Active recreation in the Urals in summer. Holidays in the Urals: recreation centers, prices, offers

Age-old energy and mystery, secret hunting trails, freedom for fishermen, a paradise for connoisseurs of amazing landscapes - all this is a journey through the Ural Mountains. Adventure and romance meet tourists behind every stone and in the mysterious caves of the ridge. The main thing is to choose the right equipment and choose routes that reveal the beauty of the Urals from different sides. Are you ready to go in search of mysteries? Let's go.

Types of active recreation in the Urals

The Ural Mountains stretch for 2000 kilometers from north to south, which means that the nature of the region is very diverse. If you want to see virgin tundra, mosses and polar fauna, crystal clear waterfalls - you should go to the Northern or Polar Urals. If you love caves, taiga, meadows and steppes, travel around the Middle and South.

Maximum pleasure from your trip is the right combination of a unique tour and excellent service. Hiking in the mountains, auto tours, rafting and horseback riding tours, individual trips around the Urals - choose what you like best.


Trekking takes place through picturesque places, the secrets of which only taiga residents know. For example, in the Perm region these are the Stone City, the Vetlan and Polyud stones, in the Sverdlovsk region - Olenyi Ruchi and Kolpaki, in the Chelyabinsk region - the Taganay and Zyuratkul national parks and the Nurgush ridge, and in Bashkiria - Iremel.

Horseback riding tours

Does your route pass through protected areas of the Urals, where it is impossible to reach by car, and walking is too long? The only available option to enjoy the amazing landscapes and meet rare representatives of the fauna is to go on a horseback ride through the Middle or Southern part of the Urals. Horseback riding trips are also often combined with water trips.

Rafting on the rivers of the Urals

Water trips along the rivers of the Perm Territory, Bashkiria, Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions are traditionally popular among both local residents, as well as tourists from other parts of Russia. Have you heard about the beautiful Chusovaya? It was here that Ermak and his squad were looking for a river route to Siberia, and, according to legend, they hid treasures on its banks. The rivers of the Urals keep the secrets of history and the legends of eternity. Try to solve them by going rafting.

Educational travel in the Southern Urals

Wide choice active tours in this part of the ridge it is represented by museum-reserves. The historical park, Muradymovskoye Gorge, Arkaim are the places where legends are born. It’s nice to relax after an exciting trip through the mountains at a recreation center or in a camp sauna.

Extreme tours in the Urals

Fans of off-roading and speed will enjoy ATV tours in summer and snowmobile tours in winter. The peculiarity of such a holiday is that it can be one-day or multi-day, so it can be easily combined with other entertainment.

Extreme sports enthusiasts, aesthetes, simply those who like to have an active time, tours to the Urals - this is an excellent holiday option for you in Russia at any time of the year.

On request

Combined tours, horseback riding tours, walking and water tours

Rafting and water trips along the rivers of the Urals

Excursion tours in the Urals

* upon request - the tour is conducted for organized groups of 10 people or more

The Ural (from Bashk. үр - upland, Bashk. үрал - belt) is a geographical region in Russia, stretching between the East European and West Siberian plains. The main part of this region is the Ural mountain system.

The Urals are located at the junction of Europe and Asia and are the border between these regions. The stone belt of the Urals and the adjacent elevated plains of the Urals extend from the shores of the Arctic Ocean in the north to the semi-desert regions of Kazakhstan in the south in the form of a 100-400 km strip: for more than 2,500 km they separate the East European and West Siberian plains.

Territorial division

· Polar Urals

· Subpolar Urals

· Northern Urals

· Middle Urals

· Southern Urals

The Urals have long amazed and amazes researchers with the abundance of minerals and its main wealth - minerals. In the depths of the Ural Mountains there are iron and copper ores, chromium, nickel, cobalt, zinc, coal, oil, gold, and precious stones. The Urals have long been the largest mining and metallurgical base in the entire country. Forest resources are also among the riches of nature. The Southern and Middle Urals provide agricultural opportunities.

This natural region is one of the most important for the life of Russia and its citizens.

Features of nature

The Ural Mountains consist of low ridges and massifs. The highest of them, rising above 1200-1500 m, are located in the Subpolar (Mount Narodnaya - 1895 m), Northern (Mount Telposis - 1617 m) and Southern (Mount Yamantau - 1640 m) Urals. The massifs of the Middle Urals are much lower, usually no higher than 600-800 m. The western and eastern foothills of the Urals and piedmont plains are often dissected by deep river valleys; there are many rivers in the Urals and the Urals.

The Ural Mountains are old (they arose in the Late Proterozoic) and are located in the region of the Hercynian fold.


The climate of the Urals is typical mountainous; precipitation is distributed unevenly not only across regions, but also within each region. The West Siberian Plain is a territory with a harsh continental climate; in the meridional direction its continentality increases much less sharply than on the Russian Plain. The climate of the mountainous regions of Western Siberia is less continental than the climate of the West Siberian Plain. Interestingly, within the same zone on the plains of the Cis-Urals and Trans-Urals natural conditions noticeably different. This is explained by the fact that the Ural Mountains serve as a kind of climatic barrier. To the west of them there is more precipitation, the climate is more humid and mild; to the east, that is, beyond the Urals, there is less precipitation, the climate is drier, with pronounced continental features.

A couple of centuries ago animal world was richer than now. Plowing, hunting, and deforestation have displaced and destroyed the habitats of many animals. Wild horses, saigas, bustards, and little bustards have disappeared. Herds of deer migrated deeper into the tundra. But on the plowed lands rodents (hamsters, field mice) have spread. In the north you can meet the inhabitants of the tundra - reindeer, and in the south the typical inhabitants of the steppes are marmots, shrews, snakes and lizards. Forests are inhabited by predators: brown bears, wolves, wolverines, foxes, sables, ermines, lynxes. They are home to ungulates (elk, deer, roe deer, etc.) and birds of various species.

The differences in landscapes are noticeable as you climb. In the Southern Urals, for example, the path to the tops of the largest Zigalga ridge begins with crossing a strip of hills and ravines at the foot, densely overgrown with bushes. Then the road goes through pine, birch and aspen forests, among which there are grassy glades. Spruces and firs rise above like a palisade. Dead wood is almost invisible - it burns out during frequent forest fires. In flat areas there may be swamps. The peaks are covered with stone deposits, moss and grass. The rare and stunted spruces and crooked birches that come across here do not in any way resemble the landscape at the foot, with multi-colored carpets of herbs and shrubs. Fires on high altitude are already powerless, so the path is constantly blocked by rubble from fallen trees. The top of Mount Yamantau (1640 m) is a relatively flat area, but it is almost inaccessible due to a pile of old trunks.

Natural resources

Among the natural resources of the Urals, the most important are its mineral resources. The Urals have long been the country's largest mining and metallurgical base. And the Urals ranks first in the world in the extraction of some mineral ores.

Back in the 16th century, deposits of rock salt and sandstone containing copper were known on the western outskirts of the Urals. IN XVII century Quite numerous iron deposits became known and iron factories appeared.

Placers of gold and deposits of platinum were found in the mountains, and precious stones were found on the eastern slope. The skill of searching for ore, smelting metal, making weapons and artistic items from it, and processing gems was passed on from generation to generation.

In the Urals there are numerous deposits of high-quality iron ores (mountains Magnitnaya, Vysokaya, Blagodat, Kachkanar), copper ores (Mednogorsk, Karabash, Sibay, Gai), rare non-ferrous metals, gold, silver, platinum, the best bauxite, rock and potassium salts in the country (Solikamsk, Berezniki, Berezovskoye, Vazhenskoye, Ilyetskoye). In the Urals there is oil (Ishimbay), natural gas (Orenburg), coal, asbestos, precious and semi-precious stones.

The hydropower potential of the Ural rivers (Pavlovskaya, Yumaguzinskaya, Shirokovskaya, Iriklinskaya and several small hydroelectric power stations) remains a far from fully developed resource.

Rivers and lakes

The rivers belong to the basins of the Arctic Ocean (on the western slope - Pechora with Usa, on the eastern slope - Tobol, Iset, Tura, Lozva, Northern Sosva, belonging to the Ob system) and the Caspian Sea (Kama with Chusovaya and Belaya; the Ural River).

Origin of the toponym

There are many versions of the origin of the toponym “Ural”. An analysis of the linguistic contacts of the first Russian settlers in the region indicates that the toponym, in all likelihood, was adopted from the Bashkir language. Indeed, of all the autochthonous peoples of the Urals, this name has existed since ancient times only among the Bashkirs, and is supported at the level of the language, legends and traditions of this people (the epic Ural-Batyr). Other indigenous peoples of the Urals (Khanty, Mansi, Udmurts, Komi) have other traditional names for the Ural Mountains, adopting the name “Ural” only in the 19th-20th centuries from the Russian language.

In the Bashkir language, the toponym “Ural” is perceived as very ancient, probably dating back to the Proto-Turkic state. It should be associated with the head. Ur ~ Old Turkic. *ör “height, eminence.”[

“Ural” in Bashkir means belt. There is a Bashkir tale about a giant who wore a belt with deep pockets. He hid all his wealth in them. The belt was huge. One day the giant stretched it, and the belt lay across the entire earth, from the cold Kara Sea in the north to the sandy shores of the southern Caspian Sea. This is how the Ural ridge was formed.

In Greek books written two thousand years ago, you can read about the distant “Riphean Mountains”, where sullen vultures guard countless golden treasures. The Bashkir folk epic “Ural Batyr” deserves more attention, telling about the ancestors of the peoples of the Urals who survived the Flood, the conflict that arose and the subsequent struggle of the Urals with their elder brother Shulgan, who chose the path of evil and the settlement of the adjacent lands by their descendants. The main toponyms of the Southern Urals are directly related with the events of the epic. The conflict of life, mercy and the natural principle “the strong eats the weak”, the theme of the search for Living Water and personified Death for its subsequent destruction, for the sake of eternal life, the idea of ​​selfless service to people, equality and self-sacrifice for the benefit of others are considered.

The contribution of the Urals to the artistic culture of Russia is not only great, but also remarkably unique. The solid foundation on which the decorative and applied arts of the Urals flourished was industry, its main centers being factories. The importance of industry in the development of the region and its culture was well understood by contemporaries themselves. One of the official documents states: “Ekaterinburg owes both its existence and its flourishing state only to the factories.”

With good reason, the Urals can be considered the birthplace of Russian industrial marble processing, subordinated to the needs of domestic architecture. If we turn to antiquity, then this is primarily folk arts and crafts. For example, carpet weaving, patterned weaving, embroidery, leather processing, vivid examples of which have been preserved in Bashkir folk art. In the museums of the Republic of Bashkortostan you can directly come into contact with the rich variety of ancient products. Contemporary artists such as A. Mazitov, D. Suleymanov, T. Sirazhetdinov, G. Kalitov, R. Minnibaev, A. Korolevsky, Meos, B. Domashnikov, Yu. Aminev and many can rightly be called continuers and creative reformers of folk traditions others.

An exciting tourist trip through the Ural Mountains is simply a paradise for tourists: river rafting, hiking, descents into caves, extreme tourism in the air, on the water and in the mountains. We will help you choose a popular tour or create a new direction, we will give useful tips and show interesting photo trips and video reports.

Tourism in the Urals

Hiking and water tourism, as well as speleological exploration of caves that allow you to dive into the depths of our planet and reveal the secrets of the underground world with your own eyes.

How pleasant is the physical fatigue of a mortal body during rest - after a whole day of hiking with a backpack on your back through a green forest, hills or mountains, how many thoughts will you change your mind while walking in the natural human habitat, which is not an artificial man-made city. Wildlife with springs, rivers, forests and mountains - this is a real cozy home to live in.

And here you are, so tired in the evening after a delicious dinner with a pleasant heaviness in your stomach, sitting near the fire, around which intimate conversations are taking place, exposing people’s hearts and removing masks from their faces. Then you direct your gaze to the night sky, there, under the firmament, a stunning view opens up - thousands of stars amid the darkness of the universe outline mysterious constellations, then the realization comes that for the sake of this moment it was worth going on a hike and enduring difficulties on the road all day. Hiking tourism is quite developed in the Ural region; you can go hiking in summer and winter, as there are many mountains and natural monuments that impress with their splendor and beauty, changing their appearance depending on the time of year, making the travel route more interesting and unforgettable.

There are also many rivers in the Urals that are suitable for water tourism(for kayaking and rafting), which attract travelers from different countries to get the thrill of overcoming the dangerous rapids of a reservoir and also to enjoy the contemplation of the amazing landscape. Most rivers are of the first and second categories of difficulty. The rivers are available for rafting from mid-May to September. For speleologists in the Urals there are many caves and grottoes for which people keen on underground travel have created speleological routes, some of which extend for tens or even hundreds of kilometers. Since the Urals are large and beautiful, we decided to describe routes for walking and water sports tourism, as well as caves for speleologists. This information will be useful for those who like to combine extreme sport and outdoor tourism.

Tours in the Urals are an opportunity to diversify your routine life, relax, and learn a lot of new and interesting things. Arkaim Travel offers to spend your vacation with maximum benefit. Bus tours will charge you with energy and allow you to enjoy your time. The presented options are universal and suitable for families, groups of friends, colleagues, schoolchildren, and students.

Below you will find popular options for bus tours around the Urals. You can order a tour to the cities of the Urals on the website.


Selection of holidays in sanatoriums of the Ural region for 2019 according to the wishes of the customer. Health resorts are characterized by high quality and diversity of treatment factors. We offer the following options:

  • Nizhniye Sergi;
  • Gem;
  • Lenevka;
  • At three caves;
  • Obukhovsky;
  • Dalnaya Dacha;
  • Karagaisky Bor;
  • Ural;
  • Uvildy;
  • Pearl of the Urals;
  • Ust-Kachka;
  • Demidkovo;
  • Anniversary;
  • Yachty-Kul;
  • Yangun-Tau;
  • Tanyp.

SPA Hotel

An option for a relaxing, quiet holiday for the whole family, a romantic weekend, or a business event with a friendly atmosphere. Suitable for those who value comfort and unity with nature.

There is a SPA complex, a thermo-SPA, oriental massage rooms, a relaxation room, capsules for quick recuperation, a conference room, children's rooms, a billiard room, a barbecue area, a paintball area, etc.

Weight loss

An intensive comprehensive weight loss and weight correction program developed by nutritionists and professional trainers. The tour is a powerful start to acquiring a slim, beautiful, and most importantly, healthy body. There are no grueling workouts here. Just 5 days of rest will improve your mood, improve your health, and say goodbye to extra centimeters in the waist and hips. An excellent option for yoga lovers.

Rafting on the Ai River (Chusovaya, Yuryuzan, Serga, Rezh)

We can organize rafting on any rivers of the Middle, Southern, Northern Urals.
For organized groups from 4 to 60 people.

River rafting with a visit to the Porogi camp site, Kurgazak Caves, Dry Waterfalls, Big Cliffs, Sikiyaz-Tamak. An excellent choice for a group of friends or a family group who prefer traveling by personal transport. An active version of the tour with educational excursions.

The duration of rest is from three to five days.


The program of the bus tour “Riding on blue-eyed huskies” includes riding on dog sledding, communication, photo with the husky, master class, descent, ascent to Mount Belaya, hot tea with a visit to a real Bashkir yurt, visit to a deer farm, nutritious lunch. An extraordinary holiday for Russians and foreigners.

Mount Kachkanar and Buddhist monastery

Conquering one of the most high mountains Ural - Kachkanar-one, whose height reaches 887 meters. Visit to the Shchedrub Ling Monastery, the main attraction.

Kungur Ice Cave

Original bus tour, which involves a trip to the ancient merchant city of Kungur (review of ancient houses, the house of the governor, merchant Dubinin, large and small guest courtyards, St. Nicholas Church). The city has a merchant museum (interactive program, tea party) and an ice cave (excursion + laser show).


A visit to the main attraction of the city - the Kama River, a trip to the county town of Nytva with the world’s only Lozhka Museum, an overview of the city of Ocher, where you can find out Interesting Facts about beast lizards, to be invited to the ball of Countess Stroganova.

Salt capital

A sightseeing tour that allows you to explore the Voivode's House, the Lyudmilinskaya salt well, the Church of the Epiphany, the blooming Memorial Botanical Garden, the Museum of Ancient Russian Art, and the Museum of the History of Salt. In addition, during the tour tourists will be able to see the architecture of the city of Osa, the fortress wall, the rotunda, and the Museum of Nature.

Day trip

A combination of walking and educational excursion. The tour program for 2019 includes visits to:

  • Arakul Shikhan - a picturesque rock massif (a natural monument more than two kilometers long);
  • Kasli Historical and Art Museum;
  • Lake Big Allaki, which has 14 rock remains on the shore.
  • Oleniy Ruchi

Treasures of the Southern Urals

This active excursion program is aimed at reviewing the unique natural creations of the Urals - a suitable option for connoisseurs of natural beauty. During the bus tour, tourists will discover the beauty of the Mountain City of Zlatoust, the black rock of Taganay, the top of the Zyuratkul ridge, the eco-park, Lake Turgoyak, and the island of St. Faith.

Tales of the earth

A 10-day bus tour of the Urals including visits to 12 museums, 23 excursions, and relaxation on a mountain lake. Cities along the route: Ekaterinburg, Polevskoy, Nizhny Ufaley, Zlatoust, Miass, Ufa, Sterlitamak, Orenburg, Saraktash, Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk, Ekaterinburg.

Aeronautics in Kungur

A two-day bus tour dedicated to the heavenly fair. The program includes sightseeing tours ancient mansions, climbing the bell tower, drinking tea at the merchant museum, festival events.

The main feature of the tour is the opening of the festival, the free flight of balloons with a vibrant show program.

Who are bus tours for?

A tour to the Urals is an excellent option for exploring the territory for:

  • Those who want to spend their weekend usefully;
  • Foreigners hungry for adventure;
  • Citizens of Russia who want to know their homeland;
  • Families who care about the inner fulfillment of children;
  • Those who want to find new acquaintances;
  • Schoolchildren and older people.

What do tourists need to know?

On the tour you need to take:

  • Identification documents, insurance;
  • Medications;
  • Soft drinks;
  • Umbrella, hat (if a summer trip);
  • Closed, comfortable shoes;
  • A headscarf for women, clothing that covers the shoulders and knees; for men, classic, casual clothing (not shorts or a tracksuit) for visiting a church, cathedral, temple or monastery;
  • Snack on the road;
  • Camera;
  • Money.

Feel the aroma of forest herbs, which the famous Bashkir balsams are infused with, take a deep breath of the pure Altai air, admire the Ural mountains, drink aromatic tea with honey and, finally, understand how great and grandiose the nature of our Motherland is. She gave these places a special, wild charm. Mountains and rushing rivers running down into clean lakes streams, unique flora and fauna attract all lovers here active rest. The Urals and Altai are lands that store countless treasures, ready to be revealed to the inquisitive and fearless traveler.

Bashkir horse, “Ural pattern” and dream fish

It is in the Southern Urals that you can find that ideal winter with frost and snow. Excursion tours through its reserves and national parks run through several natural areas: deciduous forest, coniferous taiga and forest-tundra. You can go on a walking tour and merge with nature, immersed in its contemplation. Or make your childhood dream come true about traveling on horseback during an equestrian tour - after all, climbing mountain trails is so exciting on a horse of the Bashkir breed, amazingly smart and hardy. And it doesn’t matter if you’ve never sat in the saddle. Experienced instructors will teach you how to control horses, and all you need is courage and a piece of sugar. In combined excursion tours, you will make a pilgrimage along mountain trails not only in the saddle, but also on skis and snowmobiles among snow swirls and diamond sparkling. And we assure you, you will remember the “Ural pattern” of winter entertainment for a very long time!

A trip to the Southern Urals can be memorable and ski holiday in Abzakovo, located on the border of Bashkiria and Chelyabinsk region. The routes of the center are reliably sheltered from winds from the north and east mountain range Shaitan and his spurs. Best time For ski tours in Abzakovo - late February-March. And on one of the most beautiful lakes in the Urals, Yakty-kul (Bannoe), surrounded by mountains, you can relax all year round. Fishing here promises a good catch - in Bannoye you can find chebak, perch and pike. According to experienced fishermen, the caught specimens reach a weight of several kilograms. Guests are also provided with a unique opportunity not only for relaxation, but also for treatment in local sanatoriums and rest homes. People suffering from diseases of the respiratory system, musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular ailments not only get the opportunity to undergo a course of health procedures here at reasonable prices, but also breathe in the cleanest air completely free of charge.

The greatness of the Ural capital

The Urals are a majestic land of ancient tales and countless treasures, a “divine line” between Europe and Asia. You can listen to legends about him endlessly. But there is a city that you simply need to get to know first-hand - this is Yekaterinburg. The third capital of Europe and Russian rock makes a strong impression thanks to the classical architectural examples of the 19th century, as well as buildings in the style of the Soviet avant-garde and constructivism of the first half of the past. There are over six hundred historical and cultural monuments here, 43 of which are recognized as objects of federal significance.

During the excursion tours you will walk along the famous Red Line - walking route to city attractions. This is the Church on the Blood, built on the site of the execution of the family of Nicholas II, and the building of the former District Court, and the Sverdlovsk rock club, and the unfinished television tower, and much more. In the center you will find a whole block where granite slabs breathe the atmosphere of pre-revolutionary Yekaterinburg. And under New Year on main square of the Ural capital, you will certainly see fabulous sculptures created by masters from clear ice Ural lakes.

Entrance to Shambhala

Gateway to mystical Shambhala - Mountain Altai often called both Siberian Switzerland and Russian Tibet. It includes completely different natural and climatic zones. And here there is also a chance to make excursions on horseback, on foot and combined tours. In one trip you will see huge tracts of coniferous taiga on the slopes, alpine meadows with the legendary edelweiss, snow-capped mountain peaks, cold raging rivers, expanses of dry rocky steppes and mountain-steppe landscapes.

Winters in Altai are long, snowy and windless, which means ski paradise is guaranteed. The slopes of Sheregesh - from gentle slopes for beginners to the steepest for extreme sports enthusiasts - are equipped with modern lifts and cable cars. By the way, in 2014, skiing in Belokurikha and Sheregesh entered the top budget resorts in Russia. Rest and treatment in sanatoriums and rest homes Altai Territory It is distinguished by a harmonious combination of natural healing factors and scientific methods. For example, on balneological resort Belokurikha has no changes in atmospheric pressure, and the air saturated with beneficial ions and underground warm springs of nitrogen-radon water fill you with vigor and a surge of strength. You can also spend time on the salt lake Yarovoye with health benefits. Analysis of the composition of its water showed that it is similar to water Dead Sea. Silt sulfide mud treats chronic inflammatory diseases and has a positive effect on the immune system.

If you like eco-tourism, if romance warms your heart mountain peaks and the crackling of logs in the stove, if you have long dreamed of a bronze tan that can only be found on a glacier - spend your vacation or weekend in Altai or the Urals with the Vand travel agency. The vast distances of pristine nature will captivate you forever, because it is in the deserted wild places you can finally find harmony and understand yourself.