A trip to Latvia by car. What documents are needed to travel to Latvia by car

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    Citizens of Russia, when visiting Latvia in their car, need to collect a standard package of documents: an application form, a certificate from the place of work, a bank statement on the availability of Money, Hotel reservation, medical insurance. As well as a vehicle registration certificate, a driver's license, a green card for a car.

    Having collected the above package of documents, you can apply for a Schengen visa in Latvia.

    Among the documents for the car are copies of rights, registration certificates and green cards. When traveling by corporate car, a general power of attorney with the right to travel abroad is required. The power of attorney must be certified by a notary.

    Also, border guards can request a diagnostic card of a car with Russian registration older than 3 years, since according to the laws of Latvia (and Lithuania), an entering car must be in good condition according to the country of registration.

    Edition of the "Subtleties of Tourism"

    To enter the territory of Latvia on own car the following documents are required:

    • Passports of all participants of the trip with valid Schengen visas pasted into them (a child under 14 years old can be entered in the passport of one of the parents; when traveling independently, they must have their own passport and a notarized consent to leave);
    • Birth certificates of children;
    • Medical insurance for each participant of the trip with a coverage amount of at least 30,000 EUR;
    • Driving license of international standard;
    • Vehicle registration certificate;
    • Green card valid in the territory of Latvia. Civil liability insurance can be purchased in Russia no earlier than a month before the trip, the minimum validity period of the document is 15 days

    A driver crossing the Latvian border must have a driver's license that meets international standards. This is a plastic card, where the full name is indicated on English language. A corporate car additionally requires a general power of attorney certified by a notary to leave the car abroad.

    You can drive into Latvia by car with tinted front side windows (carrying capacity of at least 80%). Rear and side rear windows may have less throughput. In European countries, you cannot cross the border if there are cracks on the windows of the car, the body is damaged. If the auto glass tinting is factory, then there are no problems.

    When traveling to Latvia by car, keep in mind that there are restrictions on the import of the following things in the republic: no more than 40 cigarettes, 1 liter of strong alcohol and 156 liters of beer, 10 liters of automotive fuel in any appropriate container can be imported into Latvia. In addition, it is forbidden to import meat and meat products, including stew, into the republic.

We mostly travel to Riga by car.
In order to have time to take a walk at least in the evening on the day of departure, we depart early in the morning.
At five in the morning we already start from Moscow

We fill a full tank of gasoline and go!
A few years ago, the road in the Tver region was repaired and it was difficult to drive through these pits and ruts.
Now, finally, this section of the road has been repaired. And you can go with a breeze.
Driving through the Tver region, I always wondered why there are so many villages with the names either Fires, then Iskrino, or Burnt Gorodishche, a lot of names are associated with fires.
After all, you know what you call a ship, so it will sail ..
And so, this time all these "fire" villages passed, and everywhere there was a fire, burnt grass ..

(Photo from car and iPhone)

I don’t know whether they set it on fire on purpose .. But no one extinguished the fires. And the fire area was quite large. It’s a pity for the trees, because their roots also die ..
We rushed to the Latvian border in 5 hours.
Just before the border, they again filled up a full tank, since gasoline is much more expensive in Latvia.
We drove a line of trucks in front of the border, we were lucky - there were no queues to the border guards from cars at all.

We passed the Russians and Latvians in an hour. Very quickly, despite the fact that the Russians had a broken computer and had to wait 25 minutes until the system was debugged.
This time Latvians carefully searched the car. Found food. Two cheeses.
There are two ways from the border to Riga. On one way you can get there in 4 hours. And on the second, which cuts the way and fewer traffic lights, we went.
The speed on the highway in Latvia is 100 km. It is not worth exceeding. Traffic cops often drive in their cars and fix the speed..
On the way we decided to stop and climb the wooden tower. Look at the swamp. Very beautiful.

Closer house, the roof of which I removed from above

A few more hours, and we arrived in Riga at 15:00. The road was easy..

Gathered for a trip. Bought a car and decided to run-in over long distances. Romantic trip to Latvia.

If you have these thoughts, then this is perfect for you. car trip to Riga.

Riga is the capital of Latvia, which is the most big city the Baltics. The population of Riga is approximately 700,000 people. In 1921, after the signing of the Soviet-Polish peace treaty, a "golden age" began for the development of the city. However, the Latvian society was never formed, and the population continued to be divided into Russian, German, Jewish and Latvian communities.

Then, in 1990, the Latvian parliament nevertheless declared its independence from the Soviet Union. Riga again became the capital of the sovereign state of Latvia.

Riga welcomes tourists with some inexplicable warmth, cozy streets, kind smiles, Russian speech and the attractive architecture of the old city.

Old city- This is the historical center of Riga, which is located on the right bank of the Daugava. It retained the features of the fortress structure, the curves of structures and ramparts of defense. City canal separates Old city from the new, and the demolition of the city wall opens up a view of the squares and parks.

In the center of the old city, evening life is seething. Music flows from many cozy cafes with gentle lighting, courteous waiters bring delicious dishes and drinks, cycle rickshaws are ready to travel through architectural monuments. Everywhere laughter, music, lights in the eyes and from the candles on the cafe tables.

The center of the Old Town is the Town Hall Square, which is famous for its Town Hall and the House of the Blackheads. There is a statue of Roland on the square.

So, to see and feel all this romance and beauty, you need to drive 950 km along highway M9 - Moscow (Russia) - Riga (Latvia). The road to the Republic of Latvia is quite good. There are several sites closer to the Tver region, which are constantly being renovated. There, about an hour is lost on dismantled sections, passage with the participation of traffic lights, ceilings and pits. The road to these sections can be called "without major flaws."

Our journey has begun Friday at 5 am Moscow time. Such an early departure is explained by the desire not to get into traffic jams when leaving Moscow. And we succeeded.

We quickly jumped out on the Moscow Ring Road, in about 40 minutes, and rushed off!

Approximately at 13 o'clock we got to the border. The first thing that caught my eye was an endless line of trucks and vans. Fortunately, passenger cars pass through a separate lane. There was a queue of about 5-6 cars in front of us. However, she moved very slowly. The officers at the border were doing anything but cars patiently waiting for their turn.

We finally, after about 30 minutes, approached the long-awaited window for checking documents. We were given an import declaration form that we had to fill out. For what? We don't import anything, we have a romantic trip. Well, we only had to fill in our data and the data of the car, and in all the other columns relating to imported goods, they put a dash. Is this document required? From the romantic mood, only notes of calmness remained.

Hooray, after 1 hour there was one car left in front of us. The ignition is on, the foot reaches for the gas pedal, our turn for inspection comes up. But it was not there!

We don’t know what was wrong with the car and the driver in front of us, but for another 30 minutes the border officers walked back and forth, chatted with each other, approached the car, left, returned again and so on for 40 minutes. Finally, our predecessor moved from its place, and we took the honorary pedestal of verification.

We were lucky, they let us through pretty quickly, after checking the documents for the car, passports. The car itself was examined inside, in the trunk, the hood was lifted.

Not even 2 hours have passed since we "creeped" the border!!! The long-awaited romantic Riga is only 300 km away.

Riga really met us with kindness, warmth and comfort. Two romantic days flew by with live music in a cafe; with walks through the narrow streets of the Old Town; with delicious homemade food at the Lido mill; with an acquaintance with architecture and simply with a pleasant fresh Latvian air.

There was a road home. We immediately remembered the procedure for crossing the border, we winced, but what other options!?

We went to Moscow at 5 am local time. By 9 o'clock we were already at the border. We thought that in the morning we would pass it quickly, without delays and overlays.

When we arrived at our border, all the corridors were lined with 5-7 cars with Latvian numbers. One corridor "for Russian citizens" was blocked. We did not begin to find out why, and parked to all the waiting lists. We were approached by a border guard who sent our car to the same blocked lane. He proudly pushed back something like a barrier, and left us to wait.

The document checkpoint in our lane was empty. Moreover, right in front of our noses, a border guard came out and left. I had to go to the general queue at the point of the other lane. An oversight, but a fact.

They checked passports, documents for the car, and the car itself everywhere, and gave the green light for the passage, which until the next overlap was literally a couple of meters. We stopped again. They suggested that if we had just undergone a thorough inspection, then the barrier would now be raised and the road to the house was free. But it was not there!

We are standing, the barrier does not move, the person at the checkpoint sits and does not blink an eye. Strange!?

We got out of the car and went to the house, where the customs officer was now sitting imposingly.

“Check again? We had just been thoroughly checked with a meter,” our nerves began to fail.

The customs officer brazenly asked: "Who checked you?"

“That checkpoint over there,” we answered in chorus and pointed to the border guard, who was in too accessible visibility.

"And who is he?" the inspector said. From his look, we realized that he did not expect an answer from us. They gave him documents for the car and passports. Checked and went to the car. We just couldn't believe our ears when he said: “Open all the doors of the car, the hood, the trunk, the glove box. What are we bringing? Where are we going from? ... ". A meter ago there were the same questions and the same screening!!! Now it is clear where all these strings of cars come from!

We were checked again, the barrier opened and we, tired, a little angry, “humiliated tourists”, rushed forward.

Oh my God, after 100 meters a barrier grew in front of us again, a “booth with a big aunt”, a traffic light with a red light. I wanted to "howl". They got out of the car again, went to the window, checked our documents again, asked questions, and only then, after a total of 2 hours, they let him go on the road “home”.

Why do border workers allow themselves to treat tourists so humiliatingly? It feels like they have arranged a competition among themselves: "Who will let the next car through more slowly."

Documents at checkpoints are slowly checked by a border guard or customs officer, both from the Russian side and from the Latvian side, imposingly sitting on an armchair, at the same time discussing his personal life with another employee, barely turning the page of the checker's passport.

Residents of Latvia often jokingly refer to it as the westernmost part of Russia and the easternmost part of Europe. Quite European service is combined here with prices comparable to Russian ones. The Russian language is in use almost everywhere. Even those who do not know him well try to understand the tourist. Clean (but usually rather cold) sea and soft sand, interesting architecture of different styles and many museums, and finally, relative proximity to the European part of Russia - all this is Latvia.

If we go to Latvia by car, then at least five to seven days. It definitely won't be boring.

What to take?

Standard, in addition to the international passport: driving license, registration certificate, car insurance - "green card", power of attorney if you are driving legal entity. Recently, at the Latvian border, they sometimes ask for a diagnostic card, which we are given when passing a technical inspection. The legitimacy of this requirement is doubtful even among some Latvians, but it is better not to argue with the border guards of any country, but to put the card in the glove box.

You can take two (!) packs of cigarettes with you, one liter of strong alcohol or two liters of other alcohol per adult. In addition to a full tank, you can grab a 10-liter (no more!) canister of fuel.

How to ride and how to stand?

From Moscow, the direct and easiest way is along the M-9 "Baltic" highway until it stops at the border crossing Burachki - Terehova. It is about 600 km to the border, 920 km to Riga. The road is good now.

How long will it take to cross the border? Non-programmable! At least forty minutes, normally - an hour and a half. My record is seven hours, and my friends generally told horror stories. At the border crossing, in principle, you can call (81140) 31–384, 22–311) to find out what the queue is. But, of course, they do not always pick up the phone.

There is another route, where there are usually fewer queues at the border crossing and, by the way, servicemen are not interested in a diagnostic card. Approximately 540 km from Moscow in Pustoshka, we turn right onto Pskov. We reach the town of Ostrov (about 130 km) and turn left onto Palkino (a narrow, but empty and decent road), then straight ahead - to Izborsk and at the T-shaped intersection to the left onto Shumilkino - the border with Estonia. The lines are usually shorter here. The distance to Riga is increased by 60 km, but the travel time is sometimes even reduced. By the way, at the Estonian border for 1.5 euros you can book a queue, but only on the way back. You are given an hour during which you need to drive to the parking lot near the border. As soon as you see the number of your car on the electronic scoreboard, drive to the barrier. Everything is acting clearly, you will leave Estonia without delay. But this absolutely does not mean that you will not stand for a couple of hours in front of your native border. In general, the border crossing procedure is the only unpleasant episode in the whole trip. You have to be philosophical about it.

Driving around Latvia is simple and easy - traffic is low, drivers are usually neat and polite. But the rules must be respected. The unwritten speed limit is 10 km/h. The whole country was hung with cameras, there are also police ambushes. Just like that, no one will stop to “check documents”, but violations, as a rule, will not be forgiven - they will politely write out a rather big fine. By the way, everyone should be fastened in the car, and not just those who sit in front. And one more thing: to pass with oncoming cars, which, like you, turn left at the intersection, you need to left, not right sides.

Gasoline in Latvia costs about 1.2 euros, diesel fuel - 1.05 euros. But the country is small, the roads are free, and the traffic regime is very gentle, so you will drive very economically.

When choosing a hotel, consider where you will park your car. The closer to the center of Riga, the more difficult it is to find free parking, and parking is more expensive (prices range from 1.5 to 4.5 euros per hour). On some streets from 20:00 to 08:00 parking is free. But leaving the car for the night, estimate when you will pick it up? If it's later than 8:15, it's easier to pay for parking in advance. It is not at all difficult to do this using a parking meter: you dialed the departure time, paid (in cash or by card), put the coupon on the dashboard in a prominent place. Otherwise, you will see a blocker on the wheel. Some hotels have their own parking lots, sometimes even free, but this must be specified in advance.

Where to live and eat

A double room in a decent three-star hotel within a 15-20 minute walk to the center will cost 40-50 euros per day with breakfast. The closer to the center - the, of course, more expensive. A simple room outside the city can be rented for 7-10 euros.

A full lunch in a self-service restaurant (the most famous chain in Riga with a huge selection of everything and everything - Lido) will cost 6-7 euros, with beer - about 10 euros (depending, of course, on appetite).

Dinner in a more pretentious restaurant, of course, is more expensive: from 20–30 euros per person. Again, the standard principle applies: the farther from the center, the cheaper. By the way, products in supermarkets are no more expensive than in Moscow.

What to watch?

Standard set

Everyone who comes to Latvia, of course, goes to Old Riga (Vecriga). And they do it right! Narrow, crooked medieval streets, old houses, many cozy cafes and restaurants, souvenir shops are worth it. Old Riga is the closest similar museum to us under open sky. You can walk here for hours. By the way, it is here that movie lovers will find the house from the window of which Professor Pleischner jumped out, and the streets along which Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson walked.

Latvia is a country of palaces and castles. The most famous, of course, is the Rundale Palace in the town of Pilsrundale (Pilsrundāle) outside the town of Bauska (Bauska) - about 80 km from the center of Riga in the direction of Kaunas. The palace was built for the favorite of Empress Anna Ioannovna Biron by Rastrelli himself. Now, after a large-scale restoration, inside is a museum, next to it is a luxurious regular park in the style of the 18th century.

In addition to this castle, the standard set usually includes a visit to Sigulda. In a small town 50 km from Riga, there is also a castle, founded already in the 13th century, and a museum. Surrounded by stunning picturesque hills..

And, of course, almost everyone who has ever been to Latvia comes to Jurmala to check in. Here are beautiful sandy beaches. But even if the weather does not allow to indulge beach holiday(and this happens often in Latvia), you just have to walk along the coast and, of course, along the Jomas pedestrian street, famous since the times of the USSR, with cafes and shops, look at the pretty houses. And at the entrance to Jurmala from Riga there is an entertainment center with a large water park.

Additional options

Unlike Old Riga Art Nouveau architecture, which Rigans are proud of, usually receives less attention. But in vain! Richly decorated tenement houses, in particular the works of Mikhail Eisenstein, the father of the famous director, are worth spending a couple of hours on.

Riga is full of interesting museums (admission 4-10 euros): military, ethnographic, art and, of course,. He is known more than others. The museum was the first of its kind in the USSR, and after a major restoration, it is not only a very interesting collection of cars and motorcycles, but also a lot of interactive things for the delight of children who can press, touch, twist something. All explanatory inscriptions in Latvian, English and Russian. There is also a wonderful zoo in Riga.

Not everyone, even those who went to the Rundale Palace, know that on the way, in the town of Bauska, there is a small branch of the Riga Motor Museum, which is also worth a visit. In addition to Rundāle, there are many lesser-known castles and manors in Latvia. For example, in Jelgava, in Jaunmoku near the city of Tukums, not far from the popular Sigulda, where the less famous Birini manor is.

What to buy?

The cost of the simplest, but real amber products starts from 20-30 euros, and you should buy them only in specialized shops. Latvia is famous for its excellent woolen products. But in addition to standard souvenirs, in the first place, in my opinion, you need to bring fish, beer and bread. It is better to buy fish, of course, at the famous central market in Riga, where one of the four huge pavilions is reserved for it. In the villages on the coast there are also small bazaars, but experts still advise Riga. Everything is here and the quality is guaranteed! Of course, it is best to bring smoked meats. Prices range from quite democratic 3-4 euros per kilogram of flounder to 40 euros for smoked eel.

Latvia has a great variety of good beers for every taste - dark (tumsais - tumshas), light (gaisais - gaisis), unfiltered. Prices in supermarkets range from 0.8 to 1.6 euros per bottle. Just remember that you can bring no more than three liters of any alcohol per adult traveler into Russia. You can buy, of course, another bottle of the famous Riga balm, but it's just not difficult to find it in Russia. Unlike local beer.

There are almost as many varieties of rye bread in Latvia as there are varieties of beer. The choice is huge in any store. But the favorite tourist place is the bakery and shop Laci (Laci - bears) in the town of Pinki (Pinki), about 16 km from the center of Riga on the road to Liepaja. There is not only a huge selection of fresh bread of different varieties, but there are also excursions to the bakery ...

As a rule, those who came to Latvia for the first time plan to repeat the trip. It's worth it.