Open the left bat yam menu. How the middle class lives in Israel, the city of Bat Yam Tours to Bat Yam

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Bat Yam - popular tourist resort, located on the Mediterranean coast of Israel, part of Greater Tel Aviv. It was founded in 1926 as a suburban neighborhood called Bayit VaGan, which means "House and Garden" in Hebrew. It was soon attacked by Palestinian militants during the riots and the city was evacuated by the British authorities. In 1930 it was repopulated, and 6 years later it received the status of a Local Council - an administrative unit similar in structure and structure to a city.

In the first years after the establishment of the State of Israel, Bat Yam experienced a period of rapid growth due to the influx of immigrants. The second wave of immigration occurred in the early 1980-1990s, when Jews from the former USSR and Ethiopia began to come here. Today Bat Yam has a fairly sizeable Arab community and many Vietnamese Israelis or Vietnamese of Israeli descent.

All kinds of urban architecture biennales are held annually in Bat Yam, and every summer International festival street theater.

How to get there

  • by bus

Bat Yam is located 20 minutes' drive from the center of Tel Aviv. The largest transport company in Bat Yam is Dan, it serves various areas of Tel Aviv and connects Bat Yam with Holon, Rishon Lezion, Ramat Gan, Givatayim, Bnei Brak, Tel Hashomer and Bar University -Ilana.

Another transport company, Egged, connects Bat Yam with the areas of Holon and Rishon LeZion, and also serves Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Ramle and international Airport Ben-Gurion.

  • by train

In 2011, two stations were opened in Bat Yam - Bat Yam Yoseftal and Bat Yam Kommemiyut. In the near future, Bat Yam will become the final stop of the Red Line of the light rail under construction transport system Tel Aviv.

Search for air tickets to Tel Aviv (the nearest airport to Bat Yam)

Weather in Bat Yam

Beaches of Bat Yam

Along the famous promenade, which the British once called the Riviera, are located modern hotels overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. The city park is close to it, and the coast of Bat Yam itself stretches for more than 3 km and is divided into several beaches. Stone Beach is considered one of the best. main feature which is a breakwater.

For the religious population in Bat Yam, the so-called Separate Beach is intended, where women and men swim on different days of the week.

Maps of Bat Yam

Popular hotels in Bat Yam

Entertainment and attractions of Bat Yam

Bat Yam annually hosts all kinds of urban architecture biennales, and every summer the International Street Theater Festival takes place. Right on the seashore there is an exhibition gallery “Riviera”, built on the site of a destroyed club. Now it houses the works of masters from all over the world.

Works of contemporary art from Israel and other countries are presented in the Ben-Ari Museum of Contemporary Art, which forms the core of Bat Yam's new cultural complex, MoBy.

A scientific and educational center “Havayeda” has been opened for children in Bat Yam, where the laws of physics, chemistry, mechanics, optics and other sciences are explained in a playful way.

The local museum “Fisherman's House” displays the works of the famous artist of the European school of the 30s, Issachar-Ber Fisherman, and in the house where the famous Jewish poet and playwright Shalom Asch, who wrote in Yiddish, once lived, a collection of manuscripts, documents, photographs, drawings and Judaic objects.

There are two in Bat Yam shopping center, and the main stores are concentrated on Rothschild, Balfour streets and part of Ha'atzmaut street.

Mediterranean coast

  • Where to stay: in the north in Akko, in Russian-speaking Ashdod or green Ashkelon, the party town of Netanya, the “village of millionaires” of Herzliya or in Caesarea, where some of the best beaches in Israel. Many also choose hotels

Hotel prices in Bat Yam are on average 5-30% cheaper than in Tel Aviv. Of course, the comparison was made between hotels of the same category. Taking into account the fact that Bat Yam is a suburb of Tel Aviv, the center of which can be reached in 30-40 minutes, it is quite acceptable price. The city is located along the same coastline of endless beaches and warm sea. Unforeseen costs in Bat Yam may include payment public transport or taxi to Tel Aviv.

You can relax in Bat Yam all year round, but for a beach holiday best time from May to September. In winter you can save a lot on a hotel. Saving tip: Don't book breakfast at the hotel where you'll be staying. In most cases, breakfasts in 2-4* hotels do not have much variety, and their prices are very high. For the price of one breakfast you can eat 2 times in the city (unless you eat in expensive restaurants!). There are several very decent hostels in this town, they are located right on the seashore, the prices are affordable, and the living conditions are good: clean, 3-6 people per room. You can find out more about these hostels on the corresponding hotel search and booking sites.

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Prices for holidays in Bat Yam. October 2018.

tour cost

We had independent travel to Israel. We had a rest with friends. We went on vacation to the city of Bat Yam, because there nice beach. The price of a ticket to Tel Aviv from Kyiv ranges from 250 to 400 dollars. A train ticket from Tel Aviv to Bat Yam costs about $5.

There are excursions here to absolutely any direction in Israel. There are travel agencies right on the embankment, and you can also buy a ticket at any hotel reception.

We used the services of the Atlansis company, they travel all over Israel. Prices average 30-50 dollars. The most popular destinations these are Jerusalem, the Dead Sea, Galilee, the Jordan River, Nazareth, underground Jerusalem, the Tel Aviv Diamond Exchange, etc.

Food and products

On average, lunch in a cafe will cost you 80-100 shekels ($1 = 3.62 shekels).

Eclair at the Cofix cafe - 6 shekels

Lunch cafe "Cofix" - 17 shekels

It is better to buy products at the market than in stores, especially those close to the beach, where prices will be much more expensive than in the market.

Bread - 10-13 shekels

Wine - from 40 shekels (you can get it for 20 shekels, but it will not be tasty and of poor quality)

Hummus - from 20 shekels (it all depends on the volume of the container, they sell it from a large vat, so you can take any weight)

Potatoes - 3 shekels

Apples - 5 shekels

Souvenirs and other goods

Prices for clothes vary. You can go to a branded store in a large supermarket, or you can buy the same branded item, but in a private store. The price difference will be big. T-shirts, shorts, flip-flops - all this can be bought for as little as 10 shekels, you just need to look for stores where you buy things local population, and not tourist shops, where there is a lot of markup.

Total money spent on vacation

Helpful information?

Bat Yam- a city on the Mediterranean coast of Israel. Located a few kilometers south of Tel Aviv, in the coastal Sharon Valley. Founded in 1926. It borders on the cities of Holon in the east, Rishon Lezion in the south and the Jaffa region in the north, practically merging with them. Bat Yam attracts tourists with its well-groomed beaches, and tourists from Russia also because a third of the population of Bat Yam speaks Russian (according to other estimates, about 50% of families come from the former Soviet Union).

History of Bat Yam

Bat Yam is a young city, it is not even a hundred years old. It is noteworthy that Bat Yam - today a largely non-religious city - was founded by 24 religious families from Jaffa, on land acquired by members of the organization "Bayt Va-Gan"("A house and a garden"). The new settlement was initially called that - Bayt va-Gan.

During the Arab pogroms of 1929, residents Bayt va-Ghana The British army evacuated, and the city itself was sacked by the Arabs.

In 1932, residents returned, five years after this the settlement received self-government and was renamed Bat Yam , which is an abbreviation for בת ירושלים - “daughter of Jerusalem.”

The city's population grew significantly in the 1930s due to repatriated refugees from Nazi Germany.

During the Arab Revolt of 1936-1939, Bat Yam was attacked by Arab gangs.

About a third (or even more) of the city’s Jews speak Russian, so it is not surprising that in Bat Yam, through the efforts of Toldot Yeshurun, a Russian-speaking community began to develop.

Bat Yam now has several yeshivas and kollels. Among them: “Orot HaTorah”, “Netivot Israel”, Yeshiva Hasiduta Bobov and others.

Since the summer of 2016, a Russian-language evening kollel for men “Toldot Yeshurun” has been operating in Bat Yam. You can attend a lesson or study in pairs with a rabbi in Russian. The topics are varied: Weekly chapter, Mishna, Talmud, Halakha, Musar and Hasidut.

In addition, Torah lessons are held for both men and women, Shabbatons, and excursions. You can come to the Zachor Le-Abraham synagogue: st. Ehud Kinamon (Avoda) 10 (opposite the shopping center "Bat-yamon") - or call: 054-845-60-08 (Menachem).

In Israel, south of Jaffa is the seaside city of Bat Yam. Tel Aviv is 5.5 km away. Bat Yam is considered one of the most beautiful cities Israel, actively visited by tourists. The location in the center of the country makes it possible to easily and quickly get to any place in Israel, which is a particularly important advantage for local residents and visitors. Look at

The city has many beaches and family hotels. The hotels are located along the promenade, with rooms overlooking the Mediterranean Sea.

Hotel prices and shopping

Bat Yam is considered great place For family vacation, since hotel rooms are perfectly equipped for staying with children of any age and gender. If necessary, hotels provide additional children's furniture. Almost every room has a kitchenette where you can prepare your own meals. If necessary, you can contact the hotel administration for a babysitting service.

Bat Yam hotels are built along coastline with windows facing the sea. The rooms are quite spacious and are usually designed for two people. The rooms have TVs, air conditioners, safes, telephones, faxes and other equipment.

In more expensive hotels there are gyms and swimming pools, as well as spa salons. Car rental services are offered.

The most popular hotels include the four-star Mercure Suites Bat Yam and the three-star Armon Yam and Colony Beach Apartments. Budget options Accommodation is provided by Ruth Daniel Residence and Suites Bat Yam. In more economical hotels, room rates range from 2,400 rubles per day, in more expensive hotels - from 5,500 rubles per day.
Shopping in Bat Yam is very interesting; the city is considered an ideal place for this activity. There are two large shopping centers and many small shops located on Balfour, Rothschild and Ha'atzmaut streets.

In stores you can find a variety of products from famous brands. Shoes, clothes, cosmetics and jewelry, magnificent carpets and interesting souvenirs. Large selection of oriental sweets, fruits and vegetables. Prices for goods pleasantly surprise tourists, since they are very low.

How to get there

Bat Yam is served by an airport in Tel Aviv. Tel Aviv is just 10 minutes away by bus. The road runs along the coast Mediterranean Sea and along the way you can enjoy magnificent sea views. The capital can also be reached on foot.

For a more effective message is built Railway on the route Tel Aviv - Rishon LeZion. In 2011, two railway stations. It is planned to launch a high-speed tram between Tel Aviv and Bat Yam.

You can get to other cities and regions of Israel by bus or rent a car.

City beaches

The atmosphere of Bat Yam is very calm and conducive to beach holiday. Thanks to this, tourists come to the city so often. The beaches of the city are loved by many people as they are very clean and well-equipped. White sparkling sand blends perfectly with the soft blue waves of the Mediterranean Sea. The Bat Yam embankment borders Ben Gurion Boulevard and spans several kilometers. There are nine beaches here. Each one is equipped with toilets and showers, and beach umbrellas and sun loungers are provided. There are rescue services on the beaches responsible for the safety of swimmers. Near the embankment there is a city park in which all kinds of ornamental plants grow.

Stone Beach is very popular among its fellow beaches because there is a breakwater there that makes swimming even safer. The beaches “Exemplary”, “Ierusalimsky” and “Riviera” are often visited.

In addition, there is also a separate beach for religious people. Men and women are supposed to bathe here on different days of the week.

Must see in Bat Yam

The history of the city is not too long, so there are few attractions here yet. However, it is worth visiting the Bert-Ari Cultural Center, where works by artists from Israel and other countries are exhibited. The center organizes both permanent exhibitions and traveling exhibitions.

There is also a museum called “Fisherman’s House”, since it is dedicated to the work of the famous artist, a follower of the European school, I. Rybak.

A popular route among tourists is to the city of Lod, where, according to ancient sources, St. George was buried. A basilica was erected over his burial site, and subsequently the Crusaders built a church here. The ancient baths and mosques are also very unusual.

Entertainment in the city

In Bat Yam it is worth visiting the festive events, which are very bright and fun. The International Street Theater Festival has been held since 1996 and is a very important event in the city. It is widely known and annually attracts crowds of interested spectators. Actors from all over the world come to participate in it. At the festival you can see dancing, theater and circus performances. The holiday is widely covered in the media and is very popular among citizens of Israel and other countries.

Clubs for activities are very popular in Bat Yam different types water sports. Mini-football, street ball and Beach volleyball will not make anyone bored. This is not surprising - after all, most of the year the weather here is simply wonderful. In the sky above the beaches you can see kites, which are launched by kite surfers. Sports competitions and entertainment events are constantly held, allowing spectators to observe the amazing skills of professionals.

In the summer, swims are sometimes held in the Mediterranean Sea, in which everyone can take part. Whole families usually come to watch the swimmers. Often such events are dedicated to environmental protection, so they are not only entertaining, but also educational.

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