Dead Sea Jordan or Israel where it is cheaper. Dead Sea in Jordan

Holidays in Israel are better than in Jordan

Firstly, Israel has beautiful beaches. As I have seen, even from the Red Sea the sea access is much better than in Jordan, where the shores are rocky and coral, and holidays with children will be problematic. Secondly, Israel's excursion potential is far ahead of Jordan's. I went on many excursions here and there, some excursions several times. Third, in Israel there are practically no restrictions on appearance, with the exception of Jerusalem and religious quarters. Girls can easily walk in shorts almost anywhere. Fourthly, in Many of our former compatriots live in Israel, so you can easily ask in Russian where and how to get there, so we got lost in the evening in Ashdod, and they helped us without any problems. Fifthly, You don't need a visa to visit Israel, while A visa is required for Jordan.(except Aqaba). By the way, you can easily visit Jordan while relaxing in Israel by purchasing a tour. We did just that once. Personally, I like to visit Petre. A nice place. Ancient Nabataean city, carved into the rocks. Now Bedouins live and work there, mainly working in the tourism sector. I even visited the house of one of them... well, like a house - a niche in the rock, with carpets and a couple of chairs.

What about the prices?

From my experience, I realized that everything is relative. Some are more expensive, some are cheaper. In Israel, the standard of living is higher than in Jordan; accordingly, some goods and services are much more expensive and of better quality.

There is more entertainment in Israel. Still, the country is closer to Europe in mentality and openness. I was able to visit nightclubs and do diving in Eilat.

I visited various shopping, entertainment and entertainment centers, and visited a huge number of museums. Israel also constantly hosts various music festivals, etc. In Eilat, I recommend visiting "City of Kings"- a cool entertainment center for adults and children, where you are not only entertained, but also taught, albeit in English and Hebrew.

I hope to visit again in a couple of years, and also Palestinian Authority and Jordan.

Dead Sea- a closed lake in Jordan and Israel, the saltiest body of water in the world.

Description of the Dead Sea

Dead Sea- a salt lake located between Jordan and Israel.

It is the saltiest lake in the world, its salinity is 300-310 ‰, and in some years up to 350 ‰. The Dead Sea coast is the lowest landmass on Earth: it lies 430 meters below sea level and is falling at a rate of approximately 1 meter per year.

The length of this lake is 67 km, width 18 km at its widest point, depth up to 306 meters.

In 1977, due to a drop in water level, the lake was divided into 2 parts - northern and southern, connected by a channel. The northern part of the Dead Sea is used for recreational purposes, and in the southern part there are several enterprises engaged in the extraction of bromine, potassium chloride and other minerals through evaporation.

Several dry streams and the Jordan River flow into the Dead Sea.

The sea is called dead because, due to its high salt content, no living organism can live in it. And according to the Bible, it was on the shores of the Dead Sea that the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were located.

Holidays at the Dead Sea

Currently, the Dead Sea is a famous world resort.

From time immemorial, the Dead Sea has been a hospital for those who suffer from diseases of the respiratory, musculoskeletal, skin, endocrine and nervous systems. And the healing effect is achieved thanks to the composition. The Dead Sea is not just salty - it is very salty - 33% (for comparison: the Mediterranean Sea has 3% salt). It contains all the minerals vital for humans, including: chlorine, magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium, bromine.

Dead Sea climate

You can relax on the Dead Sea all year round. The average air temperature near the reservoir is 24 degrees Celsius in December and 36.6 degrees in August. Air humidity - in December - 45%, in August 32.2%. Annual precipitation is 100 mm. The average sea water temperature is from 26.7 degrees Celsius in December and 37.7 degrees in August.

Dead Sea mud

Minerals and healing mud of the Dead Sea can restore youth and health to a person and have the highest rejuvenating effect. Healing mud is a product of the vital activity of the only and unique representative of living beings living in a concentrated salt solution - archaeobacteria. The banks of the strange reservoir can also be considered dead: for a considerable extent they are covered only with a crust of dried salt, which does not allow grass and trees to grow.

Those who want to become even more beautiful and slimmer should pay special attention to the Dead Sea: all kinds of SPA procedures will come to the aid of ladies. First, body exfoliation with Dead Sea salts, then a jacuzzi with milk and finally a full body massage with oils.

Dead Sea Salt

Since the water is below sea level, the atmospheric pressure here is higher than at any other point on Earth, which creates the effect of a natural pressure chamber. In addition, air enriched with mineral salts and all kinds of microelements (especially bromine) has a calming and calming effect on a person. The absence of harmful ultraviolet radiation eliminates the possibility of sunburn, while the tan literally sticks to the body: just lie in the sun for a couple of hours to become the owner of a luxurious, even chocolate tan the next day.

But the main highlight of this resort is, of course, the sea itself. Having entered it, you understand what weightlessness is - the body is pushed to the surface, forcing it to take a horizontal position. And... the mysticism begins. No wonder the Israelis joke that the Dead Sea is a place where God is with people in direct telephone communication.

Dead Sea beaches

The beaches of the Dead Sea are rocky or rocky-sand, covered with salt or salt stones. To prevent injury, it is recommended to wear special slippers when entering the water.

Dead Sea Resorts

There are several seaside resorts and towns in both Israel and Jordan.

Dead Sea resorts in Israel

The main resorts of the Israeli part of the Dead Sea:

  • Potassium
  • Mitzpe
  • Shalem
  • Ein Gedi
  • Ein Bokek
  • Neve Zohar

The main and largest Israeli resort of the Dead Sea is Ein Bokek. The remaining resorts are small villages or oases in the desert with a few buildings.

Dead Sea Resorts in Jordan

There are no resorts in Jordan on the Dead Sea as such, there are only a few hotels on the shore and beaches near them.

How to get to the Dead Sea?

The Dead Sea resorts can be reached from Israel or Jordan by road or by bus.

Distance to the Dead Sea from cities in Jordan:

  • Amman - 65 km,
  • Madaba - 58 km,
  • Jerash - 113 km,
  • Petra - 280 km,
  • Aqaba - 385 km.

Distance from Israeli cities:

  • Jerusalem - 40 km,
  • Tel Aviv - 110 km,
  • Haifa - 190 km,
  • Be'er Sheva - 140 km,
  • Eilat - 300 km.

I want to go to the Dead Sea with my daughter in the second half of September. The purpose of the trip is recreational. Tell me, who knows which way to spend time at the Dead Sea is healthier? From Jordan or Israel?

We were in Jordan, at Kempinski Ishtar. On the Jordan side, on the Dead Sea (the sea, as is clear, is the same in Israel and in Jordan ;-)) there is Marriott, Movenpick, Kempinski and the four-star Dead Sea Spa with a treatment center. There is also a treatment center in Movenpick, but not as big as I understand. From any hotel you can walk in and get advice and appointments at Dead Sea. Jordan is very calm... the place is fantastic, words cannot describe it.

You can have a good rest at the Dead Sea and in Israel! The hotel base is much wider, so you can choose the most suitable one for your holiday. In fact, this will most likely not be a vacation, but rather a treatment. Moreover, for a child it can be extreme. More than 15 minutes at sea. You can’t be there, how will a child’s delicate skin react to concentrated salt? Personally, I can only withstand 5 days, then skin irritation begins (especially in interesting places). Although many families with very tiny children vacationed with me, they stayed for 2-3 days. The food in Israel is excellent everywhere, I can’t say enough about this worry. You need to fly through Ben Gurion Airport - the 1st place in the Middle East. So take your pick!

The Israeli resort on M.M. is located in the southern part of the sea, the water there is more concentrated, so it is not recommended to stay in the water for more than 15 minutes - then you must definitely take breaks.....And in Jordan the resort is in the northern part of the sea, the water is less concentrated and you can spend a lot more time in it......
Again: you still need to get a visa to Israel (and this is not always without problems), we are, of course, talking about the abolition of visas, but the deadlines have already been postponed three times, now it’s as if from September, but even that is still in question.. ...In Jordan, a visa is issued upon arrival.
As for finances: yes, there are more hotels in Israel and you can choose according to the price, which is more suitable.... There are only 4 hotels in Jordan, which must be booked in advance, since the season begins in September...... About the flight : if you are planning to fly from Moscow, then it doesn’t make much difference... but if from some other city (for example, from St. Petersburg), then a direct flight is only to Israel....Only Royal Jordan flies to Jordan from Moscow and there is also a charter flying to Aqaba, but also from Moscow.
In general, it’s up to you to choose.... still a lot depends on finances... As for me personally (I’ve been to both Israel and Jordan), I would choose Jordan without hesitation.

Israel is a state of mass tourism, which has many historical and religious attractions. Every year, history buffs, religious pilgrims and beach lovers flock to Israel from all over the world.

Israel is the holy land of world religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam). While vacationing here, you should definitely visit religious shrines, in particular, the capital of King David - holy Jerusalem. Thanks to excursion programs, you can see the desert landscape, ancient mountains, magnificent hills and gorges, clear river water, and also get in touch with ancient culture and history.

Most tourists choose Tel Aviv and Eilat for their holidays. they are suitable for those who love the bustle of the city, shopping centers, nightclubs, bazaars, as well as music concerts and art galleries. For a family holiday, Netanya is an ideal option, where there is a lot of entertainment for both children and adults.

Israel is also famous for its beach resorts and seas. The Dead Sea is a unique body of water in which water is heavier than the human body. The water and mud of this sea have amazing healing properties, which doctors use in the treatment of various ailments. The hotels have a very high level of service, and the premises are equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable and cozy stay.

The only drawback is security control at the airport, which includes inspection of things and documents.

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Jordan is an Arab state with a high standard of living, which is famous for its rich excursion program and is also suitable for lovers of an active lifestyle. As a rule, Jordan is chosen by tourists whose income level is significantly above average, since prices for food and accommodation here are very high. Most often, married couples fly to Jordan. Pilgrims and people who enjoy world monuments, history and religion should be included in a separate category of tourists.

What is so famous about holidays in Jordan? Perhaps, because while vacationing in this country, a tourist will have a lot of fun without finding a single downside. For example, access to recreation at the Dead Sea is unlimited, which cannot be said about the beaches in Israel, and there are no annoying sellers in the oriental bazaars. In addition, Jordan does not have the sweltering summer heat. Jordan is a bridge between East and West, combining seas and deserts, as well as great opportunities and numerous cultural layers of antiquity.

Everyone will love the exquisite diversity of the state's natural landscapes. In addition to natural beauty, you can see outstanding examples of historical and modern architecture - incredible castles, small hunting lodges with pristine charm and brand new high-rise buildings. A tour to Jordan is suitable for those who want to relax and enjoy an atmosphere of peace and tranquility. Beach resorts on the Red and Dead Seas, together with small but comfortable hotels, pursue precisely this goal.

Those who prefer active recreation will find something to their liking. Extreme tourists can rent a car and explore the country on their own, visiting holy places and fortresses. You can also explore the Wadi Rum desert by paragliding or hot air balloon, play golf or paintball, or go diving or snorkeling.

Jordan is also famous for its unique souvenirs and gifts. It is here that they sell unusual handmade Madaba rugs, high-quality ceramic and wooden products, as well as black silver jewelry. While in Jordan, be sure to try Arabic sweets - the most delicious delicacies in the world. Vacations fully combine educational and excursion tourism, which is memorable forever, but the costs are significantly higher compared to Israel. Which resort to choose depends only on the preferences and financial capabilities of the tourist!