What is the sea like in Morocco? Holidays in Morocco

Where is the best place to holiday in Morocco and how much does it cost? Prices in 2019 for tours, hotels, food, entertainment. Beach holiday. Reviews and advice from experienced tourists.

Reviews from tourists about holidays in Morocco

According to reviews from tourists, holidays in Morocco are interesting, although not always safe, especially for women traveling without men. The most popular resorts in the country are Agadir, Essaouira and Casablanca. Vacationers go on excursions, surf, play golf and tennis, sunbathe and swim on the beach.

Best beach holiday Morocco in 2019 - in the “white” city of Agadir and bohemian Essaouira. There is everything for a relaxing beach holiday: hotels, restaurants, shops and entertainment venues. Essaouira is ancient city and the cultural center of the country with narrow streets, a colorful oriental market and many shopping stalls. Festivals and international exhibitions are often held here, and the entire creative elite of Morocco and some European countries flock to vacation.

Street tables in Essaouira (Photo © unsplash.com / @louishansel)

Casablanca has well-maintained white sand beaches and ancient architectural structures, the most famous of which is the Hassan II Mosque. There is very little greenery in the city, which is not surprising, considering geographical position countries.

Marrakech is a large city and former capital Morocco. Vacationers come here on excursions; there is no sea or beaches here. The main attractions are the 12th century Koutoubia Mosque with its luxurious garden and the famous Djema el-Fna Square. Every evening, performances begin on the square with the participation of magicians, snake charmers and nimble merchants. The square is always crowded, and it is easy for a tourist to become a victim of pickpockets.

Market in Marrakech (Photo © unsplash.com / @max_libertine)

According to reviews from tourists, the disadvantages of holidays in Morocco are the cool water in the ocean and hotels that do not meet the star rating criteria. Even in July and August, with a heat of +40°C, the water can be invigorating, and the coast is warmer Mediterranean Sea in Morocco it is most often steep.

Another drawback is that there are problems with communication. Local population practically does not know English; you need to speak French or Arabic. Even small children speak good French here. Before the trip, we advise you to learn basic words in Arabic and French (at least numerals - this helped us a lot), especially in Arabic - the locals are very happy when you say hello, goodbye or say “thank you” in their language (“shukran” - “thank you” in - Arabic). It also doesn't hurt to have a phrase book.

Women often complain that they are harassed by locals and are not recommended to go on holiday to Morocco unaccompanied.

In our opinion, the population of northern Morocco differs from the south: the north is more developed, they are used to tourists there and are not treated as warmly as in Not big cities and villages in the south of the country.

(Photo © Ahron de Leeuw / flickr.com / Licensed CC BY 2.0)

Beach holidays in Morocco

The beaches in Morocco are sandy and wide, they are cleaned daily. The main resorts are located on the Atlantic coast; the Mediterranean coast is less popular due to its high shores, although the water there is warmer. Most beaches are municipal.

It is believed that the best beach holiday in Morocco is Agadir- There are excellent white sand beaches. They are very clean and regularly patrolled by the police. In Agadir, the water is shallow - up to 30 meters from the shore, which is convenient when relaxing with children. Not far from the resort in a suburban village there is another beach Taghazud- There are no hotels there, but umbrellas and sunbeds are available.

In the southwest of Morocco stretches the country's most famous beach, surrounded by brick-colored cliffs. You can get there either independently or as part of excursion groups. The place is very picturesque, the beach is almost deserted. The best time to visit is at sunset and in cloudy weather, when the fog falls and the waves rise. It is also interesting there during low tide - coral reefs are exposed. Legzira is popular among surfers because of its strong waves, but swimming here is not always comfortable. We recommend visiting this place while the hotels on the shore are not completed and there are few tourists.

Surfers also love Essaouira- the wind often blows here and a high wave rises. The bottom is flat, the water is shallow, and the tides are strong. In Casablanca, the beaches are mostly artificial, the ocean is often rough, which is why most hotels have swimming pools.

A good beach holiday in Morocco in 2019 can be found in Asile- one more cultural center Morocco. Various music festivals are held here. The beach is long and wide, with golden sand. The bottom is also flat, but the ocean is cool.

(Photo © Singa Hitam / flickr.com / Licensed CC BY 2.0)

Cultural and excursion holidays in Morocco

Excursion holidays in Morocco are well developed - almost every hotel has a counter with offers. There are few boat trips, and tourists are most often transported by bus. The most popular are trips to waterfalls, a two-day tour to the Sahara Desert and sightseeing tours of the cities of Marrakesh, Casablanca, and Essaouira. Interesting sightseeing tours cost about 2 thousand rubles and last several hours; one-day excursions cost 3-4 thousand rubles.

Reviews about excursions in Morocco are different. Some tourists were disappointed by their trip to the Sahara: the desert here is just beginning, and there are no high dunes with viscous sand. However, the lack of thrills is compensated for by camel rides and a hot dinner with an overnight stay in real Berber dwellings.

The Great Mosque of Hassan II in Casablanca is the largest mosque in Morocco and one of the largest in the world (Photo © unsplash.com / @fabiosbruun)

Holidays with children in Morocco: is it worth going?

The hotel issue in Morocco stands apart - the all-inclusive system, beloved by our compatriots, is not widespread in the country, and here it is difficult to find a hotel with children's animation and special meals. Instead of animation - beaches and water parks, a fabulous town in Casablanca and the Agadir Zoo. It is advisable to find a hotel with a children's pool, because the water in the ocean is often cold, and the waves often rise.

Nutrition is generally a sore subject for parents. Holidays with children in Morocco are complicated by the fact that local chefs add spices to dishes, and children refuse to eat because they feel the unusual taste. In Marrakech, Casablanca, Agadir there are special cafes for children, but there are not many of them, so parents are better off relying on the conscientiousness of the cooks and asking them not to use seasonings or order stewed vegetables, chicken and other harmless dishes for the child without pretense of exoticism.

As for excursions, the mountainous landscape will make them very tiring. Trips along serpentine roads, hills and hills, steps - all this is not for small children. Parents will have to carry them in their arms (in a kangaroo) or completely refuse to travel around the country.

Taghazout beach in Agadir (Photo © unsplash.com / @louishansel)

Reviews of prices in Morocco in 2019

In general, hotel prices in Morocco in the summer of 2019 are reasonable. Let's look at hotels in Agadir - this is where the bulk of tourists stay. The cost of living in a 5* hotel near the beach in Agadir will cost from $66 per night for two, in a 4* hotel - from $62, in a three-star hotel - from $20. Hotels some distance from the beach are cheaper. We recommend searching and booking hotels on Roomguru - you can find the most offers there, and the search engine also finds the best prices.

Do you prefer to live in private apartments and houses when traveling? It’s better to look for them on the popular rental service from Airbnb owners - there you can find very cozy accommodation at any price (for example, even rent an entire riad)!

If you don’t book full board at the hotel, you can have lunch or dinner in a cafe. Prices range from $9 to $15 per lunch (at eateries for locals the prices are much lower). Visiting a nightclub is expensive: admission is at least $45 plus payment for drinks. You can buy fresh fruits, vegetables and fish cheaply at the market.

The most affordable entertainment available is camel riding, quad biking and trips to the desert - about $8-10, playing golf or tennis - about $18 per hour. You can inexpensively take a course of wellness treatments at the spa: a two-hour session will cost $15.

Authentic Riad Be Marrakech in Marrakech (Photo © booking.com / Riad Be Marrakech)

Prices for tours to Morocco in 2019

All tours are usually offered to Agadir - this is where most of the resort hotels and developed tourism infrastructure. An all-inclusive holiday in Morocco in the summer of 2019 costs from 170 thousand rubles for two (flight from Moscow, 5* hotel, 7 nights). Accommodation in a 4* all-inclusive hotel costs from 100 thousand for two. "Treshek" with all inclusive no, but you can purchase tours with full board from 90 thousand rubles.

Prices for tours to Morocco without meals are much lower - a vacation costs from 80 thousand rubles. We recommend looking for cheap tours on the services and - they compare offers from 120 tour operators and are able to find the best option. You can buy a ticket online, which is very convenient.

(Photo © travelata.ru / Royal Atlas 5*)

When is the best time to go on holiday to Morocco?

The holiday season in Morocco lasts from late May to October. In June there are a lot of locals on the beaches, and the warmest time for swimming is July-September. During the day +32°C and above, water +24°C. Holidays by the sea in Morocco in August and September are comfortable - it was during these months that we traveled around the country.

It is better to reschedule excursions to October-November or March-April, when the air temperature is +23°C and the ocean is cool for swimming.

Winter in Morocco is wet and windy, often raining and foggy. Ski resorts operate in January and February. Oukaimeden and Ifrane are the most Beautiful places for skiing, but the infrastructure is not yet too developed to recommend them.

Ifrane is located at an altitude of 1665 m above sea level. In winter the temperature stays at 0°C, from January to March snow falls (Photo © unsplash.com / @bilalkamal16)
  1. Morocco is a Muslim country, so clothing should be as decent and covered as possible. By the way, shorts can also cause disapproval from others, so the rule is common for men and women.
  2. You shouldn’t buy something you like right away on the market. It is customary here to bargain, and the stated price can be safely divided by 3. If there are no purchases in your plans, then you should not enter into an argument with the merchants, they can become seriously angry and even insult you.
  3. Before buying food at the market or ordering food in a cafe, as well as before getting into a taxi, always check (or better yet, write) the price so that they don’t ask you for another amount later.
  4. You should not ask a passerby to show the way; it is better to contact a policeman or a store owner with this request. The people here are enterprising, they can volunteer to conduct, and then persistently demand a reward for this.

Taghazout is a quiet resort in Morocco. According to tourists, it is quiet and peaceful here at night (Photo © unsplash.com / @louishansel)
  1. Special caution is required on the road. Traffic rules in Morocco are poorly observed, and during Ramadan, carriers are on the verge of a nervous breakdown - most of them are heavy smokers, and smoking is prohibited on the holiday.
  2. Absolutely all tourists note in their reviews that when on vacation in Morocco, you definitely need to buy local oranges or freshly squeezed juice. You can’t taste such delicious and aromatic citrus fruits as in Morocco anywhere else!
  3. Read our review about how we went - the note contains information on how to get to Casablanca, how much hotels and food cost, a suggested route around the country and much more.
  4. We strongly recommend that you pack before your trip.

It’s not worth going to Morocco in 2019 just for a beach holiday; for this there are places that are more comfortable in all respects (for example,). But definitely try the local cuisine, see amazing sunsets and historical sights. For all its shortcomings, Morocco is an interesting and worthy country.

(Photo © J. Duval / flickr.com / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Introductory image source: © Flávio Eiró / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

The country of Morocco is one of the best and most popular tourist places on the African continent. She is washed by the waters Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world fly to this territory every year for vacation.

Morocco (it is better to think about a seaside holiday in advance, because there are features associated with both organizing a trip and staying as a tourist in the territory of most resorts in this state) has the main factors for visiting:.

They are as follows:

  • The time difference from Moscow is 2 hours.
  • Russian citizens are allowed to stay in Morocco for up to 90 days without a visa.
  • It is prohibited to export national currency outside the country.
  • When imported, professional cameras are subject to mandatory customs declaration, the same applies to hunting and fishing equipment.
  • It is important to know that some stores in Morocco operate under the TAX FREE system. This means that part of the money spent on purchases can be returned.
  • The most inexpensive means of transport for moving around Morocco are trains that run between numerous railway stations.
  • Only people over 21 years old can rent a car.
  • Almost all mosques are strictly prohibited for non-Muslims.
  • The best place recognized for surfing West Coast countries.
  • The list of souvenirs that are usually brought from this country includes leather goods, market antiques, jewelry and souvenirs with state and historical symbols.

Traditional national dishes in Morocco, which every guest of this state should try, are:

Holiday seasons

Morocco (sea holidays are better than in others resort countries, hotel accommodation in which is in the same price category) depending on the chosen season of stay, offers different prices for vouchers.

There are only 2 seasons associated with tourism:

  • "high" demand for visitation and recreation;
  • "short" demand for visitation and recreation.

They differ among themselves in the number of visitors staying in Morocco for the purpose of tourism and recreation.

High season

The “high” season includes: May, June, July, August. These months, turning into the Velvet Season, are the most suitable for a beach holiday.

Low season

The “low” season includes: November, December, February, March. This period is best for sightseeing and participating in cultural events.

You can have a great holiday in Morocco with the whole family.
Month Average temperature, °C
January +13.8
February +15.2
March +18.0
April +20.1
May +25.3
June +27.9
July +28.5
August +30.7
September +26.4
October +22.1
November +16.8
December +15.7

The country has a subtropical and tropical climate, characterized by hot, dry summers and warm, rainy winters. The average annual precipitation is about 535 mm.

The best resorts in Morocco

The most the best resorts in Morocco, according to numerous tourists, are considered.


Agadir is located in the southwestern part of the country. According to the results of calculating the number of citizens, for the first half of 2019, over 800 thousand people permanently reside in the city.

Agadir is divided into several large quarters: the Central part, Old Talborzht, New Talborzht, Residential Quarter, Fortress and Port, as well as the Coast, where most hotels are located, as well as numerous restaurants and cafes.

The most popular hotels with a European level of service in Agadir are:

Name Cost of daily accommodation
Atlantic Palace Golf Thalasso & Casino Resort From 4500 rub.
Atlantic From 3800 rub.
Les Omayades From 1800 rub.
Tikida Golf Palace From 10,500 rub.
Residence Fleurie From 2000 rub.
New Farah From 1450 rub.
Robinson Club From 7500 rub.
Beach Albatros From 3900 rub.
Tulip Inn Oasis From 2300 rub.

Within walking distance from the main entrance to each hotel are the main city attractions, which include the “Valley of Birds”, several pedestrian avenues and the Lebanon Mosque.

Agadir has 1 main public sandy beach, equipped with everything necessary, with a total length of 9 km and a width of more than 20 m. This beach is the best in all of Morroco. In addition, vacationers at this resort can visit private beaches belonging to various hotels and inns.

The hottest month in Agadir is August (average daytime temperature +26.5 °C, night +18 °C), the coldest month is January (average daytime temperature +20 °C, night +8.2 °C). In summer, the water in the ocean warms up to +23°C, in winter – up to +16.8°C.


Morocco (sea holidays are best spent on the most popular resorts, where service and infrastructure are most developed) has the famous resort city of Marrakesh, which is located 250 km from the state capital. Today it is inhabited by about 1 million people. The total area of ​​the city is more than 200 km².

The list of the most favorite hotels among tourists includes:

Name Daily rental cost for 1 room
Dar Andamaure From 5800 rub.
Maison Mnabha From 5000 rub.
Dar Taliwint From 5200 rub.
Riad Casa Sophia From 2700 rub.
Les Jardins de Riad Laarouss From 4000 rub.
Riad 58 Blue From 4400 rub.
Riad Al Mamoune From 2800 rub.
Dar Anika From 18,000 rub.
Riad Cherihane From 2500 rub.
Dar Les Cigognes By Sanssouci Collection From 13,500 rub.
Villa des Orangers From 32100 rub.

The main attraction, the Ancient Labyrinth, is located in the city center, at a distance of no more than 3 km from each of the above hotel complexes and hotels. In addition to it, tourists are recommended to visit the City Museum, the Berber Museum, and the Toubkal National Park.

The city boundaries of Marrakech have no contact with either the Mediterranean Sea or the Atlantic Ocean, which wash some other Morroco resorts, therefore neither private nor public beaches there is no.

The hottest month in Marrakech is July (average daytime temperature +35 °C, night +20.2 °C), the coldest month is January (average daytime temperature +17 °C, night +6 °C).


Essaouira is an interesting resort from a tourist point of view in the south of Morroco. This is one of the main former defensive fortresses of the country, and today it is the most important Moroccan port. The city is located 450 km from the capital, Rabat. More than 80 thousand people live on an area of ​​89 km². The old part of Essaouira, built at the beginning of the 10th century, is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The list of the most attractive hotels for vacationers includes:

Name Cost of accommodation per 24 hours
Dar Latigeo From 1700 rub.
Residence Louzani From 3500 rub.
Dar Dayana From 2900 rub.
Riad Arambys From 3000 rub.
Dar Ness From 3000 rub.
Madada Mogador From 8700 rub.
Riad Dar Maya From 7000 rub.
Riad Chbanate From 9500 rub.
La Maison Du Vent From 3050 rub.
Dar Karam From 1600 rub.
Riad Darko From 1100 rub.

There are 2 public beaches in Essaouira. The main one is a large sandy beach, the main entrance to which is located next to the Surf School and Ave. Ker. There are more than 10 lifeguard stations along its entire length; guests can rent sun loungers or buy cooling drinks in seaside bars and cafes. The second is a wild, unequipped beach in the south of the city.


Morocco (sea holidays are best spent at resorts where infrastructure and services are most developed) has the second unofficial capital of the state and at the same time the largest populated area - the city of Casablanca.

It is separated from the city of Rabat by 85 km. The total area of ​​the city is more than 195 km², where about 3.5 million people currently live. The main attraction of Casablanca is the area Old city.

The best hotels in this resort are recognized as:

Name Cost of accommodation for 1 room for 24 hours
Casa Home City Center From 3200 rub.
Azhar Olfa From 2500 rub.
La Palette From 6000 rub.
Mogador From 3000 rub.
Modern African Decoration From 5800 rub.
Haussmannien Center Ville From 5500 rub.
Lina Maarif Studio From 5000 rub.
Casablanca Garden Beach From 6000 rub.
Four Seasons From 16,000 rub.

In addition to the private beaches that are located near hotels, there are 3 more public sandy beaches in Casablanca, each of which has showers, toilets, free sun loungers and sun umbrellas, as well as a bar or a small cafe.

For example:

  • Lalla Merie. The central city square is 4.5 km away
  • I-diab. The city center is 6.5 km away.
  • Plage Madame Choual. The main street is 8.5 km away.

It is better to plan your holiday in Morroco in the summer. The hottest month in Casablanca is August (average daytime temperature +25 °C, night +19.5 °C), the coldest month is December (average daytime temperature +16.6 °C, night +9 °C). In summer the sea warms up to +24°C, in winter – up to +15°C.


Fez is one of the oldest cities, the first mention of which dates back to the end of the 8th century. The total area of ​​the resort is more than 300 km². Today, about 1.2 million people live in Fez. The city has one of the longest pedestrian zones in the world, located in the Old Town area.

There are dozens of hotels in the city, the most comfortable and popular of which experienced tourists call:

Name Daily rental cost
Funky Fes Hostel From 1500 rub.
Hotel Volubilis From 2700 rub.
Riad Jamai From 2400 rub.
Hotel Menzeh Zalagh From 3500 rub.
Hotel Riad Layalina Fes From 5800 rub.
Barceló Fes Medina From 5000 rub.
Hotel Les Merinides From 6500 rub.
Grand Hotel From 1900 rub.
Moroccan Dream Hostel From 1100 rub.
Dar Naima From 1000 rub.
Perla Hotel From 2800 rub.
Dar Fes Tresor From 3500 rub.
Hôtel Palais Medina & SPA Fès From 8000 rub.
Dar Fes Medina From 4500 rub.

The borders of Fes have no contact with either the Atlantic Ocean or the Mediterranean Sea, which wash several other resorts in Morocco, so there are no private or public beaches here. Tourists are strongly recommended to rent rooms in hotels that have a swimming pool.

The hottest month in Fez is July (average daytime temperature +32.3 °C, night +17.1 °C), the coldest month is December (average daytime temperature +15.2 °C, night +5.5 °C) .


The Moroccan city of Tangier, which would later become an important historical, cultural and resort center, was founded in 494. Today its total area is more than 115 km², and in 2018 the number of local residents exceeded 1 million people. The main attraction of Tangier is a natural site called the Grottoes of Hercules, as well as the Monastery of St. Peter.

Most positive feedback about the following local hotels:

Name Cost of daily accommodation for 1 room
Hotel Continental From 2500 rub.
Hilton Garden Inn Tanger City Center From 7000 rub.
Grand Hotel Villa de France From 6200 rub.
The Melting Pot From 1300 rub.
Hotel Rembrandt From 2300 rub.
Bayt Alice From 1500 rub.
Cesar Hotel From 7000 rub.
Kenzi Solazur Tanger From 4500 rub.
Royal Tulip City Center From 6000 rub.

On coastline Tangier has several public free beaches:

  • Tangier Beach.
  • Ba Kacem Beach.
  • Dalia Beach.
  • Bouhendia Beach.

The hottest month in Tajer is August (average daytime temperature +29 °C, night +19 °C), the coldest month is January (average daytime temperature +16 °C, night +9 °C). In summer, the water in the ocean warms up to +24°C, in winter – up to +16°C.


Oualindia is a small provincial resort town 300 km from the Moroccan capital. No more than 10 thousand people live in the settlement. The main attractions that attract tourists to Walindia are: local residents called the villa of King Mohammed V and the famous oyster farms located in the wild city beach area.

In Oualidia, tourists can stay in 1 of the following hotels:

Name Daily rental cost
Oualidia Dream From 3600 rub.
Hotel L'Initiale From 3600 rub.
Dar Sultan From 1600 rub.
Issablanca From 3600 rub.
Hotel Cafe Restaurant THALASSA From 1800 rub.
Maison de la lagune From 2500 rub.
Le temps perdu From 4300 rub.

In addition to private beaches located near hotels, Oualidia has 2 free public beaches. The main one is the one located on the shore of the lagoon. A distinctive feature of this place is the almost complete absence of waves and any ocean currents.

Vacationers are offered to rent 2 and 4-seater boats for boating.

The beach is guarded around the clock, and there are also several rescue stations. For those who prefer waves, the second beach, located on the opposite side of the first, is suitable. There are several bars, a volleyball and beach soccer area, as well as toilets and showers.

El Jadida

El Jadida is a Moroccan port city, which over the past 10 years has become especially popular among foreign tourists. The modern resort was founded at the beginning of the 16th century, and Today it is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. More than 150 thousand people live in El Jadida.

The main attractions here are the Old Fortress and the Market. Several hotel complexes located in the central part of the city are used to accommodate arriving tourists.

The most famous local hotels are:

Name Cost of staying in a room for 24 hours
Hotel Verdi From 2500 rub.
Riad Ksar El Jadida Maroc From 1800 rub.
Hotel El Morabitine From 2500 rub.
Hotel Ibis Budget From 1900 rub.
Riad Harmonie From 3700 rub.
Art Riad Au Bord De La Mer From 2400 rub.
Riad La Villa & SPA - Guest House From 5500 rub.
RIAD DAR EL MALAIKA From 9000 rub.

The central beach here is considered to be a wide sandy beach, the boundaries of which extend far beyond the city limits. This is the largest and most crowded beach in any season. Not far from the Sidi-Kaufe lighthouse is the second beach of El Jadida, and 3 km from the city there is wild beach Sidi-Buzed, which can only be reached by passing transport or taxi; public city transport does not go there.

Resorts on the Atlantic Ocean

Moroccan resort areas located on the Atlantic coast include:

On the Mediterranean Sea

Moroccan resort areas located on the Mediterranean coast include:

  • Tetuan.
  • El Jebea.
  • Al Hoceima.
  • Tibuda.
  • Melilla.
  • Nador.

Spending time at sea during a long-awaited vacation is very often a favorite type of vacation for millions of people around the world. Some of them fly to Morocco expecting best service And developed infrastructure at the chosen resort and, more often than not, remain completely satisfied with both, as well as with the vacation in general.

Article format: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about holidays in Morocco

Holidays in Morocco, features:

Locals call Morocco “the country of the farthest West.” Another name that can often be heard is Maghreb.

The first state was created here by the Romans, but it was the nomadic Berbers who were the true owners of this land. The Romans called them "Moors" where did the word “Moor” come from?

Today Morocco is a kingdom led by a descendant of Muhammad. You will see his images everywhere. Mentioning the king’s name unnecessarily, much less criticism, is categorically unacceptable here.

Morocco is located in the northwest of the African continent. In the west the country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, and in the north by the Mediterranean Sea. In the east it borders with Algeria and Mauritania. The country is separated from Europe by the Strait of Gibraltar.

The vast majority of Moroccan inhabitants are Arabs and Berbers. There are also significant numbers of Spaniards and French living here.

The official language is Arabic, but French, Spanish, and English are also used.

The capital of country - Rabat. Big cities - Marrakech, Casablanca and Tangier.



32,382,000 people

Population density

70 people/km 2

Arabic, Berber


Form of government

a constitutional monarchy

Moroccan dirham (MAD)


International dialing code

Domain zone


Climate and weather

A cold country with a hot sun - this is how travelers see Morocco. The country's climate is characterized by hot, dry summers and warm, humid winters. Climatic differences in individual areas are very pronounced. Under the influence of the ocean, the northwestern part of the country has the mildest weather conditions.

When choosing a time for your trip, choose May-June, when everything will be surrounded by greenery and flowers, or September-October, when the intense summer heat has already subsided. In summer in Marrakech the temperature can reach up to +35 °С, but in the desert since June the thermometer has not dropped below +45 °С. In winter, the Atlas Mountains experience heavy snowfall, cool nights and daytime temperatures ranging from +4 °С to +20 °С.


For those who imagine Morocco as a palm-fringed oasis surrounded by desert, the country's geographic diversity will come as a big surprise.

Morocco has three types of landscape: mountains, coast and desert.

The Atlas Mountains are located in the northwestern part of the country. They form a series of parallel ridges and low-lying plains along the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The highest point is Mount Toubkal (4165 m). In the southeast there is a desert rocky plateau - Western Sahara.

Main rivers - Muluya, Um er Rbia, Tensift, Cebu- originate in high mountain areas and flow into the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.


The cities of Morocco seem to have come straight out of a fairy tale about a thousand and one nights. It's impossible not to admire architectural monuments with elegant carvings, exquisite painting and decoration, and beautiful mosaics.

In Marrakech, go straight to main square Jemaa el Fna. Come here late in the evening and your eyes will be presented with an incredible colorful spectacle: cooking national food, performances by snake charmers, magicians, acrobats and musicians. Other attractions worth noting are the 12th-century Kutumbia Mosque, the 16th-century Ben Yusuf Madrasah and the Bahia Palace.

Essaouira is a pirate port city. See the ruins of Sultan Ben Abdullah's palace, a former slave market and the fortress wall.

Get lost in the endless labyrinth of narrow streets of the Fez medina. One of its parts is the tanners' quarter "shaura" where leather is tanned. Don't miss the museum - Dar Bata Palace, Bu Inaniya Madrasah and Bu Jelud Gate.

History buffs will love the fabulous Meknes and the ruins of the ancient Roman city of Volubilis (2nd-3rd century).

The most significant and largest museums in Morocco are:

  • an archaeological museum with a collection of exhibits from the Carthaginian and Roman periods;
  • Museum of Ethnography in Tetouan;
  • Museum of Natural Sciences;
  • Postal Museum;
  • Udaya Museum in Rabat.


Moroccan cuisine is characterized by the use of three elements: couscous. olive oil and vegetables. Of the latter, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and pumpkin are especially loved. For example, a very popular dish "tagine"- meat, fish or chicken stewed with vegetables.

An integral piece of kitchen utensils - the so-called "couscoussiere". The device consists of a pan with a perforated partition. Meat or vegetables are placed down, and the couscous itself is placed on the partition and placed on the fire. The steam rising from the meat and vegetables causes the couscous to swell and become saturated with their flavor. This is a dish for all occasions.

Moroccans love fine seasonings and other premium ingredients typical of the national cuisine: mint, olives and persimmons from Meknes, citrus fruits from Fez and Agadir, pomegranates from Marrakech, almonds and lamb from Sousse, dates from Erfoud...

Three best dishes Moroccan cuisine: "bastilla"(layer cake with pigeon meat, eggs and almonds), "jam-emshmel"(tagine with chicken, olives and soaked lemons and "meshui"(leg of lamb or whole lamb on a spit).

They drink tea in a special way here. Always with mint and a couple of pine nuts, adding a slightly noticeable tar flavor.


Morocco has a wide range of places to stay, from inexpensive hostels to luxury riads (traditional accommodation).

The largest influx of tourists occurs during Easter week and August, when almost half of the population of Spain and France spends their holidays here. Also, problems with booking may arise during Christmas and New Year celebrations.

If you are traveling with a family or a small group, it is possible best view accommodation for you - apartments with the possibility of self-cooking.

You can pitch a tent anywhere in Morocco as long as you have permission from the owner of the land. There are also official campsites. The cost of living there is around $3.

Gites d'Etape are the names of the houses, most often owned by mountain guides, located along popular trekking routes in the Atlas Mountains. ($5). You can still live in the mountains "refuges", which offer accommodation in similarities to Swiss chalets.

Entertainment and relaxation

Attending the Moussems (festivals) that are held in honor of the marabouts (local saints) is a great way to get to know Moroccan culture. Some of them are celebrated with a simple fair, others have regional and even national significance. Such festivals usually take place during the summer months.

Ski and beach holidays in one country are easy if it’s Morocco. The 1960 earthquake practically destroyed the entire city of Agadir, but it is famous not for its sights, but for its beautiful 20 km long white beaches. You can sunbathe here all year round. Tangier, with its many kilometers of sandy beaches, which are framed by parks with subtropical vegetation - beautiful place for relax.

Morocco's major seaside resorts are Al Hoceima on the Mediterranean coast and Mohammedia north of Casablanca. Also visit the resorts of Validiya and Mehdia. The stormy and cold ocean in Validiya will appeal to surfers, while the warm and calm ocean in Mehdia will appeal to everyone else.

Some ski centers located near Marrakech.


The traditional bazaar in Morocco is called a souk. You can spend a lot of time here looking for the next treasure. What you won’t find: oriental dishes, shiny necklaces, daggers, hookahs, spices, fabrics, hats, carpets.

Many cities have shops where you can buy souvenirs at fixed prices. It is good to visit such a place in advance to get acquainted with the cost and quality of the goods.

Once or twice a week, traders from all over the area come to Moroccan towns and villages to bring their items for sale. Such markets differ from permanent ones. In Agadir they take place on Saturdays and Sundays.


The best way to get around Morocco is by train, but consider all options.

There are two directions of railway transport. One line goes down from Tangier north to Marrakech, and the other goes from Oujda northeast again to Marrakech. The two lines intersect at Sidi Qassem. Trains made in Belgium are much more comfortable and faster than buses. There are 1st and 2nd class carriages.

Domestic air transportation is carried out by two companies: Royal Air Maroc and Regional Air Lines.

Almost all bus services are carried out by private companies.

The best way to get around the city is a taxi. The price depends on how you negotiate with the driver.

Following traffic rules is not about Morocco. Here everyone constantly honks, overtakes on both sides and drives as they see fit. The country drives on the right hand side. Speed ​​limits in built-up areas are 40 km/h, outside the city - 100 km/h and on highways increase to 120 km/h.


The post office building can be identified by its yellow sign. PTT or La poste. Street payphones in Morocco are often targeted by vandals, so for calls there are private, so-called "teleboutiques". You can recognize them by their blue signs. Some cities have public communications centers, usually located near the post office.

There are three mobile operators in Morocco: Meditel, Wana and Maroc telecom. Phone numbers start with 01, 06 or 07. A SIM card costs about 2 € (20 dirhams), and these 20 dirhams go to your phone account, they are enough for about 20-30 minutes of conversation in Morocco or 10 minutes in Russia.

Being online in Morocco is not difficult. Internet access is widespread and cheap at internet cafes, but the downside is that the signal speed is likely to be slow. Wi-Fi access is offered in many hotels.


Morocco is a fairly safe place to holiday and the people here are welcoming and friendly. But despite this, some problems still exist.

You shouldn't walk alone at night. The name of the same street can be written in French, English and Arabic - it’s very easy to get lost. It all depends on what kind of map you have and what your navigation skills are.

Carry only the necessary amount of currency with you and hide it well. Be careful when withdrawing money from an ATM.

Business climate

Today, Morocco has excellent opportunities for business development. Many industries are developed here, in particular textiles, food and chemicals. Businessmen open small shops selling handicrafts. The production of souvenirs is also very developed in the country.

Before you start building your business in the country of bright sun, golden sand and gentle coastal waves, familiarize yourself with the main taxes that are levied in Morocco: Impôt Général sur le Revenu – IGR(income tax - for income up to 2,400 euros per year - 0%, for income over 12,000 per year - up to 42%), Impôt sur les Sociétés— IS (enterprise tax — 35%, for certain types of activities — 8, 10 and 20%), Taxe sur la Valeur Ajouté— TVA (VAT — 20%), Taxe urbaine - TU(city tax - 13.5%), Taxe d'édilité - TE(municipal tax - 10 and 6%).

Real estate

Buying real estate in Morocco is profitable: the country has a developed tourism business, and a constant flow of people will bring you income.

Prices for purchasing housing are not very high. You can choose a villa from the simplest option for $193,700 to one built in a prestigious area with all amenities for $387,300. The most prestigious area in Morocco for building a villa is the Palmeria area on the outskirts of Marrakech.

The acquisition of real estate occurs in several stages. After the direct selection of the purchase object, a Compromis de Vente (preliminary purchase and sale contract) is concluded. The next stage is the signing of the Acte de Vente (final sales contract). Next comes the Titre de proprietere (notarization of the deed of sale). And the only thing left to do is: the new owner registers with the state registration bureau of real estate and pays taxes on the purchase and registration of real estate.

If you decide to resell the property less than 5 years after purchase, the tax will be 20%. For the first 5 years, rental income is not subject to taxation for new buildings (the tax rate will be 2% if the property belongs to the secondary real estate market).

Russian citizens do not need a visa to travel to Morocco. The passport must be valid for six months from the date of entry into the country.

Get ready to constantly bargain and fight off the advances of false guides and children.

Remember that you are in a Muslim country and try to maintain decorum in dress.

Non-Muslims are strictly prohibited from entering many mosques.

If you want to use toilet paper, take it with you; local restrooms have only a replacement - a ladle of water.

Learn a few words in Arabic: "mafish fulus"- no money, "shukran" - Thank you, " Afuan"- Please, “salaam alaikum - alaikum assalam”- Hello, “mae salama!”- Goodbye.

Visa information

To visit Morocco for a period not exceeding 90 days, Russian citizens do not need a visa. When crossing the Moroccan border, you must have a passport with a validity period exceeding the period of your planned stay in this country and a migration card, which is issued immediately on the plane or directly at the border crossing point. Upon entry, each tourist is assigned his own personal number, which is affixed to the passport along with a stamp.

So, the traveler has planned a vacation trip to Morocco. As they say in Arabic: "Mabruk" which means congratulations! Now what? Before boarding a plane, there are a few things every traveler needs to know.

Morocco, Morocco, Morocco? Which is correct?

IN English language, the word is written: Morocco. In Russian: Morocco. But in Arabic, things aren't so simple with vowels, so it's really just anyone's guess. In this case, pronouncing correctly is much more important than writing correctly.

Are any vaccinations required before departure?

Despite the fact that it is always - personal choice everyone, the answer is: there are no compulsory vaccines in Morocco. Many people try to protect themselves by getting vaccinated against rabies and hepatitis A and B. But in fact, during their entire stay in the country, no one had any health problems.

What is the local currency? Are credit cards accepted?

Moroccan dirham (DEE-rahm). The exchange rate is approximately 12 cents per dirham.

Relatively speaking, the dirham exchange rate is quite stable, so there should be no surprises. Of course, you can find goods at Western prices, but for the most part, Morocco is a place where you can and should bargain.

It is important to remember that cash from ATMs is issued in dirhams, and a bank commission of about 3 percent will be charged on withdrawals. Some credit cards still have no international transaction fees. Before departure, you must contact your credit card issuing bank for advice. Most major retail outlets accept credit cards. Bazaars (souks - open-air markets) and small shops are likely to require cash, and especially if the tourist is in the mood to bargain, cash is the trump card.

What language do they speak?

Moroccans speak a fascinating mixture of Arabic, Berber, English and French. In one sentence there is a high probability of hearing several languages, such as: “Mabruk! Welcome, haltu redu caf? e th??”.

While English is most likely to be understood in large cities, communication problems may arise in smaller and rural areas. In this case, Arabic and French are the salvation for the intrepid traveler.

What rules must be followed?

There are two rules that are very important to follow while in Morocco. The first thing is not to use your left hand for any purpose. For example, eating with it or shaking someone else's hand as a sign of greeting. Muslims, including Moroccans, consider this an unclean gesture; in Islam, only the right hand is considered clean. It is important to observe this primarily in public places, and it does not matter whether you are right-handed or left-handed.

The second rule concerns women's clothing. In Moroccan culture, women always dress very modestly, in contrast to Western trends. No one forbids tourists to wear short tops, skirts or shorts, but to be on the safe side and in tribute to the traditions of Morocco, it is still better to purchase clothes from a local store. In addition, it is always very light, flowing and will serve as a wonderful souvenir in the future. Piece-piece swimsuits are also preferable. Traditions are especially strictly observed in small populated areas and in rural areas. In big cities and major tourist centers the attitude is more loyal.

Features of religion

Propaganda of any religion other than Islam is prohibited. This violation is punishable by a fine of up to 500 dirhams and imprisonment of up to 3 years.

What is the food like in Morocco? Can I eat fresh fruits, vegetables and drink water?

Food in Morocco consists exclusively of local products. As a result, the choice may be smaller, but most of the vegetables and fruits for the table are grown here and delivered very quickly and without any chemical treatment. The local cuisine in Morocco is a must-have, it is tasty and healthy and adds a certain flavor to your trip. It will not be superfluous to consume charcoal and yogurt. Also, for safety reasons, it is better to use bottled water and wash fruits and vegetables well.

What souvenirs to buy in Morocco?

We recommend reading the article What to buy in Morocco. And it is best to bring traditional local products from Morocco: carpets, leather goods (bags, shoes, clothes), wood products, ceramics, forged copper and brass products, babouches, robes.

A useful phrase in Arabic: "Lyaa, shukrAn" - "no need, thank you." Pushy sellers, beggars and self-proclaimed guides immediately lose interest in you. If you want to say: “thank you” - accordingly - “shukrAn” (emphasis on the “a”).

If you receive help on the street from local guide- the fee is automatically assumed!

A few Moroccan words in Arabic:

GoodbyeMa assalama, be-slama
YesNa am(quince), Iiekh
Thank youShukran, barak el-lah fik
Please (in request)Min fadlek, afak
Good morningSebah el Kheir
SorryIs it funny?
Do you know English?Taarif inglizi?
How many?Kaddesch?
How much does it cost?Bikam yes, shhal, shhal el-taman
no entryDuhul mamnua
I don't understandMa fhemt-sh
PassportHawaii safar
You can seeMumkin shuf
Good productsSela kvaysa
I wantNheb
KissBusa or Koblya
Go, fuck offYalla
Go, fuck off - for those who are especially persistent,
letters "went to the white devil"
I am Khabbara Abbet
The end (I said everything)Halas (how!)
1 Wahid (wahad)
2 Itnan (itnin)
10 Ashara
20 Ishrin
100 Mia (meya)

Morocco attracts tourists with its Arabian and African exoticism, excellent Atlantic beaches and the endless Sahara Desert. Ancient Fes and snow-white Casablanca, holidays in Essaouira and Agadir, colorful bazaars and delicious cuisine - everything about Morocco: weather, tours, maps and photos.

Morocco is a country of temptation, an oriental beauty, skillfully flirting with a bewitched guest. Located in North Africa, but not part of the African Union, it is otherwise full of paradoxes. The beautiful and amazing attracts from all sides of the world: in the west - the riot of the Atlantic, in the north - the gentle waters of the Mediterranean Sea, in the south - the cosmic reliefs of the Sahara. And in the heart are colorful cities where the hot temperament of the Dark Continent, thousand-year-old Eastern traditions and modern Western technologies are mixed.

Behind the façade of a luxury hotel there is probably an ancient mosque hiding, behind the familiar European gaze. shopping center- a noisy market, driving you crazy with the aromas of spices, behind a fashionable spa with an exclusive thalasso menu - a secluded beach with idyllic landscapes. The traveler can only look around more carefully and be prepared for endless discoveries.


The Kingdom of Morocco is located in North Africa, bordering Algeria to the east. The northern shores of the country are washed by the Mediterranean Sea, the western shores by the Atlantic Ocean. Morocco is separated from Europe by the Strait of Gibraltar.

To enter Morocco for a period of up to 90 days, you do not need a visa in advance. The requirements for a foreign passport are also not strict: it must be valid at the time of departure. At the border, an entry stamp is affixed to the passport. You will also need to fill out a migration card, so don’t forget to take a pen with you.


You can travel to Morocco all year round - the beach season here lasts without interruption. On the Mediterranean coast the water is warmer, but major resorts there isn't. The ocean water washing the shores of Agadir and Casablanca warms up to +21°C in summer.

The best time to travel to Morocco is spring and early autumn. You can also relax on the beaches of Morocco, for example, in Agadir, in the summer - the ocean breeze helps you easily endure the hot weather.

During the day At night Sea Season
January +16…+20 +8…+9 +15
February +17…+20 +9…+10 +16
March +17…+22 +10…+11 +17
April +18…+21 +11…+12 +18
May +20…+22 +13…+15 +19 Beach
June +22…+25 +16…+17 +21 Beach
July +25…+28 +18…+20 +23 Beach
August +25…+29 +18…+20 +24 Beach
September +25…+27 +18…+19 +22 Beach
October +22…+24 +15…+16 +21 Beach
November +20…+23 +11…+12 +19
Population 32,382,000 people
Square 446,550 km 2
Population density 70 people/km 2
Language Arabic, Berber
Religion Islam
Form of government a constitutional monarchy
Currency Moroccan dirham (MAD)
Timezone UTC +0
International dialing code +212
Domain zone .ma
Electricity 127 V, 220 V

Climate and weather

A cold country with a hot sun - this is how travelers see Morocco. The country's climate is characterized by hot, dry summers and warm, humid winters. Climatic differences in individual areas are very pronounced. Under the influence of the ocean, the northwestern part of the country has the mildest weather conditions.

When choosing a time for your trip, choose May-June, when everything will be surrounded by greenery and flowers, or September-October, when the intense summer heat has already subsided. In summer in Marrakech the temperature can reach up to +35 °С, but in the desert since June the thermometer has not dropped below +45 °С. In winter, the Atlas Mountains experience heavy snowfall, cool nights and daytime temperatures ranging from +4 °С to +20 °С.


For those who imagine Morocco as a palm-fringed oasis surrounded by desert, the country's geographic diversity will come as a big surprise.

Morocco has three types of landscape: mountains, coast and desert.

The Atlas Mountains are located in the northwestern part of the country. They form a series of parallel ridges and low-lying plains along the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The highest point is Mount Toubkal (4165 m). In the southeast there is a desert rocky plateau - Western Sahara.

Main rivers - Muluya, Um er Rbia, Tensift, Cebu- originate in the highlands and flow into the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.


The cities of Morocco seem to have come straight out of a fairy tale about a thousand and one nights. It is impossible not to admire the architectural monuments with elegant carvings, exquisite painting and decoration, and beautiful mosaics.

In Marrakech, head straight to the main square of Jemaa el Fna. Come here in the late afternoon and your eyes will be presented with an incredible colorful spectacle: the preparation of national food, performances by snake charmers, magicians, acrobats and musicians. Other attractions worth noting are the 12th-century Kutumbia Mosque, the 16th-century Ben Yusuf Madrasah and the Bahia Palace.

Essaouira is a pirate port city. See the ruins of Sultan Ben Abdullah's palace, a former slave market and the fortress wall.

Get lost in the endless labyrinth of narrow streets of the Fez medina. One of its parts is the tanners' quarter "shaura" where leather is tanned. Don't miss the museum - Dar Bata Palace, Bu Inaniya Madrasah and Bu Jelud Gate.

History buffs will love the fabulous Meknes and the ruins of the ancient Roman city of Volubilis (2nd-3rd century).

The most significant and largest museums in Morocco are:

  • an archaeological museum with a collection of exhibits from the Carthaginian and Roman periods;
  • Museum of Ethnography in Tetouan;
  • Museum of Natural Sciences;
  • Postal Museum;
  • Udaya Museum in Rabat.


Moroccan cuisine is characterized by the use of three elements: couscous. olive oil and vegetables. Of the latter, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and pumpkin are especially loved. For example, a very popular dish "tagine"- meat, fish or chicken stewed with vegetables.

An integral piece of kitchen utensils - the so-called "couscoussiere". The device consists of a pan with a perforated partition. Meat or vegetables are placed down, and the couscous itself is placed on the partition and placed on the fire. The steam rising from the meat and vegetables causes the couscous to swell and become saturated with their flavor. This is a dish for all occasions.

Moroccans love fine seasonings and other premium ingredients typical of the national cuisine: mint, olives and persimmons from Meknes, citrus fruits from Fez and Agadir, pomegranates from Marrakech, almonds and lamb from Sousse, dates from Erfoud...

Three best Moroccan dishes: "bastilla"(layer cake with pigeon meat, eggs and almonds), "jam-emshmel"(tagine with chicken, olives and soaked lemons and "meshui"(leg of lamb or whole lamb on a spit).

They drink tea in a special way here. Always with mint and a couple of pine nuts, adding a slightly noticeable tar flavor.


Morocco has a wide range of places to stay, from inexpensive hostels to luxury riads (traditional accommodation).

The largest influx of tourists occurs during Easter week and August, when almost half of the population of Spain and France spends their holidays here. Also, problems with booking may arise during Christmas and New Year celebrations.

If you are traveling with a family or a small group, then perhaps the best type of accommodation for you is an apartment with self-catering facilities.

You can pitch a tent anywhere in Morocco as long as you have permission from the owner of the land. There are also official campsites. The cost of living there is around $3.

Gites d’Etape is the name given to houses, most often owned by mountain guides, located along popular trekking routes in the Atlas Mountains. ($5). You can still live in the mountains "refuges", which offer accommodation in similarities to Swiss chalets.

Major holidays

  • February. Almond blossom festival in Tafraout.
  • March. Theater Festival in Casablanca; Cotton Festival in Beni Mellal.
  • May. Rose Festival in El Kelaa Mgouna.
  • June. Folklore festival at El Badi Palace in Marrakech; cherry blossom festival in Sefrou; World Festival of Sacred Music in Fez; moussem in Asni, near Marrakech; Saharan mousseem in Tan Tan; camel festival in Asrir, near Gelmim.
  • July. Honey Festival in Imuzzer-Ida-Utanan; water festival in Martil, near Tetouan.
  • August. International festival arts in Asil; Moussem Setti-Fatma in Ourique, near Marrakech; Moussem Sidi Allal el-Hajj in Chefchaouen; Moulay Abdessalem's mousseme, including Fantasia, near El Jadida; African Music Festival in Tiznit; apple festival in Imuzzer-Kandar.
  • September. "Fantasy" in Meknes is one of the largest holidays in Morocco; festival of traditional arts in Fez; the moussem of Moulay Idriss II, during which Fassi artisans sacrifice a bull to the patron saint of the city; Moussem of Sidi Ahmed or Musa in Agadir; matchmaking festival in Imilchil; Moussem of Moulay Idris I in Moulay Idris.
  • October. Date Festival in Erfoud; music festival in Essaouira.
  • December. Olive Festival in Rafsay, in the Rif Mountains.

Official national holidays

  • January 1 - New Year.
  • January 11 is the Day of the Proclamation of the Independence Manifesto.
  • May 1 - Labor Day. July 30 - Feast of the Throne. August 14 is the Day of the annexation of Ed-Dahab.
  • August 21 - Youth Day (King's Birthday).
  • November 6 - Anniversary of the Green March.
  • November 18 - Independence Day.

State structure

A constitutional monarchy. The head of state is the king. Legislative power in the country is exercised by the king and a bicameral parliament (House of Representatives and House of Councils). The King also appoints all ministers and presides over the Council of Ministers.


Official language: Arabic

In mountainous regions, local dialects are used. French is most often used as the second main language. Next come Spanish and English. Spanish is especially spoken in the area around Fez.


Islam is state religion. Sunni Muslims - 99%, Christians - 0.8%, Jews - 0.2%.


International name: MAD

The Moroccan dirham is equal to 100 centimes. In circulation are banknotes in denominations of 200, 100, 50 and 20 dirhams, as well as coins in 5, 1 dirham and 5, 10, 20 and 50 centimes. In the southern regions and in some places in the high mountain villages of the Atlas it is still in use currency unit rial (1/20 dirham).

Dirhams are not convertible, the export of currency is prohibited, so it is not recommended to exchange large amounts at once. You can exchange currency in banks, large hotels and some large restaurants, as well as at specialized exchange offices at airports. Currency exchange on the street and in unlicensed exchange offices is prohibited. The exchange rate is quite stable, it is the same throughout the country and is set by the state. ATMs are quite common and are located mainly near large retail outlets and banks.

Credit cards are accepted in most restaurants, almost all hotels and most large stores, private traders are extremely reluctant to work with them. American Express travel checks are accepted almost everywhere; checks from other systems are less readily cashed.

History of Morocco

The history of the region is built mainly on the relationships between the Berbers, who have inhabited it since ancient times, and various conquerors. The first foreign conquerors were the Phoenicians, who founded in the 12th century BC. several colonies on the Mediterranean coast. Later, these colonies passed to the Carthaginians, and from the 2nd century BC, after the conquest of Carthage by the Romans, Roman rule in North Africa began….

Where to stay

Morocco is a multifaceted country offering tourists a varied holiday: from the sunny beaches of the Atlantic coast to ski resorts Atlas. Moroccan hotels are also presented for every taste and budget - from small private hotels to representative offices of international hotel chains.

Hotel classification is standard European. Most often, hotels are built and decorated in Arabic style and are located on the coast. Two- and three-star hotels are located within one kilometer of the coastline. Four- and five-star hotels are most often nearby or directly in the beach area. Also, these hotels have heated swimming pools with sea ​​water, own fitness centers and thalassotherapy centers. Most often, hotels offer half board, but sometimes they offer an all-inclusive system. Business class hotels are located mainly in all major cities of the country - Casablanca, Marrakech, Rabat, Fez. They differ high level service similar to Western Europe, but significantly lower in price.

Two- and three-star hotels according to the local classification are divided into riad - a small city guest house, auberge - a small inn, gîtes d'étape - a roadside inn. The first ones are most often located in cities rich in historical attractions, and for the most part they are beautiful old houses converted into a hotel with several rooms, some even have a swimming pool. Auberges are provincial inns, designed in the traditional kasbah style, mostly cozy family hotels. Gîtes d’étape – roadside hotels for extreme travelers. In the mountains there are small hotels with everything you need. In the desert there are small tent cities or campsites with showers, electricity and a field kitchen.

Most hotels in the country, with the exception of business class, quite often experience problems with hot water supply. Some economy class hotels may not have hot water at all, or charge an additional fee for it.

Regions and resorts of Morocco

The capital is Rabat, a city of parks, wide alleys and architectural landmarks, from which you can read the entire history of the state. Here are the residence of the royal family, the blue and white Medina, ancient mosques and museums that plunge you into the depths of centuries. Within the city there is an excellent beach on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean, the best hotels are on the central street. Muhammad V

IN excursion route It is certainly worth including the other imperial cities - Fez, Marrakech and Meknes. The first is called “African Athens”: medieval quarters have not been rebuilt for centuries; family crafts (the main one is leatherwork) are passed on from father to son.

There are two ancient centers in Fez: Fes al-Bali with endless labyrinths of streets (there are as many as 6,000 of them here!) and Fes-Jdid with the luxurious Emir's Palace.

Marrakech is a huge tourist attraction: just have time to dodge souvenir sellers, street acrobats and snake charmers. Abstracted from the hustle and bustle, you can enjoy walks through the UNESCO-listed Medina, magnificent gardens and parks. Meknes, dubbed the “Moroccan Versailles,” is much more cozy and intimate: the local palaces, minarets and mausoleums are full of noble grandeur.

Available in Morocco and beach resorts, the most popular of which is Agadir with 6 km of coastline covered with golden sand, comfortable hotels and all kinds of entertainment: from golf to thalasso. Essaouira always has wind and waves, making it an ideal place for surfing, and in Tangier you can swim in both the Mediterranean Sea and the ocean. Oualidia, hidden in a picturesque lagoon, is famous for its delicious oysters, and El Jadida is famous for its European architecture, preserved from colonial times.


Couscous and lamb dishes are highly respected in Morocco. The menu has a lot of vegetables and spices that give the dishes a unique taste and aroma. On major holidays, a pie with pigeon meat and almonds is served. Tea drinking in Morocco is a real ritual. It is brewed with mint in a special way, poured into a glass from a teapot from a height to achieve foam. It is customary to serve pine nuts and dates with tea.


By resort towns It is convenient to travel either on foot or by taxi. Be prepared for the fact that other passengers may get into the taxi along the way. The average price of a taxi ride in Morocco is from 10 to 50 dirhams (usually no more than 10 dirhams per kilometer). They go between cities high speed trains. Casablanca can be reached in a sedentary drive from the capital, Fez, Marrakech. Intercity buses operate more frequently and are cheaper, but due to their popularity, tickets are more difficult to buy.

What to bring

Embroidered leather shoes (babouches, mules), painted pottery, teapots, lamps, and bedspreads are brought as souvenirs from Morocco. People often buy sets of spices and tea as gifts.

Good to know

Business climate

Today, Morocco has excellent opportunities for business development. Many industries are developed here, in particular textiles, food and chemicals. Businessmen open small shops selling handicrafts. The production of souvenirs is also very developed in the country.

Before you start building your business in the country of bright sun, golden sand and gentle coastal waves, familiarize yourself with the main taxes that are levied in Morocco: Impôt Général sur le Revenu - IGR(income tax - for income up to 2,400 euros per year - 0%, for income over 12,000 per year - up to 42%), Impôt sur les Sociétés- IS (enterprise tax - 35%, for certain types of activities - 8, 10 and 20%). Taxe sur la Valeur Ajouté- TVA (VAT - 20%), Taxe urbaine - TU(city tax - 13.5%), Taxe d'édilité - TE(municipal tax - 10 and 6%).

Real estate

Buying real estate in Morocco is profitable: the country has a developed tourism business, and a constant flow of people will bring you income.

Prices for purchasing housing are not very high. You can choose a villa from the simplest option for $193,700 to one built in a prestigious area with all amenities for $387,300. The most prestigious area in Morocco for building a villa is the Palmeria area on the outskirts of Marrakech.

The acquisition of real estate occurs in several stages. After the direct selection of the purchase object, a Compromis de Vente (preliminary purchase and sale contract) is concluded. The next stage is the signing of the Acte de Vente (final sales contract). Next comes the Titre de proprietere (notarization of the deed of sale). And the only thing left to do is: the new owner registers with the state registration bureau of real estate and pays taxes on the purchase and registration of real estate.

If you decide to resell the property less than 5 years after purchase, the tax will be 20%. For the first 5 years, rental income is not subject to taxation for new buildings (the tax rate will be 2% if the property belongs to the secondary real estate market).


Moroccan wedding

A Moroccan wedding is an occasion for mass celebrations, when the entire town joins in the rituals that precede the wedding ceremony. Traditionally, the father chooses the bride for his son. The son has the opportunity to look at the girl from afar in order to express his opinion. If all is well, the father offers the chosen one’s family a ransom. If the ransom is accepted, the engagement of the young couple is announced for a period of one to two years. Engagement is a legally binding element of the marriage process, allowing the newlyweds to get used to each other. If desired, they can sleep together.

In cities, a wedding between representatives of rich families can last a week, and then each day has its own ritual. In poorer rural areas, weddings often only have one day. In any case, the wedding is preceded by numerous rituals. After a certain period of preparation, the bride is taken to the groom's house, where she is greeted with music, dancing and general rejoicing. The bride is shown into the reception room and the guests are seated for a feast accompanied by music and dancing. At Berber weddings, the bride is brought to the groom's house on horseback and then hidden in one of the upper rooms, wrapped in carpets. Only immediate relatives can visit her. The groom must be able to get to her along the wooden ladder.

Like all other areas of Moroccan life, the marriage process is undergoing significant changes. Today in cities, a woman’s opinion when choosing a partner is no less important than in the West. And the buyout is no longer so relevant: double income for the future family, mortgage and tax breaks are more significant advantages than gold or camels.


Morocco's diversity makes it an ideal country for road trips. We highly recommend renting a car: the distances are long but manageable, so you can see most of the country in two weeks. Public transport works well, but will take a long time to navigate, and to visit more remote areas, especially the High Atlas (Haut Atlas), a car is simply necessary. Using the services of most international car rental companies will allow you to pick up a car at one airport and return it at another.


A popular summer circular route attracts with the beaches of the Atlantic coast in Asil and Larache, and the exotic port of Tangier. Families with children often head to the calm and clean Mediterranean coast, while adventurous tourists climb to the white cities of Tetouan and Chefchaouen or climb into the wild mountains of the Rif. Many visitors combine a week in the region with a week visiting the imperial cities and southern Morocco.

Imperial cities

Fez is the oldest of the four imperial cities of Morocco

A fascinating journey through the four imperial capitals of Morocco begins with Marrakech in the south, passes through Fes and Meknes and ends in the majestic capital on the Atlantic coast - Rabat. The route includes excursions through the High Atlas, cedar forests of the Middle Atlas (Moyen Atlas), the ancient Roman city of Volubilis and the Muslim holy city of Moulay Idriss. The first-class resorts of Mohammedia, Temara and Skhirat, located on the coast, attract with beautiful sandy beaches. When planning your trip, keep in mind that Marrakech is very hot in summer; the best time to visit this city is in spring and early autumn. During the winter months, some High Atlas passes, from Marrakech to Fez, may be closed due to bad weather.


For many visitors, visiting the south of the country is the most impressive part of their stay in Morocco. The High Atlas gives way here to dry plains and lush oases. This is the so-called African Morocco. Camels graze in the valleys of the Dra and Ziz rivers; near Erfoud, they seem to rise to the very sky sand dunes (150 m high). The main agricultural crop of the region is dates: mainly date palms survive on the poor soils here. On the coast, the modern resort of Agadir has excellent infrastructure that guarantees a good rest. Further north, Essaouira is a more traditional seaside town with a fishing port and charming beaches. The high season in the south is from September to May, but even then the air temperature often goes beyond 40°C.