The Wizard of the Emerald City. Stela, the eternally young sorceress of the Pink Country. Stela, forever young sorceress of the pink land Stella, sorceress of the pink land


Audio fairy tale by Alexander Volkov "The Wizard of the Emerald City", chapter "Stella, forever young sorceress of the Pink Country".
"... A little plump little man with a big head on a short neck jumped out onto a rock ... But then an amazing thing happened. A strange little man hit the ground with his feet, jumped into the air like a rubber ball, and hit the Scarecrow in the chest with his head and strong The scarecrow, somersaulting, flew to the foot of the mountain...
The monkeys lowered Ellie and her friends in front of Stella's palace... They were led into a richly decorated pink hall, where the sorceress Stella was sitting on a throne. She seemed to Ellie very beautiful and kind and surprisingly young, although for many centuries she ruled the country of talkers ...
- Your wish will come true, But you must give me the golden hat...
We offer you to listen online and download for free and without registration the audio fairy tale by Alexander Melenteevich Volkov "The Wizard of the Emerald City".

The most powerful of the fairies of the magical land in modern times. Possesses the secret of eternal youth and rare beauty. Came from big world almost simultaneously with three other sorceresses - Villina, Bastinda and Gingem. By lot, Stella went to manage the Pink Country, inhabited by Chatterboxes. It is known that Stella at some point unsuccessfully tried to wean her subjects from talking too much, depriving them of speech for a while.

Borrowing an image by other authors

He is a character in the fairy tale by Leonid Vladimirsky "Pinocchio in the Emerald City".

The prototype of Stella

The prototype of the "Volkovskaya" Stella was Glinda the Good (Eng. Glinda the Good) from L. F. Baum's Oz fairy tale series. The role of Stella in The Wizard of Oz almost completely coincides with the role of Glinda in Baum's book The Amazing Wizard of Oz.

However, in the numerous sequels that followed Baum's first book, Glinda turns out to be a much more prominent and active character than Stella in Volkov's sequels, and there is no further similarity between the actions of Glinda and Stella. Glinda takes a significant part in the affairs of the Land of Oz, more than once comes to the aid of its inhabitants, often visits the Emerald City and, in particular, becomes the patroness of Princess Ozma. Stella, on the other hand, is rather a symbolic attribute of the Magic Land: it is mentioned in every book, but practically does not interfere in the course of events, no matter how serious threats hang over the country.

The rest of the journey through the forest was uneventful. When the travelers left the forest, a steep rocky mountain opened up before them. It was impossible to get around it - there were deep ravines on both sides of the road.

It's hard to climb this mountain! said the Scarecrow. “But the mountain is not a flat place, and since it stands in front of us, it means that we must climb over it!”

And he climbed up, tightly clinging to the rock and clinging to each ledge. The rest followed the Scarecrow.

They climbed quite high, when suddenly a rough voice called out from behind a rock:

- Who's there? asked the Scarecrow.

A strange head appeared from behind a rock.

- This mountain is ours, and no one is allowed to cross it!

“But we have to cross,” said the Scarecrow politely. “We are going to the country of Stella, and there is no other way here.

- Go, but do not pass!

A little plump little man with a big head on a short neck jumped out onto the rock with laughter. His thick hands clenched into huge fists, with which he threatened travelers. The little man did not seem very strong, and the Scarecrow boldly climbed up.

But then an amazing thing happened. The strange little man hit the ground with his feet, bounced into the air like a rubber ball, and hit the Scarecrow in the chest with his head and strong fists. The scarecrow, somersaulting, flew to the foot of the mountain, and the little man, deftly getting to his feet, laughed and shouted:

- A-la-la! That's how we do it, jumpers!

And, exactly on a signal, hundreds of jumpers jumped out from behind the rocks and hillocks.

The lion became furious and quickly rushed to the attack, growling menacingly and whipping his tail on the sides. But several jumpers, flying into the air, hit him so hard with their flat heads and strong fists that the Lion rolled down the mountainside, somersaulting and meowing in pain, like the simplest cat. He got up, embarrassed, and limping away from the foot of the mountain.

The Tin Woodman swung his ax, tried the flexibility of his joints, and resolutely climbed up.

- Come back, come back! Ellie screamed, and weepingly grabbed his arm. - You will crash on the rocks! How are we going to collect you in this remote country?

Ellie's tears instantly made the Woodcutter return.

“Let's call the flying monkeys,” suggested the Scarecrow. “You can’t do without them here, pickup, pickup!”

Ellie sighed.

- If Stella meets us unfriendly, we will be defenseless ...

And then suddenly Totoshka spoke:

“It’s a shame to confess to a smart dog, but you can’t hide the truth: you and I, Ellie, are terrible fools!”

- Why? Ellie was surprised.

- But how! When the leader of the flying monkeys was carrying you and me, he told us the story of the golden hat… After all, a hat can be passed around!

- So what? Ellie still didn't understand.

- When you use the last magic of the golden cap, you will give it to the Scarecrow and he will again have three magics.

- Hooray! Hooray! they all shouted. - Totoshka, you are our savior!

“It’s a pity, of course,” said the dog modestly. “That this brilliant idea hadn’t crossed my mind before.” Then we would not suffer from floods ...

"There's nothing you can do about it," Ellie said. - What happened, you can’t bring it back ...

“Let me, let me,” interrupted the Scarecrow. - This is what it turns out ... Three, yes three, yes three ... - He counted on his fingers for a long time. - It turns out that I, yes the Woodcutter, yes the Lion, we can order the flying monkeys nine more times!

- Have you forgotten about me? Toto said offendedly. - I can also be the owner of the golden hat!

"That's a huge disadvantage for a ruler," the Tin Woodman said seriously. I'll take care of you in my spare time.

Now Ellie could safely use her last magic. She spoke magic words, and the Scarecrow repeated them, dancing with joy and shaking his soft fists at the warlike jumpers.

There was a noise in the air, and a flock of flying monkeys descended to the ground.

- What do you want, owner of the golden cap? the leader asked.

- Take us to Stella's palace! Ellie replied.

- Will be done!

And the travelers instantly found themselves in the air.

Flying over the mountain, the Scarecrow made monstrous grimaces at the jumpers and cursed desperately. Jumpers jumped high into the air, but could not get the monkeys and raged with anger.

The mountain, and behind it the whole country of blinkers, quickly left behind, and the picturesque fertile country of talkers, which was ruled by the kind sorceress Stella, opened up to the gaze of travelers.

The talkers were nice, friendly people and good workers. They had the only drawback - they were terribly fond of chatting. Even when they were alone, they talked to themselves for hours on end. Powerful Stella could not wean them from chatter. Once she made them dumb, but the talkers quickly found a way out: they learned to use gestures and crowded the streets and squares for days on end, waving their arms. Stella saw that even she could not change the talkers, and returned their voice.

The favorite color in the country of talkers was pink, like blue for munchkins, purple for winkers, and green in the Emerald City. The houses and hedges were painted pink, and the inhabitants dressed in bright pink dresses.

The monkeys lowered Ellie and her friends in front of Stella's palace. The guard at the palace was carried by three beautiful girls. They looked with surprise and fear at the appearance of flying monkeys.

Farewell, Ellie! said the leader of the flying monkeys in a friendly manner. “Today you called us for the last time.

- Farewell, farewell! Ellie screamed. - Thanks a lot!

And the monkeys flew away with noise and laughter.

- Don't get too excited! shouted the Scarecrow after them. - Next time you will have a new master and you will not get rid of him so easily! ..

- Is it possible to see the good sorceress Stella? Ellie asked the guard girls with bated breath.

“Tell me who you are and why you have come here, and I will report on you,” the eldest replied.

Ellie told, and the girl went with a report, and the rest proceeded to the travelers with questions. But before they knew anything, the girl returned:

- Stella asks you to the palace!

Ellie washed, the Scarecrow cleaned himself up, the Tin Woodman oiled the joints and carefully polished them with a rag and emery powder, and the Lion dusted himself for a long time, scattering dust. They were fed a hearty meal, and then led to a richly decorated pink room, where the sorceress Stella sat on the throne. She seemed to Ellie very beautiful and kind and surprisingly young, although for many centuries she had ruled the country of talkers. Stella smiled affectionately at the newcomers, seated them in chairs, and turning to Ellie, said:

“Tell your story, my child!”

Ellie began a long story. Stella and her entourage listened with great interest and sympathy.

“What do you want from me, my child? Stella asked when Ellie had finished.

“Take me back to Kansas, to my mom and dad. When I think about how they grieve for me, my heart shrinks from pain and pity ...

“But you said that Kansas is a dull and gray dusty steppe. And look how beautiful we are.

“Still, I love Kansas more than your wonderful country!” Ellie responded warmly. Kansas is my home.

- Your wish will come true. But you must give me the golden cap.

- Oh, with pleasure, madame! True, I was going to give it to the Scarecrow, but I am sure that you will dispose of it better than he.

- I will arrange so that the magic of the golden cap will benefit your friends, - said Stella and turned to the Scarecrow: - What do you think to do when Ellie leaves you?

“I would like to return to the Emerald City,” the Scarecrow replied with dignity. “Goodwin appointed me ruler of the Emerald City, and the ruler must live in the city he rules. After all, I can’t manage the Emerald City if I stay in the Pink Country! But I am confused by the way back through the country of jumpers and across the river where I drowned.

- After receiving the golden hat, I will call the flying monkeys, and they will take you to the Emerald City. You can not deprive the people of such an amazing ruler.

So is it true that I'm amazing? asked the Scarecrow, beaming.

More than that, you are the only one! And I want you to be my friend.

The Scarecrow bowed admiringly to the good sorceress.

– What do you want? Stella turned to the Tin Woodman.

“When Ellie leaves this country,” the Tin Woodman began sadly, “I will be very sad. But I would like to get into the country of the Winkies, who elected me as the ruler. I will bring my bride to the Purple Palace, who I am sure is waiting for me, and I will rule over the miguns, whom I love very much.

- The second magic of the golden cap will make the flying monkeys transport you to the land of winkies. You do not have such wonderful brains as your fellow Scarecrow the Wise, but you have a loving heart, you have such a brilliant look and I am sure that you will be an excellent ruler for the Winkies. Let me consider you my friend.

The Tin Woodman slowly bowed before Stella.

Then the sorceress turned to the Lion:

Now tell me about your desires.

- Behind the country of jumpers lies a wonderful dense forest. The beasts of this forest have recognized me as their king. Therefore, I would very much like to return there and spend the rest of my days.

- The third magic of the golden cap will transfer the brave Lion to his animals, who, of course, will be happy having such a king. And I also count on your friendship.

The lion importantly gave Stella a big strong paw, and the sorceress shook it in a friendly way.

“Later,” said Stella. “When the last three magics of the golden cap have been fulfilled, I will return it to the flying monkeys so that no one else can bother them with the fulfillment of their desires, often senseless and cruel.

Everyone agreed that it was impossible to dispose of the hat better, and glorified Stella's wisdom and kindness.

“But how will you get me back to Kansas, madam?” the girl asked.

“Silver shoes will take you through forests and mountains,” the sorceress replied. - If you knew their wonderful power, you would have returned home on the same day that your house crushed the evil Gingem.

“But then I wouldn’t have got my amazing brains!” exclaimed the Scarecrow. “I would still scare the crows in the farmer’s field!”

“And I wouldn’t have my loving heart,” said the Tin Woodman. “I would stand in the woods and rust until I crumble to dust!”

“And I would still be a coward,” roared the Lion. – And, of course, he would not become the king of beasts!

"It's all true," Ellie replied. “And I do not regret at all that I had to live so long in Goodwin's country. I am only a weak little girl, but I loved you and always tried to help you, my dear friends! Now, when our cherished desires have been fulfilled, I must return home, as it was written in Villina's magic book.

“It hurts and we are sad to part with you, Ellie,” said the Scarecrow, the Woodcutter, and the Lion. “But we bless the moment when the hurricane threw you into Fairyland. You taught us the dearest and best thing in the world - friendship! ..

Stella smiled at the girl. Ellie put her arms around the neck of the big bold Lion and gently fingered his thick, shaggy mane. She kissed the Tin Woodman and he wept bitterly, forgetting his jaws. She stroked the Scarecrow's soft, straw-stuffed body and kissed his sweet, good-natured painted face...

“Silver slippers have many miraculous properties,” said Stella. – But their most amazing property is that in three steps they will take you even to the ends of the world. You just need to hit your heel on the heel and name the place ...

“Then let them take me to Kansas now!”

But when Ellie thought that she was parting forever with her faithful friends, with whom she had to go through a lot together there, whom she had saved so many times and who, in turn, selflessly saved her, her heart sank with grief, and she sobbed loudly .

Stella stepped down from the throne, gently hugged Ellie and kissed her goodbye.

- It's time, my child! she said kindly. - It's hard to part, but the hour of goodbye is sweet. Remember that now you will be at home and hug your parents. Farewell, don't forget us!

- Goodbye, goodbye, Ellie! her friends exclaimed.

Ellie grabbed Toto, knocked her heel against her heel, and called out to her shoes:

“Take me to Kansas, to dad and mom!”

A violent whirlwind swirled Ellie, everything merged in her eyes, the sun sparkled in the sky in a fiery arc, and before the girl had time to be frightened, she sank to the ground so suddenly that she rolled over several times and released Toto.

", " " and " "; also mentioned in the rest of the books in the fairy tale series.

Stella in Volkov's books

Stella is a kind sorceress, the most powerful of the fairies of the magical land in modern times. Possesses the secret of eternal youth and rare beauty. She came from the Big World almost simultaneously with three other sorceresses -, and. By lot, Stella went to the management of the Pink Country, inhabited. It is known that Stella at some point unsuccessfully tried to wean her subjects from talking too much, depriving them of speech for a while.

Borrowing an image by other authors

He is a character in the fairy tale "".

The prototype of Stella

The prototype of the "Volkovskaya" Stella was (Eng. Glinda the Good) from the fairy tale series about . The role of Stella in The Wizard of Oz almost completely coincides with the role of Glinda in Baum's book "".

However, in the numerous sequels that followed Baum's first book, Glinda turns out to be a much more prominent and active character than Stella in Volkov's sequels, and there is no further similarity between the actions of Glinda and Stella. Glinda takes a significant part in the affairs of the Land of Oz, more than once comes to the aid of its inhabitants, often visits the Emerald City and, in particular, becomes the patroness of Princess Ozma. Stella, on the other hand, is rather a symbolic attribute of the Magic Land: it is mentioned in every book, but practically does not interfere in the course of events, no matter how serious threats hang over the country.