Indonesian rupiah exchange rate in Bali. What currency is in use in Bali, and what money should tourists take?

20.02.18 33 596 0

Instructions for those who live or vacation on the island

I have been living in Bali since 2011.

Over the course of 7 years on the island, I became a victim of scammers several times. Once they robbed my house: they broke down the doors at 12 o'clock in the afternoon, when I was gone for half an hour - they were probably watching the house. Another time, my car had a flat tire, the “good guys” volunteered to help me and at the same time pulled my wallet out of the door. My close friends had all their money withdrawn from their cards after they used an ATM on a noisy tourist street. We've all had our phones stolen in Balinese car parks on more than one occasion.

Irina Krokhaleva

Lives in Bali for 7 years

Indonesians earn very little. For example, working as a cleaner in a villa six days a week from 9 am to 6 pm brings in $150-200 ( 9802 -13069.3 R) per month. One day of renting such a villa costs as much as a cleaning lady’s salary for several months. The locals do not hesitate to steal; they believe that tourists will not stop stealing. And the police turn a blind eye to the thefts, because tourists will fly away in two weeks anyway. They won’t even always accept your application if you come to the police station without an official translator, whose services cost another $100-150 (6535 -9802.5 R).

It is impossible to completely insure yourself against thefts, robberies and scams in Bali. But there are strategies that will reduce their likelihood to a minimum.

Where to live

It's safest to stay in a hotel. There is a closed area, 24-hour security, sometimes even CCTV cameras. If you rent a villa, you are more likely to get robbed. Ideally, come and view the villa in person; when searching remotely, I recommend studying satellite images in Google Maps.

If you book a villa through a realtor or owner, ask for photos or videos of the surrounding area. If there is construction going on next to the villa, do not book. Visiting Indonesians from neighboring islands work on construction sites in Bali. It’s not a problem for them to grab something from tourists as a gift for their relatives. The danger increases before the New Year and before the Muslim holiday of Idul Fitri.

Eidul Fitri marks the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. In 2018, Idul Fitri falls on June 14-15

Even if there is no construction site nearby, the villa must have a safe. It is advisable that it be screwed to the floor or wall. When you leave home, it is better to store equipment, money and passports in a safe. Villas in Indonesia usually have locked rooms, and the living room and kitchen are a single open-air space, without walls or doors. Laptops, phones and wallets cannot be left unattended in open areas. Even for 15 minutes. Even if you just go to the room, you need to take everything with you.

How to change currency

There are two types of exchangers in Bali: official and with good course. In the latter, the course is good only on the plate, but in reality it is often shortchanged - the course turns out much worse.

The sleight of hand of the exchange office workers is phenomenal. It is impossible to see the cheating, but when recalculated, the amount turns out to be a third less than stated. If you check at the checkout, the person smiles, takes a wad of money, supposedly adds bills - and history repeats itself. The most stubborn ones do this five times and, if they still can’t deceive the client, they give him back the currency and send him away. It is not profitable for them to change money without cheating.

It is easy to distinguish an official currency exchange office - it is a separate room with large windows, a security guard and a cash desk, machines for counting bills and an AMC - Authorized Money Changer sign. If a sign invites you to a shop by the road, where you can also rent a scooter, buy glasses and a ticket to the zoo, it’s worth going there only to be shortchanged by local craftsmen.

How to withdraw cash

There are many ATMs with skim machines in the tourist areas of the island. There is a special pad on the card hole that copies magnetic data. The pin is recorded either by a hidden camera or a double keyboard. Then the criminals make a duplicate card and withdraw cash.

It is difficult to visually suspect a skim machine: it looks like an ordinary ATM. If you are lucky and the bank has information that someone else’s card was cashed out by fraudsters after this ATM, then yours will be blocked immediately after use, before money is debited from it.

The likelihood of encountering a skim machine is much less if you withdraw money from ATMs on bank premises. They also work around the clock, and there is usually a security guard on duty near them.

It is better to pay in cash in shops, bars and restaurants. General rule: the less you shine by bank card in Bali, the safer your money is.

How to swim without being left without a wallet

You absolutely cannot just leave things on the beach. If there is a cafe nearby, you can put the bag there: not that it will be heavily guarded, but there is a greater chance that it will not go anywhere.

Tourists in Bali usually rent scooters. The scooter has a storage compartment under the seat. I don’t recommend storing anything in it: scammers can get into the trunk with their hands by simply pulling the lid. In parking lots around popular beaches and surf spots do this every day.

Surfers come to surf at dawn and park on an empty beach where there is no one. Coming out of the water, they discover that the seat of the motorbike is folded back, and there is neither a phone nor a wallet inside. IN Lately They even started pulling money out of their clothing pockets, but only large bills. 5 thousand rupees (about $0.5) are left: apparently, so that there is something to pay for parking.

It is better not to take valuables, passports, bank cards or a lot of money to the beach.

If your passport is stolen

There is no Russian embassy or consulate in Bali. If Russian tourist If his passport is stolen, he will have to fly to a neighboring island in the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta, and issue a return certificate there.

Without a passport and certificate, you will be boarded on a local plane, but not on an international one.

How to ride a scooter

You can lose property simply on the road. In the evening and at night in Bali, bags are often snatched from tourists riding a motorbike.

The scheme is simple: two people on a bike with the headlights off sit behind your motorbike. Then they suddenly catch up and the one sitting in the passenger seat rips the bag off the victim’s shoulder. Sometimes they try to pull the backpack. It’s not a fact that they will rip you off, but falling off the bike with such rough intervention is guaranteed. In the dark, you should never travel with a bag on your shoulder or over your shoulder. Especially girls: they are attacked more often.

It is better not to drive on the empty streets of Bali at night. If you really need to, bags and backpacks should be placed inside the motorbike.

You can lose your phone even during the day if you ride a motorbike and enthusiastically shoot Instagram stories about the crazy Asian traffic. Someone passing by on a motorbike can easily yank the phone right out of their hands and rush off, maneuvering in a stream that is irresistible for a tourist.

Therefore, the tactic of putting things in the trunk while driving is good at any time of the day.

It is better to rent relatively new models of motorbikes: Honda F-ai 125 or 150, N-max, Honda Scoopy from 2014 - they have roomy trunks with high sides inside, it is more difficult to stick your hand into them by bending the lid.


  1. We put passports, money and valuables in a safe and do not leave them unattended at home.
  2. We change currency only in official exchange offices.
  3. We withdraw money from the card only at the bank, we pay in cash everywhere.
  4. When riding a moped, we put our bag, wallet and phone inside the seat.
  5. We don’t take valuables to the beach and don’t leave anything valuable in the trunk of a motorbike.

Before traveling abroad, experienced travelers probably think about how much money they will need on the road and what cards are accepted in the country of departure, what currency to take with them and what is its exchange rate to the ruble. You will find answers to these questions in the next article.

Local currency

The national currency of Indonesia in general and the island of Bali in particular is the Indonesian rupiah. And, although many sellers in stores write prices in dollars, it’s better not to rely on chance and have local money with you, especially since you will still be given change in Indonesian rupees. In the first days of your stay in Bali, we recommend carefully counting the money you receive in your hands - both when receiving change in stores and when exchanging currency.

Due to the unstable economic situation in the world, the exchange rate between the Indonesian Rupiah and other currencies is quite unstable, so we recommend checking it before traveling. By the way, many local currency notes of different denominations are similar to each other and remembering their appearance can take several days, so it is better to protect yourself and download a photo of the Indonesian rupiah to your phone.

What currency to take with you

When traveling to Bali, tourists usually take euros or dollars with them. For the latter, make sure your dollars were issued after 2004, as some exchangers or stores may refuse to accept bills older than early years due to the large amount of counterfeit American currency issued in the nineties. It is better to take 50 or 100 USD bills with you, since when exchanging currency their rate will be higher.

Where to change money

Since it is extremely undesirable to change dollars at the airport (the exchange rate in Denpasar is not the best), we recommend doing this in advance, in Russia, or simply exchanging a small amount upon arrival. This money should be enough for a taxi to get to the bank or currency exchange office.

There are two options for exchanging currency – either banks or exchange offices. Everything is clear with the first one, so let’s look at the second point in more detail. One of the best exchange offices in Bali is located in one of the popular places on the island - the resort of Kuta - and is called “Pt. Central Kuta Money Exchange", which is open in weekdays from 10 am to 8 pm. You can also change currency at almost any authorized point (“authorized money changer” in English), with a sign or the inscription “NO COMMISSION”.

During the exchange process, you must be extremely careful not to fall for the trick of scammers, so always count the bills.

How to Avoid Scams

It is better to carry out financial transactions at official exchange points, where you will most likely need to fill out a special form, indicating the amount and last name.

It is safer to change money in parts, having a small part of the amount in cash and part on a bank card. And, of course, you shouldn’t count banknotes in public; it’s better to do it in a secluded place.

Pay attention to the denomination of the bills that will be given to you at the exchanger. If you see that they are trying to give you the entire amount using a myriad of 20,000 rupees notes, be careful, and best of all, ask to replace them with larger ones. It is not so easy to count a large amount of small money, and some particularly “honest” workers try to confuse tourists in this way.

Also beware of counterfeit dollars and carefully check the authenticity of banknotes without leaving the exchanger.

If you have been scammed by local money changers, you can, of course, call the tourist police, but it is still better to take precautions to avoid getting into an unpleasant situation.

ATMs and plastic cards

One of the simplest, but not always economical, options for exchanging money in Bali is to withdraw rupees from a dollar account (if you have one). This can be done at one of the local ATMs, but before cashing out the amount, check the conversion rate with your bank and do not forget that the local ATM will also charge its own commission for the transaction.

In this case, you can advise contacting local residents or simply choosing an ATM where there is a line of tourists. But it is better not to withdraw Indonesian rupees from an ATM if you are not sure about the amount of the commission. The average commission for one withdrawal is 5 USD.

Don't forget also that each bank has a certain amount of cash withdrawal limit per day, so it is best to use the services of large Indonesian banks, for example, Permata or BCA.

MasterCard, American Express and VISA plastic cards are readily accepted in Bali. Especially the last one - you can pay with a visa almost anywhere, including shopping centers, supermarkets, cafes and restaurants on the island.

Indonesia is famous for its hospitality and love for tourists. However, when traveling abroad, it is better to remain vigilant and be careful both when withdrawing money from an ATM and when exchanging currencies.

Tourists are usually interested in what currency to take with them when traveling. For a traveler this is an important question. What is the most profitable currency for exchange in Bali?

The dollar and euro are in greatest demand on the island.

1.00 dollar (USD) = 12,328 rupees (IDR)

1.00 Euro (EUR) = 16,859 Rupees (IDR)

The Indonesian currency is the rupiah. Bali currency to ruble – approximate exchange rate:

1 RUB = 348.75 rupees (IDR)

What currency should you take with you to Bali?

It is most profitable to change dollars at local exchange offices. The euro is valued less, and in some exchange offices European currency They don't even accept it. Apparently, the proximity of America has an effect.

It is recommended to take bills with a face value of 50-100 dollars. The year of manufacture must be no earlier than 2004. Otherwise, the currency may not be exchanged, or may be offered at a reduced rate. It is better to have the rest of the amount on the card.

How to pay in stores?

It is better to pay in stores in rupees, since sellers (like taxi drivers) can count money at a reduced rate. It is better to change currency at a normal exchange office, where a receipt is issued and the money can be counted. It is not recommended to make exchanges on the streets, where they usually offer an inflated exchange rate. Scammers often come across, and you can be left without a significant part of your money. Currency can be exchanged at the airport, but in hotels the exchange rate is low. You should also not be surprised that the exchange rate is constantly changing: in the morning it can be one, and in the evening it can be different.

How much money to take with you to Bali?

For one person for 10 days, an amount of 500-1000 dollars will be enough. Experienced travelers advise having $1,000 for unexpected expenses.

Which card is better to open for a trip?

The most important thing is that it is a Visa debit card. It is advised to carry savings on several cards. You should contact your bank before traveling, otherwise your card may be blocked when withdrawing money in Indonesia.

ATMs in Bali

You can withdraw a little more than $100 at a time from an ATM. Please note that a commission is charged for each transaction, and it varies. For the convenience of customers, ATMs have information about the commission percentage. Some ATMs do not dispense large amounts of money, so you will have to pay a fee for each transaction. It is recommended to first study the commission information on the device itself so as not to lose a large amount. It is advisable to contact a bank in Bali when withdrawing a large amount.

When you're going to Bali for the first time, you're always interested in other people's experiences. Therefore, tourists usually want to get maximum information about all possible monetary transactions on the island in advance. You are interested in the currency applicable on the island of Bali, the exchange rate to the ruble, and so on. You shouldn’t take Russian money on a trip - it’s better to exchange it for dollars or euros in advance. When exchanging currency on the island, you should use authorized exchange offices.

And Lombok is a province of Indonesia. Today this is one of popular destinations for tourism. Snow-white beaches, warm climate, tropical vegetation, picturesque landscapes and the friendliness of the local people make such an indelible impression that you want to come back here again and again. itself and therefore is not cheap. But even if the airfare and accommodation are paid for, the question of how much money to take with you and what currency to give preference continues to bother you.

What you need to know about the national currency

Over the past century, the local currency on the island has changed little. Until 1944, Dutch guildans were in use in Indonesia. During the year of occupation they were replaced by rupees. In 1945, Indonesia gained independence, and with it its own banknotes - rupees. After 20 years of using this monetary unit there was a need for devaluation. The updated rupee was exchanged at a rate of 1000:1. The last time the national currency collapsed was from 1997 to 1998, when the financial crisis broke out in Asian countries. In six months, its rate fell from 2,000 to 16,800 rupees per dollar.

There has been no significant strengthening of the Indonesian currency over the years and there is a possibility that monetary reform will be required again in the near future.

Any transactions on the fabulous island are carried out only in national currency. Today, banknotes in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 thousand are in circulation.

When you are on the island for the first time, carefully count the change you are given. Banknotes of different denominations are very similar to each other and it will take time to easily distinguish them.

What currency to take with you

Both dollars and euros are used on the island. Sometimes hotels need to make payments in dollars, but the rate will definitely not be rounded in your favor. Therefore, exchange a small part of the funds upon arrival at the airport, and the rest at the resort. You can also exchange rubles in Bali, but this is so unprofitable for you that dollars are better buy in Russia. Here there are some subtleties. The year of issue of banknotes matters. Dollar bills earlier than 2004 simply will not be exchanged for you, and if they manage to do so, the rate will be very low. This situation is due to the fact that in those years a huge number of high-quality counterfeit dollars were issued. The exchange rate for 50 and 100 dollar bills is quite high. But you may not be able to accept euros at all, due to the large number of counterfeits local population lost confidence in this currency. Even if you pay in dollars, be prepared to be given change in rupees.

Exchange Rates

The national currency is not valued very highly on the island. The exchange rate of the Indonesian rupiah, in fact, like the ruble, is floating. The exchange rate in 2017 was:

  • 1 € = 15900 IDR;
  • 1$ = 13480 IDR;
  • 100 rubles = 23554.90 IDR.

There are a large number of specialized points on the island where you can make an exchange without much difficulty. You can see the current courses in the block on the right.

Where is the best place to exchange currency?

So where can you exchange money in Bali?

  1. Indonesian Bank (opening hours from 8:00 to 15:00). Here you will be asked to present a document to establish your identity. Each bank determines the size of the transaction itself. The rate here is not the highest, but there is no chance of fraud.
  2. Authorized center. Most often the course is the most attractive. They will not ask for any documents here, but you will have to fill out a receipt indicating your residential address, name, date and amount of the transaction. The risk of deception, as in the previous case, is minimal.
  3. Street exchange office. Usually the exchange rate is very high. But it is unlikely that in the end you will receive the amount you expect. Fraud will be explained by charging a commission.

In any case, count the money on the spot; it is best to use a personal calculator.

Cashless payments and ATMs

When you go on holiday to this romantic island, you can freely use both credit and debit cards from Russia. The card can be used to pay in hotels, inns and restaurants, as well as in retail stores and chain stores. In this case, no commission is charged when transferring payment. But there are establishments where a small percentage is added to the final bill as a transaction fee.

ATMs are common here. But still, when withdrawing cash, preference should be given to ATMs located in large foreign banks.

Any ATM charges a fee when withdrawing funds, as a rule, it ranges from fifty to one hundred rupees. The amount of one withdrawal should not exceed the limit set by the bank.

It happens that when performing a transaction, the card is captured by the ATM. This phenomenon occurs quite often here. Therefore, it is advisable to have more than one card with you and in unpredictable situations, be sure to have cash.

To withdraw large amounts, use local banks. Cash will be issued upon presentation of a passport.

Citibank offers preferential terms to its clients. There are several branches on the island, including ATMs. Their addresses can be found on the website. For those who decide to stay in Bali for longer long term, we can recommend opening a personal account with Citibank, in its Russian branch.

Traveler's checks

In Bali, as when visiting any other country, it is convenient to use traveler's checks. In this case, there is no question of which currency to give preference to, and in addition, they protect your funds in unforeseen situations. American Express checks are the most popular and are accepted everywhere. The exchange rate for them is slightly lower than for transactions with banknotes, but it is safe.

Cash payment

The Indonesian rupiah has one significant drawback. The largest banknote is 100,000 rupees, which corresponds to approximately $10. Tourists face serious problems when withdrawing large amounts from their accounts. In the near future, the country's government expects to carry out a monetary reform, issue banknotes of higher denominations and remove zeros. Such a transformation would make life easier not only for tourists, but also for the people living here.

Vacationers often relax under the rays of the tropical sun and radiant smiles local residents, but you must remember that this fabulous island is not in paradise, but on planet Earth. Be careful and do not forget about personal and financial security.

Do not leave exchange offices with banknotes in your hands. If there are a lot of them, then put them in your purse, but be sure to hold it tightly.

Avoid stress. A calm and peaceful state not only allows us to avoid unnecessary problems, but also makes us happy and joyful.

In Indonesia, including the island of Bali national currency is the Indonesian rupiah, it is also the main means of payment in this country.

As of the beginning of 2019, for one Russian ruble you can get 211 Indonesian rupees, or for 1 US dollar you can get 14,166 rupees, but for the more current exchange rate, see the currency converter below.

A little history

The Indonesian rupiah became the main means of payment in Indonesia in 1965. This happened after the devaluation of the old Indonesian rupiah, the exchange rate of which was then 1000 old rupiah for 1 new one. Before the rupee, the Javanese rupee was in circulation in the country.

Indonesia introduced the new Indonesian rupiah in 1965 as its main currency. This was done after the devaluation of the old currency, the Indonesian rupiah. 1 Indonesian rupiah was then worth 1000 old rupees. Previously, the currency in Indonesia was the Javanese rupiah, the Dutch guilders and the Dutch NICA guilder and the Dutch Indies gold money.

Today, Indonesia's currency is issued by the Central Bank of Indonesia, called BI (Bank Indonesia), and the bank's headquarters are located in Jakarta.

What you need to know about the local currency when traveling to Indonesia.

Basic Facts about the Indonesian Rupiah

Basic data about the currency:

Convert Russian ruble to Indonesian rupiah

What money to take with you to Indonesia

Indonesia has a fairly developed ATM network, so money in local currency can be withdrawn on the spot. The exchange rate at ATMs of large banks is close to the state rate and is therefore quite profitable. Cards of international payment systems Visa and MasterCard are accepted without problems, card is not accepted.

Before your trip, check your bank’s commission for exchanging and withdrawing cash from ATMs in Indonesia, it may be worth having special card with favorable rates.

However, in Indonesia itself it is quite problematic to pay with a plastic card; cash is preferred everywhere. Payment by card is available mainly in resort areas, large and expensive restaurants, large hotels and shops.

It is almost impossible to pay with a bank card in rural areas, street eateries and shops; they can also exchange dollars for local money, but again the exchange rate will not be very favorable.

In this regard, it is necessary to have cash.

You should know that there are many specialized local currency exchange offices in the country, but the exchange rate in them is not favorable, so if possible, look for a local ATM, almost all of them have more or less major cities Indonesia has them.

If you prefer to take money with you then take American dollars, Euro and other currencies are not accepted throughout Asia, and problems may arise with their exchange.