, this cannot be done.

Let's start by tying the loop with a simple surgical knot. Used to create fastening loops on leashes, someone attaches a hook.

  • Fold the end of the fishing line in half.

  • We begin to knit a simple knot.

  • Pull the end loop through again.

  • We tighten it.

As you noticed, there is nothing complicated to create a loop, which cannot be said about the knot that will fasten the two ends of the fishing line. Without home training, it will be difficult to master fishing.

Many fishermen connect the ends of two lines using the knot described above. Yes, in some situations he is able to complete the assigned task. But as you noticed, when the disadvantages of surgical knots were described, the phrase “prone to self-untying” often caught my eye.

Doctors reinforced the knot with additional loops for a reason. According to them, threads having different diameters and breaking loads do not hold the bundle together well. One thread is in tension, the other is in a “loose” state.

What did the health workers come up with? They created a complex unit, which they called a real surgical one. It has at its beginning elements of a simple (female) knot and a nautical theme.

Photos are good, but hardly anyone can show everything better than a surgeon and dwell on the nuances (I could be wrong). Therefore, I suggest watching a video about training medical students in the knot tying technique.

NHNCH. Regards, Oleg