Heavenly Bali turns into hell. Earthquake in Sulawesi: what is known about the situation in Indonesia Why earthquakes often occur in Indonesia

The air temperature in Bali in winter is extremely high: since the island is located south of the equator, it is summer and rainy season here. Maximum precipitation, about 345 mm, falls in January, whereas on February and December accounts for about 270-280 mm. Thunderstorms occur suddenly, but are almost always short-lived. The number of sunny days varies from 5-10 per month. During the day it is stable around +30 °C and above.

In March the volume of precipitation decreases slightly - to 230-240 mm, but in general the rainy season is on the wane. The air temperature in Denpasar, Ubud and other cities, as well as on the slopes of Uluwatu, rises by one or two degrees.

In April In Bali, the weather is still reminiscent of the rainy season: there is still the possibility of short-term downpours, which fall less and less often. At this time, the daily temperature range becomes minimal. In May The heat is subsiding, the risk of sudden downpours remains, although the amount of precipitation at the end of spring does not exceed 95 mm.

During the calendar summer in Bali it is not hot and very comfortable - both on the coast and in the mountains. In June and July the air temperature drops to +28 °C, the water cools down slightly compared to previous months - to +27 °C. At the same time, air humidity decreases, which makes holidays on the coast more comfortable; it rains rarely and infrequently. For August According to statistics, there is minimal precipitation. The weather forecast in Bali at this time rarely promises surprises.

In September Bali continues to have warm summer weather, and in October The daytime temperature and, along with it, the probability of precipitation gradually increase, and a transition period begins.

In November It rains more often, this is the first month of the rainy season. The water in the island’s waters is still +27 °C, but in the coming months its temperature will rise.

At least 832 people were killed by the earthquake and subsequent tsunami on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. At the same time, the country's authorities believe that the number of victims may increase in the near future, since communication with the city of Donggala, which was also hit by the elements, has not yet been established.

The death toll from the earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Indonesia exceeded eight hundred. AFP reports this with reference to the National Office for Disaster Management (BNPB).

According to data as of Sunday morning, September 30, the number of victims reached at least 832, and more than 540 were injured. At the same time, rescue services were able to evacuate about 16 thousand people from the disaster zone.

There was no information about Russian citizens killed or injured as a result of the earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia. Denis Tetyushin, attaché of the Russian Embassy in Jakarta, said this.

Russian Head of State Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev expressed their condolences to the families of the victims.

“The President noted that Russia shares the grief of the friendly Indonesian people, and asked to convey words of sympathy and support to the families and loved ones of the victims, as well as wishes for a speedy recovery to everyone who suffered from the rampant disaster,” said a telegram of condolences published on the Kremlin website .

According to Indonesian Vice President Yusuf Kalli, in the coming days the number of victims of the tragedy may exceed a thousand, since communication with the city of Dongala has not yet been established. This settlement was closer to the epicenter of the tremors and was the first to be hit by the tsunami that followed the earthquake.

Let us remind you that on Friday, September 28, several earthquakes occurred near the coast of the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. The strongest of them reached a magnitude of 7.4. The tremors were felt 80 km north of the city of Palu, the capital of Central Sulawesi province. Moreover, later more than 170 aftershocks occurred - repeated tremors of lower intensity. In total, more than 500 thousand people live in the disaster zone.

A few hours later, a powerful tsunami hit Palu. The local population was not warned of its approach, as the Indonesian Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency was unable to detect the impending danger.

As BNPB representative Sutopo Nugroho said, the tsunami early warning system has not been fully operational for 6 years due to lack of sufficient funding. As he noted, Indonesia needs the most modern equipment.

At the same time, a large number of Palu residents were in the coastal area at that moment due to preparations for the festival dedicated to City Day.

Due to the disaster, buildings and roads were damaged, houses and infrastructure were destroyed, in particular one of the attractions of Palu - the 126-meter Ponulele Bridge with arches 20 m high. Power lines were also damaged, leaving the population without electricity.

In addition, local authorities closed Mutiara Airport for some time due to damage to the runway. We would like to add that a plane crash could have happened at the airport, but this was avoided thanks to the dispatch service employee. 21-year-old Antonio Gunawan Agung remained at his post until he was convinced of the safety of the passenger plane taking off from the airport at the time the disaster began. After this, the guy, trying to escape, jumped out of the collapsing command and control tower. Due to his injuries, he died in hospital.

In addition, it became known that over a hundred prisoners had escaped from a prison in Palu, who took advantage of the fact that a powerful wave had destroyed the wall of the penitentiary.

Let us add that on the morning of September 30, Indonesian President Joko Widodo arrived in Palu. He plans to monitor the progress of rescue efforts and meet with the victims. The Indonesian leader has already visited the earthquake-damaged Balaroa National Park in Palu.

“The roads are destroyed, the airport is not ready for full operation, access to electricity is partial, fuel supplies are difficult. I hope people will be patient. We are working towards recovery together,” Joko Widodo said on Twitter.

The Indonesian authorities have allocated about $37 million to carry out the rescue operation and provide necessary assistance to the population. As Indonesian Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati said, these funds are aimed only at the stated goals and not at restoring infrastructure.

We emphasize that Indonesia is located in the zone of the so-called Pacific volcanic ring of fire, in which a large number of active volcanoes are located and earthquakes are often recorded.

“No one can predict exactly when an eruption will occur. Now we can say that all measuring instruments show an increase in surface pressure,” said Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, a spokesman for Indonesia’s National Disaster Management Authority.

Good afternoon Vladimir. As for poisonous spiders, I’m not sure that they can get into the room. These mostly live in the jungle. If it crawls into your house, then I dare to assume that it is an ordinary spider or a wolf spider - they are non-poisonous and hunt for various insects. People are not touched.

A volcano is erupting in Bali now. All latest information as of September 23, 2018.

1963 eruption was one of the strongest eruptions in the last century. The activity of Mount Agung increased in February 1963, first with earthquakes that slowly pushed magma flows inside the volcano outward. In the second half of February and throughout March, the volcano smoked and scattered clouds of gas and volcanic ash around itself. A month later, March 27, started serious volcanic eruption. A second explosive eruption occurred in May of the same year.

There is an “alarm case” in case of earthquakes or eruptions. Collect such an “alarm suitcase” and store it in an easily accessible place; if possible, pack things in waterproof containers. What you need to pack in such a suitcase:

Due to the closure of the airport, 446 flights were canceled, including 207 international. It carried approximately 75 thousand passengers.

Bookings for flights from Moscow to the island of Bali, where the airport is closed due to a volcanic eruption, have decreased tenfold today. Volcano Agung has not emitted such a plume of ash for half a century. And now, according to various sources, it rises to a height of four to eight kilometers.
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I caught a small earthquake in Jordan. At 4 in the morning the furniture in the room suddenly began to rattle (this was in Aqaba). I didn’t understand anything, I lay there for a long time and wondered what it could be. Even looked in into the closets to see if anyone is hiding there (ha ha!). It didn’t even occur to me about the earthquake, I only found out later. But it was very unpleasant and scary. It’s good that I didn’t realize that these were earthquakes, otherwise I would have definitely been very scared.

Let's hope that the eruption, if there is one, will not be very strong and destructive. I read everything carefully and looked at the cameras and maps. I wonder why it’s “putting pressure on my head,” I googled it and didn’t find anything. Maybe the movement of magma inside the volcano somehow changes the electromagnetic field in this place.
I wish everything ends well for local residents and tourists. Maybe the volcano will change its mind and calm down.

Volcano Agung is a dangerous volcano. The main difficulty with the Agung eruption begins with the fact that there is a high population of people living in the immediate vicinity of the volcano. There are about a million people within just 30 kilometers of the volcano. For example, the town of Kubu is located 15 kilometers from the volcano and has a population of approximately 53,000 permanent residents.

Volcanic eruption in Bali latest news. Latest news.

Eduard Shalonosov: Unfortunately, the story is the same here. If there was fault on the part of the tour operator, the host party or the airline, these parties are obliged to pay compensation. Explain to the employer why the employee was not at work for several days. And when planes do not fly due to the closure of the airport, this is force majeure, force majeure circumstances.

in Bali there is a danger zone with a very unlikely tsunami - the southern coast and only the beaches, on the northern coast the threat is almost zero, on the coastal strip opposite the straits - it all depends on where the earthquake occurs - east or west of Bali. the probability of a destructive tsunami is almost minimal, live peacefully, bro.

Tsunamis arise for other reasons, the basis of which is the movement of tiktanic plates of the earth's crust, which lead to underwater earthquakes. The island of Bali is always at risk of a tsunami, as indicated by orange icons along the entire coast.

Masha, hello! Thanks a lot! Yes, we also have a lot of pressure on our heads. very felt. Agung in Bali is considered a "great mountain" with powerful force, the last eruption in 1963 was considered the most powerful on the planet at that time. I don’t know how Agung will behave now...

Hello natives! Tell me, please, how is the situation with Agung now? Didn't he become more active at the beginning of March? Otherwise, we are planning to come to visit you, but we came across an article with an unclear date about the increased activity of the volcano and even the suspension of flights. I’m not sure that the article is current, although the update date is 03/04/2018.

The volcano began its activity on September 21, 2017. Between September 21 and the end of October 2017, a series of volcanic earthquakes occurred on the island. On November 21, the eruption phase of Mount Agung began, characterized by volcanic ash reaching 700 m above the peak.

Volcanic eruption in Bali video. Fresh material as of 09.23.2018

91 people died as a result of a powerful earthquake on the Indonesian island of Lombok.

The magnitude 6.9 earthquake destroyed thousands of buildings and caused power outages on the island, the BBC reported. The epicenter of the tremors was at a depth of 30 kilometers underground.

More than 1,000 tourists were evacuated by boat from the nearby Gili Islands and at least one person in Bali was killed in the disaster. Temporary emergency tents were erected on the islands to provide first aid to the victims.

Photo taken from baliforum.ru

More than 130 aftershocks were recorded after the earthquake.

According to the Russian Embassy in Jakarta, there are no citizens of the Russian Federation among the victims.

Let us remind you that this is the second major earthquake recorded in this region over the past ten days. On July 29, earthquakes with a magnitude of 6.4 occurred there, killing 16 people.

How safe is it to vacation in Indonesia and Bali in particular?

Lombok is located a few kilometers east of the popular tourist island of Bali. The two islands are home to approximately three and four million people respectively. Every year they are visited by millions of tourists from all over the world.

Evacuation of people. Photo taken from Instagram @infogianyar_

Let us remind you that in addition to the earthquake, Indonesia suffered from another disaster in September last year - before the start of the winter season, the Agung volcano became active on the island. Periodically, eruptions of lava, stones, sand and ash are recorded there, and the 4-kilometer zone around the crater is considered dangerous. People living in close proximity to the crater were evacuated to a safe distance.

In this regard, recently tourists are increasingly asking the question “is it safe to vacation in Indonesia today?” Despite the fact that the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia assures that tourists are not in danger in Bali, hoteliers have begun to reduce prices for accommodation so as not to lose customers. The government of the country, in turn, has allocated $7 million since the beginning of the year for a program to promote tourism.

Today it is impossible to say unequivocally that it is safe to live in Indonesia, since earthquakes are quite common here. It is possible to predict possible seismic activity, but it is impossible to name the exact place and time. Moreover, strong earthquakes often lead to a powerful tsunami that destroys everything in its path.

Why do earthquakes occur frequently in Indonesia?

An earthquake is a consequence of a seismic wave formed as a result of the movement of lithospheric plates. If plate drift occurs on the surface, it will be followed by a minor earthquake. More powerful earthquakes occur at the boundaries of shifting plates. Indonesia is located at the junction of three lithospheric plates, and the most active of them, the Pacific, is constantly moving and going under the Eurasian one. This process is the reason for such violent seismic activity in this region.

Scientists say that the likelihood of new tremors in Southeast Asia is quite high. Since the beginning of the century before last, about 100 tremors have been recorded. The most terrible and destructive of them occurred in the 21st century.

At the end of 2004, a major earthquake with a magnitude of 9.3 occurred in the Indian Ocean. It was caused by a sharp movement of the Indian tectonic plate under the Burma plate. The earthquake, tsunami and flood then killed, according to various estimates, from 185 to 230 thousand people from 14 countries along the Indian Ocean coast. In terms of destructive power, the earthquake of that year ranks third in the entire history of observations.

In 2012, another major earthquake with a magnitude of 8.8 occurred on the northern coast of Sumatra. The epicenter was in the Indian Ocean at a depth of 23 km. This case is interesting because it did not occur due to a collision or influx of tectonic plates onto each other, but as a result of the splitting of the Indo-Australian lithospheric plate into two.

How to find out about a volcanic eruption and tremors on the island of Bali?

Often tourists planning to visit Indonesia get current information from the media, which is not entirely true. In order to know how safe it is to visit this country at any given time, you need to use the Indonesian official service, which monitors volcanic and seismic activity.

Photo taken from baliforum.ru

In addition, complete and up-to-date information can be obtained from social networks and forums, where vacationers and people living there share photos from the scene.

What to do if you find yourself in the epicenter of an earthquake?

During an earthquake, there are certain rules of conduct. First, if you feel tremors, try to turn on any source of information to understand how serious the threat is. Secondly, don’t panic; you need to distribute the responsibilities for collecting all the essentials among family members to save time. When evacuating, you need to take with you documents, money, valuables, a bottle of water, some food and things that can be used as protection (rags, gauze bandages, etc.). If you feel tremors, you must leave the building, and you need to do this by taking the stairs, not the elevator. Once outside, you need to go out into open space as soon as possible - away from buildings and structures.

If you are forced to stay indoors, then, if possible, hide under a hard surface (table or bed) that will protect you from falling objects. Stay away from windows and closer to load-bearing walls. Do not use matches, candles or lighters, as... During an earthquake, gas leakage is possible.