Flavorings for different fish. Taste preferences of crucian carp Preparing liquid flavoring for roach at home

Andrey Shalygin: For a beginner, you need to learn three basic rules that provide significant adjustments to the preparation of complementary foods - a change in the taste preferences of fish when the reservoir cools, the species preferences of fish that have given time there is a bite (and it simply may not exist at all for a given subspecies), as well as a way to independently obtain the most effective bait for freshwater fish- bloodworms, the most expensive and effective component of any bait.

Feeding fish in the fall - how to feed in cold water

Feeding fish is a whole science. As it turned out, in different seasons the composition of bait for the same fish has to be varied. How does autumn bait for carp, crucian carp and bream differ from summer bait mixtures?

So, what changes in the conditions on the reservoir with the onset of autumn? Which forces us to change the approach to forming the composition of bait for peaceful fish. How exactly to change the composition of bait in the fall?

Firstly, in the fall the water becomes colder. This means that the odors of flavoring agents used in bait will spread more slowly and over shorter distances. This can be explained very simply from the standpoint of physics. The higher the temperature of the substance (in our case, the water of the reservoir), the more active the spread of odors emanating from our bait. With the onset of cold weather, flavorings gradually lose their effectiveness. You can not use them at all or use others. It is good to use attractants with animal odors in the fall: meat, blood, fish odors.

Secondly, the water becomes much clearer in the fall. Now, in clear autumn water, you can use various tricks to make the bait visible from afar. Since smells no longer work as well, we will compensate for this with visual effects. In the autumn bait we add a maximum of components that produce suspension, dregs: milk powder; cereals; flour; bran; breading. A column of bait suspension will be visible in clear water for many meters and will attract large fish to your hooks.
Another option to visually attract fish to the bait is to use the addition of a small amount of chopped worms to the bait mixture. This is no longer 5-10%, as we added in the summer, but 20-25% of the weight of the bait. Such an abundance of wriggling worms will certainly attract fish from afar with their movement.

Thirdly, in the summer we were afraid to use excessively high-calorie bait
so as not to feed the fish. Crucian carp and bream, carp and roach, could approach the abundant high-calorie bait, get drunk and completely ignore the bait, because... stuffed...

As a result, with the onset of autumn we can feed the fish more boldly. The approaching cold forces the fish to feed more actively and stock up for the winter. On the contrary, abundant high-calorie bait will keep a school of carp or crucian carp near the fishing zone for a long time.

These are the features of autumn bait for fish! Keep this information in hand when you get ready to feed your fish in cold water in the fall!

Smells for fish and flavors for fish - which smell attracts whom?

Perhaps all these are just deep-rooted myths, or maybe, to some extent, a reflection of some statistics - I don’t know. Something is probably a ploy by marketers to attract customers. But the fact remains: for each type of fish, leading manufacturers of baits and additives, such as the TRAPER company, offer certain flavors, and they do this for a reason, but in accordance with demand and generally accepted ideas about the preferences of fish.

So, let's clarify what these generally accepted ideas are?

  • Roach - smells and flavors for roach

The most heated debates flare up around the preferences of this fish. Vanilla is considered the most “roach” smell, and perhaps no one denies this. At the same time, it is rare that any manufacturer produces bait “for roaches” with a purely vanilla smell. This flavor is usually sold separately. Here it is necessary to clarify that high-quality vanilla flavoring has little in common with the vanillin sold in grocery stores. Vanillin itself is bitter, so you can’t add it in enough quantity to get a really rich smell. Branded “vanilla” can be added in the proportion of 300 g (!) per 3 kg of bait, and this will not scare off the roach at all. At least in warm water (winter bait is another topic).
It is believed that roaches are attracted to coriander. This additive is also good because it increases the activity of the bait: when it gets into the water, the bait ball begins to throw up fragrant particles of coriander.
An excellent additive for roach, according to many fishermen, is anise. Firstly, it itself emits a very pleasant smell. And secondly, anise, being a digestive additive, increases the appetite of fish. For this reason, Traper’s roach baits contain anise in their composition.
In addition to the listed flavorings, roach baits may contain the following flavorings: “chocolate”, “almond”, “caramel”, “hemp” and some others.

  • Bream - smells and flavors for bream

Everything is easier with him. Classic bream flavors are cloves, cinnamon and fennel. They have a pleasant smell and stimulate digestion in fish, like all other spicy additives. It is also believed that bream loves everything sweet, so appropriate flavorings are recommended. But not fruity.

  • Carp - smells and flavors for carp

The carp classic is strawberry. I don’t know where this opinion came from, but today it is dominant among floaters. At the same time, modern carp fishing uses a huge amount of flavorings added to boilies. These are all kinds of fruity smells, nutty, spicy, etc.

  • Pond carp - smells and flavors

Pond carp love fishmeal, but it’s not a matter of smell, but rather the composition of this component, which is included in most feeds.

  • Crucian carp - smells and flavors for crucian carp

Crucian carp is one of the strangest fish in its preferences. “Folk additives” for crucian carp sometimes just make you smile: yogurt, garlic, dill... kerosene!

Western fishermen have a different opinion: Sweet additives work for crucian carp, and first of all, honey. Therefore, crucian carp baits produced in developed European countries, quite often have a honey smell. I don’t think that our crucian carp and Western crucian carp have very different tastes. At least here, in Belarus, I used “honey” bait when fishing for crucian carp, and the result was positive.

How to wash bloodworms - 5 ways

Every fisherman, whether already experienced or just a beginner, probably knows that bloodworms are one of the best and most practical baits for catching many types of fish, used at any time of the year. A bloodworm is a small red worm, which is the larva of a mosquito (shaker, jerk, shaker, bell). Such bait can be purchased at specialized fishing stores, or you can collect and wash it yourself. Small collected larvae can be added to bait, and larger ones can be used for bait.

It is necessary to look for bloodworms in swampy, heavily silted and shallow water bodies. There are several ways to obtain bloodworms.

  • How to wash bloodworms - method one:

To obtain larvae using this method, you will need several devices, one for raking up sludge, for example a scoop with a long handle, special nets with hard rims or a shovel with a long pole; you can also use an ordinary bucket with holes drilled in the sides and bottom. The main thing is that with this device you can easily scoop up sludge from the bottom. A second device is necessary for washing the bloodworms from silt, for example, a sieve or special landing nets - buckets with a fine mesh, a drilled bucket is also suitable. And the third device is a tray with water, which can be washed in the reservoir itself, it is especially convenient to do this in winter, in an ice hole.

So, using a scooping device, they scoop up sludge from the bottom of the reservoir, then pour the collected sludge into a lattice cassette or sieve, and lower this sieve into a pan of water. Using sharp movements to the sides, wash the sludge out of the sieve. Then the sieve is raised above the water for a few seconds and lowered into the water again, due to this the bloodworm dries out a little and floats to the surface of the water in rings. Now all that remains is to collect it with a net.

  • How to wash bloodworms - with method two:

This method is more primitive, but also much easier. The second method requires a long-handled fork and thin metal wire. The fork teeth are bent at right angles, and wire is wound around them so that horizontal rows are formed 7-8 cm apart. With this device they row along the bottom of the reservoir, and thus hook the bloodworm larvae onto the wire.

  • How to wash bloodworms - with method three:

Every fisherman has fished for crucian carp at least a couple of times in his life. Therefore, he knows that the key to successful fishing is properly prepared bait: groundbait, bait and bait. And in order for the bait to be more interesting for crucian carp, it must emit an attractive smell. Let's look at what baits he bites on most often and what flavors he likes most.

Knowing the taste preferences of crucian carp, you will ensure yourself a good catch

What smells do crucian carp like?

Flavorings are a kind of seasonings that improve the taste of the “dish” served to crucian carp. According to their condition, they can be in the form of:

  • oils;
  • syrup;
  • spray;
  • dry powder.

In addition, the wide variety of tastes and smells for fishing can be divided into 4 types:

  • Caramel-cream. From the caramel-cream category, crucian carp prefers the aroma of chocolate, cookies, and milk.
  • Nut. From this category, the best smells for fishing are considered to be hazelnuts, peanuts, and walnuts.
  • Fruity. From the fruit category, the aromas of pineapple, melon, raspberry, strawberry, and plum are suitable for catching crucian carp.
  • Spicy. Anise, vanilla, cinnamon, garlic, pepper, dill are suitable from the category of spices.

Flavorings can be in the form of a spray

In addition to the above smells, the aromas of peas, hemp, sunflower cake, corn and honey work effectively.

Flavors can be purchased at special fishing stores or prepared independently using familiar products. The most popular flavorings used at home:

  • anise;
  • vanilla;
  • carnation;
  • hemp;
  • cocoa;
  • cinnamon;
  • cake;
  • essential oils;
  • nuts;
  • fruit juice;
  • fennel;
  • halva;
  • garlic.

You can make flavors from available products

Some fishermen, in addition to the above-mentioned flavorings, use special amino acids. They effectively influence the crucian carp, encouraging it to take it. These amino acids contain the following ingredients:

  • calf liver;
  • insects;
  • animal blood;
  • maggots;
  • leeches;
  • worms

Which of these aromas is the best for crucian carp? After all, he loves many smells, but some of them are the most preferred.


Traditional scent to attract crucian carp. It is most often added to semolina and bread, 1-3 drops each, which is quite enough to attract fish. Anise should make up 2-5% of the total weight of the bait. In winter, it is better to use anise powder in an amount of 2-3%. And in the summer - anise drops or oil, which should be added as much as possible, about 5%.

You can make the bait more attractive to crucian carp by adding anise to it.


This pleasant smell is very attractive to crucian carp. Powdered vanillin, vanilla sugar, and vanilla pods are suitable for catching it. In addition, sprays and drops with a vanilla scent are widely used. You can add vanillin to any bait - bloodworms, maggots, worms, semolina, bread. 30 g of vanilla sugar is usually enough to make 1 kg of groundbait or vegetable bait appetizing. Drops are applied directly to the nozzle, directly at the fishing site.


An excellent additive for sluggish fish bites. It is advisable to add roasted and steamed hemp seeds to the bait. And for attachments you can use a hood. For many fishermen, this aroma is the main one for bait. It can be used throughout the year for fishing along with other flavors.


Crucian carp sometimes crave sweets, and he prefers the smell of honey. It is advisable to use only natural honey, adding it to semolina and pasta. Most often, honey is used for fishing in the warm season. But it can be very effective in cold water, especially together with other aromas.

You can improve the bite of crucian carp by adding honey to the bait


The garlic aroma attracts crucian carp in most bodies of water, and most often reacts to it big fish. Therefore, when attracting crucian carp with the aroma of garlic, the fisherman automatically excludes small fish. You can add garlic to almost every bait, flavor semolina, dough and bread crumbs with it. Bait animals should also be dipped in squeezed garlic or treated with garlic spray. Very often this flavor is an additional component to vanilla, honey, caramel and fruit aromas.

Aromas of crucian carp bait

For successful fishing You not only need to find a good fishing spot and prepare your gear. It is also important to attract crucian carp to this place and “persuade” it to take the bait. Therefore, for fishing, they take bait with various aromas of natural or artificial origin. Such bait, once in the water, forms a fragrant food spot, which attracts crucian carp.

A good catch largely depends on how well the bait for fishing is chosen, and what aromas were used for this. Typically, fishermen recommend using natural flavors proven by experience: sunflower cake, ground roasted sunflower or pumpkin seeds, aromatic vegetable oil, dill. These ingredients are added to the bait at the end of cooking. For the basic composition of bait, cereal grains, millet, pearl barley and corn are suitable.

Bait with properly selected aromas will help attract crucian carp to the fishing spot.

The main thing in the process of preparing bait is not to overdo it with flavorings. Their excess can have a negative effect.

It is best to add fruit flavors or essential oils (anise, cocoa, mint) to sweet baits. In addition, sweet formulations can be combined with ordinary products: vanilla or oatmeal cookies, honey, nuts, halva, fruit juice or tea. It is better to increase the effectiveness of spicy baits with dill, garlic flavors, hemp oil and sunflower cake.

In early spring and autumn, flavors with animal scents will be very effective. Food products used for this include fish oil, boiled crabs or shrimp, fish meal and canned food.

In the summer, crucian carp becomes more finicky than in the spring. Therefore, you need to change the bait several times throughout the day. It is advisable to flavor the bait and baits with different flavors. The most popular summer scents are anise, vanilla, honey, and garlic.

In the spring, crucian carp are attracted to bait containing fish oil and other animal flavors.

There are no problems with garlic; you can simply squeeze the juice of 2-3 garlic cloves into porridge or dough. This bait can stir up lazy crucian carp and provide the fisherman with a good catch.

If the bite is still bad, you can try the next method. Take a few expanded clay stones, rub them with garlic and throw them to the fishing spot. The aroma of garlic attracts crucian carp, so the chances that the fish will take the bait increase. After an hour, you can add a little more garlic expanded clay into the water. Expanded clay perfectly absorbs odors, which last for a very long time. Therefore, expanded clay pellets can be impregnated with fragrant vegetable oil or any other flavorings.

The purpose of this method is to attract crucian carp to the fishing site without using a lot of bait. Because the more food he eats, the worse his bite will be.

Often, adding garlic to bait and bait helps to attract crucian carp.

Catching crucian carp with dill

It is recommended to add dill to baits as an effective flavoring agent. It works best in hot weather, when the pond is very warm. Dill seeds have a brownish-greenish color and a pleasant smell. Before use, grind them into powder and add 2-3 teaspoons to the bait. Crushed dill seeds can be added to a jar of maggots or worms, as well as to all plant attachments. For 100 g of vegetable bait, 1/4 teaspoon of ground seeds is enough.

You can also preserve the smell of dill and prepare an alcohol-based fishing flavor. To prepare, you need to take dried dill, pour it into a dark glass container and fill it with alcohol. The flavor must be infused for 3 weeks. It is recommended to use an alcohol solution using a spray bottle, so the alcohol quickly evaporates, but the aroma remains.

Another effective recipe for an alcohol flavor that dissolves quickly and attracts fish well. This flavor can be stored for a long time, and only a few drops are needed for bait. To prepare the flavoring, you need to take equal parts of anise, cinnamon, cloves, dill, and garlic. The ingredients must be mixed, poured with 1 glass of alcohol, then left to infuse for 3 weeks.

Crucian carp are attracted to the smell of dill seeds

You can prepare dill for fishing by drying. Dried dill can be used to prepare an alcohol flavoring, or added in ground form to bait. It is recommended to store it in glass containers tightly closed with a lid. When using dried and ground dill yourself, it is best to be guided by your own sense of smell. There are no exact instructions here, and the fisherman decides for himself which proportions to maintain.

When using flavorings, it is advisable to follow the following recommendations:

If there is no bite, you should not sit for hours and watch a motionless float. You need to try different bait options, use different flavors, and perhaps change the fishing location. After all, only by acting actively can you catch a lot of fish and gain precious experience.

What flavorings can be used when fishing for crucian carp - you will learn from the video:

It's not difficult to prepare, but you can buy it.

Before going fishing, many fishermen wonder how to make good bait for fishing, because the weight of the cage at the end of fishing depends on it. In this article you will learn about what aromas and smells some types of fish like.

For fishing nowadays, various flavoring additives are used for bait. There are a huge number of scents. By type they are divided into dry and liquid. With their help, the desired aroma of the bait as a whole is achieved.
There are also flavors that are intended for attachment, they are called dips. The nozzle, which is treated with dip, once in the water, is distinguished by its spectacular
fragrant and flavorful spot. The huge variety of tastes and aromas can be divided into several types:
1. Herbs and spices.
2. Creamy and caramel.
3. Nut and fruit.
In addition, each type of fish has its own smells. Some of them can attract any fish, others only one, for example bream, roach, etc.
After reading this you probably thought it was pretty hard, but it's actually quite simple. To find out what taste and smell the fish prefer in your pond, follow what you read below.

Bait flavors for bream

Fragrances for roaches

From the caramel-cream group, the smells of milk chocolate, baked milk, and cheese are excellent for attracting roaches. These scents for roaches are universal and can be used at any time of the year. It has never been observed that these aromas had a bad effect on the roach’s bite.
From the fruit group of aromas, the scent of melon is suitable for roaches. Even though she doesn't know it, it works great. In order to effectively catch roaches on warm days, the smell of melon is indispensable. On cold days, the scent of tangerine works great for roaches. The tangerine scent must be handled carefully; if you add too much of it, the bait for catching roach will be spoiled.
From the nut group, the scent of coconut works well for roaches. The smell of coconut attracts roaches only in the warm season.

Groundbait flavors for crucian carp and crucian carp

Crucian carp and carp are fish that can be combined into one group. The thing is that these are closest relatives; they are also found side by side in bodies of water.
So, what aromas do carp and crucian carp like?
From the group of spices, carp and crucian carp prefer vanilla, cinnamon, garlic, pepper (red and black), and anise. They can be added to bait in large quantities.
From the caramel-cream group, crucian carp and carp prefer bait with the smell of chocolate, biscuit and other milk aromas. Absolutely all scents from this group are suitable here.
From the fruit group, the smells of melon, strawberry, pineapple, blackberry and plum are very attractive to carp and crucian carp.
From the nut group, the best bait smells are hazelnuts and peanuts. Basically these are two smells that carp and crucian carp like. Of course, there are exceptions; here you need to experiment on a specific body of water.
In addition to the aromas listed above, the smells of hemp and corn also work well, especially for catching roach and carp.
The smell of peas and honey works very well for carp. Peas are also good for baiting bream.
When fishing for carp, seafood aromas (shrimp, crabs, mussels and others) are also very often used. These odors are of course very specific and are used exclusively in cold water. You need to be careful with seafood smells for carp fishing, because if the carp doesn’t like the smell, the fishing spot will need to be changed.
When catching perch with a worm or bloodworm, you can treat the bait with a dip with the smell of garlic; the perch is simply delighted with this smell.

You can treat any baits with dip, as they are designed for all types of baits, from bloodworms to corn. The main thing is that the fish become interested in this smell. You will find out very soon after casting whether the fish liked the aroma or not. If the fish did not like the smell that was applied to the bait, there will be no bites for much longer until the smell of the dip disappears.
Finding flavors these days is not difficult, the only catch is money. If you don’t have a lot of money, then I advise you to refrain from purchasing it altogether; cheap flavors and low-quality dips for baits will have a subtle smell. A good quality dip or flavoring for bait should smell at a distance of 10 meters

One of the simplest options for making a fishing spray is to add vanilla to the water.

To do this, you just need to add liquid vanilla to boiled water or pour vanilla powder from a bag. Then mix thoroughly and pour into a spray bottle. It couldn't be simpler, could it?

Fruit sprays

You can make your own spray from quite ordinary spices and herbs.

To give the spray fruity notes, just add fruit syrup or essence. The latter, by the way, is very concentrated and has a very rich smell. Therefore, a drop or two is enough. In stores you can find all kinds of fruit essences, including strawberries, raspberries, plums, barberries, bananas and many others, too many to list.

In particular, we recommend paying attention to barberry essence. It is sold in a pharmacy or at the market - where they sell oriental spices. When fishing for roach, this aroma is often simply irreplaceable; the roach goes crazy over it. A drop of essence should be added to the bait and sprayed on the bait - and after some time you will be able to catch a whole bucket of roach.

Spray for fishing with barberry is prepared in the same way as vanilla - just drop the essence into the water. The main thing is not to overdo it, but there are no exact proportions. After this, when catching roach, just spray the spray on the barley, dough or bread.

More complex options

To prepare more complex dips, you can safely combine several flavors. Fishing stores sell liquid and powder additives for making flavors. They can be used individually or combined with each other.

Strawberry-choco-vanilla spray

For example, this recipe: 3-4 tablespoons of strawberry (can be replaced with strawberry jam or syrup), the same amount of cocoa and vanillin. Everything is mixed in a small saucepan and filled with water.

Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, after boiling for 10 minutes, the mixture should cool, and then pour into a spray bottle.

Other sprays with other scents are prepared similarly.

The spray can be used to treat baits or add them to bait.

Garlic spray

The garlic aroma mainly works to attract crucian carp. To prepare garlic dip, you will, of course, need garlic itself and vegetable oil (natural sunflower oil with a pronounced aroma is best). The combination of garlic and sunflower oil is one of the most attractive for catching crucian carp.

You need to understand that there is no universal spray, after treatment, with which all fish will bite. Therefore, feel free to experiment and mix new flavors. It will be interesting to hear your observations and reports.

Video: Making liquid flavors for fishing

The use of aromatic substances (attractants) to attract fish to the fishing site and attachment/bait is an effective method of increasing the effectiveness of an exciting activity - fishing.

Many advanced amateurs and professionals consider them vital, allowing them to create a unique composition to attract the attention of fish to the prepared baits.

I will tell you about a common product in this series - essential oil for fishing, because catching various types of fish is a hobby that requires certain knowledge and effort. In particular, those practicing fishermen who want to have unique and inimitable bait and bait at their disposal prefer highly concentrated odorous esters.

Popular and effective oils for fishing

Flavoring oils for fishing are used both vegetable (burdock, linseed, hemp, rapeseed, corn, peanut, sunflower) and essential (peppermint, dill, anise, clove, geranium, black pepper, camphor, lavender). Having certain knowledge of their use, you can become a real record holder and gain fame as an experienced fisherman.

Fatty oils not only impregnate fertilizer mixtures and formulations, preventing drying, but also help give the fertilizer the desired consistency.

It is also necessary to strictly adhere to the recommended dosages so as not to overdo it in aromatizing baits and complementary foods. Vegetable oils are added to the bait in the proportion of 30-50 ml per kilogram of dry mixture, while etherols are enough to add 1-2 drops for the same weight or according to the recipe.

Despite the fact that the mechanism of action of flavorings on different kinds fish have not yet been studied enough; experienced athletes and amateur anglers actively use them in the preparation of complementary food and bait. Moreover, each individual fisherman gives preference to his own methods and proven recipes.

For example, according to reviews from experienced fishermen, the more fragrant your bait for crucian carp is, the better. Therefore, laurel-cherry drops and peppermint oil for fishing increases the bite and catch.

Anise oil for fishing

If you want to improve the bite and get complete satisfaction from the process, then use anise oil for fishing. The use of this product is advisable both in ready-made (store-bought) baits and in self-made baits: porridge, dough, boilies, hook baits.

  • Consumption rate is 1-3 drops per 1 kg of mixture.

Legends about the properties of anise ether have been circulating since the 18th century. It is used for attachment to the fishing site and as a biting activator for carp fish: roach, bream, carp, crucian carp, ide, roach, sabrefish, tench. Fishing for an angler using anise essential oil will be much more successful than that of competitors sitting nearby.

Recipe for bread topping with anise for catching large carp:

  • prepare a stiff dough from wheat, oatmeal or rye flour (water + flour), flavoring it with a small amount of bee chalk and sunflower (peanut, hemp, corn, flaxseed) oil;
  • roll the dough into balls (size about 0.8-1 cm in diameter);
  • boil them for 5-6 minutes in boiling water;
  • Place the finished tips in a plastic bag, into which add 1 drop of pure anise ether.

To increase the bite in ponds with stagnant water, it is advisable to use an oil extract from hemp seeds. It works no worse, and sometimes better, than attractants with a more intense and pungent aroma, since its smell is more familiar and natural to the inhabitants of lakes and dams. Hemp oil for fishing enhances the effect of bait significantly, this is especially noticeable in flowing water (rivers).

Insoluble in water, but at the same time releasing the finest pheromones, it is considered an excellent option for attracting fish. That is why hemp oil for fishing is added to dough or semolina, as well as other pastes for baits.

  • The product is especially effective for catching crucian carp, roach and bream using a pea mastyrka.

Based on the experience of anglers, it can be argued that it is advisable to use linseed oil for fishing when you plan to go fishing for the following types of fish: bream, bream, silver bream, roach and grass carp. It is added to dough, porridge, and mastyrka. The oil envelops the particles of the product (cereals, flour), and when it gets into the water, it forms turbidity that spreads in the place of fishing.

  • Add flavoring oils to nozzles plant origin immediately before use, so that the specific aroma of the seeds does not evaporate.

Not everyone knows that carp and carp can be caught using potatoes. And to enhance the attractive properties of the bait, potato pieces are dipped in linseed oil before casting. In order to give the attachment strength, the bread crumb is oiled using flaxseed oil and mixed with pieces of cotton wool.

The well-kneaded mass is divided into balls and strung on a hook. Such a bait is not carried away by the current, does not get knocked down when casting, and is not so easy to remove from a fish hook.


The optimality of oils and their choice in a particular bait and attachment depends on many factors: time of year, cleanliness of the reservoir, strength of the current, activity of the inhabitants, frequency of adding bait, type of fish, presence of food, etc.

Each fisherman determines the composition of additives independently, by trial and error. It can be helpful to ask around like-minded people and consult with anglers who consistently bring home big catches.

Odorous attractants or substances that attract fish from concentrated etherols can significantly reduce the cost of complementary feeding and save the consumption of products used for preparing baits and lures.

  • In addition, they are environmentally friendly, completely decompose in the environment and do not pollute water bodies, which is important for adherents of the purity of nature.

No tail, no scales!