Farm of the Bambakovs “Dolmen. Secrets of ancient dolmens

Updated: 2019-7-24

Oleg Lazhechnikov


Visit the Gelendzhik region and not go somewhere to the dolmens? It's not about me. Of course, I would also go on a hike, but there was no company and I didn’t want to leave my family for several days. I wanted to go to it initially, but now there is such a movement there already (even though it’s only June), such a place has become popular, it’s a bit of a pity. Therefore, I decided to go to the Dolmen farm, which is located near the Doguab River, a few kilometers short of Pshada, if you go from Gelendzhik.

I mentioned this place in the article, but I didn’t write about it specifically, although I’ve been here several times. The thing is that I didn’t have a camera before, and without photographs I don’t see the point in writing such an article.

Unlike other places, the dolmens here are located in a cluster and close to the entrance, and for a quick inspection you will need no more than half an hour. Those who are not prone to physical activity and long walks may like this. And I managed to walk here for three hours. True, I had a small snail with me, which definitely needed to crawl around to its fullest. I won’t tell you where each dolmen is located, you can easily find it, there are signs there. The place is civilized, with trash cans, a cafe, an artificial waterfall, funny wooden figures, and a free toilet.

Which mushroom to choose...

Dolmens Maya, Khan, Tenderness and Thor

Such a story once happened with the Khan dolmen. More precisely, not with him, but with me, then still young and naive (this was in 2006). At that time, my friends and I often visited dolmens and were interested in esotericism and other things. And one of us was also interested in linguistics. So, it was interesting for us to turn the words around and see what happens. Once at the Khan dolmen, we also turned its name upside down and laughed together. Only a little later, when we were getting ready to go to our tent camp (on Zhana), it turned out that the bus had just left. Well, we are advanced, we tried hitchhiking, but no one takes it. We decided to walk, which after all is 16 km, including a long pass. But it’s okay to go on foot, it’s not very difficult, although it’s unpleasant at night, so in the village of Mikhailovsky Pass dogs got into the habit of attacking us. They ran straight onto the road and rushed. It’s good that we had a flashlight with us; we turned it on in flashing mode, thereby blinding the animals for a while, while we moved further down the road. I remember we suffered a lot of fear then... Eventually, we somehow reached the camp and from then on, I began to be more respectful of the dolmens, no matter what they looked like. And I’m still so afraid of Han :)

Doguab River

For those tired of the heat, there is the opportunity to swim in the river. Moreover, I think you can do it naked, because rarely anyone goes there. There are two rivers; in fact, the farm is located between the rivers. If you follow the dirt road, then after 300 meters it will lead to the Doguab River. And if you do not follow the signs, but to the left through the orchard, then immediately after the pond you can get to the Pshada River.

How to get there and entrance fee

Entrance usually costs 150 rubles per person and 50 rubles per child 6-12 years old. I am not entirely in favor of charging a fee to view cultural and historical values ​​that belong to everyone. But considering how our Russian people love to litter and destroy, someone needs to look after the territory and clean it up. So this can be considered an environmental fee, although, of course, this is a controversial topic. Especially considering how many people come to dolmens, the ecology of the entire Krasnodar could be improved.

The official website is, I’m afraid that if this land had not been rented, then perhaps these dolmens would not be there now.

The farm is located before reaching Pshada, if you drive from Gelendzhik. On the right on the hill you will see a large shield with the inscription Dolmen, and there will be a gate and a parking lot near it. Buses that go from the old bus station in the center of Gelendzhik stop near this place. The bus you need is the one that goes to Pshada, Arkhipo-Osipovka or Betta.

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On this journey of ours, much was spontaneous. In general, we were not going to the dolmens. But even when we were driving to Gelendzhik, we noticed signs along the highway near the village of Pshada - “Dolmen Village” and “Dolmen 100 Meters”. And we immediately decided that on the way back we would definitely look there, since roads of the worldbrought us here.

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You can relax in Kuban at any time of the year. And tourists have long been no longer afraid of the “dead” season and the lack of the opportunity to plunge into the sea. After all, besides it, there are many equally interesting places.

The Mystery of Ancient Civilization

What attracts tourists from all over the world to the Kuban land are the dolmens, which keep the secrets of centuries, and maybe even millennia. How our ancient ancestors created these strange houses (there is a version that these are tombs) remains a mystery to this day. Someone is sure that these stone structures could not have been created human hands, they were left on Earth by aliens. But be that as it may, these mysterious structures attract people like a magnet. Moreover, not only Russians, but also residents of other countries and continents come here to touch the secrets of ancient civilizations. Since ancient times, dolmens have been endowed with miraculous powers; they believed that they can return love, help find spiritual harmony, strengthen intuition, impart wisdom, and can... even punish if treated disrespectfully. As for the official version, dolmen is translated from British as “stone table” and is considered by modern archeology in different ways: either as a funeral or as a religious building. The time of their creation dates back to the 3rd - 2nd centuries BC. That is, they are more than one thousand years old. Scientists are sure that dolmens were not built in random places, which is why clots of that amazing energy are concentrated around them, which still feeds numerous visitors. However, until now scientists, as already mentioned, have not come to a common opinion on the purpose of dolmens.

Dolmen Village

I was advised to visit the dolmens located not far from Gelendzhik, near the village of Pshada (translated from Adyghe means “valley of calm”). You won’t believe it, but there really is silence here and you can even hear the autumn leaves falling under your feet. Although there are also dolmens in Adygea and in the Tuapse region, but only in Pshad, there are so-called “female” dolmens. According to legends, they help specifically the fairer sex.

When you drive towards Gelendzhik, look around carefully. When, upon approaching the village, you see signs - “Village of Dolmens” and “Dolmen 100 meters” - welcome to the mysterious world of our ancestors. When you turn off the highway, you will see a parking lot where you can leave your vehicle. There will also be a cash register there. The tickets come with a map map, thanks to which you can find the dolmens, three of which are located on the slope of the cliff, and the fourth at the very top. Climbing up the slope is a pleasure. In just five minutes of walking, you will come to a sparkling waterfall with cool, life-giving water. You will wash your face with it and feel 20 years younger! Well, those who come here not for the first time take towels with them. A few minutes under an ice-cold “shower”, then vigorous rubbing with a towel, a cup of hot tea from a thermos and a feeling as if wings had grown behind your back.

Energy of love

Literally ten minutes walk from the waterfall and here it is “Dolmen of Love” or as it is also called “Maya”.

“This dolmen brings people true love, helps them find family happiness,” explained the woman who, pressing her hands against the cool wall, asked “Maya” for a great and bright feeling.

This dolmen had many women, girls and girls. Some ladies came to Maya with their husbands. I put my hand to the stove. It was cool at first, then began to warm up. Indeed, some kind of incomprehensible force or energy emanated from the dolmen. Or maybe this energy of love? I remembered the story of a scientist I knew who claimed that our ancestors meditated in these “houses,” lay down inside and went into a trance for weeks, and sometimes even months, and thereby “charged” the buildings with their powerful energy for centuries.

"Khan" does not forgive insults

Literally a few meters from the “dolmen of love” there is the “dolmen of health” or also called “Khan”. According to popular belief, it helps to gain not only physical health, but also mental balance, helps to find the right life guidelines, decide on a field of activity, and choose the right path. This is probably why, in addition to people wanting to be healed of their ailments, near him, students from a Krasnodar university were having leisurely conversations.

This is not the first time we have come here,” said Yegor Smirnov, “you won’t believe it, but with the support of “Khan” I passed the exam with excellent marks, and now I receive an increased scholarship.

Why, I really believe it,” I answer the talkative guy.

Approaching “Khan” I see that his right corner has been taken away. This is how much effort it took to break a piece from a solid stone slab! And after walking a couple of steps, I saw a fragment lying forlornly. A local resident, Anton Evgenievich Lomakin, walking nearby, told me that the barbarity was the work of one of the pilgrims. After standing by the dolmen, he felt an unprecedented surge of energy and decided... to break off a piece of “Khan” so that he could be charged with strength from it at home. Arriving under the cover of darkness, the man broke off a piece from the dolmen - “Khan” may have imbued the fool with energy, but it clearly did not make him smarter! Having grabbed the coveted piece, the pilgrim started to run, but then the unexpected happened: the robber’s strength left him and he fell to the ground. With great difficulty, the unfortunate tourist left this place, and a piece of “Khan” remained lying on its land. Local residents are sure that it was the spirit of the dolmen who punished the scoundrel.

"Tenderness" is hiding in the forest

From the dolmen there is a winding path, along which you can go to the mountain river Doguab and enjoy the murmur of running water, in which fish flash, and the singing of birds. Having rested by the river, we return back and follow another path to the “Tenderness” dolmen, which is “hidden” away from human eyes. Yes, and it’s the hardest thing to get to. Every now and then, tree roots stick out from the forest path and you need to carefully look at your feet. And here it is, the “Tenderness” dolmen. Unlike his brothers, he is short and much wider than them. It is located in the forest itself under the reliable protection of perennial trees. Finding it would have been impossible if not for the signs and paths laid by thousands of people. If you are a mother, then you should definitely visit this dolmen. It's better to bring your children with you. After all, this forest dweller helps maternal feelings flourish, protects babies and adult children from illnesses and life’s adversities, and strengthens family relationships. That’s why you can often see entire families around it. Women told me that after an excursion to this dolmen their children become calmer, sleep well, and become more diligent. One of the interlocutors shared that she was generally in despair; her teenage son completely lost control, became rude, and even began to touch the bottle. She sat for an hour near the dolmen of tenderness. And when she arrived home, you won’t believe it, her son met her at the door and asked for forgiveness. This time the woman came with her son to recharge with positive energy.

Thor will protect the evil

From communicating with the dolmens, I received such a colossal charge of energy that I did not rise, but flew to the very top of the mountain to the “dolmen of success” or “Torah”, as it is called local residents. Thor helps you achieve success in all good (!) endeavors. They say that people with bad thoughts are simply unable to rise to the top, the spirit of the dolmen creates all sorts of obstacles for them, then their strength will dry up for no reason, then their head will spin, then their leg will turn in, seemingly out of the blue. But a businessman from Moscow, Sergei Novitsky, who has a chain of stores and is involved in charity work, sponsoring orphanages, comes to this dolmen once every six months and is confident that it helps him cope with the competition and make a good profit, part of which he will definitely give to orphaned children.

And next to the dolmens there is a honey fair, where you can taste and purchase real honey. You can’t imagine how nice it is, after such an ascent to the dolmens, to eat a spoon or two of real mountain honey! There is dark chestnut, viscous linden, and fragrant acacia.

Price issue

If you don’t have a car, you can get to the dolmens by bus, which departs from the bus station in Gelendzhik. The cost of a ticket is from 20 to 50 rubles, depending on the comfort and location of the transport. “Private owners” will also offer their services to you, and they will charge you around 300 rubles.

An adult ticket costs 150 rubles, a child ticket costs 50 rubles.

Dolmens of Pshada

A dolmen is an ancient megalithic structure consisting of several vertically placed stones covered with a flat stone slab. One slab of such a structure weighs on average 20 tons. The name comes from the Breton “tol” - table and “men” - stone.

Few ordinary tourists have heard of such structures as Pshad dolmens. However, people interested in history or esotericism know firsthand about the mysterious valley of the Pshada River.
The Pshada River flows in the Gelendzhik region, and in its various areas there are mysterious dolmens. Their exact ages are unknown. Scientists suggest that the Pshad dolmens were built in the 2-4 millennium BC. Until the 50s of the last century, they did not arouse widespread interest among travelers or researchers. Many of the Pshad dolmens are dilapidated, but most of them are now protected by the state. Externally, they are structures made of massive slabs with a gentle entrance.
It is believed that some dolmens can restore strength or even answer questions. Therefore, people who believe in the supernatural make pilgrimages to them.


Dolmens in the village of Vozrozhdenie, Zhane River

Most tourist guides indicate that there are 4 dolmens here, but in fact, there are more. The Pshad dolmens in the village of Vozrozhdenie can be called the main excursion sites - large buses with excursionists often come here, so if you are interested specifically in meditation or getting an answer to a question, then this is not the place you need.
Here you can find tent camps, and not far from the dolmens there are even small stalls where you can buy souvenirs.
In the summer, bard concerts and festivals are held near the dolmens.

Farm "Dolmen"

It is located next to the Doguab River. The farm itself is sparsely populated, but extremely civilized: cafes, trash cans, toilets and other amenities of civilization are at the complete disposal of tourists.
The dolmens are located not far from the entrance, and you can walk around them (at least briefly) in about half an hour. The names of the dolmens are written on signs, so it is impossible to get lost here.
The Pshada dolmens located on the farm are named Thor, Tenderness, Khan and Maya. It is believed that Thor helps to gain self-confidence, Tenderness is responsible for the health and well-being of children, Khan - for the health of adults, and Maya - provides assistance in love.
According to tourists, Pshad dolmens require respectful treatment. Those who decide to laugh at them or commit offensive actions will face unpleasant consequences.
Entrance to the farm territory is paid.

Mount Nexis

On Mount Nexis there are 2 dolmens - Lunar and Solar. According to legends, you need to come to the Lunar dolmen at sunset, and to the Solar dolmen at dawn. At this time they have maximum strength.
Tourists rarely reach these dolmens, and excursions are held extremely rarely. To have time to properly explore the surroundings, it is better to come here with an overnight stay. You can spend the night in the dolmens themselves or in tents. The main thing is to take care of the sleeping area. Tent campers should pay attention to strong winds.
The view from Mount Nexis is stunning. Gelendzhik Bay looks especially picturesque.

How to get there

Buses leave from the lower bus station of Gelendzhik approximately 10 times a day. You need to get off at the “Vozrozhdenie” or “Pshada” stops. The fare is slightly higher than on public transport. Entrance to the dolmen territory is paid.
You can also sign up for a centralized excursion here.

Excursions from other resort regions are also organized to the dolmens of the Pshado Valley Krasnodar region, from Anapa, Taman, Sochi and others.

Location on the map