How was the Burj Khalifa built? Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world in Dubai, UAE

Large oil fields were found, the country's authorities did everything possible to develop the tourism business here. The largest number of amazing buildings and luxury hotels were erected in Dubai. Perhaps the most important attraction of the city can be called the Burj Khalifa tower ( Burj Khalifa).

Skyscraper Burj Khalifa is officially recognized as the tallest building in the world. Outwardly, the tower resembles a huge stalagmite. It has uneven lines, but this was not done for the purpose of decoration, but in order to protect the building from the winds. It is also worth noting that the skyscraper is built from high-strength materials that are resistant to any weather conditions.

Initially, it was planned to build a building that would contain office space, residential apartments, shops, hotels, restaurants. That is, we can say that Burj Khalifa is a whole city that has absolutely everything you need for life. In addition, the area around is completely ennobled. There is a magnificent park, and a shady garden, and even one that deserves special attention.

History of skyscraper construction

The construction of the tallest tower in the world lasted almost 6 years. Several countries participated in the design and construction. The chief architect was the American Adrian Smith, who has repeatedly designed such skyscrapers. And the South Korean company Samsung became the general contractor. The Burj Khalifa began to be built in 2004. Information about the height of the building was carefully concealed, and its values ​​were constantly changing. The opening of the skyscraper was planned for 2009, but due to funding problems, it had to be postponed. As a result, the opening of the tower took place a year later, in early January.

photo: Around the tower during construction

Burj Khalifa on the map of Dubai

Address: 1 Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Blvd - Dubai - United Arab Emirates

How to get to Burj Khalifa

The skyscraper is located in the most prestigious area of ​​Dubai - Down Town. All roads lead to the main sights of the city. Tourists can take the metro to the tower, or take a taxi. By metro, you need to get to the Burj Khalifa station of the same name. Taxis are more expensive means of transportation, but they are faster transport. Given the excellent road surface and the lack of traffic jams, a taxi ride will give you incredible pleasure. In addition, all taxis in the city are air-conditioned, so during the trip you do not have to worry about the intense heat.

photo: Burj Khalifa metro station from the height of the observation deck

Rules for visiting a skyscraper

Any tour agency in Dubai will offer tourists an unforgettable tour of the tallest skyscraper in the world. For tourists there is a separate entrance. The tower is equipped with 57 elevators, but only one of them passes through all floors. Tourists, in order to get to the observation deck, for which they go to the Burj Khalifa, need to make several transfers. Group tours are held from 10.00 to 22.00 from Sunday to Wednesday, and from Thursday to Saturday the opening hours of the observation deck increase by 2 hours.

photo: All guests and tourists enter the building through this entrance

Excursion to the Burj Khalifa tower on video

The cost of the tour depends on many factors. For example, if you do not want to stand in line, you can pay 400 AED for a ticket and go to the observation deck out of line. In other cases, an adult ticket costs 125 AED, the cost of a child ticket (4-12 years old) is 95 AED, and children under three years old do not need to buy a ticket at all.

Technical equipment

The tower is equipped with the latest technology. The most advanced technologies are used in its technical equipment. First of all, it is necessary to mention the unique air conditioning system. Thanks to special glazing, the building does not heat up and does not let dust through. The temperature in the tower is constantly kept at +18 degrees. At the same time, the air in the territory of the entire skyscraper is constantly refreshed with the help of specially installed membranes. It is worth noting that for the Burj Khalifa was specially developed its own flavor.

The tower provides itself with electricity. Solar panels are installed on the facade of the building, and a huge turbine rotating from gusts of wind. The length of this turbine is more than 60 meters.

photo: Inside the elevator to the Burj Khalifa observation deck

The rise to the Burj Khalifa is provided by 57 elevators. The speed of their movement is 10 m/s. Interestingly, in emergency situations, people are evacuated in just 32 minutes, despite the impressive size of the building.

Burj Khalifa inside

The building has almost everything a person needs for life: shops, restaurants, swimming pools, nightclubs, observation decks, an observatory, and much more. The first 39 floors of the tower are occupied by the rooms of a luxurious five-star hotel, which is considered one of the most prestigious hotels in the country. 35 floors of the tower are reserved for offices, and 59 for residential premises. A billionaire from India owns the 100th floor. And on the 122nd floor there is a chic restaurant with the telling name "Atmosfera", which can accommodate about 80 guests at the same time. home viewpoint located on the 148th floor. Its height is amazing, and delivers a lot of unforgettable emotions.

photo: Interiors
photo: Interiors inside the tallest skyscraper in the world
photo: One of the apartments in the Burj Khalifa. You can still buy)

observation decks

The tower has two viewing platforms. One of them is located on the 148th floor, and the other is on the 124th floor. Tickets can be purchased at the ticket office at the entrance to the tower, but this is often not possible, since absolutely all tourists dream of wanting to see Dubai from a bird's eye view. That is why it is better to buy tickets to the observation deck on the Internet online. You can see the city through a huge window, which offers an incredibly beautiful view of Dubai and its main attractions.

skyscraper facts

  • The height of the unique skyscraper is 828 meters
  • The building has 163 floors
  • Spire height - 180 meters
  • $1.5 billion was spent on construction
  • The building contains 900 residential apartments
  • The height of the observation deck is 555 meters
  • Movement on the floors is provided by 57 elevators
  • 12 thousand workers took part in the construction of the tower.

Work began on the original and complex project in January 2004. The tower was designed by the American company Skidmore, Owings & Merrill. Samsung C&T was chosen as the general contractor.

Already at the end of September 2004, construction began, which proceeded at a very high pace. During the week, 1-2 floors were erected. The spire, having a height of 180 meters, is made using metal structures.

This is a unique building that glorified Dubai all over the world. Burj Khalifa was built using certain grades of concrete that can withstand temperatures up to 50 degrees. Such concrete was laid only at night, while ice was added to the composition. In total, about 320,000 m3 of this composition was used, more than 60,000 tons of steel reinforcement.

The construction of Burj Khalifa (Dubai) cost a huge amount. The UAE spent $1.6 billion on the construction. It should be noted that this amount paid off already in the first year after the start of operation, thanks to the popularity of the building. After all, not everyone, even from the most influential and wealthy people in the world, could buy apartments here. The price of one square meter in them reached 40 thousand dollars, and they were sold out even before the completion of construction.

Design features

The Burj Khalifa which you see in this article is equipped with a turbine that rotates with the wind and generates autonomous electricity, and a special fire safety system allows you to evacuate the inhabitants of the tower if necessary in 32 minutes.

There are 57 elevators in the building. They move at a speed of 10 m/s. During construction, the climatic features of the UAE were taken into account. To reduce the risk of the structure swaying in the wind, it was given an asymmetric shape. For all guests who come to Dubai, Burj Khalifa delights. On a tour of the skyscraper, tourists are told that special glasses were used for the construction, which do not let dust through and completely reflect the rays of the sun.

Special membranes are mounted in the floor, which aromatize and cool the air in the room. All this maintains a comfortable temperature, despite the unbearable heat outside.

Dubai, Burj Khalifa: Description

We have already said that the skyscraper in the UAE is by far the highest on Earth. in Dubai is 828 meters. This is a massive and innovative building. It seems to pierce the sky and rushes up. For comparison, we can say that the famous London Big Ben is seven times lower than the Arab tower.


Spread over a vast area luxury hotel for 300 rooms, offices, 700 VIP-class apartments, a restaurant, a parking lot for three thousand cars, famous brand stores, gyms, swimming pools, SPA centers, jacuzzis, observation decks and even its own park of 11 hectares. As you can see, this is a truly unique building of the Burj Khalifa (Dubai). How many floors does it have? This question is probably of interest to many of our readers. The building has 160 floors.

The skyscraper has an asymmetrical shape, reminiscent of a stalagmite that seems to grow from the bottom of the cave. Another feature of the unique building is that its foundation is not fixed in the ground as usual. It consists of 200 hanging piles, which are 45 meters long and 1.5 meters in diameter.

Air and temperature

The air in the famous tower is not only fully air-conditioned, but also has its own fragrance, developed specifically for this building. It is fed into the tower through certain openings in the floor. The temperature in the building is +18°C.

Maintaining a stable temperature is achieved by using tinted thermo glass. It will take at least three months to wash all the glass in the building.

Electricity and water supply

How such a huge building is provided with water and electricity is of interest to many tourists who come to Dubai. Burj Khalifa has an autonomous power supply system. It consists of wind turbines with turbines 60 meters long and huge solar panels. Their area is 15 thousand square meters. m.

The water supply system supplies the tower with approximately 945,000 liters of water daily through dedicated pipelines. Their length is 100 km. In addition, there is a special pipeline. Its length is 213 kilometers. Another 34 kilometers of pipes supply cold water for air conditioning.


The main panoramic platform is At the Top, which is located at 124,451.9 m). We recommend visiting it to everyone who happens to visit Dubai.


You can visit the observation deck both on your own by buying a ticket at the box office located on the ground floor of the building, and as part of an excursion group. Before visiting, you can leave things that you do not need in the storage rooms. Then be sure to go through a metal detector.

Here, various information about the structure and popular quotes related to it are posted on the walls. At the appointed time, you will be escorted to the elevators, but before that you will be photographed. In addition, on the way to the elevator, you will see pictures and information about the tallest building in the world, the history of its creation, and the companies involved in the construction. To the elevators, which are designed to transport tourists, are allowed in small groups. During the ascent, there is a beautiful light show accompanied by epic music. The ascent takes only one minute.

And now you find yourself on the 124th floor of the building. From here you have a 360 degree view. Half of the site is located under open sky, the second part is in the room. Tourists who have already climbed the observation deck believe that it should be visited at least 4 times: at dawn, during the day, at sunset and at night.

You have 45 minutes to visit the site, but no one really keeps track of time, so you can stay there as long as you need to enjoy the magnificent scenery. Visiting late in the evening or at night is attractive because you can see the musical fountains of Dubai from a great height. There is also a souvenir shop with T-shirts, cups and other paraphernalia. You can also take a photo and get a photo. When you consider that you have seen everything that you planned, go to the exit, and in a minute you will return from heaven to earth. Before leaving, a pretty girl will come up to you and present an album with your photo against the backdrop of the picturesque Burj Khalifa.

Burj Khalifa is the most high tower peace. Until 2010, it was called Burj Dubai or simply Dubai Tower. Its shape is similar to a stalagmite - a wide base and a sharp tip pointing straight up.

Construction lasted six years, one or two floors were erected every week, and the tower was finally opened on January 4, 2010. The architect of this skyscraper is the famous Adrian Smith, known for his previous creations (Jeddah Tower and the Jin Mao skyscraper in China). This project was designed as a "city within a city" - with independent infrastructure, parks and streets.

The cost of building the Burj Khalifa

The construction of the tower cost one and a half billion dollars. From the very first day of construction, she gathered a lot of rumors around her - now and then there were disputes about her real height.

This building houses apartments, hotels, offices, sports clubs and an observation deck. There are fifty-seven elevators in operation, but only one elevator can go from the first floor to the last. All others work with transfers.

Burj Khalifa opening hours

The Burj Khalifa is open every day, seven days a week. You can get to the observation decks from 9.30 to 22.00. Most best time to visit: at sunset, because in this way there is an opportunity to see the panorama of the city and the bay both in daylight and at night, enjoy the sunset and the lights of Dubai at night.

The height of the Burj Khalifa and the number of floors

The height of the most famous and impressive tower is 828 meters, which is 2716.5 feet.

The building consists of 163 floors, which is a world record for the following parameters:

  • the tallest tower in the world;
  • the tallest self-contained structure in the world;
  • the largest number of overground floors;
  • the highest level of the used floor;
  • the highest observation deck (at an altitude of five hundred and fifty-five meters);
  • the highest elevator in the world.

The height of the tower is calculated from the lowest passage into the building, technical floors are not included in the calculation: forty-six floors inside the spire and two underground floors.

Attraction Burj Khalifa - Singing Fountain

The world-famous singing fountain in Dubai is also located here, the height of the jets of which reaches a record 150 meters. This water wonder of the world is located at the foot of the tower, the fountain is located in the middle of an artificial lake. The area of ​​this reservoir is more than 12 hectares. The water system was designed by the American company WET, previously known for its project in Las Vegas - a fountain opposite the Bellagio casino.

The Dubai Fountain is illuminated by 25 color and 6660 spotlights. Its length is 275 meters.

The fountain can perform many compositions, for example:

  • "Sama Dubai", in honor of Sheikh Mohammed;
  • "Baba Yetu" ("Our Father"), a Grammy-winning song;
  • "Shik Shak Shok", Arabic song;
  • "Inshed An Aldar" ("Ask About Home"), a song written in the UAE specifically for the opening of the Burj Khalifa;
  • "Partirò ("Time to Say Goodbye"), song performed by Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman;
  • "Dhoom Thana", a Hindi song from the movie "When One Life Is Not Enough";
  • "Bassbor Al Fourgakom";
  • "I Will Always Love You", a song by Whitney Houston and others.

skyscraper construction

Burj Khalifa stands firmly on the ground thanks to piles one and a half meters in diameter and forty-five meters long. There are two hundred such fasteners in total. The peculiarity of the tower is its shape, due to the asymmetry the building is not so much subject to fluctuations from the wind, and the cladding of the building with thermal panels ensures coolness in the interior.

Special counterweights are installed inside the tower to make the building even more stable - this is a special ball of concrete and steel. Its weight is about 800 tons. This design rests on springs and balances the amplitude of the oscillations of the Burj Khalifa.

In fact, the tip of the building deviates from its axis by more than a couple of meters. And the mass depreciation mechanism helps to reduce the risks of destruction of skyscraper structures to zero. The tower can withstand wind gusts and jolts up to 7.0 on the Richter scale.

It is interesting that ice was added to the concrete solution during the construction of the tower and the structures were poured only at night, since during the day the temperature was too high for this. After drying, the solution is not afraid of either high temperatures or low ones. Burj Khalifa is considered one of the safest buildings in the UAE and the world.

It is interesting to note that the Burj Khalifa uses a modern method of collecting rainwater and then using it. There is practically no rain in this area, therefore additional water is collected from condensate. The collected water is sent through a pipe system to a special reservoir located in the basement of the building. Every year, up to forty million liters of water are collected in this way. It is mostly used for irrigation.

It is logical to assume that the windows in the building need to be washed both inside and out. In addition, 26,000 mirror panels lining the building should also be cleaned. For these purposes, there are twelve special machines, each weighing thirteen tons. These mechanisms ride on special rails along the outer walls of the building. More than thirty-six people are involved in the maintenance of this system.

Observation decks at Burj Khalifa

The main observation deck is located at an altitude of 452 meters above ground level, it is located on the 124th-125th floors of the tower. The official name of this place is At the Top, which means “at the top”.

In order to enjoy the panorama of Dubai from the height of the flight of airliners, one hour is enough. During this time, you can see 360-degree views around the skyscraper.

But this is not the highest observation point of Burj Dubai. At an altitude of 555 meters, there is a legendary site that has broken all world records. It occupies the 148th floor of the building.

Both the first and second (high-rise) sites are open to the public by ticket.

Ticket prices for Burj Khalifa

Usually huge queues of tourists line up for tickets, and in order to get the coveted pass to the tower, you will have to wait for more than one hour. Therefore, it is recommended to buy and book tickets online in advance on the official website. But even there you have to wait, as the number of people who want to visit the main attraction of Dubai just rolls over. Therefore, it is necessary to plan your visit to the skyscraper in advance.

Tickets for visiting the observation decks can also be bought at the box office, which are located in the Dubai Mall at the LG level: this is the lowest level of the shopping center. You can get to the point of sale of tickets by following the signs or by taking a map of the Dubai Mall in advance.

Exactly the same tickets can be purchased on the lower floor of the Burj Khalifa itself.

Fees may vary depending on options selected:

  • The price of an adult ticket to a low observation point is from 149 AED. It may vary depending on the time of day and day of the week.
  • The highest observation deck will cost more - from 378 to 533 AED, depending on the time of visit.
  • There are express tickets available that allow you to go up without a queue to the 124th floor and then, having bought a ticket to the second observation point, climb to the very top. This method will cost about 700 AED.
  • Children under four years old are free.

Below you can buy tickets for the 124th and 125th floors, as well as order sightseeing tours:

Buy on

A ticket to the observation deck can also be bought at the box office on the first level of the Burj Khalifa.

Undoubtedly, despite the price, every tourist should visit these unusual sites, because they have no analogues in the world!

Hotels near Burj Khalifa Dubai

Near the famous Khalifa tower there are many luxury hotels, for example:

  • Armani Hotel Dubai is a hotel located in the building of the tower from the first to the eighth floor and from the thirty-eighth to the thirty-ninth floor. The rooms offer panoramic views of the fountain and the Arabian Gulf. The Italian head of the fashion house, Giorgio Armani, was personally present at the opening of the hotel. There are also cafes, restaurants and lounge areas.
  • Dream Inn Dubai Apartments - Burj Residences - The hotel is located 600 meters from the skyscraper.
  • The Address Hotel is located in the Dubai Mall and was opened in 2009 and last renovated in 2013. There are forty-three floors with two hundred and forty-two rooms.
  • Palace Downtown - the hotel is located 500 meters from the Burj Khalifa.
  • Address Boulevard - Located 400 meters from the Dubai Tower.

All the hotels in the area are four or more star, all inclusive, have their own parking lots, bars, restaurants and swimming pools.

It is advised to book in advance a hotel in the immediate vicinity of the Burj Khalifa.

How to get to Burj Khalifa in Dubai

You can get here in such ways from different parts of the city. For example:

  1. Metro. To do this, you need to get to the Burj Khalifa / Dubai Mall station using the red metro line.
  2. By bus. Bus routes numbered 27, 28, 29, 81, F13 pass here to the Burj Khalifa / Dubai Mall stop.
  3. By taxi. Using a city taxi or ordering a car through special applications: Uber, Smart Taxi, Careem, RTA Dubai, KiwiTaxi.
  4. By renting a car. You need to go focusing on the Financial Center, which is located next to the skyscraper.

Burj Khalifa - Google Maps Street Panoramas

Observation deck on the Burj Khalifa, panorama

Most high building in the world is located in Dubai - it is a skyscraper Burj Khalifa. The height of the skyscraper "Burj Khalifa" is 828 meters. This building has 163 floors: it is so high that it can be seen far beyond the city limits.

In January 2010, the construction was fully completed and the grand opening of the tower took place. Initially, it was planned as a "city within a city", with its parks, flower beds, shops. Until the end of construction, the height of the building was kept in strict confidence. In total, the construction of the world's tallest building, the Burj Khalifa, cost more than $4 billion and took four years to complete, with an average build rate of one to two floors per week.

Inside the skyscraper are apartments, office buildings, shopping centers, restaurants and hotel. There are three separate entrances - for the hotel, for offices and for apartments. The building has several gyms, swimming pools, viewing platforms, some of which are equipped with a jacuzzi, nine hotels, several restaurants, among which is the Atmosfera restaurant. Due to the fact that the restaurant is located on the 122nd floor, it has become the highest located restaurant in the world.

Initially, the skyscraper was supposed to be called the Burj Dubai, but at the opening ceremony, the then ruler of the emirate of Dubai, Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum, said: “From now on and forever this tower will bear the name of Khalifa - Burj Khalifa. Thus, he forever renamed the skyscraper in honor of the man who did so much for the now prosperous state of the United Arab Emirates - Khalifa ibn Zayed Al Nahyan.

The Burj Khalifa skyscraper is not only the tallest, but also the most expensive skyscraper in the world! The creator of the project is the American architect Adrian Smith, Samsung was the main contractor. Giorgio Armani himself worked on the design of the Armani Hotel, located from the first to the thirty-ninth floor. To build the tower, a special concrete was invented that can withstand temperatures above 50 degrees. Due to the special formula, this concrete had to be laid exclusively at night, it is known that ice was added to it. The windows of the skyscraper are equipped with a special thermal system that does not allow dust and ultraviolet rays to enter and helps maintain a constant temperature inside the Burj Khalifa. Not only is the air in the highest skyscraper in the world constantly cooled and enriched with oxygen, it is also aromatized. Moreover, this fragrance was also developed specifically for the Burj Khalifa and is unique.

There are 57 elevators in the building, but only the service one moves from the first to the last floor. Guests of the skyscraper have to move through the floors with transfers. These elevators develop speed up to 10m/s.

In front of the facade of the tallest building in the world, there is an artificial lake in which the Dubai Singing Fountain was opened - it is illuminated by almost 7,000 light sources and more than 50 spotlights.

Observation deck Burj Khalifa, called "At the Top" and located on the 124th floor, offers visitors an incredible panorama of the city. From such a height, the new business center of Dubai, the center of which is precisely this skyscraper, looks like a city from the future. You can enjoy this view on average for about an hour, exactly how long the walk lasts, tickets for which are sold in the lobby of the building. The cost of these tickets ranges from thirty-six (a regular ticket, which is usually followed by a huge queue) to one hundred and ten dollars (buying this ticket, you can immediately proceed to the site without waiting in line).

It is not yet possible to say how soon the building will be higher than the Burj Khalifa in Dubai , but today the skyscraper still retains this proud title and is the tallest building in the world.

Faktrum tells Interesting Facts about the Burj Khalifa.

1. The tallest building in the world

The height of the Burj Khalifa is 828 meters, and the height of the second tallest building in the world (Shanghai Tower) is 632 meters. The difference is more than obvious. The Burj Khalifa is also three times taller than the Eiffel Tower.


2. Inside the building

Those who think that the Burj Khalifa is very impressive from the outside, simply have not been inside a skyscraper. The highest observation deck is located at an altitude of 452 meters. In total, the building has 164 floors, 1 of which is underground, and as many as 58 elevators that travel at a speed of 10 meters per second (these are one of the fastest elevators in the world). Also in the Burj Khalifa there are 2957 parking spaces, 304 hotels and 904 apartments.

3. The skyscraper was designed by the Americans and built by a South Korean company.

While the Burj Khalifa is located in Dubai (the original name of the skyscraper is Burj Dubai), the building was designed by the American firm Skidmore, Owings and Merrill. Engineers from Chicago have created a special support structure that resembles a three-pointed star. The construction of the building was entrusted to the South Korean company Samsung Engineering and Construction.

4. Multiple records

It is the tallest free-standing building, the building with the highest residential floor, the building with the most floors, the building with the highest elevators, and the second highest observation deck (the highest observation deck is located in the Canton Tower).

5. What was needed for the construction

In order to build such a titanic building, it took a lot of time and effort (namely, 6 years and 22 million man-hours). On especially busy days, more than 12,000 workers were at the construction site at a time.

6. Huge weight

An incredible amount of materials were needed to build the building. One aluminum went so much that it would be enough to create 5 A380 Airbuses. 55,000 tons of reinforcing steel and 110,000 tons of concrete were also spent. This is approximately equal to the weight of 100,000 elephants. And if you take and fold the reinforcement from the building in a row, then it would stretch for a quarter of the Earth.

7. Heat resistance

Dubai is very hot, with an average summer temperature of 41 degrees. Naturally, a building built in this country must withstand extreme temperature fluctuations. That is why over 300 Chinese experts were hired to develop a cladding system that can protect against local temperatures.

8. Power consumption

Naturally, living in such a huge building requires a monstrous amount of resources. For example, the Burj Khalifa uses about 950,000 liters of water every day. The building also consumes a huge amount of electricity (about as much as 360,000 hundred-watt light bulbs “eat up”).

9. Washing a skyscraper

How do you clean and wash 26,000 glass panels that always look perfect? Responsible for this are 12 machines, which weigh about 13 tons each, moving along special rails on the outside of the building. The cars are serviced by 36 people.

10. Floral design

The design of the Burj Khalifa was inspired by the hymenocallis, a flower that has long petals radiating from the center. The three wings of the Burj Khalifa diverge to the sides like these petals.