The highest point of the Urals is the saber mountain. Subpolar Urals

Once having visited the Subpolar Urals, you will definitely want to come again. Because it is impossible to remain indifferent to its harsh, but beautiful nature!

Having visited these parts in the summer on ATVs (4x4 Сlub No. 12'2012) and in the winter on snowmobiles, we became infected with ... the “polar Urals” virus.

In the summer there are only interesting places, in winter - others. But even for a couple of trips, it is impossible to see everything interesting. Last year, we discovered that in one of the huts of the Vangyr shelter, where tourists stay, there is no stove. So we decided to combine another sightseeing and rolling voyage with a good goal - to deliver warmth to the shelter!

We are moving out of Moscow in cars with trailers, heading for the Urals. There you can climb the highest Ural mountain Narodnaya (1895 m) or visit the camp of real reindeer herders in the tundra. You can see the symbol of the park "Yugyd-Va" - the picturesque mountain Manaraga, and if you cross the Ural Range, then you will find yourself in Asia.

Having reached Pechora - a city on the river of the same name, we turned to the village of Aranets, from where the shortest way to the mountains. The route is rolled, only 60 kilometers to the first pass, and Mount Saber (1497 m) is already visible in all its glory. This time we laid a circular route near it.

Enchantment of the Subpolar Urals.
This area is worth it to go here and for 2000 km. And at any time of the year!

In Arantz, a delicious dinner and a heated sauna are waiting for us. We admire from the window the views of the ridges and passes, where we will soon have to go. March is the best time to travel here on snowmobiles. During the day, the temperature does not drop below minus 15 degrees, and the daylight hours are already quite long.

We start in the morning. The team has five snowmobiles: two Lynx Ranger 49, Polaris Assault 800, Artic Сat Сrossfire 800 and Ski-Doo Renegat 800. We meet groups of skiers. Someone returns from the mountains, someone just rises. Lots of schoolchildren. In the northern regions, the traditions of going on hikes in whole classes with teachers at the head are still preserved.

Before the pass we stop at the post of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. There is radio communication, several modern snowmobiles and trailers for them. During the period of tourist activity, rescuers serve on a rotational basis. Very friendly people! We communicate, talk about our plans and sign up in the register - anything can happen in the mountains in winter.

Having crossed the ridge, we arrive at the Ozernaya base, where we stop for the night. We fire up the oven and cook dinner. For the first day we covered 120 kilometers - not bad.

Each snowmobile is tied to 60 liters of operational gasoline. The main stock rides along with the stove in a sled that two Lynx take turns pulling. In the morning we refuel, it becomes easier, but still the average speed of the column does not exceed 30 km/h. Luckily the road is paved too.

Moscow heat on the "Vangyr". We specially brought this stove from the capital. Let it warm the weary traveler

Usually in the mountains, most of the way winds along rivers and canyons. And you always need to be prepared that open water and large boulders will meet. Sometimes, in search of the right direction, you have to make your way, wasting valuable fuel and taking risks. This time we have last year's track with us, so we quickly get to the goal of our "mission" - the shelter "Vangyr".

The installation of the stove did not take much time, it was still light, and we set off to get acquainted with the surroundings. They wanted to climb the nearest unclimbed pass - it wasn't there! Although unloaded, only one Artic Cat Crossfire 800 felt at home and was able to drive to the very top. The rest got stuck in a narrow bouldery river, on overgrown slopes and in deep snow ... Toward night, having dug out snowmobiles, they returned to the hut. The fire crackled pleasantly in the new stove, it became warm, and we shared the impressions accumulated during the day for a long time.

Winter hut "Kushnik". In this hut on the Aranets tract, many tourists and travelers find shelter and rest.

The main task of the next stage is to get before dark to the border of the Komi Republic and the Tyumen region, where Mount Neroika (1646 m) rises above the Research Range. There used to be a quartz mine here. Back in Soviet times, it became unprofitable - quartz is cheaper to grow than to mine in the wilderness. But the small village still exists, and enterprising watchmen allow fishing and extreme sports lovers to spend the night in empty houses. At dusk we were there. And again there were long evening conversations and all sorts of incredible stories. This time about countless Ural treasures…

Strange as it may sound, people have been digging on Neroika for several hundred years! In this wild land, here and in the area of ​​​​Mount Narodnaya, deposits of both precious stones and gold are concentrated. And although in translation from Mansi "Neroika" means only "Old Man Mountain", we could not refuse to visit the old mines. Suddenly lucky!

The snow on the slopes is very hard. Strong winds do their job! And having run into a stone, you can easily roll over

It is not easy to get to the adits - they are located at an altitude of about 1000 meters. We use the forest hut as a base, where we leave the sled with fuel, and set off in search of adventure. True, it took several hours to break through a narrow hole in the dense snow and look underground. Everything has been preserved there since the 80s, when these developments were closed. Crossroads made of rails, old trolleys… Some corridors and drifts are blocked by huge blocks of ice. They dug the entrance to another shaft - it turned out to be even longer than the first. They say that the length of the tunnels reaches several kilometers! It is very easy to get lost in them and there is a great danger of collapse. But it is hardly possible to stumble upon a nugget here ...

Returning to the hut, we notice that in our absence a group of skiers visited it. But everything remained untouched - such laws. We support traditions: leaving the next morning, we leave extra products - maybe someone will come in handy.

Fascinating view! From almost every pass or peak, amazing pictures open up.

And on the last day of the trip, we still dared to storm the Sabre. You can drive to the top of Narodnaya on any snowmobile, but only a powerful mountain climber can climb here. The only way goes along a very steep, almost sheer slope. At the top there is a platform 10 by 10 meters. It was scary to be the first to decide to climb, but that's what we came here for. And I hit the accelerator! Ranger, obediently rumbling with the engine and drawing along the slope with either the right or the left ski, began to climb up. The last 100 meters the snow became loose, and the sound of the engine changed - I had to press the trigger all the way. The skis are suspended in the air, and the only way to steer the snowmobile is to properly shift your weight. A little more, and here it is - the top! Here you need to urgently stop, because further the abyss ...

Having noted at the post of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, we leave the mountainous region. Once again we were lucky with the weather and route choice. We were on schedule and everything went off without incident. We received a lot of positive impressions and, in gratitude, left a little of our warmth to the cold Subpolar Urals!

Subpolar Urals- these are the most big mountains Ural. Here is the highest point of this system of mountains - Narodnaya (1892), as well as Mount Manaraga (1662), which is also called the "Queen of the Ural Mountains".

Our ski trip took place from February 28 to March 18, 1997. We started from the Kosyu station and ended in the village. Priuralsky. During the trip, 324 km were covered, a group in full strength climbed the mountains of Manaraga and the city of Narodnaya.
Below is a text that was written at the same time by Boris Prokhorov. Photos by Bochkarev Evgeny, Yakushev Alexey and Kanov Mikhail.

At the beginning of March, we, six tourists from Magnitogorsk and Snezhinsk, were the first to pass the most difficult route through the mountains of the Subpolar Urals this year.
The preparation was long and difficult. It was necessary to choose equipment and products so that the trip would not turn into "carrying weight over a given distance." A "menu" was developed, where almost every gram, balanced in calories, was taken into account.

And here we are at the place of the beginning of our trip - Kosyu station. Five o'clock in the morning. Deaf godforsaken station and we, six with backpacks and skis, on the platform. We go along the powdered railway track and suddenly on the right in the darkness we see the contour of a steam locomotive. Behind him, another and another. There are dozens of them here, linked by whole trains! Stalin's camps read in books, the "cold war" and the "emergency reserve in case of war" come to mind. But then it dawned, we get up on skis and - on the road. Behind - the last signs of civilization, ahead - taiga, mountains and full autonomy for the next twenty days.
The warm wind brought us additional difficulties - the skis "stick". Then two more troubles were added to this trouble - the inaccuracy of the map and the almost complete lack of visibility. We determined our location very, very approximately. (GPS navigation did not exist at that time)

We went out at -30, but suddenly a thaw came. The photo shows one of the attempts to cope with sticking snow.

Good wood for our stove.

It was necessary to clean the sticking snow from the skis by any means at hand.

Mikhail Kanov

At last the mountains appeared ahead. We think with excitement about what awaits us - after all, the local Ural Mountains look more like "small such Alps" than the South Ural hilly peaks we are used to. The first pass - and a wonderful panorama of the Pechora Alps opens up to us (as the Subpolar Urals are sometimes called in the tourist literature). The weather improved that day, and we saw the highest part of the entire Ural Range in all its glory: mountain peaks and domes rearing up to the sun, cut by wooded valleys.

Belfry South (peak of Sverdlovsk tourists)

The descent down the slope to the valley of the Kosyu river was a pleasure, and then - "plowing", laying ski tracks on virgin soil. To the right and left of the wall are mountains more than a kilometer high. A strong headwind is blowing across the river. But we are even glad of it - after all, the wind compacts the snow and there is practically no need to "trail". We are moving fast. The further we go into the mountains, the grander they become.

Kosyu river

Evgeny Bochkarev

Finally, we are at the foot of the queen of the Ural mountains, its most beautiful peak - Mount Manaraga. Translated from the German Manaraga (1662 m) - "bear's paw". And indeed, with its outlines, it resembles a lying bear paw with sharp claws of rock towers reaching into the sky. From top to bottom - more than one kilometer. The ascent to the top took us about 5 hours. We reached it almost before sunset. During these hours, the mountains are especially beautiful. The frosty air falls with hoarfrost, thousands of sparks shine in the rays of the setting sun between the huge teeth of Manaraga. The spectacle is magnificent. And the descent from the top on skis is breathtaking and would not leave any skier indifferent.

Ascent to Manaraga

Teeth of Manaraga

Now we had to climb Mt. Narodnaya - the most high mountain in the Urals. A day later, we set up camp in the tract of the Oleniy stream. The next morning at dawn we set off for the ascent. Behind the back - light backpacks with down jackets and grub. The sun gilds the peaks, and below, in the valley, it is frosty. Moisture evaporates from the peaks, turns into small clouds clinging to the slopes of the mountains. We enter a narrow gorge with steep rocky scree walls and put on "cats *" boots - we have to overcome 700 meters of a steep, sometimes rocky, sometimes icy slope. The sun shines brightly in the neighboring gorges and over the mountains, a cloud hangs in our gorge and falls down with thousands of snow needles. My heart is anxious - has the weather worsened? We begin a difficult climb. The sun finally looked into our gorge, the cloud cleared, and a wonderful landscape appeared to our eyes. Pyramidal peaks are connected by narrow sharp rocky ridges. These pyramids rise like shepherds in cloaks above the "herd" of lower rounded mountains. And all this shines with whiteness, and only below, deep in the gorges, like grass in a pasture, the forest blackens.

Manaraga top left

The rise was possible only in "cats".

On the washboard

Alexander Solovyov

Having overcome a steep ascent, we reach an inclined plateau. Another 400 meters of height separates us from the top. We walk slowly, enjoying the new angles of the picture unfolding below us. And here we are above all the surrounding mountains. For several thousand kilometers around and above on earth - no one! The top of Mount Narodnaya (1895 m)! A strong wind beats in the face, waving over the chebet ridge from Siberia to Europe. Below is the white ocean of mountains. We leave a note at the top, and - down ...

On the top.

Note for the next climbers.

Boris Prokhorov

Only in the evening we returned to the camp. Stars and a comet shine brightly over the mountains, and we, in a large cozy tent, near a light stove, celebrated our victory and March 8th with a warm campaign.

The next day after lunch, the weather worsened - it began to snow again, which greatly hampered our progress towards the next goal - the Bear Pass. It snowed for three days, there was absolutely no visibility. It is impossible to "take" the pass in such weather. I had to give up climbing Mount Belfry. If we fail to overcome two passes the next day, we will have to go back. But the weather took pity on us - the snowfall ended. And with a headwind, deep we move forward. Due to the low cloudiness, the peaks and the sun are not visible. There are only two colors around: white and gray. The forest has long ended, and there is not a tree behind which one could hide. Ahead, the white snow of the pass merges with the white sky.
On this difficult day, we camped while it was still dark. Because of the avalanche danger, we had to abandon the passage of the second pass and take an alternate route, which extended our journey by another day. Time and products - back to back. Now, by all means, we must move forward.

Makurin Sergey

The late arrival of winter has affected these parts as well. Nature, as if recouping for being late, poured and poured snow. Avalanches descended even where they should not have been in principle. We were witnesses and a little bit - participants in one of these cases. Three avalanches in a row descended before our eyes. Moreover, each subsequent avalanche arose from the roar of the previous one. At first, when the avalanche is still weak, it rolls over small trees on the slope, bending them down like lashes, but below with a roar it breaks and buries centuries-old trees under it.

on the left Yakushev Alexey

The snow is deep, but, having tactically correctly built our movement, we overcome 20 km a day.
The bad weather that constantly pursued us did not allow us to climb to the top of the Saber Ridge. Only for a few minutes did the panorama of the ridge open up to us: a giant rocky ridge rises above the frozen swamps.
We left by the Aranets pass. A narrow passage between two gloomy rocks, lonely crooked larches, and on the right - steep snowy slopes of the Sablinsky ridge covered with clouds.
This is how we remember our farewell to the Subpolar Urals.
Behind the pass there is a hut brought up to the very roof, where we met the first people in 20 days - tourists from Kotlas, who have been waiting for the opportunity to climb the Sabre for a week.

from left to right: Sergey Makurin, Alexander Solovyov, Evgeny Bochkarev, Alexei Yakushev, Mikhail Kanov, Boris Prokhorov sat down

Having overcome 60 km in a day and a half, we finished the hike in the village of Priuralsky, on the banks of the Pechora. Behind - a ski track 300 km long, in front - the road home. And then ... What will happen next, you can say with lines from the song:
Take a look at the top
last time,
Whisper the word to her.
The mountains will do without us,
Only us without them
not enough...

Subpolar Urals - mountain system in Russia. Its northern border starts from the sources of the Lyapin (Khulga) 65° 40' N. sh., and in the south the border passes through Mount Telposis 64 ° N. sh.

Mount Manaraga (1662 m)

Located in the Komi Republic. It has an unusually shaped top - a crest with 5 gendarmes. It is a desirable place for many tourists. It is difficult to get to Manaraga, many people buy helicopter tours. Difficulty category 1B.

Mount Saber (1497 m)

Located in the Komi Republic. The Saber mountain range remains one of the most attractive for mountain climbers. The classic route is winter. Please note: the easiest route to the summit is classified 2B c.s. and requires the skills of moving on snow-ice relief in cats, the ability to organize insurance and self-insurance, as well as orienteering on rocky terrain. The most difficult - 5A k.s.

Mount Belfry (1724 m)

Located in the Komi Republic.

Mount Karpinsky (1804 m)

Located in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. The third largest after Narodnaya. It is separated from Narodnaya Mountain by the Naroda River.

Mount Komsomol (1729 m)

Mount Aleshkova (1686 m)

Mount Mancineur (1779 m)

Mount Yugra (1587 m)

View from the top of the city of Naroda to the valley of the river. People, Ugra, per. Krivoy Kosyu, Yugra and MGP-2 glaciers

Mount Narodnaya (1895 m)

Located in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. It is the highest peak. In the alpine zone there are flat-topped massifs. Mount Narodnaya does not stand out among the surrounding masses. The same hard-to-reach slopes, karts and cirques filled with snow and ice, small mountain lakes with clear and icy water, powerful accumulations of stone boulders on the peaks and slopes. And yet, a few tens of extra meters put it in first place among all the mountains of the Urals. Difficulty category 2B-3A.

Mount Protection (1808 m)

Climate of the Subpolar Urals

The subpolar Urals has a sharply continental, severe climate with long frosty winters and short cool summers. The severity of the climate of the Subpolar Urals is mainly due to the northern geographic location edges and a significant height of the ridges. The meridional location of the ridges across the dominant direction of the main moisture-bearing winds also has a significant effect, which causes a difference in the climatic conditions of the European and Asian slopes of the Urals, especially in the distribution of precipitation.

Winter with negative average daily temperatures and snow cover lasts on average about 7 months on the plains adjacent to the Subpolar Urals and at least 9 months in the highlands (over 1000 m).

Rainy, cold autumn. Usually already in mid-September the mountains are covered with snow, and only in June the snow begins to melt in the mountains. On the plains, stable snow cover is established by mid-October. With early winter, snow falls two weeks earlier, and with prolonged autumn, winter sets in in mid-November.

In spring, stable snow cover on the plains of the western slope ends in mid-May, and on the plains of the eastern slope - at the end of April. In early or late spring, the time of the end of a stable snow cover shifts by 2-3 weeks in one direction or another.

Spring in the Subpolar Urals, especially on the western slope, is protracted, with frequent returns of cold weather, often accompanied by snowfalls. When going on a ski trip with the crossing of the Subpolar Urals, tourists should remember that spring on the eastern slope comes two weeks earlier than on the western one; therefore, if the group leaves at the end of March - beginning of April, the route should start on the eastern slope and end on the western one, and not vice versa, so as not to get into mud.

The subpolar Urals is the region of the Urals richest in precipitation. Especially a lot of them fall in the elevated areas of the western slope - the upper reaches of the Vangyr, Manaragi, Torgovaya, Bolshoi and Maly Patok, where the annual precipitation reaches 1500 mm. The eastern slope of the Subpolar Urals is drier (from 500 mm in the plains to 800 mm per year in especially high mountain regions). Most precipitation in the summer months - from June to August (40-50%), and July - exceptionally wet (up to 20%). Precipitation is also relatively abundant in September, October and May (25-30%).

In winter, about 30-40% of precipitation falls, and in the elevated regions of the mountains with a very harsh climate - up to 50% or more. The height and density of snow in the mountainous and flat regions of the Subpolar Urals are different. In the distribution of snow in the mountains, an important role is played by the height of the terrain, the ruggedness of the relief, the exposure of the slopes, and the transport of snow by the wind. Since a significant number of high ridges are located to the west of the main watershed, the main moisture-bearing air masses entering the Subpolar Urals from the west, before reaching the main watershed, overcome a number of high ridges separated by wide river valleys. At the same time, air masses lose most of their moisture on the western windward slopes of the ridges, from which snow is partially blown off to the eastern ones, depositing in cirques. As a result, the bulk of it remains to the west of the main watershed. On the eastern, Asian slope, deep snow occurs only in close proximity to the main watershed, and 5-8 km to the east, the height of the cover does not exceed 60 cm. Therefore, tourists conducting ski trips on the European slope will have to move on deeper snow than on Asian. In the taiga in the first months of winter, the snow is loose, its density is not higher than 0.20 g/cm3. On the western slope, the height of the snow cover reaches 50-70 cm, and by the end of winter - up to 110 cm. On the eastern slope in December, the snow depth is 20-30 cm, and in March up to 50-60 cm at a density of 0.20-0, 25 g/cm3. In winters with little snow, there is so little snow here that you can walk through the forest without skis.

The total snow reserves of the western slope of the Subpolar Urals are 2-3 times higher than those of the eastern one, which is why the rivers, fed mainly by melted snow water (up to 60%), are more water-bearing and deeper on the western slope than on the eastern one.

It is the most famous, the most imposing and the most beautiful of the geographical regions in the chain of the Ural Mountains. Small in length, it is the most powerful in terms of height and number of mountains, ridges and massifs. Here is the main peak of the Urals - Narodnaya (1895 m), and one of the most beautiful mountains in the entire Urals - Manaraga and Saber.

Immediately after Shchugor, the watershed Research Ridge begins, going strictly to the north, with famous peaks such as Neroika, Tatishcheva, Narodnaya, Karpinsky. Even to the north of the mountain, the Narodo-Itinsky ridge continues, going already to the northeast. In the area of ​​Mount Narodnaya, there is a powerful tectonic uplift over a large area, up to 100 km wide.

The northern border of the Subpolar Urals passes in the region of the Khulga River, which originates a quarter south of the mountain Rougher-Out.

In the west, this massif of mountains closes the Saber Range. Between Saber and Narodnaya, among other interesting peaks, the beautiful Manaraga stands out with its extraordinary shape.

The relief of the ridges is mainly alpine, with traces of karovo-dalen glaciation, with deep trough valleys and moraine ridges - traces of ancient glaciation.

The area is often visited by tourists, mainly in the Sabli-Narodnaya area, although there are many interesting peaks, lakes, waterfalls and glaciers. It is quite difficult to go through the entire Subpolar Urals. The expedition "Big Ural-91" covered this path from the weather station on Shchugor to Narodnaya in 11 days, and the entire Subpolar Urals and part of the Polyarny to railway near the village of Polyarny - in 32 days, carrying a month's supply of food in backpacks.

We invite you to see the most Beautiful places Subpolar Urals in the mode of rest, without backpacks, taking care of food and firewood with a lot of vivid impressions and a trophy catch.

Climate , suffice it to say that winters last from 7 to 9 months. Permafrost reaches a depth of 25-100 m. Unlike the Northern Urals, there are many glaciers here, scientists counted about thirty of them.

We invite you to the Subpolar Urals - touch UNESCO World Heritage Site "Virgin Komi Forests"

Mount Neroika

Translated from Mansiysk, "The old man (man) is a mountain."

According to the Mansi, the world invisible to us is inhabited by spirits. Every swamp, every lake, every meadow, and also every bay and steep bank of a river, has its own spirit, whether male or female; in some places there are several.

Within the Subpolar Urals on the Sygva and along its tributaries, the Ner oyka was considered the owner. Nobody can find the doors of his "crystal house" until now. Whoever tried to do this, everyone died. Ner oyka is considered the most peaceful hero. He was so strong that he did not take weapons in his hands, he did not shed blood, and the enemies from one of his glances turned to flight or turned to stone.

He was the owner of all the deer in the Urals, and is also known for the fact that he stole his elder brother's wife and bought off all his deer for this, except for one choir and one important one. But the deer of Ner oyka did not follow his brother and fled. Since then, there are many wild deer in the middle and lower reaches of the Sosva and there are no domestic deer at all.

Nearby there is a mountain Ner ekva - the wife of Ner oyk'i. Mansi do not go to this mountain. This mountain is so sacred that during the ritual of worshiping it, a treat is arranged at a great distance from the mountain itself.


A beautiful mountain of regular quadrangular shape, slopes of kurumnik and scree, i.e. stones, which suggests its artificial origin, but upon closer inspection you notice that this is not so. It stands on the very edge of the main ridge, almost separately. It is not possible to confuse.

Mount Saber

Sablya, 1497.4 m - the highest peak in the Sablinsky ridge. The entire ridge has a bright alpine appearance, but the real decoration in it is Saber Peak, a kind of Ural Matten Horn. The Sablinsky Ridge stands apart, far to the west from the main high-mountainous region of the Subpolar Urals, and its pointed peaks contrast expressively with the vast plain (Aranets swamps) at the foot.

The ridge has a steep eastern slope with difficult passes. The city of Saber breaks off to the east with especially high and steep walls, its many hundreds of meter plummets are a record for the Subpolar Urals. The western slopes are more gentle, from here you can climb the Saber without climbing equipment. A simple ascent along the hollow from the border of the forest leads to a car with a lake (~ 840 m), then goes ~ 30 gr. ascent along a scree hollow to the saddle of the Hoffman Pass (~1200 m). Further, a somewhat more difficult ascent along the ridge (with rocky gendarmes bypassing the shelves on the right) to the couloir leading to the summit peak. Here it is desirable that the peak is not hidden by clouds, otherwise you can easily get lost among the rocky ledges and go to dangerous areas.

Manaraga - "Queen of the Mountains" and

Narodnaya - "Top of the Great Urals"

(UNESCO World Heritage "Virgin forests of Komi")
For the first time, the Hungarian scientist A. Reguli wrote about it in the middle of the 19th century in his reports on a trip to the Urals. This peak has a Mansi original name - Pungk Ur. Reguli gives several translation options - top, top, sting, spike, crown, crown, head, tooth. "Here the Ural is the highest." And indeed, in 1927, the priority of the Pungk Ur height was instrumentally proved. However, in 1927 the highest Ural peak was given a new name - Mount Narodnaya.

You can climb to the top from the west, along the ridge, along the rocky steeps, between the caravans, but it is more difficult. It's easier to get to the mountain along the spurs from the north... From here, the easiest ascent. The slopes of the mountain are composed of gneisses and metamorphic schists. They have a lot of quartz, so highest peak The Ural is sharply distinguished from all others by its steely dark gray color ... Behind each ridge, which seems to be the last, a new one opens.

Mount Narodnaya nothing stands out from the surrounding masses. The same hard-to-reach slopes, karts and cirques filled with snow and ice, small mountain lakes with clear and icy water, powerful accumulations of stone boulders on the peaks and slopes. And yet, a few tens of extra meters put it in first place among all the mountains of the Urals. The second highest Ural peak - Mount Manaraga (1820 meters) was explored in the summer of 1935 by a small geological party led by A. A. Chernov in the upper reaches of the Kosyu River (Western Saledy ridge). (N.P. Arkhipova. How the Ural Mountains were discovered. 1977)

Manaraga translates as "bear's paw". Indeed, the shape of the mountain is very unusual and with its "watchtowers" resembles a bear's paw. This peak cannot be confused with any other peak in the world. It has its own unique charm and magical appeal. Everyone definitely wants to return to Manaraga.