Egyptian pyramids. World of Pyramids Where on earth are there pyramids?

Thoth is a special historical figure, a man who passed through the Ascension fifty-two thousand years ago. For sixteen thousand years, Thoth was one of the rulers of Atlantis under the name Chikvitet Arlich Vomalites. As a result of the experiments of the “grays,” planet Earth became hopeless, which was agreed upon by the entire cosmic community, but not by Thoth. Many Ascended Teachers, foreseeing the death of civilization and the planet, left the Earth, turning into space wanderers. He chose to be on Earth as a teacher, to try to save the Earth and help humanity reach a certain level of consciousness. He wandered through space for almost two thousand years; visited many planets, observed their inhabitants, studied. Then he returned to earth. Wandering in space, Thoth got hold of a drawing of the grid of Christ Consciousness. With the former rulers of Atlantis Ra and AraAragot, the friends headed to the territory later known as Khem and present-day Egypt. The energy beam initializing the planetary level, in the form of a rod, begins in Egypt, permeates the Earth and exits on the other side near Tahiti through the island of Moorea. Both ends of the rod are surrounded by a logarithmic spiral, the projection of which is projected onto the ground. To begin with, Thoth and his friends built three pyramids in “four-dimensional” space and initialized them into our three-dimensional dimension, placing them on the projection line of the spiral of the Christ Consciousness. With this, Thoth balanced the energy flows of the planet, and during the transition processes that began about thirteen thousand years ago (when the Earth was supposed to perish), with the help of one thousand six hundred Ascended teachers, he formed the planetary Merkaba. Thanks to all these efforts, they were able to prevent a catastrophe, but at the end of three and a half days, during which they controlled the orbit and axis of the Earth, the year became 365 days instead of 360, as it was before, and the planet sank to a lower level.
Further, Thoth sent the third part of the Ascended teachers to Lake Titicaca and to the Island of the Sun, where they founded great empire Inc. Another part of the teachers landed in the Himalayas, while the rest remained in Egypt. These three locations were chosen based on planetary geometry to create a synthetic crystalline grid of the Christ Consciousness of the Earth. The Egyptian aspect became the masculine node of the crystalline grid, the Island of the Sun became the feminine node, and the Himalayan aspect became the neutral node of the crystalline grid.
From that moment on, the era of the revival of humanity began, but for another nine thousand years after the destruction of Atlantis, the remnants of the surviving humanity remained in an unconscious state. They returned to a barbaric state and were forced to resort to basic survival instincts. All this time, the Ascended Teachers kept the knowledge preserved from the times of Atlantis, for which they created temples - repositories of knowledge.

Ancient pyramids never cease to amaze us with new sensations. It turns out that the pyramids currently known to us are far from the only ones of their kind. In recent years, thanks to the latest technology, scientists continue to find new giant pyramids, not only in Egypt, but throughout the world! We will tell you about the most significant and interesting finds.


Of course, Egypt remains the leader in newly discovered pyramids. In this ancient land new pyramidal structures are discovered with enviable regularity, and this happens thanks to the study of satellite images.

In May 2011, the community of Egyptian pyramids was expanded by as many as 17 objects! The previously unknown pyramids were discovered using infrared satellite imaging, which makes visible objects located under a layer of river silt or sand. Thanks to this study of the Nile floodplain, scientists discovered 17 pyramids, more than a thousand burials and about three thousand ancient settlements, which are located relatively shallow under a layer of silt and are not visible to the naked eye. Excavations are currently underway in the area, and the existence of two of the 17 pyramids has already been confirmed.

Another discovery was made quite recently - in August 2012. Thanks to satellite images, two pyramid complexes were spotted in the Abu Sidum area at a distance of 145 km from each other. The discovery was made by archaeologist Angela Micol, who spent several years studying photographs of the Earth's surface. In the first complex, several mounds and a gigantic triangular-shaped object, 200 m wide, are clearly visible.

If it is confirmed that this is indeed a pyramid, then it will become a new sensation, because its dimensions are larger than the famous pyramid of Cheops. The second proposed complex consists of a 42 m wide pyramid and three mounds standing diagonally, as in the Giza complex.

Until now, all the pyramids known to us were located near Cairo, and if studies of the area confirm the discoveries of Angela Micol, it will truly become a sensation. An expedition led by Angela and Egyptologist Nabil will soon set off to study these objects.


In 2005, independent researcher Semir Osmanagic stated that Mount Visocica, located near the town of Visoko, is actually a pyramid and is of artificial origin. Soil studies confirmed this theory, and since then the whole world has been talking about the Bosnian pyramids.

Further geodetic studies showed that the Pyramid of the Sun, as it was later called, has a clear orientation to the cardinal points, like the Egyptian pyramids. Its northern side faces the North Star. The angles formed by the faces of the pyramid are absolutely straight and equal. In addition, around the pyramid, on all its sides, during excavations, massive stone slabs were found, clearly not of natural origin. Analysis of these slabs showed that they were made of a substance similar to concrete, the composition of which is unknown to us.

Subsequently, not far from the first pyramid, four more were discovered, next to which the same concrete blocks and many other artifacts were invariably found. Excavations in the Visočica area are still ongoing. Many world experts who have visited there confirm that all these finds are of man-made origin. It is assumed that the age of these pyramids is 10-12 thousand years.


A similar story recently occurred in Indonesia, where German scientists discovered that Mount Sedehurip, long known to local residents, has a clearly visible pyramid shape. The pyramid is located in the west of the island of Java and is estimated to be about the same age as the Bosnian pyramids - about 10 thousand years. Mount Sedehurip clearly stands out in shape from all the surrounding hills.

During the excavations, stone slabs with unfamiliar inscriptions and images were discovered. The height of the pyramid is 200 meters, and according to scientists, the discovery of this pyramid is no less important than the discovery of the pyramids in Bosnia. Simir Osmanagic himself spoke quite positively about this: “Pyramids have been discovered in Bosnia, Egypt, Central America, China - they are on every continent, in all parts of the world - who said that they cannot be in Indonesia?!”

It is believed that the pyramid was built ancient civilization Sandanis, who lived in these territories. So far, excavations have just begun, but scientists assume that many artifacts will be found that will confirm the relationship of the Bosnian pyramids and the Sedehuri pyramid. On this moment About 1,000 people are working on pyramid research, but no significant results have yet been published. In the near future, scientists plan to use satellite and geo-electrical technology to study the pyramid.


Now let's move closer to our realities, to the territory of the Crimean peninsula. In one of the districts of Sevastopol, while searching for underground reserves of thermal waters, at a depth of 10 meters, drillers stumbled upon a real pyramid. The drilling site was initially chosen on the basis that there was an epicenter of powerful microwave radiation with a radius of 100 m. Now the nature of this radiation has become clear.

Researchers V.A. Goh and V. Taran, having received a certificate of scientific discovery and carried out accessible excavations, discovered that the pyramid was filled to the top as a result of the flood. This is evidenced by the fact that pebbles, silt and loams were found during the excavations. After this discovery, researchers using geoholography and geohydrodiagnostics discovered 30 more supposed pyramids.

It was also found that the faces of the excavated pyramid contain gypsum, lead and liquid glass, as well as cuprous oxide. As you know, the Egyptian pyramids have the same composition in their outer layer.

Goh and Taran suggest that the Crimean pyramids were built at the same time as the Egyptian ones. However, archaeologists are in no hurry to acknowledge the discoveries of enthusiasts, and therefore do not plan professional excavations in this area. Indeed, according to their theory, during the times ancient egypt there was a sea on the territory of Crimea.


And finally, the most controversial peak, fighting for the right to be called a pyramid, is the famous Tibetan Mount Kailash. Its pyramidal shape is also clearly visible, and its edges are oriented to the cardinal points. The mountain is the most high peak in her area, and she has not yet been conquered. In the ancient religions of Nepal and China, Kailash is considered sacred, and numerous pilgrims protest against its conquest. In religious texts about the mountain, the following is written: “No mortal dares to climb the mountain where the gods live; whoever sees the faces of the gods must die.”

Traveler and explorer Ernst Muldashev, who made an expedition to Mount Kailash, noticed that if you draw an imaginary straight line through Kailash to the center of the Earth, it will cross Easter Island. And besides, Kailash is located on the same meridian as Easter Island and the Egyptian pyramids. In his opinion, all the smaller mountains surrounding Kailash are also ancient pyramids. According to the famous ophthalmologist-traveler, the entire Earth is covered with a network of pyramids, which were built by ancient civilization according to strictly defined rules and lines.

Of course, Muldashev’s research is not recognized by the scientific world and is considered pseudo-scientific, but who knows, perhaps further discoveries of pyramids previously unknown to us will confirm this theory?

But we invite you not to wait for scientific minds to argue about the mysterious pyramidal structures and for them to understand their true purpose, but to find the answers yourself. This is much easier to do than it seems - you can find unique ancient knowledge, published for the first time, in the amazing books of Anastasia Novykh “Sensei”. You will have access to not only explanations of many mysteries of human civilization, but also ancient prophecies regarding the future of Humanity! You can download all books completely free of charge from our website!

Read more about this in the books of Anastasia Novykh

(click on the quote to download the entire book for free):

And by the way, this spiritual practice was not limited only to Ancient Egypt. Many artificially created pyramids that modern people have discovered today, and those that have not yet been “unsealed” and have not yet been found, are far from chaotic structures. Although they were built in different time, their location was in strictly defined coordinates, with strict orientation during construction to certain stars. On a global scale, it is a kind of map. The initiators of the creation of such pyramids were people with this knowledge. Among them was Imhotep. He received this information about a global architectural project on a world scale (which was developed long before the time of Imhotep) from the Sokrovennik at the end of many years of study with him, along with other knowledge.

Anastasia NOVIKH Sensei IV

Pyramids of the world.

Recently I was wandering around the Internet in search of a topic for an article and came across interesting information about a large pyramid that was built in France. We are all used to the fact that the pyramids are Egypt, but here it is France, why would this happen all of a sudden?

Pyramids of Giza

I am not a follower of those fables that are diligently told to us at school and in various literature on history. Well, I can’t wrap my head around the fact that people in loincloths used ropes to drag huge blocks and fit them to each other with millimeter precision - so that a razor blade could not fit between the slabs. And we, people of the 21st century, who sent a dog and a man into space, consider the ancient Egyptians to be primitive savages, but at the same time we cannot build what, in our opinion, these savages built. Some amendments are needed here: either stop considering the Egyptians a primitive civilization, or stop blaming them for the construction of such monumental buildings.

Egyptian pyramids

Well, okay, our history is generally very strange and consists of hypotheses, and not just facts. And now we will return to the facts, or rather to the fact that throughout to the globe pyramids similar to those in Giza are found. And it’s hard to argue with this - it’s a fact. Yes, we can argue about their origin, but we cannot deny their presence.

Traveler Thor Heyerdahl believed that the pyramids on different continents were built by the same civilization. When he excavated at the pyramids, he found the same objects near different pyramids, for example, skulls with gold plates implanted in them. But our history says that at that time people did not know how to move between continents. How then to explain the “pyramidal” similarities?

Pyramids have been found in China, Indonesia, and Bosnia.

Mayan Indian Pyramid

Mayan Indian Pyramid has the same layout with the pyramids of Giza, as well as the same orientation to the cardinal points.

Mayan pyramid


China. As far as I understand, there are several pyramids in China. But the most important pyramid is called the “White Pyramid” by the Chinese.

Chinese "white pyramid"

It was found only in the middle of the 20th century. They do not climb inside the pyramids, excavations are carried out only around the pyramids, foreign archaeologists are not allowed in and tourists are not allowed in either, the territory is guarded by the military.

One of the Chinese pyramids
Chinese pyramids


Bosnia. In 2005, Bosnia discovered that Mount Visocica in the city of Visoko is not actually a mountain, but a pyramid. Soil studies confirmed that the mountain is not a mountain at all.

Bosnian pyramid

And an analysis of the slabs found near the pyramid showed that the substance from which the slabs were made resembles concrete, but the composition is unknown to us. The pyramid was called the “Pyramid of the Sun.”

"Pyramid of the Sun"


Indonesia. Java Island. Here, too, scientists paid attention to a mountain named Sedehurip, its shape very much resembled a pyramid.

Pyramid of Indonesia

By that time local residents generously planted the surface of the pyramid with local seedlings. Excavations began during which slabs with unfamiliar inscriptions and images were found.


According to some information, there is a pyramid in Crimea. According to the official version, drillers, while searching for thermal water reserves, stumbled upon a place with powerful microwave radiation. They began to drill and at a depth of 10 meters they came across a pyramid.

Researchers V.A. Goz and V. Taran began to explore it. It turned out that it was filled up as a result of a flood and the composition of its walls coincides with the composition of the Egyptian pyramids, it also contains gypsum, lead, liquid glass and cuprous oxide. But official science and archaeologists are not interested in the find and are not going to help enthusiastic researchers. After all, according to official science, during the times of ancient Egypt, there was a sea, not pyramids, on the territory of Crimea.

This story is reminiscent of the Australian pyramid. There are satellite images, but there are no official data. The Australians say that this is a drained reservoir or even more nonsense, that it is part of some kind of wall. They do not have a common opinion.

Australian pyramid


And here is the same French pyramid that prompted me to write this article. The pyramid is located in the province of Languedoc-Roussillon.

French pyramid

And they discovered it completely by accident, during the construction of a highway. There is no information about her in either Russian or English.

But there is a small footnote in French. It says that the pyramid was built in 1974-1976 by the highway architect Ricardo Bofill. And this pyramid is dedicated to Catalonia.

I've never seen such a funny excuse before. According to official science, he apparently not only built the pyramid, but also then covered it with soil on one side.

And here are more pyramids around the world:

Why they were built and who built them is not yet known to us. Perhaps there is information, but apparently it is not for the general public, and most likely this information will go against official sciences. This is how we live in a complete lie. But let's hope that the truth will prevail and we will finally learn the history of our planet.

Pyramid of Kailash in the Himalayas
Complex with pyramids underwater off the coast of Japan
Pyramid in India

On the Kola Peninsula of Russia, Murmansk region, next to the famous Seydozero lake rises a mountain called Ninchurt ("ninch" - female breasts, and "urt" - mountain range, array). The lake got its name from the Sami “seid” - “sacred stone in which the soul of a shaman dwells.” The indigenous local Sami people also call this area Luyavrchorr, which translates as “Mountains at the Lake of Strength”.

At first glance, it may seem that these are completely natural rock formations, and if so, then great, the article is published under the heading “hypothesis”, and is for informational purposes only, not claiming anything more. However, with a more detailed study of the geographical surroundings of Krasnoyarsk (Russia), quite interesting details begin to emerge.

El Brujo - area in Peru, on the very shore of the Pacific Ocean, where the archaeological excavations and where the real stone ancient pyramids are located. Near the Chicama River in the La Libertad region, and thirty kilometers north of Trujillo, Magdalena de Cao district. In 100 - 750 AD, the Moche culture lived here, but the buildings themselves allegedly date back to 2500 BC. The paintings on the walls are quite well preserved; drawings and patterns are clearly visible, unlike other objects in these places. As for the proximity of water - nearby Pacific Ocean and the Chicama River Delta, everything is obvious.

In the mid-90s of the last century, fragments of 26 structures similar in structure to ancient cult pyramids were found in Greece. Of the twenty-six (although their exact number could not be established, they often refer to the definition of “at least five or six”) the best preserved pyramid is near the village of Helliniko, on the southeastern edge of the Argolid Plain.

To quote Wikipedia:

Pyramid of Cestius(Italian: Piramide di Caio Cestio or Italian. Pyramide Cestia) is an ancient Roman mausoleum in the shape of an irregular pyramid on the Aventine in Rome, next to the Porta San Paolo.

The pyramid is located at the fork of two ancient roads: the Ostian and another leading west to the Tiber River approximately along the modern Via della Marmorata. Built between 18 and 12 AD. BC e. for Gaius Cestius Epulo, magistrate and member of one of four great Roman priestly colleges, Septemviri Epulonum. It is a perfectly preserved structure made of concrete, lined with brick and marble. The height is 125 Roman feet (or 36.4 meters), the length of the base is 100 Roman feet (30 meters). Inside the pyramid there is a crypt 5.95 m long, 4.10 m wide and 4.80 m high. Nearby is a non-Catholic cemetery with the graves of Shelley, Keats and Bryullov.

The Begazin pyramid is a unique architectural pyramidal “mausoleum”, it was discovered in the steppe Kazakhstan near the city of Karaganda in 2016.According to one of the official versions, Saryarka pyramid, as it is also called, belongs to the Begazy-Dandybaev culture, the Late Bronze Age, and was erected in Saryarka more than 3000 years ago, supposedly for the kagan (leader) of a local powerful tribe.

In the very center of the capital of Peru, in the 9 million metropolis of Lima, one of largest cities South America, located on the arid Pacific coast, are two huge stone pyramids, Huaca Pucllana and Huaca Huallamarca. There is very little historical information on them, at least I don’t really want to copy and paste what I found on the RuNet, so who built them and when, let’s say, is unknown.

The pyramids of Huaca del Sol (Temple of the Sun) and Huaca de la Luna (Temple of the Moon) are located on the Pacific coast of Peru near the city of Trujillo, and also relatively close to the pyramids in the valley Lambayeque, the previous article is dedicated to them.


  • Huaca del Sol 8° 7"54.67"S 78°59"41.52"W
  • Huaca de la Luna 8° 8"5.00"S 78°59"25.58"W

When exactly were the Tucume pyramids built in the valley? They will tell you Lambayeque, as usual, with great reserve. According to one version, their construction is attributed totribes that replaced the Mochica culture, approximately in the X-XI centuries, that is, we are dealing (again, I repeat, most likely) with the Sican civilization, the history of which has already been found on our website in research materials about the 11th century. Djealous city of 26 pyramidsTucume (Túcume) locals also call " Purgatory"(Spanish) Purgatorio), AndThis amazing archaeological complex is located near the city of Chiclayo on the northern Pacific coast.

Pyramid of Akapana (Tiwanaku, Tiwanaku), Bolivia, South America.

In the Aymara language, the word "akapana" translates to the place where people die. Well, a completely logical name, given the analogies with the ancient archaeological heritage “Egyptian Book of the Dead”, “Road of the Dead” in Teotihuacan, Mohenjo-Daro - “hill of the dead”, Bald Mountain - the Sabbath of Witches and so on. Apparently, it is not without reason that modern archeology and history created such unattractive labels in order to scare away the interest of the curious and students. But let's return to Tiahuanaco, which is Pyramid of Akapana- this is a 15-meter mound, with a base side measuring about 200 meters, with a three-stage projection with a wide side facing east and a narrow side facing west.

Cholula - ancient city Toltecs in Mexico, which acquired a worldwide reputation thanks to the huge pyramid, which has the second name Tlachihualtepetl (Nahuatl translated as “man-made mountain”). The name speaks for itself, the pyramid in Cholula is the most massive in all of Mexico, its length at the base is 440 m and its height is 77 meters. By the way, in volume it exceeds even the Egyptian

The first hint that the location of the ancient pyramidal complexes on Earth is subject to a certain plan is apparently contained in the “Secret Doctrine”, H.P. Blavatsky (in the epigraph). The “four corners of the world” put in quotation marks suggests a link to some source with a description of what these corners are and where they are located. The author was unable to find out where Elena Petrovna got these 4 angles from, but the use of such a phrase does not seem to be accidental. Otherwise, one would expect phrases like “scattered throughout the world” or “found everywhere” or something similar. However, the entire “Secret Doctrine” consists of hints and omissions, so the only thing that can be said here is that the location of the complexes is apparently not accidental.

In modern times, the idea of ​​a world pyramid system has received widespread (among those interested in this topic) advertising, thanks to the works of Professor Ernst Muldashev. “Sensational results of the Tibetan scientific expedition organized by the weekly magazine “AiF”.

Indian pyramid of Brihadeshwara.

This pyramid is located in the city of Thanjavur (India) and is part of a large temple dedicated to the god Shiva. This is a very beautiful and intricate pyramid: complex in its architecture, decorated with colored figures... Very unusual! According to some sources, the age of this pyramid is much greater than generally accepted. For example, scientists at the Alternate History Laboratory consider it one of ancient pyramids world, miraculously preserved to this day...

And here is what they write about this pyramid-temple on the Internet:

"It is believed that this is the most big temple India, dedicated to the god Shiva. This temple previously performed two functions simultaneously: it was both a fortress and a temple. Brihadeshvara is the richest Shiva temple.

The temple is made in the shape of a pyramid, which was built during the era of the Chola dynasty. For that time, this temple was built very quickly - in just 25 years. The height of the pyramid is 58 meters, and the length of each of the four temple walls that form a rectangle is 152 and 76 meters.

It is also believed that this temple has a huge treasury that contains the most incredible treasures. For many centuries, rich people who worshiped Shiva, the dancing god, gave jewelry and lands to this temple. The temple servants carefully guard the secret of what exactly may be in the treasury.”

Pyramids of China.

Existence Chinese pyramids was only discovered in the mid-twentieth century. For many years, the Chinese government prohibited seekers from other countries from visiting the ancient structures. In satellite photographs, there are sixteen pyramids located near the city of Xi'an.

Australian trader Fred Mayer Schroder, in his diaries written in 1912, mentioned ancient pyramids in China. He led caravans and traded with many countries. The next caravan, passing by the Mongolian-Chinese border with a Mongolian guide, said: “We will pass the pyramids. There are seven of them, and they are located near the city of Xi’an.” And after several tiring days, an amazing picture opened before the merchant: a very beautiful structure with four regularly shaped faces and a flat top. He was amazed by the grandeur and power of the pyramids, he thought about the people who built such a majestic structure, their knowledge and power to create such things. The caravan approached the pyramids from the east, in the main group of pyramids there were three large ones, and the rest gradually decreased to the smallest one located in the south. The chain of pyramids stretched about ten kilometers in length.

These pyramids were unknown to anyone for many years; the Chinese government carefully concealed their existence. The largest pyramid is approximately three hundred meters high and at the base about five hundred meters. This pyramid is much larger than the Cheops pyramid. This pyramid is strictly oriented to the cardinal points and is painted in different colors: red - south, north - black, white - west, and east - green-blue. The sides of the pyramid were steps going to the very top of the pyramid, but now these steps have crumbled over time. You can only climb to the middle of the pyramid, since the lower steps are large and represent a step with an area of ​​​​about one square meter.

In China, all buildings were made of clay and the pyramid was no exception. Trees and shrubs grow on the slopes of the pyramid, giving the pyramid a resemblance to natural object. According to ancient books, the age of these pyramids is more than five thousand years, and in them the pyramids are indicated as having existed for many centuries before these books were written. And only not many have seen these pyramids; no one is allowed to see them. Chinese authorities keep the existence of these pyramids secret.

It is very interesting that these pyramids are located at 34 degrees north latitude, and their layout is very similar to the Egyptian one. The Egyptian pyramids are located at 30 degrees north latitude, and there is a geometric correspondence between the pyramids, which suggests that the pyramids were built by one civilization. The length in circumference, between the pyramids of Shansi and Cheops, is equal to 3849 degrees 5333 minutes of arc magnitude and corresponds to 64.15888 degrees. This number, squared twice, corresponds to the harmonic equivalent of mass. The same number is obtained from the distance between pyramids No. 4,5,6 in Shanxi and the Great Pyramid of Egypt.

These calculations are impressive and suggest that the correspondence to the harmonic equivalent of mass and the location of the pyramid complexes on the planet have a certain connection, and they were built as a single whole with a specific purpose. What is inherent in these groups of pyramids is that they allow one to resonate in unison with all harmonic fields. The construction of the pyramids may be associated with electronic processes associated with the transfer of information over vast distances. According to data from the Egyptian pyramids, there were special electronic devices inside them that made it possible to generate certain vibrations. These vibrations were amplified by the pyramids and transmitted over great distances. All data about this was lost, since many ancient books were destroyed. Perhaps the transmissions were not limited only to the earth, the pyramids were used as a huge transmitter-receiver for communication with other planets located at great distances. This mystery has never been solved, since exact information about their purpose has never reached us. But today it is already known for sure that the pyramids were not built by the rulers to whom they are attributed.

Pyramids of Tibet.

In 1999, an expedition of scientists from Ufa consisting of four people (E.R. Muldashev, R.Sh. Mirkhaidarova, S.A. Seliverstov and R.G. Yusupov) went to Tibet in search of the fabulous City of the Gods. Its result exceeded the wildest expectations of researchers: they discovered the largest group of pyramids in the world! All pyramids are very ancient. Their age is much higher than the age of the Egyptian pyramids, which, unlike the Tibetan ones, are much better preserved. For comparison, if the average age of the Great Pyramids of Egypt is about 4,600 years, then, according to some estimates, the age of the Tibetan pyramids is approximately 1,000,000 years! Since most of the pyramids, due to their amazing antiquity, have been significantly damaged by time, the question naturally arises: could scientists see pyramids where they simply do not exist? In other words, to confuse the bizarre outlines of the surrounding mountains with the shape of a pyramid? After all, Tibet is one of mysterious places planet, for many people it is sacred. Hundreds of pilgrims come there every year from different countries the world, as well as tourists. Why did none of them notice the pyramids before this expedition?

First of all, despite the great destruction, if you look closely, you can clearly see the fairly clear contours of the pyramids. However, in order not to make mistakes, scientists entered the received data into a computer (photos, sketches, videos), which processed them. As a result of this processing, it became clear where in the picture there was a pyramid and where there was an ordinary mountain. Why people didn't notice them before is also understandable. The fact is that the psychology of pilgrims is very specific. These people are deeply immersed in themselves. Having overcome many difficulties on their way and reaching holy places, which Tibet certainly is, they plunge into meditation and disconnect from reality. The scientific view is alien to them and unnecessary. At the same time, there is no information about the presence of scientific expeditions in this area. Nicholas Roerich was here, but he could not reach sacred mountain Kailash, in the area of ​​which the pyramid complex was discovered. Even the Ufa expedition itself, with great difficulty, managed to obtain permission from the Chinese authorities for a scientific expedition in that area.

In total, scientists discovered about 100 pyramids, as well as various monuments, clearly oriented to the cardinal directions and located around the most sacred and revered for all eastern world Mount Kailash. It is the main pyramid and is 6,714 meters high. All other pyramids are very different from each other in shape and size. Their height ranges from 100 to 1,800 meters. For comparison, remember that the highest egyptian pyramid– the Cheops pyramid originally reached 146 meters. Now, when the main part of the cladding has been lost over the years, its height is only 138 meters!
Among the pyramids there are rather strange stone formations with concave or flat surfaces, called “mirrors” by members of the expedition. As it turned out, they have a very interesting purpose. In addition, something very similar to huge stone statues of people was discovered

Material from the site