Travel to Japan presentation. Our "trip" to Japan

To go on a trip you don’t always need to have a plane ticket, you don’t even need to go anywhere, you just need to take a map and.... Yesterday I shared how Ellina and I made a wall newspaper about Japan. There was so much information that I decided: it’s time to start geographical travel with boys. And so we unfolded the map and found the Japanese islands....

We list the names and look at them on the map: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu... Please note that they are located in Asia, in the very east. We will talk about this later, for now we are just noticing.

We lay out the islands that I cut out of a foam tray (they don’t look much like the real thing, I didn’t have enough material or space to decorate them properly, but the gist is the approximate dimensions). We say that there are more than 3000 islands in Japan and some of them are completely uninhabited.

What is an island? We reflect and come to the conclusion that this is land surrounded by water on all sides. And if so, then we send our islands to the ocean.

Let's put residents on our islands, just make sure they don't fall off!
And then the balancing game begins. You need to carefully install toys on the islands.

And then our residents went diving))), which is not surprising.

After bathing the toys, we move on to getting food. It turns out that in Japan they eat a lot of fish, because there is so much water around. But there are much fewer animals there.

Mini-cleaning after each game. This is convenient for me so that I don’t have to shovel mountains of materials and toys later, this is sometimes necessary, as in the case of spilled water, it’s useful for children - after playing, clean it up. In general, in Japan they attach great importance to order.

Let's build Japan now. After all, this country is not only water. There are a lot of mountains on land. Japan, in principle, is all covered with mountains....

There are also a lot of volcanoes here - “living” - active and dormant - and extinct. Lakes often form in extinct ones.

And there are many different plants in Japan - from conifers in the north to palm trees in the south. Moreover, they grow right on the slopes of the mountains.

And, of course, different animals live there, from northern (for example, walruses) to tropical. There is a lot of bamboo growing there (it’s a pity, I didn’t think in advance, there was no suitable material for it) and there are panda bears.

And now our Japan is populated. The time has come for natural disasters. Volcanic eruptions often occur here.

A familiar experience with colored soda and vinegar, but so loved by children.

By the way, largely thanks to natural disasters, architecture in Japan is very developed. In principle, there are a lot of architects there - 2.5 per 1000 inhabitants. And they compete all the time in originality. But this is not the main thing; houses must be built seismically resistant so that the buildings are not damaged during earthquakes. And so we transform into architects and builders and begin to build a Japanese city.

Most Big city This country's capital is Tokyo. There is such a population density there that skyscrapers need to be built. True, we haven’t built any special skyscrapers, but the stability is in perfect order.

And now the city is ready.

Did you know that in Japan there are no street names. The houses are only numbered within the block, corresponding to the time of construction. We believe that house No. 1 was built by Rodion, and then No. 2 ended up in a completely different place, No. 3 - Ellinkin, No. 4 again by Rodion, but in a completely different direction.... And it so happened that everything got confused for us. But how to find the right house? And I begin to describe - the smallest house, the largest, the tallest house in the second row from Rodion, a house with a double roof, the closest house to Ellina on the right, the furthest house from Arthur on the left, a four-story tower next to a seven-story one.... And so Further.

The children are trying to navigate, at first not very successfully, but the further, the better, in the end, every house according to the description was on the move).

Now let's check our houses for stability during earthquakes.... We jumped with all our hearts. The houses swayed but did not collapse. It's a pity they didn't build it high tower, it would definitely have flown, but the children were happy that they were good architects).

Now we draw the flag of our Japan. A very simple flag, and children already know it.

What does it mean? It turns out that the red circle is the sun. Japan is located to the east of all of Eurasia, and it is in the east that the sun rises, which is why the country is called the Land of the Rising Sun. I wanted to find the east using a compass, but the device was lost, but the children already know exactly where the sun rises and they easily determined the direction in which Japan is located.
And we, as expected, attached the flags to sticks. The children were happy with such simple toys). By the way, Arthur said that he would also draw the coat of arms of Japan on the flag. But I didn’t bother to find out about him. But there are no barriers for a child: “I’ll figure it out myself!” And he drew skyscrapers and cars).

In Japan there is an important ritual - bowing. They are intended not only for greetings, but also for farewells, thanks and other occasions. Bows differ in the depth of the bends, the sharpness and smoothness of the movements, the participation of the head and the entire body in the bow.... In general, a whole language of bows. We didn’t teach him, but played a game - bow again. Ellinka showed bows, and the boys tried to reproduce them. Very funny.

It's time for lunch. One of national dishes- sushi. And we try to cook them, but not real ones, because no one will even touch them), but for fun). The children rolled out the dough for modeling.

Sprinkled it with rice.

They also added all sorts of pieces of fish in the form of colored pasta and coffee beans. And then they turned around.

I thank Masha Kostyuchenko for the idea, blog Learning While Playing. She has a lot of ideas for geography with children. This is the kind of sushi we got.

And in Japan they eat with chopsticks. We don’t have chopsticks, but we need to practice, so the children armed themselves with tweezers.

They had to sort the pebbles and shells. And I didn’t mix anything on purpose). While creating worlds, the children mixed “precious” stones, gravel and colored soil, adding shells to the pile. And so I took it all out and gave the task to select shells, gravel and “precious” stones. It's amazing how passionate the boys were about this activity.

Until we chose everything, we didn’t stop))).

The national costume of the Japanese is kimono. Moreover, this is not just a tribute to tradition, but a very real outfit that is worn in Everyday life, worn for special rituals and holidays. Kimonos come in different colors, details, belts, sleeve widths, some are so difficult to put on that only specially trained people can handle it, this is their profession. Although I dressed up the children, I didn’t go through the training), and our kimono is made of a tablecloth, and the belt is a little short. And yet we tried on the image of a Japanese.

The men's belt is narrower and tied at the front. Women's is wider and tied at the back with a bow.

In Japan they know how to admire the beauty of nature. There are special traditions of admiring, for example, plum blossoms and sakura. They even broadcast on TV about flowering times, places, and the number of flowering trees. But besides sakura, the Japanese also admire other flowers, tulips, sunflowers and others. We also decided to admire it, but we will not pass on information about flowering places; we need to find these places. Who is bigger? And the children went searching around the apartment to see who could find the most cards with flowers?

Rodion did the best job this time!

The Land of the Rising Sun is also famous for its martial arts. Many arts used originate from the samurai (judo), some are used for self-defense (aikido). But there is also a purely sporting form - sumo wrestling. Wrestlers are highly respected people in Japanese society. Their weight is an achievement that every wrestler strives for, there are special diets, mainly on rice, to gain weight. It used to be believed that during sumo fights the ground shook and expelled evil spirits, and the land becomes fertile. There are no weight categories, so a wrestler with more weight has a better chance of winning. And the task in a fight is to push the opponent out of the ring or force him to touch the ground with any part of his body except his feet.
So, let's start our sumo fight.

Ellinka participated with no less pleasure than the boys, and not every time she managed to win.

Rodion also won some fights.

A fairly peaceful competition that the boys really enjoyed.
After such entertainment, it was time to calm down and find balance. And the tea ceremony is very suitable for this. First, the owner greets the guests, as it should be with bows.

Everyone sits around the table...

The tea is prepared right in front of the guests by the host. But we didn’t limit ourselves, everyone made tea))). We don’t have mortars and pestles, so we ground the tea with a spoon. In general, of course, everything was done symbolically; our tea ceremony is far from real.

And then they began to rub it with their fingers - a very meditative activity, I tell you).

Then the tea is brewed. But no one here except Eli wants to try tea, so I just poured the juice into a bowl that vaguely resembled a bowl.

And the children took turns drinking from the cup, passing it to each other.

Don't forget to wipe it with a napkin.

Another important point ceremony - silence. Everything happens in silence, without talking. A calm conversation begins later, after the main drink, when tea is brewed separately for everyone. But we just left it out. But we managed to remain silent very well! The children got so accustomed to the role, watched each other with such attention, were inspired, in general, and for one thing they calmed down.

One of the popular and famous arts that came from Japan is origami. The children and I decided to fold the bird. The origami crane is a symbol of happiness, but this pattern is a little difficult for kids, so our symbol of happiness is simpler. Fold the square piece of paper in half diagonally into a triangle.

Then again into the triangle....

We bend the wings two-thirds.

And lower the beak down.

We also decided to fold fans that came to Japan from China, but have long been firmly rooted in this culture.

And then we organized a competition of fan masters). It was necessary to blow a piece of cotton wool off the table - who was faster? Rodion was persistently in the lead in this type of competition).

In the literature of Japan, there is a very interesting style - haiku (haiku) - three-verses of 17 syllables, which indicate the time of year of what is happening. To get acquainted with this type of creativity, I took nursery rhymes from this site. They are interesting because 90% are a mystery in themselves. What time of year are we talking about? This is exactly what the children guessed while I was reading the poems.
Well, why not try to compose it yourself? I did not limit children to 17 syllables. Therefore, Ellina’s work is slightly shorter, and Arthur’s is slightly longer.
Haiku from Eli:
Running in the snow
Winter evening.
And a poem from Arthur:
The first worms came out,
The first flowers came out.
The sun is high, high.
We recently celebrated New Year. In Japan, this holiday is celebrated at dawn. They also dress up the rake! The Japanese generally attach great importance to this subject. It is believed that prosperity and other joys are raked with a rake. And so we also decided to decorate the rake.

They wrapped it, tied it))).

A rake is also a very important attribute of a Japanese rock garden. It is very important to set up such a garden near the house, and also to make a mini-garden in a special sandbox. We also decorated our own kindergarten. The pebbles were arranged, laid out....

And then they drew lines with a rake and leveled the sand. True, our sand is a bit coarse, and then the stripes from such small rakes weren’t particularly visible, but it’s still nice and interesting.

To appreciate a country, it is worth getting to know its language. It is interesting to know how certain words are pronounced and written. For example, we enjoyed learning about the names of family members. I chose the pictures from a search engine and did not save the original source. If there is an owner(s), I will be glad to leave a link to their websites.

And mom in Japanese (one of the options) - HAHA! The kids really liked it). We also taught other words, for example, hello, thank you. There are a lot of the latter, for example, there is a special one before meals and a separate one for “after meals”). You can familiarize yourself with different phrases. I really liked saying 愛してるよ (Aishiteru yo!) - I love you. We used all four options and repeated for a long, long time.

And on this sign they played like this: I pointed to a part of the body and named it in Japanese. The children also showed, named in Russian, and then repeated after me in Japanese.

If you go deeper, you can then repeat it like this: just name the word in Japanese, and the children must show it correctly.

To appreciate all the charm and complexity of the Japanese language, it’s worth writing a few words. I have prepared large copybooks for the kids. True, Rodioshka refused to write, but Arthur happily outlined both his task and his brother.

We wrote the hieroglyph “mother” - it is in duplicate on a piece of paper on the left and the same on the right. To be honest, I can’t vouch for the 100% correctness of the spelling. The small ones are written so incomprehensibly that it is difficult to make out, but the large ones that I came across were written with a thick brush.
They also wrote the word “hello”. Bottom left leaf. Again, there may be problems with fidelity. But it was very interesting for both me and Arthur.

In Japanese, cat is neko. And they love cats and cats very much in Japan, they even have cat cafes. Cats live in such places, and guests who come here can happily chat with furry beauties and beauties during their meal. Of course, they pet them, scratch them behind the ears and do other nice things that make both pets and guests purr). We decided to play in such a cafe. Some were visitors, others were cats. At first the boys pretended to be nekos, and Ellinka and I stroked them. Then Elya and Rodion were cats, and Arthur and I were visitors.

The game was very fun and enjoyable, but there are no good photos))).

Interestingly, the Japanese prefer not to use the word "no", but instead prefer to avoid the topic or give a vague answer. We decided to practice this kind of speech art. I asked questions to which I expected to hear “no,” and the children dodged so as not to say “no.” In this connection, Ellinka pleased me with the possible absence from school))). And when I suggested that she would bring bad marks, I first heard: “Mom, I’m a good student,” and then, “We don’t give bad marks.” To the question: “You probably want to eat?”, Arthur replied: “Yes, but not now!” There were other questions, unfortunately, I don’t remember them now.
The end of our trip to Japan was Ellinkina ikebana. The boys were no longer very interested in this, but my daughter happily composed the composition. It’s a pity we don’t have any fresh or dried flowers, so we had to use artificial ones.

Now Ikebana decorates the window in our room.

This is an unusual and very exciting adventure we had.
I'll tell you about it in Children's gallery

Slide captions:


Japan - Island state, is located in the Pacific Ocean, washed by the East China, Okhotsk, and Japan seas.

The national flag of Japan features the sun - a large red circle on a white background. White color is a symbol of purity. This reminds us of the name of Japan - the land of the rising sun. The coat of arms is a yellow chrysanthemum consisting of 16 double petals, which symbolizes the sun. The coat of arms has a magical meaning. COAT OF ARMS AND FLAG OF JAPAN


O. Shikoku is the smallest of the 4 islands. O.Kyushu is the southernmost of the 4 Japanese Sacred Tori Gates

O. Honshu is the largest and most important of all the islands of Japan. Mount Fuji is the majestic symbol of Japan.

Sakura is the symbol of Japan

Lightweight sliding doors and partitions. During an earthquake, it folds up like a house of cards and then quickly assembles again. They take off their shoes. Little furniture. The entire floor is covered with rice straw mats. They sit on the floor when they have dinner and sleep. JAPANESE HOUSES

National Japanese cuisine


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Slide captions:

Kabuki No Theater

Poems by Basho


Japanese games for children OHAJIKI For girls. Players take turns snapping their fingers at small figures shaped like ohajiki coins, trying to hit other figures. When playing you need to fold a large and forefinger circle, and then click on the figure with your thumb. KENDAMA (KEN-sword, DAMA-ball) catch the tied ball in a bag or cup. OTEDAMA is a Japanese juggling ball. DZYAN-KEN - “Rock, paper, scissors”

Japanese games Puzzle Sudoku Crossword

Bonsai is the Japanese art of growing dwarf trees for decorative purposes, as well as the tree itself.

ORIGAMI figurine of a crane - considered a sacred bird

Popular in Japan: martial arts (judo, kendo and karate, sumo, aikido); kyudo (“way of the bow”) - archery SPORT

Kadomatsu New Year

Hieroglyphs Happiness Joy

Thank you for your attention! どうも “TRAVEL THROUGH JAPAN”

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Empire of the Rising Sun



Flag Coat of Arms

The national Japanese flag is white with a red circle - the Sun - in the middle. The colors of the flag reflect the Shinto ethic, based on concepts such as purity, justice and beautification. The white background means purity and integrity, the red circle means warmth, brightness and sincerity. The red circle on a white field (“Hinomaru”, i.e. “sun flag”) is a fairly old symbol of Japan.

Round chrysanthemum – national flower Japan.

In fact, Japan does not have a national emblem; the coat of arms of the imperial family is often used as such -

Akihito is a yellow chrysanthemum consisting of 16 double petals that symbolizes the sun. The coat of arms has a magical meaning.

National emblem of Japan

The capital is Tokyo. Official language- Japanese.

The head of state is the emperor (since January 7, 1989, Emperor Akihito has been on the throne). Form of government – ​​CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY.

Legislature- bicameral parliament; consists of the House of Councilors and the House of Representatives.

Legal authority- Supreme Court.

Adulthood occurs at 20 years of age. Constitution adopted in 1947


Japan is a state in East Asia, occupies a chain of islands (Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku, the Ryukyu archipelago and others, about 4 thousand in total) washed by Pacific Ocean, Japan, Okhotsk and East China Sea.

Total area - 377,835 km 2

Land area - 374,744 km 2

O. Honshu is the largest and most important of all the islands of Japan. The terrain is mountainous, there are many volcanoes, including Fuji. Area of ​​strong seismicity. Natural vegetation is varied. The plains are cultivated and densely populated.

Honshu - the most developed in economically part of Japan.

O. Hokkaido is the second largest island of Japan and the northernmost of the islands. Almost a third of the island's territory is covered with forests.

The unique nature of the island is protected in 6 national,

5 quasi-national and 12

prefectural parks and reserves.

O. Shikoku is the smallest of the 4 islands. Located in a subtropical zone with a mild, humid climate.

The region includes 4 prefectures: Tokushima, Kagawa, Ehime, Kochi.

The terrain is predominantly mountainous. Numerous volcanoes, including Fuji - highest point Japan (3,776 m). Earthquakes are frequent.

The climate is subtropical, monsoonal, temperate in the North, tropical in the South. Average temperatures in January range from -5 o C on the island of Hokkaido to 16 o C on the Ryukyu archipelago; in July, respectively, from 22 o C to 28 o C. Precipitation from 1,700 mm. per year up to 4,000 mm. per year, typhoons are common in autumn.

Over 2/3 of the territory is covered with forests (on the island of Hokkaido, mainly coniferous, to the south - subtropical evergreens) and shrubs.

Sushi is a low-calorie, healthy food


Kimono literally means “thing that is worn.”

The Japanese woman does not sew a kimono, she designs it, folding it from pieces of fabric cut into rectangular shapes..

The same kimono fits tall and petite women, thin and plump, but this means that “designing” a kimono is easier than sewing a European dress.

Japanese women have been learning the art of sewing elegant kimonos for 10 years. You can start designing the “simplest” kimonos after 2 years of study

The main requirement for a beautiful Japanese woman is long straight

hair. Hairstyles are complex, with several

elements - high rollers and bunches.

On festive occasions, hair was decorated with

gold strands of flowers and hairpins, which

lay crosswise and had small

fans at the ends, and noble ladies sprinkled them

purple powder. It was a hallmark

geisha, educated and intelligent woman, perfectly

mastered the art of charm .



Hairstyles ancient japan were distinguished by their complexity

ness. Finished

The hairstyle was covered with melted butter or wax to make the hair shiny and healthy looking. To preserve the tiered hairstyle, the head was placed at night on special benches with a recess for the neck. Thanks to this, the hairstyle remained in place for a long time, the woman was beautiful for 2 weeks.

Women of Japan .

A treatise on the behavior of women in the family, written back in the 16th century:

  • A woman must take care of her husband, raise children, cook food, sew clothes for her husband and children.
  • Take care of your father-in-law and mother-in-law, feed them, sew clothes.
  • The wife should get up earlier than everyone else in the house and go to bed later than everyone else.

A Japanese house is, first of all, a roof supported by a frame of wooden rafters and supports;

it is a roof erected over emptiness. There are no windows or doors here in our understanding, because in

In each room, three of the four walls can be moved apart at any time, or even removed altogether.

However, it is not enough to say that the walls of a Japanese house can open up, turning it into a kind of gazebo

Japanese house.

There are no sofas, no armchairs, no chairs, no tables, no cupboards with dishes, no closets with clothes, no bookshelves, not even beds.

All you see is the exposed wood of the support posts and rafters, and the ceiling made of planed boards.

They spring slightly under your bare feet tatami, three fingers thick mats of quilted straw mats. The floor, made up of golden rectangles, is completely empty.

On winter days in a Japanese house for real You realize the meaning of the Japanese bath - furo:

This is the main type of self-heating.

Lowest infant mortality rate in the world

Japan is a nation of healthy people

Most high level life expectancy

5 components of health

1. Fresh food

2. Attitude to life

3. Goodwill

4. Habit of walking

5. Hygiene

Ancient rituals and traditions


Tea ceremony

  • Love for nature
  • Special education system
  • Respect for national rituals and traditions
  • Reverence
  • Discipline
  • Hard work
  • Desire to know and learn

Railway tunnels connect Honshu with the islands of Hokkaido and Kyushu, and a system of bridges connects with the island of Shikoku. Most of the country's objects representing

interest for tourists.

The majority of believers are Buddhists and Shintoists making up 84%, other communities - 16% (including Christians 0.7%).

And carp in Japan is considered a sacred fish. She swims everywhere, but no one eats her.

Buddhist temple





-Megapolis – Tokaido

Ethnic composition: Japanese make up 99.4% of the population, other groups - 0.6% (most of them are Koreans, the indigenous inhabitants of the island - the Ainu - live in Hokkaido).

A country's economy

The main agricultural crop is rice. The Japanese like to repeat that “Rice grows not only in the fields, but also in the palms of peasants,” i.e. it is a labor-intensive crop.


Focus on scientific personnel and science

Mechanical engineering:

Automotive industry



Japanese And I
