The tallest waterfall in the world. World of waterfalls: the highest, most powerful and beautiful falling rivers

Angel Falls is located on the territory of the state of Venezuela in the Canaima National Park on the mainland of South America. It was discovered by the Spanish pioneer Ernesto Sanchez la Cruz, not so long ago, namely in 1910. However, the whole world learned about it even later - in 1935, when it was discovered while flying nearby by American pilot and gold miner J.C. Angel. Actually, the waterfall is named after him (or rather, his surname) (in Spanish, Angel sounds like Angel).

The height of Angel Falls is 979 (according to other sources - 1054) meters, which is twenty times higher than Niagara. It falls from the top of Mount Auyantepui. Moreover, falling from a kilometer height, the water does not reach the end, but descends as fog spreading for many kilometers around the waterfall. The height of the giant was measured in 1949 by an official expedition of the National Geographic Society.

The discovery was a matter of chance; the monoplane he was piloting got stuck in the impassable jungle. This is where Jimmy noticed the giant waterfall. His plane lay at the site of the unsuccessful landing for 33 years, remaining a mute witness to the discovery of its owner, until it was lifted by a helicopter.

In 2009, the late President of Venezuela, guided by anti-imperialist aspirations, renamed his country's main attraction Kerepakupai-meru (one of the names local population). But for the whole world it is still better known by its original name.

Oddly enough, the most high waterfall in the world - Angel (full name Salto Angel) - not the most famous and popular in the world. Niagara Falls in North America and Victoria Falls in Africa are much more popular. This is largely due to the not very favorable location of the giant. It is surrounded on all sides by impenetrable tropical forest. The only way to get there is by plane or helicopter, or along the Kerep River, Angel’s final destination.

Tours to Salto Angel Falls organized by air from the capital of the country, Caracas, and from the city of Ciudad Bolivar, they are sold in sets. The package also includes landing in the village of Canaima, where the entrance to the National Park is located, subsequent water crossing directly to the waterfall, food, and all the necessary accessories.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that Venezuela is rich in waterfalls. In particular, not far from Angel there is the Acha Falls, a little further - the Arrasine Falls, on the border with Guyana.

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Tissestrengene is a waterfall in Norway. Located east of the village of Tissedal, municipality of Odda, province of Hordaland. The total height of the waterfall is 646 meters, and the highest height of free fall of water is 312 meters. After the construction of a hydroelectric power station on the waterfall, there is no water in the waterfall for most of the year.

9. Cuqueran, 674 m, Venezuela

Cuqueran Falls is the second highest waterfall in Venezuela, and the second highest free fall of water in the world. Water falls from the tepui (table mountain) of the same name.

8. Mardalsfossen, 705 m, Norway

Mardalsfossen (Norwegian Mardalsfossen) is a waterfall in Norway, in the area of ​​the municipality of Nesset in the province of Møre og Romsdal. The total height of the waterfall is 705 meters. The waterfall has several levels, the highest height of free fall of water is 358 meters. The greatest width of the waterfall is 24 meters.

The name of the waterfall comes from the words Mardalen (name of the valley) and foss (waterfall). The word Mardalen, in turn, probably comes from the words dal ("valley") and Mara ("dig"). The waterfall is depicted on the coat of arms of Nesset.

After the construction of a hydroelectric power station at the waterfall, water moves through the hydraulic system for most of the year. It passes through the waterfall only from June 20 to August 20, during the tourist season.

Espelands waterfall, on the Opo River, is often placed in 8th place, citing a height of 703 m. However, the real height of this waterfall is only 75 meters)

7. Yosemite Falls, 739 m, USA

The tallest waterfall in North America and the seventh highest waterfall in the world is Yosemite Falls (739 meters). The waterfall is located in the USA, California, in the Sierra Nevada mountains. It is one of the most beautiful corners of the earth.

The waterfall consists of three cascades. The height of the upper cascade is 435 meters. The falls are fed by streams flowing from glaciers into Yosemite Valley. Therefore, during dry seasons, the water flow in the waterfall is significantly reduced, and sometimes completely dries up.

6. Mutarazi, 762 m, Zimbabwe

Mutarazi ranks sixth on the list of the highest waterfalls. This is a two-cascade waterfall 15 meters wide and 762 meters high. The waterfall is located in the Honda Valley in the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe, on the river of the same name. According to legend, Princess Mutarazi saw a waterfall high in the mountains in a dream and ordered her subjects to find it. The waterfall was actually found and named after the princess.

Gokta is one of the highest waterfalls on Earth. It is located in the Peruvian province of Bongara, about 20 km north of Chachapoyas, administrative center Amazonas region. Its height is 771 m. The volume of water fluctuates greatly depending on the amount of precipitation that falls in its small, rocky basin, located at an altitude of 2,500 to 3,000 m above sea level. The waterfall got its name from the name of a nearby village. A few kilometers north is the Yumbilla Falls, almost 900m high, but only during the rainy season.

The waterfall was first noticed in 2002 by German Stefan Ziemendorff during an expedition in an impassable natural reserve. At the end of February 2006, Ziemendorff and a Peruvian research team returned to measure its height. In this case, the measurement error could be 13.5 m.

4. Mongefossen, 773 m, Norway

Mongefossen (Norwegian Mongefossen) is the fourth highest waterfall in the world, located on the Monge River (Norwegian Monge) in Norway. It is located in the municipality of Røuma in the county of Møre og Romsdal. The height is about 773 meters. Like many other tall waterfalls in Norway, it is used for hydroelectric power, resulting in a reduction in water flow.

3. Utigård (Ramnefjellsfossen), 818 m, Norway

Norway is considered the “land of waterfalls”; the highest waterfalls in Europe are concentrated here. The highest of the Norwegian waterfalls and the third highest in the world is Utigård, its fall height is more than 818 meters. The waterfall rushes down from the Rumnefillbrina glacier (the largest branch glacier in Europe).

2. Tugela, 948 m, South Africa

Tugela is the second highest waterfall in the world. It consists of five free-falling cascades, the largest of which is 411 meters.

The Tugela falls in a narrow ribbon from the eastern cliff of the Drakensberg Mountains, in the Royal Natal National Park in KwaZulu, Natal Province, South Africa.

Tugela Falls - the second highest waterfall

1. Angel, 1054 meters, Venezuela

Angel (in Pemon language - Kerepakupai vena, which means “Waterfall of the deepest place”) - total height 1054 meters, continuous fall height 807 meters. Named after pilot James Angel, who flew over the falls in 1933.

Angel Falls - the tallest waterfall in the world

The waterfall is located in the tropical forests of Venezuela, in the Canaima National Park. Water cascades from the top of Auyantepui, the largest of the Venezuelan tepuis - its name means "mountain of the devil" in Russian. The height of the fall is so great that before reaching the ground, the water is sprayed into tiny particles and turns into fog. Fog can be felt several kilometers away.

Which waterfall is the tallest?

Many people are interested in the question: which waterfall is the highest ? Without a doubt, the record holder for the highest waterfall in the world is Salto Angel, which is located in the thick of the tropical forests of Venezuela. This stream of water falls freely from a height of more than one kilometer, and when it reaches the ground, it turns into a cloud of water particles, more reminiscent of fog than a stream of water.

Angel is the main decoration of the Venezuelan national reserve Canaima, but getting to it is not so easy. It is located in a dense tropical forest, where there are neither roads nor even passable paths. To see what a beautiful and highest waterfall , this miracle created by nature itself, there are only two ways - by air or, for the bravest, by river. Although today, travel companies have tried hard enough to make the path to the attraction easier for travelers, and the route to the waterfall has become more accessible than even ten years ago.

Falls from the Tepuy rock or Devil's Mountain, as the local aborigines call it. These massifs were formed several billion years ago, but today their steep slopes are increasingly susceptible to destruction under the influence of large-scale rainfalls, which are characteristic of the Guiana Highlands. Now you know which waterfall is the highest and majestic on earth.

There are many waterfalls on planet Earth, huge and miniature, famous and not so well known, but tallest waterfall in the world , as mentioned above, this is the Venezuelan giant Angel, water streams that fall to the ground from a height of more than one thousand meters.

The world's highest waterfall is located on the South American continent, and is part of the Venezuelan Canaima National Reserve. Devil's Mountain, from which the water falls, is located in the thick of the tropical forest, which makes this natural attraction almost inaccessible for viewing. Since the height of the fall of water is very large, very tiny drops of liquid, more reminiscent of fog, can reach the surface of the earth at a great distance from the source. But due to the fact that the mass of the water stream is huge, you can feel this fog several kilometers before the waterfall itself. Water reaching the ground from falls into the Kerep River.

Despite the fact that hundreds of thousands of tourists want to get to the waterfall every year, the route through the tropical forest to the attraction has never been built, which is due to the impassability and severe swampiness of this area. There are only two options for how you can see the landmark: from the air or by sailing here by river. For example, local travel companies offer the following visiting route the tallest waterfall in the world - Angel : flight from Caracas to Canaima, followed by a trip by water. At the same time, during the trip, tourists are provided with all the maximum possible benefits for comfort while staying outside of civilization.

Local population

Local aborigines call the flat-topped hill from which it falls Angel , Auyan Tepuy. This mountain is just one of hundreds like it located in the Guiana Highlands. Such rocks are very reminiscent of sleeping giants with flat tops and steep slopes. They were formed several billion years ago, but throughout the entire period of their existence they gradually collapse and change under the influence of tropical rainfall, characteristic of the climate in this area.

The existence of Salto Angel has been known to the aborigines for a long time, but in Europe they learned about the waterfall only at the beginning of the 20th century. It was first discovered during the expedition of the Spanish explorer Ernest Cruz, but the waterfall became world famous thanks to the American gold miner and pilot James Angel, after whom the waterfall was later named.

Angel landed his Flamingo plane on one of the peaks of the plateau, but was never able to take off again. And during his return on foot, he just discovered highest waterfall . Aircraft, which got stuck in the swampy jungle area and remained on the top of the mountain, being a unique monument to the discovery of the world record holder. Only thirty years later the plane was evacuated from the plateau, and is currently a valuable exhibit of the Aviation Museum in Maracay.

With title highest waterfall linked one is quite interesting historical fact: A few years ago, speaking on television, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez made a statement about renaming the water stream in accordance with the name that is characteristic of local residents. This was justified by the fact that the waterfall has always been national treasure Venezuela, even before its discovery by James Angel, and therefore its name should be appropriate. But such a loud statement was never followed by any changes in world geography, the tallest waterfall in the world - Angel and today continues to remain Angel on all maps of the world.

Ancient, very beautiful and tallest waterfall in the whole world exists for hundreds of thousands of years, but humanity became aware of it relatively recently, only in the 30s of the last century. So ? Since this masterpiece of nature is located in the densest thickets of tropical forests, it is practically impossible to get there by land due to the severe swampiness of the area. Therefore, it turned out that the waterfall was open only during air travel the famous American pilot and gold miner, after whom he was later named. At the same time, the tribes of South American aborigines always knew about the existence of the waterfall and gave it the name Apemey, which means Maiden's Eyebrow.

Angel falls from the top of Mount Devil, a mountain range that has a height of 2600 meters. Dropping steeply from a steep cliff, the water travels more than one thousand meters before reaching the ground, resulting in an unforgettable spectacle. The height of the fall is so high that at the foot of the mountain, only millions of small particles of water remain from the water jet, which is more reminiscent of fog. And this water cloud covers an area within a radius of several kilometers from the waterfall.

Geographical location

Unfortunately, see it live where is the tallest waterfall in the world not everyone finds it possible. Angel is in one of the most remote and hard to reach places on the planet, and hides from prying eyes in the tropical jungle. Today there are two options on how you can travel to the waterfall with minimal risk to human health and life. Local travel companies offer package tours that include flights in a small light plane and river rafting in a motorized canoe. Such an adventure attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists every year, because it gives the opportunity not only to see the world’s highest waterfall, but also to get acquainted with natural world Venezuela, which is no less attractive.

Rainforests, , occupy more than half of the territory of Venezuela. But, unfortunately, their area is rapidly decreasing every year. The slopes of the Guiana Highlands are covered with endemic shrubs that do not grow anywhere else on the planet. The river banks are covered with thickets of Mauritius palms. Most of the territory is evergreen forests, which are periodically flooded or constantly grow in wetlands.

Rich vegetable world is home to many animals, birds and insects. The inhabitants of the jungle are broad-nosed monkeys, anteaters, capybaras, peccaries, opossums, snakes, etc. Crocodiles, turtles, and electric eels live in the river waters. But such natural wealth also brings a negative effect: every year it attracts the attention of more and more tourists from all over the world. Cities are growing, even in the smallest villages hotel complexes, restaurants and other entertainment venues are being built. Man wants to know all the secrets of nature, but it is precisely with this desire that he destroys these mysteries.

Today the highest and most unforgettable waterfall in the world , can be called one of the main attractions of Venezuela. The entire tropical forest area, including the plateau and waterfall, received the status of a national reserve. And since the 90s of the 20th century, Angel has been declared one of the objects of the list world heritage humanity UNESCO. Now knowing where is the tallest and most beautiful waterfall in the world , you might want to see it in person.

What is the tallest waterfall in South America?

Researchers and simply curious tourists are interested in the question: ? The main decoration of not only Venezuela, but the entire South American continent is Angel Falls, which is located in the tropical forests. The waterfall received its geographical name in honor of an American pilot who was looking for the lost “golden city” and its golden treasures in these parts, and found unique natural wealth.

The highest and most majestic waterfall falls from one of the most high mountains Guiana Highlands Atsian Tepui and flows into the Kerep River. Due to its uniqueness, today this waterfall is not only protected by the state of Venezuela, but is also included in the list of heritage sites of all mankind.

The Canaima Nature Reserve is located in the southwestern part of Venezuela, and is divided into two sections: Angel Falls is located in the western part national park. To get here, it is most convenient to use flights from Caracas, Santa Elena and Margarita. The starting point for the journey to the waterfall is the village of Canaima. Just a few years ago there was a very tiny village here, but today, due to the growing tourist flow, several hotels, cafes, restaurants and retail outlets have begun to operate in Canaima.

Including for comfortable rest travelers have the opportunity to stay in cozy campsites with all amenities on the shore of the lagoon overlooking Angel Falls and Anatoly Island. Knowing what is the tallest waterfall in south america and if you have the financial opportunity, you should definitely visit this beautiful place.


The main mode of transport by which you can get to this region is airplanes. Regular and charter flights are carried out daily by several airlines. The cost of such a trip depends on the class of the aircraft, as well as the number of people in the group. It is also possible to travel to the waterfall along the river in traditional canoes or motor boats. Hiking routes are excluded due to the severe swampiness of the area and the impassability of the tropical jungle.

In the eastern part of the reserve is located natural Park Gran Sabana and the two villages of Santa Elena and Puerto Ordaz. Getting here is much easier, in addition to aviation and river rafting, there are also walking routes, during which you can get to know in detail the amazing and extraordinary riches of the tropical world.

The only condition that all tourists must meet when visiting the national park is to pay a tourist tax and provide certificates of vaccination against yellow fever.

What is the tallest waterfall in North America?

As in South America, Northern has its own record holder. So ? It is rightfully considered one of the most important attractions of the North American continent. It is located on the river of the same name, which connects Lakes Erie and Ontario, and at the same time is the border between two countries, the USA and Canada. When Niagara Falls began to become popular, infrastructure gradually began to develop around it, so on both banks of the river, on the Canadian and American sides, two cities with the same name were formed - Niagara Falls.

It got its name from the Iroquois Indians who lived in this region hundreds of years ago, and translated from their language it literally means “thundering water.” But itself a natural phenomenon appeared long before this moment. The approximate age of formation of the waterfall is the post-glacial period, when, as a result of active melting, water flows created a channel in soft sandstone. Thus, the Niagara River was able to cut a deep gorge, which over time exposed the rocks: a large-scale breakthrough was created, and thousands of tons of water rushed down from it.

According to the calculations of the researchers, over ten thousand years of the waterfall's existence, there was a displacement of approximately ten kilometers upward to the base, and such movement continues to occur today, at approximately a speed of about three hundred millimeters per year. But, unfortunately, this fact has negative consequences: according to preliminary data from scientists, another couple of tens of thousands of years will pass, the waterfall will rise to the level of Lake Erie and this will be the end of its existence.

Features of the waterfall

It is somewhat different from its relatives on other continents. The fact is that it is more correct to call it a complex or group of waterfalls that occupy an area of ​​about one kilometer. Thanks to the existence of Goat Lake, the river splits into two branches, forming the Canadian and American waterfalls. The first of them resembles a horseshoe in shape, and it is the main one in this water system, since it passes about 90 percent of all water.

The Canadian waterfall has a depth of 3 meters, a width of about 700 meters, a water speed of 32 kilometers per hour and a fall height of about 60 meters. The American waterfall is not so wide, only about 250 meters, and smaller (50-60 centimeters), and as a result of the formation of a stone embankment, the height of the flow does not exceed 35 meters. In the middle between the American and Canadian waterfalls (on the American side) there is another small waterfall called Veil.

In the 60s of the last century, the American government commissioned a study of the waterfall to eliminate the causes of the rapid destruction of the natural landmark. For this purpose, a temporary dam was built and the waterfall had to be completely drained. It is noteworthy that the dry waterfall attracted the attention of even more tourists, so during that period the number of visitors to the waterfall increased sharply.

Every second the water flow carries up to 5.7 million liters of water. It is not surprising that this colossal energy Niagara Falls , humanity decided to use it for its own purposes. Thus, a hydroelectric power plant was built in Niagara, which generates electricity for the state of New York.


Knowing what is the tallest waterfall in north america and where it is located, we can move on to the issue of infrastructure. The first water power plant was built here at the end of the 19th century; over time, its design was improved, the station was rebuilt several times, and today the working option is a power facility built in 1961. In addition to electricity, Niagara Falls provides economic benefits in the form of tourism revenue. Every year, several million people come to see the attraction, not only from Canada and the USA, but also from other countries of the world.

There is a convenient infrastructure for tourists here, including an air bridge, several observation platforms, there are walking terraces, organized sightseeing tours by helicopters and balloons. But the most popular are trips along the river on special vessels with the traditional name “Maiden of the Mist”. You can ride on a pleasure boat from both the Canadian and American sides, and only in this way will you be able to find yourself in the very center of events, to get as close as possible to a real miracle created by nature.

The territory of Niagara Falls has been under state protection for many years; the area around the landmark has been given the status of a national reserve. In addition, this place is traditionally included in all ratings beautiful places USA and is a must-see destination.

What is the tallest waterfall in Africa?

If you were interested , then this is Victoria, which is rightfully called one of the wonders of the world. The sight of a huge mass of water falling into the abyss against the backdrop of picturesque nature is truly a breathtaking and incredibly beautiful sight. Its height and width are not the largest in the world, but the ratio of their values ​​allows it to be considered the largest on the planet.


Located on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe on the Zambezi River, which flows through a wide, beautiful valley. The width of the cliff is more than 1700 m, and the height of the water fall into the basalt gorge is about 110 m.

When falling Victoria Falls makes a loud noise that resembles a roar and can be heard 40 km away. The full-flowing river dumps almost 550 million liters of water into the gorge every minute, resulting in the formation of thick fog. Thanks to these features, local aborigines nicknamed the waterfall “Mosi oa Tunya”, which means thundering smoke.

During the rainy season on the Zambezi, which lasts from November to April, the falling water forms such a dense fog that it is almost impossible to see the waterfall. During this period, the spray not only envelops the nearby area, but also rises hundreds of meters upward. That's why visible at a distance of 40 - 50 kilometers. During the rest of the year, the water level drops, numerous islands appear on the ridge, and in some places you can see the bottom of the river. Some tourists dare to take a risky walk along the shallows along the cliff.


The bulk of the river flow Victoria Falls falls into the first crevice and passes along it between rocks more than 150 m high. After this section, the water passes through a whole cascade of gorges, moving along them for about 80 km. Then there is a sharp turn to the right with the formation of a deep pool. The second gorge is more than 2.5 km long, with a wall height of over 100 m. The third segment stretches a little south of the waterfall by 2 km. A modern hydroelectric power station was built there. After it there are four more sections, the largest of which are the Songvi and Batoka gorges. During the dry season, a huge number of birds and animals gather in these places.


About, what is the tallest waterfall in Africa few people know, but his real name is more common . The famous missionary and traveler Livingston was the first European to visit and describe it amazing place. He arrived here in 1855. The majestic picture of a mighty river flow falling from a great height impressed him so much that he named Victoria Falls in honor of the Queen of England. These regions first began to gain popularity during the founding of british colony. The development of tourism in the region began after the start of construction of the railway. Thanks to this project, two settlements appeared here: Victoria Falls and Livingston. In 1980, the people of Zimbabwe gained independence and properties with English names were returned to their historical names. For example, a famous city

Salisbury became Horrery. Under the new rules, the waterfall was now called Mosi-oa-Tunia, but outside the country it was known only as Victoria Falls . The world organization UNESCO has authorized the use of both names.


Pre-1905 surroundings highest waterfall in Africa were completely deserted. After it started working Railway, these places have gained popularity and attracted people from all over the world. Guerrilla warfare in Rhodesia in the 1960s worsened conditions for the development of tourism in the country, and the subsequent rule of a dictator almost destroyed this industry.

Only in the 80s did peace reign in these lands, and the unique natural attraction was again available to travelers. Until 2000, these regions were visited by more than 300 thousand people annually, but after another dictator came to power, the region became restless again. During the reign of Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe, the number of visitors to the country decreased, but to Zambia it increased. Today, tourism is booming in both countries.

Tourists in these parts are attracted not only by picturesque landscapes Victoria Falls . Several sections of the river have numerous rapids that are considered ideal for rafting and kayaking. Most of them are suitable for beginners, as there are no large and sharp stones.

Five bridges were built on the Zambezi River and one of them is located in close proximity to the waterfall. During the fighting in Southern Rhodesia, it became a venue for negotiations between the warring parties. They lasted almost 10 hours.

Thanks to Fox News highest waterfall in Africa became one of the seven most beautiful places on the planet, recommended for visiting.

David Livingston devoted 30 years of his life to travel across the African continent and missionary work in these lands. Two African cities, several waterfalls and a mountain on the shores of Lake Nyasa are named in his honor.

4. TOP 10 largest waterfalls in the world

1. Angel

You may have previously wondered: What is the tallest waterfall in South America? In the east of Venezuela, among the impenetrable jungle, is the Guiana Plateau. Here is the highest waterfall on the planet, which goes into . Because of its size, it was named "Kerepakupai Meru" by the local Indians, meaning "waterfall of great depth". Its height is about 1055 m.

History of discovery

Due to the fact that the waterfall is located in sparsely populated areas, among impenetrable tropical jungles, for many centuries only Indians from the Pimon tribe knew about it. They believed that water was being dumped from the mountain evil spirits, so we tried to avoid these edges.

This miracle of nature was discovered by the Venezuelan pilot Juan Angel, who explored this region in search of diamonds in the 1930s. One day he had to land on a small area located on the top of a mountain. It was not possible to take off from it, so the pilot and his fellow travelers went down, climbing over the rocks. Despite the difficult descent and almost two-week journey through the wild jungle, all participants in the adventure were able to reach civilization. They told the authorities about the beautiful, huge waterfall. A few brave souls decided to check the authenticity of the story. The travelers spent 20 days using machetes to fight their way through impenetrable thickets of tropical plants and were able to find a unique waterfall. Angel, which was later named after its discoverer.


Waterfall Angel is surrounded by impenetrable jungle and a convenient road to it has not yet been paved. To get to these places you need to walk through the jungle for many days. But thanks to this circumstance, these regions were able to preserve their virgin beauty. Here you can find anteaters, porcupines, sloths, monkeys, jaguars, and deer. The discovery of this region led to the creation of the Canaimi National Park. It has been awarded the status of a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Get to the waterfall Angel possible by plane or motorized canoe. Most tourists prefer air travel, which gives them the opportunity to enjoy beautiful views of nature from a bird's eye view. But due to the fact that during the rainy season the rocks are shrouded in thick clouds and there is no opportunity to see these edges up close, many travelers choose the river route. It will take no more than five hours to get to the place, and you can spend the whole day sightseeing. If the trip takes place during the dry season, tourists will have the opportunity to swim at the foot of the waterfall.

2. Tugela

Second place in the rating TOP 10 most big waterfalls peace takes Tugela, located in the east of South Africa in the Natal National Park. It consists of five separate streams descending from the eastern slope of the Dragon Mountain (Drakensberg). A narrow ribbon of water falls from a height of about 950 m.

Geography of the region

Tugela It is fed by the river of the same name, which is considered the largest in the southeast of the country. It originates on the mountain Mont-aux-Sources. The water in the river is perfectly clean and transparent. In winter, the edges are covered with snow, and the landscape resembles a scene from a fairy tale. These lands were first explored by French missionaries in 1836. Struck by the majesty of the waterfall, they named the mountain they found “Mont-au-serce”, which means “Mountain Springs”. Its outlines resemble an ancient amphitheater. The nearest town is Bergwil, where tourists from all over the world come all year round.

The southern part of the Drakensberg is a deserted area with majestic landscapes. The mountainous landscape includes steep cliffs and river valleys covered with thick grass and numerous trees. In some places there are small forest areas. The nature of the region has retained its pristine beauty, and only a few kilometers away you can see rare agricultural lands.


In addition to the opportunity to admire the breathtaking views of the waterfall, tourists are offered different kinds active rest. In addition to hiking and cycling, they can enjoy mountaineering, canoeing and fishing. They can observe unique wild animals and birds.

The main goal of people coming to these parts is to travel to the waterfall Tugela. You can get to it along a mountain path passing through beautiful places. The route starts in the village of Uitsishoek, which is easiest to reach by car. The entire journey takes about five hours one way, so a visit to a local attraction takes the whole day. You can reach the top using two suspension bridges.

There is another route leading to the waterfall, which is considered easier and more convenient. The starting point will be Natal National Park. In this case, you need to walk about 7 km along the gorge and climb the mountain, passing part of the way through the forest. The only serious obstacle is crossing a cluster of boulders. After them, across a small suspension bridge you can reach the top, where you will see a stunning view of a large river dumping its mighty waters from a high cliff.

3. Three sisters

In the southwest of Peru, in the Ayacucho region, there is one of the most unique waterfalls on the planet. Name " Three sisters "It received because of its unusual stream, which descends in cascades and is divided into three parts. Its height is almost 914 m, thanks to which it is also included in TOP 10 largest and beautiful waterfalls peace . Since it is located far from civilization, among the impenetrable jungle, it can only be reached by making your way through dense thickets of tropical plants. But this does not stop visiting tourists who want not only to admire the natural attraction, but also to test their strength and endurance on the way to the waterfall Three sisters .

This amazing and picturesque wonder of nature attracts people from all over the world. Rare animals and birds live here, and there are unusual flowers and trees. At the foot of the mountain, springs with healing properties gush out like small fountains. mineral water. The waterfall and its surroundings have recently attracted the attention of scientists and representatives of the Peruvian authorities, who saw in it a promising object for research and development of tourism in the country. To be alone with untouched nature Thousands of people from all over the planet come there every year to admire the beautiful landscapes and breathe in the unique aroma of the tropical rainforest.

4. Olopena

Olopena is a waterfall on a small island called Molokai, located in the center Hawaiian archipelago. It is surrounded by mountains and tropical forests. The water in it does not fall in a massive stream, but literally slides in a thin line, cascading into several long sections. Height Olopena more than 900 m, which gives it the right to be considered one of the largest on the planet. Due to the fact that the waterfall is hidden deep in the rock and surrounded by dense forests and mountains, it remained unknown to the world for a long time.

Now, most travel companies in Hawaii include a visit to this natural wonder in their tours. Great view The natural attraction opens from the ocean. Some ships come close enough to the shore so that those interested can board the boats and see the waterfall up close. But best review These places are only accessible from a helicopter. From a bird's eye view you can observe an unusual phenomenon: during strong gusts of wind, the air flow picks up the spray and scatters it in a huge fireworks display in all directions.

Unfortunately, flights in these areas are prohibited in such weather. Sunny days are the most suitable time to observe these beauties, then travelers can admire the picturesque landscapes and an unusual waterfall Olopena , its gigantic size and fully appreciate its beauty and uniqueness.

5. Umbilla

In Peru, on the southeastern side of the Andes, there is one of the largest waterfalls on the planet. With a height of 896 m, it ranks fifth in TOP 10 largest waterfalls in the world . This natural landmark was discovered to the world in 2007 after a report by several scientists from the Peruvian National Geographical Society, and a little later, thanks to the media, the whole world learned about it.

Before opening Umbillas Scientists knew these regions well among the local aborigines. They considered this place sacred and treated it with special respect. Its name from the Quechua Indian language can be translated as “love of the heart.” One of the sections of the waterfall, indeed, with its outlines resembles a huge heart. There is a belief according to which lovers who plunge into the waters of this sacred spring will never part, their love will be stormy and endless.

Information about the reliability of the height of the waterfall and the number of its sections is constantly being questioned and is a topic for scientific debate. Some argue that the number of cascades does not exceed four, others think that there are at least five, and still others believe that there are seven or eight. Height is also not an absolute value. Some sources suggest that the true value is 870 m, according to others it is 898.5 m. The National Geographic Institute, with the assistance of several well-known scientific organizations, has conducted a number of studies according to which the most accurate height of this object is 895.5 m.

Despite the considerable height Umbillas , he does not seem powerful and huge.

The reason for this is a small amount of water, which disappears completely during dry seasons. Another reason is that most of the waterfall is difficult to see from the ground. The source of the stream is located a couple of kilometers from the cliff, in a cave that has the same name. The water in it is crystal clear. This unique place is located in a wild tropical forest, in which you can observe rare examples of flora and fauna. Some representatives of flora and fauna are found nowhere else on the planet.

The most best time The best time to visit this region is the rainy season, when the volume of falling water reaches its maximum and nature blossoms with special beauty. Despite the inaccessibility of this natural wonder, the flow of tourists is only increasing from year to year.

6. Vinnufossen

The height of the Norwegian waterfall Vinnufossen about 860 m, which is considered the largest value among similar natural objects in Europe. According to various sources, he ranks sixth or seventh in the world. The longest section is 420 m.

Nearest locality is the village of Sunndalser, which belongs to the Sundal district in the county of Mere og Romsdal. The waterfall originates from the Winnufonna glacier, which melts and turns into the wide, deep river Winnu. A mighty stream falls into the gorge from the huge Vinnufailet mountain, after which the water flows to the Drina River, flowing into it near the village of Holsand.

The natural attractions of the region can cause a storm of emotions in a traveler. Beauty and size Vinnufossen can charm anyone, which is why some tourists who have visited here once return here again and again. After falling from the cliff, the stream of the waterfall splits into several separate sections, flowing along the rocks and between the trees. The combination of green forests and sky blue water is an incredibly beautiful sight. There are many interesting objects in the vicinity of this unique natural attraction. The nature of the region creates a magical atmosphere, and some places seem fabulous. Tourists will be interested in excursions to the Rondane National Park, visiting the Troll Road and Staircase and the ancient church in Lomé.

The Drina originates from a glacier, and its powerful current is strong and constant. But she strangely slows down her run at the last moment, after which she abruptly drops a huge mass of water from the top. Width Vinnufossen after the fall, it constantly increases, and the observer gets the impression that the seething stream of water, falling like a solid wall, will, in a few seconds, sweep away all the trees in the huge valley from its path. Many tourists subsequently admit that they could not imagine such a breathtaking picture before they visited here.

Although there are many beautiful places in Norway now, all people who come here definitely want to see Vinnufossen . There are quite a lot of places from which you can admire this miracle of nature, and they are located at different distances from the object itself. It is possible to look at the waterfall even while driving along several highways in this region, although this is only accessible in clear weather.

7. Balaifossen

Waterfall Balaifossen is located in the mountains of Norway and is considered the seventh highest on the planet. It is located in the Hordaland region near the town of Osa. With a width of only 6 m, its total height exceeds 850 m. This unique natural object divided into three areas. The largest of them is 452.5 m in length. Source Balaifossen is the large Bala stream, which is fed by a small mountain lake. The waterfall becomes fullest in the spring, when due to the melting of snow, the amount of water increases many times. It is surrounded by beautiful mountain valleys and huge rocks. Natural attractions attract a large number of tourists from all over the world to these regions.

Powerful water flow Balaifossen falls with great speed from the cliff onto the stones. This incredible fall creates a huge amount of splashes and white foam, which shimmer in the sun with all the colors of the rainbow, which looks very impressive and beautiful. In the spring months, the nature around the waterfall transforms; against the backdrop of green valleys and forest-covered rocks, it looks very picturesque. At this time, a unique natural site presents an amazing and breathtaking sight.

8. Puukaoku

As you know, Canada and the USA are located nearby, but the nature is significantly different. Waterfall Puukaoku , interestingly, has the same height as James Bruce (840 meters). The best time to visit this place is between November and March during the monsoon season. At this time, there is much more water and the power of the reservoir increases sharply. Hawaii has always been very popular among tourists, and the availability Puukaoku makes this place even more popular. You can watch the waterfall directly from the ocean.

9. James Bruce

James Burrows is the largest waterfall in North America and ranks ninth in the world ranking. It is located in Canada, in British Columbia, on the territory of the Marine Provincial Park, which is named after Princess Louise. Its maximum height is more than 840 meters. Waterfall James Burrows surrounded by inaccessible cliffs and pine forests, it consists of two sections. One of them dries up in the summer, while the other remains full of water all year round. After falling, the stream carries its waters to Lockwilt's Creek, and there, after confluence, it turns into a new waterfall called Chetterbox.

10. Brown

Waterfall Brown The Falls is located in New Zealand, on the lands of the Fiordland National Park. It occupies one of the leading places in the world ranking with an indicator of 836 m. This natural site is very popular among tourists. Its enormous size and picturesque surroundings attract visitors from all over the world. It consists of several uneven segments. The longest of them is 245 m. Width Brown The fall is only 12 m, the fall area stretches horizontally for 1300 m. The waterfall is surrounded by thickets of tropical plants and numerous rocks.

It originates from the lake Brown , which is located high in the mountains. These places have a tropical climate, so the vegetation is very dense and the forests are difficult to navigate. This factor helped these places preserve their pristine beauty. In these areas there are rare species animals and plants that cannot be seen anywhere else in the world. The waterfall is a delightful natural attraction that captivates with its beautiful view and grandeur, and is capable of winning the hearts of even seasoned travelers.

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Among all the wonders given to man by nature, waterfalls are perhaps the most popular. Their beauty fascinates tourists, and their power inspires admiration. Below is a list of the ten fastest powerful waterfalls in the world, including those that have been destroyed by man.

Victoria is a waterfall on the Zambezi River, on the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia. It is considered one of the largest geographical landmarks in Africa. It was discovered in 1855 by Scottish missionary and explorer David Livingstone. The width of the waterfall is approximately 1,800 meters, height - 128 meters. Average water consumption is 1,088 m³/s.

Iguazu is a cascade of waterfalls located on the Iguazu River on the border of the Brazilian state of Paraná (in the Southern region of Brazil) and the Argentine province of Misiones. It was discovered for Europeans in 1541 by the Spanish conquistador Don Alvaro Nunez Cabeza de Vaca, who arrived in the American jungle in search of gold. Interestingly, approximately once every forty years during a drought, Iguazu dries out completely. It is one of the most visited tourist sites in South America. More than 700,000 tourists try it every year. Depending on the state of the water in the river, the number of waterfalls ranges from 150 to 300, and their height ranges from 40 to 82 m. The average water flow is approx. 1,500 m³/s, and in different seasons varies from 500 to 6,500 m³/s.

Urubupunga is a waterfall on the Paraná River on the border of the states of São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul in Brazil. It had a width of 2,012 meters, a height of 13 m (in a cascade of two rapids), the water consumption was 2,747 cubic meters per second. Unfortunately, it was flooded due to rising river levels as a result of the construction of the Sousa Díaz hydroelectric power station, which at one time was the largest hydroelectric power station in Brazil.

Paulo Afonso

Paulo Afonso is a series of rapids and three waterfalls in northeastern Brazil, on the São Francisco River. It has a height of 84 m and an average width of 18 m. Although the water here no longer falls freely from high altitude, as the hydroelectric dam and dam have dammed the river, however it can be seen again during high water when the additional flow of the dam is opened. Before this, the waterfall on average flowed about 3,000 m³ of water per second, the maximum flow rate was 14,158 m³/s.

Niagara Falls is a group of large waterfalls on the Niagara River in eastern North America, on the border between the United States and Canada. Famous for its beauty. His maximum height- 53 m, width - 790 m (Horseshoe waterfall). In terms of the volume of water passing through it, it is the most powerful in North America: more than 3,160 tons of water per second, during periods of greatest activity 5,720 m³/s. was first discovered to Europeans by the Belgian missionary and traveler Louis Enpen in 1677.

Para is a waterfall located on the Caura River in South America, in the state of Bolivar, in the tropical, inaccessible forests of Venezuela. The water here falls in seven cascades from a height of 64 meters (according to other sources - 60 m). The width of the waterfall is 5,608 m, it drops every second 3,540 m³ water, during the flood period the water flow can reach up to 11,327 m³/s.

Selille is a ruined waterfall on the Columbia River in North America, on the border of the states of Oregon and Washington (USA). Selil Falls, which existed until 1957 on the lower Columbia River, was a regular fishing spot for local tribes until the construction of the 79-meter Dallas Dam. With a small height, only about 6 meters, it was one of the fastest waterfalls that ever existed on Earth, with an average annual water flow 5,366 m³/s, during floods the flow rate could reach 11,300 m³/s.

Khon is a waterfall in southeast Asia on the Mekong River, in the extreme south of Laos. The total height of the water fall here is 21 meters, the length of the cascades is 9.7 km. The waterfall consists of several thousand islands and countless water branches and channels. Its average width is 10,783 m, maximum - 12,954 m. According to this indicator, it is considered the widest in the world. On average he resets every second 11,610 m³ water, and during the period of maximum water level in the river, the flow rate can reach 49,554 m³/s. It was discovered in 1920 by researcher E. Khokhan.

Guaira is a once-existing waterfall on the Parana River on the border of Brazil and Paraguay, west of the Brazilian city of Guaira. It included 18 cascades with a total height of 114 m. The waterfall was one of the largest in the world in terms of water flow - 13,309 m³/s. The cascading water created a deafening noise that could be heard 30 km away. It was also considered an important tourism center for many years, but ceased to exist in 1982 when it was blown up to flood the Itaipu Dam reservoir. It is interesting that before his final “death” he managed to take revenge on humanity and took with him 82 tourists who expressed a desire to say goodbye to him. Guaira ripped off suspension bridge, on which they stood, and pulled him along into the watery abyss.

Stanley or Boyoma Falls - a waterfall in Central Africa, on the Lualaba River, in Democratic Republic Congo. It is a series of seven waterfalls (thresholds), with a total height of 61 m, a width of 1,372 m, and a length of up to 100 km. On average, he misses every second 16,990 m³ water, and during the flood period, water flow can reach up to 51,933 m³/s. It was named after the discoverer, famous British journalist and outstanding traveler and explorer of Africa Henry Morton Stanley.

Waterfalls themselves are wonders of nature and the higher they are, the more beautiful they are. Streams of water fall from heaven, causing genuine admiration and awe, as evidence of the greatness of Mother Nature. This list contains 20 of the highest waterfalls from different parts of the world, after visiting at least one of which you will not be able to stop.

Angel Falls

The tallest waterfall in the world is Angel Falls in Venezuela. It is also the tallest continuous waterfall in the world. Located in Bolivar, this natural wonder excites visitors. The stunning beauty of this place is absolutely inexplicable - it can only be felt, but not described in words. It is also impossible to appreciate all this splendor from photographs - you need to see everything with your own eyes. The height of Angel Falls is 979 m.

Tugela Falls

This complex seasonal waterfall is the second highest in the world. It is located in South Africa, specifically in the Royal Natal National Park in the KwaZulu-Natal region. Tugela Falls is famous for its scenic beauty. Once you visit it, you will never want to leave this place. While traveling to national park Don't forget to also book a Safari throughout its entire territory. This is an incredible experience that you will remember forever. The height of Tugela Falls during the rainy season is 947 m.

Three Sisters Waterfall

A waterfall called Cataratas las Tres Hermanas is located in Peru. Loosely translated from Spanish, the name translates as Three Sisters. This is the tallest waterfall in Peru and one of the tallest in the world. It is located in Otishi National Park. Three Sisters is a three-tiered waterfall with three sections, hence its name. It is located in the remote Ayacucho region, which is not easily accessible to visitors. The height of the waterfall is 914 m.

Olupena Waterfall

Norway and Hawaii have some of the tallest waterfalls in the world. The fourth highest in the world and the first in Hawaii, Olupena Falls is unique in its essence. This place is loved by numerous travelers, photographers and even tourists. It is located on the Hawaiian island of Molokai. Although Alupena does not attract as many tourists as Niagara or Victoria, it is no less impressive and gigantic. The height of Olupena is 900 meters.

Katarata Umbilla

Located near the town of Kispis, the Katarata Umbilla waterfall is the fifth highest in the world. It has a hypnotic effect on tourists, and local residents they even talk about the curse of the waterfall. Additionally, there are numerous smaller waterfalls around the site that make it ideal for an expedition to Peru. If you have sufficient physical fitness, then feel free to set off and conquer the natural beauty of this country. The height of Katarata Umbilla is 895 meters.

Vinnufossen waterfall

If you are planning a trip to Norway, then this waterfall is one of the country's most outstanding attractions. It is located in the east of the village of Sunndalsera and flows into the Driva River near the village of Hoelsand. This waterfall originates from the Winnubrin Glacier. Vinnufossen is one of the highest in all of Europe, and the scenic beauty of the surrounding villages is just an additional reason to travel here. The height of the waterfall is 860 m.

Balaifossen waterfall

It's no secret that most of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world are located in Norway. The high Balaifossen waterfall was no exception. It is located 6 km from Osa and is well worth a visit. The waterfall is located on the eastern side of the Osa fjord in the municipality of Ulvik and is famous for its mystical and magical aura. You can stay in one of the neighboring villages and have one of the most enjoyable trips of your life. The height of the waterfall is 849 meters.


Another famous waterfall in Hawaii, Puukaoku is one of the least explored and underrated, but still one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world. Quick search The Internet will provide thousands of hypnotic photos that may make you pack your bags and fly to Hawaii right now. So what are you waiting for? Hawaii has everything you need for a great vacation, but don't forget to visit the 840-meter-high Puukaoka.

James Bruce

The tallest waterfall on the North American continent and the ninth tallest in the world, James Bruce is located in Princess Louise Provincial Park. This is one of the most important attractions in British Columbia and a real treat for the eyes. The waterfall is full-flowing throughout the year and is divided into two parallel streams. Thanks to numerous hiking trails, you can hike through the forest of this area. If you want an original travel experience in Canada, don't miss this natural wonder and the forest that surrounds it. The height of the James Bruce Falls is 840 m.

Brown Falls

Located above Doubtful Sound, Brown Falls is part of New Zealand's Fiordland National Park. It rises from the source of Lake Brown and is one of the tallest waterfalls in New Zealand. The waterfall got its name in honor of the photographer Victor Carlyle Brown, who discovered not only the lake, but also the waterfalls. Today Brown is outstanding tourist place in New Zealand. The biodiversity of flora and fauna around this waterfall makes it even more picturesque. This is one of the added benefits of traveling to the Doubtful Sound region. The height of the waterfall is 836 m.


This waterfall is the tallest in Norway and also one of the most unique waterfalls in the country. The shape of the waterfall is so unusual that it seems as if many waterfalls have united into a single stream of water. Strupenfossen has become a real magnet for photographers from all over the world. However, this is not the only reason to travel to Norway this year. Other natural wonders of the country include the Northern Lights and a number of other high waterfalls. The height of Strupenfossen is 819 meters.


While Ramnefjellsfossen waterfall is unofficially referred to as the third highest waterfall in the world, it is actually the twelfth on our list. Located on Mount Ramnefjöllbryn in the villages of Loen and Olden, the waterfall is fed by the Ramnefjöllbryn glacier. Ramnefjellsfossen can be reached both by boat and on foot. Tourists can camp and hike in the scenic surroundings of this waterfall. Additionally, this waterfall is one of the few that has not been used to generate hydroelectric power. The tourist flow to these regions does not dry out throughout the year. Waterfall height: 818 meters.

Waihilau Falls

Located in the Waimanu Valley, the waterfall is the third highest in Hawaii and the thirteenth highest in the world. The falls resemble a horse's tail and are a prominent landmark in Hawaii. Some of the world's best waterfalls are commonly believed to be inaccessible on foot, and Waihilau is living proof of this. However, a short boat ride to the nearby river will give you breathtaking views of the majestic waterfall. The height of Waihilau in Hawaii is 792 meters.

Colonial Creek

Considered to be the tallest waterfall in the continental United States, Colonial Creek is located in Whatcom County. While the region's main attraction, Colonial Creek Falls is also known for its many hiking trails and excellent camping opportunities. If you are a trekking enthusiast, you should definitely visit this place at least once in your life. Here you can endlessly enjoy the mystical beauty of the waterfalls, which refresh the mind and rejuvenate the body. Elevation of Colonial Creek: 787 meters.


Mongefossen waterfall is located in the municipality of Rauma, county Møre og Romsdal. Mongefossen is located near the Rauma River and is actively used for hydroelectric power generation. As a result, the water flow during the summer season is significantly reduced. You can view this beautiful waterfall on a train ride from the village of Flatmark to Marstein on the north side. If you love tall waterfalls, be sure to make Norway your next destination and enjoy the beauty of nature to the fullest. Height: 772 meters.

Katarata Gokta

The Catarata Gokta waterfall with two cascades is located in Peru and is the 16th highest waterfall in the world. This waterfall was only discovered in the last decade by German explorer Stefan Siemendorff, although it can be easily seen and heard from several kilometers away. A small hotel was recently built 10 kilometers from the base of the waterfall. It allows tourists to stay close to the waterfall and savor its beauty during their stay. Travelers can also explore the scenic views around this waterfall. The height of the Katarata Gokta waterfall is 771 meters.

Mutarazi Falls

The tallest waterfall in Zimbabwe and the second tallest in Africa, Mutarazi is one of the most famous natural wonders in the world. This waterfall was actually the fifteenth highest in the world until 2002, but then its height decreased. Located in Nyanga National Park in the Easter Highlands, the waterfall is a popular attraction. During the journey, you can stay in one of the neighboring houses, where you will enjoy the thunderous roar of water falling from a height of 762 meters.


One of the highest waterfalls in Norway, Kjellfossen is located near the village of Gudvangen. It consists of three waterfalls, the largest of which is Stor Kjellfossen, located on the left side. The middle one is called Vetle Kjelfossen, and the smallest one is known as Nærøyfjord. This is an extremely popular attraction that most tourists traveling in Norway try to visit. If you're in Norway on holiday, don't miss the chance to experience this beautiful miracle nature. Kjellfossen reaches an altitude of 754 meters. Waterfalls are definitely one of the main reasons to visit Norway and get to know this country better.

Johannesburg Falls

Many small water streams cascade down from Mount Johannesburg. However, the waterfall of the same name surpasses them in literally all respects. First of all, Johannesburg is among the top 20 highest waterfalls in the world. Secondly, the volume of water in it exceeds other waterfalls nearby. The falls are also known for increasing flows during the spring and fall seasons. Although it is not the largest attraction in the area, it is still worth a visit. Tourists are offered a comprehensive tour of all the waterfalls of Mount Johannesburg. Height: 751 meters.

Yosemite Falls

The United States of America is home to some of the tallest and most beautiful waterfalls in the world. Among them, it is worth highlighting Yosemite Falls located in the Sierra Nevada. This popular attraction consists of 3 sections - Upper, Middle and Lower Falls - that are part of Yosemite National Park. These waterfalls are amazingly beautiful during winter and spring, but sometimes stop flowing in summer season. This waterfall is a major spring attraction. Consisting of 3 sections – Upper Falls, Middle Cascades, and Lower Falls – the falls are part of Yosemite National Park. While the waterfalls are amazing during winter and spring, they sometimes stop flowing during the years. Height: 739 meters. Even more beautiful landscapes await you in the selection dedicated to the mesmerizing beauty of waterfalls from different parts of the world.

August 29, 2017 | Categories: Places , Topper , Nature