What is the largest mountain. The highest mountain in the world: history and interesting facts


There are many countries in the world where there are mountains. However, the bulk of the massifs are located in the center and south of Asia, among which Nepal stands out. The highest mountain range- Himalayas. It contains more than a hundred mountain peaks with a height exceeding 7 km 200 m. And only 14 mountains in the whole world have a height of more than 8,000 m. These are the most high mountains.

10. Mount Annapurna

The mountain is located in Nepal, namely in its central part. Annapurna has several peaks. One of these peaks has a height of 8,091 m. This is the highest point, it is called Annapurna I. This eight-thousander became the first one conquered by man. This happened in the fiftieth year. These mountains are considered unsafe to conquer. Previously, the death rate reached about 41%, modern equipment has made it possible to reduce this mark to 19.7%. This is the tenth most big mountain peace.

9. Nanga

Parbat Mountain with a height of 8 km 126 m is located in Pakistan in the northwestern part of the Himalayas far from the Indus River. Nanga Parbat is the westernmost 8-thousander. Due to the high level of death during the conquest at the beginning of the 20th century, it was called “Killer Mountain”. The mountain is one of the 3 most dangerous mountains and the ninth the highest mountain.

8. Manaslu

The mountain has a height of 8 km 156 m and is located in the center of Nepal in the northern part. If we translate the name of the eight-thousander Manaslu, it will be “Mountain of the Holy Spirit”. On May 9, 1956, the mountain was conquered for the first time. It was a Japanese expedition consisting of Toshio Imanishi and Gualzen Norbu.

7. Dhaulagiri

This is the highest point of the Gandaki (river basin), located in Nepal in the northwest, 120 km river. Gandaki to the west. Dhaulagiri is represented by a number of peaks. The highest is called Dhaulagiri I. The height of the peak is 8,167 m. On May 13, 1960, this eight-thousander was conquered for the first time by an expedition assembled from Switzerland, Austria and Nepal.

6. Cho Oyu

The peak of the mountain is 8 km 201 m. Cho Oyu is located between Nepal and China. It is considered an easily conquered mountain in its category of eight-thousanders. The slopes are distinctively smooth, which makes it attractive for novice climbers. Trade routes pass through Cho Oyu. And it is the sixth largest mountain in the world.

5. Makalu

The height of the mountain is 8 km 516 m. Makalu is located between Nepal and China, 19 km from the famous eight-thousander Everest. The mountain is a four-sided pyramid with a main isolated peak and two additional peaks. They are named: Kangchungtse (altitude 7 km200 m) and Chomo Lonzo (altitude 7 km 800 m). On May 15, 1955, Makalu was first conquered by the French. The leader of the group was Jean Franco. The fifth highest mountain in the world.

4. Lhotse

The peak of the mountain is 8 km 516 m. Lhotse is located on the border between China and Nepal, only 3 km from Mount Everest. It is included in the list of the most dangerous peaks. In 2008, out of 371 climbers who dared to conquer this eight-thousander, 20 died. In 1955, Lhotse was first conquered by an international Himalayan expedition.

3. Kanchenjunga

The mountain is located between Nepal and India, west of the river. Tamura and east of the Tista River. Kachenjunga has a height of 8,586 m. The mountain is represented by five peaks: Kangbachen (7,903 m), Middle (8,482 m), South (8,494 m), Western (8,505 m), Main (8,586 m). In 1905, it was conquered by an expedition led by Aleister Crowley. Among the three Top 10 The highest mountains on earth.

2. Chogori (K2)

The second height of Chomolungma, separating Pakistan and China. The height of K2 is 8 km 614 m. A distinctive feature of the eight-thousander Chogori is its very high mortality rate, which is 25%. For 249 climbers who conquered the mountain, 60 died. And in winter the peak has not yet succumbed to anyone. On July 31, 1954, Chogori was conquered for the first time. It was an Italian expedition led by Ardito Desio.

1. Everest or Chomolungma

This highest mountain in the world and, of course, the most majestic among the eight-thousanders is located between China and Nepal. The height of Everest is 8 km 848 m. Climbing it is difficult mainly due to powerful winds and inclement weather. On May 29, 1954, she was conquered for the first time. These were Edmund Hilary and Tenzing Norgay. In 2010, the youngest climber was 13 years old, Jordan Romero. Nepal currently has an age limit. The youngest age is 16 years old. Conquering the peak requires considerable expenditure on equipment. To climb Everest you need to spend money, which will cost about $8,000 (this does not include oxygen cylinders).

Mountain peaks covered with eternal snow have always attracted people with their grandeur, grandiose beauty and a certain secret that hides behind their inaccessible slopes. Let's look at what is the highest mountain in the world and where it is located. There are peaks on Earth that reach 8 km in height.

The highest mountain in the world is Chomolungma, commonly known in the West as Everest. Located on the territory of the majestic Himalayas, rightly called the Roof of the World. This is part of the Mahalangur-Himal mountain range, where, in addition to Everest, there are several dozen more picturesque peaks exceeding the 7000 m mark.

Chomolungma has a pyramidal outline with steep southern and high northern slopes. Translated from Tibetan, the name means “Divine Mother of Life Energy.” This beautiful name the largest mountain was named after the Tibetan goddess Sherab Zhama, who personifies unconditional and all-consuming maternal love. It was proposed by researcher Andrew Waugh, who was the successor of J. Everest.

Interesting information about Chomolungma:

  1. Altitude above sea level – 8848 m.
  2. The first successful ascent was March 29, 1953.
  3. The number of climbers who managed to conquer the peak is 8306 (some of the climbers climbed more than 1 time).
  4. What is the name of the highest mountain in the world in Nepali - Sagarmatha.
  5. The English name Everest was given to the peak in honor of J. Everest, who headed the geodetic department of India, which at that time was under British rule.
  6. Abnormal weather: strong winds often blow at the top of Chomolungma, the speed of which can reach 200 km/h. The air temperature in the cold season sometimes drops to -60 ºС.
  7. The average time to reach the peak is 2 months.
  8. The best time for mountaineering is mid to late spring and early autumn.

Since ancient times, people have been trying to conquer the most inaccessible peaks of the Earth, which allowed them not only to test their endurance and strength, but also to get closer to the great and boundless space. The majestic Chomolungma is especially popular among climbers.

Every year, about 500 experienced climbers and true brave men try to conquer Everest. However, only a few manage to do this. The top of the Earth is conquered by few. It is impossible to reach it even by helicopter. Climbers who decide to climb this picturesque peak must undergo extensive training and carry high-quality specialized equipment.

Note! Everest in the Himalayas is not only the most beautiful peak in the world, but also one of the most dangerous.

According to official data, in 2012, approximately 260 climbers and extreme sports enthusiasts who tried to conquer this peak did not reach their goal. Their lives were tragically interrupted on the slopes of this mountain. Most of the bodies were never found. Despite this, every year many daredevils desperately try to conquer the highest point in the world.

Useful video: the highest mountain in the world


The highest point on our planet is located on the territory of the most famous part of the Mahalangur Himal - the Khumbu range. In addition to Chomolungma, there are 2 more peaks, exceeding 8 thousand meters.

In which country is the largest mountain in the world located? Qomolangma is located on the border line between Nepal and Tibet (currently an autonomous region of the People's Republic of China).

The highest point in the world is hidden under a layer of ice and snow. To get to it, you will need expensive equipment, which, unfortunately, does not guarantee the success of the ascent.

It is worth noting that the location of Mount Everest lies part of the Nepalese Sagarmatha Ecological Park. Translated from Sanskrit, the name means “Divine Mother”. Almost the entire territory of the park consists of deep gorges and difficult terrain.

Interesting! A huge number of legends and traditions are associated with Chomolungma. It has long been revered as a place of power.

This peak is believed to be the abode of the gods. It is also directly related to space. In addition, Everest is the habitat of souls who have not found rest in the other world. Some climbers claim that they saw ghosts during their ascent. The fact is that under the thickness of the ice of Chomolungma there are stored a huge number of bodies of climbers who never managed to reach their goal. Therefore, Everest is often called the cemetery of the Himalayas.

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Almost every person knows that the highest point on Earth is Chomolungma. However, few people know which mountains are in second or third place in terms of height. It is worth noting that other eight-kilometer peaks are no less interesting than Everest.

All the highest mountains are located in southern and central Asia. They exceed 7500 m. In total, there are 14 mountains on the planet, rising above the surface of the earth by more than 8 thousand meters.

NameHeight, mLocationInteresting information
1 Chogori8611 Baltoro Ridge (Pakistan), mountain system Karakorum.This is the northernmost eight-kilometer peak in the world. Today there are 10 routes leading to it. Technically, the climbing routes to this peak are much more difficult than to Chomolungma. The number of successful expeditions is 45.
2 Kanchenjunga8586 On the border of India and Nepal, on the territory of the Greater Himalayas.The highest peak of the ridge of the same name. It is also one of the most dangerous routes to climb. According to Nepalese legend, Kanchenjunga is a mystical woman who kills all climbers who try to conquer her peak.
3 Lhotse8516 Mahalangur Himal Massif, Greater Himalayas, Tibet.This is one of the most beautiful and most inaccessible Himalayan peaks. Only 25% of ascents to Lhotse are successful.
4 Makalu8485 Mahalangur Himal mountain range, Central Himalayas.There are several good roads leading to the peak of the mountain. climbing routes. Climbing Makalu is very difficult. Only 30% of expeditions achieved success in conquering the peak.
5 Cho Oyu8188 Mahalangur Himal, Greater Himalayas.This peak was the first to be conquered without the use of oxygen cylinders. Today there are several excellent routes leading to its summit.
6 Jaulagiri I8167 Nepal, Main Himalayan Range.The highest point on the ridge of the same name. Translated from ancient Sanskrit, its name means “ White Mountain" The number of successful expeditions is 51.
7 Manaslu8163 Mansiri Himal, Nepal.The highest peak of the mountain range of the same name. The name Manaslu in ancient Sanskrit means “Mountain of Spirits”. This peak is located on the territory of a magnificent and environmentally friendly National Park. There is a trekking route around it, which can be completed in about 2 weeks.
8 Nangaparbat8126 Northwestern part of the Himalayas.This is one of the most difficult and dangerous mountain peaks for mountaineering.

In Sanskrit, the name of the mountain sounds like Diamir, which means “Mountain of the Gods”.

9 Annapurna I8091 Nepal, territory of the Himalayas.This is the highest point of the ridge of the same name and the most dangerous peak for climbers. The number of successful expeditions to the summit is only 36. The number of tragic accidents during the ascent is approximately 32% of total number attempts. Despite this, Annapurna became the first eight-kilometer peak in history to be conquered by man. A successful ascent took place in the middle of the last century, several years before the conquest of Chomolungma. In ancient Sanskrit, the melodious name Annapurna means “Goddess of Fertility.”
10 Gasherbrum I8080 Karakoram, Baltoro Muztagh Range, Pakistan.This is the second highest mountain in the picturesque and inaccessible Karakoram. It also has another name - Hidden Peak, which in English means Hidden Peak. Translated from the Balti language, the name of the peak means “Beautiful Mountain”.
11 Broad Peak8051 It is part of the multi-peaked Gasherbrum mountain range. This is the third highest point in the Karakorum.
12 Gasherbrum II8034 Karakoram mountain system, Baltoro Muztagh range, Pakistan.It is part of the multi-peaked Gasherbrum ridge. This peak has graceful contours and steep slopes. It is covered with eternal snow.
13 Shishabangma8027 Langtang mountain range, Central Himalayas, Tibet.This is the smallest eight-kilometer peak in the world. It consists of three peaks.

Useful video: top 10 highest mountains in the world


To summarize, we can say that the highest point and one of the most inaccessible peaks in the world is Everest in the Greater Himalayas. This majestic peak is located at the intersection of two Asian countries - Nepal and Tibet. It has long attracted climbers, researchers, creative individuals and true romantics.

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When asked what the highest point in the world is, almost every high school student will confidently answer that it is. Other common names for the peak are Chomolungma and Sagarmatha. The peak lies at an altitude of 8848 meters above sea level. This indicator is recorded in numerous scientific papers and textbooks.


The highest point in the world on the map is located on the border of countries such as Nepal and China. The top refers to mountain range Great Himalayas. At the same time, it should be noted that based on the data that is constantly provided by instruments at the peak, as well as with the help of satellites, researchers have proven that Everest, in the literal sense of the word, does not stand still. The fact is that the mountain changes its shape all the time, moving to the northeast from India towards China. According to scientists, the reason for this lies in the fact that they are constantly moving and crawling onto one another.


The highest point in the world was discovered in 1832. Then an expedition consisting of employees of the British Geodetic Service was engaged in the study of some peaks that were located on Indian territory in the Himalayas. While carrying out the work, English scientists noted that one of the peaks (which had previously been marked everywhere as “Peak 15”) was higher than the other mountains that make up the ridge. This observation was documented, after which the peak began to be called Everest - in honor of the head of the geodetic service.

Importance to local residents

The fact that the world is Everest was assumed by local residents several centuries before its official discovery by European explorers. They respected the peak very much and named it Chomolungma, which literally translated from the local language means “goddess - mother of the Earth.” As for Nepal, here it is known as Sagarmatha (heavenly peak). Residents of areas located nearby the mountain say that on this peak, death and life are separated by half a step, and people from all directions of the world are equal before God, regardless of their religion. During the Middle Ages, a monastery called Ronkbuk was built at the foot of Everest. The structure has survived to this day and is still inhabited.

Other opinions about height

In 1954, a number of studies and measurements of the peak were carried out using various instruments and aerial photography. Based on their results, it was officially established that the highest point in the world has a height of 8848 meters. It should be noted that, compared to our time, the technology used then was not so accurate. This gave some scientists reason to claim that the real height of Chomolungma differs from the official value.

In particular, at the end of 1999 in Washington, as part of a meeting of the National Geographical Society, it has been proposed that Everest lies above sea level at an altitude of 8850 meters, in other words, two meters higher. Members of the organization supported this idea. This event was preceded by the research of several expeditions led by a famous American scientist named Branford Washburn. First, he and his people delivered high-precision electronic equipment to the summit. Subsequently, this allowed the researcher, using a satellite, to record the slightest deviations in the height of the mountain (compared to previous data). Thus, the scientist was able to clearly show the growth dynamics of Chomolungma. Moreover, Washbourne identified the periods when the height of the peak increased most significantly.

Everest's growth process

The Himalayas are considered one of the most recent geological belts that formed on our planet. In this regard, the process of their development is quite active (compared to others). It's no surprise that the world's highest point continues to rise. As studies show, growth becomes most intense during times of high seismic activity not only on the Eurasian continent itself, but throughout the entire planet. For example, during the first half of 1999 alone, the height of the mountain increased by three centimeters. Several years ago, a geologist from Italy A. Desio, using modern radio equipment, established that the peak of Chomolungma is now at 8872.5 meters above sea level, which is 25 meters higher than the officially recorded value.

The largest mountain on Earth

There is no doubt that the highest point in the world is Everest. At the same time, calling it the largest mountain on the planet would not be entirely correct. The fact is that, judging by such an indicator as the total height, then the largest mountain should be called Mauna Kea, located not far from Hawaii. The peak rises above sea level only 4206 meters. At the same time, its base lies at a depth of more than ten thousand meters under water. Thus, the total size of Mauna Kea is almost twice that of Everest.

Other highest points on the planet

Be that as it may, each of the continents has the most prominent peak. The names of the highest mountains in the world by continent are as follows. The highest in the territory South America and second after Everest on the planet is the peak of Aconcagua (6959 meters), which is part of the Andes and is located in Argentina. Summit McKinley (6194 meters) is located in American state Alaska closes the top three world leaders in this indicator. In Europe, Elbrus (5642 meters) is considered the highest, and in Africa - Kilimanjaro (5895 meters). Antarctica also has its own record holder. The highest mountain here is Vinson (4892 meters).

Chomolungma, Everest (English: Mount Everest), Sagarmatha (Nepalese: सगरमाथा) (8848 m.)- the highest peak on Earth.

Everest, as the tallest mountain in the world, has attracted people for many years and centuries. Man has a passion for conquest, which is why for a long time brave climbers tried to climb to the top. As a result, Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary were able to go down in history as the first to reach the top. More than 60 years have passed since that moment, but they have written their names in history. Probably every person has heard about this mountain, but many Interesting Facts go unnoticed.

An interesting fact is that at an altitude of 6700 meters, where it is almost impossible to live to an ordinary person, inhabited by mountain spiders. It is difficult to breathe here, but jumping spiders successfully hide in cracks and other corners. It is also worth noting that these are the “tallest” inhabitants in the world, with the exception of several species of birds. They eat almost anything, but most of their diet consists of insects that are blown to the top by strong gusts of wind. Also, in 1924, during a tragic ascent, several species of grasshoppers were discovered on the mountain. Today they can be seen in the British Museum.

Everyone knows that climbing Everest, the highest mountain in the world, is not easy, but also dangerous, as evidenced by numerous deaths. It ranks first in the world in terms of population dead climbers. However, there are special cases, which include Phurba Tashi and Apa Sherpa. The two professionals were able to reach the summit 21 times. Apa Sherpa climbed to the top of Everest every year from 1990 to 2011. Phurba, for example, made three ascents in 2007 alone. Apa, in turn, does not just climb the mountain, as he conducts his own research. He noted that climate warming is clearly affecting the mountain. In some places where there was constant snow cover, sections of the mountain begin to become exposed, making the climb even more difficult. He also worries that the Sherpas will be endangered by flooding that could result from melting glaciers.

Besides the fact that climbing Everest, the highest mountain in the world, is very difficult and many lose their lives, some have to face confrontation local residents. When Ueli Steck, Simon Moreau and Jonathan Griffith attempted to reach the summit in 2013, they were met with fierce opposition from the Sherpas. Things came to a fight. The fact is that local population fears an avalanche, which could occur due to the carelessness of climbers. As a result, the entire misunderstanding had to be corrected by the Nepalese army, drawing up a peace treaty to resolve the dispute.

It is known that the Himalayan mountains are about 60 million years old. However, according to studies of sandstone and limestone, everything indicates that the mountains were previously located below sea level. As a result, we can say with confidence that 450,000,000 years ago, Everest was at the bottom of the ocean. Fossils preserved as evidence belonged to sea ​​creatures who once lived in the ocean. They were taken from the top soil of the mountain. Noel Odell proved a similar fact back in 1924, and the first samples were delivered by Swiss climbers in 1956.

The highest mountain in the world is Mauna Kea or Everest. Although Everest is called the highest peak on the planet, in fact it is not. It all depends on how you look at it. So what is the tallest mountain in the world? For example, the Hawaiian volcano Mauna Kea has a height of 4205 meters above sea level, but it is also 6000 meters deep into the ground and is located below the water level. The total height of the volcano reaches 10,200 meters. The planet also has Mount Chimborazo, located in Ecuador. Although its height is only 6267 meters above sea level, it is actually located higher. The fact is that the planet does not have a perfectly round shape and if you calculate the height relative to the center of the Earth, then it is located on a hill, due to which its peak is higher. As a result, answering the question: the highest mountain in the world is Mauna Kea or Everest, there is no definite answer.

Sherpas live in the Everest region. They immigrated here about 500 years ago and Chomolungma is sacred to them. According to beliefs, demons, spirits and Jomo Miyo Lang live on Everest, thanks to which food is obtained. Before climbing to the top of the mountain, the Sherpas perform a special ceremony and commemorate everyone who died here. They also try to put their souls and thoughts in order and ask the spirits to let the climbers through so that they do not die. According to statistics, one person dies for every 10 successful ascents.
Death can occur from the most ordinary factors: the oxygen beam suddenly burst, the wind blew and the powerful cable could not stand it, there was little oxygen, cardiac arrest. Climbers also note that after 8,000 meters, people can lose control of their minds and care more about themselves than about their partners. They think about the consequences after the descent, if of course this happens. However, every year a large number of people flock here to visit the top of the highest mountain. Even though Mauna Kea is the tallest mountain in the world, Everest is more popular.

Everest (Qomolungma) the highest mountain in the world

There has been debate for a long time about what the real height of the mountain is. The fact is that it all depends on which side you look at the hill from. Nepal reports an altitude of 8,848 meters, while China reports an altitude of 8,844 meters. The international community fixes snow in all its measurements, with changes in height, but China insisted on the actual size of Everest, without taking into account the snowy top of a couple of meters. However, in 2010, an official agreement was signed, which fixed the height at 8848 meters. In any case, the highest mountains in the world, Mauna Kea and Everest, remain the most popular among climbers.

Recently it turned out that Everest continues to grow. This assumption was first put forward in 1994, when a growth of 4 millimeters was discovered. Later, in 1999, American researchers installed appropriate satellite devices, thanks to which the exact height of the mountain is recorded. And on this moment The actual height of the peak is 8850 meters. The fact is that the Indian subcontinent was previously independent, but later collided with Asia, which is why the Himalayas were formed. As the plates continue to move, the mountain gradually grows.

The peak is known throughout the world as Everest, but the Tibetan indigenous people call the mountain completely differently - Qomolungma, which translates as “Mother of Mountains”. The Nepalese people call the highest mountain in the world Sagarmatha, which means “Forehead in the sky”. The mountain received its international name in 1865, when topographer Andrei Voga named it in honor of Colonel George Everest.

It is known that more than 200 people died trying to climb to the top of Everest, but this does not stop many people. Not only does one climb cost more than $8,000, but completing the entire section is a big task. However, in 2012, a photo was published that shocked many. It shows a large line of climbers who were forced to turn back due to bad weather conditions. Everyone had to wait several hours to reach the top. However, in 2012, the peak reached 234 people in half a day. Unfortunately, 4 climbers died.

Many people like to look at beautiful pictures Everest, without even suspecting that the road to the top is literally strewn with corpses of people. Some people talk about having to step over the dead in order to continue climbing. But if this fact is one way or another known to many, then little is said about garbage. But in fact, this is a big problem, especially for people who care about the environment. In particular, after each season, people leave behind 50 tons of waste. The mountainside is strewn with the remains of climbing equipment, oxygen cylinders and human excrement. The service that monitors the ecology of Everest collects 13 tons of waste every year. However, this does not completely solve the problem.

In 2014, the Nepalese authorities introduced a number of amendments for climbers. For example, after each climb, everyone must bring back 8 kilograms of waste, otherwise they will lose $4,000. And the artists decided to hold an action and made works of art from the collected garbage. They used beer cans, broken tents and other items. The resulting masterpieces are designed to attract attention and not litter during the ascent.

  • Everest Everest
  • Everest Everest
  • Everest Everest
  • Everest Everest
  • Everest Everest
  • Everest Everest
  • Everest Everest
  • Everest Everest
  • Everest Everest
  • Everest Everest

Although Mauna Kea is located at an altitude of 4,200 meters above sea level, it is the most... high mountain on the planet. The fact is that most of it is located under water, and the base is hidden at a depth of 10,000 meters. As a result, the total height of the mountain exceeds the size of Everest. Therefore, on the one hand, Mauna Kea is in fact the highest, however, to climb Everest, you will have to go much more and be in dangerous situations.

Interestingly, not every resident of this region can climb Mauna Kea, as it is considered sacred. Only some leaders are allowed to do this. Numerous observatories are also installed at the top, as there are ideal conditions for observing starry sky. Geological survey workers are also actively monitoring the life activity of the volcano crater. The last eruption occurred 500 thousand years ago and at the moment it is considered extinct. Residents Hawaiian Islands They are also calm about the current situation and do not believe in its eruption in the near future.

For a long time, the forests growing on the slopes of Mauna Kea provided food for the indigenous population. When Europeans came to the islands, they slightly shook the ecological balance. As a result, some flora and fauna simply disappeared due to introduced plants and animals.

TOP 10 highest mountains in the world There are 14 on our planet high peaks s whose altitude exceeds 8,000 meters. What’s most interesting is that all these mountain formations are located in Central Asia, as if dividing the planet into two parts, but the highest ones are in the Himalayas. Previously, it was believed that no one would be able to conquer a height of eight thousand meters, but thanks to modern equipment and the will of man, this has become a reality. Let's talk about the 10 highest mountains in the world, whose height is a little lower. Some may also be interested in: the highest mountain in the world is Mauna Kea or Everest?

opens the top ten highest mountains in the world and is located in Nepal in the Himalayas. Its height is 8091 meters, and it was only possible to conquer it in 1950. It is also worth noting that Annapurna took the lives of many climbers whose professionalism was beyond doubt. The mountain consists of 9 peaks, one of which is called Machapuchare. It is forbidden to climb it, since according to local beliefs, God Shiva lives here.

- in another way the mountain is called Diamir, which means “Mountain of the Gods”. However, among climbers it was also nicknamed the “killer”, since it ranks third in the world list for the number of deaths among climbers, after Everest and K-2. Before reaching the summit in 1953, six unsuccessful expeditions were made. A large number of professionals actually died here. The mountain is located in Pakistan, and its height reaches 8125 meters.

Eighth in the list of the highest mountains in the world is Mount. Its height is 8156 meters and it is located in Nepal, being part of the Mansiri-Himalayan range. The first to conquer the peak was a Japanese expedition in 1956. Tourists love Manaslu for its picturesqueness. However, to climb to the top you will need physical fitness, endurance and a lot of experience. In total, 53 climbers died here.

One of the 10 highest mountains in the world - . It is also located in the Himalayas, and its height is 8167 meters. It is worth noting that this peak is very difficult to conquer, since most of it is covered with glaciers and snow. But in 1960, climbers still managed to climb to its height. Climbing Dhaulagiri, 58 experienced climbers died.

The sixth place in the list of the highest peaks on the planet is occupied by Mt. It is located on the border of China and Nepal. Its height reaches 8201 meters and is not difficult to climb. However, this only applies to experienced climbers. However, 39 people died here trying to reach the summit.

- another name for the Black Giant. The height of the mountain is 8485 meters, and it is located on the border of China and Nepal in the Himalayas. Interestingly, the peak is located only 19 kilometers from Everest. Climbing Makalu is very difficult, as climbers face great steepness during the ascent. According to statistics, only a third of climbers achieve their goal. 26 climbers died here.

- one of the most dangerous and highest mountain peaks in the world. They were able to climb it for the first time in 1956. The height reaches 8516 meters and it is located on the border of Nepal and China. In total, Lhotse has three peaks, each of which is higher than 8000 meters. The mountain is also located just 3 kilometers from Everest.

Trying to conquer the peak, 40 climbers died. The mountain has a height of 8585 meters and is located on the border between Nepal and India. It ranks third in height on the planet after the tallest mountain in the world, Mauna Kea and others. It has five peaks and is very beautiful. For the first time it was possible to climb to the top of Kanchenjunga in 1954.

- a very picturesque peak, whose height reaches 8614 meters. The mountain is located on the border of Pakistan and China. It is one of the most difficult to climb, like the tallest mountain in the world, Mauna Kea. It was first climbed in 1954. Among the 249 experienced climbers who attempted to reach the summit, 60 died.

Everest (Chomolungma) is the highest mountain on Earth.

The height of Everest is 8848 m.

It has long been known which is the highest mountain in the world and many are trying to conquer it. They were able to climb Everest for the first time only in 1953. The mountain has two peaks: the southern one is 8760 meters high and the northern one is 8848 meters high (the highest on the planet). Interestingly, Chomolungma has a triangular shape, reminiscent of a pyramid. 210 climbers died trying to climb to the top of the mountain. Although reaching the summit today is not a big problem, people face a lack of oxygen, low temperatures and strong winds. There is practically no fire burning at the top. To try to climb to the top, you need to spend at least $8,000.

In any case, climbing any mountain is a very labor-intensive and complex process that requires maximum endurance, attention and skill. Only 30 climbers, three of whom were women, managed to climb the 10 highest mountains in the world. It is difficult to say why some are so eager to rise to the occasion. Maybe climbers prefer challenges and strive to prove to themselves that they are stronger than others, because Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

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This rating will feature mountain peaks that are more than 8 kilometers high. Such mountains are called " eight-thousanders", there are 14 of them in the world, all of them are located in Asia, namely in two neighboring mountain systems: the Himalayas and the Karakoram.
The most famous and highest mountain system in the world is the Himalayas, which contains 10 eight-thousanders. To understand why this area of ​​the Earth became what it is today, you need to look back 120 million years, when the Indian subcontinent broke away from the supercontinent Gondwana and began moving north at a speed of 5 centimeters per year. 80 million years ago, Hindustan accelerated three times, up to 15 centimeters per year. It moved until it collided with Eurasia, and the Himalayas were formed where two tectonic plates met. To visit the Himalayas, you need to go to one of the following countries: India, Nepal, China (Tibet), Pakistan or Bhutan.
The second highest mountain system, the Karakoram, where 4 eight-thousanders are located, is located in the northwest of the western chain of the Himalayas and spans three countries: India, Pakistan, China (Tibet and Xinjiang).
Next is a rating that presents the highest mountains in the world, their location and the year when they were first conquered.

14th place. Shishabangma(Himalayas). Height 8027 m. The mountain is located in the Tibet Autonomous Region of China. This mountain peak was first conquered by a Chinese expedition in 1964 led by Xiu Jing.

13th place. Gasherbrum II(Karakorum). Height 8035 m. The peak is located in Kashmir, in the Pakistani-controlled Northern Territories on the border with China (Tibet Autonomous Region). The first ascent of the mountain was made by climbers Fritz Moravec, Hans Willenpart, Sepp Larch (Austria) in 1956.

12th place. Broad Peak(Karakorum). Height 8051 m. Located in Kashmir, in the Pakistani-controlled Northern Territories on the border with China (Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region). The first ascent of the mountain was in 1957 by an Austrian expedition consisting of Fritz Wintersteller, Markus Schmuck, Kurt Diemberger and Hermann Buhl.

11th place. Gasherbrum I(Karakorum). Height 8080 m. The peak is located in Kashmir, in the Pakistani-controlled Northern Territories on the border with China (Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region). In 1958, members of the American expedition Peter Schöning and Andrew Kaufman made the first ever ascent of the mountain along the southeastern ridge.

10th place. Annapurna I(Himalayas). Height 8091 m. The peak is located in Nepal. Annapurna became the first eight-thousand-meter mountain to be conquered by man. French climbers Maurice Herzog and Louis Lachenal climbed it in 1950.

9th place. Nangaparbat(Himalayas). Height 8125 m. The peak is located in the northwestern tip of the Western Himalayas between the Indus and Astor rivers, in Kashmir, in the Pakistan-controlled Northern Territories. The first successful ascent of the mountain was made in 1953 by the Austrian Hermann Buhl. This was an episode that had no analogues in the history of conquest of eight-thousanders until that time: Buhl reached the summit alone. It is also worth noting that Hermann Buhl conquered Nanga Parbat without the use of oxygen.

8th place. Manaslu(Himalayas). Height 8156 m. The peak is located in Nepal. The first ascent of the mountain took place in 1956 by the Japanese Toshio Imanishi and the Sherpa (Sherpas are a people living in Eastern Nepal, as well as in India) Gyalzen Norbu.

7th place. Dhaulagiri I(Himalayas). Height 8167 m. The peak is located in Nepal. In 1960, the Swiss-Austrian expedition of Diemberger, Diener, Schelbert, Forer and the Nawang and Nyima Sherpas conquered the mountain for the first time.

6th place. Cho Oyu(Himalayas). Height 8201 m. Located on the border of Nepal with China (Tibet Autonomous Region). In 1954, the first ascent took place, made by members of the Austrian expedition Herbert Tichy, Joseph Joechler and Sherpa Pazang Dawa Lama.

5th place. Makalu(Himalayas). Height 8485 m. The mountain peak is located on the border of Nepal with China (Tibet Autonomous Region). In 1955, a French expedition led by Jean Franco achieved success by climbing the mountain along northern route. On May 15-17, three groups climb Makalu in a total of 9 people - all members of the expedition and the sirdar (leader of the Sherpa group).

4th place. Lhotse(Himalayas). Height 8516 m. Located on the border of Nepal with China (Tibet Autonomous Region) 3 km south of Everest and separated from it by a pass South Col. The first ascent to the top of Lhotse Main was made in 1956 by the Swiss Ernst Reiss and Fritz Luchsinger.

Lhotse (right) and Everest

3rd place. Kanchenjunga(Himalayas). Height 8586 m. Until 1852, Kanchenjunga was considered the highest mountain in the world, but then calculations showed that Everest is higher, and Kanchenjunga is the third highest peak. Located on the border of Nepal and India (Sikkim state). The first successful ascent of the mountain was made on May 25, 1955 by members of the British expedition George Band and Joe Brown. Kanchenjunga was one of Nicholas Roerich's favorite themes in painting.

2nd place. Chogori(Karakorum), also known as K2 (this site runs on a Joomla component named after the mountain). Height 8611 m. This is the highest mountain peak of the Karakoram. It is located on the border of Kashmir (Pakistan-controlled Northern Territories) and China (Xinjiang). The first to reach the top of K2 was an Italian expedition in 1954 led by Ardito Desio.

1 place. Chomolungma(Himalayas), also known as Everest. Chomolungma in Tibetan means “mistress of the winds.” As for the English name Everest, it was given in honor of Sir George Everest, head of the geodetic survey of British India in 1830-1843. The first to determine that Qomolungma is the highest mountain peak on Earth was the Indian mathematician and topographer Radhanath Sikdar in 1852, based on trigonometric calculations, when he was in India 240 km from Qomolungma. The height of this greatest mountain peak world is 8848 meters. Chomolungma is located in China, namely in Tibet, on the border with Nepal. At the top of Chomolungma there are strong winds, blowing at speeds of up to 55 m/s. The average monthly air temperature in January is -36 °C (on some nights it can drop to -50...−60 °C), in July it is about zero °C. The first ascent of Everest was made on May 29, 1953 by Sherpa Tenzing Norgay and New Zealander Edmund Hillary. The climbers used oxygen devices. More than 30 Sherpas took part in the expedition.