Holidays in Foros: what to see, what to do? Attractions and Beaches of Foros. What to see and visit in Foros and its surroundings Unbearable foros

Foros is the southernmost settlement on the Crimean Peninsula. It is located near Cape Sarych, on which there is a lighthouse indicating the way for ships. Foros is also an urban-type settlement, closing Greater Yalta in its western part. Foros area - 0.7 sq. km. The population is about 2 thousand people.

Geographic coordinates of the village of Foros on the map of Crimea GPS N 44.3913, E 33.7856

Historians claim that Foros was founded more than two thousand years ago. The Greeks are considered its first inhabitants. There is no unambiguous translation of the word “foros”, since in Greek this word had several meanings: tribute, sail, square, cliff, wind.
In the first half of the 19th century, Empress Catherine II granted the lands of Foros to her favorite Prince Potemkin. And in the second half of the same century, Foros was bought by the tea magnate A. Kuznetsov, who equipped it in such a way that Foros became one of best resorts on the Crimean Peninsula and remains so to this day.

A special feature of Foros is the subtropical Mediterranean climate, while in the rest of the peninsula it is temperate continental. In summer, it is not as hot here as, for example, in neighboring Yalta, and the amount of precipitation is much lower. Winter is always warm, with little snow, the average temperature is about +5°C.

Ecology in Foros very good. There are no industrial enterprises in the village. The main income of its residents comes from tourism and related activities. Nature is magnificent. Here you can find plants that are unique on the entire peninsula. Trees and shrubs were brought here from various parts of the world. The air is a healing cocktail consisting of mountain freshness, sea breezes and pine aromas. Therefore, this resort is visited not only to relax and have a good time, but also to improve your health.
On the coast of Foros there is a sanatorium of the same name, which receives thousands of guests per season. It has developed various programs of health procedures for vacationers. There are also other health centers aimed at treating cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the nervous system.

Beaches in Foros small, strewn with pebbles. This village is not full of water attractions; tourists mainly come here for a relaxing time, more aimed at enjoying the local beauty. The water here is incredibly clean. This is due to the fact that two sea currents constantly circulate here. The embankment is filled with many cafes and restaurants. Almost all of them are quiet and very cozy establishments, the cuisine of which will delight even the most fastidious visitor.

The lion's share of the territory of Foros is occupied by Kuznetsovsky Park, equipped with benches, gazebos and fountains. Its most picturesque part is the Corner of Paradise, not far from which there is a magnificent mansion of the former owner of this estate. Also among the attractions it should be noted

The name of the village was given by the ancient Greeks, who actively explored the Crimean coast back in the 5th century BC. e. Later, Foros passed to the Genoese, who were ousted from it by the Ottoman Turks in 1475. After the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Empire in 1783, the village was assigned to the Simferopol district, but in 1838 Foros became part of the Yalta district. All this change of administrative status gave the village absolutely nothing: in reality, the village continued to remain tiny, and visiting guests practically did not appear in it.

Only the “tea king” A.G. Kuznetsov managed to slightly “promote” the future resort, who bought several hundred hectares of land in the vicinity of Foros and intended to build a family nest on it. And since the tycoon’s ambitions were not limited to the construction of the estate, the Church of the Resurrection of Christ, a new pier and a picturesque garden for strolls soon grew in the village.

The telegraph and telephone lines to Foros were also built under the patronage of Kuznetsov and with his own money. A hundred years later, the idea of ​​a philanthropist was picked up by M. S. Gorbachev. Spend on improvement resort infrastructure the head of state did not, but built himself a luxurious mansion a couple of kilometers from the village. By the way, in 1991, it was at the Foros dacha that the first and last president of the USSR was “blocked” by the State Emergency Committee.

Best time to travel

The sanatoriums and hotels of Foros begin to be filled with vacationers in May, although the hottest and most crowded months at the resorts of Greater Yalta are July-August. However, it is not entirely appropriate to use the concept “crowded” in relation to Foros. Even at the height of the season, the village streets look quiet and sleepy-deserted, and finding a place on popular beaches- it's a matter of a couple of minutes. The only drawback of the local summer is the prices for housing, food and entertainment, which reach an absolute maximum during the season.

Coming to Foros in early autumn and late spring is recommended only for fans of Crimean landscapes and those who are looking for interesting natural backgrounds for a professional photo shoot - at these times of the year the surroundings of the resort look extremely bright and lush. In winter, there is frankly nothing to do in the village: no one offers excursions, the weather is not pleasant (storms and winds are commonplace), it gets dark early, and the infrastructure fails - most bars and cafes go into hibernation, from which they emerge closer to May.


For inspection historical monuments and all kinds of architectural wonders, it is better to travel outside the resort: Foros itself is poor in such impressions. However, you can walk to the Church of the Resurrection, the construction of which cost the philanthropist Kuznetsov no less than 50 thousand gold rubles. The temple is located on a cliff, at an altitude of 412 meters above sea level, and has been quite carefully restored - in Soviet times, the building was mercilessly exploited, and not for its intended purpose. To make the most of the excursion, take a camera or smartphone with you – the church site offers a fantastic panorama.

You can take a walk under the canopy of centuries-old plane trees and cypresses in Foros Park, founded by General Raevsky and rebuilt by the same industrialist Kuznetsov. Once upon a time the recreational area knew better times: at the end of the 19th century, the Foros Park competed on an equal footing with the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, serving as a nature reserve - the most remote corners of the alleys were inhabited by rare species animals and birds. Today it is simply a pleasant vacation spot with a charming cascade of ponds and the grave of Soviet soldiers, which is best admired early in the morning - by lunchtime, endless lines of vacationers and other lovers of relaxation in the lap of nature arrive in the park.

The austere but elegant Kuznetsov Palace, which at one time became an advertisement for the resort, is located in the Forossky Descent area. Inside, fireplaces and staircases made of Carrara marble are still preserved, as well as several original paintings by Y. Clever. Today the building belongs to the Foros sanatorium, so it will not be easy for a “tourist from the street” to get inside, but you can walk nearby and take a few photos of the philanthropist’s summer residence without any problems. By the way, the Kuznetsov Palace was once famous for its wine cellars, which are still alive today, but, alas, will no longer be able to offer visitors either champagne or semi-sweet red wine.

But you won’t be able to take a close look at the famous Gorbachev dacha. Firstly, it is located far from the resort, and secondly, the structure is hidden behind a high fence, beyond which you simply cannot get. However, it is possible to bypass the system. Find boat owners offering boat trips at the village piers and take a ride along the Foros bays - from the sea side the mansion can be examined in detail with binoculars.

The most active and fit people can walk to the Devil's Staircase pass, also known as Shaitan-Merdven. This is an ancient trade route along which caravans once moved, and in the 19th century even Pushkin and Griboyedov walked along it. By the way, it was through Shaitan-Merdven that the famous Kalend trail ran, along which Roman legionaries moved between their colonies. Today you won’t be able to carry even a tiny pony up the Devil’s Staircase, so prepare comfortable sneakers and be very careful when filling your tourist backpack – there have been no porters offering their services in Foros for a long time.

Another attraction relatively close to the resort, located next to the Church of the Resurrection, is the Baydar Gate, as well as the observation deck next to it. This is the place where any tourist gets the opportunity to feel like the ruler of the world - the views of Foros opening from the height of the platform are truly royal. So we get on the bike or negotiate with the taxi driver and go towards the Old Sevastopol Highway. Experienced esotericists and other “enchanted wanderers” can recommend an excursion to the Baydar Valley, to the Temple of the Sun - don’t forget the tasty offerings, the Baydar deities love it.

There is also an interesting story at Cape Sarych, which is about 5 kilometers from the village. In 1914, a battle between Russian and German naval squadrons took place in its area, and in 1941 an entire steamship sank here, “resting” at the bottom of the bay to this day. In addition, Sarych is a place where relict Crimean juniper grows, which is about 2000 years old.

Beaches of Foros

The main advantage of the beaches of Foros is the absence of a human anthill on them, typical of Yalta, and it is relatively calm here even during the peak season. No, there are vacationers in the village, and there are a lot of them, but the question of where to settle down with an umbrella and a towel is usually not an issue here. The approaches to the water in this part of the South Coast are narrow and rocky, with large pebbles, often “decorated” with rock fragments. By the way, the seabed at the resort is steep and quickly increases in depth, so it is better to keep an eye on children splashing around the shore.

But the water in Foros, in comparison with other resorts of Greater Yalta, is the cleanest, which is due to the currents colliding in this area and the good work of local utilities - there are no sewage drains into the sea in the area of ​​the village. As for the coastal infrastructure, in some places it is quite developed, but in others it is completely absent. In addition, you will have to come to terms with the fact that the best places by the sea will be captured by hotels and sanatoriums. It is also possible to get to such VIP beaches, but for money; the second option is to become a guest of a boarding house or health resort, which is assigned a specific section of the coast.

The most popular, although not the best in terms of comfort, bathing place in the village is the municipal beach, the symbol of which is considered to be a rusty sculpture, nicknamed by the locals Alyosha. The shore cover here is a mixture of small pebbles and fairly large stones. Thanks to the proximity of the embankment, we can easily solve the issue of food, drink and rental of various equipment such as inflatable mattresses and sun loungers. Changing rooms are also available.

The sanatorium beach, located below the village embankment and bordering the municipal swimming area, looks very neat and attractive. The approaches to the water are covered with small pebbles, the beach line is equipped with toilets and changing cabins, and there is always a place to get hold of an umbrella and a sunbed.

More sophisticated coastal zone at Pink Beach(adjacent to the beach of the sanatorium) – the pink gravel rolled by the waves at the water’s edge looks more interesting than standard pebbles, and bare feet are more welcome. It’s not easy with entertainment establishments and taverns on Rozovoy, or rather they are absent here as such, but there are fewer people there.

Another section of the coast crowded with vacationers is Zeleny Beach. The place is not without civilizational amenities - there are changing cabins, a cafe with a simple menu, and you can rent beach equipment. Among the shortcomings are the “branded” Foros stones on the shore and at the entrance to the water.

The territory of the boarding house named after. Terletsky, where, perhaps, the best places for swimming in the resort. True, you can only get here if you stay in a boarding house - tourists from outside are not allowed into the territory of the institution, even for money. Next door to Green Beach is Kholodny Beach, which got its name because of the water temperature, which is not exactly icy here, but noticeably cooler than in other places. The shore of Kholodny is large-pebble, with very steep slopes in places.

Relatively wild properties begin to the east of the village. In particular, Quiet Bay is a wide, by Foros standards, strip of shore with a minimal level of civilization (there is no cafe, but you can rent a sun lounger). The territory suitable for swimming is quite long, but in terms of convenience it is heterogeneous - the piles of boulders and fragments of rocks blocking the approaches to the sea are not removed by anyone. The bottom in the bay area is steep, abruptly disappearing from under your feet, but the water is very clear.

You can look for pebble mini-beaches hidden from prying eyes in the area of ​​Cape Chekhov. As a rule, these are tiny spots sandwiched between huge boulders, designed for 5-10 vacationers. In the eastern part of the coast there is also the main nudist beach of the resort - Derevyashka, nestled between the beach of the Tesseli boarding house and Cape Nikolai. The slopes to the shore here are steep and often washed out, and the beach line is intermittent, in places barricaded by rocky debris. Nevertheless, on Derevyashka you will always find cozy coves and rocky areas where you can not only sunbathe, but also pitch a tent.

If you want even greater isolation from civilization, take a ride to Cape Sarych. On the search convenient place You can spend several hours here to sunbathe, but what a relaxation - the clear sea, the aroma of a juniper forest and completely wild backgrounds for selfies without swimmers flickering in the background. By the way, it was Sarych that was chosen by local and visiting divers scouring the Black Sea bottom in search of treasures from the Lenin steamship that once sank here.

Cafes and restaurants of Foros

Foros is a traditional Crimean Tatar cuisine with its pasties, tandoor samsa, kubete pies, shurpa and other delicacies based on meat, dough and vegetables. Local taverns prefer to cook mackerel and red mullet among sea creatures. If you wish, you can also try oysters, which, according to local restaurateurs, are more tender and sweeter than European ones - get ready to shell out 250-500 rubles. for one shellfish. Well, or compromise and buy a kilogram of Black Sea rapana - it’s much more profitable in terms of money and more interesting in taste. No one survives classic Russian cuisine from the resort either, so borscht, cutlets and solyanka have received an eternal residence on the menu of Foros catering outlets.

Finding a cozy place to eat or cool off with a fruit-alcoholic cocktail in Foros is not difficult, although to say that there are cafes at every turn would be a clear exaggeration. In general, the village has both decent restaurants (for example, “Rukola” at the Foros Hotel) and budget family canteens with a traditional menu (“Forossky Dvorik”). For those who like to cook on their own, grocery stores and the village market will help you out. If you want the most relaxed holiday, without standing at the stove and in queues for the dining room, it is better to check into resort sanatoriums or boarding houses (“Forossky Bereg”), where meals are included in the price of your stay.


Shopping in Foros is exclusively for souvenirs. Magnets and ceramic bells with images of the Church of the Resurrection, trinkets made of shells, herbal teas and T-shirts with the inscription “Greetings from Foros” - all this inexpensive beauty can be purchased in every second market tent or bench on the village embankment.

Many places sell crafts and kitchen utensils made from juniper - cutting boards, coasters, which exude the unique aroma of wood resins. The goods are mostly “underground”, since cutting down juniper forests is punishable by law, but this fact does not bother local traders at all. As elsewhere in Crimea, in Foros you can find products from the Alushta essential oil state farm plant - hydrosols, massage oils, dry perfumes and flower jams.

Where to stay

In the vicinity of the resort there are several sanatoriums (Yuzhny) and serious hotels (Grand Fleur), but the main “receiver” of vacationers is still the good old private sector. Such popularity of modest rooms is due to the inflated prices of hotels - a standard room for two from 4,500 rubles. An intermediate option between a hotel room and a modest “light” at a village grandmother’s house is guest houses. Their pricing is strongly tied to location. In particular, a guesthouse 50 meters from the beach costs at least 2500-3000 rubles per day. Options far from the coast will cost from 1000-1500 rubles.

If you want to spend your entire vacation admiring the sea sunsets under the cozy hiss of a grilling barbecue, rather than shuttling from the beach to the hotel and back, rent a boathouse. In Foros they are quite nice, with concrete platforms along which it is convenient to go down to the rocky seashore. But the situation with decent campsites in the village is poor. However, a couple of years ago you could still find parking lots for auto tourists here, but with low quality of services and unattractive prices.


There is no public transport in Foros, so the only way to move around inside the resort, besides your own feet, is by taxi. Mostly, transportation is carried out by small private companies with cars without meters, with fixed tariffs per trip. However, before getting into the car, it is better to agree on the cost of the trip in advance. If you need to go to attractions located outside the resort (Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ, Baydar Gate), it is wiser to use buses going in the direction of Yalta Simferopol - Foros. You can get there by minibus No. 115. As for flights in the direction of the village, there are only a few a day, the travel time is approximately 3 hours.

If this schedule does not suit you, take any bus on the route Simferopol - Yalta. They all stop near Foros, but to get to the village itself, you have to walk a couple more kilometers. In cases where hiking with luggage is not included in the plans, it is better to take a bus or trolleybus 55 to Yalta itself, and then transfer to a minibus to Foros - during the season they scurry between resorts every half hour. Travel time is about 50 minutes.

Tourists arriving on the peninsula by private car can be recommended to travel through Old Crimea, Simferopol and Bakhchisarai (as an option: Old Crimea - Simferopol - Alushta - Yalta). There is another, more picturesque alternative - a route along the coast through Feodosia, Sudak, Alushta and Yalta. This route is noticeably shorter - about 300 km - but due to difficult roads, as well as steep descents and serpentines, it will not be possible to develop a decent speed.

Unique nature, excellent climate and magnificent beaches make Crimean peninsula an ideal place for a holiday. On its coast there are many recognized resort centers, one of which is the village of Foros. Crimea has always attracted tourists with similar mini-tourism centers where they can have an unforgettable vacation.

Where is the village located in Crimea?

The city of Foros is the southernmost point on the map of Crimea, occupying part of the most beautiful coast between Yalta and the hero city. The mild Mediterranean climate makes it possible comfortable stay in these parts all year round. The village is famous for its unique park where you can enjoy the healing air. It is no coincidence that the first and last president of the USSR, and later the top leadership of Ukraine, loved to relax here. First mentions of locality, found in the treasury papers of the Genoese, date back to 1360. Now about two thousand people live in the village.

Foros on the map of Crimea

Where to stay for vacation?

As in all resort areas of the coast of the Crimean Peninsula, holidays in Foros involve accommodation in one of or within the private sector, where there are many guest houses, cottages and apartments. If you negotiate with the owners directly, that is, without intermediaries, you can save a lot on accommodation.

Even in Soviet times, it was considered one of the best health resorts in the country. And now people who have problems with the circulatory and respiratory systems should come to court. The institution has all the conditions for comfortable living. The housing stock includes both VIP apartments and rooms for family accommodation. There is a swimming pool and tennis court on site.

You can perfectly accommodate the whole family in small cozy rooms, some of which have exits to terraces. They are simply equipped and have everything you need for a comfortable stay. Clean private beach with sunbeds is literally a three-minute walk. There is an inexpensive cafe and bar very close by.

You can stay comfortably during your holiday in Foros in Forossea. It only has five rooms, but all of them are luxury. The interiors are beautiful and have climate control systems. The apartments are furnished with high-quality furniture and equipped with the necessary household appliances. You can eat your own meals, cooking in a compact shared kitchen or in a restaurant located next door.

Where you can arrange an elite stay in the village deserves special attention. Crimea cannot always boast of such establishments. Resort guests will be pleased with a large restaurant, where several world cuisines are presented, an excellent spa center, where it is easy to order wellness treatments, and a fitness room, equipped with the latest sports equipment.

What to see in the village of Foros?

The main attraction of the city is called, located on a stone cliff above the sea. It was erected in 1892 in honor of the miraculous rescue of Emperor Alexander III from death during a train accident. Temple -
this is a beautiful structure, which is crowned with eight mini-domes, arranged in two tiers and surrounding the main dome, it can be seen from afar from the sea.

In the center of Foros Park there is a beautiful building built in the mid-19th century for the tea magnate Alexander Kuznetsov. made in the traditional Russian architectural stylistic direction. Its luxurious terrace is surrounded by a stone balcony, offering wonderful views of the park and the Black Sea. In the halls you can see magnificent wall panels.

Another place recommended for visiting is the one built at the highest point of the pass along which the old road from Sevastopol to. The massive door, decorated with two large semi-columns, has two porticoes of impressive size. The entire structure looks majestic. Sitting on the observation deck, you can admire the views of Foros and the Foros Church against the backdrop of the seascape.

Where to go with children?

Undoubtedly, you need to spend a day with the whole family in, which was built in the first third of the 19th century. It is considered a pearl landscape design peninsula of Crimea. In Foros, relaxing along shady alleys surrounded by plane trees, magnolias and cedars, you can enjoy the wonderful air while admiring the luxurious flower beds. In the park area there are many small forms in the form of gazebos, openwork bridges and sculptures.
In small ponds you will see large carp.

A real adventure for a child will be an excursion to the village, located in the vicinity of the village. In this original nature education you can wander along the stairs surrounded by stalactites, sometimes taking the most unexpected forms, reminiscent of human figures or fantastic creatures. It’s easy to complete the entire route with a tour of the high vaulted galleries in an hour. Children are simply crazy about the acoustic effects and love to take pictures against the backdrop of stalactites.

No child will remain indifferent to. There are a lot of them here, although they are all pebbly. Most of all, the children love to frolic on the coastal edge of the children's camp of the same name as the town of Crimea. Entry into the sea is convenient here - reviews confirm this, so families often settle down to spend passive time here. Other beaches that can be noted are Green and Derevyashka. The kids are always delighted with sea swimming!

Where can you eat in Foros?

For gourmets who prefer fish dishes, ideal option The restaurant A’More will host the meal. Order dishes from Kalkan, flounder, sea bass or dorado here. In addition to their amazing taste, they will be exquisitely decorated and served. It is not difficult to order a unique treat from the chef. After your meal, treat yourself to a cup of aromatic coffee or a cigar and a glass of elite cognac.

The restaurant "Shalash", the building of which is stylized to resemble this simple structure,
will invite guests to dine with dishes of Crimean Tatar cuisine, prepared according to ancient recipes. You won’t find better shish kebab or pasties than here on vacation in Foros. The wine list features excellent drinks made in Crimea.

In the Grand Fleur cafe you can always eat inexpensively, treating yourself to dishes of Ukrainian and Russian cuisine. The service here is fast and the atmosphere is very comfortable. The establishment brews excellent coffee and offers delicious desserts. The staff treats visitors with great respect; they often offer discounts that allow you to save money.

True connoisseurs of culinary masterpieces will appreciate the Fondue cafe-bar, located at Kosmonavtov Street, 9. Regulars of the establishment note the music played here in the evenings, hearty portions of dishes served by efficient waitresses. The helpfulness of the staff also plays an important role - it is clear that the owners make sure that due attention is paid to customer service.

How to get there (get there)?

You can get to Foros from Yalta by minibus No. 128, departing from the Yalta bus station literally every half hour. Travel time will be about 1 hour. It is easy to get there by any transport going to Sevastopol. From – from the Kurortnaya bus station, which is near Railway station– regular buses also go here. Here is the schedule of the nearest bus routes:

By car you can get to Foros from Yalta in this way:

From Sevastopol by car you will have to cover the following route:

Today it is easy to arrange a measured and relaxing holiday in Crimea. Foros is one of the best villages on the vastness of the peninsula for such a pastime. Here you can have a wonderful rest with health benefits, receiving a lot of positive emotions. In conclusion, we offer a short video review of the resort town. Enjoy watching!

The main entertainment in Foros is beach holidays and wellness treatments offered by sanatoriums. Life in Foros is measured and quiet. There is no noisy embankment and discos, cinemas and theaters.

As for sporting activities, you can try scuba diving at the specialized Foros diving center, where you will be given an introductory course and equipped with the necessary equipment. The underwater world in the waters of Foros is quite picturesque with its landscape diversity.

For lovers of mountain tourism, a lot of rock climbing and mountaineering routes are offered. The most famous are the Parus rock and the climbing routes above the South Coast Highway in the area of ​​Cape Sarych.

In the evening you can have a pleasant time in one of the cafes.

Transport features of Foros

A distinctive feature of Foros is the lack of urban public transport. Since the entire infrastructure of the city is within walking distance, there is simply no need for transport that pollutes the ecologically clean atmosphere of the village.

The only transport available here is personal cars and intercity minibuses.

One day a tourist liked it so much holiday in Foros What he told a local resident: “All people dream of being in Paradise after death. You, Foros people, are already in Paradise.” Every year all more people who rested in this quiet corner of the Black Sea agree with this statement.

An urban-type resort village is located on the southern coast of the Crimean peninsula. It is located only 40 kilometers from Yalta and is the last resort of Greater Yalta in this direction. Foros is the southernmost village of Crimea, next to it the most southern point peninsula - Cape Sarych. Since Soviet times, Foros has been known for the fact that members of the party elite came to it for health. The village gained worldwide fame during the August 1991 coup d'etat. At this time, the first (and in those days the last) President of the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev, was here in isolation at his state dacha.

After Ukraine declared its independence, this dacha became the residence of its president.

Today the village has a little more than two thousand residents. The basis of the region's economy is the tourism industry.

Climate of Foros

Foros is located 6 km east of Cape Sarych. The climate of the region is subtropical, with long, humid and not too hot summers and warm winter(average January temperature +5°C). In terms of the number of clear days, Foros is the sunniest place in Crimea. At the same time, it is not the hottest: the heat of the day is cooled by breezes, saturated with coolness and ions of the sea. Night winds from the north (foehn) carry forest aroma and freshness. The low level of precipitation makes a holiday in Foros truly comfortable. Such climatic conditions are used Foros sanatoriums in the treatment of pulmonary, cardiovascular and nervous diseases.

Foros is famous for its clean sea. But the local one is even more famous a park. On an area of ​​47 hectares, a unique flora reserve was established 160 years ago, which contains plants from all over the world. The park is based on a natural local forest. On one side it adjoins the steep seashore, and on the other it abuts Mount Foros. The park features more than 200 species of shrubs and trees. Located in the central part of the park, six artificial lakes of different levels fascinate with their beauty - this place in the park is rightly called “Paradise”. Holidays in Foros is considered incomplete if the vacationer has not visited the “Paradise”.

Sights of Foros

  • Laspinsky pass. The most high point on the way from Sevastopol to Yalta. With equipped observation deck A wide panorama of the Black Sea and Crimea opens up.
  • . Crimean "Stonehenge" - a pile of stones with a pointed, regular shape, is considered a mystical place.
  • Baydarsky pass.
  • Stone garden in Laspi. Underwater city from giant stone blocks near Cape Sarych.
  • Uzundzhi Canyon. Wild, beautiful and little-known place - canyon, waterfalls, cave.

Entertainment in Foros

On each beach you can have fun not only by sunbathing or swimming in the Black Sea. All attributes beach holiday organically fit into the local “wild” landscape: windsurfing, boats, boat trips on yachts and boats, jet skis, “banana”. If for you a holiday on the Black Sea is unthinkable without exploring underwater world, then in Foros you will find a well-equipped diving base. If you are new to diving, don’t worry - professional instructors will help you, and you won’t leave here without memories of the magical minutes of underwater life.

Foros is one of the few resorts that can boast a golf course.

Colored beaches of Foros

The beaches of Foros are small-pebble. There are only five of them - one sanatorium and four city ones. If vacationing on the Black Sea has long become your good habit, and you have already traveled all over Crimea, then Foros beaches you will be surprised. They are uncrowded and clean. A symbolic fee is charged only at the entrance to the sanatorium beach; other beaches are free. With their local names, the beaches are reminiscent of Dunno and its Sunny City - “Green”, “Pink”, “Cold” and “Quiet Bay”. The road to each beach is marked with arrows, so finding them is not difficult.

Sanatoriums of Foros

You can combine a vacation on the Black Sea with recovery in Foros in several places:

  • Sanatorium "Foros". Located on the edge of the village, 100 m from the beach. It is on the territory of this sanatorium that the Foros park described above is located. The 14-story building of the sanatorium was built in 1986. On the territory there is a gym, sports grounds, a sauna, a library, a dance hall, a solarium, and a cinema hall.
  • Sanatorium "Yuzhny". Located near Foros. Built in 1979. It was assumed that the sanatorium would provide quality holiday in Foros leaders of foreign communist parties of the highest echelon. Therefore, in three buildings of the sanatorium there are 34 luxury rooms designed for 120 people. All rooms have sea views. Vacationers can use the banquet hall, swimming pool, gym, sauna, volleyball court, therapeutic gymnastics room, and barbecue.
  • Health complex "Tavria". Located near Foros, in the village of Oliva, near the Black Sea. 28 rooms of different comfort levels are located in three buildings of the sanatorium. There is a children's room, a library, a conference room, and a restaurant.

About food in Foros

When planning a vacation in Foros, you should take into account the fact that food prices in the village are higher than in other resort areas on the southern coast of Crimea. This is due to the distance of Foros from “civilization”. In addition, currency exchange here takes place at an unfavorable rate for you, so it is better to come with “your” hryvnia.

Foros bars and cafes are located in the Foros sanatorium and on the embankment:

  • cafe "Fandu"; open 24 hours a day in summer;
  • bar "Caprice";
  • cafe "Fleur"; only open in summer.
  • Armenian cafe.

Foros hotels and prices

The price increase associated with the “solitude” of Foros affected not only products. Cost of living in the village also differs unfavorably from the cost of living in other Black Sea resorts. And although there are problems with hotels, sanatoriums or rent housing in the private sector not here, but you’ll have to shell out a pretty penny:

  • A day's stay in a furnished two-room apartment will cost 600-800 hryvnia. Renting a house for a family of 4 costs 250-500 hryvnia, a one-room apartment - from 350 hryvnia;
  • hotels offer double rooms at prices starting from 480 hryvnia;
  • a standard room for two in the Foros sanatorium with treatment and food costs 1400-1800 hryvnia.

Most of those who spent their holidays in Foros return here again and again. Why is Foros so attractive to them? What has enchanted this southern corner? The answers can be found in the reviews of tourists. Describing their days in the village, they note:

  • unique properties of healing air, saturated with juniper-pine phytoncides and sea ions;
  • exciting and beautiful nature Crimea;
  • free beaches and clean sea ​​water on them;
  • picturesque park;
  • a feeling of “prestige” when vacationing in Foros, the former health resort of the party elite.

History of Foros