Dominican Republic tourist places. What is the most interesting and exotic thing to see in the Dominican Republic?

Haiti is paradise, and the Dominican Republic is its pearl. The Dominican Republic may seem like it's all beaches, the Caribbean Sea and merengue, but there are stunning sights and interesting places that make your head spin.

The most popular attraction among residents and travelers of the Dominican Republic is the Columbus Lighthouse. This is a museum that houses the remains of the navigator.

The large building, made in the shape of a cross, took several decades to build. Construction was completed on the 500th anniversary of his discovery of America, in 1992. Within the walls of the museum are stored various artifacts from the navigator’s time in these places, as well as his travel records and sculptures.

Despite the fact that the museum contains a mausoleum with the remains of the discoverer, it has not yet been established for certain where Columbus’s body is buried - they claim that his remains are in Spain and Italy.

Altos de Chavon

An artist town called Altos de Chavón is located in La Romana. This is a small village made in medieval style, which began to be built in 1976 at the request of the famous American tycoon Charles Bladorn. One day he flew to the Dominican Republic on business for his company, and was so fascinated by the beauty of the island that he stayed in these places forever.

There are two versions of village construction. The first version is a gift for a beloved daughter on her birthday, and the second is for visiting American tourists to get to know the culture and customs of the Dominican Republic better. Today, the houses house modern cafes, restaurants, workshops and shops. There is also a beautiful amphitheater, which was opened in 1982.

A peninsula untouched by modern structures and with amazing nature. Here it is unique: the clearest waters of waterfalls and rivers, mysterious caves, coconut palm plantations, sandy beaches and clear water - everything for a peaceful rest.

Here you can often meet dolphins, and when you visit the peninsula, from January to March, you can also see whales. Samana has two airports, car rental services are provided, and there are numerous hotels located on the southern coast. Also in this place you can have a lot of fun by going down into the underground lake. A full-fledged vacation in the Dominican Republic is about Samana.

Costa del Barn

Famous among tourists, the Costa del Ambar area is popular for its beach sand sparkling in the sun. Travelers love to use the stones that are found here at every step for crafts.

This area is the central part of the city of Puerto Plata. The area is famous thanks to the name of Columbus - here are the remains of the house in which he lived. The church of San Felipe, where the first mass was celebrated, has also been preserved. In addition, after climbing Mount La Loma Isabel de Torres, it is worth visiting three museums: amber, Taino Indians and Ostal Jimeson.

The José Armando-Bermudez Natural Park was created in 1956 by order of the Dominican government. The park is located in the center of the island in the city of Santiago along mountain range Central Cordillera. In addition to the fact that the three highest mountain points of the Dominican Republic are located in the park area, 12 rivers of the state originate from these peaks.

The national park amazes with its beauty, picturesque nature, and excellent landscape. For those who want to get an adrenaline rush, there is a climb to the top of Duarte. For lovers beautiful photos It is worth going to the jungle, you can find many unique birds there.

Los Haitises National Park, created in 1976, is a wonderful place for those looking for a relaxing holiday. It is located on the Samana Peninsula and covers an area of ​​about 200 sq. km.

This is an amazing area not only with an exotic landscape, but also with a variety of caves with rock inscriptions, small islands covered with dense vegetation and thickets of palm trees and cotton.

It is better to explore the territory of the national park as part of a group with a guide. The most remarkable thing is that a large number of hotels, restaurants and swimming pools are conveniently located here, despite all the untouched surroundings.

Jaragua National Park

Jaragua National Park is a nature reserve covering an area of ​​about 1,400 sq. km. He is in southern region Pedernales Peninsula. This area is perfect option for those who want to see with their own eyes all the beauties of wild nature.

The national park area is divided into three halves, each of which is individual and interesting in its own way. In the first part you can meet turtles who have fallen in love with this territory and breed their offspring here. The second zone of the reserve is home to unique birds, of which there are more than 130 species. The third zone is an arid area where plants with thorns instead of leaves grow in large numbers.

El Choco

In the Dominican Republic there is a fairly young, but no less attractive national park, which is called El Choco. It occupies a small area - about 77 sq. km.

The reserve is decorated with mountainous hills, which are covered with dense vegetation, numerous pastures and tropical plants. The main attraction that attracts many tourists here is underground cave"Caribbean Karst". It has many underground pools that can be reached by boat, path or scuba diving. In the reserve you can find various species of birds and plants, of which there are more than 900 varieties.

An unusual and attractive place is the city of Jarabacoa waterfalls. It is located just 50 km from Santiago and is surrounded on all sides by dense vegetation and mountainous hills. There are an incredible number of waterfalls here, and each one is better than the other. The most popular of them are El Salto de Bayagate, El Salto Jimenoa, Balneario de la Guazares and many others. In the northwestern part of the city of falls is the Armando Bermudez Nature Reserve.

"Natural Eyes"

An oasis untouched by civilization, the environmentally friendly Natural Eyes Park is located in Punta Cana. It occupies a small area - only 600 hectares. The tourist's gaze is presented to amazing-looking plants, giant flowers, hundred-year-old trees, dense tangles of vines.

The reserve is rich in various species of exotic plants and birds. Turtles live here and have chosen these places for their future offspring. And the most important reason why this reserve is called so is that it has 11 lagoons, the shape of which resembles the human eye.

Now you know what the Dominican Republic can boast of. Its attractions and interesting places are always welcome to visitors. Try to take a break from the beach and stroll through the sultry Santo Domingo. You will learn that the Dominican Republic is an unforgettable place with a daily celebration.

If there is a paradise on Earth, then it is located in the Dominican Republic, or, as it was called before, Santo Domingo. Whatever this place is called, it is ideal in any case. Local landscapes amaze tourists with their indescribable beauty. And the sights of the Dominican Republic, amazing waterfalls and unsurpassed beaches make a person stand still, hold their breath, and admire the stunning beauty for several hours in a row. The state is located on the eastern side of Haiti and small coastal islands. For a long time, the Dominican Republic sought political independence from Spain and economic independence from America. Having achieved its goal, it has become a stunning country, where over a million tourists come every year to enjoy the local natural and architectural attractions.

General information about attractions

The attractions of the Dominican Republic are varied and unique. Therefore, it is worth knowing what to look for when arriving in the country. The list of the main wealth of the state includes various natural and historical sites, nature reserves and caves. So, one of such places can be called the palace of Diego Columbus. A son lived there a long time ago famous traveler and a navigator. The building of the National Pantheon is no less interesting for tourists than the previous object. At first it was conceived as a church of a Jesuit monastery.

Green nature reserves and parks are those attractions of the Dominican Republic that occupy a special place in the country. They are filled with the trills of beautiful birds. It will also be interesting undersea world water areas of the islands. Luxurious corals and colorful sea inhabitants will not leave any traveler indifferent. There is one of a kind here too underwater park, La Caleta, in which sunken ships play the role of exhibits. Each visit is a real attraction.

In big cities you can see thematic exhibitions and entertaining history museums. Most of these facilities are located in the capital of the country - Santo Domingo. For example, the Dominican Museum has one of the most complete and interesting collections of artifacts. We will try to describe the most amazing sights of the Dominican Republic in our article.

Christ statue

Some attractions in the Dominican Republic are dedicated to religious themes. Specifically, I would like to dwell on the statue of Christ on mountain peak Isabel de Torres. This is a smaller copy of the famous Brazilian sculpture of Christ the Redeemer with arms stretching to the clouds. The monument in the Dominican Republic is cast in bronze and reaches 16 meters in height. The statue is located in Puerto Plata and is a landmark in the region. At the base of the sculpture there is a shopping center for the sale of local crafts and arts.

The peak of Mount Isabel de Torres is located at an altitude of 793 meters above sea level. This is perfect natural Observation deck with stunning views of Puerto Plata Bay.

Three parks - three magical places

The Dominican Republic is rich in beautiful parks. People simply cannot help but like these sights (photo below). After all, they are truly beautiful. One of the most fascinating is Manati Park, where you can easily meet tropical birds, animals and reptiles. On the territory of the natural site there is a museum telling about the culture of the Aboriginal people. If you are not afraid of extreme sports, you can swim in the company of dolphins.

Another, no less wonderful park is called Eyes Ecological, and it is located in the southern part of the country. The territory of the reserve is truly huge, and over five thousand species of exotic animals live here.

Three Eyes Park will also be of interest to visitors. This natural attraction is located next to Santo Domingo. Here you can visit caves with stalagmites and stalactites, a zoo, grottoes, where at a 15-meter depth there are three sulfide lakes filled with dark blue water and which gave the name to the park.

Coconut Island

Very popular with tourists and beautiful island Punta Cana. And of course, it also has its own attractions. Punta Cana (Dominican Republic) will give travelers a lot of emotions and impressions! The Indian folk village alone is worth it, introducing visitors to the life of the indigenous population! Here you can buy souvenirs made by craftsmen right before the eyes of buyers. And only here there is an opportunity to get acquainted with the original Indian cooking.

Manatee Park, which we talked about above, is also located in this area. And on the island you can visit the marinarium, where the bravest and bravest people will have the chance to swim with a stingray or shark.

Capital attractions

Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) has some of the most interesting attractions in the country. For example, the Columbus Lighthouse is the most majestic structure. The construction of this facility cost the authorities $70 million. The lighthouse was opened in 1992. The date was timed to coincide with the 500th anniversary of Columbus's discovery of the United States.

The Cathedral of Santa Maria la Menor is the oldest in the Western Hemisphere. The temple was built over the years 1512-1540. Pope Julius II blessed this construction. The façade of the building is made of coral limestone with a golden hue. And the architecture of the church combines Gothic and Baroque.

A little about excursions

One of the best ways to see the sights of the Dominican Republic is through excursions. Among Caribbean powers, they rank first in diversity. During the excursion, tourists can not only visit museums, galleries or monuments, but also climb mountains or go scuba diving. In addition, travelers will be offered a wide variety of entertainment. If you decide to explore all the best and most wonderful things in the Dominican Republic, then you should start from the capital of the state. After all, there are famous palaces, stunning monuments, and wonderful museums.

What else to see

A wonderful country - the Dominican Republic! What to see here is up to everyone to decide for themselves. After all, some people love natural objects, and therefore for them the best places There will be local parks, while others will like man-made things, such as the Casa del la Moneda mint or the ensemble of colonial buildings of Atarazana. Some will like the Malecon embankment in Santa Domingo, while others will find the monument to Gregorio Luperon in Puerto Plata interesting. In the Dominican Republic, everyone will find something that will bring them pleasure. You can spend more than one month here and not have time to see all the sights. After all, there are extremely many of them in the Republic.

Many people wonder what interesting things can be visited and seen in the Dominican Republic!? Unlike many others exotic countries, in the Dominican Republic there are no elephants, hippos, tiger monkeys, coyotes and other animals. Cattle, horses, and dogs were also brought by Christopher Columbus. But the island is rich in abundance various types birds, lizards and, of course, very beautiful tropical nature with snow-white beaches.

Amazing nature of the Dominican Republic

Surprisingly, on such a small piece of land (which is approximately equal in area to the area of ​​the Saratov region) there are 9 climatic and 4 ecological zones. About 8.5 thousand plants grow here (this is 3 times more than throughout Europe). Here is the highest point of the Antilles - Mount Duarte Pic, its height is 3087m above sea level. You can climb the mountain only on foot or on horseback. And the lowest point is salt Lake, With beautiful name Enriquillo, located in the western part of the country, where real crocodiles are found. The lake itself is a nature reserve, but anyone can visit it. By renting a boat with a professional local guide A fascinating three-hour walk awaits you deep into the lake, to a small island where you can watch crocodiles in the wild.

The most picturesque beaches of the Dominican Republic

Juaniyo Beach is one of the ten best beaches in the world, its sand is so dazzlingly white and the sea plays with so many colors that it remains in the memory of people who visit it for a long time. The beach is located in the closed complex of Cap Cana, it is not crowded enough, so if you wish, you can find a secluded corner and enjoy the peace and quiet of this extraordinary place.

Wild beach Macau is located far from mass tourism. This municipal beach with golden sand is very popular not only among tourists, but also among local residents. Different from the beaches east coast the absence of a reef that would break a large ocean wave. It attracts a large number of fans to ride the waves here.

Baia de las Aguilas beach (Bay of the Eagles)
In the southwest of the country, in national park Jaragua, is one of the the most beautiful beaches Dominican Republic Bahia de las Aguilas, translated from Spanish as Bay of Eagles. It got its name not because of the concentration of these magnificent birds; you won’t see them there. It’s just that the shape of this beach from above resembles the wings of an eagle. Great distance from tourist center What makes this beach not crowded is that the beach is surrounded by a coral reef, which is home to many marine inhabitants, including Caribbean manatees and turtles.

Dominican Islands

Saona Island is the most big Island Dominican Republic, surrounded by white beaches. Once upon a time, this little piece of paradise was discovered by Christopher Columbus. Due to the wide variety of vegetation, the island is part of the Del Este National Reserve; many plant species grow only here. Anyone can get to this piece of paradise for one day with an excursion. There are no large and comfortable hotels here, construction is prohibited here, but for beach holiday everything you need is here.

The island is not inferior in its beauty to Fr. Saona. The same snow-white beaches and beautiful palm trees, sea and tranquility of wild nature. The island is currently uninhabited, but its beaches are also visited by thousands of tourists. This small piece of paradise is surrounded by a large coral reef. Attracts more snorkeling and diving enthusiasts here.

Christopher Columbus gave this name to the island, calling it “Madame Beata”. During the times of discovery and conquest, this island served as a battle arena between pirates and Spanish troops; currently this island is uninhabited. More precisely, it will be said that the inhabitants of this island are iguanas, a large number of species of birds and sea turtles. Travel around the island is difficult due to mangrove swamps and erosion. Very beautiful view opens onto the island during boat trips, you can see the inaccessible coast, the wild beauty of mangroves and sandy beaches.

Not very accessible due to its neglected nature, but very beautiful Beata Island

In the footsteps of the pirates of the Caribbean

What associations do you have with the word Caribbean? Of course - pirates! There are many places in the Dominican Republic that are, to one degree or another, associated with pirates. There are forts that protected villages and cities from pirate attacks. There are models of pirate ships of that time. There are many underwater museums with sunken pirate ships. The famous island of Saona, known for its snow-white shores, is also famous for the fact that the island was a favorite place for pirates. On it they prepared for the next attacks, divided the loot and, of course, hid their treasures. Many of which have not yet been found!

Caves of the Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic is famous for its caves and lagoons; there are a huge number of them. The most famous cave with lakes is located in Santo Domingo, Los Tres Ojos, translated from Spanish as “three eyes”. Inside the caves there are three lakes, thanks to which it got its name. The water in the lakes is crystal clear and unusually blue; each lake has a different chemical composition. There is even a real raft inside the cave that you can ride on.

Lagoons of the Dominican Republic

On the territory of the Dominican Republic, in the real jungle, there are a very large number of lagoons with crystal clear water. You can swim in many of them. The water in them is fresh and very clear; the inhabitants of these lagoons are most often turtles and fish. Lagoons occur both on the open surface and in various types of caves, which makes them mysterious and beautiful.

Historical and cultural places of the Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo
Colonial city of Santo Domingo, the first city of the new world. Once here on an excursion, you will find yourself in the 15th century; there are more than three hundred monuments of the colonial era. His historical districts UNESCO declared it a “Property of Humanity”.

Columbus Lighthouse
Faro a Colon (Columbus Lighthouse) is a huge structure in the shape of a cross. So they decided to perpetuate the memory of the great navigator, discoverer Christopher Columbus. Inside there is a mausoleum with the remains of the great discoverer. A large number of spotlights are placed on the roof, the column of light from which is visible for several tens of kilometers.

Where to go with children?

Manatee Park
One of the places you can go with children in the Dominican Republic is Manati Park. A very exciting program with interesting performances, where you will see one of the rituals of the Taino Indians, a performance with parrots and a show with dolphins, and if you wish, you can even swim with them. And between the performances, see the rest of the numerous inhabitants of the park, pink flamingos, crocodiles, iguanas and turtles.

The zoo (Parque Zoologico Nacional) is located within the city of Santo Domingo. Its territory is so huge, it is 1250 square kilometers, that a day is not enough to get around it. If you don't like to walk a lot, a small train runs here for you. There are practically no cages in this park; the habitat for animals is as close to natural as possible.

If you want to swim with sharks and stingrays, then this is the place for you. The uniqueness of this place is that it is located in the ocean. Almost a floating island, equipped with sun loungers for those who want to soak up the sun and try exotic cocktails.

Water parks
In the Dominican Republic, water parks are located under open air, the weather here is good all year round. And most of them are located at hotels. There are water parks in almost all parts of the Dominican Republic. One of the newest is located in the east of the country, in Punta Cana, called Sirenis Aqualand. The next one is in the north, not far from the resort of Puerto Plata, Columbus. “Agua Splash Caribe” this water park is located in the south, in the capital of the Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo.

Dolphin Explorer Dolphinarium, another place for those who want to swim with dolphins, is located in Punta Cana, and is located in the open ocean. A very rich program, you will not only swim with dolphins, watch a show with sea ​​lion and a show with parrots.


What about sports, extreme, water and underwater entertainment? Order! For lovers of extreme and sports activities, the Dominican Republic has complete freedom! Since half the island is washed by the Atlantic, there are big waves reaching a height of several meters. For kite and wine surfers, there are also places to hone their skills.

Dominican Diving, of course, cannot be compared with the Red Sea, but not every sea can boast of sunken PIRATE ships!

There is also rafting in the Dominican Republic, balloon, helicopter flight, horseback riding and much more. But there are no jet skis here, but there are small sports boats on which you can make group rides and compete with friends. And of course, no less exciting buggy racing! And what Russian doesn’t like driving fast!?

Dear readers, this information is described about the country as a whole. Some excursions take more than one day. If you don’t know the area or language, it’s better to buy a tour from hotel guide or use the services of a private guide. The main thing is that after your vacation you have bright and unforgettable impressions. Have a nice holiday!

The Dominican Republic is a country located on the eastern territory of the island of Haiti.

There are many adjacent islands under its jurisdiction. Of these, the largest and most visited are the islands of Beata and Saona.

Do you want to know what interesting things you can see when you are in the Dominican Republic?

In the article you will find a list of the top five best places, which every tourist in the capital of the republic, Santo Domingo, must visit. In a city with a population of more than 10 million people.

How to get to the island?

If you prefer to fly out on your own for a holiday, then you should take advantage of flights from the capital or regional airport to Europe or the USA, with a subsequent flight to the Dominican Republic.

You can do this: fly from the Russian capital or St. Petersburg on planes belonging to the French airline “ Air France", make a transfer in Paris and further to Punta Cana.

Or this: fly from the airport on an Iberia airliner to Madrid, then fly to Santo Domingo.

Finally in the Dominican Republic

You will be greeted by friendly, leisurely and at the same time very expressive people.

Don't be surprised by their manners and please try to be tolerant of their customs. They will answer you in kind.

Dominicans love:

  • carnivals;
  • entertainment events;
  • dress up in carnival masks and costumes.

However, you will see everything for yourself, and maybe take part in their hectic life.

And in gratitude, the Dominicans will tell you what interesting things you can see in the Dominican Republic.

Five great places in Santo Domingo

Santo Domingo is an open-air museum city.

  1. Faro Colon Lighthouse. The structure was erected to replace an old lighthouse built during the time of Columbus. The remains of the famous navigator are kept here.
    On the territory of the lighthouse there is a museum dedicated to the development of the Dominican Republic.
  2. Columbus Palace "Alcazar de Colon". It was erected in 1514 by the son of the navigator Diego Columbus.
    The uniqueness of the building is that its walls were made from fragments of a coral reef.
    The palace has 22 rooms, which store:
    • utensil,
    • manuscripts,
    • interior items,
    • works of art from the era of the great traveler.
  3. Osama Fortress. The structure was built at the beginning of the 16th century.
    In the courtyard of the fortress rises a tower called “Torre del Omenaje”. She is truly a direct participant in the historical formation of the Dominican Republic.
  4. Cathedral of Santo Domingo. Built in the first half of the 16th century, it was dedicated to the Holy Virgin.
    The design of the temple displays Gothic notes combined with Baroque. Within its walls is a huge collection of antiques. And on the cathedral square a monument to Columbus himself was erected.
  5. Los Tres Ojos Park, located in the vicinity of the capital. There's so much to see there.
    On its territory are located:
    • zoo;
    • huge aquarium;
    • caves with mineral growths - stalactites and stalagmites;
    • grottoes with sulfide lakes with dark blue water.

The sights of the capital do not end there.

If you have at least a little free time left for excursions, then:

  • Learn about the history of the Republic at the Dominican Museum or at the House Museum of Juan Pabolo Duarte, who was directly involved in the founding of the Dominican Republic.
  • Stop by Calle des las Damas if you've never seen a sundial.
  • See the first hospital, built back in 1505.
  • Explore the ancient 17th century fort of Concepción.

In addition, while exploring the sights, you will find many more wonderful places that are no less famous in the capital.

What to see in Punta Cana

  1. Manatee Park. This is a beautiful botanical garden that houses a zoo with rare animals on its territory. Colorful performances with the participation of these animals are held every day.
  2. Indian folk village, which will introduce you to the life of the indigenous people.
    Here you can buy souvenirs that craftsmen will make in front of you. Get acquainted with original Indian cuisine.
  3. Marinarium, where daredevils can swim with a shark or stingray.
    What is marinarium? This is a section of the sea, specially fenced with a strong net, behind which are its inhabitants.

Puerto Plata

It's boring to just spend holiday days idly.

And yet, in this locality there are places that you will want to visit again during the season. This:

  • the colonial part of the city with the historical fortress of San Felipe;
  • Victorian-style Independence Park;
  • St. Philip's Cathedral;
  • Fortaleza Lighthouse;
  • chocolate Factory;

By cable car Climb Monte Isabel de Toros.
From its top you can clearly see the picturesque surroundings and the 16-meter bronze statue of Christ the Savior - a gift to the Dominicans from the Brazilians.

Visit the botanical garden located there.


It was in this city that merengue music was born.

Santiago Cathedral is located in Duarte Park. Be sure to visit it, you will learn a lot of new things for yourself.

It will be interesting to explore the Thomas Moray Museum.

You can find out how tobacco is produced by visiting the Tobacco Museum. Plus, you can visit the factories themselves. There are three of them in the city:

  1. Factory of the Tobacalera company,
  2. Leon Jemez,
  3. Jean Clément.

And not far from Santiago, in the town of Moca, you can see how coffee is processed. Visit local churches. They amaze with their architecture!

La Vega

The city is located west of Santiago.

La Vega once served as a summer residence for the Spanish Viceroy.

Here, in the lowlands of the Santo Sierra mountains, the Church of Our Lady of Las Mercedes was built, which local population honors it as a national shrine.

Around settlement see archaeological sites.

What ecotourists can see in the Dominican Republic

It's amazing in the Dominican Republic beautiful nature and rich flora and fauna, which provides an opportunity for ecotourism lovers to expand.

  1. Pedernales Peninsula. This place contains three beautiful national parks:
    • Yaragua Park, which has 130 bird species;
    • Sierra de Baoruca is a park located in the mountains, famous for its thickets of fabulous orchids;
    • Isla Cabritos is a national island park. The reserve is remarkable because a record number of rare animals roam its territory.

    There is a base for diving enthusiasts on the peninsula. The aquatic world is filled with manatees, groupers and a species of baleen shark.

  2. Samana Peninsula. Here you will be provided with:
    • Haitises National Park.
      On its territory there are the Linea, San Gabriel, Arena and Angel caves, which you can go down into, but preferably only as part of an excursion.
    • A marine reserve where you can watch whales in winter.

Visit other national reserves: Armando Bermundez, Del Este.

Let's go on an excursion

Upon arrival in the Dominican Republic you can buy sightseeing tour. These are excursions where you can see places of interest, parks, grottoes, as well as thematic excursions and boat trips along the sea with participation in a colorful show.

You can take diving courses and dive into the sea with an instructor.

There are many excursion programs.

Here is an example of just a few programs with the indicated price:

  • Santo Domingo. The cost of a full-day excursion for an adult is $85, for a child - $45.
    The journey begins with an acquaintance with the Los Tres Ojos grottoes. There, at a depth of 15 m, there are three lakes with different water compositions.
    And further, the excursion follows a busy schedule, which barely fits into the day.
  • Saona and Altos De Chavon. The approximate price is 99 dollars for an adult and 55 for a child.
    First you take a bus to the Altos de Chavon Park. The town has a rich history. It is most often attended by celebrities and public figures modernity.
    After an active and interesting program in the town, you will be transported by boat to Saon Island, where the national reserve is located.
    The day's program is rich and interesting. This city will not let you get bored!
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Dominican Republic is one of popular resorts Caribbean Sea. Full and correct name island state sounds like the Dominican Republic. It occupies approximately 2/3 of the island of Haiti and its neighboring islands. Tourists come here to relax in the warm sea and look at the amazing.

Dominican Republic: attractions and interesting places

Holidays in the Dominican Republic are an opportunity to combine mountains and sea. On the territory of the state there is highest point Caribbean - Duarte Peak (3087 meters), located in the Cordillera Central range.

Also in the Dominican Republic there is a depression located below sea level - Cul de Sac (-44 meters). There are also waterfalls on the island. Hidden in the hills of the northern Corridor are 27 waterfalls of varying heights.

But the main beauty of the country is its sandy beaches framed by tropical forests. The most alluring of them can be considered Bahia de las Aguilas. This is an 8-kilometer strip of sand, hidden from civilization. You can get here by boat and relax like a real savage.
One of paradises Dominican Republic - Samana province, where from January to March you can see the humpback whales that swim here. Even boat trips are organized here to take a closer look at them.
Sights of the Dominican Republic will not be fully revealed without the Nacional del Este park. This park is partly marine - here you can see the inhabitants of the tropical depths and admire the corals. The best way to get here is by boat.

By the way, Nacional del Este is not the only park in the country. You can also visit the 3 Eyes National Park.

Zona Colonial is the site of an ancient settlement, the oldest on the island. Moreover, this is the first Spanish settlement in the New World, founded by Christopher Columbus and his companions. The zone is located in the capital Santo Domingo. Here is Las Damas Street, which is recognized as the oldest surviving cobblestone street in the world. There is also a statue of the island’s discoverer, Christopher Columbus, and an ancient cathedral from the 16th century.