Landscape design of the recreation area. Design of a recreation area at the dacha: how to arrange a cozy corner in your garden? Gazebos and other covered structures

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We all remember how our grandparents, with the advent summer season, went to their plots to begin land work. For them country holiday associated with the work of planting vegetables that will feed the whole family for a whole year.

Modern youth have flatly refused such a pastime and for them, a relaxation corner in the countryside is extremely necessary. In our age of progress, daily bustle, we really want warm days to come, when we can go to our country house for a holiday, for a barbecue.

It is far from the intense city life, in the lap of wild nature, that you can truly enjoy a good holiday with your family or friends. This is the priority for most people when purchasing a summer house outside the city.

Recreation area at the dacha

Any, even the smallest, cottage can be planned with a cozy seating area. In such a place, you have the opportunity to fully relax in the fresh air and recharge with new energy for the future.

It is quite possible to plan and create a recreation area on the site with your own hands. How to arrange such an area, depends on its purpose further.

How to arrange a garden:

  1. Open area for active rest. This is the most common option for arranging a place to relax.
  2. Alcove. When choosing a site and further arranging a gazebo for relaxation, the emphasis is on tranquility and privacy.
  3. Mobile platform. A very interesting and convenient option that allows you to combine both an open area for relaxation and under a canopy. This design can be easily transformed and moved to another location if circumstances require it.
  4. Patio in the backyard of the house. A great way to hide from prying and prying eyes. The patio area is located in the gap between the house and outbuildings. In such a place it is pleasant to spend time alone in peace or celebrate any family celebrations at a barbecue.

How to arrange a dacha recreation area with your own hands

There are several standard step-by-step steps. Determining a suitable location. When opportunities are limited by the lack of extra hectares of land, it is initially necessary to settle on a small recreation area. For retirees, it would be great to create a modest but cozy, open area inside the garden or behind the house. There will be a full opportunity to indulge in complete relaxation and tranquility. For playgrounds It is necessary to choose darker places so that children do not overheat in the sun.

When the territory allows, the scope of imagination is simply limitless. It is most convenient to divide the entire recreation area into several small sections. Be sure to separate a public area where there will be a barbecue grill, a cozy gazebo and a spacious table with benches.

Division into territorial zones. It is advisable to delimit the common recreation area from the garden with a hedge of living vegetation. Plants are selected according to taste preferences owner and degree of illumination. If you focus on conifers, then in addition to their external beauty, you will benefit from the distribution of essential oils by them.

Paving. The most acceptable option for creating comfortable movement around a personal plot is considered soft grass lawn. Only in the dining area and under the barbecue, it is advisable to lay the pavement with stones, crushed stone, paving slabs or any other hard material. We try to create pedestrian paths in a single compositional style with the rest of the picture.

Gallery: recreation area at the dacha (25 photos)

DIY barbecue area - relaxation area with barbecue

What would a vacation be without a barbecue in the fresh air with family and close friends. Even if the dacha plot is small, it is extremely necessary to find opportunities to create a separate place for placing a barbecue.

Another advantage of an open fire is that on cold days warm up and soak up near him. If there are small children in the family, then for safety, special fireplaces with a closed fire are installed outside. Some people get ideas for designing and creating a barbecue area with their own hands from the Internet if their imagination is not enough.

If it is not financially possible to build a stationary barbecue oven, you can always use a number of ideas and make a barbecue in your country house with your own hands. Suitable for this used gas cylinder or wide pipe. To do this, we cut the source material in cross section, weld the legs and everything is ready.

Gazebo area

A gazebo is considered to be a relaxation area in the garden. This place is perfect for a quiet retreat or in case of inclement weather. Most often, gazebos are built from wood, but other types of materials are also quite acceptable.

If you have your own experience in construction, then it will not be difficult to erect such a structure yourself. In the absence of such experience, time and desire, always professionals will come to the rescue, which will help you choose a gazebo that best suits your preferences and stylistically matches the surroundings.

To protect your vacation from prying eyes and noise, it is recommended place a gazebo near the garden, among dense vegetation.

Interior of the garden and other recreation areas

This section includes creating the interior of the gazebo, garden and choosing all the necessary furniture. In the production of garden furniture, the selection of materials takes into account its location in the open air.

This means that it must withstand any weather conditions: heat, cold, wind, dampness, and so on. For comfort, such furniture is accompanied by: special pillows, blankets, soft covers, which will significantly improve the country interior.

The most common and practical furniture is:

  • wicker;
  • forged;
  • made of wood;
  • made of plastic.

When arranging a garden, not only practical components are important, but also aesthetic elements. There are no restrictions on the choice of decor. Now it is fashionable to install in the garden stone figurines various fairy tale characters. Or it could be any other sculpture.

Well-planned and decorated lighting also helps create a cozy and favorable atmosphere. Little things like flowers on the floor and along the walls of the gazebo, will fit perfectly into the overall concept of arrangement.

Arrangement of the patio

In modern landscape design, a recreation area in the backyard of a private house, in other words, a patio, has become in widespread demand.

It is not difficult to DIY and arrange such a small backyard. It is advisable to choose flat starting area, if there is one. Otherwise, you will have to make a number of efforts and level a suitable piece of land. This may be an area with or without a canopy.

When thinking about patio design, you should immediately take everything into account important points. It is preferable to pave the base made of durable and hard materials: tiles, stone, wood, etc. If there are space limitations, then you can get by with a regular arch with vegetation and a set of garden furniture.

A good housewife will be able to realize her fantasies of arranging such a gazebo by creating flower beds around it. It is much easier to plan everything if there is more than enough free space. Then perhaps a place for a barbecue combine with patio gazebo. This arrangement is much more convenient for the housewife herself, since she does not have to run far to the kitchen.

For a regular dining area, it will be enough to purchase a large table and chairs or benches for sitting, and build a removable canopy. The most practical and cheapest garden furniture considered plastic. It won't do anything from excess moisture, but rattan is too sensitive to such effects. Based on these and other factors, we try to choose the most suitable furniture for ourselves.

What color scheme the backyard will be decorated in depends on the temperament of the owners. Calm and peaceful colors are chosen by people for passive relaxation with their family. Brighter and bolder shades will create an atmosphere of celebration and active pastime.


Some city residents dream of their own country property not only as an opportunity to fully relax there, but also as a keen desire to build a swimming pool.

Especially for families with children, swimming in your own pool will bring a lot of fun.

However, even a small bowl requires special care for cleanliness and hygiene. It will be problematic to build such a pool yourself; it is better to contact specialized agencies.

Whatever your relaxation area, it should bring only joy, satisfaction and complete relaxation during your vacation or vacation.

A dacha is not only garden beds with vegetables, but also outdoor recreation. Where else if not here can you relax after a week of work, spend time with your family outside the bustle of the city, and organize a picnic with friends. To make your leisure time as comfortable as possible, the recreation area needs to be properly arranged - choose a suitable place, think through the design, choose the design. There are a lot of interesting ideas on how to make an open area in your country house. The main thing is to be patient and inspired.

Options for placing recreation areas

Depending on the preferences, number and age of family members, the “relaxation corner” can be located:

  • in a completely open space;
  • under a canopy;
  • at the walls of the house;
  • near a tree;
  • near a pond.

For quiet family gatherings and meals, day walks With children, the area near the back wall of the house is best suited. If there is a spare door there, this will be an additional bonus - it will be possible to quickly take out and bring in dishes, food, toys, and pieces of furniture. It is advisable to move the area for noisy parties with friends away from the house so as not to disturb other family members late in the evening.

Comfortable and stylish area with fireplace

The ideal place for a romantic tête-à-tête will be a secluded cozy corner under a beautiful tree. It is advisable to arrange an open area at the dacha of an elderly couple at the main entrance.

As for the “scale” of the recreation area, there are no restrictions on this issue. You can either modestly improve a small area of ​​the territory or create a multi-level area with a fountain, pergola, swings and other “scenery”.

Recreation area for a large company

The main types of open areas for a personal plot

Which postcard site for a dacha or country house to choose depends on the lifestyle of the owners and their preferences regarding relaxation.

Beach type recreation area

If you plan to actively sunbathe on your property, a beach-style area can be built right in the middle of the lawn. It is better to choose a place for a relaxation zone at the back of the house - away from possible street noise and the ever-present prying eyes. It is advisable to design the base of the site as a podium to avoid rainwater stagnating on it. It is recommended to choose terrace boards or stone as flooring.

To “furnish” a country mini-beach, sun loungers, mobile sun umbrellas, a small table, and benches are used. A swimming pool, fountain or artificial pond will perfectly complement the summer atmosphere.

Cozy relaxation area with sun lounger

Area for active leisure

Fans of active recreation will certainly like the idea of ​​arranging an outdoor sports ground. The flattest part of your property should be allocated for it, away from windows and flower beds. Since the selected area will be subject to active trampling, it must be sown with special “wear-resistant” grass mixtures or a sports roll-up lawn must be laid.

The size of the sports ground is determined by the type of activity:

  • for basketball you will need about 50 sq. m;
  • for tennis or football - at least 60 sq. m;
  • for mini-volleyball – 40 sq. m;
  • outdoor exercise equipment or horizontal bars can be freely laid out on 30 square meters. m.

Using mobile sports equipment and installing it immediately before the game, you can make your active leisure diverse.

Sports ground for active recreation at the dacha

Cozy room under a tree

The easiest way to create a cozy corner for relaxing in the fresh air is to organize a space under a large spreading tree. It is advisable to make the base of such an open area as close as possible to natural motifs. An excellent solution would be to pave it with wooden saw cuts.

The choice of furniture for a resting place depends on its purpose: if it is possible to receive guests here, a table and comfortable chairs are required. For a sweet afternoon nap, a hammock will come in handy. It will be comfortable to read books or work on a laptop on a cozy bench with a couple of pillows.

The tree trunk bench is ideal for relaxing in the summer heat

Observation deck on site

If your country house has a fairly powerful tree, a recreation area can be arranged not only under it, but also on it. Even a relatively young tree will be suitable if the structure is supported by piles and not the trunk itself. How to make an open observation deck at your dacha:

  1. Mark the position of the corner posts.
  2. Saw off the posts taking into account the desired height of the structure and concrete them.
  3. Connect the railings to the posts (top trim).
  4. Make a horizontal tie at the level of the future floor.
  5. Attach the logs to the bottom trim.
  6. Install the floor and walls. You can use chipboard for exterior work.

A platform on a tree will look original if you stylize it as a fortress tower or the deck of a ship.

Observation deck on a tree - a cozy refuge for contemplating the beauty of nature

Patio area and its features

Patio – room under open air– an ideal place for organization family holidays, receiving guests, solitude with your favorite book in the warm season. Traditionally, such a platform is located at the back wall of the house if the walls of outbuildings or a fence are adjacent to it in a U- or L-shape.

But this is optional. You can set up a patio anywhere convenient location, the main thing is to adhere to the main idea - to create an atmosphere of maximum security. Trees, shrubs, flower beds, hedges, etc. will help with this. The patio is characterized by an abundance of decorative elements:

  • fountains;
  • mini waterfalls;
  • alpine slides;
  • statues.

An abundance of greenery and flowers always decorates the patio

The design of such a site is chosen in accordance with the capabilities of the territory and the preferences of family members. Spacious country patios are equipped with all the necessary attributes of a pleasant feast:

  • large table;
  • comfortable chairs;
  • canopy;
  • fireplace;
  • barbecue

An excellent solution would be to install a pool in the patio area. In combination with a lush green-floral design you will get a real paradise.

Creating a recreation area with your own hands

An open area in a dacha should not only be beautiful, but also practical. We must not lose sight of the importance of technical issues, in particular, the correct choice of paving materials.

Which base material to choose

It is better to avoid bulk materials (sand, expanded clay, gravel). They complicate cleaning the area and make lightweight portable furniture unstable. Best suited for paving a recreation area:

  • a natural stone;
  • paving slabs;
  • porcelain stoneware;
  • clinker brick;
  • concrete plates.

Wooden flooring is also very popular. But remember: wood must be treated with antiseptic agents.

The wooden base of the platform looks great

The area of ​​the territory selected for the open area is cleared of turf, going deeper by 15-20 cm. The surface is leveled, compacted and treated with a herbicide that prevents the germination of weeds. The area is filled with a layer of crushed stone and sand. Then the selected base material is laid and (if necessary) the curb is installed.

Drainage of water from the territory

To prevent water from stagnating on the site, the base should be made with a slope in one or two directions. If the paving is made of uneven and/or small elements, the slope should be at least 2 cm per 1 m. For smooth coatings, 1 cm per 1 m is sufficient.

The drainage itself can be made open along the edges of the site or underground. In both cases, it is necessary to provide for the drainage of water into a drainage well. Elements of open drainage should be selected in accordance with the overall style of the recreation area.

Arrangement and decoration of space

To make an outdoor area for leisure as comfortable as possible, it needs to be properly and beautifully furnished. The furniture should be comfortable; if you like gatherings in a large circle, it is very important to calculate a sufficient number seats. An excellent choice would be a wooden or glass table with garden chairs and sofas. You can also purchase several rocking chairs, chaise lounges, and a decorative bench.

Open area in minimalist style

Arched canopies, richly entwined with flowers and greenery, will add special charm and airiness to the open-air area. A fireplace or barbecue will make the relaxation area truly warm and “complete.” Adding a special chic and flavor to the courtyard will be achieved by decorating it in a specific style - romantic, fairy-tale, classic, national, exotic. Figurines, vases, souvenirs, and textile decorations will help with this.

Children's leisure at the dacha

When arranging a recreation area, do not forget about children. A small play space will keep them from getting bored during family gatherings. You should definitely provide a swing. The location for its installation should be selected taking into account the swing amplitude. The simplest option is a rope swing attached to a strong tree branch.

You can also install a sandbox. A huge selection of models will allow you to successfully fit the product into overall design recreation areas. Plastic sandboxes are the most convenient - they are safe, durable, and easy to clean. Light weight and modular design allows you to put them away in the shed at any time.

A swing in the garden is a joy for children and adults

Stylish and fast platform made from pallets: master class

An excellent DIY outdoor area can be made from Euro pallets - a simple and cheap material that has wide design potential. To create a recreation area you will need:

  • about 50 pallets (sizes 100x120 cm and 80x120 cm);
  • angle grinder;
  • sandpaper;
  • dye;
  • roller

Sand all Euro pallets with a sander and sandpaper. Using a roller, paint them in the desired color (it is better to choose light shades). It is advisable to use garden fleece as a base for the site: this material will not allow rainwater to accumulate. When the pallets are dry, cover the floor with them.

Laying painted pallets on the base

Then install and reinforce the trays for the side walls and back. Create the right size seating and table. To create coziness on the site, decorate it with bright accessories and place colorful pillows on the “improvised sofa”. A special atmosphere will be created by garlands, candles in original candlesticks, and lanterns.

Appearance of the finished site

As you can see, you can create a cozy relaxation area in your country house or dacha even with a minimum of waste. You just need to turn on your imagination and not be afraid of bold ideas. After all, a “piece of paradise”, carefully created with your own hands, will certainly become a favorite place of leisure for the whole family!

A dacha or country house with a plot of land is not only a place for growing vegetables and fruits. With proper and thoughtful organization of space in the yard, you can create a cozy recreation area that will appeal to both adults and children, without taking up free space, and will bring originality and uniqueness to the yard landscape.

Advantages and features of recreation areas on a summer cottage

Most often, a place to relax in the yard is chosen at the stage of creating a site design, but it can also be organized with a house already built and a planted area. The undeniable advantages that the recreation area at the dacha has are:

  • The possibility of organizing the process of eating food outdoors, especially if there is a grill, barbecue or fire pit in such a section of the yard. This presupposes the presence of a roof and a table with chairs or benches;
  • Holding events and celebrations in a cozy outdoor environment;
  • Practicality, due to the use in the interior of the recreation area of ​​furniture and building materials that were not useful in the house;
  • Variety of designs;
  • Ergonomics suitable for the specific needs of residents;
  • Relatively low costs (depending on how to make the zone and what to use for it);
  • Convenience and comfort.

The holiday period will be unforgettable, comfortable and fun for both children and adults with a relaxation area created based on the needs of all family members.

The photo shows recreation areas at the dacha, created with your own hands:

It should be taken into account that choosing furniture for such comfort areas is one that is not susceptible to the harmful effects of moisture. It can be artificial or natural rattan, which are practical and comfortable. If you plan to use upholstered furniture, then you should take into account that all pillows and elements capable of accumulating water can, if necessary, be quickly and easily removed and put away in the house. At the same time, they must be washable in a washing machine.

Any design can be chosen as a table, either metal, or using other materials, or a combined type that will not deteriorate from moisture and sun.

Attention! A safe area should be provided in such an area for the location of a barbecue, which can be either stationary or portable.

Recently, it has become fashionable and stylish to use an outdoor fireplace, in which it is possible not only to bake meat, but also to cook other types of food.

Various climbing plants are also actively used for the design of such a recreation area; as they grow, they entwine the frame of the gazebo or wall, creating shade inside and giving coolness and freshness. The most common plants are varieties of climbing roses and ivy, grapes, vines, clematis, hyacinias, nasturtiums, and kobeas.

Types of recreation areas and their features

Depending on the location and type of arrangement, recreation areas built on summer cottages can be divided into the following types:


It's a kind of courtyard within a courtyard. Traditionally, it is equipped with elements such as a table and chairs, as well as a barbecue. Usually the patio is equipped in the open air and is not fenced off from the rest of the yard space by partitions.

Patios can be equipped with such convenient and practical elements as swimming pools, sun loungers, umbrellas, lawns, flower beds, figurines, fountains. It all depends on the imagination and capabilities of the owners, as well as on the availability of free space in the yard.

An option for creating a patio at your dacha yourself is presented in the video


The traditional way of organizing a place to relax at domestic dachas is through gazebos, which, unlike their ancient types, are becoming more elegant, more original and more sophisticated. The gazebo can be woven with climbing greenery, or built using transparent roofing materials, and be equipped with a table and benches, a barbecue, a barbecue, or other types of elements for comfort. It all depends on preferences and capabilities.

Closed area

Such a zone practically represents a room in which there may be no roof or some walls. Typically, lightweight and durable materials are used for its construction - polycarbonate, metal profiles, reed and others. It separates the rest space from work areas.


A properly equipped terrace can also be an excellent relaxation area. Such a site adjacent to the house makes it possible to install furniture and various interior items that contribute to comfort. It can be either open or closed.

Attention! The recreation area is set up both near the house and a little further away.

In the second case, when guests visit, their noise will not disturb those who are already relaxing. But if there is a playground in such a section of the yard, it is better to build it closer to the house so that you can watch the children from the window.


The ideal solution for each site can only be an individual arrangement option, which will take into account both the features of the house and the features of the yard, as well as the material component. Depending on the preferences of the owners, the recreation area can be installed by them themselves or with the assistance of specialists. Even the darkest and most remote area can, if desired, be turned into a cozy corner of relaxation and comfort that you will never want to leave.

For ease of use and arrangement, any summer cottage or residential plot with buildings is divided into several important zones, each of which carries certain functions and contains certain elements.

The functional zone of a site is a group of elements that are close to each other in their functionality.

In order to delimit all functional areas, designers and ordinary people use various techniques and objects in the form of terraces, hedges made of living plants, arches and decorative walls, and others.

You can also differentiate zones visually. There are many ways to mark the boundaries of a particular area; here you can safely use your imagination and start creating.

Zones on a summer cottage

The following zones are typical for any site:

  • entry;
  • residential area, including a house, courtyard, etc.;
  • front garden or ground area;
  • household zone;
  • garden area;
  • area for relaxation and privacy.

Depending on the wishes and size of the territory, there may be more functional areas.

Entry area and front garden

The definition of an entry zone includes a vehicle access road, a parking space, a garage building, the entrance and porch of a residential building, a gate and an entrance gate. The ground floor area or simply the front garden also refers to the entrance area. These two zones play the role of " business card» plot and its owners.

The main thing for the entrance area is to ensure comfortable and convenient entry and access to the garage and the entrance to the house, to organize a decent fencing of the territory, which will protect from noise, dust and prying neighbors' views.

The most versatile and attractive is a hedge made of living plants. Another option could be a fence made of wood or stone. A forged fence has a very stylish and sophisticated look. In addition to its functional characteristics, any fence must be combined with the design of the house.

The front garden must be decorated with special attention, since this area is the first to welcome guests. Coniferous plants always look neat here. The main thing is to choose trees that can always remain well-groomed and beautiful in climate conditions. You can also decorate the ground area with shrubs and herbaceous plants, flowers.

A residential area that includes a house, a courtyard called a “patio”, and a summer kitchen area. The most important thing to start with when planning a territory is choosing the location on which the residential building will stand. It is better if the house is oriented from south to north, so less shadow will fall on it.

“Patio” refers to a residential area and a recreation area at the same time, because all these boundaries are entirely conditional.

An area for relaxation and privacy - this includes a barbecue area, a swimming pool, gazebos and terraces, an area with furniture and a sports area. All this is located inside the house area, where you can hide from outside noise and views.

When organizing a recreation area, you should consider some nuances:

  • it is better if it is located near the house and kitchen;
  • to locate this functional area, it is worth choosing a sunny place - you should not hide from the sun in the shade, since there are many ways to create artificial shade (partitions, awnings), and constantly being in the shade may not be very pleasant.

You can decorate the interior of your home in completely different ways: build an artificial pond, an alpine slide, provide paths with lanterns and flower pots, etc.

It is worth paying special attention to the choice of garden furniture items. On a large plot, you can organize several recreation areas at once. In the sunny area you can place a sun lounger, or set up a hammock, swing or bench in the shade of trees.

For long get-togethers great place There will be an open gazebo or terrace. You can decorate it with flower arrangements, place furniture inside in the form of wicker chairs, a large table.

A household area that includes a shed, a place to store firewood, a compost heap and other household items. It is better to place such a site further from the recreation area. The best option would be the northern side of the entire local area.

You can make a compost zone yourself, or you can get a ready-made composter. You can camouflage this place with sunflowers, currant or raspberry bushes.

A garden area can be a traditional vegetable garden, a garden with trees, or even a modern decorative vegetable garden.

Photo of zoning of a summer cottage