Old town in Rhodes. Old Town of Rhodes Get to know the city of Rhodes where it's good

On the shores of the Aegean Sea. Shopping and tourist center. Processing of agricultural products. Fishing.

The Colossus of Rhodes was located in Rhodes - one of the seven wonders of the world. Nowadays tourists are attracted to the city by one of the World Heritage monuments - Rhodes fortress, erected in the Middle Ages as the headquarters of the knightly order of the Hospitallers.


Ancient Rhodes

Palace of the Grand Masters of the Order of Rhodes

Ancient Rhodes was founded in 408 BC. e. in accordance with the common decision of the three significant city-states of the island - Camira, Yalisya and Linda - to found a single city together.

The location for the city was chosen in the northernmost part of the island, from where it was possible to monitor ships sailing in the eastern Aegean Sea.

The city was officially called "dem of the Rhodians", was built according to the Hippodamian system and was famous for its urban structure. The city had wide intersecting streets running horizontally and vertically, forming right angles. According to information contained in the texts of ancient authors, the city was decorated with many temples and statues. There were five ports in the city, of which three have been located, while traces of the other two have been lost. One of them was the Grand Port, corresponding to the current Commercial Port. Another port was the Military Port, located in the territory of Mandraki. During hostilities, the entrance to it was closed with a chain. And finally, the third port was located on the territory of the port of Akantia. Many of the streets of the city from the later Middle Ages coincided with the streets of ancient times. For example, on the Street of Knights (Hippoton) in antiquity there was a street leading from the temple of the god Helios to the Grand Port.

The temple of the god Helios was supposedly built on the site where the Palace of the Grand Masters currently stands. In the northern part of the Grand Port stood the temple of Aphrodite. The discovered remains of the temple date back to the 3rd century BC. e. To the west of this area were shipyards.

The ancient city was surrounded by fortified walls. The city walls also covered the acropolis, which was not fortified and was located in the southwestern part of the city, on the hill of St. Stephen or Monte Smith. Five ports had special fortifications. The walled city occupied approximately the same territory as the modern city. The area of ​​the city was about 15 km, and the population reached 60,000-100,000 people.

The time of greatest rise of ancient Rhodes falls on the 3rd-2nd centuries BC. e. During this period, the city was the most significant center of transit trade in the Eastern Mediterranean. As a result of archaeological excavations, the stadium, theater and temples located on the acropolis were discovered, as well as the foundations of buildings, streets, an underground sewerage and water supply network and sections of ancient fortress walls.

In the northernmost part of the acropolis of ancient Rhodes, the ruins of the temple of Athena Poliadra are preserved. To the south and east of the temple, buildings built below ground level were discovered. These structures, which connected with the city’s underground water supply, are called nymphaeums because they were dedicated to the cult of nymphs. To the southeast of the nymphaeum and the temple of Athena, a small theater was excavated, now completely reconstructed. Only three seats in the first row are original. The small size of the theater (capacity - only 800 seats) indicates that we are not talking about a city theater, but about a building for musical performances and other events in honor of Apollo and even for speeches. To the southeast of the theater, the stadium of the ancient city was opened - a building of the 2nd century BC. e. Antique Olympic stadium 3rd century BC. is the only fully preserved Olympic stadium in the world - an analogue of the stadium at Olympia with a central field for racing in two stages (dromos dolichos) and a rounded end for martial arts, surrounded by original seats and stands. The sound of the voice can be heard at 400 meters and only intensifies towards the middle. To the east of the stadium there was a gymnasium, of which only scanty remains remain.

In the highest, western part of the acropolis there was a temple of Apollo of Pytheas, to which a large staircase led. Three columns of the temple supporting the cornice have been restored. The base of the temple is built around a giant quadrangular cyclopean stone in the same way as the base of the nearby temple of Aphrodite.

Tombs have been excavated to the southwest of the stadium, while the necropolises of the ancient city (IV-III centuries BC) are located near Rodini, the most significant burial in which is the so-called “tomb of the Ptolemies”. Burials were also found in the Sgouros area, near the road to Koskina and the village of Agia Triada.

Byzantine Rhodes

In the Byzantine era (IV century AD - 1309), the city of Rhodes was the capital of the Kivirreota theme. The city was an important naval and military base and the seat of the Orthodox metropolitan.

During the earthquake of 515, the city suffered significant destruction, after which it began to occupy a significantly smaller territory compared to the territory of the ancient city. Although the new territory of the city is not precisely defined, it is clear that the city consisted of a Byzantine fortress and a fortified city.

A significant number of early Christian churches located throughout the island date back to the same era. Inside the city, there is a basilica with mosaic ceilings from the 5th century in the southwestern part (the intersection of Pavlou Mela and Jimarras streets), a building of the same era with mosaic floors (on Jimarras Street) and, finally, another basilica near the new stadium. In the 13th century, when Rhodes was ruled by the brothers Leo and John Gavala, the Byzantine churches of the city were built inside the fortress. When the island was captured by the Turks, they turned the churches into mosques, adapting them to the needs of their own religion.

Knightly Rhodes

With the arrival of the Knights of St. John in 1309, the city of Rhodes became the center of the Order. The city's port experienced significant prosperity. Pilgrims traveling to the Holy Places stopped here on their way to Jerusalem. New buildings were erected, fortifications were reconstructed and strengthened. During this era, Rhodes acquired the appearance of a medieval city. From the inside, a wall divided it into two unequal parts - the smaller Collachio and the larger Chora or Burgo. The main axis of Collachio was the Street of the Knights (Ippoton). Here were the Palace of the Grand Masters, the administrative center, the Catholic Cathedral, a hospital, the residence of various “languages,” the houses of knights, a pier and an arsenal. Chora and Burgo were located south of Collachio. On the territory inside its walls there were houses of representatives of various nationalities living in the city, including Greeks and Jews, a market, Orthodox and Catholic churches, a synagogue, public buildings and barracks. The architecture of the Age of Knights can be divided into two periods. In the first period (1309-1480), the Gothic style with some variations became widespread. Craftsmen working at this time. They were local, which is why their creations also have some Byzantine elements. In the second period (1480-1522), the beginning of which dates back to the first siege by the Turks (1480) and the devastating earthquake of 1481, late Gothic art, influenced by the art of the Italian Renaissance, developed. During the second period, fortifications and public buildings were restored after the destruction caused by the Turkish siege and earthquake.

Of all the Grand Masters, d’Aubusson paid special attention to strengthening the fortifications. The fortress walls surrounding the city had a perimeter of 4 km and also had a moat, which in many areas was double. Fortifications included walls that protected the city from land, port walls, and port pier walls. Each “language” was assigned a special place, which it had to defend in the event of an enemy attack. In general, the fortress had seven gates: the Gate of St. Paul at the northern end of the fortress, which communicated with the Nallac Tower at the edge of the northern pier of the port, the Gate d'Amboise, built in 1512, the Gate of St. Athanasius in the southwestern part of the city, the Koskinu Gate, which was called also the Gate of St. John, the Gate of St. Catherine or the Gate of the Mills, the second name of which is due to the 14 mills that stood on the pier (only 3 have survived), the Sea Gate in the center of the Commercial Port and, finally, to the north - the Port Gate. In some areas, the fortifications were reinforced with towers - the Tower of Spain, the Tower of the Virgin Mary, the Tower of St. Paul (on the edge of the northern pier) and the Tower of St. Nicholas (on the edge of the southern pier).

Turkish rule

Suleiman Mosque

After the capture of Rhodes by the troops of Suleiman the Magnificent in 1522, the Greeks were expelled from the fortified city and settled outside it in newly formed quarters called “marasias”. The Turks who settled in the city did not need to build new houses. They used existing buildings, to which they made extensions, adapting them to their own needs. Churches were turned into mosques with attached minarets, while Christian houses with attached “sakhnisi” fully met the needs of the new owners. Only a few mosques, three temples, some commercial premises and market warehouses were rebuilt.

Having replaced the Turks in 1912, the Italians rebuilt the city, eliminating the additions made by the Turks. They also built a building in the port of Mandraki and around the medieval city.

New town

The new city arose as a result of the relocation of residents to the territory outside the fortress walls after the capture of Rhodes in 1522. However, the main buildings and restoration work date mainly to the time of the Italian occupation (the general plan of the city was drawn up in 1926 and implemented by the architect Florestano di Fausto). At the same time, the Italians decorated it with buildings of the neo-Gothic and Venetian style, many of which have survived to this day, thereby creating a special appearance of the city, especially in the port area. The modern city has concentrated the majority of the island's busy population on its territory and is characterized by a carefully thought-out layout with wide streets and a large number of parks and squares. The city's highly developed tourism industry has resulted in the emergence of many hotels that are distinguished by exquisite amenities and in keeping with modern aesthetics. This also includes most recreation centers, thanks to which life in the city continues until the morning, giving it a cosmopolitan flavor.

In the eastern part of Rhodes is the port of Akantia, and to the east it is followed by the Commercial Port, on the site of which in ancient times the so-called Great Port was located. In this area, in ancient times, there was “Deigma” (literally: “Sample (of goods)”) - a complex of richly decorated buildings that played the role of a shopping center. Unfortunately, nothing has survived from this complex, as well as from the ancient agora and the famous Theater of Dionysus, located by archaeologists near the Grand Port. The third port of ancient Rhodes was military and is identified with the current Mandraki, which is located to the west of the Commercial Port. Mandraki is one of the most picturesque places on the entire island, where life is in full swing throughout the year. The picture, consisting of fishing boats, excursion ships and yachts of the island’s guests, acquires a special charm if we remember that, according to tradition, it was here that the Colossus stood, legs wide apart, supervising the ships that arrived at the port. At those points where the feet of the Colossus rested on the ground - in front of the tower of St. Nicholas and on the opposite pier - two bronze statues of deer now stand on columns, which are a kind of emblem of modern Rhodes. The Pier of St. Nicholas is also decorated with three windmills - the only surviving ones of the thirteen windmills from the time of the reign of the Knights.

Most of Mandraki is occupied by the New Market (architect Florestano di Fausto), an impressive building dating back to the Italian occupation. Nowadays there are many visitors who come here to restaurants, cafes and shops. This is a meeting place not only for city guests, but also for local residents. Behind the New Market, near Piazza Rimini, is the park of the Palace of the Grand Masters, suitably equipped for light and music performances. In this same area, wandering Rhodes artists set up their easels every morning and paint portraits of passers-by with incredible precision and speed. Another gathering place for artists is in the idyllic area of ​​"Platanakia" on Orpheos Street in the Old City, near the Porte d'Amboise.

To the north of the port you can see a number of very interesting structures. The first of these is the Church of the Annunciation, which is the Metropolitan Cathedral of Rhodes, which was built by the Italians as a cathedral dedicated to St. John. The church is followed by the Archbishop's building and the Government Palace, whose architecture is a mixture of Byzantine, medieval and Spanish styles. A little further north is the Murat Reiz Mosque, built on the site of the Catholic Church of St. Anthony. This was the building of Suleiman II the Magnificent, which was a Turkish cemetery for named persons. On the far northern site of Mandraki stands the Aquarium building, one of the best of its kind. The aquarium represents the fauna of not only the Greek, but also the tropical seas, which are housed in 25 tanks arranged like an intricate labyrinth. From here begins the coast of Rhodes with well-maintained beaches, which welcome many vacationers from May to October.

Also worth visiting is the lush Rodini Park, located a few kilometers south of the city center, with canals and small lakes, as well as a zoo.

Throughout the New Town you can find entertainment centers (discos, bars, taverns with Greek music), most of which are located behind the northern section of the city wall, west of Mandraki. Near the Miaouli embankment there is the Rhodes casino, and in Vasilissis Olgas square there is the national theater. Performances by artistic groups performing folk dances very often take place in the summer months at the Folk Dance Theater, which is located in the Old Town on Androniku Street. In addition, the city of Rhodes offers its guests ample shopping opportunities. It is home to a world famous perfume and drinks market and also has a wide range of umbrellas. The island is also famous for its wines, especially CAIRO champagne.


    Ancient Theater - Acropolis of Rhodes

    Remains of the Temple of Aphrodite, circa 3rd century BC. e.

    Laocoon and his sons; Palace of the Grand Master

The founding date of ancient Rhodes is considered to be 408 BC. e. The purpose of its creation was to control ships in the Aegean Sea. In the III–II centuries. BC e. Rhodes achieved unprecedented growth and prosperity, becoming the largest transit trade center in the Eastern Mediterranean.

From the 4th century n. e. by 1309 the city had the status of the capital of the Kivirret family. In 1309, the Johannites came to the island. Under them, Rhodes became the capital of the Order. In 1522, Rhodes was captured by the Turks, all the Greeks were expelled, and the city was rebuilt in a Muslim way. Only in 1912 did the Italians begin to own Rhodes, and they rebuilt the city in a new way.

Climate and weather

The Mediterranean climate of Rhodes gives tourists and local residents mild winters and cool summers, which allows them to relax here all year round. The average temperature in winter is +14 °C, and in summer - +28 °C. At the height of the holiday season, the heat is softened by a gentle sea breeze, which gives vacationers the opportunity to get a perfectly even bronze tan. This weather also allows tourists to spend more time on excursions.


The Valley of the Butterflies can easily be called the most romantic place on the island. This natural attraction will amaze you with its rich vegetation, many graceful fluttering butterflies and a small river. Even when visiting the Valley for the first time, it is unlikely that anyone will want to leave this piece of paradise.


The most attractive feature of Rhodes is its rich historical and cultural heritage. Many ancient monuments will immerse you in the atmosphere of the ancient history of the island. Most of the attractions are located in the Medieval part of Rhodes, or the Medieval Town. The long Turkish rule on the island left behind a rich heritage: the Sultan Mustafa Mosque, the Suleiman Mosque, the oldest Muslim library. But Ancient and modern Greece left more monuments: the Church of St. George, the Church of St. Paraskeva-Pyatnitsa, the Church of the Virgin Chora.

The most popular and revered places in the city are also the Rhodes Fortress, the mentioned Valley of the Butterflies, the Palace of the Grand Masters, the Archaeological Museum, the Sea Gate and the Sea Horse fountain. If you decide to walk around Rhodes on your own, without a guide, stay in the direction of the Street of Knights, it is full of attractions.


The hospitable Rhodes restaurants Nireas (Sofocleous 22), Tamam (Leontos Georgiou 1) and Agalma (Alexandrou Diakou 68) will treat you to delicious Greek cuisine, charm you with their service and envelop you in the fantastic atmosphere of the island.

In Rhodes you can easily find both luxurious expensive hotels where stars prefer to stay, as well as small cozy hotels located away from the bustle of the city in remote bays.

The best accommodations, according to tourists vacationing in Rhodes, are Spirit of the Knights Boutique Hotel 4*, Zacosta Villa Hotel 4* and Camelot hotel 3*.

Entertainment and relaxation

Rhodes, the capital of the island of the same name, will greet you not only with endless sandy beaches and azure gentle sea, but will also open up limitless opportunities for a stunning, memorable vacation for a lifetime. Even the most demanding tourists will be able to discover a lot here. In Rhodes, you can combine your holiday with a quiet, relaxing pastime in cozy bungalows, vibrant entertainment in local bars and clubs, as well as a variety of sports and exciting excursions.


Ships from Europe and the USA constantly call at the port of Rhodes, which raises the level of trade in this region a step above the rest. Local stores and shopping centers offer a wide selection, high quality, many hard-to-find items and, most importantly, low prices. The fact is that the VAT rate in Rhodes is lower than in other cities in Greece. So don't miss the opportunity to take advantage of this. Rhodes shops will offer you a huge selection of bags and suitcases, fur and leather goods, ceramics, jewelry and carpets.

And for souvenirs, it is better to immediately go to Socrates Street, where there are many antique shops and souvenir shops.


There are no problems with transport in Rhodes. You can get around the island by bus - there are 2 routes on the northwestern and eastern coasts. To the east - from East Side Bus Station, which is located in Rimini Square, to Faliraki. To the west - from the West Side Bus Station, located on Averof to the airport and beyond. It is worth noting that as you move south, the frequency of buses decreases.

There are also minibuses and taxis operating in the city (you can find out the tariff at any tourist office on the island). In addition, it is easy to rent a scooter or car in Rhodes. Tourists get to the luxurious beaches on the east coast by boats that depart daily from the capital. The neighboring islands of Rhodes can be reached by boat, catamaran or hydrofoil.


Even in this remote paradise of Greece, you can always be connected. Many entertainment venues and hotels provide guests with free Wi-Fi access.

You can make regular landline calls from your hotel (you'll need a credit card to pay) or from public telephones in town (using a prepaid card or a few dimes). Mobile communications can also be connected here. SIM cards are sold in all newsagents and in many shops. You can also purchase prepaid cards there. The seller of such services will always help and explain which tariff plan is most beneficial for you.


Rhodes is a small island, the people here are welcoming and friendly, but you shouldn’t walk around with an open bag. Elementary rules of caution must be observed here too. First of all, keep an eye on your personal belongings in crowded places. Leave large sums in the hotel safe, and take only the necessary amount of cash into the city.

Real estate

The island of Rhodes, rich in history, is home to some of the most prestigious Greek real estate. The cost of houses and apartments in this region is prohibitively high. However, if you spend a little more effort and time searching, you can find an interesting offer.

Between April and October, hotels in Rhodes are filled with tourists, so make sure to book your accommodation in advance when visiting this Greek island. If the purpose of your trip is more of an excursion nature, go to Rhodes in the spring - this is the most favorable time for long walks. At other times of the year, remember to take sunscreen or an umbrella, depending on the weather.

One of the best Greek resorts offering to combine a luxurious holiday amid natural beauty with a tour of ancient sights that witnessed significant events of ancient history.

The capital of the same name was founded in 408 BC. e. Now about 70 thousand people live in it, but if we add tourists who come here throughout the year, the number of people increases 2-3 times depending on the season.

The city is divided into 3 parts:

  • Residential. This is something like a residential area, but with a Greek flavor. The local population lives there.
  • New one. It is aimed at tourists. The quarters are built up with hotels, shops, restaurants, bars and other infrastructure necessary for a comfortable stay of guests from different countries.
  • The old one. This is the most interesting, romantic and beautiful part of Rhodes, which allows you to travel back in time and feel the spirit of bygone days. Every tourist must visit here.

Old Town - Legacy of the Knights

The old part of Rhodes, founded by the Knights of St. John in the 14th century, is protected by the state and is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The ancient warriors not only brilliantly repelled enemy attacks, but were also outstanding architects and builders. They expanded the boundaries of the ancient settlement, surrounded it with high, strong walls, built a moat and erected bastions. The result was an impregnable fortress, which to this day is considered the best example of fortification structures.

Inside the fortress walls there is a real pearl hidden - knightly houses with original exteriors, palaces, mosques, Byzantine churches, gardens, narrow cobbled streets and squares. The entrance to the old part of the city is opened by 11 gates, the main ones are located near the port.

Districts of the Old City

The old town is divided into 2 parts: Collachio(knights once lived there) and Burgo(considered the center of social, political and cultural life).


The iconic landmarks of this part of the settlement are the Gate of Liberty and the Gate d'Amboise, which organically continue the 4-kilometer wall. If you pass through these ancient giants, the path to the intangible riches of Rhodes will open to you.

It is housed in the former hospital of the Johannites, dating from 1440-14481. The Gothic building houses many artifacts, the most famous are the tombstones from the necropolis of Kamiros (5th century BC), the marble statue of Aphrodite of Rhodes (1st century BC) , stone head of the Sun god Helios (2nd century BC), discovered in the ruins of a temple on the hill of Monte Smith, coins, household items and pottery from Mycenaean tombs.

Opening hours: every day from 08.00 to 18:30, except holidays. Admission: adults - 6 €, children (under 18 years old) - free.

Byzantine Museum

It is a Byzantine church built in the 11th century. It was once the main temple of the Johannites, which was later rebuilt into the Enderum Mosque (Red Mosque) during Turkish rule. Today it is a museum where you can admire an impressive collection of icons and frescoes from all over Greece.

The museum is open daily from 08:00 to 15:00, except holidays. Admission: adults - 6 €, children (under 18 years old) - free.

In the Middle Ages, this street was of great importance: it connected the Grand Port with the Temple of Helios. Residences were built on it for prominent representatives of the Order of St. John. The most interesting from an architectural point of view are the houses of knights from Italy, Provence, Aragon, Castile, Germany and Auvergne.

The massive structure, located on a hill, extends over the ancient part of the metropolis. When it was the Temple of Helios, then a Byzantine fort, which in the 14th century became the Palace of the 19 Grand Masters. The structure was destroyed by an accidental explosion in 1856 and was rebuilt in the mid-1930s.

Opening hours: daily from 08:00 to 18:00, except holidays. Admission: adults - 6 €, children (under 18 years old) - free.

This ancient antique structure, located near the fortress walls, was relatively recently named after the outstanding Greek actress Melina Mercouri. The open-air venue regularly hosts festivals, exhibitions, master classes, performances and performances.

This is not only the calling card of the island, but also the highest part of the Old Town. Steep, narrow steps lead to the top of the Clock Tower; the observation deck offers a panoramic view of the surrounding beauty.

Entrance - 5 €. Opening hours 08.00 to 18:00.

Burgo (Chora)

The quarter is located in the south and occupies the largest part of the Old Town. People of different nationalities and religions lived here. The architecture is a mixture of Ottoman, Levantine, medieval and classical styles.

At the intersection of Hippocrates Square and Evriaki Street from the 1st century AD. until the Second World War there was a Jewish quarter. Almost the entire community, numbering 4 thousand people, was sent by the Nazis to Auschwitz. Only 42 Jews managed to avoid a tragic fate. In memory of those killed in the concentration camp, Evreon-Martiron Square was built, in the center of which there is a fountain. The round bowl, decorated with blue tiles depicting sea creatures, is crowned with figures of 3 seahorses. Near the fountain there are street cafes and souvenir shops. Other attractions include the medieval Admiralty building and the active synagogue on Dosiadou Street.

This church, built in the 14th century, was the largest and most visited in Rhodes. Like most other structures on the island, the temple was also built as a bastion so that the population could take refuge in the event of an enemy attack. Only fragments of the structure have survived to this day. The church is not active, but cultural events are often held on its territory.

Street of Socrates

This is the main shopping street of the Old Town, where souvenir shops and cafes are located, offering to relax in the shade of spreading trees, enjoying cool drinks and Greek cuisine.

Socrates Street turns into Hippocrates Square, which is considered the center of Burgo. Behind the scenes, residents call it “burned” in memory of the devastating fire of 1924. In the center of the square is the Sintrivan fountain. Designed in Byzantine and Ottoman styles, it is a round stone pool. In the center there is a miniature turret decorated with blue ceramics; the top of the structure is decorated with an owl. Metal springs extend from the turret, from which water flows.

Near the fountain there is the Chadrevan Mosque, the Kasteland Palace and many democratic cafes.

Rhodes is one of the most interesting islands in the Mediterranean. Being an important center of civilization back in ancient times, unlike the rest of Greece, it did not lose its importance in the Middle Ages. Thanks to the Knights Hospitaller, who built their headquarters here, it acquired numerous man-made attractions. It is not for nothing that the Old Town of Rhodes is considered one of the best examples of fortification architecture in the world.

Street of Knights

The Street of the Knights is one of the best preserved architectural artifacts in the entire Dodecanese. It served as the main artery of the city back in antiquity - there was a road connecting the Grand Port with the Temple of Helios.

But real fame came to her later - already during the reign of the knights.

You may have been to medieval cities before, but you are unlikely to come across a place where the immersion in the Middle Ages occurs as clearly and deeply as in old Rhodes. Modern buildings are not visible from the Street of Knights, and therefore, walking along it, it is very easy to believe that time has turned back and you are back in the 15th century.

On the street of the knights, the houses are built in the styles of the member countries of the Order

Another feature of the Street is its multinationality. Once upon a time it was built for prominent guests of the order - knights and dignitaries who came here from different countries. To make them feel more comfortable on the island, the architectural ensemble of each building indicates its belonging to a particular country.

The most significant building is the residence of France - it is the most richly decorated. In addition to France, there were residences here for knights from England, Germany, Italy, Aragon, Auvergne, Provence and Castile.

Palace of the Grand Masters

Situated on a hilltop, the Palace of the Grand Masters dominates the old town.

Once upon a time, on this very spot stood the Temple of Helios, then the Byzantine fortress, and only from the 14th century the building that stands now. However, a small correction: the Palace in its original form was thoroughly damaged under Turkish rule, and subsequently in 1856 it was also severely mutilated as a result of the explosion of an ammunition depot.

The Italians who ruled here, from 1937 to 1940, restored the structure with the aim of serving as a summer residence for Mussolini, and this is the same view that opens to tourists today. Mussolini himself, by the way, never visited here.

The Palace of the Grand Masters in Rhodes was restored especially for Mussolini

When Rhodes was the capital of the Knights of St. John, the Palace was a symbol of their power and the place from which the 19 Grand Masters of the Order managed the affairs of the Order. In total, the Palace has more than 200 halls and rooms. Among the most notable of them are the Halls of Byzantine icons, the Italian governor, receptions, dancing, music, waiting, etc.

From April 1 to October 31, the Palace is open to visitors daily from 8:00 to 19:40. Entrance ticket price is 6 Euro. Admission is free for students and people under 18 years of age.

City walls

It is impossible to miss the impressive fortification, no matter from which direction your ship approaches the commercial port of Rhodes. The impressive 4-kilometer-long structure encircles the old city and piques the traveler's interest in entering its sanctum sanctorum.

The main part of the walls was built by knights in the XIV-XV centuries.

An interesting fact is that different elements of the walls were built at different times, and the dates of construction of each element of the fortification can be determined by the coats of arms of the grand masters decorating them, knowing the time of the corresponding powers.

The walls of the fortress amaze with their grandeur

The city walls around the old city were completed during a period when the use of artillery in warfare became widespread. Anticipating the direction of development of military affairs, the Grand Masters of the Order adapted their fortification to the trends of the times.

That is why the walls grew not so much high as wide - in order to withstand enemy fire. During periods of aggravation of the situation, the walls were reinforced with ramparts, which made their ability to withstand artillery fire even higher.

This thorough approach to construction allowed Rhodes to withstand several major sieges and last 70 years longer than Constantinople. The intensity of the fighting between the knights defending the island and the Turks is evidenced by the fact that, for example, during the siege of 1480, the walls of the fortress took up to 1000 cannonballs per day.

You can learn a lot about the medieval history of the island by looking closely at the coats of arms on the buildings

The fortress fell only in 1522 after a six-month siege by the hundred-thousand-strong army of Sultan Suleiman the Great. And this despite the fact that the forces of the defenders amounted to about 6,000 people, of whom only about 1,000 could be considered professional military men. Impressed by the courage of the defenders, the Turks allowed them to freely leave the island with all the banners, weapons and relics.

Archaeological Museum of Rhodes

Located next to the main entrance to the old town, the Archaeological Museum is of interest simply because it is located in a building that once served as a hospital for the Knights of St. John.

Today there is a museum displaying finds found during excavations on the island. And during the period of antiquity, these places were very respected in the Ancient world, as evidenced by the facts that one of the 7 wonders of the world was located in Rhodes, as well as the fact that the local temple of Athena Lydia was visited by such famous historical figures as Alexander the Great and the mythical Spartan king Menelaus.

The archaeological museum is located in the former hospital of the Knights of St. John.

The pearl of the exhibition is a sculpture of Aphrodite of Rhodes carved from marble. In addition to it, the marble head of Helios, the famous tomb stele of Krito and Timarista, the statue of Zeus from the Hellenistic era and many other exhibits also deserve attention.

The Archaeological Museum of Rhodes is open daily from 8:00 to 19:40 during the summer (from 04/01 to 10/31). The entrance ticket costs 8 Euro. Admission is free for children under 18 years of age and students.

Byzantine churches, mosques and Jewish quarter

The streets of Old Rhodes give the city a special flavor

A unique feature of Rhodes is the reformatting of remnants from previous cultures by subsequent ones and the adaptation of previously built buildings to new needs.

Consider, for example, the Byzantine churches, adapted by the Johannites into Catholic ones, then rebuilt by the Ottomans into mosques and then returned to Christianity. Or the fact that until 1944, 70% of the population of the old city were Jews, who were subsequently exterminated by the Nazis.

Of course, it is better to walk around the old town of Rhodes with a guide. Moreover, Athena has a very interesting excursion covering all the most significant places of the old city. If you decide, the link in the article contains Athena’s contacts so you can write to her and arrange a walk.

If this article was useful to you, be sure to save it on your social network. These details may come in handy many times during your trip.

The Island of Roses - Rhodes, like the whole of Greece, has gone through a lot over its centuries-old history.
The geographical position of Rhodes made it a tasty morsel for all Mediterranean countries. The island was located at the crossroads of maritime trade routes between Asia and Egypt.
Rhodes was conquered, it became free, then conquerors came again.

The main attractions of the island are located in its capital - the city of Rhodes.
This city is not only a concentration of unique architectural monuments, but also a wonderful resort, with beautiful hotels, beaches, numerous shops, salons, restaurants, taverns and nightclubs.

A holiday here is suitable for those who do not like monotony, silence and a relaxed holiday atmosphere. Life in the city is in full swing - a trip to the capital can be a real holiday, colorful and educational.


The climate of Rhodes is ideal for relaxation. The most comfortable months for travel are April – May and October – November. During these months, the daytime temperature is 20-24 degrees, and the water is still cold for mass swimming - 18-20 degrees.

The hottest months are from June to September. The air warms up to 28-30 degrees, and the water 22 degrees in June, 24-25 degrees in July - September.

But Rhodes did not get its name - “Island of the Sun” - by chance - there are 300 sunny days a year.

Rain falls mainly in the winter months: December, January and February.


Almost one and a half thousand years BC, this beautiful fertile land, near the coast of Asia Minor, was owned by the Achaeans. Around 1100 BC they were supplanted by the Dorians, who created the Union of Six Cities.

From 164 BC Rhodes became an ally of the Roman Empire for a long time.
In 1309, after a long and stubborn resistance of the Rhodians, the knights of the Jerusalem Order of St. John, the so-called Ionites, took possession of the island for more than 200 years. These were people from all the Catholic countries of Europe who wanted to free Jerusalem from the infidels.

They helped pilgrims and dreamed of Christianizing the entire East. It is interesting that while dreaming about this, they oppressed the Orthodox Church in Rhodes.
Rhodes owes its medieval architectural appearance to the ionites.

In 1522, after a months-long siege, the well-defended city was taken by the Turks.

The Ionite knights fled to Malta and have since been called the Knights of Malta. The Order of Malta still exists today.

The Turks settled in Rhodes for almost four centuries. The important trading position of the island and the high standard of living of the inhabitants led to the fact that Turkish oppression on Rhodes was not very strong.

Skilled artisans and successful traders, the Rhodians had many privileges compared to other Greek colonies captured by the Turks.

In 1912, the Turks were replaced by Italians, who had a noticeable influence on the architecture of the island. They built such notable buildings as the Palace of Government, the National Theater and the Courthouse.
The Italians conducted many archaeological excavations and restored numerous ancient monuments.

On the island, Mussolini built a dacha, which he had never visited. Today it is completely abandoned and is not shown to tourists.

Only in 1948, after the German occupation, Rhodes again became part of.

How to get there

It operates on the island of Rhodes.
Charter flights during the holiday season fly from many Russian cities, in particular from Moscow. The flight takes 3 hours 10 minutes.

Airplanes fly from Athens, Thessaloniki and many Greek islands all year round. takes only 50 minutes. In addition, there is a ferry from Athens to Rhodes.

An economy class ticket from Transaero to Rhodes there and back will cost 22,700 rubles. You can find tickets cheaper if you buy them in advance or from low-cost airlines.
The cost of a flight from Athens to Rhodes when purchasing a ticket in advance on the company's website is 24 euros. The closer the departure date, the more expensive the ticket.

The cost of a ticket purchased a few days before departure will range from 65 to 100 euros. The ticket price does not include the cost of baggage transportation. The cost of transporting luggage up to 23 kilograms is also paid online and costs 15 euros.

If you pay for luggage at check-in, it will cost more. The planes of Greek airlines that fly from Athens to Rhodes are quite old and the service is primitive. During the flight, you can only count on a very limited selection of drinks. But the flight is so short that all the inconveniences can be survived.

Rhodes is separated from Athens by about 500 kilometers. The ferry covers this distance from 10 to 16 hours. During the voyage he visits many islands, and this trip can be considered an excursion. Of course, if traveling by sea is enjoyable, and seasickness does not torment you. The sea is an unpredictable element.

The cost of a ferry ticket depends on the type of cabin chosen, and ranges from 20 to 170 euros. Discounts are provided to children from 4 to 10 years old (50 percent); in economy class cabins, children under 4 years old travel free of charge. Rhodes Airport is located 16 kilometers from the capital of the island.

There are several ways to get to the city of Rhodes:

  • use taxi services. The trip to the city center will take about 20 minutes and will cost, depending on the class of car, about 2,000 rubles;
  • The most economical transport is a bus, which runs every 15-30 minutes during the day. Travel time by bus is approximately 300 minutes. Ticket price 2.20 euros;
  • If your vacation plans include traveling around the island, it is advisable to book a car rental in advance, it is more reliable and cheaper.

There is a special website that presents the coordinates of all companies providing car rental services. Website address: http://www.rhodes-airport.org. The cost of renting a car per day depends on the make of the month, and starts from 16.50 euros per day in May.

To arrange a rental, a driver's license with an English transcription is required. The driver must be at least 21 years old and not more than 70 years old. The cost of a liter of A95 gasoline costs 1.7 euros.

Some hotels provide airport transfer services. The availability of such a service can be found when booking a hotel room.

Where to stay

The city of Rhodes, as well as throughout the island, is full of hotels of different star categories. Many of them are located in the Old Town or very close to it. After spending half a day on the beach, the second half of the day can be spent leisurely walking around the Old Town, visiting shops and markets.

Rodos Park Suites & Spa 5*

This luxurious five-star hotel is set in beautiful gardens.

The rooms offer magnificent views of the Knight's Castle in the Old Town or the garden.

The hotel provides tourists with a full range of services typical of a high-star hotel:

  • open pool;
  • Spa;
  • bio – sauna;
  • Gym;
  • fitness center;
  • massage;
  • Turkish bath;
  • hydromassage baths;
  • restaurant with Mediterranean cuisine;
  • parking;
  • car rental.

The Galaxy Roof hotel bar offers excellent cocktails and is popular among tourists and city residents.

Accommodation prices start from 12,886 rubles per night for a double room.
But the hotel’s impeccable service, Russian-speaking staff, beautiful interiors, spacious, comfortable rooms, live music in the evening, and a magnificent sandy beach not far from the hotel are worth the money.
The hotel has only 59 rooms.

Address: Rhodes city, 12, Riga Fereou Street.

Mediterranean 4*

The undoubted advantage of this four-star hotel is its location on one of the most famous sandy beaches of Rhodes.

Nearby is the Old Town and the Aquarium.
The hotel is large, has 241 rooms, but each of the rooms has an original interior and modern furniture. Despite the proximity to the sea, the hotel has an outdoor swimming pool with umbrellas and sun loungers.

Guests can enjoy:

  • tennis courts;
  • Beach volleyball;
  • water sports on the beach.

Tourists note the excellent cuisine of the restaurant, which has a Russian menu, a buffet with a variety of snacks, and cocktails at the pool bar.

Prices for one night's stay in a double room start from 8,845 rubles.

From the roof there is a beautiful view of the sea, the port and the medieval city.

Address:: 35, Kos (Cos) Str, Rhodes 85100, Greece.

Rhodos Beach 3*

The Rhodos Beach Hotel is an excellent option for a three-star budget holiday.

The Aegean Sea can be seen from the windows of half of the rooms, the windows of the other half of the rooms overlook the garden.

The hotel is located on the first line, on Canari Beach. The city center and the Old Town are a 10-minute walk away. The distance to the port of Rhodes is 1 kilometer.

The hotel beach is sandy and pebble, with a gentle entrance to the sea.

The hotel has 2 outdoor swimming pools, one of which is for children. For sports lovers there are tennis courts, volleyball and basketball courts.

The minimum price for a double room per night is 6,022 rubles. In terms of price/quality ratio, this hotel is one of the best. It is no coincidence that the majority of tourists vacationing here are foreigners.

Address: 19, Akti Kanari Street 85100 RODOS, DODEKANISSOS, GREECE.

Moschos 2*

Hotel Moschos has only 31 rooms, and is located in a small three-story building. The 2-star hotel is located in the city center, and is aimed at real travelers who spend only the night in the room and travel the rest of the time.

This hotel is an ideal place for tourists on a budget who want to see the amazing monuments of the city of Rhodes, visit the fashionable shops, and stroll around the port (only 500 meters).

A night in a double room costs from 2828 rubles.

Free parking and Wi-Fi are available in public areas of the hotel. Elli Beach is only 200 meters away.

An additional bonus is the provision of free accommodation for 1 night, provided that you stay at the hotel for 10 days.

Breakfast is included in the room rate.

The hotel is ideal not only for a budget holiday, but also for short stays of 2-3 days. The disadvantages include small rooms and not a very good view from the windows.

Address: 5 Ethelonton Dodekanission Street, Rhodes, Greece.

Africa 2*

The two-star hotel is located on the first line, 100 meters from the pebble beach of the Aegean coast. Water activities are available for tourists on the beach.

The Old Town is a 5-minute walk away.

The hotel is surrounded by a variety of shops, restaurants, bars and taverns. Literally a few steps away: port, aquarium, casino.

The staff is friendly and welcoming. The service provided corresponds to the price.

A night costs from 1,351 rubles, but the hotel does not provide meals. This does not create any inconvenience: there are many taverns and cafes very close by.

Address: Alexiou Diakou 63, Rhodes 85100, Greece.

Sights of the capital

The city of Rhodes is one of the most beautiful cities not only of the island, but also of Greece. Inspecting historical monuments from different eras can take more than one day.

The Palace of the Grand Masters or the Castello Palace was both a temple of Helios and a Byzantine fortress.

During the time of the Knights, the Palace was the center from which the Masters of the Order ruled the Eastern Mediterranean.
The Turks used the Palace as a fortress. The 158 rooms are decorated with precious carpets, antique furniture, magnificent vases and marble mosaics.

The Street of Knights in the Old Town leads to the Palace.

The palace is open: Monday 12.30-07.00, Tuesday – Sunday from 08.30-19.30.
Ticket prices: adult 6 euros, children 4 euros, common for all museums of the Old Town 10 euros.
Telephone: + 30 22410 23359.

Next to the Palace there is a bastion, tickets for which can be purchased at the Palace ticket office.

It is interesting to climb the clock tower in the Old Town.

The view of the Old Town from above is magnificent. A ticket to the tower costs 5 euros. The ticket comes with a coupon that entitles you to a free drink at the tower bar.

The Archaeological Museum is located next to the Palace, on Museum Square.

During the time of the Knights of St. John, it was a hospital to which sick people came from all over Europe. It is surprising that already in the 15th century, every patient, regardless of financial status, had a separate bed and medical care in the hospital.

A two-story building with two-level arcades, inside of which there is a cozy courtyard, has survived to this day. The Archaeological Museum located here is a unique collection of art objects ranging from the Mycenaean era to the later eras of Greek civilization.

The most famous exhibit is the statue of Aphrodite. Mosaic floors, terracotta figurines, funeral slabs from the time of the knights and much more can be seen in this magnificent museum.

The museum is open daily: from 8.00 to 19.40, on Monday from 13.30 to 19.40.
A ticket to the museum costs 3 euros.
Telephone: +30 22410 75674.

The Rhodian Acropolis is one of the most interesting places in the city.

In ancient times, the acropolis united sanctuaries, temples, and underground vaults in the most fortified part of the city. The most famous building of the acropolis is the Temple of Apollo Pythian, which was built in the 2nd century BC.

The territory of the huge Pythian Stadium, which used to host competitions in honor of Apollo of Pythia, is today used as a theater. There is an indoor ancient theater called the Odeon on the acropolis, where famous speakers performed.

Acropolis works: from November 1 to March 1 from 8.30 to 15.00. The entrance is free.
Telephone: +30 22410 25500.

For many centuries, the Rhodes Fortress defended the city from numerous enemies. The fortress was built in the 15th century by the Knights of the Order.
After two long blockades in the 15th century, which did not lead to the capture of the fortress, it began to be considered impregnable. Today the fortress is a unique monument of medieval architecture, included in the UNESCO list of monuments.
You can visit the monument daily, free of charge.

North of the Old Town is the port of Mandraki, founded in 408 BC.

The entrance to the port is guarded by statues of deer and fallow deer. There is an assumption that the Colossus of Rhodes, one of the seven wonders of the world, depicting the pagan deity Helios, was previously located in the port.

The height of the Colossus was more than 30 meters. In the ancient port, as before, ferries, ships, yachts and boats arriving on the island moor.

On the embankment there are such architectural monuments as the Provincial Palace, the Evangelical Church, and the Church of the Virgin Mary.

The port offers tourists a wide variety of sea walks.
The most interesting of them is a trip on a boat with a transparent bottom, which costs 5 euros. In addition to the bottom of the sea, you can see the embankment of the Old Town from the sea.

Where and what to eat

The taverns of the city of Rhodes are famous for their delicious Greek cuisine, large portions and excellent local wine. Of course, prices are higher on the tourist “trails” than a little further away from them.

Approximate cost of meals:

  • on average, breakfast for two costs 15 – 20 euros;
  • dinner 40 euros with drinks;
  • lunch in a tavern costs 30-35 euros for two (lunch consists of: salad - 6 - 8 euros or soup 6 - 10 euros, main course - 8 - 15 euros, juice - 4 - 5 euros, glass of wine - 4 - 5 euros ).

If the main dish is seafood, then its cost is 40 euros.
In the Old Town, in a small restaurant or cafe you can find food at other prices.

For example, for a huge portion of cold cuts of sausages, kebabs, wings, potatoes and vegetables, you can pay 10 euros. And for 60 euros for two you get a portion of lamb, a glass of beer and local wine.
Taverns and restaurants often offer a compliment from the chef as a sign of gratitude for visiting.

Prices in supermarkets and shops:

  • A 1.5 liter bottle of water costs 0.7 – 0.9 euros;
  • 1 liter of juice - 1.2 euros;
  • homemade wine costs from 5 euros per 0.5 liter;
  • beer in cans 0.45 euros;
  • kefir 300 ml - 2.5 euros;
  • chips 2 euros;
  • pineapple sliced ​​500 grams – 3 euros.


Nightlife in the island's capital is varied. There are many pubs, restaurants, night clubs. In the summer, concerts of Greek music and dance are very popular in the open-air theater.

Dance lovers can choose from several nightclubs with dance floors.

At the Angel pure Club, which is located in the Old Town, you can hear disco, Latin and Greek hits.

Fans of rock music and metal should visit the Valhalla Rock Bar Rodes club in the Old Town.

The huge dance floor of the Paradiso Beach Club nightclub is designed for 4 thousand people. The club plays dance music, electro, techno and house.
There is a whole entertainment complex with an excellent bar and relaxation area around.
Nearby, in a separate building, there is a casino with slot machines and roulette. The magnificent restaurant at the casino offers delicious Greek and European cuisine and a varied wine list.
Club and casino address: Nikiforou Litra str., complex Rodia Mare, Kallithea Beach, Rhodes Island.

In the center of Rhodes town there is the most exotic club - Butik Club. The design of the club includes details of a pirate ship, palm trees, waterfalls, parrots and, of course, music.
The menu includes original cocktails and dishes with seafood delicacies. The club is open daily.

  • HAVANA, located at Miltiadou Str. 9, Rhodes; Tel: +30 6944314724;
  • TAJ MAHAL, located at Iliadon 2, Ialysos, Rhodes; Tel: +30 22410 29220;
  • Colorado Club; Orfanidou Str. 57 and Akti Miaouli, Rhodes, Tel: +30 22410 75120; Website: www.colorado.gr.


There are so many shops in the old and new parts of the city that it is impossible to pass by while walking around Rhodes.

Offers jewelry made of silver and gold: earrings, pendants, chains, bracelets for tourists with any income level. The store has a wonderful selection of opal products, as well as Byzantine icons.
The entrance to the store is located next to the arch at the entrance to the medieval part of Rhodes from the sea. Jewelry purchased in this store is a wonderful memory of the sunny island!

Jewelry store Alexandra Gold– one of the most expensive and luxurious jewelry stores in Rhodes. Exquisite jewelry made of gold and platinum with precious and semi-precious stones made by jewelers of Rhodes and jewelers of European countries.

Afrodite Store attracts customers with its original design, as well as an excellent collection of women's clothing designed for any age. The store has a good selection of genuine leather products: bags, vests, wallets. The store stocks Von Dutch, Bosco and INDIES brands.

Shop Diakosavas offers collections of expensive clothing from such popular brands as Timberland, Nautica, Polo by Ralph Lauren, La Martina, Trussardi Jeans, The Bostonians. The store offers a large selection of original shoes and accessories. Despite the fact that the store opened only in 2010, it is very popular among both city residents and tourists.

Royal Carpet Store sells handmade carpets from different materials. An original feature of carpets is the use of silver and cotton in the production of carpets.
The store also offers vases, icons, lamps and other interior items.

Avanti Furs Store offers a huge selection of top quality fur products.

Sportswear and paraphernalia can be purchased at Columbia Sportswear.

For souvenirs and gifts, you should head to the Jannis shopping center.

Clothes made from natural fabrics, dresses, tops, trousers, sundresses, T-shirts with a Rhodes theme in bright colors can be bought in many Rhodes stores. These relatively inexpensive purchases will remind you of a pleasant and unforgettable vacation.

In numerous markets in the capital you can try and buy spices and honey. Unlike shops, you can bargain well here.

Everyone will enjoy shopping in the city of Rhodes. But prices here are the highest on the island. In order to save money, you can go shopping at shopping centers in the vicinity of the city, where trips are often offered free of charge directly at the hotels.

Emergency services

When going on vacation abroad, no one thinks about any emergency situations. But practice shows that they sometimes happen. Then it will be very useful to know the emergency phone numbers.

Emergency numbers in Rhodes:

  • Police: 100;
  • Fire service: 199;
  • Ambulance: 166;
  • Information service for duty pharmacies: 107;
  • Information service for emergency hospitals: 106;
  • Tourist police: 171.

The most common emergencies that arise are health related. Every tourist traveling to Greece must have 30,000 euros.
Insurance policies are issued by many insurance companies, some of which have offices at the Greek Embassy and Consulates.

A visa will not be issued without a medical insurance policy. Along with the insurance policy, a reminder is issued with telephone numbers to call if the need for medical assistance arises.

The dispatchers on these phones speak Russian. A common mistake tourists make is turning to hotel doctors who provide their services for a fee. Only doctors called through dispatchers specified in the instructions to the insurance policy will provide medical services free of charge within the limits of the insured amount.