Cheap European country for tourists. The cheapest countries to travel

During a period of decline, traveling abroad for ordinary citizens becomes an unaffordable luxury. To live for a week in any developed country, the average person needs a year of hard work, and more often than not, a vacation turns into a pipe dream. But there are still countries where the cost of living allows even a poor traveler to relax. Below are the cheapest countries for holidays, for which the average cost of monthly housing, food and flights is given.

1. India

Accommodation - $30, meals - $40, flights - $550-600.
The cheapest in the world interesting countries for tourism is India. It's not only affectionate here Indian Ocean and hot sun, but also a huge number of attractions. You can live here for a month for just $80. The dollar-rupee exchange rate here is such that for 30 bucks you can easily find housing with all the amenities. Thanks to the tropical climate, local markets offer huge quantities of cheap fruits and vegetables all year round. For a couple more dollars you can buy rice or other cereals. Here you can safely allocate $10 for food per week.
It is better to relax in small Indian cities, where prices are lower than in the capital, there is comfortable housing, there are no teeming crowds, and there are plenty of attractions and national flavor. You need to allocate about $40 more for excursions and pocket expenses. Indians themselves spend even less per month, since their average salary barely reaches $50. But such poverty does not in any way diminish the color and brightness of India. Here you can not only lounge imposingly on the beach, but also immerse yourself in ancient culture country, study its traditions.
A flight to India is even cheaper than to Europe. Round-trip tickets from any CIS country will cost no more than $600, and if you book them in advance, you can save another hundred.

2. Laos

Accommodation - 60-70 dollars, meals - 40 dollars, flight - 1000 dollars.
Laos is a beautiful South Asian country with stunning mountainous landscapes, but it is also a center of spiritual enlightenment with a serene spiritual atmosphere. That’s why travelers from all over the world flock here in order to understand themselves and the meaning of life. It is also important that in this inexpensive country there is nowhere to spend much money. A one-room apartment with a full range of amenities can be rented for $60 or $70 (if there is internet). Since industry in this country is poorly developed, there are not many goods here, and everything necessary for life can be bought for 40 dollars. The only thing is that you have to pay $1000 for a round trip flight.

3. Thailand

Accommodation - 200 dollars, meals - 100 dollars, flights - 800-1200 dollars.
Thailand has long become the most popular tourist center South-East Asia. Tourists come here for bright colors, a festive atmosphere, all kinds of shows and festivals, and to try the unique Thai cuisine.
You can relax for 10 days in Thailand with a package for $700-800. You can relax in almost any corner of the coast of this country, spending no more than 15-25 dollars a day. When independent travel you need to put down $400 for a month's stay in Thailand if you plan to live in a hotel located in the center of Pattaya. Although you can find more cheap options, for example, on the islands of Phuket, Samui, Chang, Phi Phi, a hotel room can be found for 150-200 dollars per month. “Spartans” who are ready to live in a single room will need $80-90.
In general, vacation in big cities will cost 400 dollars, and resort towns- half the price. Food here is very cheap, so meals will cost $100. In any cafe you can get a good meal for just 2 dollars, and 6 dollars is enough to have dinner in a decent restaurant. For $100 you can buy a whole suitcase of inexpensive things to remember Thailand without even haggling.

4. Argentina

Accommodation - $150, meals - $200, flights - from $1000.
The Argentine peso, after a protracted crisis, fell sharply against the dollar, which made it quite affordable vacation in this country. However, this country is located on the opposite end of the earth from us, so flying there is expensive. Living in a local hotel will be more expensive than renting private apartment, which can be found even on the Atlantic coast for $150. But, unlike Asian countries, food in Argentina is significantly more expensive. Even if you cook on your own, you will need $200 a month for groceries, and if you want to try local cuisine in good restaurant, then the amount will increase many times over.

5. Philippines

Accommodation - 40-150 dollars, meals - 200 dollars, flights - from 500 dollars.
The magnificent Philippine islands welcome you with hospitable people and exotic culture. This country is not that cheap, especially if you are looking for a holiday in big city. Otherwise, when you want to change the scenery and lie on the beach, it is better to go to the tourist town of Cebu, where you can find shopping centers, and a golf course. Housing prices here have dropped to $150. You can spend only $40 a month if you live, and comfortably, in the noisier town of Damakueta. Those who alternate meals in a restaurant and at home, without denying themselves anything, will spend only about $200.

6. Abkhazia

Accommodation - 150 dollars, meals - 200-250 dollars, flights - from 100 dollars.
This small country is a neighbor of Russia, so many Russians go on vacation here, since for relatively little money they can relax on the Black Sea. Another advantage is that Russians here do not need foreign passports, and the journey there will not be too long. You can save the most if you choose to stay in the private sector, where you can find housing for 300-350 rubles per person per day. You can get a more comfortable job in the private sector for 500 rubles. Daily food in this republic will cost the same 500 rubles. That is, a week in Abkhazia without a road there will cost around 5,600-10,000 rubles per person.
Relaxing in a hotel or boarding house will be significantly more expensive. A double room in a sanatorium or boarding house will cost 1,600-8,000 rubles per day. Couples hoping for an inexpensive holiday in Abkhazia should prepare 22,000 rubles, and for 30,000 you can also see the main local attractions.

Many women prefer shopping tourism as the best option to relax, have fun, and enjoy shopping. What could be nice...

7. Türkiye

Russians have long felt almost at home in Turkey, since they have firmly chosen this country as a place for inexpensive holiday. Holidays in Turkey are associated with beaches on the Black Sea or Mediterranean coast. Another plus is inexpensive shopping in between visiting the local attractions. The Turks also take good care of entertainment for their guests; there are incredibly many of them here - every day tourists choose between restaurants and bars, discos and nightclubs.
The cost of a holiday in Turkey has a pronounced seasonal nature, and it also varies in different parts of the country. For example, you can relax in Antalya for 200 dollars, in Kemer for 250, and in Istanbul you will have to spend 250 dollars. A two-week tour for two can be purchased on average for $1000-1500, and if you buy a last-minute tour or travel to this country in the fall, you can save half the amount. Russians especially love holidays in Turkey for the dominant all-inclusive system here, but such aspects as clean sea, wonderful climate and an extensive excursion program are also important.

8. Indonesia

Accommodation - 100-300 dollars, meals - 200-250 dollars, flights - from 600 dollars.
Since 2015, visa-free entry into Indonesia has been available for Russian citizens; only a stamp is placed in the passport, allowing its holder to live for a month in the country without the right to extend it and subsequently change the status of stay. The cost of Indonesian housing is subject to seasonal fluctuations and also depends on the island, city, resort, type and location of housing and living conditions. On average, a day in Sumatra costs 9-10 dollars, in Java - 10-15 dollars, and in Bali - 15-20 dollars. In any Indonesian province you can rent housing for a longer period - a house will cost 400-600 dollars for a whole year. And in Bali or Jakarta you can rent a house for 600-800 dollars. In the capital and major cities houses are often rented out for a month's rent, requiring approximately $150. Food in Indonesia is incredibly cheap - on the street you can get enough for just 1-1.5 dollars, and the bill in a restaurant will cost 5-8 dollars.

Several methods have been invented to determine the standard of living of people, but the one used by the UN is mainly used. On behalf of this organization...

9. Vietnam

Accommodation - 100-200 dollars, meals - 200-250 dollars, flights - from 400 dollars.
Vietnam is a beautiful southeastern country where there are still corners of nature untouched by man. The popularity of holidays in this country is currently experiencing unprecedented growth, but so far this has not greatly affected its cost.
Some people believe that vacationing in Vietnam is even more comfortable than in Thailand. If only because Vietnamese cuisine is closer to our stomach than the more exotic Thai cuisine - this is how the periods of French colonialism and then friendship with the USSR affected the country. The latter is reflected in the fact that the most important resorts in Vietnam remind of the greatness of a former great friend: at every step in Nha Trang or Mui Ne one encounters either the “Matryoshka” cafe or even the “USSR” store.
As for food prices, many of them are cheaper here than in Thailand. Wine here costs $5, and beer or bread costs 50 cents. You can spend the night in a hotel, fill your stomach, go on an excursion and relax with a massage for just $10. And for twice the amount you can no longer deny yourself anything. Therefore, you can comfortably spend even a month in Vietnam for 400-500 dollars. But to this we must also add the cost of the flight, which, as usual, purchased with transfers is cheaper than direct.

10. Bulgaria

“A chicken is not a bird, Bulgaria is not a foreign country” - this is how they spoke about a trip to this country back in Soviet times, meaning the availability of holidays in it. But now you can get to Golden Sands or Sunny Beach only with a Schengen visa. Here you can still have a good and cheap holiday on clean, safe and quiet beaches - a worthy alternative to Egypt, Turkey and even Spain.
This low-cost country has affordable housing and good infrastructure. Even in the capital, overnight accommodation is available for 1000 rubles, and in Sofia itself there is something to see - the city is old and great history. In a couple of hours by bus you can get to the amazing Valley of Roses. Two people in a cafe can have breakfast for 10 dollars, dinner for 20-22 dollars, and a cup of coffee for 50 cents. A couple can spend a night in a guest house for $16, and in Kosharitsa and Ravda for the same price you can rent a room with a refrigerator, shower and air conditioning. Room with three stars Sunny Beach will cost 26 dollars, the same amount can be paid for an apartment with a pool by the sea.

Have you issued a citizen's passport to travel abroad? It would be a sin not to use it. It’s not all about relaxing at your mother-in-law’s dacha or going to pebble resorts year after year. Anyone who has been abroad and had the opportunity to compare often speaks less than flatteringly about the level of service at domestic resorts. But if your wallet is not very rich, it is clear that you should not go to Courchevel. But where to go, in which countries are cheap holidays? Let's try to understand this issue.

There is one small but defining nuance here. How long of a vacation can you afford? After all, the cheapest countries for holidays are, by chance, very far from Russia and, therefore, getting there will be expensive. Spend about a thousand dollars on a flight and live for two weeks in the tropical paradise of Southeast Asia for about $100? All the same, no matter how you look at it, it will come out to one thousand and one hundred conventional units. A little expensive for one person. But if you are a freelancer and can work remotely, then it’s a different matter. Just imagine: every morning you take a sun lounger, a laptop and go to the beach. Free, of course. And you spend about $150 a month on housing, food and clothing. And without denying yourself anything.

The most cheap country for the rest of such downshifters - India. Everything costs mere pennies. For $50 a month you will have shelter, and with all the amenities. As for food, $40 for the eyes is enough. There is no shortage of five-star hotels in India. Ask your compatriots who came to Goa on a tour, and you can easily calculate how much money you saved thanks to your independence.

Second place in the ranking of “the cheapest country for a holiday” is taken by Indonesia. Food here is twice as expensive as in India, but you can have lunch at a local restaurant for two dollars. In general, a month's stay in Bali will cost you $160 per month. Cambodia, Myanmar and Vietnam are countries with untrodden tourist trails. This is reflected in prices in a favorable direction for you. In principle, if you know how to drive a scooter, you can go to the more prestigious Thailand. There, the price of housing varies greatly depending on how far it is from the sea. You can rent a nice bungalow with all amenities for $150 per month. From countries Latin America Costa Rica, Bolivia, Honduras, and Argentina can be called cheap.

But if your vacation is 2-3 weeks? It is clear that distant countries are no longer needed due to expensive flights. It’s worth turning your gaze somewhere closer. So what is the cheapest country for Hungary and Poland will pleasantly surprise you with their prices and high service. Prices there, of course, are not like in Cambodia, but also not as high as in Germany or France. If your goal is the beach and the sea, consider Bulgaria as an option. There is one “but” when traveling around Europe. This is a visa. Even if getting it is not a problem (as, for example, in Bulgaria), it still costs money.

The cheapest country for an independent traveler to holiday is Egypt. Even for group tourists, a week in a 4-star hotel with all-inclusive and airfare will cost about $400. And if you take the trouble, find a sale of charter tickets, and at the same time google for “Housing rentals in Sharm el-Sheikh/Hurghada,” then simply unheard-of prospects will open up before you. Luxury apartments there cost $250 per month. Why do you need “all inclusive” if the local market offers high-quality products at a cheap price?

Review of prices in the cheapest European countries for 2019 - Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland and Montenegro. The cost of food and food in restaurants, rental housing and hotel accommodation, prices for transport travel.

Trips to Europe are always ruinous, so I offer a budget alternative to an expensive vacation somewhere in Scandinavia or France. This is especially true now, when the euro exchange rate has risen like a thermometer at the beginning of summer. I advise you to pay attention to Eastern Europe and the Balkans - daily accommodation there is almost half the price than, for example, in France or Switzerland.

For convenience, the average cost is indicated, so keep in mind that it may vary in individual cities/regions/districts.

Exchange rate: 1 euro ≈ 76 RUB.

How to find an inexpensive hotel? The Skyscanner Hotels website will help you - it looks for best prices using different booking systems.


Despite the fact that Hungary is one of the cheapest countries in Europe for tourists and accommodation, it is not inferior to other European countries in terms of service and architecture. Here you will find some wonderful National parks, and health resorts, and ancient cities, and, of course, the famous Szechenyi Baths! Let's look at the average prices for Budapest, since it is the most visited city in the country.

Another good opportunity to save money: .

Budapest has a lot of classical architecture (Photo © / @akoto)

  • Eat at inexpensive restaurant(per person) - about 5 €;
  • Eating in a mid-price restaurant (three-course lunch for two) - 26 €;
  • A cup of cappuccino - 1.22 €;
  • Chicken breasts (1 kg) - 4.81 €;
  • A loaf of white bread - 0.58 €;
  • Local cheese (1 kg) - 5.56 €;
  • Fruits (1 kg) - from 1 €;
  • Potatoes (1 kg) - 0.68 €;
  • Drinking water (1.5 l) - 0.34 €;
  • Local beer (0.5 l) - 0.74 €;
  • Wine - 3.26 €.

Cost of travel, gasoline

Thus, daily expenses (including accommodation in a cheap hotel, food in an inexpensive restaurant and transportation costs) will average 33.96 €.

Tram in Budapest (Photo © / @arvydasv)


Cathedral of the Holy Week in Sofia (Photo © deense / / License CC BY 2.0)

Prices for groceries and food in a restaurant

  • Eating in an inexpensive restaurant (per person) - 4.09 €;
  • Eating in a mid-price restaurant (three-course lunch for two) - 20.45 €;
  • A cup of cappuccino - 1.09 €;
  • Chicken breasts (1 kg) - 4.68 €;
  • A loaf of white bread - 0.47 €;
  • Local cheese (1 kg) - 4.75 €;
  • Fruits (1 kg) - from 1.08 €;
  • Potatoes (1 kg) - 0.55 €;
  • Drinking water (1.5 l) - 0.43 €;
  • Local beer (0.5 l) - 0.60 €;
  • Wine - 4.09 €.

Cost of travel, gasoline

Housing rental, hotel accommodation

Thus, daily expenses (including accommodation in a cheap hotel, food in an inexpensive restaurant and transportation costs) will average 33.07 €.

Market in Sofia (Photo © Damien Smith / / Licensed CC BY-SA 2.0)


Another very cheap country for living and recreation in Europe. Many medieval castles and Gothic churches, good, tasty and cheap beer, charming Warsaw, the city center of which was restored after the war and is included in the UNESCO list, narrow streets, cozy cafes and acceptable prices- all this attracts many tourists to Poland. Let's consider the average prices for Warsaw, because prices in other cities do not differ too much from the capital.

Narrow streets of Warsaw (Photo © / @acalmelor)

Prices for groceries and food in a restaurant

  • Eating in an inexpensive restaurant (per person) - 4.80 €;
  • Eating in a mid-price restaurant (three-course lunch for two) - 26.42 €;
  • A cup of cappuccino - 1.96 €;
  • Chicken breasts (1 kg) - 4.10 €;
  • A loaf of white bread - 0.69 €;
  • Local cheese (1 kg) - 5.79 €;
  • Fruits (1 kg) - from 0.81 €;
  • Potatoes (1 kg) - 0.52 €;
  • Local beer (0.5 l) - 0.73 €;
  • Wine - 5.76 €.

Cost of travel, gasoline

Housing rental, hotel accommodation

Thus, daily expenses (including accommodation in a cheap hotel, food in an inexpensive restaurant and transportation costs) will average 41.05 €.

Bus 507 at the Centrum stop (Photo © / @valik_chern)


Cafe in the narrow streets of Budva (Photo © Jorge Franganillo / / License CC BY 2.0)

Prices for groceries and food in a restaurant

  • Eating in an inexpensive restaurant (per person) - 5 €;
  • Eating in a mid-price restaurant (three-course lunch for two) - 25 €;
  • A cup of cappuccino - 1.26 €;
  • Chicken breasts (1 kg) - 4.50 €;
  • A loaf of white bread - 0.66 €;
  • Local cheese (1 kg) - 4.80 €;
  • Fruits (1 kg) - from 0.90 €;
  • Potatoes (1 kg) - 0.74 €;
  • Drinking water (1.5 l) - 0.49 €;
  • Local beer (0.5 l) - 0.75 €;
  • Wine - 4 €.

Sveti Stefan Island (photo © adametrnal /


In Romania, one of the cheapest countries in Europe for 2019, you can organize an amazing vacation, because this ancient land has something to tell the traveler. Medieval Wallachian cities and gloomy castles, ancient monasteries and churches... In addition, those who prefer skiing, and those who like to lie on the beach. So, let's look at the average prices for Bucharest, the capital of Romania.

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Saving is not a reason to sit at home, but an incentive to carefully plan your trip and not spend too much. We studied travel guides, bloggers' reports, websites with prices for flights, accommodation, food and selected 10 inexpensive and interesting countries for travel in the upcoming holiday season.

Pack your bags, guys!


Approximate prices:

Kebab or khachapuri cost $1, a hearty lunch in a regular cafe costs about $3. The average bill in a restaurant is about $4-5. In Yerevan, you can easily find inexpensive hotels with double rooms for $30-40 or rent an apartment for $25-30 per day. Outside the capital, prices are slightly lower.

Yerevan and surroundings; Lake Sevan; Vanadzor and Lori Gorge; Khor Virap monastery with views of Ararat; Vorotan Valley and Tatev Monastery.


Approximate prices:

Lunch or dinner at an inexpensive restaurant will cost you about $11; a hotel room for two per night costs from $40.

Must see:

Flame Towers; mud volcanoes in Gobustan; petroglyphs in Gobustan Park; Maiden Tower; sacred place Zoroastrians Ateshgah.


Approximate prices:

Serbian analogues of fast food - cheese pie gibanica, sausages cevapcici - cost no more than $2. Lunch at a decent restaurant costs about $10. A simple double room in Belgrade costs about $35-45 per day. You can rent an apartment in the center for $25-35.

Must see:

Belgrade; Novi Sad; Smederevo; national parks Tara or Fruska Gora; Bajina Basta and other towns along the picturesque Drina River; Drvengrad - an ethnic village-set of Kusturica films.


Approximate prices:

Local dishes such as shakshuka, merguez sausages or lablabi soup cost about $3 in street eateries; lunch in a restaurant costs $8. There are not many cheap guesthouses in Tunisia, but you can still find a simple room for $20.

Must see:

Tunisia and Carthage; Kairouan, Sousse and Monastir; Mediterranean beaches: for example, on the island of Jebra, in Hammamet or Sidi Bou Said, vaguely reminiscent Greek resorts. If time permits, you can see the Berber dugout houses in Matmata, where Star Wars was filmed.


Approximate prices:

There are a huge number of various inexpensive cafes and restaurants, on every corner and for every taste. Lunch for two will cost you about $35, and hotel accommodations will cost you $30 and up.

Must see:

Charvak reservoir; Peoples' Friendship Square; Chimgan mountains; ensemble of mausoleums Shakhi-Zinda; Registan Square in Samarkand; Naqshbandi complex; Mausoleum Gur-Emir.


Approximate prices:

There is no street food as such in Georgia. The closest analogue may be fresh khachapuri or lobiani, which are sold on every corner for $1.5. Lunch in a cafe will cost about $5-6. An intermediate option is khinkali: they cost $0.25, are available almost everywhere, and ten is enough to eat for the whole day. A simple double room in Tbilisi and Batumi will cost at least $40 per day (alternatives are couchsurfing or renting an apartment for about $30 per day); in other places, rooms in inexpensive guesthouses cost $15-30.

Must see:

Tbilisi; Mtskheta and Georgian Military Road; cave city in Vardzia; Sighnaghi and Kakheti; Svaneti; Batumi and the Black Sea coast.


Approximate prices:

Street food in India costs almost nothing: a serving of vegetarian thali costs $0.8, and a hearty lunch at a local eatery costs $2.5. In tourist restaurants, the average bill will be about $3-6. The situation with housing is similar: almost everywhere for $5-8 you will get a set of a bed, walls and roof, for $10-15 you will get a decent room with air conditioning.

Must see:

Delhi; Agra; circle the cities and villages of Rajasthan or travel through the foothills of the Himalayas in Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand; and further - according to interests: either to Varanasi and Nepal, or to the south, to Mumbai and Goa or Kerala.

In the current crisis, traveling abroad seems like an unaffordable luxury for many people. Prices for a week's accommodation in most foreign countries reach the annual income of the average person, turning a vacation into a pipe dream. But there are still countries in which the exchange rate plays into the hands of all tourists.

We have compiled a list of 7 countries that are considered the cheapest for tourists.


Housing prices per month: $30
Meals per month: $40
Flight: 550-600$

India is considered the cheapest tourist country in the world. It is rich not only in its hot climate and ocean, but also in a lot of attractions. And all this for just $80 per month.

Due to the convenient exchange rate between dollars and rupees, renting an apartment with all amenities will cost a tourist only $30 per month. And due to India's tropical climate, markets are filled with cheap fruits and vegetables year-round. In addition, you can buy several varieties of rice and other cereals for a couple of dollars. Thus, food will cost a tourist about $10 per week.

Best choice for vacation small towns. Prices there are cheaper than in Delhi, the housing is more comfortable, the population is smaller, and there are much more attractions and national flavor. Pocket expenses and excursions will cost the tourist about another $40. It is worth noting that Indians themselves spend much less per month, since their average salary reaches only $50. Despite seemingly such economic decline and poverty, India is a very bright and colorful country. A vacation here involves not only sunny days on the beach, but also complete immersion in its culture and traditions.

Flights to India are cheap, even compared to European countries. Round-trip tickets from any CIS country will cost about $600, and if you book them in advance, you can save an additional hundred dollars.


Housing prices per month: $60-100
Meals per month: $20
Flight: from $1000

Indonesia is known to tourists primarily by the names of the famous beaches of Bali, Malukru and Tengah, which amaze the imagination with paradisiacal landscapes, sun and crystal clear water.

Before you go on holiday to Indonesia, you need to plan everything carefully. Tour operators offer tourists expensive hotel rooms for $20 per night, so this is not an option for the average traveler. Many people go here with a tent behind them, since the warm climate fully allows this type of accommodation. Some are looking for comfortable small houses or bungalows on the ocean for $60 a month.

Food in Indonesia, as in India, is an abundance of exotic fruits, berries, vegetables and nuts, as well as various seafood. Thus, on average, a tourist spends $20 on food. If you prefer to visit restaurants from time to time and try national cuisine, then the monthly amount will increase to $40. Together with pocket expenses, the required amount for living in Indonesia for one month is $160-180.

The main thing to remember is one rule: never buy from local residents souvenirs at the offered prices. You should always bargain, as the real cost of all trinkets is only a few dollars.

Despite low prices, flying to Indonesia is not a cheap pleasure. Two-way tickets from all CIS countries cost about $1,200 for one person. But you can look for various promotions, discounts, or book tickets in advance to save a couple of hundred dollars.


Housing prices per month: $60-70
Meals per month: $40
Flight: 1000$

Laos is not only a beautiful country with magnificent mountain landscapes, but also a center of spiritual enlightenment. To find themselves and understand the meaning of life, tourists from all over the world go to Laos, where a calm and spiritual atmosphere reigns. Plus, it is also a very cheap country, since there is nowhere to spend money here.

Rent for a month of a one-room apartment with all amenities costs only $60-70, depending on the availability of the Internet. The range of products in Laos is not very large, since this industry is underdeveloped. Thus, a tourist spends a maximum of $40 per month on necessary products.

But a two-way flight from any CIS country costs approximately $1,000.


Housing prices per month: $200
Meals per month: $100
Flight: 800-1200$

Thailand is one of the most exotic countries Asia. It attracts tourists with its bright colors, carefree atmosphere, various festivals and show programs, and, of course, unique cuisine.

More and more tourists are choosing to plunge into the warm embrace of Thailand in winter time, when the already low prices for holidays there fall by half. Indeed it is inexpensive country for the average traveler. And before you go to Thailand, you can make inquiries from blogs and websites of experienced tourists, who openly advise newcomers on places where there is cheap housing, inexpensive food and interesting places for relax.
There is an abundance of fruit, fish and game here for just a dollar. Thus, a tourist will spend $100 a month on food if he is not tempted by expensive Thai delicacies and culinary masterpieces.

Whether you're holidaying in a big city like Pattaya, or in smaller ones like Phuket, Koh Samui, Chang or Phi Phi, you're guaranteed a heavenly holiday with golden beaches, sun and exotic food. But the cost of housing differs radically. In big cities, a tourist will have to pay $400 per month, but in small cities resort towns about 200$.

Costa Rica

Housing prices per month: $100
Meals per month: $200
Flight: from $1000

Costa Rica is a small paradise state in Central America, which tourists dig for the most beautiful place on the ground. For travelers there are nature reserves, parks, magnificent beaches facing the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, waterfalls and wild jungle safaris.

To rent a whole house here, you need to spend $250 per month, but a simple apartment with all amenities will cost $100. Food in Costa Rica is also inexpensive, even if you eat in restaurants from time to time. Due to the abundance of seafood and fruit, dinner at the restaurant costs only $4. Thus, per month you will spend about $100 on food.

And since the beaches and the ocean are free pleasures, a heavenly month of relaxation is guaranteed to everyone.


Housing prices per month: $150
Meals per month: $200
Flight: from $1000

After the economic crisis, National currency Argentina has dropped significantly, making accommodation for tourists in this country quite affordable. But due to its remote location, flying to this beautiful country amounts to a decent amount.

Accommodation in a hotel, as in other countries, is of course more expensive than renting private housing. But an apartment with all the amenities right on the ocean will cost $150 per month. Unlike Asian countries, food in Argentina is much more expensive. If you are going to cook yourself, then be prepared to spend $200, and if you want to try magnificent culinary masterpieces national cuisine from the chef, this amount will increase several times.


Housing prices per month: $40-150
Meals per month: $200
Flight: from $500

The Philippines are incredibly beautiful islands, with an interesting culture and hospitable people. In fact, this is not a very cheap place if you prefer to relax in a big city. But if you want to get away from the bustle of the city, lie on the beach by the ocean and enjoy a change of scenery, it is better to choose the small tourist town of Cebu for your vacation. There are golf courses and shopping centers, and housing prices have dropped to $150 per month. And if you visit the bustling town of Damakuete, you can live there with all the amenities for just $40 per month.

If you combine home-cooked meals with restaurant meals in the Philippines, you will have to spend about $200, without denying yourself anything.

We collect money for the flight and go to earthly paradise for a whole month. Have a nice holiday!