Classes for the lazy. Lesson summary for the first early age group

Program content: learn to draw objects consisting of several parts. Strengthen the ability to draw straight lines in different directions. Learn to convey the image of an object. Develop aesthetic perception.

Materials and equipment: a sheet of light blue paper, gray gouache paints, brushes, jars of water, paper napkins, an easel, a toy plane, pictures of an airplane.

Preliminary work: examining images of the aircraft, clarifying ideas about the features of the appearance of the aircraft (flying in the sky, in the air).

Organization of children: frontally, children stand next to the teacher.

GCD move:

Guys, today we are going on a trip. Where and on what? This is my secret. Listen to the riddle and you will immediately find out everything:

Not a bee, but buzzing,
Not a bird, but flying
Doesn't build a nest
It carries people and cargo.

How quickly did you guess (show the toy, perform a “flight” with it). What a wonderful bird! Look at the plane, pay attention to its parts and the direction of the wings. What does the plane have?

Long body and two large wings.

Physical education minute:

Let's fly, fly,
(Stand legs apart)

They twirled their arms forward.
(Rotate arms in front of chest)

Hands to the sides - fly
We're sending a plane
(Spread your arms horizontally to the sides)

Right wing forward
(Turn your torso to the right with your right arm moving forward)

Left wing forward.
(Turn your torso to the left with your left arm moving forward)

One two three four -
Our plane took off.
A wonderful pilot.
The plane was sent on its way.
(Random running with arms out to the sides)

How many of you have flown on an airplane? (children's answers).

Today we will all become pilots and go on a “trip” on an airplane.

And now I will show you how to draw an airplane (drawing demonstration). Let's draw an airplane body with a tail.

Draw the body and tail.

And now the wings. Don't forget to draw portholes - these are the windows on the plane through which you can look.

Watch how we will draw. You need to take a brush, dip it in paint and apply it to a sheet of paper, again, again - these are spots.

- Children, take a brush, let's draw a plane in the air.

Children, look at what is on your table (draw the children’s attention to a piece of paper), imagine that this is the sky along which the plane you will draw is about to fly.

Children can draw several airplanes.

I encourage repetition of the image on the sheet.

The result of GCD.

At the end, lay out all the drawings on the table. I draw the children’s attention to how many different planes they drew, how beautiful the planes fly in the sky.

- Children, what did you draw? How did you draw airplanes? I really liked your drawings. Did you like drawing the plane? You and I know a poem about an airplane. (A. Barto “Airplane”).

We'll build the plane ourselves.

Let's fly over the forests,

Let's fly over the forests.

And then we'll go back to mom.



Subject: "Planes are flying"

Program content:learn to draw objects consisting of several parts. Strengthen the ability to draw straight lines in different directions. Learn to convey the image of an object. Develop aesthetic perception.

Materials and equipment:a sheet of light blue paper, gray gouache paints, brushes, jars of water, paper napkins, an easel, a toy plane, pictures of an airplane.

Preliminary work:examining images of the aircraft, clarifying ideas about the features of the appearance of the aircraft (flying in the sky, in the air).

Organization of children:frontally, children stand next to the teacher.

GCD move:

Guys, today we are going on a trip. Where and on what? This is my secret. Listen to the riddle and you will immediately find out everything:

Not a bee, but buzzing,
Not a bird, but flying
Doesn't build a nest
It carries people and cargo.

How quickly did you guess (I show the toy and perform a “flight” with it). What a wonderful bird! Look at the plane, pay attention to its parts and the direction of the wings. What does the plane have?

Long body and two large wings.

Physical education minute:

Let's fly, fly,
(Stand legs apart)

They twirled their arms forward.
(Rotate arms in front of chest)

Hands to the sides - fly
We're sending a plane
(Spread your arms horizontally to the sides)

Right wing forward
(Turn your torso to the right with your right arm moving forward)

Left wing forward.
(Turn your torso to the left with your left arm moving forward)

One two three four -
Our plane took off.
A wonderful pilot.
The plane was sent on its way.
(Random running with arms out to the sides)

How many of you have flown on an airplane? (children's answers).

Today we will all become pilots and go on a “trip” on an airplane.

And now I will show you how to draw an airplane (drawing demonstration).Let's draw an airplane body with a tail.

Draw the body and tail.

And now the wings. Don't forget to draw portholes - these are the windows on the plane through which you can look.

Watch how we will draw. You need to take a brush, dip it in paint and apply it to a sheet of paper, again, again - these are spots.

- Children, take a brush, let's draw a plane in the air.

Children, look at what is on your table (draw the children’s attention to a piece of paper), imagine that this is the sky along which the plane you will draw is about to fly.

Children can draw several airplanes.

I encourage repetition of the image on the sheet.

The result of GCD.

At the end, lay out all the drawings on the table. I draw the children’s attention to how many different planes they drew, how beautiful the planes fly in the sky.

- Children, what did you draw? How did you draw airplanes? I really liked your drawings. Did you like drawing the plane? You and I know a poem about an airplane. (A. Barto “Airplane”).

We'll build the plane ourselves.

Let's fly over the forests,

Let's fly over the forests.

And then we'll go back to mom.


Introduce children to types of air transport.
Expand children's active and passive vocabulary on this topic.
Introduce children to the number “3” as a sign indicating a certain quantity.
Form a stable idea of ​​color, quantity, size.
Reinforce your knowledge of geometric shapes.
Continue to teach children to determine the position of an object in space relative to themselves.
Improve the skills of modeling from plasticine, drawing straight vertical lines with a pencil, painting with paints, gluing image details, creating a holistic composition.
Develop thinking, fine motor skills, the ability to coordinate words and movements.


Silhouettes of the number “3” and stars (flexics) cut out of colored cardboard.
Picture of three balloons different sizes, three matching baskets, cut out of thick paper, handing out small figurines of nesting dolls.
Balloons with beans inside (some balloons contain one bean, others have many).
Cardboard silhouettes of airplanes with pasted circles of different colors and sizes, matching the color and size of the button.
A road pasted onto cardboard, winding, turning into a straight line, small airplane toys.
A silhouette image of a helicopter, cut out of thick cardboard, clothespins.
Plasticine, pencils, paints.
A sheet of paper with parachutists drawn at the top and the ground at the bottom.
Circles cut from napkins.
A picture of a helicopter made of geometric shapes, the same shapes cut out of cardboard.
A sheet of paper with drawn parachute lines, parachutists cut out of paper, parachute canopies, sun, cotton wool, glue.

Progress of the lesson:

Greeting "Everyone clapped their hands"

Everyone clapped their hands
Friendship, more fun!
Our feet began to knock
Louder and faster!
We'll hit you on the knees.
Hush, hush, hush.
Handles, hands up,
Higher, higher, higher!
Our hands began to spin.
They went down again.
Spun around, spin around
And they stopped.

Getting to know the number "3"

Here in front of you is the number three. Let's put three stars on it.


Reading the poem "Balloon"

Balloon with warm air.
And under it is a basket,
The earth is under your feet -
Just like in the picture.

You need to attach baskets to the balloons. How many balloons do we have? Three. You could say. That they are the same? No they are different. Show me the best big ball, medium, smallest.
Place one nesting doll in the basket with the number “1”, and two nesting dolls in the basket with the number “2”. How many nesting dolls will we put in the basket with the number “3”? three nesting dolls.

Didactic exercise “How many beans are in a ball?”

Touch it with your fingers and show me a ball with only one bean in it. Now show me a ball with a lot of beans in it.


Place the buttons on the airplane window circles. Choose the ones that suit you in color and size.

Reading the poem "Airplane"

Silver plane.
As soon as the sun rises,
Goes on flights -
Takeoff and landing, flights.
And until the evening from dawn
He helped a man.

Painting with Airplane Fuel paints

Children paint over the image of a canister with yellow paint.

Didactic exercise “Runway”

A winding path that turns into a straight path is pasted on a sheet of cardboard. Children run a toy airplane along it.

Modeling "Airplane"

A piece of plasticine is divided in half, and a sausage is molded from one half by straight rolling, with one edge bent - the tail. From another piece, a sausage is also molded by direct rolling, which is flattened and attached on top perpendicular to the first one - the aircraft body.

Playing off crafts

They made the plane themselves.
Let's fly high above the clouds.
(Lift the plane up)

Let's fly over the mountains,
(Swing with a raised hand with a plane to the right and left)

And then we'll go back to mom.
(Put the plane on the table)

Outdoor game "Planes"

To go on a flight you need to fill the fuel tanks.

Let's start the engines.
(Rotate arms in front of chest)

Hands to the sides - fly
We're sending the plane.
Right wing - forward.
Left wing - forward.
One two three four -
Our plane took off.


Game with clothespins “Helicopter”

Make helicopter blades from clothespins.

Didactic game “Fold a helicopter from geometric shapes”

Now let’s put together a helicopter from geometric shapes.


Drawing with pencils “Help the paratroopers get to the ground”

Take your pencils and draw straight lines from the skydivers to the ground.

Exercise “Folding the parachute”

Children fold the circle (from a thick napkin) in half, then in half again.

Children stick on a paper canopy of a parachute, a parachutist, a sun and a cotton wool cloud.

Dynamic pause “Pilot training”

“Everyone in the booths” - run to the chair and sit on it.
“Parachute jumping” - jumping from a bench to a mat.
“Difficult flight” - climb under an arc.





Summary of an open lesson

on the topic: “We’ll build the plane ourselves.”

in the program “Initial technical modeling and design.”

in the association “We ride, swim, fly.”

Group 2, 1st year of study, 7-10 years old

Topic of the lesson: “We’ll build the plane ourselves.”

pupils of the association “We go, swim, fly”,

Group 2, 1st year of study, 7-10 years old
Target: formation of practical skills in constructing simple paper models.

educational: to develop interest in technology and technical activities;

introduce children to basic information about the history of aviation, the names of the main parts of the aircraft;

improve paper cutting skills, work with a template, scissors, glue;

developing: create conditions for the development of fantasy, imagination, mental and speech activity, visual attention and perception;

promote the development of fine motor skills of the hands;

educational: cultivate independence, activity, curiosity;

cultivate a sense of mutual assistance and the ability to work in a team;

to develop such qualities as hard work, accuracy, perseverance, patience, and the ability to complete the work started.


Laptop, multimedia presentation “History of the development of the aircraft.” Sample airplane model.

Materials and tools: glue, scissors, templates of aircraft parts, colored paper, colored cardboard.
Lesson plan

1. Organizational moment (2 min).

2. Main part. (10 min).

1) Introductory conversation by the teacher.

2) Didactic game"Fold the plane"

3. Practical part (25 min).

1) Making crafts “Airplane”.

2) Outdoor game “Planes”

4. Summary of the lesson (3 min).

1. Organizational moment.

Teacher: Hello, guys! Today I did not come to you empty-handed. Guys, look, in this box there is a new craft for you. Guess what's in this box. And to help, I'll tell you a riddle.

  • IN clear sky turns silver
    Amazing bird.
    I flew to distant countries,
    This bird is made of metal.
    Makes a flight
    Miracle bird... Airplane

  • It doesn't flap its wings, but flies.
    Not a bird, but outruns birds.Airplane

Do you want each of you to have such an airplane? Today we will learn how to make a model airplane. And after class you can play with him.
2. Main part.

Updating knowledge.

Guys, have any of you ever flown on an airplane?

What do you think airplanes are for? (to transport cargo and people)

What does the plane look like? (per bird)

How are birds and airplanes similar? (have wings, fly)

Once upon a time, ancient people looked at birds and dreamed of flying like them. But it took a long time before this happened.

First people learned to rise into the air on hot-air balloon(Slide 3). Do you know what this is? People learned to take to the air in a hot air balloon. The ball was filled with smoke from the fire, a gas that is lighter than the surrounding air.

But the ball flies where the wind blows. But the man wanted to choose for himself. Where should he fly? Then man created a controlled balloon - an airship, which was later called an airship. At the beginning of the last century, the airship became metal, with an engine like a car. Airships carried passengers and cargo across the ocean and flew to the North Pole. Airships were often used for military purposes - to protect the sky over important objects. (Slide 4).

Time passed and finally an airplane was invented that was controlled by a pilot. In the mid-19th century, Russian inventor Alexander Fedorovich Mozhaisky was the first in the world to create a life-size airplane capable of lifting a person into the air. People of many generations had worked on this before him, both in Russia and in other countries, but none of them managed to complete the job. (Slide 5-6). The plane flies where the pilot directs it. But in order to get off the ground and take to the air, the plane must first fly at high speed along the ground. This requires a lot of space and a specially built road - a runway. And sometimes you need to fly to a place where there is not a lot of space and such a runway.

That's when people had to come up with a helicopter. (Slide 7) The helicopter is also controlled by a pilot. But for takeoff and landing, a helicopter does not need much space or a runway. The pilot turns on the engine, these blades begin to rotate, and the helicopter takes off straight from the spot.

Currently, it is impossible to imagine a country where there are no airplanes. Airplanes deliver cargo, mail, extinguish fires, and deliver seriously ill people to hospitals in the capital. Military aircraft protect our country. Designers continue to improve aircraft. (Slide 8)

Guys, building an airplane is a very long and painstaking job. It is carried out by specially trained people - aircraft designers. Today we will also be aircraft designers.

But for this you need to go through a check. After all, only the most attentive can be an aircraft designer.

Didactic games.

"Fold the plane"

Guys, you know, before making a plane, designers draw a drawing on paper. We will try to make a diagram from cubes. We will work in pairs. Well done guys, they all turned out interesting planes.

Dynamic pause “Airplane”

We put our hands all apart: Hold your hands to the sides,

A plane appeared. Look at each other

Swing your wing back and forth, One and two! One and two!

Do "one" and do "two". Put your hands down

One and two! One and two! And everyone sit down!
Practical work.

Guys, each of you has templates on your table.

These are the parts that make up our plane. Each part of the aircraft has its own name. This is the fuselage. (show template). The fuselage is the main part of the aircraft, its body. What shape does this template have? (rectangle). Find your fuselage. Take any sheet of colored paper you like and a pencil. Place the template on a piece of paper. Try to use paper sparingly. Now trace the rectangle. Okay, now take the scissors. Pay attention to how to cut correctly with scissors? We turn not the scissors, but the paper. Like this. (show) The ends of the scissors should never point into our chest.

Did everyone succeed? Lift everything up. Set this part aside on the edge of the table.

Now find the nose of the plane. (show detail) The pilot's cabin is located in the bow. Here she is. (show on sample)

Circle the nose of our plane on another colored piece of paper. Cut out carefully. Show off everything you've done. Set aside on the edge of the table.

The next important part of the plane is the wings. Find a template like this (show). What shape is this part? Correctly square. How many wings does a plane have? Therefore, we need to circle this part twice. Take another sheet of colored paper, carefully trace and cut out. (children trace and cut out) Did everyone succeed? Well done. Set aside for cut out pieces.

Now take a smaller square. This is the keel. Look at the airplane I brought. Here's the keel. (show) The keel is the tail of the plane. An airplane needs a keel so that the plane flies strictly in a straight line and without swinging from side to side. Let's outline and cut out the keel for our plane. Did everyone complete this task?

We find this detail. This is a stabilizer. The stabilizers are located on the fin of the aircraft. Here they are. (show on the plane) Stabilizers are also a very important part of the plane. It is thanks to them that the plane does not hobble up and down, but flies exactly at that angle. Under which the pilot directed him. What shape does the stabilizer have? That's right, it's a polygon. How many stabilizers are there on our plane? Therefore, you need to cut out two identical parts. Take the next colored leaf and two stabilizers. Well done.

What are we missing? That's right, wheels. Only correctly they are called chassis. The chassis consists of two parts - wheels and struts. Guys, why does an airplane need wheels, it doesn’t travel on the ground? (children speak out) That's right. An airplane only needs landing gear during takeoff and landing. In order for a plane to take off, it needs to accelerate and gain speed. And when he lands, he first sits on the landing gear and then rolls along runway until it stops. So let's see how much chassis we will need to make? That's right, three.

In order for the wheels to stand firmly, we will cut them out of colored cardboard. Take the landing gear (show) and circle it three times. Cut it out. Now we take the remaining part - the wheel - and cut it out too.

Guys, we have finished the preparatory work. Now you need to remove excess paper scraps. (Slide 9)

Now let's start assembling our plane. (the teacher performs together with the children, showing each movement)

Let's take the fuselage first. Apply a little glue to the long edge of the rectangle. We roll it into a pipe and glue it.

Then we take the bow part. We spread one edge, fold it like this and glue it. We have a “skirt”. We put the nose section on the fuselage. Let's cut two thin strips from the same sheet and glue the nose part to the fuselage.

Now let's move on to the tail section. Take a small square. What is this part called? (keel) Place it on the table, bend it evenly, connecting the corners. Now wrap the edges in different directions and spread them with glue. Glue it to the fuselage.

Now let's take the stabilizers. Did you find everything? Well done. We bend the short edge a little and glue it to the keel. And we do the same with the second stabilizer.

-now we take large squares that will be the wings of the airplane. And we roll them up in the same way as the keel. It turned out two triangles. We wrap these “tails” in different directions, spread them with glue and glue them to the fuselage. Here, look.

Let's start gluing the chassis. We take the stands and glue the wheels to them. And then we glue the finished landing gear to the fuselage.

Our planes are ready. (Slide 11) Let's get our workspaces in order, and then play a little.

Outdoor game "Airplanes"

Guys, stand near the tables. I will give commands, and you, like real pilots, will carry them out.

- “Planes, take off”

- “Planes, gain altitude”

- “Planes, descend”

- “Planes are landing.”

Guys, did you enjoy being designers?

Let's remember what parts the plane consists of? (fuselage, fin, stabilizer, wings, landing gear)

Which part do you think is the most important? (all parts are necessary for the plane to fly)

Guys, let's put all our planes on the table and see how beautiful they all are.

Reflection. Guys, look, I have the sky drawn on my board. And nearby there are airplanes of different colors. The color of the airplane is your mood now. Choose the airplane you like and attach it to the sky.

The purpose of the lesson is to familiarize children with basic information about the emergence and development of aviation.

Introduce the following words into the children's active dictionary: balloon, airplane, helicopter, pilot.

Practice pronouncing the isolated sound “l”.

Reinforce the ability to fold a sheet of paper to create an airplane.

Update the use of received information in gaming activities.



Topic: "Airplane"

Program content:

Introduce children to basic information about the emergence and development of aviation.

Introduce the following words into the children's active dictionary: balloon, airplane, helicopter, pilot.

Practice pronouncing the isolated sound “l”.

Reinforce the ability to fold a sheet of paper to create an airplane.

Update the use of received information in gaming activities.


Pictures depicting a hot air balloon, helicopter, various aircraft.

Blue and pink paper according to the number of boys and girls for origami.

Paper fox (demonstration) with various aircraft, including several identical ones.

Toy plane.

Preliminary work:

Looking at pictures of airplanes.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, this box contains a new toy for you. But before we open the box and show you what's in it, try to guess the riddle. If you guess correctly, you will find out which toy is in the box.

Not a bee, but buzzing,

Not a bird, but flying

Doesn't build a nest

It carries people and cargo. (Airplane).

What words of the riddle helped you solve it?

How can you play with a toy airplane?

Today we will learn a lot of new things about airplanes and learn how to sculpt them. And after class you can play with a new toy.

A long time ago, ancient people looked at birds and dreamed of flying like them. But it took a long time before this happened.

First, people learned to rise into the air on...(Show picture).Do you know what this is? People learned to take to the air in a hot air balloon. The ball was filled with smoke from the fire, a gas that is lighter than the surrounding air.

But the ball flies where the wind blows. And the man wanted to choose where to fly.

Time passed and finally an airplane was invented, which was controlled by a pilot.(Show picture).The plane flies where the pilot directs it. But in order to get off the ground and into the air, the plane must first fly at high speed along the ground. This requires a lot of space and a specially built road - runway. And sometimes you need to fly to a place where there is not a lot of space and such a runway.

That's when people had to come up with a helicopter.(Show picture).

The helicopter is also controlled by a pilot. But to take off and land, a helicopter does not need a lot of space or a runway. The pilot turns on the engine, these blades begin to rotate(shown in the picture), and the helicopter takes off straight from the spot.

D/i “Find identical planes”

Listen to the hum of the plane's engines in flight.(Audio recording)

D/exercise “The plane flies and hums”

The plane flies and buzzes: “llll.”Achieve correct articulationand clear pronunciation of sound.

Listen to an interesting fairy tale about a small airplane, written for children by Dmitry Pentegov.

"The Tale of a Small Airplane"

Once upon a time there lived in a village a small plane. It also had a small motor, so it flew low - almost above the ground. He carried mail from the city, scattered fertilizer on the fields, and sometimes urgently delivered a doctor to a seriously ill person.

And above, much higher than he could fly, large white planes flew by and shouted to him from above:

Hi baby!

And the little airplane was very, very jealous of them.

But one day, far in the north, where the sea is cold even in summer, a large steamer collided with an ice floe and sank. It sank so quickly that the people floating on it were barely able to jump out onto the ice, but none of them had time to take with them any food, warm blankets, or durable tents. They were left completely alone on a small ice floe in the middle of the cold ocean.

The big ones flew over the sea for a long time strong planes, trying to find people in distress, and when they finally found them, they realized that they could not help them: the ice floe was so small that not a single plane in the world could land on it.

And then someone remembered:

You know, in one village there lives a small, small, very tiny airplane. Maybe he can land on this ice floe?

And they called him on the phone and asked for help.

A small plane flew over the northern ocean for a long time - after all, it could not fly fast - and large planes showed it the way. Finally, he saw a white ice floe below. People stood on it and joyfully waved their hands at him.

The plane made a circle in the sky, shook its wings at the people so that they would move a little to the side, and landed carefully. He couldn't take all the people away at once. I had to fly to the seashore and back several times.

And now only one person remained on the ice floe.

But when the plane took off, he noticed with alarm that a thin crack had appeared on the ice floe, because it was summer in the North at that time, and the ice floe began to melt. The airplane did not say anything to anyone, but hurried with all his might to take the people and return.

When he flew back, he saw that the ice floe had become even smaller than it was, and the crack, on the contrary, had grown greatly. This meant that the ice floe could fall to pieces at any second.

No, airplane, don't sit down! - the person remaining below shouted. - The ice floe will burst and you will drown!

But the plane did not listen and landed on the melting ice. The man jumped into his cockpit, the plane turned around and began to run away with all its might. And as soon as its wheels came off the ice floe, it burst with a deafening crash and fell apart into small pieces.

And when they arrived on the shore, everyone - both people and large planes - thanked the baby for a long time and admired his courage.

Since then, the little airplane has never envied anyone.


1. What did the little plane do?

2. Why was he jealous of big planes?

3. What happened one day in the far north?

4. Why couldn't big planes help?

5. How did a small airplane save people?

6. Why did the little airplane never envy anyone else?

Dynamic pause "Airplane"

Let's fly, fly,

Legs apart.

They twirled their arms forward.

Rotate your arms in front of your chest.

Hands to the sides - fly

We're sending a plane

Extend your arms horizontally to the sides.

Right wing forward

Turn your torso to the right while moving your right arm forward.

Left wing forward.

Turn your torso to the left with your left arm moving forward.

One two three four -

Our plane took off.

Wonderful pilot

The plane was sent on its way.

Free running with your arms out to the sides.

Children are invited to take one piece of paper each (girls – pink, boys – blue) and sit at the table to construct “their own” airplane using the origami technique. As shown by the teacher.


I am a small airplane

I don't fly yet.

And on the asphalt in the yard

Denis plays with me.

He dreams of becoming a pilot

And I can fly like a bird.

And that means we need to grow

And we need to learn.

When Deniska grows up

And I'll become big

All our dreams will come true

And we will fly into the sky.(Alexander Borozdin)

After creating an airplane (using the origami method), children are invited to play a game.

Outdoor game "Planes"

Children run around randomly with airplanes in their hands. The teacher gives the commands: “Planes, land,” “Planes, take off,” “Planes, gain altitude,” “Planes, descend.”

At the end of the game, ask the children what new did you learn today and what did you learn during the lesson, what did you like most?

Municipal preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 9 “Sun”

Summary of the integrated lesson

in the older group

Topic: "Airplane"

Prepared by: Vorobyova V.V.


Children do a drawing on the topic. During work, the teacher monitors work techniques, provides assistance to children experiencing difficulties, and encourages children who draw additional details.

5. Reflection.

Children's drawings are displayed at the stand.

Educator. Look how bright it has become in our group from your sunshine. What amazingly beautiful and funny drawings!

That's how the sun laughs!

And we live happily under this sun!

Lesson 5 Planes are flying. Set of exercises “airplane”

Integration of educational areas:“Artistic creativity” (drawing), “Health”, “Physical education”, “Socialization”, “Reading fiction”.

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, cognitive-research, productive, reading.

Goals of the teacher's activities: learn to distinguish the color white, draw straight lines with a brush; develop the ability to paint with paints (put paint on a brush, remove excess paint, etc.); improve running skills; continue to learn how to navigate when lining up in a column and in a circle; practice general developmental exercises.

Planned results for the development of integrative qualities of a preschooler: shows interest in performing a set of playful physical exercises, is active in creating an individual composition in the drawing “Planes are Flying,” participates in observation from the window, in an exhibition of children’s works, listens to R. Medvedev’s poem “Today I am an airplane” while performing physical exercises.

Materials and equipment: toy airplane, white paint, brushes, napkins, glasses of water, a sheet of blue paper, a scarf, a gymnastics board.

Preliminary preparation: while walking, observing flying airplanes and the contrails they leave behind, looking at pictures of airplanes.

Contents of organized children's activities

1. Creating gaming motivation.

Educator. Look, I have a toy hidden under my handkerchief. Guess which one?

iron bird

Spinning in the sky

At the pilot's signal

He sits down on the ground.


If the children cannot guess right away, the teacher slightly opens the scarf and shows the plane.

- Of course, it's an airplane. Remember when we watched the plane fly? The plane was flying high, high, and a trace remained from it - two straight white lines. Let's fly today too.

2. Performing a set of exercises.

I'm on a plane today

I invite you to take a flight.

I'm gaining altitude

I'll take everyone far away.

Formation in a column. Children, with their arms spread out to the sides, walk slowly at first, then faster and faster and begin running in a circle.

Clouds float by

In our bedroom windows.

We're flying over now

Northern Alps.

Children run along an inclined board with their arms out to the sides.

Let's fly, fly,

They twirled their arms forward.

And then vice versa -

The plane rushed back.

Children rotate their arms forward and backward.

Right wing forward

Left wing forward.

One two three four -

Our plane took off.

Starting position – standing, legs apart, arms to the sides; turns the body left and right.

But suddenly there was a signal,

“Center” “Air” called.

The pilot announces to everyone:

"Our flight has ended."

It's time for us to land -

Mom called for dinner!

R. Bear

Children run in a circle, gradually starting to walk.