Is it worth renting out an apartment? Non-income housing: is it profitable to rent out apartments?

Oh, now I’m telling you everything: I’ve been renting out apartments for more than 8 years. At first I rented out my two-room apartment and lived with my husband. The two-bedroom apartment had “grandmother’s” renovations and old furniture. New items include a refrigerator and microwave. It was rented out cheaply, the apartment was rented for 4 years. The first residents are a young married couple, the wife is a housewife. The hellish bastard was always coming for money, there were bottles lying on the floor! But the neighbors were quiet, calm, and didn’t complain; they paid on time. We went to our apartment and licked everything! The apartment was immaculately clean! They even defrosted and cleaned the refrigerator! The second ones were also family ones; my wife was pregnant, 8 months old. I naively thought that there would be cleanliness and order. The man worked hard from morning to night, she was at home with the child, she came a couple of times - everything was clean and tidy. She said, transfer the money to the card, why bother? I arrived when their child was 7 months old. The entire toilet is smoky, it’s impossible to get in, the entire floor in the hallway has black stripes from the stroller, all the corners are torn off by the stroller, the balcony is strewn with sand, dirt, garbage, the linoleum on the balcony is all torn off by the stroller. It turned out that the wife took the child out to the balcony, where she rocked him until he fell asleep, in the fresh air. I put them out. The next ones, damn it, took family ones again, with a one and a half year old child. She came every month for money, looked at everything, it seemed clean, everything was in order, she hung her own curtains, blankets, flowers all over the house.... . Six months later they hurriedly moved out, she took down all her curtains, she didn’t hang mine up - the windows were bare! My blankets from the bed and sofas ended up all in the dirt and in the closet on the balcony, the handle from the washing machine, the oven in the stove were broken, the child peed on all the carpets, sofas and armchairs (when I came, it always smelled so delicious of vanilla, I thought she was cooking something , and she masked the smell of a child’s piss). Plus they didn’t pay for water and electricity according to the meters. There were passport details and a phone number - but what's the point? After this, they did a major overhaul and bought new furniture, repaired the washing machine and oven. The apartment has been transformed and has become twice as expensive. I didn’t take family ones. I took two guys, they worked nearby at a textile factory, they were wealthy, a cleaning lady came to them once a week, they hardly cooked at home, and they were almost never at home. We lived there for six months, the apartment was ideal. Then she settled in with family again, a decent boy and girl, I liked that the guy was so efficient - he immediately inspected the pipes, the toilet cistern, taps, radiators. Oh, they were perfect! They also lived for about six months, the girl was pregnant, as it turned out, in the last months they moved in with her grandmother, so as not to give birth without a removable house. Then I moved into the apartment with my new husband. Naturally, renovations were done and all the furniture was changed. Now I rent out a one-room apartment in a new building in a remote area and a dorm room in the center. There are no problems with a one-room apartment - we rented it out to single men twice, lived for about a year, clean, quiet, peaceful. Once the family lived, and now the husband and wife live. All is good! It’s more difficult with a room - either students, or people of “Caucasian” nationality, or marginal elements want to rent. We bought it recently, for the first time we decided to hand it over to the Yakuts or Buryats, the devil understand them. Two girls and one guy. Oh, how I worried... But in vain - perfect cleanliness, quiet, calm... We moved out because the guy’s parents bought a room, and two girls couldn’t afford the rent, and they couldn’t find a third companion. They rented it to a very nice girl, she said, with her husband they will live, they are all very well-groomed, cultured.... I paid for half a month, the rest, she said, I will give back in 2 weeks, when my husband gets his salary. Two weeks later at 1 o’clock in the morning an SMS - “we have moved out of the room, the keys are on guard.” My husband calls, there’s some wild nonsense on the phone - “I’m not her, who are you, what do you want.... who is this.” Although, this girl’s voice is not adequate. We took off and let's go. The janitor said that she lived with her husband and a 3-year-old child, some suspicious guys were constantly visiting them... The washing machine in the room was broken, the handle of the refrigerator was torn off, the entire wall was covered with felt-tip pens, there was a huge red wine stain on the sofa . Horrible! I washed everything the next day, they left their things, it was clear they were packing in a hurry, I don’t know why. There are whole foodstuffs in the refrigerator, almost a bag of potatoes, children's toys, men's clothes... I found boxes with some kind of rubbish, grass or not grass - I don’t know. I washed everything, fixed everything, and rented it out to the girls who lived in the next room, but it was much smaller and didn’t cost much less than ours. They live for now

Housing in Moscow is so expensive, and the yield from renting out apartments is so low that it can only justify the investment after decades

Text: Nadezhda Nikolaeva

For Russians, buying real estate has always been considered a reliable investment of available funds. Indeed, for 5-10 years in a growing market it was a profitable asset for investors. However, now, when the fall in real estate prices is giving way to stagnation, and developers no longer dream of rising prices, such a purchase is very risky. And if we take into account the new rules for calculating tax on resale, the investor may find himself at a loss.

Currently, investors can only rely on rental income - those funds that can be obtained from renting out housing. The portal "Elite.RU" decided to find out from representatives of real estate agencies how justified it is to buy an apartment specifically for rent or whether the market is still left to unprofessional landlords.

Director of the luxury real estate department at Est-a-Tet Anna Karpova

– The profitability from the rental business in high price segments, even during the period of market growth, looked rather modest. When compared with European cities, in some the rental yield reached 7-8% per annum. In “fat” years in Moscow this figure did not exceed 5% per annum. Today, the profitability of expensive rental apartments varies between 2-4% per annum, and the payback period is from 20 years.

The rental business in the premium and elite segment cannot be called profitable

To calculate profitability, a certain ideal formula is taken - the purchase price is divided by the average rental rate. In total, including payment of utilities, all expenses for maintaining the apartment per month can reach up to 80 thousand rubles. For example, the payback period for a three-room apartment is about 35 years. Thus, the rental business in the premium and elite segment cannot be called profitable, but it is a stable monthly income.

Now there are almost no buyers of new buildings who are firmly convinced that they will rent out the purchased apartment and engage in a professional rental business on the market. Most of our clients decide how they will use the property when they receive the keys - whether they will live there themselves or move in adult children, resell or rent out.

Managing partner of Point Estate Pavel Treivas

– Before the crisis, the practice of renting out was much more widespread. Today there are practically no people willing to invest in unstable and low-profitable businesses. Over the past two years, the private rental business has lost a lot of its profitability in all market segments. The profitability rate from 7-8% in 2007 has decreased today to 3-4%. And if you take into account downtime (the time when the apartment is left without tenants), which happens if the owner inflates the rental rate, then it drops to 2-3%.

It is worth noting that over the past two years, in the elite segment of the rental market, all payments began to be made in rubles. And if earlier the owner, renting out an apartment for 5 thousand dollars a month, received 155 thousand rubles, today he continues to rent it out for 155 thousand rubles a month, but his income is only 2.4 thousand dollars.

The risk of investing in the purchase, renovation and promotion of your property, and then being left without tenants, is very high

The situation is aggravated by an overabundance of offers from owners wishing to rent out housing. Today, apartments are also rented by investors who are waiting for the market to start growing and the property can be sold at a higher price. However, there are quite a lot of people on the market who rent out apartments that they inherited, for example, from their grandmother. They do not conduct any transactions with real estate in order to increase its profitability, they do not buy, do not sell, do not “play” on market price fluctuations, they simply receive a small stable income from rentals. Therefore, the risk of investing in the purchase, renovation and promotion of your property, and then being left without tenants, is very high.

Director of the luxury real estate department of Metrium Group Ilya Menzhunov

– The rental market is in a deep crisis; over the past year, the average rate has decreased by 15%. As a result, the rental yield, for example, in economy class does not exceed 4-6% per annum. And the high-budget segment is suffering due to the compression of effective demand and sanctions, which forced many Western companies to stop cooperation with Russia.

In current realities, a bank deposit is a more profitable investment

International firms began to recall their employees, and it was expats who formed the backbone of the tenants. The same applies to domestic businessmen and top managers from the regions who rented apartments during business trips. Accordingly, investment demand also decreased.

In current realities, a more profitable investment is a bank deposit, the yield of which varies from 7% to 12%. Therefore, as a rule, apartments for rent become a conservative investment aimed at saving rather than increasing funds. And, as a consequence of the current situation, the share of investment transactions today does not exceed 10%.

General Director of the Academy of Sciences TWEED Irina Mogilatova

– In the elite segment, no more than 5% of buyers purchase apartments with a view to renting them out. The motives of such clients may be different. For example, we had a client who bought several apartments in Moscow and went to live abroad. Her mother, who remains in Russia, lives on the rent money. It happens that real estate is purchased for use by young children, and so that the apartment does not stand idle, it is rented out. I would compare the rental business to a bank deposit. Although, of course, the payback period for the rental business is quite long. For example, if you rent out a home you bought for a million dollars and earn $60,000 a year, it will take about 20 years to recoup your investment. On average, the payback period for elite ones ranges from 10 to 15 years.

Director of the Savills rental department in Russia Elena Kulikova

– Most of our client-landlords are owners who consider investment for rental as a certain stage that solves their current issues: maintaining savings, investments for further resale, temporary rental of apartments purchased for themselves, children or parents, etc. Over the past four years, the market average return on renting out high-budget apartments has decreased by 1% and is now 4% per annum. At the same time, we are talking about aggregated “estimates,” i.e., excluding taxes.

Managing Partner of AN Spencer Estate Vadim Lamin

– In my opinion, a special one for rent is now completely unprofitable. Of course, if a good option for an apartment turned up, in which, for example, in five years the children will move in, then why not, or approximately similar options. The fact is that in order to get at least 5% profitability, you need to try very hard to optimize the process.

Moreover, the situation is getting worse - rental rates, at a minimum, are not growing, unlike utility bills and taxes. IN Lately Business and the elite segment have dropped significantly. Primarily due to the fall in effective demand. The good times, when 10-12% profitability was the norm, are long gone and, it seems, irrevocable.

– Today, the share of investment purchases has decreased slightly in all segments. At the end of 2014, in the mass segment the share of investors could reach 40%; now it is about 14% in business class, and 33% in economy and comfort class. At the same time, it is difficult to identify the share of those who intend to rent it out after commissioning and who intend to rent it out.

Only those who inherited the apartment remain in the black

Rental yields are falling. This was influenced by a decrease in the general solvency of the population during the crisis - someone lost their job, was forced to move from Moscow to the region or return to the regions, and so on, that is, there were fewer potential tenants. There is no way to fully include the cost of paying taxes (purchase of a patent or personal income tax) in the rental rate - this can alienate most tenants (primarily in the mass rental segment, of course).

Tax on real estate is now calculated based on the cadastral value and the rate will increase every year for 5 years, this is an additional expense for the owner. Contributions for major repairs have appeared. These and other payments related to the maintenance of the property cannot be endlessly passed on to the tenant. Only those who inherited the apartment remain in the black (that is, there were no investments or expenses for its acquisition) - these objects, obviously, will continue to be rented out.

Director of the Miel-Arenda company Maria Zhukova

– When purchasing real estate for further rental, there is general rule– the larger the investment, the lower the profitability. For example, in economy class the payback period for apartments is at least 18 years, the profitability is about 4-7% per annum. Even if the investor has a significant amount of money, it is more advisable to purchase two inexpensive one- or two-room apartments in inexpensive segments than one expensive property. In the first case, the investment will pay off faster. Thus, according to our calculations, the maximum demand - 70% - is for apartments costing up to 40 thousand rubles. month, and interest in housing is more than 130 thousand rubles. per month - no more than 1%.

Housing in Moscow is so expensive, and the yield from renting out apartments is so low that it can only justify the investment after decades

Text: Nadezhda Nikolaeva

For Russians, buying real estate has always been considered a reliable investment of available funds. Indeed, for 5-10 years in a growing market it was a profitable asset for investors. However, now, when the fall in real estate prices is giving way to stagnation, and developers no longer dream of rising prices, such a purchase is very risky. And if we take into account the new rules for calculating tax on resale, the investor may find himself at a loss.

Currently, investors can only rely on rental income - those funds that can be obtained from renting out housing. The portal "Elite.RU" decided to find out from representatives of real estate agencies how justified it is to buy an apartment specifically for rent or whether the market is still left to unprofessional landlords.

Director of the luxury real estate department at Est-a-Tet Anna Karpova

– The profitability from the rental business in high price segments, even during the period of market growth, looked rather modest. When compared with European cities, in some the rental yield reached 7-8% per annum. In “fat” years in Moscow this figure did not exceed 5% per annum. Today, the profitability of expensive rental apartments varies between 2-4% per annum, and the payback period is from 20 years.

The rental business in the premium and elite segment cannot be called profitable

To calculate profitability, a certain ideal formula is taken - the purchase price is divided by the average rental rate. In total, including payment of utilities, all expenses for maintaining the apartment per month can reach up to 80 thousand rubles. For example, the payback period for a three-room apartment is about 35 years. Thus, the rental business in the premium and elite segment cannot be called profitable, but it is a stable monthly income.

Now there are almost no buyers of new buildings who are firmly convinced that they will rent out the purchased apartment and engage in a professional rental business on the market. Most of our clients decide how they will use the property when they receive the keys - whether they will live there themselves or move in adult children, resell or rent out.

Managing partner of Point Estate Pavel Treivas

– Before the crisis, the practice of renting out was much more widespread. Today there are practically no people willing to invest in unstable and low-profitable businesses. Over the past two years, the private rental business has lost a lot of its profitability in all market segments. The profitability rate from 7-8% in 2007 has decreased today to 3-4%. And if you take into account downtime (the time when the apartment is left without tenants), which happens if the owner inflates the rental rate, then it drops to 2-3%.

It is worth noting that over the past two years, in the elite segment of the rental market, all payments began to be made in rubles. And if earlier the owner, renting out an apartment for 5 thousand dollars a month, received 155 thousand rubles, today he continues to rent it out for 155 thousand rubles a month, but his income is only 2.4 thousand dollars.

The risk of investing in the purchase, renovation and promotion of your property, and then being left without tenants, is very high

The situation is aggravated by an overabundance of offers from owners wishing to rent out housing. Today, apartments are also rented by investors who are waiting for the market to start growing and the property can be sold at a higher price. However, there are quite a lot of people on the market who rent out apartments that they inherited, for example, from their grandmother. They do not conduct any transactions with real estate in order to increase its profitability, they do not buy, do not sell, do not “play” on market price fluctuations, they simply receive a small stable income from rentals. Therefore, the risk of investing in the purchase, renovation and promotion of your property, and then being left without tenants, is very high.

Director of the luxury real estate department of Metrium Group Ilya Menzhunov

– The rental market is in a deep crisis; over the past year, the average rate has decreased by 15%. As a result, the rental yield, for example, in economy class does not exceed 4-6% per annum. And the high-budget segment is suffering due to the compression of effective demand and sanctions, which forced many Western companies to stop cooperation with Russia.

In current realities, a bank deposit is a more profitable investment

International firms began to recall their employees, and it was expats who formed the backbone of the tenants. The same applies to domestic businessmen and top managers from the regions who rented apartments during business trips. Accordingly, investment demand also decreased.

In current realities, a more profitable investment is a bank deposit, the yield of which varies from 7% to 12%. Therefore, as a rule, apartments for rent become a conservative investment aimed at saving rather than increasing funds. And, as a consequence of the current situation, the share of investment transactions today does not exceed 10%.

General Director of the Academy of Sciences TWEED Irina Mogilatova

– In the elite segment, no more than 5% of buyers purchase apartments with a view to renting them out. The motives of such clients may be different. For example, we had a client who bought several apartments in Moscow and went to live abroad. Her mother, who remains in Russia, lives on the rent money. It happens that real estate is purchased for use by young children, and so that the apartment does not stand idle, it is rented out. I would compare the rental business to a bank deposit. Although, of course, the payback period for the rental business is quite long. For example, if you rent out a home you bought for a million dollars and earn $60,000 a year, it will take about 20 years to recoup your investment. On average, the payback period for elite ones ranges from 10 to 15 years.

Director of the Savills rental department in Russia Elena Kulikova

– Most of our client-landlords are owners who consider investment for rental as a certain stage that solves their current issues: maintaining savings, investments for further resale, temporary rental of apartments purchased for themselves, children or parents, etc. Over the past four years, the market average return on renting out high-budget apartments has decreased by 1% and is now 4% per annum. At the same time, we are talking about aggregated “estimates,” i.e., excluding taxes.

Managing Partner of AN Spencer Estate Vadim Lamin

– In my opinion, a special one for rent is now completely unprofitable. Of course, if a good option for an apartment turned up, in which, for example, in five years the children will move in, then why not, or approximately similar options. The fact is that in order to get at least 5% profitability, you need to try very hard to optimize the process.

Moreover, the situation is getting worse - rental rates, at a minimum, are not growing, unlike utility bills and taxes. Recently, business and the elite segment have dropped significantly. Primarily due to the fall in effective demand. The good times, when 10-12% profitability was the norm, are long gone and, it seems, irrevocable.

– Today, the share of investment purchases has decreased slightly in all segments. At the end of 2014, in the mass segment the share of investors could reach 40%; now it is about 14% in business class, and 33% in economy and comfort class. At the same time, it is difficult to identify the share of those who intend to rent it out after commissioning and who intend to rent it out.

Only those who inherited the apartment remain in the black

Rental yields are falling. This was influenced by a decrease in the general solvency of the population during the crisis - someone lost their job, was forced to move from Moscow to the region or return to the regions, and so on, that is, there were fewer potential tenants. There is no way to fully include the cost of paying taxes (purchase of a patent or personal income tax) in the rental rate - this can alienate most tenants (primarily in the mass rental segment, of course).

Real estate tax is now calculated based on the cadastral value and the rate will increase every year for 5 years, this is an additional expense for the owner. Contributions for major repairs have appeared. These and other payments related to the maintenance of the property cannot be endlessly passed on to the tenant. Only those who inherited the apartment remain in the black (that is, there were no investments or expenses for its acquisition) - these objects, obviously, will continue to be rented out.

Director of the Miel-Arenda company Maria Zhukova

– When buying real estate for further rental, there is a general rule - the larger the investment, the lower the profitability. For example, in economy class the payback period for apartments is at least 18 years, the profitability is about 4-7% per annum. Even if the investor has a significant amount of money, it is more advisable to purchase two inexpensive one- or two-room apartments in inexpensive segments than one expensive property. In the first case, the investment will pay off faster. Thus, according to our calculations, the maximum demand - 70% - is for apartments costing up to 40 thousand rubles. month, and interest in housing is more than 130 thousand rubles. per month - no more than 1%.

Nowadays, not only real estate inherited from past generations is put up for rent, as was previously the case.

These days, many people buy apartments just to put them on the market. And this applies not only to new buildings. Having made cosmetic repairs, you can profitably rent out housing even in an old building. Of course, the cost will be somewhat lower, but the costs will pay off pretty quickly.

Is it profitable to rent out an apartment? Renting an apartment is profitable if done correctly. There are many risks and pitfalls that an owner offering living space for rent may encounter.

For example, unscrupulous tenants can break equipment, damage furniture, if there were children among the tenants - you should even worry about the wallpaper, which after eviction may turn out to be painted on. All this implies that you will have to spend money on repairs again and the money collected for, say, a year of rent will again go “into circulation.”

IMPORTANT: A written apartment rental agreement will help the owner protect himself from unscrupulous tenants. It should contain passport data and basic provisions on the rights and obligations of both the tenant and the landlord.

Such a document has legal force and in the event of claims, disputes or conflicts, it can be considered in court.

Which accommodation is best?

What is the best housing to rent? The answer is very simple - good. The apartment must be clean and tidy. It is not at all necessary to renovate the room and furnish it with expensive designer furniture. Only then will there be a guarantee of receiving high income from renting out residential real estate.

The most popular option for apartments is a bright, cozy room, furnished with modern furniture and necessary appliances. If you have bought or inherited an apartment that you want to put up for rent, it is recommended to pay attention to the following:

  • room: wardrobe, chest of drawers, sofa, TV stand, desk;
  • hallway: wardrobe, shoe stand;
  • kitchen: kitchen set, kitchen table, three or four chairs.
  • Technique. Renting a home without equipment is much more difficult, and the rental price will immediately drop by four to five thousand (depending on the region). There is no need to install too expensive and modern models in your apartment. Everything should be simple and understandable even to an older person:
    • room: TV, air conditioning;
    • bathroom: electric hood, washing machine;
    • kitchen: stove, refrigerator, microwave.

    Methods of implementation

    After the apartment is prepared for rent, you should decide how you will rent it out: yourself or through a realtor.

    Of course, you can combine both options, but agencies are much more willing to offer their clients those apartments that are not publicly available on the Internet. Realtors will always be bothered by the fact that after the showing, the potential tenant will go away to think and simply find the owner’s offer online.

    ATTENTION: Don’t make up the price of renting an apartment out of your head. To get started, look online for similar offers in your area. To do this, go to any popular real estate search site and define the request criteria: area, number of rooms, and so on.

    Good repairs and the availability of furniture and equipment will increase the rental price by about three to four thousand from the cost of average offers.

    It is quite easy to rent out an apartment profitably. The main thing is to approach this issue correctly. There will always be a good demand for well-kept, cozy apartments. Most importantly, don’t forget to sign a rental agreement. to protect yourself and your property from careless and unscrupulous employers.

    Who is preferable to rent an apartment to?

    It seems to me that it is preferable to rent an apartment to a married couple with a child, since these people should be more responsible. It can also be rented to single people. It is advisable to give it to people who have Russian citizenship. But the most important thing is to meet the tenant in person, and look at him with your own eyes, have a good conversation, look at the documents and no photocopies or excuses that, they say, he will show you later. His appearance can also say a lot about a person. Even if a person is not dressed richly, this does not mean that he is a bad tenant. The main thing is that he is neatly and cleanly dressed. Pay attention to the shoes. A neat person will have it clean, even if he gets it dirty along the way, traces of the attempt will remain; I know from my own experience that it can be erased. When you choose a client, sometimes drop in casually under any but valid pretext. different time. If you become friends, it will be perfect option, but you can get by with a good acquaintance.

    Good luck.


    Interesting about shoes and clothes)) Thank you!

    The landlord has the right to “look” into his apartment once a month, and by prior agreement with the tenant. This clause is present in almost every rental agreement.

    I have relevant experience - about 5 years.

    I also rented it out after a European-quality renovation, after five years I invested an amount equal to 2.5 months’ income - and presented it as renovated. This may seem paradoxical, but the most optimal tenant is a company of workers. Yes, these are several men, sometimes very brutal and unintelligent (but you shouldn’t go to social events together?) But they come home late in the evening and go to bed, and early in the morning they go to work. And no days off. And on rare free days, they go home. So I compared it - the depreciation of an apartment is significantly less compared to an ordinary family with one child. Citizenship is also not a problem (money has no smell). The most important thing to pay attention to:
    1) submit only officially (it is best to register as an individual entrepreneur - then the tax is simplified tax system 6%, not personal income tax 13%), only with official payment - best by bank transfer through a bank;
    2) NEVER, UNDER ANY CONDITIONS, USE THE SERVICES OF INTERMEDIARIES, you can do everything yourself! The only convenient “platform” for posting ads where you won’t be trolled by realtors is Unfortunately, to use it, you need to deposit 10 thousand rubles. - of which 5 rubles will be debited for your ad. per day. So you can use this account for years when some tenants move out and you are looking for the next.

    And yet - in all negotiations - all cards are on the table (and in the text of the agreement) at once - any omission is a potential risk.


    Thank you very much, Andrey Valerievich, for your detailed answer!
    6% is really not 13%, and you don’t have to worry about the neighbors snitching)) And the fact that payment will be by bank transfer is wonderful.
    With your advice, you saved me from some torment, to be honest :-)
    I don’t really understand about realtors. Isn't it easier to contact them?
    I'm completely inexperienced in these matters))

    How does the work of a realtor work? (Let's assume that this is a decent person who has nothing against you personally) If he looks for a client _especially for you_, he will not earn anything - maybe he will rent out one of your apartments in a month - he will receive a commission, but this is not enough for him. Consequently, the realtor is interested in collecting as large a database as possible - and showing apartments to everyone (with a minimum set of standardized parameters: house, floor, area, balcony, elevator - and a maximum of half a dozen more characteristics). Accordingly, if a potential tenant is, in principle, not interested in an apartment, for example, without a bathroom, but with a shower - and, let’s say, you have one - this will only become clear upon inspection. And the other, in principle, is not interested in an apartment without a storage room - and again you will meet in vain. Any complaints about the realtor? - He doesn’t take money from you, it seems like he’s trying. But there is no result - so, he will say, you want a lot of money, throw off a third - I’ll rent it right away. It’s a no-brainer that if you exhibit yourself, you will invite only those to the viewing with whom all, absolutely all questions have really been answered by phone - about water meters, and about balcony glazing, and about neighbors, and about the mailbox - because it’s direct conversation, without intermediaries. And you don’t waste time on empty running around - 2-3 visits before delivery. And all this talk about unique, exclusive databases - in my opinion, empty - it all comes down to the same CIAN, where you can go on your own.

    If you choose from potential tenants, I would give preference to a married couple (preferably without a child) or just a couple (man + woman) or two women.

    In any case, in my opinion, it is necessary for the apartment to have female supervision - where to clean, where to wipe off a stain, where to fix something. I met apartments that were rented by a group of men - patches of dust, a dirty stove and other delights. Of course, I don’t argue, it all depends on the men, but don’t forget that we’re not talking about your own apartment, but about a rented apartment. And, as you know, if it’s not yours, then you don’t mind. But the woman will still not allow dirt.

    As for nationality and citizenship, people from Central Asia are quite adequate people and do not create problems, and are ready to pay higher than the so-called “Slavs”.