A321 where is the best place to sit. Airbus a321: cabin layout and best seats (S7) Airlines

When purchasing a ticket, pay attention to which plane you are going to fly. If this is an Airbus A321, then check the cabin layout and choose the best seats. The photos and recommendations provided will help you with this.

Today, every company has a variety of airliners. Some fly short or medium distances, others are designed for longer trips. And since cabins often differ from each other in certain details, the location of convenient and advantageous seats must be clarified before checking in for boarding.

History and characteristics

The Airbus A321 appeared out of the need to compete with the Boeing 737-900ER, as well as to increase the main performance of the models in this line. Compared to previous versions, the developers have improved:

  1. Engine power, due to which the plane began to fly further.
  2. The wings were strengthened to air Transport could withstand heavy loads.
  3. The A321-200 modification also has larger fuel tanks, which helps refill gasoline for a longer flight time.

The first successful development occurred in 1994 and after a test flight, all aircraft became the property of Lufthansa and Alitalia. The second modification appeared two years later and is constantly receiving orders from a variety of carriers. Aeroflot has several such airliners operating short and medium-range flights.

The Airbus A321 is a twin-engine narrow-body aircraft designed to cover a distance of 4000-5000 km. Of all the models in this line, it is the largest, which makes it possible to carry more passengers on board. So, its standard capacity is designed for 200 people, but much depends on the specific modification and the airline that operates the flight.

If these are charter lines that do not have a division into business and economy class, then there are 220 passenger seats in the cabin, among which there are very few differences. When divided into two comfort levels, only 185 seats remain by freeing up space for an increased comfort zone.

Interior layout

You can see how the seats are arranged on board a specific aircraft on the official website of the selected carrier. It’s worth looking for background information about the salon and finding a diagram seats. Then, when registering your itinerary receipt, you will know exactly which seats best suit your wishes and needs during the flight.

You can do this as during registration boarding pass online or at the counter with an airport employee. But remember that the best and comfortable places are occupied first, so for a more profitable choice it is advisable to start registering as early as possible.

Business class in this case is distinguished by the arrangement of seats in a 2X2 configuration. And in economy class, the seats are most often arranged in a 3x3 type. Thus, only 28 tickets are sold to the increased comfort zone. The differences apply to charter flights and other airlines where there is no distribution between classes of passenger convenience.

But pay attention to the fact that seats with increased legroom (Space+), for example, at emergency exits, are sometimes sold at an additional rate with a low markup, since they are the most desirable for most passengers.

Almost each place has its pros and cons. Let's look at some of the nuances using the example of the standard arrangement of seats in the cabin in a two-class configuration:

  • From the first to the seventh rows there are business class seats, where the seats are located at a sufficient distance from each other so that each passenger has room to recline the back completely and stretch his legs forward if desired.
  • But even in the increased comfort zone there are not very comfortable rows, these are the first and last, as they are closer to the toilet and economy class, which will interfere with a smooth flight.
  • In any line, seats A and F are considered the best for those who want to enjoy the view from the porthole and stay away from the aisle, however, then every time you try to get up you will have to disturb your neighbors.
  • If you choose seats near the edge, C and D, then it will be easier to get up, you won’t have to lift anyone, but people passing by and flight attendants may accidentally hit you while you are resting.
  • The 8th and 19th rows are located immediately behind the partition, which makes it possible to stretch your legs and also place a baby cradle on the wall; here no one will lower the chair in front of you, since these are the first rows in each separate zone.
  • Distribution of dishes at lunchtime begins from these same seats.
  • In the 18th and 31st rows, the seats are considered the most uncomfortable, since they are located directly next to the toilet, the backs of the seats do not lower down, and there is always a queue of people in the aisle.

Remember that food starts from the first rows and always ends last. Therefore, if you want to have lunch earlier and not wait for others to be fed, then you should not sit in rows 29-31.

All places from 9th to 17th and from 20th to 30th do not stand out in anything special. Here you just need to choose according to your own preferences, sit at the edge or at the window, closer to the beginning, middle or end of the cabin. For example, if there are passengers with children on the first lines, then the children's crying may disturb people sitting close to them. It is believed that in the middle of the cabin there is much less shaking and motion sickness, so seats in rows 9-17 are more preferable for those who find it difficult to bear the flight.


And if you want to sleep or work while traveling, it is better to give preference to window seats, but further from toilets and passengers with children. Remember that if you decide to choose a seat with extra legroom, for example, at an emergency exit, you will have to carry out all the instructions of the flight attendants in case of unforeseen circumstances. Therefore, such places are inaccessible to people with disabilities and children.

Video: Airbus A321 – interior.

Of course, which seat will be the most comfortable for you depends on personal preferences, flight range, plans at that moment and other requirements. So, for those who want to periodically get up and walk around the cabin, it is advisable to sit on the edge. Parents with small children prefer to choose seats near the partition, as there are mounts for a cradle and necessary things during the flight.

Sitting inside between other passengers (seats B and E) is not always comfortable, since there are not enough armrests for everyone and you are heavily dependent on the surrounding neighbors. But in almost any case, the last rows (30-31) are among the worst. After all, it is impossible to rest here, lie down, lower your back, or work. Only those who absolutely need to fly in the chosen direction and have no other options will agree to such minimal amenities.

Ural Airlines belongs to a company with experience gained over many years of work. The main activity is passenger and cargo air transportation. The aircraft fleet consists of modern and comfortable Airbus aircraft.

During 2017, Ural Airlines acquired an Airbus A321 equipped with wings with sharklet-type tips. This design allows for increased flight range and improves aerodynamic characteristics.

It is important to know that this same year marked the beginning of a project to update passenger seats for the entire fleet. The airline's passengers now travel in comfortable and modern seats.

Interior layout

Configuration passenger compartment Airbus A321 of Ural airlines is the same for each aircraft. Let's look at the cabin layout in more detail to find out which seats will be the best for a pleasant trip.

Economy class

Plan Airbus aircraft The A321 has 220 seats, one class, arranged in 38 rows. In one row, for the most part, there are six seats, three on each side of the aisle.

So, let's start with the 1st row, these seats are considered good. There are no neighbors in front who will definitely recline their seats in front of you, which obviously creates some inconvenience. At the same time, there is a little more space here than in other rows due to the small distance between the seats. In addition, in front, as a rule, there is more fresh air, thanks to normal air conditioning, which cannot be said about the last row.

But there are disadvantages here, there is more space because there is a partition in front, not the passengers' seats, if the flight is long, this can cause tension. Not everyone will like the location of the wall, right in front of their face. These places are not suitable for those who are afraid of enclosed spaces, as this sensation may arise. Fresher air can also be spoiled by odors coming from the galley or toilet located directly behind the partition. This same reason can create noise and rapid movement.

From the 2nd to the 9th row, the seats will be the most ordinary. They are not particularly comfortable. The seat back reclines like most. But there is an advantage for those who sit near the porthole. The view overboard will be in full review, which cannot be said about the places near the wing.

Attention! On the seats located in front of the emergency exit, the seat backs do not recline or are in a limited position.

There is an explanation for this; they are motionless for safety reasons. Since in case of an emergency, the exit must be free. Reclining chairs will be an obstacle that will require you to waste precious time to eliminate.

Such seats are located on the 10th and 25th rows; the lack of the ability to recline the backrest will force you to sit in one position for the entire flight.

The 11th row has only two seats, which is ideal for those traveling together. These are places of increased comfort. They are located after the emergency exit. Thanks to this, they have additional space, which will undoubtedly come in handy when you want to stretch your legs and sit more comfortably. In addition, the front row seats do not recline. At this point, you can safely stand if you need to go out without disturbing your neighbor.

There are also disadvantages here, one of them is that the folding tables are built into the armrests, because of this they are motionless. For safety reasons, hand luggage is not allowed to be placed on the floor. Instead of a porthole there is an emergency exit. For this reason, it may be cooler here than in other places.

For safety reasons, the following will not be placed in such places:

  • Passengers with small children;
  • Pregnant women;
  • Passengers with disabilities.
  • Old people;
  • Passengers with animals.

In the 12th row, seats A and F will also feature additional legroom due to the absence of front seats.

The 26th row has the same advantages as 11, only in this row there are not two, but three seats on each side of the aisle.

In the 37th row, seat D is the most inconvenient because it has an unfortunate location, it is too close to the toilet and the aisle.

Rows 37 and 38 are the most worst places. The backs of the seats do not recline; they rest against the back wall, behind which the toilet is located. In this regard, an unpleasant smell and constant movement of people will accompany you throughout the flight.

Choosing the best seat on the Ural Airlines Airbus A321

Still, there are places that are the most comfortable and have more advantages than disadvantages. Of these I would like to note:

  • All 1st row seats;
  • In the 11th row - B, C, D, E;
  • All seats are in row 26.

Bad places: how not to make a mistake

There are places that have an unfortunate location and are not comfortable; it is better not to choose such places, these are:

  • All seats are in the 10th row;
  • In the 25th row seats: B, C, D, E;
  • In the 37th row: A, B, C, D;
  • Seats E, F in row 38.

For technical reasons, the most favorable location for the flight will be in the bow of the airliner, since here the noise from the aircraft engines is least audible.

The middle part of the aircraft cabin will be the calmest; there is not so much chatter here and turbulence is less noticeable. For those who have problems with aerophobia, the seats in the middle will be the most acceptable.

Tail section aircraft is considered as the most inconvenient. The salon in the rear narrows, which reduces the space and places the bathrooms close together. Despite all the shortcomings, this part of the cabin is the safest. Statistics show that most of the survivors were in the rear of the plane.

If you want to enjoy the view overboard, you should take seats A and F. But the seats near the windows are popular only during the daytime, since you won’t see anything at night. Although, during takeoff and landing, even at night you can see a beautiful picture of the burning lanterns of the glowing city. Also, these seats are chosen by those who plan to sleep the entire flight and not get up.

All 10 have the same configuration for 220 passenger seats (economy cabin).

Let's analyze in detail the layout of the Airbus A321 cabin and find out where the passenger will be most comfortable during the flight.

The diagram of the aircraft, which is posted on the official website, is as follows:

The only remark is that due to the fact that the letter designations and row numbers are not indicated on the official website, we will designate them as most Western aviation companies do using this type of aircraft.

Couple general points regarding the arrangement of seats in the Airbus A321 - their disadvantages and advantages.

1. The seats that are located next to the window have the advantage that you can look out of it during the flight (this, of course, depends on the flight time and weather). If you fly at night, this advantage does not count. Also, your neighbor will not bother you if he wants to get up. These places have one drawback - it is not very convenient to leave it yourself. Therefore, if you don’t need to go to the toilet often or you intend to sleep through the entire flight, choose seats by the window.

2. The seats located near the aisle have their own advantage - it is very easy to get up from if you need to go to the toilet. The disadvantages are that a neighbor may be disturbed if he needs to get up. Flight attendants with trolleys and passengers who walk through the cabin to the galley and toilets can also interfere. Therefore, if you are flying with a child and, most likely, you will have to go to the toilet often. Or you yourself need to go to the restroom more often, then choose from the edge of the seat.

    1 rub. - in aircraft of this type, the first rad is often located quite close to the partition or wall of the kitchen/toilets. It gives the impression of a closed space and it is not very comfortable to sit for the entire flight watching the wall. Also, it is quite noisy there due to the close proximity of the toilet and kitchen. These are disadvantages. Now about the positive aspects. This row has enough room for knees. Another advantage is the fact that no one will recline the chair. In economic conditions, this is a rather significant circumstance.

    10 rub. Row in front of the first emergency exit. As a rule, the seats do not recline before an emergency exit, or are very limited in this, for safety reasons. This is done so that in an emergency, the approach to the doors is not blocked and so that time is not wasted on raising the backrests. You will have to sit upright for the entire flight.

    11 rub. For the same safety reasons, the row after the emergency exit is located at a short distance from the previous one. In front of you, thanks to this, there is additional space. You can get up from your seats without disturbing your neighbors, and stretch your legs comfortably. Another advantage is that there are not 3 chairs in a row, but 2. Two chairs in a row are generally an ideal place for two people traveling. But there are some minor drawbacks: The folding tables are placed in the armrests, which is why they do not move. No porthole. Carry-on luggage cannot be placed in the aisle or on the floor. For flight safety, passengers with animals and children are prohibited from staying in these seats. disabilities, and older people. there are still more advantages, so we can consider them to be good places.

    12 rub. F,A. Standard economy seats + extra legroom. Since there is no chair in front. very comfortable.

    25 rub. Marked in yellow for the same reasons as 10. The backrests are blocked. But a small advantage is the number of seats in the row.

    26 rub. Good places salon There is room for your feet to be able to get up without disturbing anyone. Disadvantages are similar to 11 r. Let us separately note the places at portholes F,A. Due to the emergency door, the seats are slightly angled and often one of the armrests is missing.

    37 rub., place D. Yellow color due to proximity to toilets. People will constantly squeeze in next to you, they may lean on the chair, or touch you. A queue may still form.

    37 rub. places C, B, A and 38 rub. The most inappropriate places. The disadvantages are similar to those of the penultimate row; in addition, the backs of the seats do not recline and can rest against the walls of the toilets. The slamming of doors and the sound of the tank will accompany you throughout the entire flight. Register for these Places for the worst case scenario.

    Ask an airline employee for advice

    If possible, carefully study the diagram of the airliner you will fly on.

    Do not take seats where the seats do not recline or are limited in their ability to do so.

    Do not take places near toilets, kitchens and other technical rooms at the very end.

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Clear skies to you, as the pilots say, and a soft landing!

Interior layout
- Reviews

The Airbus A321 is part of the Airbus A320 family of narrow-body aircraft serving short- and medium-haul passenger flights with a flight range of up to 5000-5900 km. The capacity of this board is up to 236 passenger seats.

The aircraft is popular with Russian and foreign airlines. Business class may be allocated on board.

Airbus A321 cabin layout for different airlines

The layout of passenger seats on an Airbus A321 aircraft is always determined by the airline. Accordingly, you need to choose the best seats, guided by the layout of the exact plane on which you will fly.


At Aeroflot, there are three options for the layout of the Airbus A321 airliner.

Aerobus A321 diagrams from Aeroflot

  • Business class - 28 seats in rows 1-7 (arranged in a 2-2 pattern);
  • Economy class - 142 seats in rows 8-31 (according to the 3-3 scheme, except for the 19th row - there are 2-2);
  • Space+ (with increased legroom) are the best seats in the economy class cabin of the Airbus A321 when flying with Aeroflot; they are marked in orange in the diagram; an additional payment is required to select them. Where are: row 8 - A, B, C, D, E, F; row 19 - B, C, D, E; row 20 - A, F.


  • Economy class - 167 seats in rows 8-35;
  • Space+ seats: 11th row - B, C, D; Row 23 - A, B, C, D, E, F.


© aeroflot.ru

  • Business class - 16 seats in rows 1-4 (according to scheme 2-2);
  • Economy class - 170 seats in rows 8-35;
  • Space+ seats: 11th row - B, C, D, E, F; 23 row - A, B, C, E, F; Row 24 - D.

Board numbers: VP-BAV, VP-BAX, VP-BEG, VP-BES, VP-BEA, VP-BEE.

© aeroflot.ru

Ural Airlines

On board the Airbus A321 " Ural Airlines“There is no business class, and three conventional economy class sectors are distinguished only by emergency exits.

The carrier does not indicate the best seats on the Airbus A321 on the official map. However, according to reviews and common practice, the most comfortable seats for the flight will be those with increased legroom, located in front of the emergency exits. On the Airbus A321 cabin diagram, the following seats are located: 11th row - all, 12th row - A, F, 26th row - all.

The worst places, traditionally, are near the toilet (the recline of the chair back is limited, there is little space for hand luggage) and each average of 3.

© uralairlines.ru

S7 Airlines allocates a very small business class at the beginning of the cabin on its flights. There are other differences from the schemes presented above.

Scheme Airbus seats A321-100/200 for S7

  • Business class - 8 seats in rows 1, 2;
  • Economy class - 189 seats;
  • Seats with increased legroom - 10th row seats A, F; 23rd row - all or only the extreme ones.

The main feature of the layout is the 22nd row, where there are only two seats, and not next to the window. There is no extra legroom, but these seats will be a real boon for those flying as a couple.

© s7.ru

Nordwind (Nordwind, North Wind)

Business class on Airbus A321-200 aircraft from the air carrier Nordwind Airlines No. There are 220 economy class seats on board, with the exception of the VP-BHN flight, which has 210 seats. Number of rows - 38.

Best seats (with increased legroom):

  • 1st row - A, B, C, D, E, F;
  • 11 row - A, B, C, D, E, F;
  • Row 26 - A, B, C, D, E, F.

Bad places where the back of the chair does not recline are also highlighted in the diagram:

  • 10 row - A, B, C, D, E;
  • 25 row - A, B, C, D, E;
  • Row 38 (last, near the toilets) - A, B, C, D, E, F.

© nordwindairlines.ru

Red Wings Airlines (Red Wings)

In the Red Wings Airlines fleet, the stretched Airbus A321 airliners replaced the previous model, the Airbus A320.

The cabin is equipped only in an economy class configuration with 220 seats. Seating chart: 3-3.

The best seats are on the first row (more legroom) and near the emergency exits. Unfortunately, it is not available on the Red Wings Airlines website detailed diagram salon

Description and Airbus specifications A321 on the official website of Red Wings Airlines

© flyredwings.com

Yamal Airlines has 3 Airbus A321 aircraft in its fleet; they serve flights throughout Russia.

Business class for 28 seats is allocated. The number of seats in standard economy class is 142, the seats are arranged in a 3-3 pattern.

There is no diagram of the layout of the Airbus A321 cabins on the official website of Yamal Airlines. In addition, seat selection is not available when purchasing online - not only in economy class, but also in business class.

Information about aircraft on the Yamal website

© Anna Zvereva from Tallinn, Estonia - Yamal Airlines, VQ-BSM, Airbus A321-231, CC BY-SA 2.0, commons.wikimedia.org

Aeroflot is the largest airline in Russia. It was founded in 1923 and is one of the first airlines in the world. The air fleet includes 198 aircraft, 34 of which are Airbus A321.

The Airbus A321-200 is a representative of the Airbus industrie A320 group of airlines, but is larger in size, which means it has more seats in the cabin. Designed for medium-range flights. The narrow-body twin-engine A321 has been used to transport passengers since 1994. The Airbus A321 has many variations that differ in the number of seats, flight range and other characteristics. This is the most popular airliner among the A320 family.

Brief technical description

  • Wingspan – from 34.1 to 35.8 m
  • Airliner length – 44.5 m
  • Cruising speed – 840 km/h
  • Maximum speed – up to 890 km/h
  • Flight range – from 5,000 to 5,900 km
  • Number of seats – up to 236
  • Interior length – 34.4 m
  • Cabin width – 3.7 m

Airbus A321 interior diagram

Uses 3 cabin layout options for the Airbus A321, and all of them are divided into 2 classes: economic and business. They differ only in the ratio of the number of seats in these classes. All of these cabin seating options have better and worse seats. Let's look at these three modifications and determine the best places for a comfortable flight. Interior diagrams of the Airbus A321 of Aeroflot airlines:

Option 1

This configuration includes 156 seats.

Business class covers rows 1 to 7. It is located in the nose of the plane. The layout of the seats is 2-2 in a row. Seats in this class are considered the most comfortable. The chairs have the same characteristics, but the 1st and 7th rows can be distinguished as less comfortable than the others. Row 1 is located close to the kitchen and bathroom and is separated from them by a partition, this can cause inconvenience. Row 7 is the last row of business class; there is a wall behind it; noise from economy class can be heard through it.

Economy class starts from row 8 and ends at row 31.

Row 8 is considered very comfortable. There are emergency exits in front of it and this is the first row of economy class. The extra space in front and the fact that your food is served first makes these seats comfortable.

Row 18 is located in front of the bathroom. An unpleasant smell, crowding and motionless seat backs are the main disadvantages of this row.

19 row seats B, C, D, E and 20 row A, F – seats after emergency exits. There is more extra legroom.

Row 30 is located close to the toilets, from which unpleasant odors and sounds are heard. The constant movement of people also makes these places less convenient.

Row 31 is the last one. The backs of the seats do not recline, as there is a bathroom behind this row. The row has shortcomings and the 30th row.

Photo of Economy Class Airbus A321

Option 2

This configuration includes 174 seats.

Rows 1-4 belong to business class. Rows 1-4 have the same disadvantages as the first and last rows of business class option 1.

Economy class is rows 8-35.

The 8th row is located immediately behind the screen, which causes inconvenience - a feeling of enclosed space.

The 10th row is located in front of the emergency exits - the backs of the seats do not lower.

Row 11 – the row is located after the emergency exits, which guarantees additional space in the front. Places A, F are deformed and therefore uncomfortable.

Row 23 has plenty of legroom thanks to emergency exits.

Rows 34 and 35 are similar to the last rows of option 1.

Option 3

This configuration includes 180 seats.

Rows 1-10 correspond to the first ten rows of option 2.

Row 11 is located at the emergency exit. There is plenty of space in the front. Location A is deformed.

Row 22 is similar to row 18 of option 1.

Row 23 near the emergency exit. Available seats A, B, C, E, F.

Row 24, seat D. There is a lot of legroom in front of it, since there is no neighbor in front.

35 D, E, F and 36 A, B, C – last places in the cabin.

The best and worst seats in the Airbus A321 at Aeroflot:

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
Best places Rows 1-7 1-4 rows 1-4 rows

11 B, C, D, E, F

23 A, B, C, E, F

Worst places 18, 30, 31 rows 10, 22, 34, 35 rows 10, 22, 35, 36 rows
  • Do you want a relaxing flight with quality service on high level? Choose business class.
  • Seats in premium economy class may cost more, check this on the official website or with airport employees.
  • Do you prefer to enjoy the view from the window? You should not choose seats in the middle part of the plane. The wings will limit your view.
  • Seats at emergency exits are not available to certain categories of passengers: pregnant women, passengers with children, disabled people and foreigners who do not speak Russian or English.
  • The tail section of the carrier is the noisiest due to the proximity of the engines.

When choosing places to fly, rely on your own needs. But first, familiarize yourself with the interior layout of the aircraft that will transport you. The most convenient way to get acquainted with the information is on the official website of the airline. Have a comfortable flight with the Airbus A321!