Ports of Russia. Large river and sea ports of Russia

Russia's seaports are scattered in 3 oceans and 12 seas and on the shores of the world's largest lake - the Caspian Sea. Their total cargo turnover averages at least half a billion tons per year. The figure is impressive, but in comparison with other ports in the world it is not much. The reason for this is a number of problems that Russian seaports are experiencing. But more about them later.

Large river ports

Russian river ports are based on 28 rivers in the country, the largest of which are the Lena, Neva, Volga, and Amur. In addition to transporting industrial materials, they are also used to transport passengers.

Russian river ports do not function independently. Successful operation is ensured by interaction with other modes of transport, and especially with trains and trucks.

Construction materials travel along the Volga-Baltic Canal or the White Sea-Baltic Canal to St. Petersburg and are delivered to the Cherepovets plant.

The Lena, Amur and Yenisei became a replacement for railway transport in those areas that are poorly equipped with tracks. They specialize in transporting petroleum products, cars, and metal products. For some cities, if you do not take into account air transport, this is the only way to communicate with the outside world.

Arkhangelsk river port

Arkhangelsk river port was founded in 1961. During the Soviet Union, it actively developed. It suffered a decline with the collapse of the Union until 2011, when it became part of Ecotek. First of all, the emphasis was on sand extraction.

In approximately two years, production volumes increased to 2 million tons. The total cargo turnover reached over three million tons per year. Another achievement is the transition to round-the-clock service, and the paperwork has been simplified - all the necessary papers are prepared in one place, without running around the offices.

The security system has also been established. 24-hour video monitoring and constant security guarantee the safety of transport and cargo.

Summer navigation provides passenger transportation. There are 9 motor ships at the service of the population. The routes concern domestic transport.

Cargo transportation is carried out in European countries, as well as to Solovki and other regions of the country.

Among the problems - not enough developed infrastructure, since the port was abandoned for a long period, as well as the low permissible draft of ships - up to 5 meters. Although management assures that such shortcomings will be corrected in the near future.

Yakutsk river port

The northern ports of Russia have one of the largest in their list - the Yakutsk river port. Founded in 1959, throughout the history of its existence it has fulfilled an important mission - to provide Yakutia and surrounding areas with national economic products.

The Yakutsk River Port also carries out passenger transportation. An equally important part of his work is the delivery of cars, metal products, coal, building materials to northern part Krasnoyarsk region.

The port also provides services for processing incoming cargo, having a number of enterprises working for it. It follows that it provides jobs for most of the population.

The list of port services also includes the extraction and production of construction materials.

Krasnoyarsk river port

Eastern Siberia also boasts the location of a port on its territory, which is one of the largest ports in Russia. It is also the largest enterprise specializing in cargo handling in the Yenisei basin.

The location of the port makes it one of the most important components of the transport interchange of Siberia. It is at the crossroads of many air routes, a legendary highway passes through it.

The average throughput is about 30 thousand tons per year. The Krasnoyarsk river port is engaged in cargo transshipment, cargo transportation, and passenger transportation.

Major seaports

As already mentioned, the cargo turnover of all Russian seaports is over half a billion tons per year, which is several times more than the average figure 10 years ago. This was made possible thanks to modern technologies for loading and unloading ships and the warehouse system at the ports.

The Black Sea basin takes the laurels of primacy in cargo turnover. The basis of cargo is food industry products, metal. Ports are also in first place for passenger transportation. This is due to the resorts, of which there are many in the Black Sea basin. The sea gates of this basin make up the largest ports in Russia.

The Baltic Basin became the first in foreign trade. The ports of Russia on the map cannot boast of such an enviable geographical position as those located within this basin.

Northern ports provide transportation of petroleum products, minerals, and timber.

The only problem that old and new Russian ports experience is the low cargo turnover in general and the shallow waters of the majority.

Novorossiysk sea trade port

The largest ports of Russia on the map can be found within the Black Sea basin. One of these is the Novorossiysk sea trade port.

It operates around the clock and all year round, which contributes to geographical position- it is located in the non-freezing part.

One of the oldest ports, it initially specialized in receiving and sending cargo for trade with other regions and countries. Since the mid-19th century, cargo turnover amounted to no more than 8 thousand poods. Mainly specialized in shipping food products and tobacco.

Construction helped significantly increase volumes railway. Over time, a system for unloading and loading large-sized goods was also established. The storm protection system, as well as an established security system, made the port a major trading center.

Sea trade port of Primorsk

It is the oil loading capital of all the country's ports. Although his story only gained momentum in 2002.

The reason for his failure was the lack of direct land routes to the port. And the collapse of the Soviet Union only worsened the crisis. The construction of the Baltic Pipeline System made the port the largest oil loading station. Since the beginning of 2002, cargo turnover has averaged about 70 million tons of oil and diesel fuel.


Located river ports Russia has 17 basins, which indicates a developed communication system between cities. In some cases, they serve as the optimal means of transportation and cargo transportation, as a relatively inexpensive type of crossing, as well as one that is most convenient for transporting large items.

Moscow, October 10 - "Vesti.Ekonomika". Transneft bought out Summa's share in the joint venture that controls the Novorossiysk commercial sea port. How, the company increased its share in the NCSP group to 60.62%.

Novorossiysk sea trade port is one of the largest sea ports in Russia.

"The Board of Directors was informed of the implementation of its previously adopted decision to increase the stake in the NCSP group owned by Transneft PJSC to 60.62%. The transaction was closed by acquiring 100% of the shares in the joint venture Novoport Holding, owned on parity terms by Transneft PJSC "and the Summa group and controlled 50.1% of NCSP," says a message on the website of Transneft PJSC, published following a meeting of the board of directors.

Below we will talk about the 10 largest seaports in Russia.

1. Novorossiysk

Freight turnover in 2017: 147.4 million tons

Novorossiysk seaport is one of the largest ports of the Black Sea and the largest port Krasnodar region.

The record holder of Russian ports for the length of the berth line, reaching a length of 8.3 km.

The seaport is located on its north-eastern coast in the Novorossiysk or Tsemes Bay, which is ice-free and convenient for navigation.

Navigation in the port lasts all year round, although it may be interrupted in winter.

2. Ust-Luga

Freight turnover in 2017: 10.3.3 million tons

Ust-Luga is a sea trade port in the north-west of Russia, in Leningrad region, in Luga Bay of the Gulf of Finland Baltic Sea near the village of Ust-Luga.

Work began with the opening of a coal terminal in December 2001; the existing timber terminal at the mouth of the Luga River was included in the port.

Navigation conditions in this part of the Gulf of Finland allow for almost year-round operation of the port with a short period of ice support (the duration of navigation without the use of icebreakers in Luga Bay reaches 326 days a year).

3. Port Vostochny

Freight turnover in 2017: 69.2 million tons

Port Vostochny is a Russian seaport of federal significance in Wrangel Bay of Nakhodka Bay, Sea of ​​Japan.

In 1968, design and survey work began on the site of the future seaport. Construction began on December 16, 1970, in April 1971 it was declared an All-Union Komsomol shock construction project, and was under the control of the CPSU Central Committee.

It was planned to build 64 berths with a length of 15 km, for the workers of the new port it was planned to build a satellite city for 50 thousand inhabitants, the port’s cargo turnover was to be 40 million tons.

State control over ensuring the safety of navigation and order in the port is carried out by the federal state institution "Administration of the Vostochny Seaport", headed by the captain of the Vostochny port.

4. Primorsk

Freight turnover in 2017: 57.6 million tons

The port of Primorsk is the largest Russian oil loading port on the Baltic Sea, the end point of the Baltic pipeline system. The port is located on the mainland of the Bjorkesund Strait in the Gulf of Finland of the Baltic Sea, 5 km southeast of the city of Primorsk.

The port is designed to serve tankers with a deadweight of up to 150 thousand tons, a length of up to 307 m, a width of 55 m and a draft of 15.5 m, that is, ships with a ship close to the maximum draft capable of entering the Baltic Sea from the ocean.

On the territory of the port there are 18 oil storage tanks with a capacity of 50 thousand tons, tanks for storing light oil products and several emergency discharge tanks.

5. "Big Port of St. Petersburg"

Freight turnover in 2017: 53.6 million tons

"Big Port of St. Petersburg" is a large seaport in the North-West of Russia. The port water area is 164.6 square meters. km, the length of the berth line is 31 km.

The port of St. Petersburg is located on the islands of the Neva River delta, in the Neva Bay in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland in the Baltic Sea.

"Big Port of St. Petersburg" includes berths of sea trade, forestry, fishing and river ports, an oil terminal, shipbuilding, ship repair and other plants, marine passenger station, river passenger port, as well as berths of Kronstadt, Lomonosov, port points Gorskaya, Bronka.

6. Murmansk

Freight turnover in 2017: 51.7 million tons

Murmansk sea trade port is a seaport located on east coast Kola Bay of the Barents Sea, the largest transport enterprise of the city of Murmansk.

The Murmansk port consists of three parts: "Fishing Port", "Commercial Port" and "Passenger Port".

In recent years, there has been a tendency for the “Trading Port” to crowd out all others due to the increase in the export of coal and a number of other mineral resources, for the reception and storage of which Murmansk has the necessary infrastructure.

The supply of fish has decreased significantly, since it has become more profitable to export it rather than inside the country. In September 2015, during the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the enterprise, a port museum was opened.

7. "Port Caucasus"

Freight turnover in 2017: 35.3 million tons

The port is one of the largest passenger ports in Russia due to its ferry service to Crimea with a capacity of about 400 thousand passengers per year.

The port allows you to receive train ferries, which, in addition to Kerch, run between the port and Varna in Bulgaria.

The port is located on the Chushka spit in Kerch Strait, in the Temryuk district of the Krasnodar region of Russia.

8. Vanino

Freight turnover in 2017: 29.2 million tons

The Port of Vanino is a Russian seaport of federal significance in the deep-water Vanina Bay, the largest in the Khabarovsk Territory.

It is located on the northwestern shore of Vanina Bay in the Tatar Strait and on the Baikal-Amur Railway.

Navigation in the port is open all year round. In winter, when the bay's waters are covered with ice (from January to March), ships are escorted using icebreakers. The port operates 24 hours a day.

The commercial port has 22 cargo berths and piers with a total length of more than 3 km. They are part of four transshipment complexes and an oil loading terminal

9. Tuapse

Freight turnover in 2017: 26.6 million tons

The seaport of Tuapse is located on the Caucasian coast of the Black Sea at the top of Tuapse Bay, southeast of Cape Kodosh and includes areas of the water surface at the mouths of the Pauk and Tuapse rivers.

Currently, the seaport of Tuapse is a multi-purpose port, open for navigation all year round, operating around the clock, providing cargo operations with cargo, including dangerous goods of 3–5, 9 hazard classes, foreign trade transportation of oil and petroleum products, as well as bulk cargo (coal, ore etc.), general cargo, grain, mineral fertilizers and agricultural products.

Principles of economic zoning. Large economic regions.

Economic region- is an integral territorial part of the country’s national economy with its own specialization and special structure of production and connections.

Economic zoning is the division of the country's territory into economic regions.

Basic principles of zoning:

Economic. According to this principle, the specialization of a region should be determined by those industries in which the costs of labor and funds for the production of products and their delivery to the consumer will be the least compared to other regions.

National, taking into account the national composition of the population of the area, its

historically established features of work and life.

Administrative, determining the unity of economic zoning and

territorial political and administrative structure of the country.

Major economic regions- these are clearly specialized and relatively complete territorial economic complexes: they play an important role in the all-Russian division of labor.

The following 11 large economic regions were formed in Russia: Northern, Northwestern, Central, Volga-Vyatka, Central Black Earth, North Caucasus, Volga, Ural, West Siberian, East Siberian and Far Eastern.

Maritime transport of Russia. Large ports and their specialization.

Share in total transport work – 9%

Navy Russia has vessels of all types and purposes, but most of the vessels are old (more than 10 years old) and require repairs, and there is a lack of specialized vessels.

Sea transportation can be: foreign trade and cabotage (within the country)

There are 2 types of cabotage transportation:

small cabotage– cargo is transported within one country and one basin, along its shores (Novorossiysk - Tuapse; Vladivostok - Vanino)

big coaster- in one country, but in different basins, along foreign shores (Murmansk - Novorossiysk)

The growth of maritime transport depends not only on the fleet, but also on the number of seaports and their throughput capacity. 2/3 of Russia's borders are maritime.

There are about 40 ports in the Russian Federation, of which only 11 are relatively large. There are not enough ports on the Baltic Sea; there is only 1 large port on the Black Sea - Novorossiysk.

Largest Russian ports– St. Petersburg (11 million tons), Vyborg (5 million tons), Kaliningrad (3.7 million tons). The power of its own ports is only 50% satisfactory. The ports are shallow and there are no convenient bays.

1st place in cargo turnover belongs to ports Pacific Basin, where cabotage transportation is carried out. Foreign trade relations are also carried out with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region and Australia (export - salt, coal, timber, oil, etc.). Ferry transportation of railway cars is used. Ports: Nakhodka, Vladivostok, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Vanino, Uglegorsk, Vostochny, Khomsk, Nagaevo (Magadan region), Korsakov.

2nd place belongs to Baltic basin, which provides foreign trade relations with European countries and America. Timber, metal, coal, and oil are exported.

Ports: St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Lomonosovsky, Vyborg, Primorsk.

Via ports Black Sea basin Mostly oil is exported.
Ports: Novorossiysk, Tuapse

North Basin. The most important is the Barents Sea, which does not freeze and provides year-round shipping. 70% of transportation is domestic transportation, carried out mainly within the Barents and Kara Seas.

The Northern Sea Route (Murmansk - Vladivostok) is of great importance. It connects Far East with European ports, as well as with the mouths of navigable rivers. In the almost complete absence of other transport routes to the north of Siberia for the use of the rich natural resources northern regions and their development, the role of the northern sea route is increasing and will continue to increase.

Ports (internal transportation is carried out):

Murmansk (ores, apatites), Arkhangelsk (forest), Tiksi, Ambarshchik, Igarka (forest), Dikson

They transport industrial and food products, building materials, and fuel to supply the northern regions. Minerals are exported.

Territory Black Sea coast divided between seven different countries: Abkhazia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Russia, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine. Almost every port in the Black Sea is a resort center, has a mild climate, picturesque landscapes and rich recreational resources.

Sevastopol is a beautiful port city in the Black Sea, a large tourist centre and a seaside resort. One of its main attractions is the Chersonesos Tauride Nature Reserve, where the ruins are located ancient city, founded by the Greeks more than 2500 years ago. The whole life and history of the city is connected with the sea. Its very atmosphere is saturated with the sea. There are many monuments to great sailors and outstanding battles here. One of the symbols of the city is the monument to sunken ships, erected in the sea near Primorsky Boulevard.

Another big one port on the Black Sea- Sochi city. This is one of the most popular Russian resorts, which has all the conditions for relaxation and recovery. The subtropical climate, lush southern vegetation, proximity to the Main Caucasus Range and a huge number of beaches attract a variety of vacationers to the city: hiking tourists, speleologists, couples with children, and elderly people. Among the natural attractions of the city, the Agur Gorge with picturesque lakes and the waterfall of the same name, the Vorontsov Cave, the White Rocks and the unique relict groves on Mount Akhun are in demand. The city itself has many parks, among which the most famous is the Sochi Arboretum. All types winter holiday presented at the Krasnaya Polyana resort.

Georgian city of Batumi – famous resort, surrounded by citrus orchards, bamboo and eucalyptus groves and plantations of bananas, laurels and magnolias. This is a port on the Black Sea, rich in natural and architectural attractions. The decorations of the city are the Primorsky Boulevard, the Singing Fountains, the Summer Theater and the Batumi Botanical Garden with a magnificent collection of subtropical plants.

Located on the Turkish coast are Trabzon, Samsun, Zonguldak and the beautiful Istanbul, which also has access to the Sea of ​​Marmara. Istanbul is both an Asian and a European city, which has a unique charm and, like a magnet, attracts tourists. A remarkable historical, museum and architectural complex is the famous city wall of Istanbul with its fortresses and towers. Another significant building in the city is the Hagia Sophia, not far from which the Sultan’s Tolkapı Palace is located. Ancient mosques and temples, lively squares, wide boulevards, noisy markets - all this gives the atmosphere of the city a special flavor. And one of the main tourist routes is the Bosphorus Strait with a suspension bridge, medieval fortresses, fish taverns and numerous cafes.

The ancient city of Varna in Bulgaria, charming and quiet Constanta in Romania, frivolous and cheerful, and at the same time, heroic Odessa in Ukraine, sunny Yalta in the heart South Bank Crimea is all major ports of the Black Sea, each of which has a complicated history and has a special Black Sea charm.

Along with this material you usually read:

If you want to try your luck in treasure hunting or looking for treasures on sunken ships, go to the Islands in the Black Sea. Small and cozy, they will reveal many secrets to you and give you many thrills. The islands of the Black Sea are waiting for you.

Even short trip across the Black Sea by ferry will not leave you indifferent. Even the small Kerch crossing from Crimea to Krasnodar region or back will give you a bouquet of strong emotions: admiration, pride, surprise.

When choosing a cruise route, travelers often give preference to distant cities and countries. But the Crimean shores are literally nearby, which may not give less impressions than Turkish or Egyptian. Don't miss nearby miracles in pursuit of distant ones.

Traveling along the Black Sea is not only about beautiful landscapes and endless sea ​​spaces, but also a lot of different entertainment. For example, trips on a transparent kayak are popular, through the bottom of which you can observe the life of underwater inhabitants.

Novorossiysk seaport is the largest port in Russia and the fifth port in Europe in terms of cargo turnover. OJSC NCSP handles about 20% of the total volume of cargo exported and imported through Russian seaports. The port is located on its northeastern coast in the ice-free Novorossiysk (Tsemes) Bay on the Black Sea.

Within the boundaries of the seaport of Novorossiysk, more than 80 business entities operate (stevedoring, agency, bunkering, survey companies, etc.). The main enterprise operating the berth front is

OJSC "Novorossiysk Sea Trade Port".

Panorama of the bay

The total area of ​​the port (including the Sheskharis oil harbor) is 238 hectares.

The total length of the berth front is 15 km and consists of 88 berths for various purposes.

The port provides a full range of stevedoring services for transshipment of liquid, bulk, general and container cargo.

The cargo turnover of the Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port group in 2013 amounted to 141 million tons

Navigation in the port lasts all year round. The bay is accessible to ships with a draft of up to 19 m.

Daily flow on railway station Novorossiysk - 800 cars (almost 300 thousand cars a year).

The Novorossiysk railway station and NCSP mutually carry out transshipment work. The station and port exchange the necessary information, as well as joint daily shift planning of work.

Most often, ships carrying general cargo enter the port. However, only a small proportion of them fly the Russian flag. The territorial spread of flags is very large - from Togo, Tanzania and Sierra Leone to Tuvalu or Saint Kitts and Nevis. Vessels flying Turkish and Maltese flags are regular visitors to the port.

Container ships make the fewest calls to the port, although their number has been growing in recent years.
Ro-Ro vessels (ro-ro vessels) also continue to demonstrate positive dynamics.

Bulk carriers arriving for mineral fertilizers and ferrous metallurgy products are moored at berths No. 16 and 17 (on the left), and loading and unloading of containers is underway at berth 18 (on the right).

Large ocean container ships call at berth 18.

For example, in 2013, the pier received a Maersk container ship with a length of 286 meters and a deadweight of 58,341 tons.

NCSP's container turnover in 2013 amounted to 610.5 thousand TEU.

This indicator is achieved due to the geographically advantageous location of Novorossiysk,
significantly reducing the delivery time of cargo from China and other Asian countries, in comparison with its delivery through the Baltic ports.

The handling of the container ship at berth 18 involves 2 jib cranes on pneumatic wheels LIEBHERR LHM 550 with a lifting capacity of 124 tons.

The LIEBHERR LHM 550 is equipped with a Pactronic hybrid drive system, which uses an additional energy storage device, thanks to which the load is lifted using both the energy regenerated during the lowering of the load and the energy produced by the power unit.

In total, OJSC NCSP has 15 mobile cranes with a lifting capacity from 45 to 124 tons, 51 portal cranes with a lifting capacity from 10 to 63 tons, and one overhead crane with a lifting capacity of 10 tons.

NCSP operates more than 90 KALMAR loaders.

The main feature of KALMAR is its versatility of operation - the ability to adapt to any type of cargo.

"Perfectionist's Hell"

Container terminal NUTEP. Bandwidth– 350 thousand TEUs/year

Grab loading of coal at berth No. 5

The average time for unloading one car with a grab takes from 1 to 1.5 hours.

Transshipment of iron ore raw materials onto a ship arriving from the Cook Islands.

Iron ore raw materials (pellets) are raw materials for metallurgical production.

It is a product of the enrichment of iron-containing ores using special concentrating methods. Used in the production of cast iron.

Berth No. 10. General and bulk cargo are handled here.

The process of reloading raw sugar from a bulk carrier into railway cars through a receiving bunker. Receiving devices ensure the flow and continuity of unloading processes.

At berth 11, raw sugar is unloaded into railway cars using the “direct option”.

Raw cane sugar comes from South America.

The work of the port never stops; loading and unloading operations and mooring operations during storm warnings and during their temporary suspensions are carried out taking into account weather conditions and compliance with safety requirements.

Sheskharis Oil Terminal

Through the berths of the Sheskharis terminal, oil is transshipped from fields in Western Siberia, the Volga region, Kazakhstan, and Azerbaijan. Shipments are targeted at the ports of Italy, Romania, Greece, Croatia, Spain, and Bulgaria.

Since the formation of the Sheskharis PNB, 25.3 thousand tankers have been shipped through the tank transshipment facilities. This is more than 1.2 billion tons of oil.

The depth at the oil pier reaches 14.5 m.

The average intensity of oil loading onto tankers reaches 10,000 tons/hour.
Accordingly, loading of the largest ship cargoes of oil 140,000 - 145,000 tons is carried out in 14-15 hours.

The tank farm of the oil depot includes 19 tanks with a total capacity of 99,000 m3.

In addition to oil, fuel oil and diesel fuel are shipped through the terminal's berths for export. fuel.

In total, more than 6,000 people work at the Novorossiysk seaport.

According to the International Maritime Center, which annually receives more than five thousand seafarers from 70 countries, teams most often consist of Filipinos, Chinese, Indians, Indonesians, residents of Eastern Europe and Turkey.

Berth of the Novorossiysk ship repair plant.

Vessels that arrive at the Novorossiysk commercial seaport do not approach the berths alone. They are accompanied by tugs, carrying out the necessary mooring operations.