What holds the sail on a ship. Sail classification

Sailing weapons

Sails serve to propel the vessel and consist of a different number of sewn panels of canvas. There are two main types of sails: straight sails and oblique sails, which in turn are divided into:
lateen sails
gaff sails
jib and staysails


1 - boom jib; 2 - jib; 3 - second or middle jib; 4 - fore-topmast-staysail; 5 - fore-bom-bramsel; 6 - upper fore-bramsel; 7 - lower fore-bramsel; 8 - upper fore-topsail; 9 - lower fore-topsail; 10 - foresail; 11 - main-bom-top-staysail; 12 - mainsail staysail; 13 - main-topmast-staysail; 14 - mainsail; 15 - main-bom-bramsail; 16 - upper mainsail; 17 - lower mainsail; 18 - upper mainsail; 19 - lower mainsail; 20 - grotto; 21 - lower cruys-topsail; 22 - cruise-staysail; 23 - cruise-bom-bramsel; 24 - cruise-bramsel; 25 - upper cruys-topsail; 26 - Cruys-Marseille lower; 27 - begin (mizzen); 28 - smuggler. http://flot7.narod.ru

Straight sails are carried on yards, slanting ones on stays (staysails) and on gaffs (trisails). All sails were triangular or quadrangular. The use of one or another type of sail is determined by the ship's course relative to the wind; it is obvious that with a full backstay and jibe, forward sails are practically useless, just as straight sails are useless when close-hauled.
There are also additional sails, which serve to increase the total area of ​​the sails and, accordingly, the speed, and storm sails - in stormy conditions they usually reduce the area of ​​the sails in accordance with the strength of the wind. Storm sails include the fore-topmast-staysail, storm fore-topmast-staysail, lower topsails, reefed mainsail, mainsail-staysail and reefed mizzen.
Types of sailing rigs

According to the equipment with sails, the following types of sailing weapons are distinguished:

Direct weapons

Direct rigging is characterized by the presence of straight sails on the vessel, which are attached by the luff to the yards (horizontal spar trees mounted on masts).
The straight rig is one of the oldest weapons on ships; it is easy to maintain and allows for high speed, but is effective only with a tailwind. Rake weapons
Chinese rack sail (commonly known in Western Europe as the armament of a junk) is effective when sailing both sharp and full courses to the wind, is easily reefed and is serviced by a small crew.
Due to the fact that the sail is made up of parts, and the rigidity of the structure is provided by bamboo, it can be easily and quickly repaired. This simple and effective weapon has never before been used on workboats in other parts of the world. IN Lately designers began to realize its advantages, and junk rigs are installed on some modern yachts.

Latin weapons

The lateen sail owes its origin to Arab shipping, then it appeared on galleys Mediterranean Sea, later - in the northern European regions: it was widely used until the 18th century. All you need to do is look at the models. Russian ships of that time or paintings by marine painters, then it was replaced by gaff weapons, and then by Bermuda.
The rig with this sail is well suited for calm waters and light winds; with it a fairly high speed was achieved. The lateen rig is characterized by a triangular sail, tied to a rue, hanging at an angle of 45 degrees to the mast, and a short mast. There was a reef bow at a slight angle to the rue in the upper part of the sail.
An example of the use of Latin weapons is the galleas.

Gaff weapons

The modern Dutch sloop has changed slightly compared to its predecessor, which was common in the Netherlands in the 17th century. The gaff mainsail, from which the weapon got its name, is a quadrangular sail raised with the help of a movable spar - a gaff (like other parts of the spar it is used to carry oblique sails, the peculiarity of the gaff is the ability to move freely from the beam of one side to the beam of the opposite side), the luff of the sail is attached to the boom ( spar, which serves to stretch the lower luff of oblique sails, can be firmly fixed or movable).

Sprint weapons
The sprint rig is characterized by the presence of a sprint mainsail, which is attached using a special mast - a sprint mast. Ships armed with a sprint sail sailed off the Dutch and German coasts North Sea. Sprint rigging was also typical for inland navigation vessels.
Bermuda weapons
The Bermuda mainsail, from which the weapon takes its name, is a triangular sail hoisted on a high mast. Bermuda weapons replaced gaff weapons in the early years of the 20th century.

Latin sail

These sails, triangular in shape, are tied to the yard (ryu) with the long side; in the center plane of the vessel, towards the stern, they are stretched using a sheet. Lateen sails are classified as oblique sails. They, unlike straight sails, allow the ship to sail steeper to the wind, namely at an angle of up to 20°. Latin sails are named depending on their belonging to a particular mast, namely: lateen foresail, mainsail and mizzen. The largest sail used on galleys was called in Italian bastardo, the middle one - borda and the smallest marabotto or marabutto. One sail or another was set depending on the strength of the wind. In case of bad weather, a straight storm sail was raised on the “fortuna” yard.
Until the end of the 18th century, on ships with straight sails, the mizzen mast carried a lateen mizzen. Since the middle of the 18th century, mizzens have been used in two forms: traditional triangular (the so-called French-type mizzen) and trapezoidal, fixed with its upper side on the yard, and the front, vertical one, on the mast (the so-called English-type mizzen). The mizzen of this shape was similar to a gaff sail - a trysail.
The mizzen on large ships was the lateen sail on the rue almost until 1790.

Gaff sail

Gaff sails are made from sheets of canvas and have folded edges around the perimeter, trimmed with liktros, with corresponding reefs, cringles, bows and bows. The luff of a sail attached to the gaff is called the top, or scythe, the luff attached to the mast or trysail mast is the forward, or standing, stern - the back, or clew; the last one is the lower one.. The upper forward angle is called the upper tack, the rear upper angle is called the knock-benzel angle, the lower forward angle is called the tack angle and the lower rear angle is called the clew angle.
The gaff sail is attached to the mast using wooden or iron hoops - segars. It is attached to the mizzen boom either with the help of strings or in the same way as lateen sails are attached to the yards - with a slack line that goes around the boom or a special conductor stretched along the mizzen boom. The trysail is attached to the gaff in the same way.
Gaff sails have a trapezoidal shape and are divided into gaff sails (trysails), gulf topsails, lugger, or rack, and sprint sails. The trysail has the shape of an irregular trapezoid, which with its lower edge is attached to the mizzen gaff, the lower edge to the mizzen boom and the vertical side to the mast or trysail mast.
Gulf topsail is a triangular sail, which with its lower side is attached to the mizzen gaff, and its vertical side is attached to the topmast.
Trysails are installed on the mizzen masts of ships with straight sails and on all masts of a gaff schooner. On tenders, the trysail and gulf topsail are currently replaced by one triangular sail, the vertical side of which runs along the mast along a special groove or shoulder strap, and the lower side is attached to the boom. In England and Russia it is called Bermuda.
Luger, or rack, sails are a special type of gaff sail: their upper side is attached to a small batten, the halyard of which is attached to 1/3 of the length of the batten, counting from the front leg. They are called tretyaks. The lower front corner of the sail is pulled towards the bow, and the rear corner - towards the stern.
There is also a quarter. This is the name of a lugger sail, the front lower corner of which is attached near the mast, and the halyard is 1/4 of the length of the rack, counting from the front leg.
Sprint sails are quadrangular sails with a sharp rear bow angle, which is stretched by a diagonally placed rod - the sprint. The lower end of the sprint rests against the line on the mast, and the upper end rests against the rear butt corner of the sail. Previously, gaff sails were divided into the following: gaff sails with a gaff and boom (brigantine sails); gaff sails without boom; sprit sails, similar to the above, also called livadra - after the name of the sprit; luger sails, identical to the Tretyaks, and billanders, also similar to the Tretyaks. The billander was the main sail of ships used by the English and Dutch as merchant ships. These were two-masted ships with a very long trapezoidal sail, which hung on a small yard. Oblique sails include triangular sails: guari and large spherical spinnakers, installed on the bow using a shot - a spinnaker boom - and used in a tailwind. This sail is optional.


These triangular sails are placed between the foremast and the bowsprit, sometimes directly on forestays or rails specially stretched for them. Cleavers appeared in the 18th century. Modern sailing ships, having a long jib, can carry the following jibs: on the foresail - a storm fore-topmast-staysail or fore-sail (the latter are hoisted during a storm; in the 13th century in these cases the so-called double sail or “storm jib” was set) ; on the fore-stay-stay - fore-top-staysail; on the rails there is a middle jib, a jib and a boom jib. Sometimes a sixth jib is also used, which runs along the fore-bang-stay.
With a small jib, sailing ships carried four jibs: a fore-topmast-staysail, a middle jib, a jib and a boom-jib.
Tenders and yachts are equipped with a special jib, the lower edge of which is of considerable length. Such a jib is called a “genoa” (Genoa staysail).
Warships usually carried four jibs: the fore-topmast-staysail, or “small jib”; middle jib, jib, or “second jib”, or “false jib”; bom jib, or “third jib”.
Staysails can be triangular or quadrangular and run on forestays, which is why they get the name staysail (German: Stagsegel, Stag - forestay, Segel - sail).
Staysails located between the foremast and mainmast are divided into the following: mainsail staysail (rarely used), mainsail staysail (also called “coal”, since the galley on ships was mostly located behind the foremast and smoke from the galley pipe was polluting it), the main-top-staysail and the main-bom-top-staysail. An apsel or mizzen staysail was placed between the main and mizzen masts; cruise-staysail; kruys-bram-sailsail and kruys-bom-bram-sailsail.
Previously, the following staysails were distinguished: mainsail staysail, mainsail staysail, “second” or “small” mainsail staysail (it was installed on ships with two mainsail staysails and was sometimes called mainsail top staysail, now midshipsail), mainsail staysail, cruise staysail or “cruise jib”; cruise-staysail, cruise-top-staysail and “second” cruise-top-staysail (rarely used).

Many novice sailors ask a simple question - why do you need a slanting sail?, let's try to figure this out.

Question: why do you need a slanting sail? on the ship?
Answer: An oblique sail is needed for the ship to sail against the wind, so to speak, steeper to the wind, up to a maximum of 20 degrees.

Oblique sails on any ship are often placed along the deck of the ship, usually in a full center plane.

Simple oblique sails always have a varied triangular appearance:
Simple sails.

Rake sails.
Luger sail
Latin sail
Stay sails.

This is the most common type of sail on this moment. Its luff is fully stretched across the entire mast, but the luff is stretched along the boom. This type of sail is easy to adjust to the wind and is most similar to an aerodynamic airplane wing.

This is the famous lateen sail improved in the 17th century. It looks like an irregular trapezoid shape, the upper luff is firmly attached to the gaff, but the lower luff is attached to the boom.

3. Luger sail: This sail is less common and not so popular, but is still used by professionals. Its upper luff is attached to the rake, but the lower luff is easily attached to the boom. Its appearance is an inverted or irregular, slightly shifted trapezoid.

4. Latin sail: This type of sail originally looked like a full-fledged right triangle. The hypotenuse, the flat straight side, is easily attached to the rail, which is slightly tilted forward. The flat front end of the main rail reaches completely to the common deck, and this is where the tack is attached.

5. Jib: this sail is attached to a rig that extends from one mast to the bowsprit. It has a slightly oblique, triangular appearance. There may be several jibs on a ship.

6. Staysail: usually mounted on a strong forestay - these are the main riggings of the fully standing rigging on a special vessel, which support the common mast at the front. These sails are raised between the masts or, in special cases, forward of the foremast itself.

Now we seem to have figured out why a slanting sail is needed on a ship, but for those words that are not clear, I advise you to read the encyclopedia.

And if you love magic, then I advise you to read about it yourself, especially at home.

Types of sails by number listed in the article.



Attached to the rigging running from the mast to bowsprit. On large sailing ships there may be several jibs. In this case, the jib, located in front, and attached to I'm a jig, called boom jib, located closest to the mast, as a rule, is called fore-staysail. A triangular sail of increased area used on yachts in low winds is called balunkcleaver.

Very often jibs are confused with staysails. The difference between them is that the lower luff the jib is above the deck. The luff of the jib is usually above the bowsprit.

see also

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Excerpt characterizing Cleaver

No one answered, and Princess Marya, looking around the crowd, noticed that now all the eyes she met immediately dropped.
- Why don’t you want to? – she asked again.
Nobody answered.
Princess Marya felt heavy from this silence; she tried to catch someone's gaze.
- Why don’t you talk? - the princess turned to the old man, who, leaning on a stick, stood in front of her. - Tell me if you think anything else is needed. “I’ll do everything,” she said, catching his gaze. But he, as if angry at this, lowered his head completely and said:
- Why agree, we don’t need bread.
- Well, should we give it all up? Do not agree. We don’t agree... We don’t agree. We feel sorry for you, but we do not agree. Go on your own, alone...” was heard in the crowd from different directions. And again the same expression appeared on all the faces of this crowd, and now it was probably no longer an expression of curiosity and gratitude, but an expression of embittered determination.
“You didn’t understand, right,” said Princess Marya with a sad smile. - Why don’t you want to go? I promise to house you and feed you. And here the enemy will ruin you...

Sails are divided depending on their shape and attachment location. Thus, according to shape, rectangular, trapezoidal and triangular sails are distinguished, and depending on the attachment location - sails, the upper edge of which is attached to the yard, sails, one of the sides

which are attached to the mast, and sails, in which one of the sides is attached to a cable.

In addition, all sails can be divided into straight and oblique - the first are placed across, and the second along the center plane of the vessel. Oblique sails, in turn, are divided into lateen, gaff, jibs and staysails.

Straight sails. They have a quadrangular - rectangular or trapezoidal - shape and are attached to the yard with their upper side. The lower side, usually slightly curved upward, is attached to the underlying yard or deck of the ship using sheets and tacks.

Straight sails are easy to attach, set and spread, and are easy to divide into smaller ones. They are widespread, but it is inconvenient for a ship to maneuver with them. Indeed, the smallest angle between the wind direction and the centreline at the bow of the ship is approximately 67°.

Depending on the yard to which the sail is attached, there are: foresail, fore-topsail (lower and upper), fore-topsail (lower and upper) and fore-boom-topsail; mainsail, main topsail (lower and upper), main top topsail (lower and top) And main top topsail; mizzen, cruysels (lower and upper), cruys-bramsels (lower and upper) and cruys-bom-bramsels (Fig. 308, a).

Straight sails used to be installed on a blind-topmast (bomb-blinda-boven), as well as on blind and bomb-blinda-yards (blind under the bowsprit and bomb-blind under the jib). It is interesting to note that the blind and bomb blind each had two or three holes to drain water that fell on the sail.

The foresail, mainsail and mizzen are called lower, or storm, sails, while the rest - topsails, topsails and top topsails - are called upper (Fig. 308, b). The Romans placed a topsail above the mainsail, and sometimes it was made triangular and tied to a small raft or to the mast. In the latter case, it could be either whole or of two halves.

Rice. 308. Straight sails: a - set of straight sails 1 regular with one topsail.

I grotto; 2 topsail; 3 - bramsel; 4 - upper bramssel.

II - with lower and upper topsails.

1 - grotto; 2 - lower topsail; 3 top topsail; 4 lower bramsel; 5 upper bramsel; 6 - boom-bramsel;

b - a set of sails of a ship of the 19th-20th centuries.

1 - fore-otengi-staysail; 2nd middle jib; 3 «clnver; 4 - boom jib: 5 foresails; b - lower fore-topsail; 7 - upper fore-topsail; 8 - lower fore-bramsel! 9 - upper fore-bramsel; 10 - fore-bom-bramsel; 11 - fore-trumsel; 12 - grotto; "3 - lower main topsail; 14 - upper main topsail; 15 - lower main top topsail; 18 - upper main top topsail; 17 - main top topsail; 18 - main top topsail; 19 - main top topsail (small Sail sometimes used on large sailing ships); 21 - cruysel; 22 - lower cruys-bramsel; 24 - upper cruys-bramsel; - cruise-trumsel; 27 - counter-mizzen; 28 - for-under-lisel; 29 = for-marsa-lnssl; 30 for-brzm-lnsel;

Latin sails. These sails, triangular in shape, are tied to the yard (ryu) with the long side; in the center plane of the vessel, towards the stern, they are stretched using a sheet. Latin sails, as already mentioned, are oblique sails. They, unlike straight sails, allow the ship to sail steeper to the wind, namely at an angle of up to 20°.

Latin sails are named depending on their belonging to a particular mast, namely: lateen foresail, mainsail and mizzen. The largest sail used on galleys was called bastardo in Italian, the middle one was borda and the smallest was marabotto.

or marabutto. One sail or another was set depending on the strength of the wind. In case of bad weather, a straight - storm - sail was raised on the "fortuna" yard.

Until the end of the 15th century. on ships with straight sails, the mizzen mast carried a lateen mizzen. Since the middle of the 15th century. mizzen are used in two forms: traditional triangular (the so-called French type mizzen) and trapezoidal, fixed with its upper side on the yard, and the front, vertical side, on the mast (English type mizzen). The mizzen of this form was similar to a gaff sail - trysel (rns. 309).

Gaff sails. They have a trapezoidal shape and are divided into gaff sails (trysails), gulf topsails, lugger, or rack, and sprint sails.

The trysail has the shape of an irregular trapezoid, which with its upper edge is attached to the mizzen gaff, the lower edge to the mizzen boom and the vertical side to the mast or trysail mast.

Gulf topsail is a triangular sail, which with its lower side is attached to the mizzen gaff, and its vertical side is attached to the topmast. Trysails are installed on the mizzen masts of ships with straight sails and on all masts of a gaff schooner. On tenders, the trysail and gulf topsail are currently replaced by one triangular sail, a vert, the main side of which runs along the mast along a special groove or shoulder strap, and the lower one is attached to the main body. In England and the Soviet Union it is called Bermuda.

Luger, or raked, sails are a special type of gaff sail: their upper side is attached to a small batten, the halyard of which is fixed to Vg of the length of the batten, counting from the front leg. They are called “Tretyaks”. The lower front corner of the sail is pulled towards the bow, and the rear corner - towards the stern.

There is also a quarter. This is the name of a lugger sail, the front lower corner of which is attached near the mast, and the halyard is 4 times the length of the rack, counting from the front leg.

Sprint sails are quadrangular sails with a sharp back corner, which is stretched by a diagonally placed sprint rod. The lower end of the sprint rests against the line on the mast, and the upper end rests against the rear butt corner of the sail.

Previously, gaff sails were divided into the following: gaff sails with a gaff and boom (brigantine sails); gaff sails without boom; sprint sails, similar to the above, also called livarda - after the name of the sprint sail; luger sails, identical to the Tretyaks, and billanders, also similar to the Tretyaks. The billander was the main sail of ships used by the English and Dutch as merchant ships. These were two-masted ships with a very long trapezoidal sail, which hung on a small yard.

Oblique sails include triangular sails: guari and large spherical spinnakers, installed on the bow using a spinnaker boom - and used in a tailwind (Fig. 310). This sail is optional.

Cleaver. These triangular sails are placed between the foremast and the bowsprit, sometimes directly on forestays or rails specially stretched for them. Cleavers appeared in the 18th century.

Modern sailing ships with a long jib can carry the following jibs: on the foresail - a storm fore-topmast staysail or fore-sail (the latter are hoisted during a storm; in the 13th century in these cases the so-called double sail or “storm sail” was set jib"); on the fore-stay-stay - fore-top-staysail; on the rails there is a middle jib, a jib and a boom jib. Sometimes a sixth jib is also used, which runs along the fore-bang stay.

With a small jib, sailing ships carried four jibs: a fore-topmast-staysail, a middle jib, a jib and a boom-jib (see Fig. 314, b). Tenders and yachts are equipped with a special jib, the lower edge of which is of considerable length. Such a jib is called a “genoa” (Genoa staysail).

Warships usually carried four jibs: the fore-topmast-staysail, or "small jib"; middle jib, jib, or

“second jib”, or “false jib”; bom jib, or "third jib".

Staysails. These triangular sails run on forestays, which is why they get the name staysail (in German: Stagsegel, Stag - stay, Segel - sail).

Staysails located between the foremast and mainmast are divided into the following: mainsail staysail (rarely used), mainstaysail staysail (also called “coal”, since the galley on ships was mostly located behind the foremast and smoke from the galley pipe polluted it), the main-top staysail and the main-bom-top staysail. Between the main and mizzen masts, an apsel or “mizzen staysail” was placed; cruise-staysail; kruys-bram-sailsail and kruys-bom-bram-sailsail (Fig. 311).

Previously, the following staysails were distinguished: mainsail staysail, mainsail staysail, “second” or “small” mainsail staysail (it was installed on ships with two mainsail staysails and was sometimes called “mainsail top staysail” ", now midshipsail); mainsail staysail, cruise staysail or “cruise jib”; cruise-staysail, cruise-top-staysail and “second” cruise-top-staysail (rarely used).