Rare plant species of the coastal zone of the natural monument “Lake Abrau. Springs, holy mineral springs, thermae of the fonts of Russia Abrau-Dyurso plant: our time

Abrau is the largest freshwater lake in the Krasnodar Territory, located in the southwest of the region on the low-mountainous Abrau Peninsula, 14 km from Novorossiysk. The village of Abrau is located on the shore. As part of Russia, active agricultural and recreational development of its shores began in 1872. Monument of nature since 1979.

The greatest depth is about 11 meters, with an average depth of 5.8 meters. The area is 0.6 km2, the catchment area is 20.3 km2.

History of the study of Lake Abrau

In 1870, on behalf of the emperor, to study the lake, a special commission was created from agronomists, engineers to inspect the surroundings of the lake, Abrau, which concluded the “royal decree on the establishment of a new special specific estate with the assignment of the name “Abrau-Durso” to it. In 1872, following the advice of French winemakers, vineyard cultivation began in the vicinity of the lake, which, however, had a negative impact on the hydrography of the lake itself, due to increased erosion of the coastal slopes of the mountains. The researcher of the Azov-Black Sea coast V.P. Zenkovich noted:

“Even more interesting is the large lake Abrau, framed by a ring of vineyards. It is located in a deep valley, where an unknown obstacle stopped the flow of water ... "

Aerial view of Abra Lake

Hydrography of Lake Abrau

This is the second largest mountain lake in the Greater Caucasus (after Lake Kazenoyam in Dagestan). The length of Abrau is more than 3,100 m, the maximum width is 630 m, the depth is 10.5 meters, the mirror area is 1.6-1.8 km². The catchment area is 20.3 km². The maximum depth is observed at the dam, but over the past century and a half, it has decreased from 30 to 10.5 meters as a result of erosion of the surrounding banks after the construction of roads and the laying of vineyards. The height above sea level is 84 m. The isthmus that separates Lake Abrau from the Black Sea is small and less than 2 km wide.

Only a small Abrau river, about 5.3 km long, constantly flows into it, as well as a number of temporary watercourses, including local stormwater, which are fed mainly by precipitation and runoff from local enterprises. In addition, the keys hit the bottom. Most of the catchment area of ​​the lake (61%) is occupied by the river basin. Abrau; other watercourses flowing into the lake occupy 6.3 km² (31%), the remaining 1.6 km² (8%) is occupied by the water table itself, on which precipitation also falls directly. Not a single river flows out of it, therefore formally it is considered the final (mouth). The water entering the lake is used for evaporation, as well as for underground runoff, which is carried out in the form of water filtration through the body of the dam. Therefore, it remains fresh and marsh vegetation is not developed in it. Due to the limestone dissolved in the water, its waters have a white-blue or emerald color and their transparency is low (about 1 m).

A dry Mediterranean climate prevails in the lake region, which also affects its hydrography: the maximum water levels in it are observed from November to March and are associated with precipitation here in the form of rain and sleet. In summer, there is low water.

Temperature regime of Lake Abrau

Abrau does not freeze even in winter. The minimum average monthly temperature of the surface water layer in the lake near the coast reaches its annual minimum in January, but even then it is positive and averages +0.2º. The rapid rise in water temperature in the surface layer begins in April and continues until the end of July.

The maximum average monthly water temperature reaches an average of 24.8º, and from August the water begins to gradually cool. The absolute maximum temperature of the surface layer of water was registered in 1954 and reached 29.8º.

Origin of Lake Abrau

Hypotheses about the origin of the lake are still quite debatable. It is fraught with mysteries associated with the origin. Some scientists suggest that the basin was formed as a result of a karst failure, others - that it is a remnant of the ancient Cimmerian freshwater basin, others attribute this to huge landslides.

Although the karst relief of a Mediterranean nature is common on the Abrau Peninsula, the theory of a karst failure is unlikely for a number of reasons.

First, the Abrau Mountains are relatively young.

Secondly, karst lakes are sinkholes and therefore usually have a rounded shape, while at Abrau it repeats the outlines of the river valley. Abrau and rather resembles a typical dam reservoir with an extension near the dam.

The landslide theory is also unlikely, because in the region of the Abrau dam, which separates it from the sea, there are no high mountains high peaks, from which impressive blocks could break off. As a result, it is most realistic to associate the origin of the lake with an earthquake, which led to the displacement of the earth's crust in the area of ​​the dam.

Fauna of Lake Abrau

Its fauna is unique. According to the studies of V. A. Vodyanitsky, the Caspian crustacean heterocope Caspian (Heterocope caspia) predominates in plankton, there is an endemic ectinosis crustacean (Ectinosoma abrau). Among the benthic fauna there are also a number of organisms characteristic of estuaries or the Caspian Sea. Such are amphipods strong (Roptogammarus robustus), corophy, Orchestia Botta, isopod - Jera Nordmann, mesomisis Kovalevsky. Most of the bottom is inhabited by red bloodworms (up to 250 ind./m2) and oligochaete tubifex (up to 400/m2).

Thus, the firth-marine character of this relict lake is clearly expressed in the benthic fauna. A small herring (Clupeonalla abrau) 8.5 cm long also lives in it. There are a lot of them in the lake, mysids serve as food for it.

The beautiful mountain lake Abrau is located 15 km west of Novorossiysk. Exactly this big lake Krasnodar region with fresh water. Surprisingly calm and quiet this corner of nature looks framed by the mountains of the western tip of the Caucasus Range.

Lake Abrau on the map

  • Geographic coordinates 44.699436, 37.592508
  • Distance from the capital of Russia is about 1250 km in a straight line
  • To the airports of Anapa or Gelendzhik, about 40 km to each

The lake is elongated from north to south. The left coast has a smooth curved shape, but on the right there are three small bays, in which the width of the lake reaches 965 meters. Lake Abrau is mainly fed by the waters of the river of the same name, as well as springs gushing at the bottom and small mountain streams.
The water in the lake is saturated with dissolved limestone, so the transparency here is low, no more than 1 meter, and the color of the reservoir is from emerald to white-blue.

Lake Abrau in numbers

  • Maximum length - 2.95 km
  • The average width is about 600 m.
  • Average depth up to 5.8 meters
  • The maximum depth reaches 11 meters
  • Surface area approximately 1.7 km2
  • The catchment area is 20.3 km 2
  • From the southern edge of the lake to the Black Sea coast 1.72 km
  • The lake lies at an altitude of 84 meters above sea level.

Theories of the formation of Lake Abrau

Scientists put forward several versions of the birth of the lake.
According to one of them, the lake is a failure of karst layers, which gradually filled with the waters of the Abrau River and streams from the nearby mountains. But such a theory is unlikely, since such dips usually have a rounded shape. Here, for example, like the Well of Souls in Argentina.

According to the second version, Lake Abrau is the remains of a prehistoric freshwater reservoir of the Cimmerian period.

There is a theory according to which the lake was formed as a result of landslides that blocked the channel of the Abrau River. But this version also loses, since there is no high peaks, and accordingly, nature had nothing to block the path of the river.

The most plausible version seems to be that in ancient times there was an earthquake that changed the mountainous terrain in the area of ​​the dam. That is, the layers of the earth's surface rose here and blocked the flow of the river, as a result of which this lake was formed.

Lake Abrau is drainless. This means that it has no surface runoff. Part of the water simply evaporates from the surface, while the other part is absorbed into the ground in the southern part of the lake. In fact, there is no direct connection with the Black Sea. But there are suggestions that Abrau is connected by groundwater with Lake Maly Liman, located right on the seashore, one and a half kilometers to the south.

The climate of Lake Abrau

Climatic conditions here are close to mild Mediterranean. The maximum water level is recorded from the end of autumn to the beginning of spring. Low water (minimum level) is typical for summer.
The surface of the lake does not freeze completely even in winter. The minimum temperature on the water surface in January reached +0.2 o C. From April, the water temperature begins to rise and reaches its maximum at the end of July. In 1954, a water temperature of +29.8 o C was recorded. In general, the average monthly water temperature in summer is about 25 o C, which is quite comfortable for swimming.

History reference

The name of the lake comes from the Adyghe "Abragio", which means "big" or "huge". From the Abkhaz, Abrau can be translated as a depression or a cliff.

According to legend, a large and very rich aul was once located here. So rich that its inhabitants, wishing to show off their treasures, decided to pave the way to the sea and lay it with gold and silver coins. But the gods did not appreciate such enthusiasm and punished the highlanders for their pride - the aul fell into the ground, and a lake appeared in its place.

There is another legend (of course, tragic, like most legends). A poor shepherd and the daughter of a rich and noble man lived in a mountain village. They fell in love, but the girl's parents were against it. Once, in order not to let her go on a date with a shepherd, they closed the doors in front of her with the words “It is better to let the whole aul go underground and be flooded by the river than you will ever meet again.” As they say, be afraid of your desires - they can come true. And so it happened, the gods did not have to beg for a long time, the aul fell through and was covered with water.

In 1870, at the direction of Emperor Alexander II, a “specific estate called Abrau-Dyurso” was formed in the vicinity of the lake. This name can be translated as "the depression of the four springs."

Since 1872, on the advice of winemakers from France, vineyards have been planted near the lake. In 1890, the first wines under the Abrau-Durso brand appeared: Bordeaux, Sauternes, Lafitte and Burgundy. Since then, these regions have been famous for their traditions in the field of winemaking.

In 1891, the first batches of Abrau-Durso champagne went on sale.

Since 1988, Lake Abrau has been awarded the honorary title of Natural Monument.

Nature of Lake Abrau

The climate and waters of the lake contribute to the comfortable living of several species of fish, arthropods and smaller animals. The fauna is represented by trout, minnow, carp and crucian carp. And also there is an endemic species (characteristic only for this reservoir) - Abrau kilka. Relic crustaceans Astacidae are still found in the waters of the lake. Freshwater crabs live off the coast.
The flora is well represented by lavender, rosemary, figs and, of course, grapes.

Lake Abrau photo


Svetlana Litvinskaya

Dr. Biological Sciences, Head of the Department of Geoecology and wildlife management,

Professor of Kuban State University,

Russia, Krasnodar

Alexey Kotov

MA Department of Geoecology and wildlife management Kuban State University, Russia, Krasnodar

Tatiana Kvasha

MA Department of Geoecology and wildlife management Kuban State University,

Russia, Krasnodar


For the first time, information is given on the growth of rare species listed in the Red Books of the Russian Federation and the Krasnodar Territory, growing in the coastal zone of the natural monument "Lake Abrau". Distribution maps, the state of individuals, and abundance are given.


For the first time provides information about rare species listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and Krasnodar, growing in the coastal zone of natural monument "Lake Abrau." Are distribution maps, status of individuals, the number.

Keywords: natural monument, lake Abrau, rare species.

keywords: natural monument, lake Abrau, rare species.

Lake Abrau was declared a natural monument by the decision of the city executive committee of Novorossiysk No. 328 of June 26, 1979 No. 328. By the decision of the regional executive committee of 14.07. In 1988, No. 326, the lake was given the status of a complex natural monument. Security mode - custom. Purpose - scientific and recreational. The security certificate was awarded to the Novorossiysk Society of Hunters and Fishermen. The purpose of the establishment of the natural monument "Lake Abrau": the preservation of the relict water basin as a habitat for a rare endemic of the world fauna - the Abrau kilka; preservation of a scientifically valuable geological and geomorphological object and preservation of a hydrological object - the only large freshwater basin on the peninsula of the same name, which has a recreational value. The natural monument also performs the functions of preserving the unique sub-Mediterranean landscape in the coastal zone of the lake, archeological monuments, preserving rare and endangered species of biota in the coastal zone. The purpose of the research: the study of rare plant species in the coastal zone of Lake Abrau. In geobotanical terms, the research area belongs to the Crimean-Novorossiysk province, in floristic zoning - to the North-Western Transcaucasia, Anapa-Gelendzhik floristic region.

Most rare species gravitate in their distribution to dry habitats of the southern macroslope of the Navagir Range. The lower belt of juniper-pistachio woodlands and fluffy-oak forests (shibliak) is especially rich in rare species. In the coastal zone of Lake Abrau, 9 species of plants are registered, listed in the Red Books of the Russian Federation (2008) and the Krasnodar Territory (2007). Data compiled from July 2016 surveys.

Juniperus excelsa Bieb. [ Juniperus excelsa Bieb. subsp. excelsa, 1975] - Phylum Tracheophyta, Class - Pinopsida, Fam. Cupressaceae. The global population threat category on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species is rated "Low Risk/Least Concern": Red List Category & Criteria - Least Concern ver 3.1 (2013). Species status category: 1 "Endangered" - 1B, UI. Eastern Mediterranean hemixerophilous relict species on the northern border of the range. The Red Book of the Russian Federation - status category - 2. The regional population belongs to the category of rarity "Endangered" - EN A2acd; B1ab(i,ii,iii), C.A. Litvinskaya. Juniperus excelsa grows on steep eroded slopes on the eastern shore of Lake Abrau in pubescent oak shiblyak. The condition is normal. There is no oppression. The number of 5-6 individuals. Coordinates: N 44 o 41" 113"" E 37 o 35" 410""; N 44 o 41" 417"" E 37 o 35" 205"" (3 individuals, 3 m high); N 44 o 41" 935"" E 37 o 35" 356""; N 44 o 42 "158"" E 37 o 35" 331"" (Figure 1).

Picture 1. Map of rare species of the coastal zone of the lake. Abrau

Glaucium flavum Crantz. Phylum Magnoliophyta, Class-Magnoliopsida, Fam. papaveraceae. Category and status: 2 "Vulnerable" - 2, HC. European-Mediterranean littoral stenotopic species on the northern border of the range with declining numbers and range. Red Book of the Russian Federation - status category 2. The regional population belongs to the Vulnerable rarity category - VU A1acd; B1b(i,ii,iii,iv)c(iv), S.A. Litvinskaya. The species was recorded at two points in the coastal zone (Figure 1). Coordinates: N 44 o 41" 473"" E 37 o 35" 722"". Number: 2 generative individuals and 14 vegetative. The number of flowers per 1 individual is 15, the number of fruits is 278. The condition is good, although the number is low. There is no oppression. Individuals grow in natural undisturbed communities on marl in the lower part of a steep bank (Figure 2).

Crambe maritima L. Phylum Magnoliophyta, Class-Magnoliopsida, Fam. Brassicaceae. Category and status: 2 "Vulnerable" - 2, HC. Mediterranean-Atlantic littoral species growing in the zone of intensive recreational use and economic development. The regional population belongs to the Vulnerable rarity category: VU A2ac; B1b(iii,iv,v)c(iii), S.A. Litvinskaya. The species grows near the coastal slope. 2 points are marked (Figure 1). Coordinates: N 44 o 41" 158"" E 37 o 35" 517""; N 44 o 41" 233"" E 37 o 35" 507"". Number - 3 individuals (Figure 3).

Hypericum hyssopifolium Chaix. Phylum Magnoliophyta, Class-Magnoliopsida, Fam. Hypericaceae. Category and status: 2 "Vulnerable" - 2, HC. Crimean-Novorossiysk subendemic with an extremely narrow range, confined to a zone of high recreation and resort construction. The regional population belongs to the Vulnerable rarity category: VU C2a(i), С.А. Litvinskaya. The species is confined to the steep marly coastal slope of Lake Abrau (Figure 1). Coordinates: N 44 o 41" 609"" E 37 o 35" 815""; N 44 o 41" 612"" E 37 o 35" 847""; N 44 o 41" 873"" E 37 o 35" 831""; N 44 o 42" 396"" E 37 o 35" 704"". In the first point, 10 individuals grew, in the second - 5, in the remaining 1-2. Life is full. During the study period, the individuals were in a state of fruiting. There is no oppression.

Fibigia eriocarpa(DC.) Boiss. Phylum Magnoliophyta, Class-Magnoliopsida, Fam. Brassicaceae. Category and status: 2 "Vulnerable" - 2, HC. Eastern Mediterranean stenotopic species with an isolated fragment of its range on the northern border, growing under conditions of intensive recreation and resort construction. The regional population belongs to the Vulnerable rarity category: VU A1ac, С.А. Litvinskaya (Figure 1). Coordinates: N 44 o 41" 233"" E 37 o 35" 507"" (2 specimens); N 44 o 41" 250"" E 37 o 35" 499"" (2 individuals); N 44 o 41" 590"" E 37 o 35 264; N 44 o 41" 250"" E 37 o 35" 499"". The species grows on the coastal slope. The number is low, but individuals bear fruit. Vitality is normal.

Linum tauricum Willd. Phylum Magnoliophyta, Class-Magnoliopsida, Fam. Linaceae. Category and status: 2 "Vulnerable" - 2, HC. Crimean-Caucasian subendemic with a small area of ​​​​the range and low abundance, confined to the zone of high recreation and resort construction. The regional population belongs to the Vulnerable rarity category: VU C2a(i), С.А. Litvinskaya. Coordinates: N 44 o 41" 609"" E 37 o 35" 815""; N 44 o 41" 672"" E 37 o 35" 729""; N 44 o 41" 900"" E 37 o 35" 845"". The number is low, but individuals bear fruit. Vitality is normal.

Lonicera etrusca Santi. Phylum Magnoliophyta, Class - Magnoliopsida, Order - Dipsacales, Fam. Caprifoliaceae. Category and status: 1 "Endangered" - 1B, UI. A rare tertiary relict Mediterranean species. The eastern limit of the range passes in the Krasnodar Territory. The Red Book of the Russian Federation - status category 3. The regional population belongs to the rarity category "Endangered": EN A2acd; B1b(iii,iv)c(ii,iii), S.A. Litvinskaya. Coordinates: N 44 o 41" 187"" E o 37 35" 511""; N 44 o 42" 43"" E 37 o 35" 334""; N 44 o 42" 188"" E 37 o 35" 341""; N 44 o 41" 614"" E 37 o 35" 836""; N 44 o 42" 390"" E 37 o 35" 249""; N 44 o 41" 672"" E 37 o 35" 729""; N 44 o 41" 777"" E 37 o 35" 753""; N 44 o 41" 873" E 37 o 35" 831""; N 44 o 41" 900"" E 37 o 35" 845""; N 44 o 41" 971"" E 37 o 35" 813"". The condition is normal. Flowering and fruit-bearing individuals were noted. Number of about 30 individuals.

Salvia ringens Sibth. et Sm. Phylum Magnoliophyta, Class-Magnoliopsida, Fam. Lamiaceae. Category and status: 2 "Vulnerable" - 2, HC. Eastern Mediterranean stenotopic species at the extreme limit of the range, growing in conditions of intensive recreation and resort construction. The regional population belongs to the Vulnerable rarity category: VU A3cd; B1b(iv)c(ii,iii), S.A. Litvinskaya. Coordinates: N 44 o 41" 609"" E 37 o 35" 815""; N 44 o 41" 614"" E 37 o 35" 836""; N 44 o 42" 569"" E 37 o 35" 280""; N 44 o 41" 644"" E 37 o 35" 755""; N 44 o 41" 698"" E 37 o 35" 743"". The state of the species is normal, noted in the state of flowering and fruiting.

Campanula komarovii Maleev. Phylum Magnoliophyta, Class-Magnoliopsida, Fam. Campanulaceae. Category and status: 2 "Vulnerable" - 2, HC. Narrow-local Novorossiysk endemic, growing in conditions of intensive recreation and resort construction. The Red Book of the Russian Federation - status category 3. The regional population belongs to the Vulnerable rarity category: VU A2cd; B1b(iii,v)c(iii), S.A. Litvinskaya. Coordinates: N 44 o 41" 491"" E 37 o 35" 923""; N 44 o 42" 43"" E 37 o 35" 334""; N 44 o 41" 609"" E 37 o 35" 815""; N 44 o 41" 612"" E 37 o 35" 847""; N 44 o 42" 344"" E 37 o 35" 269""; N 44 about 41 "731"" E 37 about 35 "745"" (Figure 4). During the study period, the species was in a state of fruiting and the end of vegetation. Judging by the fruiting, the state of the species is normal, no oppression is observed.

Figure 4. Coincidence of the Komarov's bell to the shore zone of the lake. Abrau

Studies have shown that two species grow in the coastal zone of Lake Abrau ( Glaucium flavum, Crambe maritima), for which these habitats are not typical and are located at a considerable distance from typical places in the littoral zone of the Black Sea, which is important for clarifying the ranges of these species in the region. The coastal zone of Lake Abrau is under a strong influence of recreational impact. More than half of the coastal zone no longer has vegetation. It is necessary to preserve the habitats of rare species in the coastal zone of the natural monument "Lake Abrau".


  1. Red Book of the Russian Federation (Plants and fungi) 2008. / ed. L.V. Bardunova, V.S. Novikov. M.: Association of Scientific Publications KMK. 855 p.
  2. Red Book of the Krasnodar Territory (Plants and mushrooms). 2007. 2nd ed. / ed. S.A. Litvinskaya. Krasnodar. 640 p.
  3. Menitsky Yu.L. Project "Summary of the flora of the Caucasus". Map of flora areas // Botan. magazine 1991. V. 76. No. 11. S. 1513-1521.

In the clear, emerald waters of Abrau, oaks, maples and lindens are reflected, which cover the coastal hills. Translated from the Abkhaz language, the name sounds like "failed". Legendary and mysterious The Abrau-Dyurso lake is located 14 kilometers west of Novorossiysk.

This is the largest freshwater reservoir in the Krasnodar Territory. Its length exceeds 2.5 kilometers, and its width is 600 meters.

Many hypotheses and legends are associated with the origin of the lake.

The history of the origin of the lake

The main mystery of Lake Abrau is the origin of its basin. Scientists claim that it arose due to giant landslides of rock, softened as a result of a significant increase in air humidity caused by rising sea levels due to melting glaciers. However, at the site of the alleged collapse that blocked the Abrau River, there are no mountains of sufficient height from which it could collapse.

According to another hypothesis, at the turn of a new era on Black Sea coast there was a significant displacement of the earth's crust. It led to the fact that the mountains moved, blocked the mouth of the river, and a lake was formed.

But there is a beautiful legend about Lake Abrau - Durso

In ancient times, there was a rich Adyghe settlement on this place. Once upon a holiday locals started throwing pieces of bread into the water. Allah was angry and decided to punish everyone, except for one innocent girl, whom he sent to the forest.

When she returned, she saw a lake in the place of the village. Weeping, she decided to drown herself, but the water appeared before her in the form of a bright path, along which she walked from coast to coast.

This path is clearly visible on a moonlit night, and the stream that appeared from shed tears is called “the tears of a Circassian woman”. It is interesting that in winter this strip of water freezes last, thanks to the warm waters of the stream flowing into the lake.

The village of Abrau forms a single recreation area with the village of Durso.

How to get there

It is convenient to get from Novorossiysk bus station to Abrau-Dyurso by fixed-route taxi or by regular bus No. 102.

The approximate cost of a taxi from the Novorossiysk railway station will be 1,000 rubles or 2,000 rubles from the Anapa station.

Opportunities for recreation on Lake Abrau – Durso

In summer, the water warms up to 28 ° C, so many vacationers enjoy swimming here.

On the embankment of the village of Abrau there is a rental point for boats and catamarans, the rental price is from 75 to 150 rubles per hour, renting a two-wheeled bicycle costs 150 rubles per hour.

Enough has been written about him in local lore literature. It is worth noting that this is the largest freshwater lake in the Krasnodar Territory. In size, it exceeds the famous Ritsu.

Its length is over 2600 m, maximum width is 600 m, area is 1.6 km2. The lake is fraught with mysteries related to the origin. Some scientists suggest that the basin was formed as a result of a karst failure, others that the lake is a remnant of the ancient Cimmerian freshwater basin, and others attribute this to huge landslides.

The glory of the Abrau peninsula is given not only by the lake, but also by the famous museum of Taman wines. Dozens flock here sightseeing buses a day to get acquainted with the history of the winery, to taste the divine drink.

Description from the book "Guide to the Kuban" by A. Samoylenko.

The mysterious Lake Abrau is located 14 km west of Novorossiysk, on the mountainous peninsula of Abrau.
A regular bus on the route Novorossiysk - Abrau-Durso winds between the hills as if in a green labyrinth. Sometimes villages flash by. Suddenly, below, in a mountain hollow, a patch of emerald water surface appears from behind the trees next to the white stone buildings. A few more turns of the winding descent, and the bus stops at the central estate of the state farm-factory Abrau-Dyurso, almost next to the lake. If you compare Lake Abrau with the famous Lake Ritsa, you can see a lot in common: a mountainous landscape, approximately the same length (about 3 km) and the greatest width (up to 800 m). The area of ​​Lake Abrau is 180, Ritsa - 132 hectares. In the greenish mirror of the water, the wooded mountains are majestically reflected here and there.
But the difference is immediately felt in the relief, climate, vegetation, in the entire natural complex, associated with the height of the mountains and the different position of the lakes above sea level (Ritsa - 950, Abrau - 84 m). The tops of the mountains around Lake Abrau are lower and more rounded, without sharp peaks, and the slopes are flat. Spots of eternal snow do not sparkle on them, pointed fir trees do not bristle, but a broad-leaved forest reigns supreme with curly crowns of oaks, maples and lindens. And the whole landscape looks calmer, softer. Both the climate and the water here are incomparably warmer, therefore, on the lake in summer season many swimmers.
From a hydrological point of view, the main difference between these two reservoirs is that the Ritsa is flowing, while Lake Abrau is drainless. A small river Abrau flows into it, a number of springs and temporary streams that collect precipitation water from an area of ​​​​about 20 km 2, and there is no surface runoff from the lake. The water entering it is spent mostly for evaporation. This also affects the quality of the water. The lake retains in itself all the substances brought by water, and the process of self-purification of the stagnant pool proceeds slowly. The transparency of the water does not exceed one meter, while in Rida it is 9 times greater.
Meanwhile, Lake Abrau is so far the only source of industrial, agricultural and domestic, including drinking, water supply for the village. It is clear that the protection of the reservoir from pollution is of paramount importance here.
In December 1974, the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies declared Lake Abrau a natural monument. The security certificate was awarded to the Novorossiysk Society of Hunters and Fishermen. The “Guarantee of protection” says that logging in the lake basin is not allowed, except for sanitary felling. It is forbidden to set up tents and parking cars on the shores, and on the lake itself it is not allowed to keep motor boats, except for one service boat. Rangers are constantly on duty on the lake, who monitor the rules of fishing, cleanliness and order on the lake.
The main mystery of Ober Abrau is the origin of his basin. The geographical name of the lake "Abrau" in translation from the Abkhazian means "failure".
Geologists have suggested that the basin was formed as a result of a karst failure. However, acquaintance with the shores of the lake shows that they are composed of Upper Cretaceous flysch. In the cliffs, layers of sandstones, marls, mudstones and clays, crumpled into folds, are exposed. This contradicts the hypothesis of the karst sinkhole origin of the lake. The morphological features of the basin do not agree with this hypothesis either. Karst lakes are usually found in groups. They are characterized by a rounded shape and a funnel-shaped bottom. Lake Abrau has none of these features.
According to another hypothesis, Lake Abrau is a remnant of the Cimmerian freshwater basin that existed on the site of the Black Sea at the end Neogene period, more than 1 million years ago. This hypothesis explains well the composition of the fauna of the lake. It is home to carp, carp, rudd, American (largemouth) perch and other modern species of fish. But along with them there are relics, such as herring. Among the bottom inhabitants there are a number of organisms characteristic of estuaries and the Caspian Sea. However, this hypothesis leaves open the question of the origin of the basin.
V. P. Zenkovnch, V. I. Budanov and V. L. Boldyrev, who studied the origin of the relief of the coastal Black Sea zone in the 1950s, came to the conclusion that the defining feature of the coast structure of the Abrau Peninsula is ancient landslides - landslides formed during significantly lower sea level (40-50 meters below modern). When the sea level began to rise at the end of the Neo-Euxinian time, the abrasion sharply increased and the balance of the slopes was disturbed. At the same time, the humid climate contributed to the loosening and sliding of rocks. Huge blocks of flysch with a volume of millions of cubic meters in the form of mountain collapses collapsed along the slopes. Similar phenomena occurred in the river valleys. Lake Abrau is dammed by one of these gigantic landslides that blocked the river valley.
This hypothesis explains well the morphology of the coastal zone of the sea. However, at the site of the alleged collapse that allegedly blocked the Abrau River, there are no high mountains from which such a wide and high blockage could fall.
According to other scientists, the movements of the earth's crust at the turn of the new era shook the Black Sea coast. Before the earthquake, the Abrau River flowed into the sea. As a result of the earthquake, the mountains moved, closed the mouth of the river and created a lake. The presence of several hypotheses for the origin of the lake indicates the complexity and unresolved nature of this issue. Most likely the last two complement each other.
Now about the depth of the lake. Some new guidebooks indicate that its maximum depth reaches 30 m. After making measurements, we did not find a depth of more than 10.5 m. The deepest place is located at the southern end of the lake, where both banks are high and steeply go into the water. Data about 30 meters depth, apparently, migrated to modern guidebooks from the last century. And during this time there was a strong siltation and shallowing of the reservoir.
The silting process proceeds, on the one hand, in a natural way, without human intervention. Each brook that appears after the rain carries its own burden of detrital material into the lake. And in rainy years, when the level of the lake is high, steep banks are washed away and landslides break from them. On the other hand, human economic activity also contributes to the rapid silting of the reservoir. During the post-war period, the cultivated lands of the state farm doubled. At the same time, vineyards are processed by machines to a great depth and often along the slope. For these reasons, soil erosion from the slopes has increased. And during the construction of the road around the lake, loose soil was dumped, again down the slope, and a large part of it ended up in the water.
Silting is the most insidious "enemy" that threatens the existence of the lake. To stop this process, some precautionary measures are currently being taken. A sump has been created at the northern end of the lake, at the mouth of the Abrau River. A special dam was built to cut off shallow water from the rest of the lake. The shallow water will be deepened. Here, according to the designers, the turbidity should settle to the bottom, and clean water should flow into the lake through a span in the dam. The shores of the lake are leveled and strengthened with concrete, and the western steep slope, on which vineyards used to be, is terraced under plantations of the Crimean pine. Soil runoff from a terraced forested slope will decrease.
The management of the winery needs to pay attention to the strict implementation of measures for the anti-erosion organization of the territory. From the vineyards located on the slopes of the mountains, such a large amount of silt is now being carried away that the sump cannot keep the lake from silting up.